Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan (Stackie) being Best Friend Goals (Part 2)

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you know did you ever expect to make such a great connection with Anthony the funny part is I didn't really have any real scenes with them in the first movie that he did together and then and then we kind of hit it off more on these pressed or jerk turn back you previously said you've got a nine picture contract that's what happened to the rest of my DS exactly you know paying for karaoke who is most like their character in real life because you're so you so reserved it's so silent are you ready six 300,000 six hundred and fifty days I think about 60% what he says is true I'm right five percent of the time nasty right there this buck nasty baby yo why is no one talking about Sam Wilson with a beard and a new infinity war poster boom I don't know I think my beard looks actually really good to say I can't grow facial hair I thought it was very shaft that's what I thought maybe that's where you're going look at that look at those those eyes are just piercing no I'm still like trying to you know realize that I'm sitting up here with these guys you know so I'm wherever those two fellas want to take you know the the stories where I'm going so and also really survived the Mac attack come on come on the must what times I can't right now I just had lunch you know it's go time so trying to digest which way is the beach sea bass which way is the beat down there who from Team cap would you pick in real life to have your back I mean I probably would have to say hey I'm not saying you don't so don't say me yes and my students and I want to know who would be part of your crew if you were to take a mission into space Amina Maki is like entertainment when I'm bored I'm thinking like a people who I could help me survive a break Maki screams good fun but but I usually know [Music] [Applause] east of your favorite holiday cuz you about to eat some chocolate homie I'm sailing tomorrow I guess to do with the firm on your big trailer you could have the door I mean I got the grill bus yes into the world and it felt good we had a chance to just create our own space yes not trying to brag but the thighs are the way to heaven you know what I mean you ever see a tree without a trunk the love-hate situation between you two they keep pairing you together so this is a couple looks I mean you know we glanced at it we glare great guy this must have kind of been like going to Disneyland coming to set every day with Lynette I'm doubling its two movies so if you take it I study math and so if you multiply it by two that's one [Laughter] we got a murderer you know like my gained a friend this time around I still have never been to New Orleans by the way even though one of my best friend's lives there final question who do you think you'd still be hanging out with 20 years from now probably him yeah
Channel: Ziggy
Views: 682,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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