CapCut Crash Course: A Beginner's Guide to Mastering the Free Desktop Video Editor

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hi there welcome to teachers Tech my name  is Jamie and it's great to have you here   today I want to show you how to use cap Cuts  free video editor for your desktop now this is   a incredibly simple to use video editor I put  it up there as one of the best ones to use you   can download it whether it be on your Windows  or Mac and start editing videos right away so   if you're new to video editing I'm going to be  showing you the basics in this part one of the   for this beginner's tutorial and then we'll  do more advanced stuff as we go through it   but let's get started on this beginners tutorial  on how to use cap cut for your desktop [Music]   if you haven't downloaded and installed cap cut on  your computer yet I'll put the link to this page   right here Down Below in the description then you  can click on it and come to it and just download   it and install it and then we can go get going  from there I do want to point out once you learn   how to use cap cut on the desktop it's very easy  to switch to their different ways that you can   edit videos with cap cut you can edit directly  online so if I go over to this right here you'll   see I can edit online I would have to upload my  videos to be able to do that the nice thing with   working on your desktop you won't have to do that  but you can also switch over to your mobile device   maybe an iPad or phone and edit videos with capcup  there and what you're going to notice is that the   layout is very very similar so you can just jump  into that right away and edit videos but you go   ahead and get that installed on your computers and  then we're going to just open it up from there so   you can see right here I have my cap cut shortcut  on my desktop and I'm going to go ahead and open   that in a moment I just want to point out I have  this other folder here it has media in here so   by media this is what we're going to be using to  practice the video edits that I show you but with   this there's just different MP4s mp3 for audio  and some pictures just so yeah so I can show you   some examples so that's what that folder is there  but I'm going to go ahead and open cut up right   here and you can see how quickly it pops open  and I really like that about it now when we're   starting a project it's as simple as just clicking  new project but before we do that I just want   to show you a couple things I want to point out  that things this will automatically save so when   we start a project you don't have to worry about  saving it all the time it will automatically save   the other thing I want to point out with up here  is settings so if you go to settings and click   this you'll be able to notice that you can change  your language so if you need a different language   you can go ahead and adjust just that and the  other thing is there's a sign in I'm not signing   in today I'm just using everything locally on my  computer saving everything on my computer at the   end but if you do did want to connect it let's say  to your Tick Tock account or log in with Facebook   you can do that as well but as I said in today's  example I'm just creating it on my computer   because you can still upload it to where you need  after that so let's go ahead and start new project   and we'll do kind of a brief walk around with it  so with the new project you can see it snaps open   and we have a layout with these different uh these  different Windows kind of inside of here so I do   want to point out the layout can be changed very  quickly so I can go up to this tab right here or   this little drop down and you can see I can adjust  the layout so if I was going to adjust you can see   now one went over to my other monitor but I can  always go back to default here and we can always   adjust these drag and any of these here to make  more room in a certain one we can even drag it out   if we would like and place it back in so I just  want to point out you can set up things whatever   works the best for you we do have our menu up  tops if you need to go back to change you can   see layouts here we do have the settings that I've  showed you before if you may need to make any of   those but with a lot of these you can go along and  change certain ones that I'll show you and we'll   talk about later but so that's your your basic  layout let's go ahead and bring some bring some   media in so bring some of those videos in bring  some of that audio in or pictures and I want to   show you some different ways now right here we are  under this first icon here the media so this is   where we're going to bring in our media this isn't  where we're going to be editing it we're going to   edit it down here but we're going to bring it into  here first so I'm just going to go import and you   can see it open ends up and since I've had this  folder open before it went to my desktop to my   Capcom media which is the same as this one right  here so I could go ahead and pick a file so this   is an mp4 MP4 is a video and I'm just going to  hit open and now I have this in here I this isn't   nothing to do with editing yet I'm just bringing  it into kind of my my local media here and I need   to drag it down to here to edit but maybe I want  to preview it you can see over here I can go ahead   and hit play and I will go ahead and play and I  can pause it through here to see what the media   is now that's one way I can bring different videos  or audio in is by hitting the import right here   and I can view it differently if I wanted a list  versus versus the uh the icon or the grid that   I had before but let's say I open up this folder  here take a look at this I could drag just right   into this as well so so I have this one