Carbon Fiber Cake with @Caitlyn Jenner πŸŽ‚πŸ° (Scrappy #31)

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[Music] [Music] hi everybody caitlyn jenner here you'll never guess where i am it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings if i spin it fast enough will it take off all right so here's what i've got i've got the cone now set um trim to match the blades now on a lot of props you can get away with just mounting right here at the back of this plate and and that mounting plate would be strong enough but because i've got such a large cone i'd like to compare it to another one hold please okay i'm back so here is a carbon cub nose spinner so you can kind of get a an idea of the size difference um this one's made for those three bladed props up there that are going on marks and jason plains reception and ambush i've got more bolting surface on the edge of this spinner and then i do on this one there's only room for three holes right here so i don't want to rely even though this spinner is more than twice the size i don't want to rely on those three bolts to hold this stable and not start to oscillate or have a problem down the road so it shouldn't where i've got it centered up perfect but if you see the flex obviously with a bolted to the spinner plate it's not going to flex but i want to get a lot stronger than that it's very rare but i'm bringing it up on the sake of safety but spinners often have a bolt ring at the back some have a centering device in the middle nothing goes clear to the front and they work fine but i want you to watch something in your aircraft and take a look at it how's next time someone starts up your plane or if you start up your plane maybe get someone to stand out to the side and take a look at that spinner and make sure that isn't moving um spinners sometimes i'll move a little a tiny tiny bit and it's okay but if they start moving it starts to add vibration both through the engine which can create a problem but it starts to wear on the screw bolts that are at the hub and then you start getting cracks and unfortunately those spinners come off and for the most part they start to come off and it goes violent and the engine shakes and it just explodes the spinner your prop hits it it spits it out and you still land you're just out a lot of money repairing a prop that cut up a spinner but usually you get out okay sometimes though um we've lost aircraft from it sometimes what's worse is if the spinner stays on comes part way off and then it's so out of balance it will actually shake the engine apart it there have been spinners that have shake so violently they've snapped bolts on the motor and create all kinds of havoc and the outcome is far worse so take a look at your spinners that's my little safety tip i guess it matters make sure your engine and prop are always balanced for engine prop spinner all together get it on a dynamic balancer but i'm gonna reinforce the front of this because i've got a huge spinner on a very custom prop so i'm gonna do something a little extra so let's get at it so what i'm gonna quickly do is draft all this into the computer and solidworks i'm gonna make a plate that goes on here that will bolt on with the prop so it'll be a disc on the back side of that mounting disc it's gonna insert into this hole and it'll be a one only a one thousandth of an inch clearance so we'll keep machining it until it goes and it just you have to twist it to go down in mate into this hole then coming out this side is going to be a three inch aluminum tube coming up so about that tall that tube will remain permanently bolted on with the prop as a receiving end for what i want to do to this so once i get that made with the receiving hollow tube coming up permanently bolted on the computer at the same time i'm going to draft in this angle on the inside of here and i'm going to make an aluminum plate so as a mold to make a carbon fiber plate that will go inside here what that will do is reinforce at this location about eight inches in a solid point that won't let the center of this flex and these won't flex because they're mounted here then i want to go one step further in that plate i'm going to draw in solidworks i'll have to taper on it on the edges but in the center i'm going to build a return three-quarter inch return ring that a two-inch tube can slide through that ring and go all the way up into the end and that tube will be carbon fiber when i'm done and i unbolt it this will slide out of the aluminum tube so the carbon fiber tube which i'll wrap one layer with fiberglass so it'll drop on and you're just gonna have to wiggle it down and then press it in so that's the plan when i get all those parts made so i got to make two carbon fiber molds out of building aluminum one aluminum part that will stay inside bond them all together in this assembly i'll keep them really thin really light but when it's done you'll be able to grab the spinner yank pull push spin it at any rpm and this will never ever move and it will be perfectly true to this machine surface so that's a lot of talking let's get it drawn on the computer back to work hey guys i got a unique call uh caitlyn jenner's assistant reached out and said that she is a huge fan of aviation and watched my videos and asked if she could come out and say hi and work on scrappy for an afternoon and i didn't know it was real at first and then i got on