SPACE WOLVES - Vlka Fenryka | Warhammer 40k Lore

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/skumgummii 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2023 🗫︎ replies
you will be faster than they are stronger quicker to sense corruption and with full sanction to destroy it you will be girded in the armor of gods and carry the blades of ruin you will never age never wither never weary and yet in all of this what remains your greatest gift only this while you are a Brotherhood you are Unbreakable while you form the shield wall guarding your packmates as if they were your own kin blood you cannot be resisted solely by treachery can this power be undone as we have learned we emerge from the lesson stronger tempered by the knowledge of how low our species can sink we now know what waits for us should we fail and that is well for it is better to know your enemy's face than for it to remain hidden by shadow never forget this when Night Comes again as it surely will only your Brotherhood will protect you preserve it and you will endure let it fracture let it fail and I tell you truly our time Humanity's time will be over the legiones Estates would be founded to bring compliance to the Galaxy and unite the disparate fragments of Humanity's past civilizations Warriors of Peerless martial skill would be crafted to destroy the enemies of the burgeoning Imperium and raise human worlds to the glory of the emperor yet some among the civilizations of the Galaxy would refute their allegiance to the emperor and incur the Wrath of the master of mankind for today we shall elucidate the executioners of the emperor raised from a deaf world of harsh ice storms and feral beasts the route of Fenris the Space Wolves since its Inception the Sikh Legion would be set apart from its peers I like to the tree foil 18th and 20th Legions the sixth would be created to fulfill a specific uncompromising task extermination prowling the wars of unification as a force of unrelenting violence and brutal shock assaults the Sikh Legion would rightly be feared for the ruin left in their wake these astartes were not diplomats Builders nor Sentinels they were Killers drawn from the most violent Terran civilizations on an individual basis bread not for malevolence such as the eighth nor bloodthirst alike to the twelve but instilled with the sanction of the emperor to carry out his will caring not for pageantry martial Perfection Or Glory the sick Legion would find purpose in their duty to serve the master of mankind though little is known of their deeds during the unification of Terror all that is worth noting is their unflinching obedience to the emperor and lack of survivors able to speak of their bloody campaigns recruitment would be hazardous due to the legion's candidates rejecting Gene seed implantation at extremely high percentages with deployment of the sixth Legion being minimal during the era preceding the great Crusade the deployment of the Sikh Legion would be minimal during the era preceding the great Crusade collared for a Terran standard decade during the dawn of the great Crusade the legion would be Unleashed upon the technologically advanced world of delsvan despite the civilization's proficient governance and Military the people of delsvan would be no match for the fury of the sixth Legion led by its Lord Commander Enoch Ruffin deploying every member of the Legion within a single overwhelming strike within an hour of their descent under the planet The Defenders would be cut down without Mercy or restraint for their Swift and proven compliance the emperor would Grant the Sikh Legion the 115th expeditionary Fleet to enact further compliances across the Galaxy serving alongside their brother Legions due to their smaller numbers ranging between seven thousand to nine thousand astartes the Sikh Legion would be dispatched as deadly shock troopers across hundreds of campaigns referred to as the route by their peers as a derogative term referring to jackals preying on the weak carrion of battle yet with the scattering of the primarks across the Galaxy it would not be long until the Sikh Legion would be reunited with their Gene father and a new dawn would hearken the renewal of their Legion upon the world of Fenris a child would be found having been raised by the apex predator of the deaf World a fenrisian wolf surviving the harsh ice World alongside the Cubs of the wolf Getty and frecky the infant Primark would be found by The Warriors of the fenrisian tribe of the Russ the wolf mother would be slain to which the young Primark would fail many warriors of the Rus with his bare hands to protect his surviving wolfkin realizing the feral Beast to be human the tribesmen would bring the young Primark to their liege King then gear seeing great potential in the young boy fengir would adopt him into his household naming him Lehman of the Ross the young boy would quickly learn the customs of his tribe mastering speech and proficiency with an assortment of weapons following the teachings of Canario the Eldar of the Rus The Saga known as the Ascension of the wolf king would endure as the eponymous tale of Lehman's youth a boy born of Hell winter Raised by Wolves would form the basis for the legion's future adoption of Storytelling and reverence of fenrisian culture Lehman would begin to conquer the Rival tribes of the deaf world as the rust tribe expanded to become the single most powerful tribe of the planet yet then gear now ancient by the standards of the populace of Fenris would be a rare soul to perish due to old age Lehman would be installed as the leader of the Russ tribe and continue his quest to unite his Homeworld coming close to succeeding in his Conquest Lehman would be given the title of wolf King and with time reunite with the master of mankind during the early years of expanse of the Imperium alongside his brother Horus lupacal Lehman Ross would be among the first primarks to assume leadership of his Legion and Embark across the Stars for many glories would be won by the vilka fenrika of Fenris though much of their deeds would be misconstrued reunited with their Gene father the sixth Legion would assume a new title befitting the command of the Barbarian