Giant race engine into a Bush Plane 😳13 Liters goes into Scrappy build # 29

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[Applause] oh [Music] it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings all right guys welcome back to mike petey scrappy cub the scrappy the cup build was spare parts people some people are calling we should call it scratchy cub because it's scratch build so it actually kind of makes sense but this is scrappy a lot of scrap parts and a lot of scratch build parts but what we're going to do today on this video is we're going to quickly get a engine stand to help me hang a motor on the front because ron is gone and i'm working by myself and i need to be able to tip it lean it right left but for those of you who are just joining along i've never watched one of my videos i like to build wild aircraft right now this cub we've got some trophy truck style suspension on it what we're throwing on it today is a 13 liter 780 cubic inch lycoming custom motor built for racing into a backcountry bush plane so i need to get it mounted to the front make a few adjustments and then we're going to get onto some more things we're almost caught up with all the videos to where we are today this video is just a little bit behind but we're gonna get to the new videos real soon so today let's get a motor hung and get back to work [Music] [Music] all right guys i'm done i thought it was going to be like an hour and a half to our project i think i'm in it probably three hours straight um it's now resting on the stand and what's really cool about this is i can pick with my crane slide it into place get it really close to position set the whole engine down and then scrappy is also on a crane and i can slide it forward now scrappy's really short right now i've got about eight inches out of the suspension so i've got a way squatted down just to get it at a height that can work out real easy um so this i think is a good height so i'll pick up the whole engine and my setting cage i don't know what to call that my motor mount jig adjuster thing anyway so i'll lift the whole thing up position it really close i can move scrappy scrappy can go up and down this can go up and down and then i can move any of the jacks and get my down and right my degrees of angle of offset to counteract the torque of the engine in flight so i've got all that calculated i know exactly what i'm going to do but give me a few minutes i'll get it positioned over there i'm going to slide this up get an idea move it out of the way now i won't have to have it hanging from the top i can lower this down to ground height but all my accessories on it get it all completely ready to go pick it out of this cage do one more weight and balance on the engine with every single component on it right down to every pressure switch i'll do a new uh center mass check and weight with the prop hub flywheel i still need to get on i'm machining that um i'll get that done and the engine done and then i'll just pair the weight and balance and adjust the motor mount perfect with upholstery and all done so let's get to work all right so i did something really simple for my stand i still want to be able to use this it has a little bit of a leaky ram but i can still use it takes days to leak down but i can put a brace in if i have to but i still want to be able to use this so i don't know if you noticed in my all my fast time lapse stuff but i've got a pipe and this pipe slides over that pipe so this whole upper assembly just lifts off my jacks can pivot sideways it will drop the frame back down onto its wheels put four bolts back in and i still have a usable lift hoist so i'll probably keep this contraption around aircraft number 14 right here i'm sure i got more to come and i'm really excited i finally went and quickly slammed out this little adjuster for setting my motors whenever i build a motor mount so i'm pretty pumped you can see right now i can uh go forward and back the kelly i'm gonna put on it hold on is this one so it's a karma cub ex3 cowling it's been getting dirty um this will go on the bottom of course none of this will fit right now but i'll fix it i've got to change the intake a bit i'm going to let a lot more air in so i've got to change the width because i've widened the entire plane scrappy's a lot wider so i'm going to cut this and this all the pieces make a mold out of it and build something that looks a lot like a carbon cup vx3 it's one of my all-time favorite planes and this has a lot of ex3 in it so a whole frame and another rec frame that i all put together so i want to keep that look anyway you can see it's going to be really easy to move the plane around if i want to move the plane forward back up down lean right left or the engine i'm going to be able to do that so i'm excited hey guys so i failed i tried really hard not to do any more work on my little stand for lifting motors and i was supposed to be working on scrappy but i kept looking at it so ugly i couldn't help myself i had to paint it now i'm all covered in red and i lost two more hours of build time so what was supposed to be like a two to three hour job i'm now five hours in and uh i don't have any help today i got uh my best friend ron he's the one that gives me a hand he needs time off now and then so he's at the lake i'm building stuff i don't know if it's worth it for the one build because i could have been a long ways on my motor mount right now but this is build number 14. so aircraft field number 15 the extra time i put in it will be absolutely worth it so thumbs up i'm