ULTRAMARINES - Warrior Kings | Warhammer 40k Lore

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know this son of Gilman the father of our chapter watches over us always he knows your soul your strengths and I even your fears I share your pain at the loss of brother Captain edius but to dishonor his name with grief is wrong he gave his life so that his battle brothers would live and the enemies of the emperor would be defeated a warrior can ask but no better death than that Captain edius was the senior officer and you were Duty bound to follow his orders when they were given the chain of command must not be broken or we are nothing discipline and Order are everything on the battlefield and the army that lives by this Credo will always Triumph would symbolize the dawn of a new era of humanity demigods of warfare the emperor's angels of death would carve a sway through the Galaxy and bring order to the chaos of the Void the Pinnacle of the imperium's might be ceramide clad Knights would come to epitomize the ideals and strength of the Imperium yet among all the founding Legions one above all would be praised as the single greatest lesion which all should aspire to emulate the warrior Kings of the 13th Legion the ultramarines the master of mankind would seek to bring the Galaxy into the compliance of United people upon The Crucible of humanity the throne World of terror war and rampant across the planet's surface as technobarbarian hordes battled for territories and resources across the planet's warsgard's surface creating Warriors befitting such a Savage War the emperor would craft a new breed of soldiers the Thunder Warriors rending all opposition to pieces with their Savage efficiency while the task of the emperor's enforcers would prove to be effective such Warriors would not be befitting the master of Mankind's vision for a brighter future from the template of his Thunder Warriors and the newly established Gene Labs of Terror the angels of death would be created nobler yet less imposing than their forebears the alpha intake of the legiones Estates would Vita like to wolves and Excel in various stratagems and tactics befitting their Terran heritage the 13th Legion would be drawn from all corners of the globe sighed from the clans of panpokro The saragon Enclave Caucasus wastes and mid-afric high oligarchies the unfliningly loyal Warriors of the 13th would be known as the war born no records exist pertaining to the deployment of the warborn during the wars of unification for like the seventh and eighth Legions the third team's first recorded Deeds would glean their intervention during the first specification of Luna and sedna campaign venturing further into the known Galaxy the legiones Estates would Embark upon expeditionary campaigns to bring worlds into compliance approximately 8 000 astarties in Number the war born would earn glories for their campaigns across the Stars dive new recruits from their many conquered Worlds the 13th Legion would swiftly replenish their losses and begin to flourish ly inspired by their Terran culture of battle the war born would incorporate teachings and Heritage of their new recruits to further bolster their understanding of warfare for freed her in decades the 30 would develop their character as a legion of forthright and wise Commanders capable of achieving compliances with tactical finesse and Swift victories the war born with champion honor in battle and display their achievements with pride by adorning their Livery with campaign markings naming each of their companies for their deeds the Nemesis company would mark their armor with black gauntlets and midnight blue Helms of the corsairs of the kansurai nebula whilst the armored divisions deployed at the ash Plains of cipramundi would commemorate their victory in Saving millions of innocent lives from the orcsinos by painting an emerald Borealis on their right pauldrons yet the 13th Would soon be tested in a campaign which would push the legion's resolve close to Breaking Point the Osiris Rebellion would erupt during 833. m30 attempting to undermine the Imperium the 13th Legion now numbered to approximately 33 000 Space Marines and had earned a reputation for achieving Victory with few to no innocent casualties reputed for their lack of collateral damage and disdain for attritional Warfare many of their Rivals within the legiones Estates would submit that the war born of Terror had never faced an opponent strong enough to require their abandoning of their principles in exchange for victory their Gene seed remarkable in its stability the 13th Would suffer few casualties from their surgeries and incur no mutations with successful Gene implantation to their recruits among the largest Legions of the Imperium unlike their peers of the iron hands a lunar walls Legion the war born despite their glories would be bereft of the guidance of their lost Primark regardless of their lack of guidance by their Gene father the 12 expeditionary Fleet would explore the dense Intergalactic expanse situated near the core of Terror 11 star systems of the Osiris cluster would declare secession from the Imperium and incur the Wrath of the emperor the nearest sizable Fleet to the crisis the 13th Legion would be tasked with ending the Rebellion striking the city of Kappa set on the Halo world of seps 12 the compliance of the political capital of the Osiris cluster would prove crucial to the warborn's victory commanded by their first law Commander Gran vosovo the tried and true strategies of the 13th Legion would prove insufficient encountering heavier than expected resistance the war born would adapt quickly yet begin to understand that the rebellion was not what it initially seemed committing reinforcements to the battle versophos forces would fight their way into a trap unknown xenos void ships would Ambush the 12 expeditionary Fleet forcing vosovo to