Monster Race Engine Roars to Life in Tiny Bush Plane 😳 | Scrappy #34

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hey guys welcome back part two we are firing up and gonna do some real run time on this 13 liter 780 cubic inch high compression engine put into this little bush plane scrappy so we're going to get into a little more meat potatoes talk about the first start what we're watching for the steps of putting up more and more power changing the prop all kinds of fun stuff let's get this party started and get to work it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings one of the things i really need to pay attention on a lot of things i have to think about when i first started up an engine this engine has been sitting for over a year now so right when i started normally you go right for oil pressure the first thing i'm going to listen for is any kind of valve ticking maybe i've got a stuck valve something that's rusted or seated and i'm going to want to chop it right away if i don't hear that right off the bat at the same time i'm looking for oil pressure to come up like any startup and then obviously there's any misfire or anything else um i think the timing's all lined up right so i shouldn't have a problem there but as i go through it i'm gonna go right for the sound oil pressure simultaneously and then i'm gonna check the the basic things that wouldn't hurt us if it was on like the fuel pressure make sure that that calibration looks right i set it up right i programmed it in the garment right i know what fuel pressure it should be and as long as it's in line and in the color i'll feel really good about that but the first time you fire up um i like to call people over so i'm gonna have all my friends there because i want people on all sides in case there's something really bad like a leaky fuel injector or a fuel line that for whatever reason during our double check process we didn't tighten it um the last thing we need is a fire and that is pretty common on first startups not pretty common it's rare but it happens more often than you would actually think so i definitely have fire extinguishers standing by i have safety people on both sides before i even start it up i'm still going to yell clear prop because we always do and it's a habit but typically if i'm getting ready to start up i have people going all the way around before i even turn the key or yell clear prop i've had everyone check all the way around make sure no one's there and then out of habit all year clear you help play a prop get started [Music] so after we got it started up everything sounded good i couldn't hear any valves or any ticking that would bother me there was a ticking noise it was clearly an exhaust leak but just to be sure i wanted to double check it we shut it down went back out looked around and i anticipated them exhausting because during the first run-ups i was using the temporary exhaust that wasn't finished and i just re-used the same gaskets on the headers now sometimes you can do that but the gaskets i have i like to use have a ring inside that gets compressed and if you take them off and they don't end up on the same one quite frankly once you take them off but i didn't want to throw away a whole new set when i do a contemporary sauce and made a run so we did have a tiny exhaust race if you hear a little tick tick tick tick tick it's a little puff of the sauce right out a couple of gaskets but everything went great [Music] yeah so right here what we're doing is we're just doing different rpms different power settings checking to see how much torque is on the strain gauge see how much pull we're getting and this is just a very steady slow not rush process it's really fun it takes a while but it's just it's relaxing it just feels so good to be at this part of the build and get to just sit and have the engine run and watch everything watch the temperatures it is currently right now every now and then i give a little gas it's still popping a little bit of white smoke the white smoke is oil burning if there were black smoke it would be too rich since it is white smoke i do know there's a lot of oil all over inside it from fogging the engine and pickling it and so that's going to happen for a while if it doesn't go away after a good long run a bunch of taxi runs high power for lengthy periods of time make sure everything seats in real good then it's something i'll look into further but right now everything is on par and i couldn't be happier with it hey guys all right so i'm doing something i've never done before and that is i'm trying out um a new set of exhausts now this other exhaust came off my race plane we built these ourselves just formed them and made them right on the airplane back when i built it we made our own exhaust but i've been hearing great things from some friends out there that are using experimental aircraft exhaust systems and so i called them up and thought you know what i'm going to give them a shot and see what i think so this is a trial for me to actually have someone else build my exhaust for me i'm kind of excited about it so what we're going to do is they made these custom ends that we'll go through we can bolt them on the aircraft and then they give you a whole bunch just a kit of basically every kind of bend and elbow and you just glue and screw pvc pipe to this that's bolted to the engine feed it down into a collector that's reduced down to a size that the pvc two inch pipe will fit on and then you can carry off the other end with a smaller pipe and make your entire exhaust system so i'm excited about it it's like a arts and crafts time building exhaust ralph are you eating your paste now i went ahead and put these on and i test around the engine i could just use these and i may still use this front section we'll see i'm going to start building a set of pipes out of pvc that are going to go down and out the back something like that anyway i'm going to glue a bunch of pipe together screw them together build a sedative exhaust and see how they can do making me a set all right guys so this is really awesome these all look familiar because these crazy bands and double backs are all things i made years ago but they've gone through and cut out and inserted this joint and this allows the pipe to have a little bit of movement once you get a lot of expansion and contraction these pipes grow a lot and there is a slip right here they slide into each other and they have room to move a little but when this is moving at this end we're not worried about this breaking or cracking and this is hanging from the engine and also has movement so this end typically isn't cracking this end as it expands contracts tends to bend this bar back and forth just a slight amount for years and you get a little break right up in this area right here is really common we're actually going to weld one up today for a friend and uh and