Mark Patey | Executive Lecture

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well I'd like to welcome you to the read and Christine Halliday executive lecture series today's speaker is Mark patty mark was born in Salem Oregon in 1972 he started life as a high-energy curious curious child in the fifth grade mark was diagnosed as having ADHD and put in special education class with the mentally handicapped and school troublemakers yet went on in his life to build multiple successful companies starting the first at the age of 15 and employing hundreds by the age of 21 mark is currently the owner of prodigy engineering blue step technologies for k4 care pharmacies and growth climate relationship education and therapy centers past achievements have included building several other successful businesses both large and small he was the host of his own Motorsports show on ESPN and is consistently rated as one of the top presenters and trainers in the country most recently mark received global recognition for breaking the transcontinental world speed record once held by Howard Hughes flying a self built L play airplane across the United States mark bested the previous record by an astonishing 48 minutes and 11 seconds mark enjoys collecting building and flying airplanes and donates his time and personal helicopter to the UK Utah County search and rescue in 2010 the state of Utah warded mark with the citizen life-saving award mark is the author of addicts and millionaires the gift and curse of ADHD which is in the UVU bookstore if you'd like to get a copy that and he's also the host of the number one rated podcast on ADHD distracted with mark patty mark has an identified entity Ling Mike course mark is the better-looking of the two and he lives in Spanish Fork with his wife Susie they have four sons Paxton Kayson Trevor and Connor let's give a round of applause to our speaker today mark Beatty well this is this is exciting to be here I I look around and I see all the future business owners and leaders and that that for me is the most exciting group to speak to one because most of you are youth and I still consider myself a child and behave like one you could ask my wife more often than anything else and because I love business and I love seeing people try and succeed in business and I I actually love seeing people try and fail and get back up and try again there's there's really four types of people that I see in the business world that I want to talk about and you may have heard this before or at least heard of the first three and the important thing is to figure out where you fit in it the first type of people I see in in business really are those that are unconsciously incompetent unconscious incompetence is a funny animal because they complain a lot whether they're in business or working for somebody they're always wondering why the other guy is more successful they're frustrated at the fact that somebody else has a big house on the hill and they don't in fact they're angry and it confuses me if you listen to them in the day to day life it's never their fault they're completely incompetent and they're unaware of their incompetence it's almost always accompanied with arrogance the most incompetent among us are usually the most arrogant the next type of person I see in business and in the business world are those who are consciously incompetent now that's tough by the way conscious competence you can't live there you can't stay there it emotionally just tears you apart right so you either graduate and move up or you step back into unconscious incompetence and start blaming everybody else around you for why you haven't achieved what you want to achieve and I would say most people move out of conscious incompetence and that pain and they regress to unconscious incompetence more often than they move forward and if we're going to graduate from conscious incompetence and where we realize I'm not getting it done and I'm not getting it done right but it's my fault and I have something to learn to graduate from there you have to accept your own mistakes you have to accept that you don't know as much as you thought you knew and you move into the next phase which is conscious competence a conscious competence is difficult it's not painful but it's so much work I there's I'm going to give an analogy of a few of these so that you really understand it so that you can decide where you fit and I want you to be careful about where you think you fit conscious competence is like when you're learning to drive a car right the first time you got in your car with mom or dad and they're teaching at a drive and it's particularly impactful if it's the first time you're learning to drive a stick right you get into the car and you are unconsciously incompetent to begin and this is an important thing to understand is we all progress through this we can get through all phases of competence and I'll get to the last one at the very end the fourth one but we get into the car and dad or mom says in my case it was dad that says now listen what you need to do is push the clutch and it'll give a little bit ice like dad I so got this I've been watching you for years and I that's like okay all right and I pushed in the clutch and I get it and I put it in first gear and I'm looking at dad like uh-huh I knew where first gear was that's right you give a little gas you start letting out the clutch and also cuckoo-cuckoo boom and it stops right and you're scares yet and the engine