King of Fenris within weeks of The Emperor's tutelage of the wolf King he would be installed to command the now space worlds of the legiones Estates wrestling at the crude Epitaph appointed by ignorant bureaucrats the sky Warriors of Ross would stalk the stars as a predatory Force gifting death and destruction to any who would incur their Wrath [Music] quickly recruiting aspirants of fenrigian birth into the legion the cultural trappings of the vilka fenrika would stir tension among the Terran Veterans of the sixth forged in Blood and fire the route would earn a reputation as reliable exterminators of both xenos and mutants across the Galaxy with the unification of more primarks into the fold of the Imperium the space wars would prove eager to Aid their cousin Legions enjoying campaigns to purge the imperium's enemies aiding the iron Warriors and white scars Legion during the wheel of fire campaign the Warriors of the legiones astartes would Purge the awkward of mashogg over the expanse of five years of conflict losing a third of their number during the campaign the legion would lose their first Master Enoch Ravin and the vilka fenrika would renew their Brotherhood Through The Crucible of sacrifice bloodlust would give way to discipline rage would be subsumed by Duty and pride would swell within the hearts of the sons of Ross safeguarding Humanity as the fangs clenched around the throats of its enemies Fierce and cunning Warriors all the route would not tolerate Defiance of their so-called all vava nor the Betrayal of his vision for the future urging the Galaxy clean for two centuries the vilka fenrika would stand ready for any enemies skulking in the dark corners of the Void yet in their haste to enforce the master of Mankind's will the sixth Legion would be Pawns in the manipulations of an impending threat from within the Space Wolves Legion had always harbored resentment and disgust towards the 15th Legion the Thousand Sons dabblers in the tides and currents of the warp such Powers would bear the taint of malevolence to which the route would decry its manipulations and embrace coming close to annihilating the sons of Magnus the red during their joint campaign on the world of shrike witnessing the flesh change of members of the Thousand Sons Lehman would demand the 15th Legion to relinquish their abuses of the warp or suffer the Wrath of the route though hostilities would cease with the intervention of the word bearer's Primark logo aurelian the continued scrutiny placed on the thousand suns would only postpone their censure the master of mankind would convene the Council of nicaea a debate to decide the fate of the use of psychos within the legiones Estates allying with the death guard and other detractors of the librarius the Space Wolves would profit their accounts of witnessing the mutations within the legion and demand reprisal the emperor would concede to the warning of the detractors of the librarius and decree that all use of psychers within the legiones Estates would be outlawed Magnus the red would stew in his Legion censure yet mere years later Embark upon a great journey within the immaterium to prevent catastrophe Horus lubrical warm Master of the Imperium would fall to the clutches of chaos and begin to enact his Grand betrayal of the Imperium Magnus would intervene in an attempt to prevent the lupacal surrender to the manipulations of chaos yet fail to prevent his downfall projecting his soul to Holy Terror to warn the emperor of the impending betrayal Magnus would consort with demons of the warp to breach the Imperial palaces psychic wards breaching the psychic barrier surrounding the emperor's Throne Room Magnus would damn Humanity to Forever voyage across the immaterium in their traversal across the Stars for his heinous act of irreparable damage to the emperor's webway project the master of mankind would dispatch the Sikh Legion to bring the Thousand Sons to Terror for judgment yet the war Master of the ruinous Powers would see an opportunity to sow further chaos intercepting the orders given to the route Horus would command Lehman Russ to exterminate the Thousand Sons upon their Homeworld of Prospero already rumored to have driven one of the redacted Legions to Extinction the emperor's executioner would Revel in the task to bring the most despised Legion to heal incorporating members of the sisters of silence and legio custodies into the fold of his Fleet the wolf king would travel to the Thousand Sons Homeworld Prospero would burn as the vilka fenrika butchered the Thousand Sons on Mass for a Time Magnus the red would allow for his people's persecution in order to prevent their manipulation by the ruinous Powers yet relent under the advisements of his first Captain Azek araman the two kings of War were Jewel one fighting for the love of his sons the other for the duty to his father Lehman would fatally wound the Crimson King yet Magnus would submit himself to the patronage of the changer of ways cinch to ensure the retreat of his Legion the route had decimated Prospero yet by the manipulations of the warp its capital city tiska would be transported to the eye of Terror and come to rest upon the cursed planet of the sorcerers Russ had failed to exterminate the last remnants of the 15th yet be oblivious to the Betrayal of his one stalwood brother Horus assembling his remaining might to the Alexis nebula the route would be trapped by the Agents of the war Master the alpha Legion already battle weary from Prospero the vilka fenrika would brace themselves as the snare of the Hydra tightened alfarious omegon already embittered towards the wolf King for his dismissal of the 20th legion's use of subterfuge and trickery would relish the chance to Humble the Wolves of Benrus petitioning aid from the white scars Legion the Primark of the fifth jagatai Khan would refuse to engage in the conflict until answers were gleaned as to the intent of the route and its allegiances alone Russ would ruminate on his circumstance and the conflict he now found his Legion embroiled Within with counsel from The Young Pac leader of tra beyond the one-handed Lehman would resolve to report his purpose as the emperor's executioner as the wolf King