now I have  another clip in but I can also bring multiple ones   in so let's say if I take all of these right here  I selected all of them and just drag them in I can   just go ahead and let go and now all these are in  my media so I can look through them I can take a   look some of these are videos some of these are  pictures on it depending on what I didn't look at   my whole list that I had but you get an idea with  the time on it you can see which ones are videos   this is just an audio okay so now we have these in  I want to show you if also new close out here all   of a sudden I'm just going to hit the X up top  and close it what we started right here is here   so notice if I go ahead and just click on that it  opens back up in all the media that I brought in   is right here so now that we have some media in  here let's start with some basic editing I just   want to point out you can change the name of your  files here you can see I changed this to practice   by just simply clicking on those three dots go  to rename and then you can make it whatever you   want because as you get a lot of different videos  you'll probably want to name them correctly rather   than just the numbers I'm going to open this  project back up and let's start with making some   basic editing and showing you how that works with  a little short video here this 30 second one of   the bird so I can add this to the track down here  in a few different ways I could hit the add to   track here and you can see how it gets put on here  now once it's down here I'm just going to delete   this I'm going to hit the delete right here and  it goes away I can also drag things down and place   them in the track as well now I'm going to jump  into just some editing I find people want to know   this right away how do you shorten a clip so if I  go right now if I go ahead and hit the space bar   this is a little trick here so if I hit the space  bar and click it again notice it stops and starts   it's a lot easier than hitting the stop and start  just by the play and pause up here so just use   the space bar to go back and forth fourth notice  wherever I put my mouse and I hit the space bar it   jumps to that wherever that yellow line is on it  so just as you're previewing the video as well but   I can also drag this playhead and drag it as slow  or as fast as I want to go through it so let's say   I want to do a little cut here um little trim  and I just want to start it about right before   the bird grabs this first bite now there's a few  different ways to trim and this works the same in   all the all different editors it's a simple one  trimming from the beginning or end you just need   to hover over the beginning and if I click and  hold my mouse I can just trim it by doing that so   now the video is shorter on there notice there's  a gap right here now I have mine off right here so   I'm just going to go here so turn on Main track  magnet if I turn that on and usually by default   yours would be on and then it would push it back  at the beginning and it would always turn the   clips push the clips together and you'll notice  that as they add more but I do want to point out   just because I I trimmed that doesn't mean I can't  put it back I can actually drag it back as well   so I can trim from both ends so if I trim from  the end I can trim from the beginning and then   since I have my magnet on it pushes to the  beginning so I've made this clip much shorter now   you can see now it's an 11 second clip versus the  30 second clip that we started with and I can trim   even more but I can always put it back so as my  more just by grabbing and bringing them back that   way so very don't think about it if you trimmed  made a mistake you can still be trimming and get   it back to what you want the other way you'd want  to trim or take something out is usually in the uh   in the middle so if I go to my playhead and I'll  say right here I want to take something out well   this is where I can split so this is my split  tool right here so the shortcuts Ctrl B and if   you're editing a lot shortcuts are great to use  it'll speed you up a lot but for beginner you can   start here I'm just going to click it and now I  have two pieces so I've made a split and notice   it just jumps back if I turn off my magnet and now  I can drag them apart so if I had it my video now   if I have a gap notice if I hit I'm going to hit  my spacebar and play it as it gets to the Gap it's   black so usually you'd want to have that filled  in to it now if I want to take out a chunk I could   delete this like I've showed you before by hitting  the delete if you don't and I could go ahead and   drag that back in still or I could even undo so if  I undo a couple steps it goes back and you can see   all the last steps that I made as well now I want  to point out if I go to another section and then I   hit split again now I have a chunk so if I take  out this chunk watch right here I could since I   don't have my magnet on the Gap is staying there  I can take this out I can move it to the end so   I can reorder if I go and hit my play here and  then it jumps over between those just a slight   jump cup you don't even barely notice it through  there but I can change the order of everything   and I can make more splits I can make this one  and drag it uh into a different place uh and I   can drag these all around to make them fit so you  can slice up your video as you want and when you   select you can actually select multiple so if I  select all three you can see they're highlighted   I can drag them around like this I can be deleting  anything I want if I turn back on my track magnet   they all connect very very quickly like that the  other one I want to point out here is the snapping   so what snapping does if you take a look at this  if I