done working on this silly jack let's get back to work on scrappy and there's ron with the camera hey guys all right so the firewall is uh looking like a big wrinkly mess as it should i put down some foil some duct tape just to protect the fact that everything's done on that firewall and i'm getting ready to pair the motor to scrappy i'm finally putting the motor on scrappy so i'm really excited i'm gonna build the last motor mount um the motor mount on here is done the attach point is done but i need to make the bars connect and the reason i waited till now so i've done the calculations on weight and balance over and over and over from the very initial design and then cross checking it along the way so i can't even tell you how many times i've done weight and balance checks because so much of it was done with math on every component without an actual airplane then building it and watching it along the way and it stayed right in line plus or minus just just a tiny bit all the way as i built until i made a huge change and i'm really glad i did it so um those of you asked i get a lot of this question so now that i'm thinking about it i'll tell you um if i design this first and build exactly as designed or do i kind of just make it up as i go it's a great question mostly i'd say 95 is original concept all the way through and then as i go i tweak a little but this is the plane i had in my head from day one and it's mostly the same but i had a huge design change that made a massive weight and balance shift because of where i located and that was my parachute i wasn't going to do a parachute and it's at the it's behind in the baggage area and it took up the weight of what would normally be my baggage so to fix it the motor had to come forward thank goodness it was a huge benefit because the motor was actually tucked so tight to the airframe that to work on it was really tight now with 100 pounds back the motor has to come forward i get a lot more room behind the engine it's going to be like working on a conventional aircraft really clean really simple maybe even be easier in some ways so i get to make that adjustment the interior's in scrappy my seats are in scrappy the panel then i've even got fuel in my fuel tank the oil cooler in the back is filled with oil the oil lines are filled everything is pumped full i get a new weight in balance there is nothing left to do back here but the wings and i have their moment and their weights so like the build estimated off of the original design but everything's holding pretty true so now i get to make my last final adjustment redo the weight and balance and adjust that engine just whatever little bit it needs to to get it exact now kind of give you an idea this engine moved 30 some just over 30 inches back from an original location to make this all work and now we're just moving it forward a little bit so to make up for the parachute hope that all makes sense all right i want to say uh what am i doing right now on the engine i got a couple left little things left to do before i can weigh it one last time i'm going to throw the prop back on it i took off every accessory and just decided to send it off to get it serviced overhauled even though they were low time like my bnc alternator my b and c lightweight featherweight starter it's a really high power starter that can crank over even this eight cylinder high compression engine i got a bnc secondary alternator back here i sent those off a couple weeks ago they turned them right around and showed back up before i was even ready for them so thank you bnc i've been using their products forever i love those guys thank you guys for rushing that for me even got it done sooner than i needed so i got all new overhauled accessories on it i did the same with my throttle assembly so airflow performance don did this for me um i got a cenom back my other one which was in pretty was actually fairly new had 200 somewhat hours on it and don sent me back a new improved version so don thank you i i couldn't i couldn't have expected this and it's really really awesome so i've used his products on so many of my engines so i've got a brand new one for my scrappy plane so i like it anyway i've also done my mechanical fuel pump i've got two electrical in the back plus a gear driven mechanical one so all my accessories are fresh and i'm ready to do i need to put those on do one more weight balance on the engine i'll set it up i got a pivot bar that i can rotate and slide it back and forth that center of mass is gonna be with between here and here i've got it marked i'm gonna be within a quarter inch um but i'll do that one more time then motor mount holy crap it's a lot of talking i'm gonna stop talking get back to work [Music] this is officially the location of the engine on scrappy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay guys sorry it's so noisy i don't have a mic i tried one kept breaking on me and then i'd have to re-record or actually it just lost a lot of footage because i didn't know it didn't record so i'm just going to yell why why are you yelling at me i'm finally done my motor mount took me about half a day yesterday and a good part of today so i would have had it down a lot sooner but i had a full day of work to do first but two days maybe a day's total real work but it's done i'm gonna paint it get it on the plane the engine is going to go on permanent [Music] run with the camera always hey guys i'm done you know it's just a motor mount but i'm so pumped because that means the motor is going on strappy so i did a couple things