rallied his men in an attempt to break from the hydra's fleet seemingly confronted by the Primark of the alpha Legion Lehman would defend the flagship of the Space Wolves arafnikel until the arrival of the Dark Angels Legion unaware of The Wider conflict of the Horus heresy a servant of the region of caliban Captain omand would dispatch one of his men to infiltrate the route to ascertain their allegiance in the conflict discovered by the Rune priest kvar the dark angel would nonetheless deem the sick Legion loyal to the Imperium and ate them in routing the fleeing Alpha Legion Fleet sending a distress call the Dark Angels Fleet of luffa would drive back the alpha Legion led by their Commander chapter master alphalos freed from the hydra's grip the Space Wolves would return to the throne world to Aid in the defense of the Imperium yet Lehman would not stay idle upon tariff alone as he began to orchestrate his last attempt to slay his corrupted brother convening with malcolor the sigilite the wolf king would seek counsel from his ancient Mentor as well as the night errand formerly of the lunar wolves Legion Garfield Loken the sinjalite had attempted to assassinate Horus on several occasions yet never with a Primark wielding the blade dispatching his Knight's errand to infiltrate the war Master's Flagship the vengeful Spirit during its journey to Holy Terror the strike team led by Garfield Loken would Mark the path for the impending assault of the Space Wolves assisted by the former Estates of the route brought here finger the knights errand would lay poofak Rings within the vast laureana class void ship to allow the route Swift infiltration of the lupacals Court retreating from the engagement aboard the ship tan Helm the knights errant would return to Holy Terror with exception given to brore as he rejoined the route in their assault of the war Masters flagship armed with the dynazine spear crafted by the emperor's own hand beam and Russ would confront the war master and attempt to end his Madness piercing his armor and skin with the tip of the Spear's blade horus's body would be cleansed of the corrupting influence of the ruinous powers yet Horus would remain Resolute in his Defiance of the emperor with the visions of the Grim dark future gifted by the dark Gods still plaguing his mind Lehman would be wounded and with the aid of his sons be carried from the battle before being slain by the war master Horus would partially recover from his Grievous wound and its Afflicted coma embarking to Holy Terror to enact his final Siege of the throne world yet the space walls would not be present during the final battle to save the soul of humanity regrouping and venturing with all haste to Holy Terror the vilka fenrika would arrive too late to prevent the war Master's Jewel of the emperor and determined of the master of mankind upon the Golden Throne the battle had been won in the name of the Imperium yet at a cost which would damn Humanity to Millennia of suffering strife and degeneration Lehman would be stricken with grief for his failure to prevent the loss of his father and so many storwood Defenders of the Imperium bolstering the loyalist counter-attack of the great scarring of the traitors the route would hunger for vengeance against the now humbled champions of Chaos spearheading the charge to drive the traitors back into the eye of Terror the Space Wolves and their Primark would Purge their number for seven Terran standard years until that task would be fulfilled yet Lehman Russ would not stand idle as the Embers of betrayal gathered to one day rekindle across the Stars for he would leave the Space Wolves under the command of Bjorn the one-handed and embark on a quest to revivify the Imperium a quest he shall not return from until the commencement of the end of days the wolf time for seven years after The Disappearance of the wolf King The Wolves of Fenris would wait patiently for the return of their liege electing Bjorn as the first Great Wolf of the route the now fell handed would leave his Legion on a great hunt to seek out their Primark venturing far and wide across the sea of stars the space walls would find no trace of their Gene father even within the roiling tides of the eye of Terror Bjorn would be wounded and interred within a Dreadnought sarcophagus as the great hunt but only ill Omens and tales of Woe several great hunts would follow as the years waxed and waned with the second hunt claiming the armor of Russ from the Temple of Horus on the planet of rudra and Ninth leading to The Purge of a world under the thrall of the Cults of the Devourer for each great hunt bears great deeds and even should they not facilitate Clues to their liege Lord's return all service campaigns fought for the preservation and benefit of the Imperium bestowed by visions of the Rune priests said to be voiced by their Primark the Providence of Lehman Russ guides the now chapter to embark on great hunts to hasten his return believing the end of days to be impending the space walls identify campaigns such as avadon the de spoilers destruction of Cadia during his accursed 13th Black Crusade and Resurgence of the loyalist Primark rebute a Gilman to be signs of the wolf time rumors stir that the lion of caliban now stalks the Stars once more confronting the champions of chaos wherever they spawn yet should the wolf of Fenris add his claws and fangs to The Fray the schemes and plots of the ruinous Powers shall continue to be abated to be recruited into the vilka fenrika is one of the most grueling Trials of any Space Marine chapter drawing aspirin solely from the tribesmen of Fenris the neovites of the Sith are required to endure the harsh environments of the deaf World in their quest to slay a Beasts of the frigid wastelands armed with the barest of Furs tools and weapons the recruits must bring a Fang of their kill to prove their metal observed by the chapters wolf priests the fatality rate of the aspirants is incredibly high with most never passing their first trial to ascend to the ranks of the Estates yet for those proven to adapt to their environment endure the suffering inflicted by the bitter cold and dominate the deadliest predators of the planet they shall