Meeting Mike Patey and SCRAPPY

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[Music] welcome back to the channel guys we are in salt lake city no trip down to utah is really full without a visit to mike petey's hangar so i'm currently driving down south to spanish fork utah to see mike get a personal tour of his hangar i get to see scrappy up personal up close and see what that looks like let's get down to spanish forks and see the legend himself the moment of truth has arrived i am at the mike petty hangar this is top secret stuff going on in here and i'm gonna go knock on that door and see if i can find the man himself oh there he is here's the man himself good to see you welcome thank you thank you the first the first snow snow down here no snow up there what's going on i don't know it's a crazy out of context snow right now come on in buddy all right [Music] what's the name for this secret uh dungeon or something top secret world of madness this is gonna be a big touring suburban that can go 25 000 feet go unbelievably flat fast and land in really hostile terrain two people full fuel full bags if you can stuff it in the door of life oh my goodness this is scrappy here's a crazy crop i always wonder how big this thing really is when you're standing in front of it 13 inch paddles unbelievable wow has this thing ran already yes sir it has okay i'm sure it's got this probably unforgettable sound to it yeah you know surprisingly it's quieter than it was in the race plane just got two more 90s in it than when it was in the race plane and it quieted up quite a bit so i was surprised does it have like that kind of like that muscle car sound to it it still does it used to have a lot more kind of that rat rod muscle sound it's a little more mild but it's still definitely throaty amazing and then this engine is 100 percent exactly as it was in your 36xx my racer i've done a few mods to make it more powerful the race plane it was 500 horse and that's fine for a little more than 500. motor mount that is supposed to handle all this all these crazy impacts that are to come right yeah it should absorb them no problem at all i saw that video at that little float plane yeah what happens when it's not strong when it's not quite right it doesn't go good [Music] how much more time do you think uh is needed to you know i i don't really set any time or deadline when i start a project i'm like so addicted to finishing a project like i can't sit a project undone my wife knows vacations gotta slow down or stop until i'm done i still work full-time it's after hours and weekends only how many hours you think you've got into this thing so thousands i haven't made the handles yet it's got an over center lock in it so it closes more like a airtight car wow it's got a good feel to it and then you see the over center springs so i got to machine the handles but i machined all these components and spring loads and you can see the yeah nice nice lock so it's always going to be a one seater right no it's two six seater that's why there's a screen in the headrest yeah the seat's not in right now there's the screen in the back seat right there yeah g3x i'm sitting where the back seat was and the person in the back seat sits where the the behind the seat luggage was and then we have this luggage and the bottom luggage that we opened up a lot bigger so you still got this luggage and that's your parachute parachute right here right there and the nitrous right there never gets no no no no no that's the that's the bottle to blow it that's the rocket that's the nitrous to get another couple hundred horse wow yeah that's crazy so that hasn't been announced yet right here i can pick how much horsepower i want 150 100 if i put the 200 the 200 250 so i pick which nitrous i want so the way i've done it power this up right here we got a purge it merges the nitrous and then right here if i arm the nitrous that doesn't do anything until the throttle here goes to full throttle and you can see it doesn't hit this button but if i push an extra 30 pounds of pressure and if you look up here when i hit it it lights up oh what i've currently got engaged so that's 250 horsepower if it lights up all three of those that's 50 horsepower or 200. so it doesn't let you run the nitrous until you're full throttle so technically if you're doing a go around and you're trying to get out of somewhere yeah 500 is not enough you can get a little more okay air show stuff i mean stall i think you could use that in that as well sure your brakes won't even be able to hold this thing so we're doing something special with those yeah okay okay to come later if you can tell those wheels are 14 inches further forward than a cup 14 inches so you can really hammer on the brakes you got cameras too you have a backup camera too i guess you can't back up so there's no point in that right yeah no i use it all the time to see the people in formation so yeah so i'll still have the rear camera i'll have the ford night vision camera how much fuel is this thing gonna hold uh i haven't finished the wing design but it'll hold a lot you'll probably be able to go non-stop for it'll go more than my buddy's cubs will all that i really care about is that i'm not the one that runs out of gas first i don't want to be the guy who limits the herd or the flock running it exponentially higher rates than everybody else yes and it's actually just a little bit more barely because it takes so much horsepower to hold a certain parasitic drag at a certain speed it's just i'll be pulled way back i might fly it 40 or 50 when they're at 70 or 80 percent okay i got four more cylinders they all work half as hard it's not like oh i'm twice as big of an engine if they're burning 10 i'm burning 20. for me to burn 20 i'd be producing