different with this motor mount what can i tell you about it so let me turn it the direction it goes you can see everywhere i have bars i wanted every one of them to have some kind of a lean to it it helps triangulate the motor mount so it doesn't move then i have of course the typical main triangle support that is done on all motor mounts with a couple extra so i always have this concern if that motor mount broke or failed and the motor comes off the front of the plane you die like i don't care how great of a pilot you are you could be the greatest pilot of all time and if you lose that mass moment the weight in that location off the front of the aircraft that tail is going to swing out from underneath you you're going for a long ride down and it's the worst thing you could do is lose a motor so i thought what can i do to make sure that my motor mounts never come off and one of them is a really simple thing i started to do a while back takes a little more work but instead of the motor mount bars coming straight out where you bolt it to the firewall i tipped them on angles pretty steep angles out and away from each other and on the boats that are at the firewall they're going all four directions so what you do is you insert the bolt on one side of the motor mount has to go through the firewall and then to the motor mount in a nut on the other side it goes from the engine side back into the airframe so the nuts the bolts change directions the purpose of that and the heavy steep angles is so that if i put all the bolts in you actually have to put the motor mount tight and then slide the bolts in the bolts are tapered like this and like this if i had the nuts vibrate off heaven forbid that that would never happen anyway but if it did and the bolts are all tipped gravity holds the bolt in location and vibration keeps it wanting to stay in location coming through this way and then the other motor mounts at the angles the opposite direction the bolt has to return the other way and the nut goes on the opposite side so that vibration keeps the bolts in go one step further than that by a heavy steep angle if you've got one angle tipping one way and one another the motor mount if it wanted to come off you'd have to drag the motor mount 45 degree angle or 30 degree angle one direction which is opposing the bolt on the other side which means if you slide the motor mount to the firewall you slide all the bolts in the correct direction you could never put a nut on it grab the motor mount and it can't come off the aircraft under any circumstance and gravity and vibration keeps the bolts in place kind of might be a waste of time but it's easy it's free it didn't cost anything didn't cost weight it didn't cost material just a little more time but an another added layer of safety the next thing i did most motor mounts only have four bolt locations some heavier bigger motors might go to six firewall mount locations this has eight locations so i've got the primary frame secondary frame the backup i am holding a monster motor on here and quite frankly we're gonna be putting it through its paces is some pretty rough country scrappy's built because i want to go land in some places where there's some ruts and bumps and some things that might normally send a plane for a loop so um i don't want to push it too far but i want to make the plane safe enough to handle more than i want to throw at it so i needed the motor mount to match i wasn't really happy with my welds not everything goes perfect i had some really tight areas where i was tacking it together with the mig burned it out after that with the tig but um some really difficult spots uh while i was doing it that uh the welds were less than ideal i sucked at a couple of them not my best work but it turned out good so i won't belabor that nonsense let's get this on the airplane get back to work [Music] [Music] all right guys i hope you liked that video i've got a lot more coming so you've seen me drop the back of the plane i've still got to drop the front of the plane i've got to build a cowling system i've got to do a flap design of course we got wings but that's after cowling drop and i also need to up some more horsepower because 500 just isn't enough so we got a lot more videos to come i hope you like subscribe if you haven't come back watch me build some madness that is scrappy a bush plane we're gonna go up get it airborne as quick as we can thank you all of you follow along we'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a silly little tip trick some of you may have seen it i'm not sure um one day i couldn't get a nut to stay in a long deep socket and i needed to use that deep socket to get it down in a hole but the nut would drop clear down the length of the socket so if you get a piece of blue tape any tape wrap it about one and a half times you hold it like that take the deep socket and then squeeze it in nice and tight and then it holds it for you and you can push it in and work it and spin it without the nut going clear inside so i use it all the time also sometimes i use it on the opposite i need to get a nut out of a hole and i'll reach down put a little piece of tape on it then i can undo it and when i bring the socket out the nut stays with the socket and i don't have it dropped down in the engine somewhere so silly tip let's get back to work
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 1,093,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Id: IzcRM4YKMpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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