stalls and you're wondering what happened and the shaking and now you've moved into conscious incompetence right you've graduated from unconsciously incompetent to conscious incompetent now when you're consciously incompetent if you're willing to stay there you're teachable and so dad says now listen mark you need to give a little bit more gas to be a little slower on the clutch you don't hurry this and you start to go through that process right and you graduate to eventually a point where you are consciously competent and what I mean by that is now you're in your car and you're able to start it put it in gear and you're like okay a little bit on the gas you're now on the road on your own you're out into traffic take a little gas clutch okay speeding up going through the gears look in the mirror am i clear I'm clear okay blinker moving over and you're thinking about everything you're slowing down getting on the brake the car starts to jerk and bam clutch just in time and it didn't stall it there's girls looking and they're in the back and now you're consciously confident but it's like it's so much mental effort right that first while I remember that recently well at all everything was so recently for me I think I'm so much younger than I am 1718 years ago I got my pilot's license and you really go through with that learning to fly an airplane you think you're so much better than you are until you get more and more experienced and you realize that you don't know how you survive the first 20 hours of flight right well here's the interesting thing you get to that conscious competence you're working your guts out and it's true in business too you see people grinding they're worn out at the end of the day they come home and they just need to sleep and pass out because if you ever notice mental work is far more exhausting than physical do you guys notice that I would much rather dig a ditch then go sit down and put this thing to work because this wears me out they're gonna ditch at least the end of the day I go look what I did that's right there I did that all this stuff at the end of the day you're going did I get anything done well eventually you move out of conscious competence where you're competent because you're thinking about every step to the final last phase and this is the most important that's what you see in successful business people you move to unconsciously competent and we've all graduated there all of us are now capable and unconsciously competent when it comes to driving maybe not all of us there might be few in the room nobody look at your neighbor when we get in the car we turn it on we started out we drive down the road and we're shifting gears and we're merging and we're getting on the highway and we're on our cell phone and we've got coffee in her lap and okay maybe don't do that right texting all without a thought how many of you have autopilot all the way to school or work without one conscious effort about one phase of that Drive everyone and so now you're consciously confident in one particular area the challenge I see I'm sorry unconsciously competent the challenge I see for so many people is that they get punched unconsciously competent in a certain area or in a certain business and then they get arrogant and they think they're all that I've got several friends or people I know really well but I've seen sell their businesses for millions one sold this company for over a hundred million dollars and went out and I mean he worked he was unconsciously incompetent consciously competent then moved to unconsciously competent in that field in that arena he did everything right it was innate it was who he was and then he made all this money and now he just knows it right and then he'd step into something slightly different and lost ten million bucks Wow I was a fluke and the investor did something else it was a little bit different and lost all this money it only took four years to lose over a hundred million dollars because he didn't recognize that in a different area of his life even though it was still business he was completely unconsciously incompetent and not willing to move into the faint painful realization of conscious incompetence where you can learn and be taught and progress I want to do a little exercise but I was waiting for something to show up but maybe she's not here yet we'll do it in a second I'm going to ask for three volunteers before too long and we're gonna we're going to put you up on the stage and we're gonna play a little game called where's the money i I want to talk about one other thing that as we wait for them to show up that's been really struck me lately I have a friend that has a he's a good friend of mine over the years he's done a lot of different businesses I've never seen him do less than ten million dollars on any business ever he just he's the ten million dollar man over and over and over and over and he has a phrase that I want you to if you're gonna make a note this is one you write down and apply it to absolutely every part of your life it's you can't get there from here you can't get there from here and what is referring to is people that want to talk about the things that they should have done or could have done or the people around them that screwed things up that wastes all the time in the board meeting or conference meetings or in planning meetings when you're trying to move forward and he'll stop a board meeting with serious powerhouses and he'll just stop I've seen him in a