Carbon Fiber Slats for my Wingless Airplane | Scrappy #50

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all right guys today's video we're going to show you how we button up these slats get them all finished show you how we got them straight true no bodywork lightweight no seam on the inside three pounds total let's get these wings underway back to work it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings all right guys let me tell you about this machine we're about to fire up so this is a water jet it puts out 60 000 psi of water pressure so the only way to do that is to put it inside a ram that pressurizes into a small volumetric chamber it's called an amplifier so we get 60 000 psi the velocity is so fast and so piercing you'll cut through anything it can literally cut through seven inches of any hard material i have always been fascinated by water jets this right here is called garnet and it's just a fine fine powder and so what we do is we pressurize the water send it through a line and then it has to come out a nozzle so most nozzles are actually a diamond tip so that the water going through it doesn't just eat the diamond away and you actually have to use soft water or just the minerals of the hard water will eat the diamond that's the force and velocity going through this machine so after it goes through gains the velocity the garnet is added right at the end goes through a tip just like this of the two combined this tip is a pressed powder metal that is so hard that if i were to drop it even though it's a quarter inch diameter it would just shatter into a dust we're going to take this machine that can cut seven inch plate steel and we're gonna push it all the way to its max and we're gonna cut pink house insulation foam so we can make a part for scrappy i want a zero draft part a draft is when you make a mold where you taper the edge to help get the part off and sometimes if you make a mold this right here is a female mold and it has no draft so the lines go clear through which is why you can see all the way through this and it doesn't have a bottom in it i have to get to the backside to hit it out because there's no draft it has to be tapped out the reason i want a zero draft internal rib from my slat is i want absolute precision as i'm stacking and want really tight fit for the leading edge as it moves so i can't have any variants where the slat has any flex at all this right here is the water jet foam parts and i'll show you a close-up here in a second but right here you can see that fit that is a zero tolerance fit there's literally not room to put a single piece of paper through there what that's going to allow me to do is first wrap this in carbon fiber and then when i go to put it in here it actually has to compress the foam to go down into the mold what that does is it will push all the resin into the foam and strip it out of the carbon so it's like doing a vacuum bag part but it'll actually pull more pressure or put more pressure on the carbon than i can get out of a vacuum this will make a really lightweight part because when i wrap it in carbon and press it in here it's going to go really tight now i've done it you see if i push this all the way down that's on the bottom i've left it a quarter inch high on purpose because i want pressure to be able to push the carbon to the bottom so as i put these parts in i will then place plates on them i got two apiece all the way down and then if you look right here this plate is a machined plate i have because it's perfectly true it's all been machined flat i'll lift it up and set it on top of this part that will be on there so um that will give me that plate right there i have two of them they're 350 pounds of piece so i can make a compression fit to push that all the way down to the bottom so this was a lot of fun we machined this last night it literally finished at four o'clock this this morning um these we ran yesterday so it's time to start making parts we got a lot of work to do i got about 80 of these to make so two four six eight at a time i need ten sets let's get to work right guys i hope you can hear me over the vacuum pump we got a slat being vacuumed right there i'm trying my first part so i've just got pink foam i stacked it so i could run the carbon fiber long and just push it over the part all i need to do is just make sure i don't have any big any wrinkles in it anywhere now the idea here is to take this tail fold it back on itself and then see if i can get this to fit in this mold so wish me luck oh that is gonna work so good back to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i feel like i'm a great lady [Music] all right guys got the last one done this is a good place where you can kind of see the the pink foam i did an inch and a half but i made my mold at an inch and a quarter but the final part is actually an inch those steps are for a reason is so that when i put a plate on it it actually will put pressure on the foam and the foam will squish and it does the plate won't touch this it will put all the pressure directly on the foam only the reason why the mold is an inch and a quarter deep when i only need a one inch wide part is i want to make sure that if i push it in as it went you can see this side went