order the retreat from the planet's surface forcing for sofo to order the retreat from the planet's surface the xenos understand his fleets would Clash with the xenos bearing overwhelming might yet despite their Circumstance the warborn would fight on and bleed the xenos for every ship destroyed during the battle retreating from the engagement versova would warn the Imperium of the new threat threatening the borders of the throne world appointing his Lieutenant Marius Gage is the new first Master of the Legion the sofa would battle alongside his kin and give his life to allow for the retreat of his men on the planet's surface incurring losses of 6500 astardis during the battle the war bond were resolve to never again incur such losses returning to the system with aid from the solar Armada and salamander's Legion the Imperial forces would find no trace of the Osiris hybrids swearing a Blood Oath to hunt down the powerful xenos the 13th Legion would remember the words of their slain Lord Commander I am told that once the numeral 13th was taken as an ill Omen by the weak-minded and those enslaved by the lies of superstition but in the emperor's service we shall make it a byword for Redemption and Glory under the stewardship of Marius Gage the 13th Would rebuild once more and redouble their efforts during the Great Crusade yet fortunately for the war born of Terror a bomb would soon restore their wounded Pride the return of their long lost Primark [Music] with the scattering of the primarks across the Stars a child of the emperor would land upon the planet of mccrag within the Eastern Fringe Of The Galaxy a decayed Empire once founded during the Dark Age of Technology the nonetheless cohesive Society maintained warp capable means of travel allowing for their sublight spacecraft to travel and communicate with their neighboring star systems discovering the primark's gestation pod and recognizing its Providence as a technology of a superior civilization the young boy within would be brought before the consul of macrag Conor Gilman naming the child rebute or great one Conor would raise the child as his own and watch his adopted son mature into a man of immense wisdom intellect and strength mastering his homeworld's intellectual conundrums by the age of 10. gellerman would prove a quick study of history science philosophy and governance yet among all the boys talents he would prove a genius in the Arts of War granted command of an expeditionary Force tasked with pacifying the lands north of the capital of Magna crack civitas rebute would combat The Mercenaries of the lands of illyrium earning the respect of the illyrians rebute would broker a piece with his enemies and returned to mccrack civitas finding his City engulfed in turmoil the co-consul of macrag Galen had Unleashed a coup d'etat against Conor in a bid to assurp his authority and claim soul rulership of macrag hurrying to his foster father's location rabute would arrive too late to prevent his mentor's fatal wounding during his defense of the Senate house leading his men for free solar days following his injury Conor had to fight death's Embrace long enough for his son's return dying in rebute's arms gone all would detail galen's betrayal before perishing fueled by Vengeance for his father's death rabude would rally the beleaguered soldiers and citizenry of mccrag and destroy the aristocratic rebels in their armies restoring order to the city rebu day would assume the mantle of Consul of macrag and see to the execution of Galen and his co-conspirators reorganizing mccraig's hierarchy and social order Gilman would enforce a meritocratic system which would see the glories of his world virgin yet unknown to Gilman high above the orbit of mccrag his true father the Emperor of mankind had toiled to breach warp storms preventing his reunion with his son with the subsiding of the warp storms the emperor would find mccrack to have undergone a breathtaking transformation of human progress and Industry Now The Shining Jewel of an Empire spanning the now Ultramar system incredibly pleased with his son's Deeds the emperor would descend upon mccrag and reunite with his son swearing his allegiance to the Imperium rebute Gilman would be installed as the master of the 13th Legion and In His Image renamed the warborn of Terror as the ultramarines rejoicing at the return of their Gene side to the legion the 13's fortunes would greatly increase a leader of virtue intelligence and master of administration the ultramarines legion would swiftly be transformed into the manifestation of the imperium's ideals remoted as a legion supported by vast manufacturers efficient Supply chains and innumerable fresh recruits the 13th Legion would swell to become a challenge to even the might of The Wanted 16th the lunar wolves adopting the realm of Ultramar as their new epicenter of mobilization the 500 worlds would provide unmatched resources to the 13th Legion no longer a single arm of the imperium's military strength the 13th Legion would now act as an Empire within an Empire serving the objectives and vision of the master of mankind building upon the legion's Terran character it is deemed by most that of all the founding Legions none would be so fortunate as to inherit the fortunes and glories of such a vaunted and industrious Primark instilled with personal pride of their lord the ultramarines would never shrug from the chance to prove themselves worthy to earn the praise or regard of their Valiant Gene sire adopting delivery of Deep Blue trimmed with gold the sign of the Ultima would be a symbol worn with pride by its Warriors and praised by those who looked upon it conquering worlds more rapidly than any of their peers and increasing the standard of living for all brought into compliance by their hand the ultramarines had become Paragons of the great Crusade yet despite their unimpeachable record