Cate Blanchett Pretends No One's Watching While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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but now I know is this you turn upstairs you've got a little bit of hot sauce on your finger and then yeah you can play Greek tragedy [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Kate Blanchett she's one of the most decorating accomplished actors of Our Generation with a resume that includes more than 70 films and 20 plus theater Productions along with countless Awards including multiple Oscars her latest project though is the Todd field written and directed psychological drama tar which opens in Select theaters beginning October 7th with a wider release scheduled for later this month on October 28th Kate Blanchette welcome to the show thank you before we get started how are you around spicy food and what's going through your mind as we prepare to take down the hot ones challenge I'm really scared but I guess it's probably the closest you'll ever get to knowing what menopause feels like so yeah so I've been through it so I'm I don't and spicy food I love but um I'm look I'm really sweating already I'm getting anticipatory anxiety okay layer one gone the layers are coming off that means we're ready to go oh foreign [Music] that's my doctor okay ready that's manageable mm-hmm that's nice so in your latest movie tar you play a world famous composer whose life begins to unravel as they approach a career Milestone what was the experience like presiding over the actual Dresden Philharmonic for the scene featuring Mueller's fifth I've heard you describe an electric charge that went through you at the raised Podium yeah do you do you play an instrument no I don't the spoons just the uh hot sauce yeah well it was absolutely terrifying I mean I played the piano as a as a girl so I kind of I sort of understood an instrument that way but you know a conductor's instrument is the orchestra and so the weirdest thing is and I don't know why it seems so obvious that you prepare in silence because you have the score in front of you and you imagine the music in your head and Miles five if you know for those of you who haven't listened you must Listen to It's a massive massive exciting work and when he gave the downbeat the trumpet started and then that trial Marsh opened up it was like an electric charge because that's your instrument and you hear the sound that you'd kind of Imagine but when you have an orchestra like that it's just um it was better than I imagined it it was really addictive actually foreign [Music] has anyone ever thrown up oh um not on the set okay why do you feel like you might not yet not yet all right just keep it up so I'm intrigued by this quote of yours For an upcoming role that you have in Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio where you play an animated monkey and said I'd listen to a lot of different chimpanzees then try everything out how does finding the right tone for an animated monkey how if at all does it compare to mastering a regional dialect or the main accents you've taken on throughout your career from from which um Forest did I choose the actual chimpanzee it was kind of a melange of a lot of different chimps but if you listen to a lot of chimps they do sound very different depending on their age and um and then you just get in there and work out what makes Guillermo laugh and and yeah that's what I did [Music] so that was it was a bit like I had to do a bit of Opera warm-up yeah you know to get stress test stress test yeah so that was it wasn't tedious but it was taxing because you know you get into the booth and it's like hour after hour [Music] okay Pico Pico Pico Rico even this looks like a um a fine wine yeah got a chili oil in this one have you ever drunk a whole bottle of it a whole bottle of how far do you go like have you have a hot sauce have you ever jumped a whole bottle of no but you know what I did do is I ate a Carolina Reaper which is the hottest pepper in the world so just like taking the pepper and just eating it straight I did that one time and that's probably more extreme than like chugging a bottle and what happened it just felt like I had food poisoning for like a whole evening and then you did it again I did it again and then I did it again when you did that I was always a young man 28 you know when did you start doing this when did you realize that this was your gift oh well thanks for putting it that way it's I almost think of it it's like the cross that I bear at this point you know right but um it wasn't a huge hit at first but then we had this moment where it kind of like broke through in this Mass Discovery sort of way yeah yeah and I remember at the time I was talking to Chris who I started the show with hi Chris hey Chris you know I I see that you're over there and you're not up here yeah he likes to hide in the shadows you know he doesn't want to answer for any of this but I was joking with him like I'm eating a lot of hot food nobody cares and then we had this moment where it kind of broke through with a key and peel episode that kind of went like crazy viral and then the whole catalog kind of lifted with it and then we were kind of Off to the Races from there and then here we are season 19 with you and the season I can't believe it was anyone ever just stopped right at the beginning it's crazy we've done like 300 episodes of this and maybe only like 15 or 16 people have stopped before the end which is no pressure no I'm not trying to lead the witness or put any pressure on you about that when we had Elijah Wood on the show he gave us a crash course and force perspective what was the piece of cinematic Wizardry that blew your mind the most when you saw it in action on set of Lord of the Rings I think it was what what Peter Jackson was called and I'm sure they're being used a lot now is a split frame diopter it's something they do with the lens so that you can hold two people of monumentally different sizes in the same frame and that they would build a table where on one side everything was obviously it was a bit like um you know um a piece of theater is that everything was large on one side and everything was small on the other side but there was something to do with