board meeting with with seriously powerful wealthy people around the room with Eagles as big as life who are talking about the things that have happened and he'll just stand up and go guys shut up you can't get there from here the only thing we can get to from here is tomorrow and the next day and what's happening later today yesterday we can't get there well thank you there it is how many of you have been caught thinking about what could have happened or should it happen or somebody else could have done yesterday all of you guess what guys yesterday we can't get there from here if you're going to put that in a more important part of your life I look at it from a I'm a religious person I'm not try to say that and sometimes I think that my my Savior would be like this business friend of mine where it's going to go look a little click stop worrying about what happened stop worried about what you did you you can't get there from here you can't fix that where are you going tomorrow and that's all that matters right I do a little exercise three volunteers I promise it'll be worth it volunteers quick one come up here to come up here three come up here okay now you guys are gonna you're gonna start to say just marked 80 guy what in the world was he doing he brought a little black bag with handcuffs insert joke here but keep it to yourself and then there's something else in here it gets better a blindfold and then most importantly some cash yeah blindfold handcuffs in cash I want all of you to sit down for just a second and I want one of you to put on a blindfold don't assume because he picked the blindfold he doesn't get the cash right one of you yet we're gonna do some handcuffs I got to get the keys you yeah you're gonna put it on no cheating I don't want you to what's that you'll take the handcuffs seriously it's your girlfriend here this is I'm used to them okay I want you to put that on one of your hands and put the other one right here on the chair okay and the black bag well that has the keys to the handcuffs okay now in life and I use this example I use cash as an exercise because it's a measure of success right it's not the only measure of success and it's certainly not the most important I would argue it's the least important but I certainly do like it right but I've got some cash here we're gonna play a game called where's the money no one talking about the four types of people who talked out previously where's the money with those four people if we're using that as a measurement of success where is it the fourth person who was unconsciously competent right the the the unconsciously incompetent looks at that guy and goes he's not that smart what the heck's he got that I don't got take his money from him and give it to me right okay so I've got some tens here and some fives and and honestly it's mostly ones it's only a hundred dollars but it's enough to make this exercise so we're gonna play a game called where's the money sorry buddy with a blindfold there's there's money up here there's money sitting up on a guy's leg up here there's some more money sitting on that guy's notebook there's money here okay you guys that aren't blindfolded you can see all this right okay then up here okay so there's a hundred bucks there's only one rule to this game okay the only rule this game is when I say go first person to grab the cash gets to keep it go sure Oh careful there we go nice nice is that all of it okay come on back come on back on the stage sit down okay you can take off your blindfold okay so we talked about how many types of people for I have three of them represented here right we have those that can't even see the opportunities in front of them right and they find they'll find some success in life he got something right they can't even see the opportunities in front of him now was was this a fair game I don't know it's it's I'm gonna let you think about that for a second now we had somebody who saw opportunities was a little handcuffed right now was there a rule you ended up by far with the most cash I think you should have well you maybe you did that's a pretty good fistful so between the two of you now was there a rule that said he couldn't drag his chair what was the only rule first one to get the caskets keeper right that was the rule was there a rule that you couldn't take off your blindfold ah what okay and then of course you just went out there and got you some lunch money yeah okay but I talked about four types of people anybody figured this out yet what was the only rule what first one that counts to get the cash gets to keep it who was the money closest to you this guy had it on his lap so did that guy and I think they were both at least $10 bills right and now you're that guy going suddenly from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence I don't know what it is guys but this is the the biggest fear I have for this upcoming generation is that somehow Society has taught us that unless we're invited to participate we can't somehow we think unless we got an education in it which you should and it's good right that's what we're here for but unless you thought specifically educated in this particular thing you can't do that job somehow we think unless we were invited to work for somebody we can't have that job I started my business at fifteen years old I walked up into the Salt Lake offices city offices and asked for a business license and at 15 years old by the way guys who did great thank you very much you can take