of services to the Imperium the emperor would also deploy the 13th as the judges of his will alike to their times as the warborn of Terror and one enforcement of The Emperor's will above all would be recorded in history as a pivotal moment in the downfall of the legiones astartes monarchia a city of immense Grandeur crafted by the word bearers Primark logo aurelian would epitomize the emperor's most disdained ideals worshiping the master of mankind as a God the people of Kerr would pray within the Gaudi parody of The Emperor's Visage in emulation of the 17th Legions preachments commanding rebute Gilman and his ultramarines to tear the city of monarchia to the ground the word bearers would watch in horror as their perfect City burned the ashes of their hubris would stain the armor of the 17th Legion as the psychic might of the emperor forced them to kneel in the shame of their rebuke the ultramarines would watch uncomfortably on an airing in their Duty yet bearing no ill will to their crestfallenkin favored above all within the ranks of the legiones Estates it would seem inevitable to the 13th Legion that the Emperors decree that a warm Master of the Imperium should be needed their Primark would be a fitting candidate yet with their intervention of the ulino Crusade to combat the greenskin tide of the empire of urlach ERG the war Master would be crowned alongside the white scars and lunar wolves Legions the older Marines would allow for the emperor and histor would Protege Horace lupagal to assault the Orc Stronghold upon ulenor and slay the thousinos the emperor would decree that a vast parade in celebration of the ulnur Triumph would honor the service of the imperium's tireless and glorious Deeds proclaiming his leadership of the great crusade to have come to an end the master of mankind would return to the throne world and bequeath the title of warmast of the Imperium to the lunarwolves Primark Horus lupical given the authority to command every Legion and their primarks as the first among equals horus's Ascension to the role of War Master would not go without critique the lupacal believed himself to be Unworthy of the title and would in private Dean Gilman to be the most deserving of his brothers of the title he had learned to shoulder his new burden yet such a burden would prove to be too great for the lupacal and with his wounding upon the world of Darvin a new dark Future Would befall the Imperium swearing allegiance to the ruinous Powers Horus Lupica would rescind his loyalty to the Imperium and in secret plot to overthrow his father's Empire realizing the need to scatter his most deadly foes farthest from his conquest of the Stars the ultramarines legion would prove to be the single largest and most deadly foe capable of sundering his campaign fueling the resentment of his traitorous brother Logan aurelian Horus would command the 17th Legion to trap the ultramarines within the calf system ordering Gilman to confront the orc xenos within the Eastern fringes far away from Terror the ultramarines would be diverted from the theaters of war that would soon erupt mastering in orbit of the planet of calf the ultramarines would meet with their cousin Legion of the word bearers with open arms positioning their men within the ranks of the 13th Legion the word bearers would stab their vulnerable allies in the back and kill many in their acts of sabotage slaying the ultramarines in droves the word bearers would begin to summon demonic entities during the ensuing counter-attack and poisoned the son of calf to irradiate the planet below first Chaplin Erebus would conjure a warp storm so vast that it would enclose the Ultramar system whilst first Captain core Theron would lead the calf atrocities through the actions of Brave ultramarine astartes such as Captain Remus ventanus Sergeant aonid field and their first Master Marius Gage the plot to slay Roberta Gilman and destroy the ultramarine's fleet would be thwarted reeling from their unprovoked attack the ultramarines would see to the pursuit of the fleeing word bearer's Fleet Purge of the traitor survivors of kauf and potential means of preaching the ruined storm now enclosed around Ultramar recording their casualties to be in excess of 119 000 astartes with a further 28 000 rendered combat incapable due to injury such a Brazen attack on the Proud 13th Legion would not go unpunished several chapters of the Legion would not be present during the calf betrayal and be known as the unmarked spared the scars of the conflict yet the woes of the 13th Legion would not end at calf for the traitors of the word bearers and World eaters would not relent in their crimes against the Innocents of Ultramar forming an alliance with the red Angel during the Betrayal of calf logo aurelian would launch a separate surprise campaign upon the Ultramar system the shadow Crusade would see to the torment and Slaughter of the Innocence of Ultramar as the 13th Legion recovered from its deep wounds incurred from calf unwilling to allow the trait allegiance to assail his people unopposed rebute Gilman would Master retribution Fleet to confront the 12th and 17th Legions on the 26 worlds with which they enacted their campaign managing to push back the traitors the continual strain incurred to the Primark of the world eaters angron would prove too much to prevent the bite of his own affliction the butcher's Nails the cortical implants once grafted into the primark's brain on his Homeworld of nuseria had proven close to ending the Lord of Red Sands life Logan would convince angron to join him in finding a means to remove the nails from the knowledge of the high Riders of his Homeworld and divert their remaining might to the world of nuseria confronted by the ultramarines the traitors would find no means to remove the butcher's nails but allow for a new method of preventing them from claiming their prize as