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and what are their questions do they ask you in the book asked me a lot about Elizabeth Taylor do I resent or is it a vendetta I going after do I have a contract on it yeah that's an interesting question to ask I guess because they see her as the breaker up of the fabulous Debbie and Eddie team yeah my parents yeah and did did you perceive it that way at the time or even now no I'm starting to now I didn't resent lose till this tour now I'm pretty upset yeah I'm gonna buy the perfume is it [Applause] did you call this tailor like mom oh yeah I still do yeah she adores me drags me up onto a lap what happened today darling how is the book doing she adores me no no I met her once when I was about three I went to the Beverly Hills hotel with my father and when I remember what she was wearing like a see-through negligee when she answered the door and I remembered I remember it so I must have known it was very important and this was the clue to what had happened that had gone wrong and did your mother was she kind of what was she dead was she is ain't angry she's not angry I'm on her behalf but my mother isn't was never upset she was always like a fan of Elizabeth Taylor might as well be Elizabeth Taylor and that is really probably the truth that's her ego wasn't damaged I'm sure oh it was it was because Elizabeth was a friend and it was a very public humiliation and she wanted to die and she had two small infants and you cannot have the luxury of being depressed I know this now too ladies and gentlemen for her bold support of gay and lesbian community before the invention of a gay movement and her superhuman fight against AIDS I'd like to present the GLAAD Vanguard award to my stepmother Elizabeth Taylor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you carrie has forgiven Elizabeth Taylor - the best thing Elizabeth Taylor did for me was to get Eddie Fisher out of our house [Applause] well then just just fill is that in the story some of the kids weren't born when it happened to Debbie I wasn't born with it that's true I've just been told I'm stunned did this happen it was your your mother was married to you my father to your father hey these things you know my father was a man named Eddie Fisher and he they were best friends with Elizabeth Taylor and her husband at the time Mike Todd Mike Todd tragically tragically died away in a plane accident my father consoled Elizabeth with his penis [Applause] I love you I've always loved you I love you more every time I see you I couldn't have put it better myself well you know that's really you can say it with flowers or Lord you can well that's not saying it that's shouting it really is there yeah there's a movie I've never seen this film I don't even know if it's available called these old broads oh well it's not it was a TV movie right right yeah with my mom Shirley MacLaine Elizabeth Taylor now that must have been an unusual experience writing for your mum I get me to admit to an unusual experiment why then that wasn't on you Elizabeth Taylor someone else or I gave awards to write thanking her for getting Eddie Fisher out of our house my mother has a big scene with Elizabeth hmm and they it's kind of you know a little bit of a take-off on if they ever sat down and dished Eddie look this would be what they did so I had them sit down and talk about all that and kind of so what was it like for them to do a scene like that that must have been it was great yeah it had absolutely they had a good time doing it Karrie broke it down and her HBO special wish was drinking my father whoa to Elizabeth's side gradually making his way slowly to her front this made marriage to my mother and his daughter Elizabeth stepdaughter author and actress Carrie Fisher Carrie thank you very much first of all for agreeing to do this interview it must be a very sad day for you very sad especially I mean I lost my father this year and and not that many months ago and actually I I called Elizabeth to tell her when he passed and she cried did she really which I thought was incredibly sweet I mean she had really a a sense of family even a bizarre you know someone that she had been married to so long ago what kind of person was a little bit Taylor away from the glare of the media coverage what was the realism of flight do you think well to me she she really she she literally loved a good time you know she I remember one time she pushed me in the pool after establishing that I wouldn't pull her in afterwards and she used to have these egg hunts at her house for all the children and she seemed to love doing stuff like that and she she just one night I went on we went on a double date it was a Liz abit and Michael Jackson and Shirley MacLaine and myself Wow and it was like we no one noticed Shirley and I but Michael had given her that Michael gave her jewelry and she loved presents and he had given her these earrings and the necklace that night and I remember how happy she was your father and Elizabeth famously didn't speak for nearly 40 years until 2007 but your mother Debbie Reynolds said that she spoke to her just two weeks ago and they had a very good conversation no yes she well yeah why me my mother said you know Elizabeth it wasn't feeling that well and and and I think like Carol said she just you know she was someone who really