your seats but you're you're the how much cash have you got that's just me creating my own opportunities if there's actually there's no lock buddy they it's just open okay give them a round of applause I went into I went into the Salt Lake business offices at 15 years old I was still the stereotypical twin I was a runt I was probably 80 pounds looked at 11 or 12 so picture me at 15 looking like a Cub Scout looking over this counter in Salt Lake cuz my dad drove me there because if I was gonna start a company I needed to have a business license saying can I have a business license please and these ladies looking at me going for what I said I'm starting a company what what do you mean you're starting a company aren't you to young I said is there a law that says I have to be a certain age to start a company and she goes I don't know if she looks too though is there in law that you have to is there an age on starting a company or having a business license and the other ladies saying what I don't know because we as a society assume somehow there must be a restriction because nobody's done it somehow unless invited or given specific permission or encouraged or told what to do don't do it it's ridiculous participate always assume it's for you assume the opportunity is yours to take because it is I got a business license because they just couldn't come up with a reason not to give me one I had to debate a little bit if I said fine they gave it to me now admittedly back then it was a lot different than it is today it was one-sided I filled it out and paid my $10 and turned it in regulations have changed a lot but it doesn't mean you can't participate it's gotten a little tougher don't let that be an excuse that's for those unconsciously incompetent that want to blame over-regulation on their downfall is it a challenge yes are we handcuffed in life sometimes yes absolutely but participate my first business was a construction company building redwood decks and we went out every day after school for weeks I'd get off a school bus and I would take my twin brother and I and all our friends are saying we're gonna go ride our dirt bikes on the track out in the farmer's orchard or like oh no we got to go to work you guys have been like trying to do your company for weeks have you got any jobs like no but we're okay now I came from a poor family when we started selling ourselves as someone who could build a custom deck on the back of people's houses and we were uniquely qualified right because we did one on our parents for the wedding so that made us qualify we didn't have any money at all and we thought well if we get someone to let us build the deck we'll figure out how to get tools because we didn't have any we borrow tools to build my dad stack we finally got a guy that knew my family and said aren't you the peytie twins like yeah you guys not a build the deck like yes we've done one you've done one and you want to attach it to the back of my house he said yes we're going to do a great job and he believed in us and so we started you know getting a lumber list together we said okay we have to we need tools we don't have any money so he went to our neighbors and said you know those tools you loaned us when my dad was and us were built on the deck can we lease those and he's looking at us like what do you mean we said well we'll pay you ten dollars per deck we build with your drill and ten dollars per deck that we build with your skill saw and we've got our own hammers because we saved up our money and bottom that's how we started you know many people come to me and it just it breaks my heart i I do investments from time to time I don't know why just because I love to lose my money but from time to time they'll give investments but it just kills me when I see people come to me and they've got this great business plan and they're saying all we need is your money and I'm going well no you don't I I'm thinking to myself there's so much work you can do without money but somehow they think that unless they have the money they can't even get started to work and I'm like thinking I went door-to-door for three weeks every day after school trying to tell people I was gonna build them a deck and I didn't have a drill or a saw I got to work the other thing we learned and that I want everyone to learn is that once you do get a business idea don't think it has to be great how many people I I do some consulting from time to time I have a podcast on ADHD called distracted that's been really popular so I get a lot of emails and and my distracted podcast seems to almost be as much about business and entrepreneurial ism as it is about ADHD and I get a lot of questions in and it's amazing to me how many people write in and say they're just looking for what might be a good idea or what trends and what ideas do do I think are out there that they should pursue and I'm like who said you had to have a brilliant idea to start your company you don't have to come up with the new app nobody thought of it's nice there's some great money there right you don't have to come up with an invention that's nice too if you want to learn about business and finding success in the world start a company any company I don't care if it's window-washing I don't care if it's building decks I started building decks nothing glorious or sexy about that we just happen to be really good at it when we got our first customers the next lesson was this first customer was this this guy that knew the family