the lens where they were able to hold them a bit like a kind of a fun house mirror which was really incredible because it was done in camera which was pretty cool because a lot of that stuff and I think you can feel it when it's all done in post you know it's I love it when those tricks are done in camera [Music] okay this is the this one looks really scary [Music] I like that one Mitchell do you cook not often but you should see me order off a menu I'm great I'd ordered that one that's great yeah it's quote of yours theater is all about foyers and conversation and digesting what you've seen what's the role of the theater itself and how audience receive and digest plays and then out of curiosity is there a theater that stands out in your memory is just having like the best foyer one of my first jobs was in a I mean in Australia a lot of the theaters are found spaces so one was in a tomato sauce factory and um uh and another one was in a stable and so the the I the actual dressing room was as literally as big as these two tables put together and I was in a cast of 12 and so it was pretty tight and the downstairs was I mean you literally kind of had to climb a ladder to get up to the theater and that was great the old stable was pretty cool what did you learn from being on the other side of the audition table during your time running the Sydney Theater Company well actually you know when I first came into drama school people didn't know what to to do with me I sort of didn't fit into any kind of box and a costume director in Sydney took pity on me and she would call me in to read opposite people and that was such an education because you could tell when as soon as people walked in and go you're not gonna get the job like as soon as they walked in the door and and you could tell the people who had a fighting chance and I and so reading opposite them was was kind of incredible but then when we were my husband who's here who's not eating hot sauce today um but here for support yeah here for support yeah yeah he's gonna hold my hair back as I throw up into the bin um but it was amazing to be on the other side of of the of the dressing room door to the theater you know when you're directing a play or winning a produced a show the actors go out and I felt a profound relief that I didn't have to go out there and then in talking about your relationship to doing film roles versus theater I've heard you say that you're filled with regret on the last day of a movie Shoot because it's then when you really start to understand the character yeah and all the things you Coulda Shoulda would have done is there a movie role of yours that you most wish you had eight shows a week to hone probably the one I just did um I mean it's always the one I just did but but kind of for good reasons not filled with regret just that I felt so um I don't know alive kind of like eating a hot sauce really that's what it does blew my mind it does yeah gets the blood pumping gets the heart racing and on the topic are you ready to move on here to Sauce number six okay thank you Scotch that's very good for your gut turmeric nobody's got better digestion than me no that's the Scotch bonnet kind of a deeper burn here which was a bigger challenge for you in your preparation for your Oscar award-winning performance is Catherine Hepburn and The Aviator was it learning to play tennis or taking cold showers tennis was actually tennis was a homecoming because I used to play a lot of tennis when I was a girl and we were filming in Montreal so we had we joined the oldest tennis club now it's starting to get hot yeah yeah the oldest [Music] tennis club in Montreal and you had to wear all whites so it was it that it's a pressure when you're playing in a club because everyone takes it really seriously it's a bit like golf do you play golf no no there's one thing it's like I don't understand leaf blowers and I don't understand golf well now I'm interested would you not like a place to to another only for them to be like the gardeners I mean their faces they know that what they're doing is stupid right it's really it's bad oh it's when you you can't breathe it I know we're at that point in the show [Music] comma sauce that's a great name it is [Music] taking smaller and smaller bites that's how it goes that's how it goes on this show that's sweet too yeah but then it kind of Builds on you a little bit you see I've just been pushing them all over the corner of my mouth do you have a favorite one of your scenes or most memorable Kate Blanchett scene revolving around food oh I had I had um I had to cook um I had to to prepare a meal in a Barry Levinson film that about two and a half people saw called Bandits and um that so that that was more about the the preparation process and it was a it was a dance number so it's more about that I love that I love that I'm now my eyes are watering I know I know but just be careful be careful no but that's an amazing trick actually an actor told me an older actor stage actor told me you know you need to cry you turn up stage and pull a nostril hair and it works but but now I know is as you turn upstairs you've got a little bit of hot sauce on your finger and then yeah you can play Greek tragedy one more food question for you okay can I sure yep very careful I know yeah yeah the original Tim Tam girl fall on your list of career accomplishments and then do you have a favorite line from one of those 90s commercials yeah I know I I am I wanted to go to to India and I didn't have any money and then I got a Tim Tam commercial which is pretty much up there because it's one of my all-time favorite biscuits but I mean talking about having to eat the same thing over and over that's the thing with with doing something like that is I had a lot of tim tams and then I never ate them ever again because you do eat a lot of them when you you know I guess it's like if you did a car commercial right like yeah in a show or you eat wings all the time would you imagine it is what it says in the bottle I guess Beyond insanity all right it hasn't kicked in yet maybe it won't maybe it's like it hurts when you talk and eat at the same time right it's like your parents always say don't talk and eat at the same time there's a reason for that yeah