the phone with caitlyn and uh turned out to be just a great conversation a lot of fun so much passion for aviation i had no idea caitlyn was so into aviation from rc aircraft all the way up she started flying when i was like six years old and follows the silly scrappy builds and draco and so she's going to be pulling up in a twin engine she flies herself in just a minute and i'm going to put her to work we got some airplane parts to make hey guys i'm super excited today because it's sunday afternoon and caitlyn jenner showed up look who's doing a flyby or a drive-by a drive-by that was a flyby so caitlyn just showed up to come help me work on scrappy so this is really awesome we're gonna go i felt sorry for you every time i see a video you're all by yourself yeah i'm all by myself i got an assistant today so we're gonna go get some work done let's do it all right all right guys we're gonna give you a quick little tour of scrappy with caitlin here and caitlin's probably gonna come up with some questions to stump me and ask me what i did and why and i'll say i have no idea and personally sign it for me [Laughter] it's dusty yes how can you have a dusty airplane that's a bush plane it's made to go in the dirt actually i did see the piece you did or the show you did on the structure of this and i was amazed how strong the carbon fiber was is that crazy did you see did you notice the steel beam was bending off the floor yeah before we finally got it to break yeah i mean it was it was amazing what's that done with so typically it's done just with a fabric like this like this like that yeah yeah and that's what i thought and so what i did different because i've got this so much prop blast wash coming over the back i wanted to really stiffen it up and i wanted to make it almost 50 percent larger to handle the forces that that can put out so i made it all out of carbon fiber and then embedded kevlar and the kevlar is so that if it gets hit with some big rocks carbon when it finally does decide to break it's extremely strong but if it does break it will fragment if you put kevlar in the middle of that it won't let it puncture through it's it's extremely hard to cut kevlar has a lot of pull force and so when you put the two together you get the rigidity rigidity of the carbon fiber and the strength of the kevlar from letting the fibers come apart if you do break it so how strong is this airplane going to be so yeah yeah no because you see everything that you do to help this structural integrity of this i mean look at the real world here i mean you know look at that that's not a normal cub tail wheel um how strong is it so what do you what are you planning on with g-forces you would take although typically yeah it's not like an aerobatic plane it's not designed for high g uh scrappy will be capable of doing barrel rolls and some basic uh aerobatic maneuvers nothing really extreme there's no inverted system in it so it won't be designed to sustain inverted flight but we can fly it upside down for a second but it's really designed to handle the most abusive terrain in the world i don't want a runway i don't need a runway roads where we're going we don't need roads i want to have it's like you mentioned on the tail it's something you don't see there's over 13 inches of travel back here so we can really just run it into the mountain without any runway at all and that's what it's built for so i know you want to take it up don't worry i'm ready i'm ready just our luggage and then that right there yeah i was going to say what is that i was just saying the luggage yeah so brs is ballistic recovery shoot oh that's the chute the parachute so the parachute sits there it explodes out of the top here so is that already installed yep it's in the parachute is designed um for there's a lot of people that all know there's few airplanes that have parachutes the whole aircraft is under a shoot scrappy is one of them if i screwed up on my engineering and how could that happen and the wing breaks off or whatever happens or the engine fails over mountainous terrain where there's nowhere to land a bush plane typically can land anywhere and if i have a failure of some kind i'll land it i'll glide it and land it like a typical plane but i was over alaska and i saw four hours where i didn't see a single safe place and that's why we did a shoot so yeah i can see that and then you have the space shuttle jesus now talk about it this whole plane is about overkill well thanks why not i am all down for that thanks i'm a diamond person in my plane i got all garment oh fantastic and they did um i mean just great stuff and then we got just a little silly details my backlit glove box and the top secret stuff right here oh i love that don't tell anybody nasa i love this i race cars for years so i was very familiar when i saw that you were doing this suspension on the front i thought why would why isn't that done before and the only reason i can come up with is weight yeah weight is the number one reason typically a cub is going gonna have a single a arm the tire would lean i wanted to get the wheel to stay straight so that instead of having six or eight inches of travel this has over 20. you do it all yourself i do yeah you don't want somebody no after all this yeah no i i you know i have i've had a lot of people ask me you know why do you do your first flight and i've done every single build i've