rabute Gilman jeweled lorgar in single combat the Lord of Ultramar would come close to slaying the Eurozone and achieving Vengeance for his people yet with the intervention of angron gilliman would be unable to end the life of the golden one and watch as logar enacted a heretical ritual imbuing angron with the suffering of his Homeworld and favor of the blood God corn angron would achieve apotheosis and be reborn as a demon Prince escaping before the horrendous Bloodshed of the red Angel could be unleashed the ultramarines in their Primark would look on with disgust and what the traitors were willing to become to achieve their goals attempting to return to Holy Terror to Aid in defending the Imperial Palace from the impending onslaught of such terrible foes the ruined storm of Erebus would prevent the 13th from reaching their destination a plight which Gilman in light of his recent witness to the extent of his enemies Newfound power would require a contingency fearing the worst rebute Gilman would take stock of his circumstance in the war effort his Legion was trapped without allies and no word could be reached with the throne world he had seen the terrible example of the ruinous powers in their transformation of his once brother and now the Rune storm blocked the light of the astronomicon from reaching Ultramar fearing Terror to be lost Gilman would found a new Imperium as a contingency Imperium secundus would act as the final Bastion of the loyalist war effort should the emperor be slain and act as the last Bastion of resistance should the war Master claim the throne world utilizing the ancient Pharos device on the planet of sofa the psychic Beacon projected from the xenos device would guide lost loyalist forces to muster within Ultramar reuniting the loyalist Primark Lionel Johnson sanguineous and their respective Legions small contingents of other loyalists such as the Space Wolves white scars salamanders and Imperial fists would add their strength to the Imperium secundus hurried by the Primark of the night laws Legion Conrad kurz with his escape from the Dark Angels Flagship the Invincible reason the ultramarines and their civilian populaces would continue to suffer losses at the hands of both enemies and allies managing to capture kurs after many months of toil the continued friction between the primarks of rebute Gilman and Lionel Johnson would force the dissolvement of Imperium secundus yet with Conrad kurz and sanguinisa's Visions scrutinized by the questioning of the lion the triumvirate would see an opportunity to breach the Rune storm traversing to the planet of Darwin and the site to which Horus had first become fraud to the ruinous Powers the Loyalists would cause a breach in the ruined storm brief enough for a single Legion Fleet to Traverse sanguineous would charge into the breach with his blood Angel's Fleet allowing for his Destiny to be fulfilled at the final battle of the seat of Terror yet the Dark Angels and ultramarines would not reach the throne world for several months after [Music] arriving too late to Aid the loyalist defense of the Imperial Palace the ultramarines and their allies would find Terror in Ruins the war master of chaos was dead yet at the cost of the Grievous wounding of the master of mankind and his eternal vigil interred upon the Golden Throne for the traitors were in full Retreat and they would pay him blood for every step they had made on their path to damnation [Music] assembling the remaining loyalist Legions gilliman would lead the retribution Fleet of the throne world to pursue the traitors reclaiming worlds once under the Yoke of chaotic influence the Imperium would slowly begin to rebuild its war-torn Empire long isolated from the most devastating battles of the Horus heresy the ultramarines now stood as the single largest loyalist Legion capable of crushing the trait of remnants under their heel dividing the legion into smaller contingents to bring order to the unrest of the Galaxy Gilman would watch his brother primarks seek Penance for their failure by hunting down those fleeing their Wrath driving the traitors into the eye of Terror gilliman would draft a new compendium to prevent another catastrophic event from happening again Penning the Codex are star thieves the now Lord commander of the Imperium would command every loyalist Legion to distribute their remaining might into descendant adapters astartes chapters preventing any singular individual from amassing a unified Army of such immense strength the first founding chapters would sigh on average fewer than five second founding Space Marine chapters due to their vastly depleted numbers yet this would not be the case for the ultramarines forming dozens of successor chapters each distinguished for their acts of Valor during the Horus heresy no records exist citing how many chapters would be formed with the closest approximation being 23. dismantling their arsenals Jean stores and Facilities of their Fortress Monastery to bolster their new successors the ultramarines would install legendary war heroes of the heresy as the new chapter masters of the so-called primogenitors of their legacy leading the Vanguard of the scouring of the Galaxy for over a century the ultramarines would remain at their stool with Primark side as his firstborn destroyed every Vestige of heresy within their grasp the word bearer's Homeworld of cultures would be sentenced to extermin artists and with their Vengeance for calf achieved the ultramarines would attempt to bring a traitor Primark to Justice fulgrim during one to one point M31 the ultramarines and six of their primogenitor chapters would assemble upon the world of visala trapped by the phoenician's cunning the 13th Legion successors would assault the empress children Flagship the pride of the emperor within its heliopolis gilliman would confront his traitorous brother in the ensuing