and he mattered so much because it took three weeks to get him right he was everything that was our company and it was started and so we worked so hard to make him happy and as we were getting near the end we started realizing we don't have another job and we're asking him do you know people do you know people think about it you know and we're going once we finish the job we start going out and knocking door-to-door and we're having the same problem again to Cub Scouts show up in the door saying hey our company's called deca and we're gonna build the deck on your house and they're going well where's your dad right and so we went back to the original customer a week later and said hey we we know it's been a week since your deck was done we're here with the drill and some screws we want to make sure no boards pulled up and we you know they said wow that's great I don't know and we'd go out there and it wasn't even a board that needed to be put in we're like we don't we're gonna pull that screw up we're gonna straighten it it's not a perfect line and we're gonna do this when we fixed it another week later we still don't have any other jobs and so we said we got all this scrap wood from his DAC let's make some planter box so we made some planter boxes we went back to this house we said hey it's our two-week anniversary since we finished building your deck we brought you some free planter boxes and this one's for this spot and this one's for this spot and this one's for that spot and wish we could give you some free plants but we figured you could take care of that do you have any referrals and he goes you guys are unbelievable hold on and it got on the phone and started calling friends right on the spot and suddenly we realized holy cow there's something to this doing stuff nobody expected he never expected us to show up how many of you have worked with contractors when they're done how many of you expect him to show up in a week and ask you how things are doing and if there's anything they can clean up touch up none of us how many of them expect them to show up two weeks later and say here's something free because it's a two-week anniversary of the job now we weren't smart we didn't learn this we were just dumb young kids that had our one favorite customer and the only person we had to take care of but we learned a valuable lesson this is another thing to write down it's called the two percent that counts the two percent that counts everybody has expectations right we all have an expectation whether it's the person we're married to or the person we're doing business with or the people that have invested in us whatever it is we have expectations our customers have expectations of us and in life somehow there is another disease in human nature to do what's expected of us and nothing more in America there's a lot of credit card debt right and if someone's got a $20,000 credit you know balance on their credit card and let's say their payments $287 minimum payment if they make that minimum payment every month how long until they pay off that credit card 15 years 20 if it's a higher interest rate to make the minimum payment right but if they update by 50 bucks a month instead of 15 to 20 years it's more like three to five so but here's the interesting thing this disease of doing what's expected and nothing more is so prevalent that even though that's so blatantly ridiculously painfully obvious throw away of money 90 plus percent of Americans make the minimum payment and still go to a movie and still go out to eat because that's all that was expected of them here's what we learned in business once you meet their expectations anything after that that 2% extra is the only thing that matters I'm not talking about simply going the extra mile because going the extra mile a lot of times is determined by you well this is what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna go a little bit extra and I'm gonna do a little bit more the 2% the counts is meeting their expectations what was your customer expecting of you get it all done ask him if it's done ask him if they're happy are we good we're good I'm not getting a final payment got a final payment thank you you guys are awesome will you refers will refer you great all expectations met and in business just like in a credit card or in your personal life once you've met all expectations you broke even you broke even you're getting nowhere absolutely nowhere in your business and nowhere in your personal life meeting every expectation is a net gain zip but two percent extra you know much work and money and blood sweat and tears on that first deck to make that customer happy and we got it all done and we didn't get one single referral two weeks later we had three more jobs lined up because the two percent after expectations were matters the only thing that mattered we took that lesson and applied it with every single customer customers that demanded too much that made us mad that's the oh my gosh they're asking us now to put a free cement pad at the bottom of the stairs and now they're wanting the upgraded six by six posts on the handrail instead the floor by four and God you just want to you get well now you've spent $800 or $1000 more making this customer happy and he didn't make a dang red cent on that customer you just want to walk away from them we'd say okay we finally did everything and they expected that and they knew dang well this was the contract and they screwed us and we met that expectation