earn a brief reprieve before being tested in further trials inducted into the training camps of rusvik volksberg and grimnia the aspirin shall be banded as so-called Wolf brothers and further test their abilities in packs of ad hoc squadrons for the Space Wolves the pack is of Paramount importance for the methods of War waged by the sixth and so each neophyte must hone their Proficiency in cooperation to fulfill their tasks dispatch once more into the waste of azaheim the Wolf brothers shall face the feral beasts of Fenris once more and should they succeed Ascend to the rank of blood clause finally each proven neophyte must undertake the trials of mokai first they shall be brought before a council of Rune priests who shall test their mental resolve by harnessing the strange Arcanum of venrus within the bowels of the space wars Fortress Monastery the ayet also known as the Fang a portal surrounded by rivers of molten lava must be passed walking through the ancient Archway centered with the wolf God's image as a symbol of his commitment to Embark into the jaws of danger unburdened of weakness the aspirin's minds shall be scoured by the Rune priests for any signs of Doubt Temptation or fear Conjuring Phantom foes and the deepest rooted fears of the aspirants only those who steal themselves against their plight shall succeed those who fail shall be mind wiped and gifted to the chapters iron priests to undergo lobotomies and surgeries to become servant of thralls of the Sith one screened for signs of vulnerability those who prove pure in their purpose shall undertake the final trial of mokai the blooding shall test the neophytes as they drink from the cup of the wolfen a relic of the chapter the cup allows the Drinker to absorb the canis Helix of their Gene seed or Spirit of the wolf to act as a catalyst to activate their Gene floor many shall Rive in uncontrollable Agony as their bodies are racked by the deadly transformation as some even succumb to the mutations cast back into the Wilderness those who survive must find their way back to the Fang as his body increases up to 80 larger as his muscles painfully burgeon with muscle growth owns fuse fangs Sprout from his guns and for those who prove unfortunate they shall transform into feral beasts curse to Rome the waste of Fenris those who reject the curse of the wolfen shall return to the eight as a true Sky Warrior of the route if did the power armor of a fallen battle brother of the chapter though newly ascended astartes shall be placed into one of the 12 great companies as a true son of Russ the curse of the wolfen still plagues many of the aspirants whom have succeeded in their Trials of mokai activated under intensely stressful engagements the canis heatheics can lay dormant for decades or even centuries without stirring as a clear flaw of the Space Wolves Gene seed it is a testament to the value of the route that those who uncover their dark secret do not seek censure from the Imperium regarding their mutations naturally aloof and distant in their dealings the administrators of the Imperium are content to allow the Space Wolves to slay the enemies of humanity unhindered so long as their campaigns do not interfere with their own dealings obedient and intensely loyal the six bellicose and strange nature allows for deflection of intense scrutiny by way of capitalizing on the ignorance of onlookers Savage Warriors lauded for countless great victories and campaigns throughout the Millennia the canis Helix while a great floor in its inherent risk of mutation nonetheless allows the vilka fenrika to persecute Warfare with unmatched Primal Fury incredibly Adept hunters and trackers the reputation of their Primark and Legion as executioners and Killers is well earned though Millions have perished during the trials of recruitment into the sixth The Prestige of those few who survive are legendary even among the adapters are starting those who transform into the vulfen are captured by the senior officers of the chapter and caged as feral beasts Unleashed upon the most desperate of battles the wolfen tear their foes limp from limb as deadly Cannon vodder who even in their bestial State serve the will of the chapter a notable yet arbitrary floor also inherent in the gene seed of the route is their proclivity to show signs of aging unlike most astartes the hair of the veterans of the chapter shall turn gray as their canines lengthen and their skin becomes levery regarded as gray Hunters the most venerable Estates of many centuries of service grow fangs more like the tusks and size and are known as long fangs Elders of the chapter of the highest esteem the long fangs have harnessed and mastered their inherent darkness of the wolfen and are granted Wills of iron for their continual indomitable nature as a non-codex compliant chapter of the adeptice astartes the space walls have retained their organization of its great companies each Champion by their respective wolf Lords and comprised of an average of 150 to 200 astartes the blood Moors are led by bran redmore and are masters of hunting their icon of the bloodied Hunter represents their savagery in battle for it is said that the curse of the vulfin is especially prevalent in the ranks of the blood Moors cunning Warriors comprising several gray Hunters among their ranks the Warriors of the bloodied Hunter lie and wait to tear their foes them from limb The Sea Wolves are led by Inger Kraken doom and brandish the Sea Wolf upon their armor drawn from the seven islands of fenris's Kraken Hunters Angus men specialize in armored Warfare and Champion the use of Swift claw outriders to cast The Tide of Bloodshed across their enemies the sons of mokai are led by Eric morkai and bear the two-headed Beast as their sigil Stern and indomitable Scouts the sons of mokai approach Warfare with cold and merciless Duty deployed on mass in carapace armor and relinquishing any use of Terminators within their ranks the mobile and violent great company comprised of approximately 100 Warriors prefer rapid Maneuvers and infiltration the red moons led by Gunnar red moon embody their patrons Visage of a skeletal Beast devouring the bodies of its unworthy foes favoring aggressors and