Jewel Gilman's throat would be cut by fulgrim's poisoned blade retreating from the battle aboard the de facto ultramarine Flagship The Gauntlet of power the ultramarines would Shepherd their Gene father to their Homeworld of mccrag unable to revive their wounded Primark the ultramarines would enshrine his body within the Temple of Correction within the stained glass Dome of magnificent architectural genius Gilman would lay dormant as his progeny fought to defend a wounded Galaxy for 10 Millennia the ultramarines in their firstborn would stand vigil against the darkness as the single largest contingent of the loyalist astartes chapters upheld as the Pinnacle of virtue among their peers the ultramarines would forever be regarded by the populace of the Imperium as the mightiest of all Legions during the Horus heresy Biden of their loyalty to the emperor heroic Primark and venerated Empire standing against the new terrible threats inflicted upon the Galaxy such as the tyranid Swarms and lost dynasties of the necron the ultramarines would bleed and die in the name of their Gene father 's heinous 13th Black Crusade would run the Galaxy and Twain and with his black legion's invasion of Ultramar all hope would seem to be lost yet with the intervention of a band of unlikely allies the waning decay of the Imperium and its Legacy would be renewed Arch magos belisarius call The Living Saint Celestine if Rayne the daughter of Shays and several other Warriors would form an alliance known as the celestinians convening with the ultramarines chapter Master manius calgar the celestinians would be allowed access to the primark's tomb as the black Legion tore through the temple through the ministrations of call and of rain the avenging son of the Imperium would arise clad in the armor of Fate gilliman would take to the field and annihilate the forces of chaos alongside his ultramarines reinstated as the true leader of the 13th gilliman Would unleash his strategic genius and facilitate the repelling of the black legion's forces within seven solar months journeying to Holy Terror Gilman's Terran Crusade would be fraught with many trials confronted by the Thousand sons and their chaos imbued liege Magnus the red despite his overwhelming strength the avenging son would not be denied defeating his foes Gilman would meet with the emperor and be reinstated as the Lord commander of the Imperium wielding the emperor's sword as his badge of office gilliman would organize a new crusade to reclaim the Galaxy The indomitas Crusade boasted by a new breed of astartes the primaris Space Marines Gilman would dispatch his new Fleet of Warships to reclaim the Stars once more the ultramarines ever at their spear tip despite the realm of ultramar's infestation of The Pale King mortarion the sons of mccrack would not falter in their Defiance against chaos their empire infected with vast plagues of Untold misery and virulence many resources and lies would be spent to rebuild ultramar's ever besieged Empire yet under the leadership of the avenging Sun The indomitus Crusade would begin to draw to a close with the chaos overrun Galactic North cut off from Terror the expanse of the Tau Empire to the East and high Fleet leviathan's Resurgence to the West the ultramarines are spread thin across the Galaxy yet their blades and bolters shall not want for targets as they slay the enemies of humanity and fight for every Last Vestige of their past glories to be recruited among the ranks of the ultramarines is one of the highest honors in the Imperium drawn from the many worlds of the Ultramar system within the galactic Eastern Fringe aspirants inducted into the chapter must overcome one of two trials through the exposure trial each aspirant must endure the harsh environments of one of the most hazardous worlds of the Imperium with no Aid and few supplies with a drowned in constant downpours of stinging rain choked within irradiated smogs of industrial Worlds the chill of Sub-Zero ice wastes or evading the claws and Teeth of predatory beasts within vast jungles the exposure trial weeds the weak from the ranks of the aspirants therefore to tune in survival Instinct proven aspirants who survived the trial of exposure shall be installed as neophytes of the chapter and treated for their inevitable wounds dehydration and ailments by the chapters apothecaries even newborn infants are not beyond the test of the trials for it has been recorded that the warrior Elite of Ultramar a light to the ancient Terran Spartans would cast their newborn infants Into the Wilderness to test their resilience the alternative method of recruitment the challenge trial it's an aspirant of the chapter against one of its proven astartes measured not for his success for it is not impossible for a mortal man to best in astartes aspirins undergoing the challenge trial are scrutinized for their degree of failure though for those few who manage to best in astartes in the jewel they shall go on to become legendary figures among the ranks of their kin aspirants are armed with armaments whereas the estati shot battle with their bare fists without the a of power armor yet despite their disparate armaments most challenge Trials End in the bludgeoning of the aspirin to death by their battle-proven opponent other bespoke versions of the challenge trial exist involving tests of strength stamina or mental acuity yet most are determined through martial prowess though drawing predominantly from Noble houses of Ultramar no aspirant is elevated above another through their familial name nor status only the worthy survived the trials and are implanted with the chapters immensely stable Gene seed no notable mutations or failed functionality only an average of 1 in 10 neophytes shall survive the implantation surgeries and incur rejection or mutation once Incorporated the gene seed of the 13th shall bolster the host adoption of