we would dig down and go okay now we have to do the two percent that counts otherwise it was a net gain zero and guess what even an a-hole will give you a good lead don't let it be for nothing we we went on from there and started up selling you know our company got a lot bigger because we realized everybody we built the deck for certainly would need a hot tub we became the largest volume hot tub dealer and this is fun to be here in Utah speaking but really the largest volume hot that dealer in the state of Utah before we opened our first retail store then we opened a store and we open some more stores and then we realized wow there's money in these hot tubs so we bought a factory that was going out of business in Colorado and started making hot tubs and selling him to Sam's Club and and from there we went on and did seven or eight other companies and I'd say seven of them were very successful but it's the principles that you learned and if there's anything from today's lesson the main things we want to go home with today is one when you're talking about four types of people recognize and accept as I have to force myself to do that you are I am completely and totally unconsciously incompetent I know I'm incompetent I know I'm so incompetent I'm not even aware of how incompetent I am I tell people our HR department I tell them look there's a main requirement if they're gonna work for us or work for my company the one and only requirement is they have to be smarter than me that's hit and that's that's not very hard that's me smarter than me in the area we're hiring them in I not like you guys I I I didn't go to college I tried for a little bit I struggled with it I didn't make it right that put me at a disadvantage but I knew how to work really really hard which gave me an advantage and I knew that I wasn't real smart which gave me an even bigger advantage right and I also knew that I can hire people way smarter than me a lot less money and time that what it might have taken me to go get the education in that area because guess what you can't be an expert in absolutely everything but you absolutely can hire an expert in absolutely anything if you're willing if you're thinking about starting your own business another thing I want to give you just as an advantage to help you you don't have to be and don't think you have to be the smartest guy in the room you just have to be the one willing to take the risk there will and always will be people who will never step up and lead I hope that's none of you because right now we don't have enough leaders we've got a lot of people that think unless they're invited to participate in life they won't participate and they're going to school so that they can get a good job I actually hear this from people yeah I got to go school so I can get a good job and I'm going oh how about go to school to get a freakin education that's a much better idea go to school so you can get an education go to school so you can network with people you might want to hire because they're smarter than you and they're not willing to take the risks you are I get passionate man I worry I worry about the future of this country because I I see a disease a mental disorder I have to admit I am a big fan of zombie movies and I is a fan of zombie movies before it was cool so so okay to admit I'm dying for the next seasons to start so I can see the zombie apocalypse roll through and see how Rick does okay you're all with me then there's a mental disorder that's just like the zombie apocalypse that I see growing in America and zombies are funny creatures right zombies don't really have a brain they wander around and they feed on the flesh of the living now zombies can't feed on the flesh of zombies if you notice that zombies can only eat fresh meat they don't eat each other but they band together to go kill their fresh meat and eat it and and their brains don't work all they do is need to eat and consume and they will kill anything that will feed them that's my fear for America the zombie apocalypse is a disease in the brain that I call the entitlement disorder we are living the zombie apocalypse the entitlement disorder is this disease that clouds all and any rational thought that it's okay for you to feed off of that person it's okay for you to not produce if that person's producing and you can eat their flesh the entitlement disorder is I had a guy that worked for me once that Astro raise and Astro raise and I couldn't give it to him because he was lazy right and he'd say well I got this degree he came to me once and he had finished college and I thought that was great and he says okay I finished college I want to raise well ok what more are you going to do in your current role or are you wanting another role or what do you wanted to do and he says no no I I i-i've got a degree now so I deserve a raise so you don't deserve anything you earn a raise by performance you're not entitled to it because of an education the education is there to teach you how to work not grant you something that's the entitlement disorder that's the zombie apocalypse I I go to Detroit every year I have a business that's in the automotive industry I go to Detroit every year that whole city's gone walk up and down the streets it is the zombie apocalypse entirely buildings are falling down they don't even have the money anymore in that city to to knock over the buildings that are unsafe to be in it's everybody's left you know what people that know how to work