a little long this side went a little short but i know that as long as that's sticking out when i go to trim it i'm trimming a quarter inch below it so i make quarter inch steps and i ensure that i'll have a perfect part all of the plates underneath are evening up they'll put even pressure i've got one more plate i can stack on it put it over 700 pounds we'll leave this for the night pull it apart tomorrow 24 hours later look at that awesome well now the trick is how hard are they gonna be to get out all right guys so the idea we'll see how this works has zero draft so it's going to be tough to come out it's going to have to come out perfectly flat so i have to kind of work my way back and forth and then these little carbon loops i made are so that i can hit down right on those edges through here and drag this fine point out the other side so um the actual carbon fibers carries right through where it looks like there's metal here i just left a little thin trace to connect these two sides together but hopefully it comes out wish us luck i'll do the next batch different because when i overlap this side if you come look around this edge the messy side i meant to go through and cut with a pair of scissors the carbon and make sure they didn't touch each other so not only do i now need to pop the pieces out of a zero tapered um mold but i gotta pop them all out at the same time it was at this moment that he knew rather than one at a time so i gotta work my way down and back i'll get it just give me a couple minutes a little longer than a few minutes later so now what i'm gonna do i'll gently tap these all out the depth i want i'm going to just go through and quickly check them with the calipers tap them exactly to the depth i want once i get it all shut so all the depths are just perfect i'll just take the multi-tool and just rip the backside off and that way every one of them are cut perfect to a caliber set depth and i won't have to do any work trying to tape it and cut a straight line so i'll cut all these off at once then pop them the rest of the way out backward and we're out so let's knock the rest of these out and show you how we get the pink foam now back to work um i want to show you how we get the pink foam out now um i can chip out the foam which is what i'll actually do and there's still a residue left over but this is what i'll do is i'll kind of quickly break out the foam but i don't want that leftover foam left inside there but just for fun i'm gonna leave all the pink foam in and show you what it does dunking it in pure acetone it looks like my bucket's a little low so this is just acetone now acetone if you were to leave this in your carbon fiber in it overnight you would actually soften it but acetone if you just use it for 15 minutes is going to have no effect clean it off and dry it you won't affect it at all you literally have to bathe it in acetone and forget about it for a night or a day to do any damage to it so acetone is a great tool but let me show you how this works shoot i'm going to get some more acetone we'll get back at it give me some all right i'm going to try anyway i don't have any more acetone so we got to go to the store but i'll try and dunk these two i prefer to be a lot deeper but watch how this works they're just going to float for now [Music] all right so i've just let this sit for about a minute is all if you look inside i can literally push this looks like kind of a black tar almost out and this is the pink foam so you want to make sure you get this all out now i've actually done parts where i've closed an entire carbon far apart and have pink foam cutter did i say fart excuse me so i've done part parts where the pink foam was the entire shape of something i needed i wrapped the whole thing but i wanted to keep it fully intact so what i did is i drilled a hole in one end filled it up with acetone then put my hand on it and shook it up and then i'd pour out this black residue left over and sometimes it'd take two or three tries and then get a little mini camera and look in there make sure you've got it all out but it's a great way to make a sealed complete encased part but i'm going to go through and clean these up but i want to show you the difference on this one i just barely dunked it rub my finger around the edge and i can actually feel you can see that there's no alien tar left in here we got about an hour of cleaning to do you guys know the drill let's get back to work okay guys so i've got my leading edge slap propped open this little edge will get cut off later i've got these all cleaned sanded prepped and basted with resin for the carbon fiber what's really great about a zero tolerance fit with these parts is that when i get this in there i don't need much micro little bead like that all the way around i can slide it in give or take a quarter inch which will bug me but i'm familiar with the bubble morty i also dabble in precision what's really cool is i don't need any clecos i don't need any preset holes which means i won't need any bodywork on the other side i won't have any holes to fill all right i've got these all set in they're ready to go now as soon as i pull this the two is out this is going to clamshell up and i've i've squared these up but if i was