this joint right here allows these two to move independently of each other stay completely connected so i have never used these before but i've always wanted to and i've heard great things about it so experimental aircraft exhaust thank you guys i am really happy with how this has turned out there's a couple things i'm noticing right off the bat just talking to you um my connection bolt points for the the adjustment where these slide in and out they have put a a secondary plate over the exhaust pipe and then weld it to it this is a common area of break and uh i love that they went through and did this um added layer of protection masks on every single part see that right there so um i can't wait to slide this all together it looks amazing so we'll see how it fits let's get back to work last one as you start the engine obviously your exhaust gets really hot the expansion rate is unbelievable with the heat so your exhaust is they collect that grows to the back the next place you see a lot of times exhaust crack is when they try and mount the back of the exhaust too tight they've got to put a hanger on it and in fear of that hanger being too tight a lot of times they do the opposite if it's too tight and the exhaust can't move then you'll get a crack if you don't do it tight enough and the exhaust is hanging under there and swinging side to side which you see even on certified aircraft with way too much movement then you get a crack from fatigue movement from vibration of the exhaust moving so i'm doing something a little different i just made these simple little brackets out of stainless steel plate bent them up and then you can see i've got these little bolt patterns here this is going to go right at the front of the aircraft and i'm going to put a little hole on the flange that the cowling goes and hooks to and this little tab is going to pass through the bottom of the plane and it can move side to side like this as the exhaust expands it contracts this thing can swing because the exhaust will literally move that far from full hot to full cold so what i'm going to be able to do is snug this bolt down this passes through and then this hooks to the exhaust so i can snug this to it put this on the pipe and then as the exhaust grows and shrinks it can pivot like this and i get all the correct movement no swinging and i should eliminate any exhaust cracks so between the pivot bulbs of the header and this at the back is my hanger we'll see if that prevents future problems all right guys i just finished it finished tightening up the exhaust everything is locked on i got all the egt probes in um the isolators are done my little pivot brackets back here are on they're connected with this extremely flexible part right here this allows the when the engine starts up there's a lot of movement on startup or even in flight vibration that will allow the side to side movement and then the pivot at the back is for the expansion rate of the exhaust which expands this way which will push this pipe to the back i'm really happy with how the exhaust turned out i've got my cross tie bar under here that passes and connects both sides of the exhaust that prevents movement side to side like this and just uh keeps the exhaust these four pipes helping these four pipes stay together and it minimizes the chance of cracking so um anyway i'm pumped uh the guys who did this experimental aircraft exhaust they took the headers i made years ago and they finished connecting these ends and putting on these joints they did an amazing job i think next time rather than building my own exhaust system i'm going to give them a try on a complete set from start to finish because their welds are absolutely spot on they did amazing work so quick shout out to those guys thank you for doing such a great job for me you saved me um probably a couple of days of work just tying in my old exhaust with how i wanted to finish it you guys did awesome so thank you i think this thing's getting really close a little more button-ups and we're going to fire it up let's get to work hey guys i'm super excited about how the second day of engine run testing is gone i got some great footage i will show you in just a second but right off the bat the oil system the oil cooling right here i could not be happier we took it and we idled it and it got almost 102 degrees outside air temperature really warm for this time of year record actually and we pushed the temp up and we just let it idle for over 20 minutes i got up against the verna therm 188 190 degrees never moved i pushed the power up more and more and more i got to a half throttle and that temp stayed dead on so mark came over and he put his hand back here air is coming in here and right here he can just feel the heat being sucked out of this grill and i never got it off the vermi therm so if i can do that 100 degree day tie down a ramp i couldn't be happier the other thing that was something you always wonder that went really well is i did a couple of high-powered bursts down the runway the taxiway kind of checking things out now the first question you asked did i go to full power no i'm still baby stepping we're gonna get there but i did push it up and i'm gonna show you those clips right now and the plane is tracking dead straight and i have a ton of rudder left even when i kind of bump it and spurt it just goes and it's tracking so i couldn't be happier with the ground stability control right now um i got a lot more testing to do more power to throw at it right now before i go full power uh i'm gonna pull off the headlockers inspect it one of the things i did do when i put the new exhaust system on i got the new gaskets on instead of reusing the old ones the little ticking i had a little while ago that i thought was the exhaust because i was reusing gaskets on an old set of headers it went away completely so that was great news to have right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull my head lockers off just for a visual inspection check the valves lifters rockers go ahead at the same time i'm going to replace all the o-rings uh when i designed my headlockers i made it so the o-rings could simply be pulled out a rope insert put in they've been in there for years and years never leaked a drop of oil out of them it's tight as a drum but it's been a long time i'm going to open that up inspect it new o-rings close it up and at that point i'll feel ready to go ahead and push all the horsepower at it so we got more to come i'm going to show you these videos and then you guys know the drill let's get back to work [Music] so [Music] foreign
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 570,092
Rating: 4.9346313 out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made, Lycoming Engine, cool engineering, engineers
Id: lipif7KVfsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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