bring this forward you know it kind of just   snaps to it makes it easy if I turn that off and  I'm going to zoom up this is the zoom up to see   this makes it easier when you're doing editing  especially if you're trying to get to a specific   frame because then you can drag the playhead and  kind of see it frame by frame a little bit more   but with the snapping off notice if I come up  it just slides right over to it so just making   sure uh that the that if so if I turn this off  too you notice it just jumps the track on it   so that's Auto snapping and the magnet there  that will uh whether you want those on or off   but if you notice if you don't want the gaps are  all automatically connecting just turn that off   like it is now okay so that's some basic editing  with video If I had a picture and like this tiger   right here if I bring this tiger in I could drag  it in place it in right next to a video here and   if I go ahead and hit play it goes from the video  to the tiger notice there's some lines right here   that I'll show you how to adjust that in a moment  but if we go ahead and we can add more videos and   more pictures and put it in a line as well but  the neat thing with an image if you put an image   an image can be as long as you want because it's  static it doesn't change I can just drag it for   as long as I want when you're bringing images in  they automatically start at five seconds because   that was the default settings if we look back into  our menu into our settings here and just go over   to Performance oh not performance edit and go into  image duration instead of five so if you wanted it   automatically to be shorter you can make that  adjustment there but that's why they're coming   in at five seconds there but I can just trim  from both sides just like I did with the video   with the video though if I try to make it longer  than it is I can't drag the end longer because the   video is only so many seconds long I can change  the duration make it slow motion or fast motion   and then I'll show you how to do that later but  you can't drag a video longer a picture you can   the last thing I just want to show you how to drag  in is an audio so if I find my audio here here's   an example here I could drag this in just like  that and now if I hit if I just hit my spacebar so now I have a little audio in here I can trim  my audio the same way like I did my video by   dragging the ends I can use if I drag I'm going  to change notice how it just changes the visual   on it I could go here and make a split I could  go ahead I'm just going to hit backspace on my   keyboard and I could trim from here so it works  very similar with your videos with your audio so   now I have this little clip I have an edited video  a little bit where I've changed some things I have   a picture and I have some audio on it so that's  the start of some video editing but I want to   get into a little bit more detail here but that  gives you a place that you can start playing with   so I just deleted the different tracks I had there  before and I'm going to bring in the bird here so   we have our bird now I want to point out how we  can maybe make some changes if you're making a   video you might not want it in this format right  here you might want it for a YouTube shorter Tick   Tock if we go over to ratio right here this  is important because right now I'm under the   16 to 9 just kind of your normal size kind of  your TV computer screen but if you were going   to make a tick tock one you can see that you'd  want it to be this right here this 9 9 to 16.   so if I go ahead and choose that that changes the  format this is kind of like a phone how you would   see it so if I go ahead and just preview it now  this is made it tiny in here because it's trying   to put the whole frame in here so you have a lot  of these black bars now I can go ahead and make   some quick adjustments to this so if I go ahead  I could grab the corners here here I can stretch   this out if I want those black bars to go away I  can then I can click and Center it kind of more   of how I would like so now if I go and hit and  hit play you can see that's what would be the   video so I can make those adjustments you can also  change the position in size here so I was grabbing   the handles before but I can go from here to see  the percentage change here I I do this a lot of   times and then I'll grow it and then I adjust  it to how I want it to be centered in here so   you can do this no matter what the format is  I do want to point out yeah so if you do are   if you're going to do a short you need to be 9 to  16 here if you want the larger format it's going   to be this one and now I can shrink this back  down maybe I want it zoomed up and moved up a   bit the other thing I can do with these videos I  can have I have some quick functions right here   I can reverse so just by clicking clicking on the  reverse it will go through and it will reverse the   clip from from there so that's a quick one I can  also undo like I did before I can mirror so if I   go ahead and click you can see how it quickly me  errors with these cropping what cropping allows   me to are sorry rotate I can simply rotate these  around into different ones and we have uh cropping   so cropping if I wanted to focus on a certain  part of the bird if I just wanted that part of   the video I could go ahead and hit confirm and so  now the whole video is uh so even if I scale it   you can see that the video is different because  it's cropped down a lot I've taken out a lot of   the other video there so these are some quick ones  to do but if you need to move ones around you can   quickly do that now I do want to point out if I  grab another video and I'm going to add it drag   it to the top track if you place something on the  top track if I