twice the horsepower and i'd be long gone what do you expect this thing to be able to cruise at um 160 170 miles an hour be capable of 25 000 feet easy so i can go to 25 000 feet open it up and then it gets really efficient because that's when things start to change where i can actually get more range on better fuel economy because the air gets so thin so i can get so high that i might get 10 000 feet higher than most cubs can top out at i can go to 25 i can actually start to pair up or even do better 25 000 feet 170 miles an hour and just get up and go what i did is i put my pulse delivery oxygen reader on the dash and it you just put your hand in so i don't have a dead battery and it displays on my garmin who came up with a paint design me and my wife yeah yeah made it up as we went a little bit put tape all over it said nah let's try this let's try that and that's right that's your family on here yeah two boys two girls two boys mike chandra alexandra ashland dylan dex now this prop here i mean like is this something that is produced out there yeah that's an airboat problem so that prop runs on this same eight cylinder engine on airboats okay i was able to to find a spinner from kato the internals and with how little of meat there is here i had to build a whole internal sub assembly a machine bracket a long carbon tube two carbon rings are embedded in here now so you can't squeeze it at all and i'm not relying on these connections only to keep the spinner from ever coming loose have you ever had a lot more work on an airplane before the first time huh no we're willing to try it you want to see what one will do on a boat this is the same place [Music] that's zero to 60 in what second and a half or something i really like how this is so open to see exactly what's going on sitting relaxed i can look out both sides and see clear to here all right you want to see something different yes i've got black tape covering up these buttons because i hadn't wasn't ready to show people everything i've done these are the three secret buttons yeah i've fully integrated all my suspension into the garmin system pressures potentiometers position sensing i can tell the plane i want to go into takeoff mode what [Laughter] that is crazy so what that now did is i lift the front all the way up and then the back down and now i'm within one degree of stall on the wings max aoa that way i'm not trying to pop it or guess it i'm just dropping it down getting the wing to highest angle of attack within one degree of stall full throttle and it's going to lift off right when it's completely safe and then in flight i can just hit a button and just change it back to whatever setting i want for landing if you put a lot of weight in it like your heavy fuel another person bag suddenly the tail pivot is no longer level on the tail wheel so they'll shimmy because you want it to be perfectly level and so people will put metal shims to adjust the tail wheel angle to reduce swivel i can just look on my panel tail position is currently at 100 percent and i can change the tail position just a little bit at a time and bring it down in between those two blinds there we go tail at 72 percent is perfectly flat that quick i know i've got the tail set for whatever weight i have in the plane so it doesn't shimmy on takeoff or landing when you're flying a plane you come in to land in a heavy crosswind especially with a big high lift wing i'm going to put on here they kind of want to fly themselves sometimes and so i wanted to find a way to not have to call a wing walker out or just to be extra safe and so i have safe taxi mode which is watch the front now i'm in safe proxy mode the plane goes flat i can see straight over the nose that i can now the wing angle of attack is gone i no longer have to s curve and worry about hitting somebody the plane goes wide and then i have a lockout feature and i can lock it out in the lock down position so it can't wing rock up and without any angle of attack on the wing i'm not going anywhere and it makes it a lot easier to get into a plane that's really tall the steps right there but when you're ready to take off you can just change the height wow you just have an air tank somewhere inside air tank that raises and lowers a pickup truck doesn't need to hit more than a couple hundred pounds to do a shock like these you either have to go to really heavy system like a vehicle or you have to go to really high psi if you go to high psi the pump to do it gets over 150 pounds just in the pump to hit 700 psi of pressure and now i can run the shocks up and down a couple hundred times full down full up when i park it i'll go full down did you remember in sun and fun when all the cubs blew and tore their tie-downs out of the ground and landed on top of jets and they lost millions of dollars i recall that real briefly so i wanted scrappy to be able to have park mode come in and park drop the front lift the back aoa is gone tie it down now it ties down like a any other plane that's not tipped up into the wind is this the motor landing in so this would be landing mode depending on the train part of the challenge is with having 20 inches of travel when you set it really really soft so that you can use all 20 inches well that's fine unless you go out with a pre-charged soft and then go out and it gets really cross-windy then you can just get worked it will push you all over the place adjustable in flight based on am i in the mountains am i on asphalt it's a crosswind or not and it's one touch of a button and it goes right to that mode and it has another mode which is really kind of funny looking tip overridge has a pretty steep side slope on it when you come in you kind of tend to roll and it's got you way leaned over so i can preset i want a five degree left