heavy Firepower these hulking Warriors are less wolves and more appropriately alike to bears in their methods of unleashing massive casualties the deaf wolves led by Herald death wolf adopt the ravening jaw icon depicting morkai devouring the Sun and plunging the Galaxy into Eternal Darkness Master Tamers of beasts the Warriors of the death wolf charge into battle atop Thunder wolves and Lupine creatures are both biological and mechanical Construction the storm wolves led by Bjorn stormwolf adopt the great Thunderbolt as their symbol impetuous and impatient Warriors the stormwolves a shoe stealth to better take to the field of battle upon vindicators and speed bikes to clash against their foes without relent the iron wolves led by voric null fist bear the Iron Wolf as their sigil and deploy metallic beasts and armored divisions to Rampage across the ranks of their enemies cutting off Escape Routes and supply lines the iron wolves bleed their enemies dry with the Purity and reliable essence of the machine the Drake Slayers led by Chrome Dragon gaze embody the nature of the sunwolf bearing a Steely glare and immense reputation for earned glories the Drake Slayers are among the most deadly and prestigious great companies of the Space Wolves the firehowlers led by Sven bloodhowl tattoo their skin with their icon of the fire breather but also runes and sagas of their past Deeds bereft of their leader during their battle against the Blackstone Fortress will of Eternity the firehowlers remain vigilant for their wolf Lord's return and earn glory for their great company as they tattoo their deeds upon their remaining canvas of their skin the grimblood led by kyal grimblood bear the Sigil of the firewolf and are rumored to Bear guilt for their heraldry said to read the future kyal grimblood executes the will of his chapter with purging flamer weapons to facilitate the future potents they're suited to the survival of the chapter the black Mains led by Ragnar blackmain have earned legendary Renown for their campaigns leading entire planetary invasions via droppod assault the young wolf Lord despite his age has been proven to be in a studies of singular Providence the second largest great company that black Mains comprise many Sky claws Swift Claws and blood claws into their ranks of many of the junior studies of the chapter hungering to prove themselves in battle the black Mains bring immense Pride to the chapter for their continued successful campaigns and reputation as Warriors of unimpeachable skill and finally the Great Wolf's company contains the single most revered Veterans of the chapter the champions of Fenris imbued with boundless courage and honor where the honorific of the wolf that stalks between Stars proudly upon their armor previously known as the night Runners it is the decision of each member as to which sigil they shall bear upon their pauldron the largest of all the great companies the champions of Fenris fight alongside their great wolf with their kingsguard acting as the chapter Masters personal bodyguards Specialists such as the shield brothers and void claws fighting Close Quarters as the most proficient melee Warriors of the chapter for it is truly a sight to behold to see the greatest warriors of the route brought to bear the wolf's emblem of the Sikh Legion has become a Hallmark of Imperial Legend as a symbol to be feared by its enemies black on yellow with occasional ornamentation of runes and silver Diamonds the symbol of the former Legion is worn only by the great company of the black Mains as The Wider chapter issue its use with the astartes replacing its pride of place with the icon of their respective great company denoting their ranks by use of fenrisian markings with the promotion of each wolf Lord as leader of their respective wolf pack the markings are changed by his decree to reflect his personal choosing formal identifiers are not widespread due to the chapter's non-conformist nature yet slight variations of each icon of the great companies are designed none may alter the appearance of the Sigil of the Great Wolf the wolf that stalks between stars for such an act would dishonor the memory of its original Bearer Lehman Ross for no man shall dare revoke the iconography of the wolf King and as such many of the chapters relics still bear its original heraldry unchanged by centuries of War inscribing honor markings upon their ceramite displays of Courage kinship and glorious Deeds are commonplace among the Estates of the route from ancient runes to stylistic symbols of fenrision Origins though no formal conventions exist outlining their use every asadis of the chapter enshrine such sigils with great reverence and pride icons such as bones represent wounds endured in battle while knife and Claw markings denote bravery in the most deadly of battles marching into battle donned in gunmetal gray during the days of unification and until the end of the Horus heresy the Space Wolves now adopt a blue tinge gray paint scheme adorned with great pelts of thinrysian beasts red and yellow jewels and necklaces of teeth the only stringent ruling of their heraldry is that their wolf pack placement upon their right pauldron and great company upon their left some also Mark their knee guard with the symbol of their wolf pack yet due to the highly individualistic nature of each studies much to find his own methods of honoring his kin although the inheritors of the Sikh Legion do not ascribe to the conventions or rulings of The Wider Imperium they are strict adherents to the hierarchies of their own culture led by their Great Wolf the equivalent rank of chapter Master acts as the steward of the rapt until the return of the wolf King Lehman Russ chosen from among the wolf Lords of the chapter only the most battle-hardened members of the vilka fenrika assume the most prestigious mantle of the route to which its current custodian Logan grimnar has held the title for eight centuries the wolf Lords bear ranks comparable to Adept as astarty's captains leading each of the 12 great companies into battle the wolf Lords are each accompanied by wolf guards though a prestigious rank among the route it is not expected of the wolf Lords to live long lives