hierarchical command and boost their aggressive tendencies gifted a near pathological psychological need to achieve the objectives of their chapter the battle brothers of the ultramarines even if rebellious in nature shall change into Warrior's content with following orders and Doctrine [Music] following the example of the principia Bella Cosa originally outlined by the master of mankind and his military advisors the ultramarines legion would originally divide its men into companies of one thousand astarties such companies would be further incorporated into chapters often into sets of 10 companies per chapter with over 250 000 astartis among the legion during their Peak the 13th Legion would create 25 chapters in total honoring their war-born Heritage rebute agileman would see the virtue of their foundations as effective and build upon their example with his own structures taught the glean Insight from their peers the 13th Legion would look to their cousin Legions to identify and incorporate useful tactics striving to continually adopt new and unique stratagems into the fold the ultramarines would alike to their Gene father proof fastidious in their observations and Analysis despite their nature to adopt new methods of war the ultramarines would feel remarkably few specialized companies instead focusing on diverse Arrangements of Weaponry evenly within their ranks the ultramarines would Champion versatile assortments of Firepower suited to any engagement capable of achieving victory in any campaign through adaptability and application of force the ultramarines would deploy overwhelming majorities of tactical and assault units supported by artillery gunships and transport vehicles remoting their ranks into individual Crusade expeditionary fleets the ultramarines would tailor their ranks to better achieve victory for each specification of their Crusades chapters such as the fourth known as the aurorans would be regarded as armored Warfare Specialists whilst the 22nd chapter the Nemesis chapter would by virtue of its predominantly Terran contingents operate a majority of Destroyer squads and routinely deploy exterminators bombardments against foregone planets with the legions dismantling such chapters of repute would go on to retain such chapter names and carve their own legacies across the Stars much alike to their Legion heritage LED in turn by chapter Masters the senior officers of the Legion would be assisted by lieutenants known as legati who in turn would command each captain of the chapter who would command one thousand astartes yet with the sundering of the Legion and reconstitution of the ultramarines chapter and its primogenitors Vox changes would be made following the doctrines of the Codex Estates with quasi-religious dedication the ultramarines and their successors deviate from its teachings under only the most dire of circumstances divided into 10 companies of 100 Estates each the captain of each ultramarine's company are revered as legendary figures among the chapter the first battle company the Warriors of Ultramar comprise the chapter's Elita startes led by the region of Ultramar Captain Severus agaman the glories of the chapters veterans are legendary and for their deeds are equipped with the finest weapons and armaments clad in Terminator patan armor for close engagements and supported by Stern guard Veterans of arranged Firepower only the most grotesquely powerful opponents instilled with terrible strength can best the mightiest Warriors of Ultramar deploying a contingent of their men to form Strikeforce Ultra the formation led by the first Captain himself combats the deadliest of foes besieging their subordinate companies the Second Battle company the Guardians of the temple is arguably the most famed of all the ultramarines companies led by Captain Sylvester zakiran and his lines of mccrag the legacy of their former Captain Cato sakarius nonetheless Still Remains among their ranks daring in their Maneuvers with the return of their former captain during the plague Wars of Ultramar their reputation for immense martial prowess is well earned on a bound to God the Temple of Correction within the Fortress of herrer they would be the first sons of macrag to witness the Revival of their long dormant Primark gifted the supplementary title of Avengers of Ultramar personally by their Primark the second company remains at the Forefront of every major engagement of the ultramarines campaigns as their foremost battle company the third battle company the scourge of xenos one glory for that chapter during the first ironic war and countless centuries of service to the death watch led by Captain Mikhail Fabian these experts xenos Killers defend the Eastern Fringe Of The Galaxy from incursions Of tyranids Orcs Tau and other foul beings such as the hrud facing the most monstrous of enemies with blade and Bolter the scourge of xenos deploy aggressive squads and Centurion warsuits to crush their Savage foes the fourth battle company The Defenders of Ultramar hearken their honors to their days of the Horus heresy during the Betrayal of calf led by Captain Uriel Ventress the beleagat wolf companies faced opponents such as demons tyranids Orcs Tau and chaos-based Marines in their attempts to destroy Ultramar contravening the outlines of the Codex astartes during the tyranid invasion of Tarsus Ultra their methods of Waging War have nonetheless proven effective utilizing fundifier cannons Vindicated tanks and heavy Firepower support squads The Defenders of Ultramar uphold the legacy of their legendary forebear Remus ventanus as the fourth company attempt to reunify the Lost remnants of the 500 worlds of Ultramar the fifth battle company the wardens of the Eastern Fringe are deployed far and wide across the Galaxy led by Captain kaito galanus the Gladius blade of the 13th strike their enemies with precision and Rapid maneuvers