lean and then the tires lean appropriately to the hillside you're side hill in it basically so i can side hill the aircraft you can see the angle the tires are still correct a lot of times we go land on these hills there's not enough room for all of us one or two of us gets to be the unlucky one with the fuel draining out of the wing this allows me to just land on any slope and just level the plane and not have all my fuel go to one wing or the other wing [Music] have you started on the wings yet i've got a couple parts i've already started on but not enough to really speak up i mean i have to do custom everything is it uh reasonable to say that maybe next airshow season this uh this might be it depends i've got a couple of the projects i'm working on in alaska in may that would be awesome wouldn't that be great yeah i i'm not really sure i just moved i got a house to build a remodel and my family to take care of and four businesses to run and i'm building two planes at the same time right now so i'm a little bit busy how do you say stay sane during that process that makes me happy so it's easy that's the flap arm up there grab a hold and try and wiggle that usually you can feel them have a lot of play yeah so i did a zero a zero tolerance bearing system so there's no play in the flap a lot of times when you're flying especially if it's getting kind of windy and gusty and you're coming into land you hurry into trying to pull back the throttle and then dump the flap so what i wanted is a really high speed flap but i don't want my hands moving all the time i machine my own throttle quadrant made my own pedestal and then if you look right here high speed electric flap on the throttle there's no yeah as i'm coming in to land i can be slowly adjusting the power back and rise i'm getting close i can be pulling the power and dropping the flaps at the same time it's nice if you aren't chasing things yeah absolutely prop is fixed right yep it's not going to move ground adjustable now know all the secrets okay except for the wings except for the wings 40 degrees of flaps i would imagine no maybe more but maybe more [Music] that's my cooling flap and see through the center [Music] and lift so for landing for landing dump that down yeah if you look straight on the front this surface this tip this and this is all pushing down and it just increases the lift more of the ground effect than it is lift to kind of capture that last couple feet are you going to have uh leading edge slats yeah okay yeah are those going to be based on angle i've designed fixed i've designed movable i've designed multi-position and i'm just playing with weight versus benefit because draco was uh that was based on angle of attack right they were fixed they're fixed they were ground adjustable trying to cool eight cylinders is virtually impossible when i tried to do all the flow analysis what the max amount of ram air i could get what the exit air was which is partially that big giant belly flap needed but anytime i tried to cool a big oil cooler or two smaller oil coolers in the front that not that engine normally runs i couldn't figure out how to get enough heat rejection so that's why the oil cooler came way back here one of the biggest concerns is you go through and you do all your tests and you do all your math about what it should take to cool it and then you go i hope it works i can't say it's worked every time like go back 15 years ago and i'd do a change on oil cooler i felt like it was voodoo magic over the years i've gotten a little bit better understand the silly voodoo that's air movement i did run it one of the biggest challenges is keeping oil cool on the ground on a hot day i ran this it was 104 degrees outside tied it to a pickup truck took it up to power tried it at just idle like you would on a ramp on a hot day i couldn't get the temp off the vermi therm so it went up to 188 and just stopped perfect and it regulated itself no no adjustments that was 104 degrees on blacktop because i could not heat this up oh i'm super excited and i got lucky a little bit of both because it's still voodoo it does weird stuff sometimes yeah where's the little little guy that we see in the videos a lot scrappy the skeleton yeah i've actually seen him on the table that's scrappy where is it where is he at this is a strapping and the the back story on him somebody gave him to you uh it's my buddy ron is just love skeletons and he brought it in one day and i i loved him because we it just made us laugh all the time we named him scrappy and now he hangs out and he does the weirdest poses we can't show you all of them it's hilarious he's a he's a little rascal we made him a shirt though check that out oh my goodness back to work right no that was handy yeah i'm a little actual real carbon fiber fiber bandana yeah this is our buddy he's he's a good helper telling you after we did the rocket test this guy was lighting bottle rockets right and left screwing across the floor he was mayhem all the time i really hope you enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed my tour of the mike petty hangar if you haven't followed mike petey i've got a link right down below to mike's version of this video if you like aviation entrepreneurship and just good old-fashioned hard work you will be right at home on mike patty's channel thanks for watching i'll see you next time you
Channel: Crave Life
Views: 28,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, pilot, pilotlife, airplanes, Bush Plane, Scrappy, Mike Patey, Patey Brothers, Dmitry Kudryn, Super Cub, Experimental Airplane, Airplane, Engineering, Kit Plane, experimental aircraft, Ultimate Bush Plane
Id: 66sh86N80Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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