done i've always done test flight all the test flight program and there's two things one it's a labor of love and passion and and i built it so i want to fly it if there's another part beyond that that's if i did something wrong i know i built it i and if i screwed something up i screwed it up and if someone's going to get hurt it's going to be me i don't want it to be anyone else so um i kind of take i it's a big day it's an exciting nervous day my wife over there gets a little nervous but she comes and supports me can't blame her we strap on a parachute we get focused we go through a whole routine and then we baby step it through 100 different flight envelopes and from taxi to flight and that's a big day it's exciting so it's very exciting that day is coming pretty soon yeah i was going to say next is the wings yeah we're going to try to mess this up we'll see if we can fly without the wings i don't know sure how it might be able to 60 of the time it works every time with that without in that motor you haven't just stand it up on it this is how to get it started yeah that's all you got to worry about what a sick panel let's get to work back to work all right so let's get this thing started um what do we do first first we're gonna go over we're gonna lay up some plastic put some carbon fiber down baste it get it all wet and fun and and we'll wax this and we'll put it on so let's start with waxing this if you say this is the right uh diameter for the edge of the inside of that we want carbon fiber you're adding another quarter of an inch uh adding less than an eighth of an inch we're adding actually less than a sixteenth of an inch and so that's already been offset to the thickness of the carpet so we're doing what's called a four layer carbon motor just making sure you're thinking about this i i almost missed it but yeah so okay here's what we're gonna do all right since there's no spinner assembly made for an air bolt prop because they're pointing backwards and we need a spinner going forward that prop was supposed to be a pusher yes but you can buy the blades either direction because depending on what gearbox or assembly they have on the airboat they can do spin either way an air bomb that is an airboat still want to go fly yeah so because of that they don't make a spinner assembly so i bought this big 16 inch spinner from a different aircraft but i need all the components to put it together to fit an airboat so now what we need to make is a carbon fiber part on here so this will be our basically covered yep we're going to cover it we'll cut the carbon roll it down into the hole and then we'll cut a piece of this off wax it up slide it in that hole push it tight on the inside we'll bake it and cure it while we go to lunch yeah okay and then we'll pull it apart bond it in here and stick it on the plane how does that sound that's doing it you know i got the wax the water well it doesn't look like wax but i got waxed good so now what we're going to do is we need to fit a piece of carbon fiber that is the exact tube that's going in here inside here so that it forces the carbon tight against the edge and that when we're done the tube will slide through it on top of that we're gonna at some point near the end we're gonna vacuum bag this and we don't want the plastic vacuum bag to suck into this hole i just want it to stay tight a piece in there so i'm gonna put a piece in there we're gonna cut a couple holes and plug that off here's our tube ron if you got a hole stop all right a professional you know what really much better on the second practice oh i see we do have some room there don't we done okay i'm gonna go cut that and magic wrong magically clear take shots magically boom there's the tape so just came out of nowhere yeah and ron thank you for making it the exact width we needed yeah i was going to say that's a perfect fit all right you ready to do some carbon fiber all right so all we're going to do now is take that and just pour it try and get to this end [Music] we got some roller cutters here okay have you used these perfect there we go awesome all right so go ahead and grab this one i'm gonna have you stick it on there god it's gorgeous i think you're making a cake over here caitlyn i love it now the second one how many of these are we going to go we're doing four [Music] this much you know we get done with this thing i'm not putting my name on it what [Music] take some of this and make a an airway [Music] it's like tucking the baby into bed at night this is to give that the air a route to get to the pump if you don't so the air can kind of move through the the foam right on the pad and work over to here and then work over to where i'm going to put that the pump so now i'm going to drink this on [Music] pull it all the way your way all right so i can just take this corner that's good right here i'm going to keep this just back of the metal about an inch and a half or so [Music] now do we leave it sucking yep it stays like this until it's dry now if you watch you can just you see the color barely starting to change oh yeah it's it's starting to pull resin it's starting to get wet i have my regular old canvas here wet and ready to go and we don't really care what's going on down here even though that actually because it's going to be it's yeah we're trimming it at this line but even if we weren't if you wanted this part all the way down and continue