battle rub is assigned to the fifth company rapidly accrue experience fighting the enemies of the Imperium and allow for joint campaigns to be fought alongside night houses and other Imperium forces such as the sister sororitas or cousin chapters the wide-reaching public face of the chapter the fifth company boasts the bonds of camaraderie with Allied Forces and earned glory in the name of Ultramar the sick for Reserve company the Brethren of the forge act as the foremost support company of the chapter led by Captain Maximus epiphus the fighting strength of the sick company often Falls below capacity due to the ultramarine's need to reinforce battle companies trained extensively in armored Warfare tactics the Brethren of the forge employed the Spear of mccrack formation to deadly effect in their purging of the enemies of humanity the seven preserve company The Defenders of Caesarean comprise the majority of their ranks with tactical and intercessor squads led by Captain ixion the seventh company sees Garrison fortifications and strategically important objectives exposing flaws in their enemies flanks and weak points trained in the use of stormhawk gunships and of a fast-moving aircraft The Defenders of Caesarean share close bonds with the iron hands chapter since their Cooperative campaigns during M38 and honor their bond through the iron chain of their heraldry the 8th Reserve company the honor blades specialize in close combat engagements led by Captain Helios the honor blades favored the use of jump packs jet bikes and aggressor armor de hasten their melee combat armed with paraxis chainsaws and one-handed weapons such as Bolt pistols and melter bombs the eighth company rotate their number into the other companies of the chapter to further hone their skills at Arms mastering the understanding of lieutenants of the Codex astartes during battle the eighth company must kneel before their Captain bearing the title of Lord executioner upon induction to the company and swear an oath to defend the emperor's Imperium with his life no matter the horrors he may face or the unwinnable odds he shall battle swearing his oath once more with the high Executioner's blade at his neck a single drop of blood shall be drawn by its tip with the promise of a swift death should the Estates ever betray his oath the knife Reserve company the stormbringers are masters of overwhelming Firepower led by Captain sinon the storm Bringers deploy vast amounts of Devastators suppressors eliminators and hellblasters to cleanse the battlefield with Firepower ing battle brothers graduated from the 10th company the reserve company defend important infrastructure during campaigns and support their battle companies with static positions of weaponry guarding the relics of the chapter under the guidance of their Captain he shall be known as the master of relics and swear to guard them with his and his company's lives and finally the 10th company the Scions of Ultramar act as the Scout company of the ultramarines led by Captain antillecus each near fight of the chapter shall be trained in infiltration tactics as they prove themselves worthy to one day Don the full ceramide plate of their senior battle brothers Building 100 Vanguard Space Marines the less heavily armed and armored as parties of the 10th company support their veteran kin in small squads and even alone in the field of battle learning self-reliance and honing their experience as Warriors every member of the ultramarines can recall their first steps as a member of the temp company in their vaunted legacy bolstered by the veterans of the first tyrannic war the elite so-called tyranid Hunters of the 13th bolster each company and share their experience in dealing with the most abhorrent threats to the Imperium The Fortunes of the ultramarines would burgeon with the return of their Primark yet there are many exalted Heroes of their ranks whom would bring glory to their chapter formerly led by their chapter Master manius calgar for two Terran centuries kalgar would command the most Revere to start his chapter as the epitome of the Imperium storewood Defiance against the darkness protected by the ultramarines victrix honor guard each wielding axis of Ultramar these Legends of the chapter but acting ornate artificial armor defend the most venerated chapter Master of the Imperium the mightiest of the victrix Guard are armed with honor blades and charged into battle alongside the chapter Champion as an ancient hero of the chapter holds their Banner Aloft to Herald the demise of their foes masters of both war and diplomacy Gilman would personally appoint these examples of his once Legion to embody the legacy of his deeds would maintain overall command of the Legion his five tetrax of the five king worlds of Ultramar would rule over each of their respective sub-sectors during the days of the great Crusade sundered with the dormancy of their liege the old Tetra Council would be replaced with the leggetts such as orfio Cassandra valentus dolor and draca skorod during their days as a legion several specialist formations would be formed yet not Prevail into the 41st millennium the suzeran invictaurus would act as a sub4mation of the most famed and deadly Warriors of the 13th Legion known as the invictari the band of elite Warriors would serve as a Proving Ground for a startise capable of one day ascending to the highest echelons of command forming the retinues of each of the five tetrocks of the Legion each contingent of the invictari would act as honor guards in forces and Military battalions for each tetrak ranging from several thousand to as few as 100 Assad is a number each Susan in Victorious force would be hand tailored by their triak to meet their needs the full moon Taurus Terminator strike squads would be crafted by rebute Gilman following his observations of the iron Warriors Tyrant Siege Terminators