hard do when they see a lot of zombies around wanting to feed off their flesh you know what they do they leave they go somewhere else sadly I have a little brother that really smart brilliant person employed a lot of people he left our country because he could go somewhere else where he was celebrated for his success and celebrated for hiring people here's the test right and then I'll get off this and we'll have a few minutes for question answer any of you who have a cell phone that was given to you by your parents or paid for by your parents that haven't thanked them regularly or told them as soon as I can I'm going to make that monthly payment for you if you haven't done that you already have the entitlement disorder see it's okay to help people and it's okay to accept help when you need help and it needs to be done that's part of our social contract right is to help and lift each other up but as soon as you're one taking from somebody else and aren't grateful you're infected you have a disease and there is no way you will ever be successful it's impossible this one guy I told you about that wanted the pay raise I I couldn't give it to him he finally came back to me and said okay I've got a game plan I am going to now when I show up to work I'm gonna do this and this and this and this as well as what I've been doing and I said Wow all that this is yep I said how many XR is gonna work none I'm gonna get all this done while I'm here and I thought to myself then what have you been doing if you have that much free door I mean I'm thinking do I need to cut your pay but he was getting paid for what he was producing he says if you raise my rate to this much then I will I will accomplish all these extra things I said I have a better idea because I love everything on your list is legitimately great stuff this is awesome you do those things and I'll give you a race well if you're not going to pay me the extra why would I do it I said if you're not doing it why would I pay you I said you've got the order wrong earn it first and then you get the reward earn it first this comes all the way back to people that come to me with business plans and say invest in this and I'm going what have you got done so far we've got an awesome business plan you know we've made some phone calls we've got some beings with little planning a little programming and I'm going turn it earn it if it's a great idea and you've been working your guts out all invest I'll invest in any but that knows how to work if I get for one second the idea that someone has the entitlement disorder and they're part of that flesh-eating zombie apocalypse there's no way I'm giving them $1 I'm kicking them out of their office with a nice smile and good luck boys I don't like losing money I don't I think that's good I I want to keep five minutes for questions don't be part of the zombie apocalypse by the way every one of you call your parents and say thanks for the car or thanks for the phone or thanks for helping with my college tuition I love you and I appreciate you and I have to tell you that because I don't want to have that disease in my brain that says I'm entitled to it just because I was born your child okay questions I was so good there aren't any yes please what's that on stitcher you know I'm not hip enough to even know what stitcher is so the question was how do we get the podcast it's not on stitcher I I don't know find any podcast player there's easily 50 of them and then get on that player and search marc-patty or search distracted with marc-patty you'll find it ok other questions yes that's a longer story than I have time for but my brother and I were fortunate enough to have the right kind of reputation when a company needed some things to get done in a real big hurry and they came to us and said we have a project that needs to be done by in time for the Detroit Auto Show some electric vehicles that need to get done and someone said if you'd need a miracle you know go to the pay T brothers and I don't know that's a that that they were real smart to recommend that but fortunately they believed in us we pulled off their miracle and instantly we had a great reputation for being able to engineer and build things in short order that actually worked because our vehicles were in the Detroit Auto Show working yes okay so prodigy engineering is a great example that was the company my brother Mike and I are what most people would call shade tree engineers right garage mechanic engineers usually that said as a pejorative for those who don't have an education right about people like us that will have an education always a shade tree engineer well the reality is when I'm excited about something I dig in and learn if I don't know I'll buy the book I'll read it I'll consume it there is this this problem where somehow people get the idea that if your education didn't come from an institutional education it's it's not valid but the reality is whether you learned one from one one plus one equals two in a classroom with one plus one equals two on YouTube or from reading a book one plus one is still two right well we were we were engineers we were building and racing airplanes and building and racing cars and having success there and doing some cutting-edge stuff and that's why they approached us and said could you help us with this and we said yes and we hired like 50 people to accomplish the project and instantly a successful company was born and and that's prodigy engineering it's been very successful