due to the chapter's proclivity to fighting close combat engagements yet such is the strength of the wolf Lords that some within their ranks have exceeded a thousand years of war in service to their chapter the iron priests oversee the forges of the Space Wolves and serve alike to Tech Marines of the chapter assigned to the Great Wolf's company the champions of Fenris when required the iron priests are dispatched to other fighting deployments and companies that meet their needs as tactical analysts during battle wolf priests serve as both apothecaries and chaplains of the Space Wolves ministering the spiritual and medical needs of the route the wolf priest also bear the responsibility to identify and induct aspirants into the chapter to undergo the trials to become a Space Marine Rune priests act as the Librarians of the vilka fenrika yet bork at the insinuation that their powers are drawn from the warp drawing power from the so-called underverse the Rune priests rarely bear psychic hoods or traditional weapons associated with the psychos of the adeptos astartes armed with runic weapons The Peculiar wielders of their rune-drawn powers memorize the oral traditions and deeds of their chapter to be passed down from generation to generation battle leaders command elements of the chapters might alike to adapt as astarti's lieutenants chosen to Mentor younger members of the chapter or serve as personal Bodyguards of their respective wolf Lords the battle leaders are an integral senior rank within the route Role Models within the Wilco fenrika the battle leaders lead several packs of Space Marines as they wage war to prove themselves worthy of Ascension to the role of Future Wolf Lords Pack Leaders are the equivalent of Sergeants within the route and Lead 10-man squads into battle [Music] the humblest of senior ranks within the chapter it is the rank of pack leader which begins a space Wolf's Journey Through the ranks to Glory dreadnoughts of the chapter are both devastating Warriors and wise counselors Veterans of thousands of battles the venerable dreadnoughts sleep under the Fortress Monastery of the ayat until they are awoken for counsel or battle in the chapter's direst hours though the contemptor patent Dreadnought chassis has earned contempt from the chapter due to its reputation for savagery and bloodlust with even rarer cases of some wolf and being interred within Dreadnought sarcophagi the inheritors of the canis Helix bound into battle only should the need for remorseless Butchery be required known for their savagery throughout the Imperium the routes stand apart from the original founding Legions in their distinct violent battle strategies issuing organization in deference to individual martial prowess each pack of the sixth transforms from impatient and bloodthirsty Berserkers to wise and revered veterans once comprised of over 73 000 astarties the now chapter of the adeptice astartes whilst not compliant of the ruling of one thousand outlined by the codex astartes has nonetheless diminished from its former size anti-authoritarian to their core the route comply only with the will of their Elders within the chapter as a source of command abandoning methods of War deemed Superfluous to their means the space walls only retain strategies of their peers proven to bolster their brutal methods of warfare divided into wolf packs of tenastatis each member of these squads are formed of Brothers in Arms whom have shared many campaigns Adept at working together through bonds of camaraderie the astartes enhanced sense of smell and kinship enable such wolf packs to locate their peers once separated from the pack never reinforcing losses within each pack each Brotherhood must survive or be forgotten as a footnote in the chapter's history for only proven wolf packs shall be honored by the skulls in the story tales of the Sith blood Clause are the most Junior of the wolf packs comprised of the equivalent of assault Marines used by other chapters the aggressive neophytes wage war to prove themselves worthy of Ascension through the ranks of the sixth the Swift claws are a derivative of the blood Clause specializing in Hit and Run targeted assaults charging into battle atop land speed is an assault bikes the young and ambitious astarties take no heed for their own self-preservation in their Rampage to prove their might the sky claws are also a subset of the blood claws serving as the chapters assault Marines equipped with jump packs these headstrong Killers swarm their enemies from above and crash among their enemies ranks wreaking havoc via melee weaponry tempering the most rebellious of the chapter through trial by fire and allowing for failure or even death in their assaults the sky claws must learn the cost of their impetuous nature the gray Hunters are seasoned Veterans of the chapter and bear their title with pride the equivalent of tactical Marines among the Adept as astartes the gray Hunters are the most numerous Squad configuration throughout the sixth and prove to be reliable and proud Warriors to which their Juniors should hope to one day aspire to the long fangs are the most senior of the wolf packs formed of the Elders of the chapter not to be underestimated for their age the long fangs though gray of Maine nonetheless Inspire ore in their kin for their unimpeachable deeds and ferocity in battle it is a great honor for an assadis of the route to survive long enough to ascend to the rank of longfang for only the most deadly and cunning Warriors can evade deaths Embrace for so many centuries of War the wolf guard are a specialist wolf pack responsible for the defense of the chapters wolf Lords each member a champion of the vilka fenrika the members of the wolf guard can requisition any assadis from the wolf packs to fight at their side and train prospective future members of their guard often clad in Terminator armor the wolf guard are armed with the most sacred and Powerful relics of the chapter and fight at the Vanguard of the deadliest conflicts and they one day assume the mantle of wolf Lord with their continued service the Thunder wolf Cavalry are a subdivision of the wolf guard and are a secret to Outsiders of the chapter riding into