so with Halloween right around the corner I think it's a good time to lean into your affection for the horror genre once sane yes I love being terrified it used to be a badge of honor if you could sit through Halloween too up the top of your head without thinking about it too much what is like your scariest quintessential movie that you have to watch during Halloween I I think it'd have to be something by Sam right you don't have to be able to the thing that makes me scream in magic tricks like if you were to do a pull a card out of a lemon right now or anything like that or make an airplane disappear which one musician I'm a magician told me the other day that he could do I mean they always talk big right right but um yeah I made a Lear jet disappear I was like oh did you I'm so I'm so gullible magic tricks that's what makes me scream I think one of the one of the scariest movies I've ever seen is the is the original version of the Ring it we had we got so scared we're in the house by ourselves we've got so scared back in the day BHS that we had we had to we started we turned the sound down and then we had we watched it fast forwarded and we were still shooting our pants but that's how scary it was but there was you know no blood I don't actually know what the film was about but it was terrifying [Music] okay unique garlic oh I'm gonna eat it okay all right so when we had Seth Meyers on the show he likened documentary now to building a ship in a bottle a hobby that lets him escape from his everyday work grind what to you was the appeal of that show when you appeared in a parody of a performance artist Loosely based on Marina Abramovich well I I they asked me to to do that one and it's always great to excuse me sorry Mom um you should never belch in public um um and and that was such a strange ask you know so but but the one I pitched to them was then they um I had a they said look if you ever see a documentary that you think is right for kind of um parodying let us know and I saw this really sweet documentary set in Blackpool in the north of England about uh three different hairdressing salons and up in the north of England all they talk about is dying it's just like death is just you know we sit down and we would have talked about how whoever you know that that's all we would discuss and um it was such a sweet beautiful documentation I gave it to them and they went for it I mean we could probably though how would we parody this oh we can make it have you made it if you look make it documentary about yourself then I'll send it to Seth and then I can play you whoa you know that's a meta idea isn't it I love that yeah that's a crowd pleaser that's gonna work okay what's this this looks really are you gonna throw it at me or something is that what this is for oh do we have to pour this on [Music] oh now you're just showing off I didn't want to do that I didn't mean to do that all right so this is the moment where I could actually throw up no it's uh it's the moment that will forever live in glory okay Cheers Cheers Cheers big ears [Music] I know really not good we've reached the end and just one more question before we can roll credits and I've heard you talk about the memories that you have of doing musical at University that would play to a crowd of three two of whom left at intermission but even after all the success the international franchises the countless Awards and Fanfare you still to this day say the only way I can do it is I just pretend that no one's going to see it how is having a no one's going to see it philosophy served you as an actor well it it was a it was a um it was a very memorable experience we met I mean we did a we did a musical about climate change and I realized then that you know you should probably um not have that crossover too often and we did have three people in the audience and after the intermission there was one little old lady and um we said we said there were seven of us in the show and we said you know she didn't have to stay there but she um she really wanted us you know to play it out so we did but I think it's just it's the way I deal with the anxiety of it because you have to have you have to have a sense of a lack of consequence you know what I mean so if you're gonna embarrass yourself and acting is embarrassing a lot of time you embarrass yourself in public you know you really do have to pretend that no one's going to see it and frankly that's often the case with the things I do but hopefully not with time not with tar and I don't think with this episode either throwing caution to the wind taking on the hot ones Gauntlet and living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life what what like if you have a movie coming out or anything oh field is this is this can I do this yeah can I tell people go ahead I'm not going to tell you anything except that you have to go and see tar Todd fields film about a conductor who I play a conductor a major Symphony Orchestra whose past catches up with her it's not a horror movie but she man she is haunted by a lot of ghosts and you have to it's a the sound is incredible he'll go to dotier who did the score for Jokers done the composition that I played it's amazing Nina the great Nina Hoss one of the great actresses I'm you know we um play um husband and wife and it's it's amazing you did so good you did so good that's really hot [Music] [Applause] foreign fans thank you so much for watching today's video If you want to get your hands on the season 19 hot Ones hot sauce Gauntlet boy do I have good news for you just visit that's to get your hands on the 10 pack the season 19 hot ones 10 pack hot ones in a box delivered right to your door I highly recommend it it's delicious I eat it every week [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,373,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Cate Blanchett, Cate blanchett movies, Cate blanchett interview, hot ones, cate blancett hot ones, spicy recipes, how to make spicy wings, funny interviews, hot sauce interviews, celebrity interviews, cate blanchett criterion closet, cate blanchett criterion, cate blanchett, cate blanchett tar
Id: 4_OzoinTmw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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