for us but I just recently sold it so I'm not there anymore yes up here okay so okay so the question was he comes from an entrepreneurial family and how do you take a company and change the direction of it or change it to take it from one field to another do you sell or you start a new your question there's no way I could answer now I don't have enough information to answer your question specifically but I can say in general when I'm looking at a company and I'm wanting to turn it around or do something with it I am looking first and foremost for anyone in the company that has the entitlement disorder and I can him for their own good it's not because I'm a big evil greedy capitalist but if somebody is expecting something without putting in an effort get rid of them so they can learn to get to work and actually do themselves and their family and everybody else so first thing I do is look for the entitlement disorder and if it goes all the way to the top I'll sell the company if I can but usually it's not a company that you can sell right is it the entitlement disorder of that disease has infected the company sometimes it's easier to close it down but that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for the entitlement disorder I'm looking to the Arup do people in here know how to work and they just need a new direction or these people have a disease and they're Detroit on a mini scale right that you just need to say get rid of it and get people and how to work I mean if I had to pick brilliant person that's a little bit lazy or works their tail off but not very smart I'll take works their tail off every single time okay other questions one last question okay up here in the middle okay that's a great question and I can finish that with the story so this question was when we built the deck and we went back how did we know that he would want plant boxes or want the 2% that he would like it and it would work the reality is we didn't we didn't know but the 2% that counts is so powerful that if you've met their expectations right that's that's the point no matter so I'm trying to dodge light so I can see you the if you've met their expectations it doesn't matter what it is so one last story on the 2% accounts and then this was a good way to finish off our time today and go have lunch my twin brother Mike he's been he's been very successful and for a while he was in too big race boats and about every year goes by a boat and he'd go through that painful process of dealing with salespeople and picking up a boat well he went out and at the time this was probably almost 20 years ago he went into a dealership and spent at that time would have been a lot of money on a boat like 120 grand right and here's this big massive Baja twin-engine twin supercharged go-fast boat right and I didn't get a phone call I and Mike and I we're identical twins right we talked about everything and he didn't even call me spending that much made in a boat didn't even matter it's like oh yeah it's time for a new boat I there's a new faster one I'm gonna order it get it in and we're gonna go to the boat lake and have fun he didn't call me when he called me it was like two weeks after the fact he gets a flat I get a phone call he says mark guess what I'm like what he says we got to go for big gulps I gotta show you something awesome and I said really what is it what is it he says no no this is big gulp worthy we're gonna get big gulps and that's what us twins do right even if we're not first year I just finished a 64-ounce er big gulp time is about the drive to get the drink and sit and sit big gulps and so it was big gulp time like his big gulp worthy we're gonna stop everything and meet up and go to the gas station this is huge and he says and I get in his truck and he says check this out then he pulls up a t-shirt and it's so redneck stupid but it cool in its own way it was a picture of a baja boat and it's crashing threw away this big huge longboat and the wall spraying out it's full color you know what I mean redneck t-shirt right full color went water-splitting shootin off into the air the boats halfway up in the air there's two motors and the water's coming off the back of the propellers as its launching then it says Baja boats the water must be punished and I'm like cool t-shirt he says I know it's awesome they sent me two here's one for you like who sent you a t-shirt he says oh yeah the guys I bought the Baja boat from I said you got a boat he didn't call me over $120,000 new Baja boat but a $2.00 freaking pea sure was worth a big GoPro because he didn't expect it it was the 2% after all his expectations were met and I know Mike I know he beat him up on price and then wanted probably free wake boards and free Tower and free radio and a porta potty to stick under the seat he would have beat them to death and been like yeah I got the new boats gonna be fun but they sent him t-shirts he didn't expect the two percent after all expectations are met no their expectations meet it give it a little time take a breath and go a little bit farther thank you very much guys you've been fantastic
Channel: Utah Valley University
Views: 147,862
Rating: 4.9232063 out of 5
Keywords: Orem, Ut, UVU, Utah, Valley, University, Executive Lecture, Mark Patey, entrepreneurship, business, airplane, adhd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 58sec (3118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 22 2015
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