battle upon Thunder Wolves of prodigious size the elite of the wolfgard augment their wolves with cybernetics to add to their terrifying demeanor charging into battle as waves of Unstoppable killing Fury these Warriors are deployed only in the most dire of battles where a swift crippling of the enemy is required the wolf Scouts are masters of reconnaissance and are installed to each great company to enable Proficiency in gathering intelligence and Battlefield data not to be confused with neophytes of the chapter the wolf Scouts are veterans of war and prove Adept at identifying weaknesses in their enemy's defenses and battle lines the lone wolves are sole survivors of pax unfortunate enough to be annihilated during battle having not earned a place within the wolf guard the lone wolves must battle alone to regain the honor of their fallen pack or die as another casualty of their extinct brethren slaying dangerous foes and champions of the enemies of the route those who prove their might shall be installed as members of the wolf guard finally the wolf blades are an ancient Honor Guard dispatched to Holy Terror allied with the Navigator House of belisarius the route honor their Alliance by installing spacewolfer startis to train the seller Starks of the Navigator house and defend their aristocracy as stalwood bodyguards for there are a few Navigator houses allied with chapters of the adapter's astartes and to have members of the skywarries of Fenris within their retinue retains their Fierce reputation and dauntless pedigree the route remain among the most controversial of all the chapters of the Adept as astartes with many deriding their use of overwhelming brutal force and rejection of the outlines of the Codex astartes rivaled only by the black Templars and gray knights in their autonomy both the emperor's holy Inquisition and adeptus ministorum have failed on numerous occasions to restrain or shackle the sons of Russ despite such misgivings the Space Wolves have gained a reputation as arguably the single most capable and Stillwood Defenders of the Imperium due to their countless battles against both zenos and chaos incursions led by their Great Wolf Logan grimnar the route of the 41st Millennium has staved off the invasions of Abaddon that a spoiler for many years and cost the war master of chaos many losses during his accursed 13th Black Crusade [Music] aiding War Master Lord solo macarius during the macarian Crusade the space walls would recognize the legendary Astra militarum Commander's ambition with the then great wolf Ulrich grimfang sanctioning the aid of the route in his endeavors also of note would be the chapter's aid during the first war for Armageddon during 444 Point m41 alongside the stalwood human defenders in their Defiance against the invasion of the forces of Chaos with the intervention of the gray Knights chapter under the command of the Inquisition the war would be won yet entail a heavy price the populace would be ordered to submit for sterilization and drafting into work camps until exhausted to the point of death furious at Inquisitor Lord kisneros's decision the Space Wolves would defend the populace from the gray knights in a war which would come to be known as the months of Shame Millions would perish with vital outposts and installations across the Armageddon system being annihilated by the embattled estati's chapters survivors of the Armageddon system would Escape as the route confronted the grain Knights and ultimately deny the Inquisition their demands destroying Lord kisneros's Flagship its destruction ending him in the process the Space Wolves would slay the Supreme Grandmaster of the gray Knights and demonstrate their reputation as a force not to be opposed the mumps of Shame would end and leave a legacy of mistrust and aggression towards the Inquisition the only Estates chapter with knowledge of the 666th without sanction the Space Wolves now fire upon any Inquisition vessels seen within the Fenris system without their express permission placing chaos emancipated civilizations such as Alaric Prime into their wargeld or chapter protectorate to prevent their destruction by the Inquisition the Space Wolves have earned a reputation as Defenders of the downtrodden despite their Infamous savagery in battle the Sikh Legions traditions of Storytelling passed down through oral tradition remain of great significance to the chapter each of the great companies are named after the Wolves of fenrisian Mythology with many assigned to a great company encompassing their own lessons the black main wolf is the most deadly of all the fenvision Wolves enshrining within the Space Wolves a deadly pedigree to Aspire towards the bloodied Hunter stalks its prey and delights in the art of tracking and slaying its Target the Dark Wolf is the only one of the twelve to never howl lurking among the Shadows the Dark Wolf Shepherds the spirits of the dead into their tombs to lie and wait to rise once more during the wolf time [Music] trekken the Thunder wolf Champion's strength over subtlety and enables its devotees to gain the might required to Sunder their enemies the fire breather dwells in the grand volcanoes of Fenris spewing its molten wrath when angered and tempering its adherence to unleash their Fury when provoked the firewolf Heralds the beginning of the season of fire upon Fenris as the death world's ice and snow melts to give way an Island sink into the ocean to give rise to new land masses whether the firewolf hearkens the Doom of Fenris or Newfound Glory varies with each season of Fire Frankie and Getty the twin wolves raised at the side of the wolf King Lehman Russ would serve alongside their brother during the Great Crusade representing the bond of Brotherhood inherent within the route the strength of the pack embodies the route's potential to defeat any foe through teamwork and camaraderie The Great Devourer is an omen within the mythology of Fenris and bodes great times of immense destruction the mountain wolf epitomizes the endurance of the route and their duty to embrace the hardships of their environment without complaint to enable the space War's continual Improvement through discomfort and struggle the ice wolf serves