even off just a little bit because of how tight the tolerance is from the inside part and the outside part as soon as i start to close it and push if they're off you can actually watch them straighten back up because they have big square edges square sides i've got the middle end it's bonded but the bead coming down this back edge i want to be about a little better than 3 8 of an inch of material so what i'm actually done is i've just put two paint sticks which is a quarter inch but i'm gonna squeeze it in and make sure it touches both sides of the gap that i've got down here where the ends meet but i'll squeeze it in it'll touch the quarter and i'll go a little bit longer and i can watch it run um a little bit further back and keep my eye on it as i back up down this line because it's held apart as soon as i push down this micro is going to bleed back about an inch as it goes out as the part gets wider and that inch makes that back edge super strong so when you grab it you cannot flex it it keeps it perfectly straight and temperature changes and you don't get a wavy trailing edge this is the edge we cut off right here what i want to show you is how strong that bonded joint is and you would think it would pop if you put loads on it look at this twist holy crap how far are you going to come that's like two full turns there you go i hear a little bit of a cracks i've got two to two and a half full rotations out of that carbon fiber with a complete return to original shape just out of a scrap piece but things that are rigid break you know there's there's a lot to be said for people being flexible in their life and in their relationships and in their business and certainly structurally stuff that's built too rigid and can't flex will craft i suppose it's good advice and carbon fiber and micro all right that has some flex you can see it kind of squish out as i come down and now that i've got that set i'm going to slide it to my reveal edge all right now we're going to clamp it down starting with the ends that's why i ran the steel long and then we'll clamp the front back to work all right guys this is dried up from yesterday it's so light carbon fiber is amazing [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] okay guys that's it cut the length crazy lightweight the edge line if you look down it that's as straight as it gets i don't even know if the camera is gonna be able to see it but let me show you something this is the test i'll get a lot more strength when i put the end caps on it but this should be strong enough [Applause] it's supposed to hold 50 pounds absolutely unbelievable how strong carbon fiber is okay guys super excited this is the moment of truth i've got a right in the left side these are different so the way this is going to work i'll go ahead and bond this slide it in perfectly flush and then this is designed to make sure that i don't lose my zero tolerance part i really wanted this to be perfect because this part slides into a machine billet part on my slat and so this is so that when there's glue in here this compresses this to its original shape this is my window i put in so i could see that it was all the way up tight you can see the tolerance right there and then this one will go on this side glued in this goes on and then the part is perfectly true straight bonded and compressed so that i have a machined end finish on both ends so [Laughter] part one will be done in a few minutes and a million more to go you can see these two lined up getting ready to bomb those ribs in back to work okay guys what i'm doing now is i've just got to put a hole and technically i only need one but i'm going to put two just to have an extra air outlet but what we don't want to do this is the lowest point on this slat is we don't want this slack to pop as i go up to 25 000 feet so right at this lowest point i'm just putting in a small hole for this to vent i'm going to do one on the other side as well so what happens is you go up in altitude the air gets thinner so whatever air is in here will expand and this will actually blow up like a balloon so when i put the ribs inside this slat all the ribs i drilled a big quarter inch hole right in the middle of it so it wasn't anywhere near where i had glue to bond the part together so right in the middle is a great big hole through every rib all the way down but at these ends i just want an eighth an eighth inch hole instead of a quarter inch hole right at the two lowest points and as this sits on the airplane like this the lowest point in case somehow water got in it which is very unlikely but if it did it could drain out but mostly it's just to vent it so here's one ready for some clear you guys know the drill that's work all right that's the last one ready to go guys i'm so pumped we're about ready to get going on the wings i gotta finish up some tables i just started on using some of the spare spars from scrappy's big primary spa to make the wing tables so we'll get some waiting tables buttoned up starting away together i'm so pumped thanks for following along we'll see you next time back to work [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 369,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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