in battle improving on their tactics the fullmentarus would be equipped with cataract iPad and Terminator armor and Andrew Reaper autocannons Cyclone missile launchers and storm bolters the locutara storm squads would wage war at the Forefront of battle courageous and Relentless Warriors the lochu Taurus would strike with pinpoint Precision armed with blades and bolt pistols capitalizing on weaknesses in enemy formations the locutaris would be the final incision strike to collapse their enemies positions the sight of an ultramarine is among the most memorable and inspiring within the Imperium clad in Brilliant Blue armor trimmed with gold ornamentation the proud Warriors of Ultramar where the symbol of the emperor's Aquila on their chest and the Ultima of their empire with pride on their left pauldron adorning their squad specialty upon their right pauldron such as battleline close support fire support veterency or command centered High Gothic numerals above the design identifies their squad the trim of their armor denotes their battle companies whilst the painting scheme of their helmets denotes rank veterans wear white unadorned helmets while sergeants wear red helmets scented with a white skull and add a Red Skull design atop their ultimate pauldron veteran sergeants had a white stripe and skull to their red helmet design whilst lieutenants utilize a white and red stripe on the traditional blue helmet centered with a white skull and bear a white skull Upon A Sunburst design on their pauldron captains wear simple blue helmets were a white skull he had also employ ornate iconography on their right pauldron are perfect areas of the Legion where stark white armor whilst Tech Marines of the chapter paint their armor red to honor the tech Priests of Mars and chaplains guard themselves in Black armor Librarians of the chapter paint a white vertical stripe upon their helmets whilst retaining the blue color of their chapter for as the exemplars of the Codex astartes there are none more scrutinized for adhering to its tenants on heraldry yet every ultramarine of note Bears many insignias and campaign honors for their countless deeds in battle strong of Will and unerringly loyal to their Primark the ultramarines share a fragment of their Genesis genius in both military strategy and governance prior to his return the 13th would treat the decrees of the godexastatis as sacred texts deviation from such outlines would incur censure and disgrace as to many these words would be Sanctified by the emperor himself disciplined in stoic figures the Estates of the ultramarines which showed the greatest burden of any loyalist chapter to preserve their ever decaying Empire and Shepherd the innocence of the Imperium from harm and malevolence championing honor moral virtue and courage above all the ultramarines are seen by many of their peers as priggish and sanctimonious yet for all their detractors claims it is undeniable that the ultramarines have borne the responsibility for near single-handedly binding the Imperium together in the wake of the Horus heresy overseeing and guarding the segmentum Ultima from the endless tides of Heretics and xenos Frets the ultramarines have on many occasions in all that stands between utterly catastrophic campaigns of Slaughter across the Stars Paragons of the angels of death the 13th stand at the Vanguard of a hundred War zones across the Galaxy and sacrifice oceans of blood to stem the tide of encroaching annihilation the first among equals of the Adept as astartes the primer genitors of the 13th Legion now comprise estimates of as many as two-thirds of all Space Marine chapters currently active led by their returned Primark the near Mythic being of Millennia past now reorganizes and bolstes the Imperium in its Darkest Hour alone in this regardleman attempts to salvage a broken Empire with no hope of reprieve nor Mercy for each citizen of the Imperium to look upon an ultramarine show no array of Hope in a tumultuous existence for in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War and the once warborn of Terror shall never falter in their duty to preserve his Imperium what is the terror of death that we die with our work incomplete what is the joy of life to die knowing our task is done I stand alongside Warriors of honor and the warrior who acts out of Honor cannot fail his duty is honor itself even A Warrior's death if it is Honorable is a reward and can be no failure for it has come through Duty seek honor as you act and you will know no fear a fortress is a living thing the commander its brain the walls its Bones the senses its eyes and ears the troops its blood their weapons its fists if one organ fails the whole dies and if the whole dies no single organ can survive alone and above all remember this for a warrior the only crime is cowardice [Music] this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer thank you all for your support in my elucidations of the legiones astartes it has been a Monumental effort to Chronicle the deeds and misfortunes of such immense Warriors yet with the elucidation of the legions of old a new breed of Warriors must take their place for soon we shall begin to tell the Deeds of the inheritors of the legiones Estates so take heed and proclaim the heroes you deem worthy of elucidation as we begin the task of chronicling the Deeds of the chapters of the adeptos astaties foreign [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 71,874
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, ultramarines lore, ultramarines, ultramarines painting, ultramarines battle report, ultramarines chant, ultramarines 10th edition, ultramarines vs tyranids, ultramarines 30k, ultramarines 40k, the ultramarines, ultramarines movie, roboute guilliman, roboute guilliman lore, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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