as a lieutenant of the guardian of the fenrising underworld mokai the fiercest of morkai's pack the ice wolf would strike Lehman Russ in their chronicled Legends and be held by the wolf King into the eye of the wolf the sun in which veneres orbits forging the Fang of the icewolf into a blade known as felvander the chapter Relic reminds the adherence of the Ice Wolf to fight a light to the icy sting inflicted upon their Primark in battles worthy of similar Tales of Glory the Iron Wolf embodies the spirit of the chapters iron priests and their forges teaching the route the value of craftsmanship weaponsmithing and the maintenance of their armaments lakhan the runed wolf is the totem of the Rune priest of the chapter and instills the value of the mysterious runecraft inscribed upon the space wall ceramite lokia the Lone Wolf Bears the aspect of the wolf Scouts of the chapter and teaches the chapters fresh recruits the value of self-reliance rank the hidden wolf stalks the shadows and champions the virtues of stealth as a potent means to deal death the Sea Wolf protects those who sail upon the vast oceans of Fenris whilst the sunwolf arises each Dawn within the heart of fenris's son to shine a light on the harsh deaf world fengir the wolf King represents the space War's Fortress Monastery the Thang whilst the Night Runner marks the heraldry of the Great Wolf Logan grimnar's Glory the far-sighted sees all upon finrus and instructs young space Wolf aspirants to analyze the state of Battle Before hurling themselves into The Fray unprepared the spirit wolf guards The Souls of the Space Wolves and defends their Spirits from the corrupting influence of maleficaram The Wolf of the red moon stalks the seven Hells of Fenris and claims the deceased proven unworthy to enter mokai the wolf that stalks between stars is worn proudly by each and every Great Wolf to Bear witness as each chapter Master of the route brings glory to Fenris the twin-headed guardian rules the fenrisian underworld bested by Lehman Russ during his arrival to Fenris mokai would be cast into the underworld by the wolf King as penance and finally the wolfen serves as the cursed bestial nature of the Space Wolves All Sons of Russ must remain ever Vigilant to reject the feral nature sown deep within their being for sure they surrender to its nature they shall become corrupted beasts of Madness enshrined in the traditions of fenrisian culture the Space Wolves retell the sagas of their chapter Tales of Mighty Heroes and terrible monsters instill Pride within the young astarties of the route distrustful of technology and sorceries not drawn from their Homeworld the people's of Fenris to which their astarties are drawn Elevate honor and Valor as the utmost virtues to achieve regarding their souls to be Fred's when a Space Marine of the route perishes their battle brothers shall refer to their Fred being cut burning their bodies upon funeral pyres his surviving Brethren shall Feast to his memory and retell the tales of his greatest Deeds their revelries shall not end until each member of the great company espouses every worthy deed of their fallen battle brother which can last for several days or even weeks none may interrupt the feast nor leave the confines of the feasting chamber until its conclusion with the longest recorded Feast lasting the retelling of 432 Tales of heyroth longfang during the Great Crusade by the company of tra adopting deed names for their Most Wanted glories the Estates of the Sith issue their former names often to be replaced with names such as thunderfist black brow or stormcaller warding evil spirits with the use of eyes of aversions the space wall shall carve such symbols upon the walls and structures of deadly enemy outposts to warn of grave Danger those seen as Superstitious by The Wider Imperium the practices of the chapter have regardless proven potently powerful despite detractors sneering at their drawing from the Pagan planetary essence of Fenris revering the runic divinations conjured by the chapters Rune priests the Space Wolves analyzed the casting of runes to glean portents of the future and Omens impending upon the route ruins such as ajar hutter trisk Emir and finger Encompass names such as blood ice and the Wolf within and his Clues as to the Future that shall befall the vilka fenrika for the wolf time approaches with none able to decipher its true date yet when the end of day shall come the velka fenrika shall stand ready led by their returned Primark to combat the final onslaught of the enemies of humanity [Music] foreign car and the old father who fashioned allegiance to serve under his name for every religion he created there was a purpose some were blessed with the power to build or the skill to administer or the capacity for stealth our gift was different we were made to destroy our whole being is destruction such was the will of the old father he made us not to construct Empires but to murder them we were bred to perform the tasks that no other Legion could to fight with such extravagance that even our brother Warriors would shrink from treachery in the knowledge of what we the route would do to them this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the vilka fenrika would serve with distinction as one of the most reliable and stubbornly defined chapters of the 41st millennium always at the Forefront of the most deadly of battles the route wage Wars many other chapters would not have the Constitution to survive yet in my next transmission we shall elucidate a legion that blights the stars ever rejecting the Embrace of death the Fallen sons of barbarous the death guard [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 32,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, space wolves, space wolves battle report, space wolves lore, space wolves 40k, space wolves painting, space wolves vs grey knights, space wolves tribute, space wolves army, space wolves horus heresy, space wolves 30k, leman russ, leman russ lore, leman russ return, vlka fenryka
Id: ZBCyMijADso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 14sec (3494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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