that's pulled all the way into that corner and all that extra res is gonna come out we wanna make sure that we're at least got more vacuum than above the green and we're we're so far past it what do you think i think the cake is ready the attention to detail is executed perfectly well we can't eat it yet but later actually really it's nice doesn't it yeah we're back so let's open up this crazy part you made yeah all right you can get the razor blade you can just cut hard right on it and then we'll peel it open it's just like christmas it is just a lot harder this is like christmas from the uncle that put your present together with duct tape because it gets really difficult here in a second [Music] you always have to have the right tool the right tool for the job [Music] that's it actually it looks quite good doesn't it look at it that awesome that's awesome so now we're going to come to get that out that part is just going to be like that oh we don't care it did its job that's it that's cool okay now that's going to fit perfectly right in there yep and then this tube will pass through what's in there all the way into the end well that ring is all there will you have another piece at the end uh-huh yep and then then that will slide right into this right into there that's on the prop success that's that's the most exciting spinner i've ever had awesome well caitlin a absolute pleasure having you with me today thank you for inviting in i love having a chance to get an update on scrappy all the other things you have here it was a lot of fun and building a park for it yes i do have a little piece of scrappy i like that you do i know awesome not a big piece it's a good piece thank you thank you for coming over back to l.a and me back to work and then back to work back to work that's right all right guys time to start assembling the new spinner and prop for the prop we made this part up right here that automatically centers it it's a perfect fit in the socket rotate this will permanently stay on put the rest of these bolts in and get back to work okay guys getting ready to put this together i can about i need to cut this delay but for starters that goes in here's my new spinner plate for the structural center reinforcement caitlin caitlyn jenner thank you for coming by and building this for me so you're an absolute blast to hang out with she signed it says mike you are the best i don't know about that but caitlyn is awesome so thank you and we're gonna put this right here forever gonna be that's gonna go somewhere about there so i'll cut this to length we'll bond them all together get this prop spinner done let's get to work all right guys i couldn't be happier with how this turned out so i kind of show you a little bit of high saw in there but really quite clean i can do a little sanding and just fine tuning when it's done but this center shaft it's not even dry but this is locked in place it's not going to move at all so it's pushed in there really tight i could feel it just kind of slide right in and who's into socket so the most important thing to do now is install this because i've already centered and mapped it out perfect before put in all 12 clecos onto the metal plate at the back the hub is going to center this up perfect and the clecos will center up the tip then all of them can cure together once that's done the spinner will never move so i won't have to rely on screws to keep it straight the screws are just the back up and what keeps it on and i won't get that wobbling spinner so let's install it [Music] holy crap all right guys that's not even dry yet that is the strongest spinner i've ever put on we're done all we got to do is hurry up and wait so while this dries let's go build some more parts not to work all right guys oh my gosh i had so much fun um building this part for the spinner uh with caitlyn caitlin you're amazing person i have always known has a huge passion for aviation and it rang through the entire time she was here it was just awesome just the passion for aviation that we all share and love and then there was something that just drown it out completely um and that was every time she started talking about her kids and their individual successes outside of the show and outside of the press and the media but she would tell me things about each one of them and the amazing things they've done and accomplishments and she's so proud of her kids um man it was just awesome family is everything to me my kids are the most important thing to me my family's the most important thing to me and i hope it is to all of you and if it's not we'll go fix it because no matter what is going on in your family they're the most important thing and so um caitlin thank you for spending time and and just talking about your kids while we were building parts because it was unbelievable to hear and feel how much you love them so uh great i'd love to have you back anytime all of you who are into aviation who follow the silly channel the build of these wild aircraft i like to fly thank you so much i love you all please follow along we got more craziness coming you guys know the drill i'm gonna get back to work [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 276,957
Rating: 4.2265916 out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Id: 0guho8x0Tfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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