enjoyed having a vital life and you know to be sort of bedridden like that I don't I think she'd rather be in bed another way so she wasn't you know she wasn't enjoying herself for you carry what was it like growing up in the glare of such overwhelming publicity in kind of these huge stars around you all the time it couldn't have been normal well I have no idea what but it was my normal you know I had nothing really nothing to compare it to but you know she she was a very I mean ultimately I became friends with her and you know I I liked it the the celebrities of that time I mean like they like people were saying the paparazzi they would literally live in the yard I mean the scandal of my father leaving my mother for Elizabeth and I would spend over the years I I'd go I once was having a cooking lesson and the woman said to me I hate your father I you know he did he left her for that woman if people carried that scandal with them forever and they would talk to me about it in the abstract in a way what did you think that your father ended up thinking about Elizabeth I know what he thought he loved her I mean my father said I was talking to him one of the last times I saw him and he said she she was the source that's what he said that she was just this I got that it was this tremendous source of vitality of just embracing life he was quoted as saying know that life's about having passions and whether it was acting or her work for AIDS charities you could see that driving her every day but the real passion it seemed to me was all men and she had all these amazingly charismatic male figures in her life tonight we've heard from Joan Collins and Larry King two different names put forward is the great love of her life one Richard Burton the other Michael Todd what do you think well I I think when I spoke to her about I said to her one night you know did you did you love my father and she said we kept Mike Todd alive my my father my Todd had been best friends and subsequently my my father actually adopted Liza Todd and I said to her so Mike he he must have been extraordinary and she said he was amazing you just do you know there was no one like him so I you know and their relationship was obviously you know cut short by the his terrible plane accident so you know with a lit with with Richard they you know their relationship went to its natural conclusion and then began again but with Mike it was you know interrupted but I do believe that those were the two men maybe rich you know she and Richard had more time together but that sense you know losing someone the way she did and hit the plane was called the lucky Liz you know that was horrible for her and the other great thing that she had was this extraordinary empathy for people who were suffering dicted to to something but destroying their lives you went through a painful addiction and she did to herself what was it about her that enabled her to have that empathy do you think I well I think I always call it sort of rampant empathy you know you're sort of susceptible to everyone gets on your bread and you know in a way you're trying to mute your experience to keep all that out I mean and and I think she was just susceptible to other people's energy and also I think a lot of her you know with her was alcohol when I was I mean you know that thing when I was young alcohol people who drank alcohol looked like this to me and I think Elizabeth was was one of those people that looked like that how would you like to remember her carrier how would you like the world to remember this with Taylor she was this incredibly vital and she had a great great sense of humor and I think you know that's something that I don't think people saw enough of with her and she had at one point she'd asked me to give her this award for her empathy and her you know all of her charity works and I remember I thanked her for getting Eddie out of our house and she thought that was hilarious and she just had that she she and my mother ended up laughing really so much about that but those times all those years ago so I think I think she should be remembered as a woman who really loved life and whatever was part of that men and her command you know her acting and her friends and her family certainly when she passed away she left my mother a suite of jewels Wow isn't that awesome hmm she's sweet which I didn't know what that was yeah what is a suite room filled with no it's earrings a pin and a ring how did your mother react to the gift from Elizabeth Taylor what of course she was like incredibly touched and they become you know they were friends to begin with yes showbiz neurons and you know the leaving of the put a kind of a damper on there really a little while it was yeah you
Channel: Cliporama
Views: 612,851
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Keywords: carrie fisher, elizabeth taylor, carrie fisher elizabeth taylor, elizabeth taylor carrie fisher, diva, diva on diva, divas, carrie fisher interview, carrie fisher liz taylor, liz taylor carrie fisher, carrie fisher debbie reynolds, carrie fisher eddie fisher, carrie fisher on elizabeth taylor, carrie fisher talks about elizabeth taylor, carrie fisher talks about, carrie fisher memories, carrie fisher remembers
Id: ICXgJbijMtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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