just go ahead and hit my spacebar   for play and I bring this back here I'll do this  one again so it starts with the bird play and then   it goes to the owl anything I place on top that's  what's going to be seen but again with the scale I   can scale this and almost do a picture in picture  so if I go to this owl and I have it selected you   can see it's highlighted and I just scale this  down I can move this around anywhere so now I   have two videos playing at once I can also do this  again if I bring this peacock into here notice now   that it becomes all the only one that I see right  here but I could scale the peacock down and put a   third video and move it to where I want so those  are just some basic editing if you're doing things   with layers I I'm not going to talk about in this  one but with green screen you would be using the   green screen on the top layer then using effect  to get rid of the green and whatever's in the   background you would see but I'll do a different  video on that one but I just wanted to show you   the quick effect of picture in picture and some  of the basic basic features through here but if   we go in any of the you can play with these we  have chroma key which would be the green screen   we have mask and we have enhanced with these but  I'm going to save those for a different video now   I just want to show you how you can quickly make  some more changes to your video make sure you have   the clip selected that you want to add these to  but if I take a look and I already showed you   this a bit with the video how we have our basic  and our cutout and mask and where these options   are through here but we also have up top audio so  if I this video did have audio I could adjust the   volume in it have a fade in fade out if it had  voice I do voice effects I'll come back to this   and make an adjustment to one of my audio tracks  in a moment we have speed so with speed I can just   simply drag this so if I want this to be faster  I just need to increase it over one so now it's   at four times speed and you can see that L moves  quite quickly if I move it back to the way it was   before so if I move it back to just at 1 here and  then I do it again you can see the actual one how   it was moving and I can actually make it slower  as well you can see how the duration of the clip   changes as I make those adjustments as well I'm  just going to put it back to one if I move over   to animation now so animation allows me to add  these to the beginning or the end so on the end   and we have out and we also do have a combo here  I'll just focus on the in and out but if I have   the clip selected and I go through and look and if  I just click and what you notice is if I go back   I'll play it again it added that to it but I can  simply click another one and you can see makes the   quick changes if I zoom up you should be able to  see this white line showing where that animation   is on there so it's very quick to add that to  the beginning if I go to out and I click one of   these it will add that to the end so these are  just little animations kind of like um you know   the transitions that I'll show you in a moment  also we have our adjustments here so if I go to   adjustments if you want to quickly uh start to  change kind of the tone or the color a lot I can   drag any of these you can see these adjustments  I can make in a hurry to change you know if your   video wasn't quite uh the way you wanted it you  can make some of these changes uh to it here so   everything is just very easy making sure you have  the clip selected and then taking look at all the   different properties that you can adjust now let's  just move over to that audio file and I'll show   you how you can make some changes to that I'm just  going to go ahead and grab an audio here and bring   it in so like I showed you before we can quickly  do some trimming or cut things out using it very   similar making the same adjustments like we do  in a video but when we have audio selected if we   look up here into our properties we have basic and  speed this is where we can adjust our volume so if   we need it if we pay attention if I drag this up  you can see that it's increasing here and it shows   here this went up as well I can also drag this  bar so if I hover over and get these arrows like   this click and hold I can make the adjustments  here bring it up and down as well we can do a   fade in and fade out so if I drag this so if you  look at the beginning as I drag this take a look   at this curve that's there so that would give that  feed in and I can make that longer and longer as I   as I bring it in you can see how the arc changes  and the same thing with this so if I just make a   I'm going to make a split right we'll do a short  one here I'm going to undo my one spot here I'm   going to go here and I'll just do a split just  so you can see this and if I go here and Fade   Out you can see how it curves down so it's going  to get quieter as it goes through so it gives that   just like that so it makes some very quick  adjustments to your fade and Fade Out we have   noise reduction that you can turn on depending  on what maybe it's something you recorded we have   voice effects this doesn't have voice in here but  it's very easy if you have it this is something   that you can play try recording your own voice and  then adding the voice effects to it and we also do   have speed so if we wanted things to be slower we  would drag it this way and you can see how it gets   longer because of this and if I drag it the other  way it's going to speed up a lot so if I go ahead and so you can make those quick adjustments to the  audio with those basic features so now I want to   show you how you can add transitions in cap cut I  have a series of different videos here two videos   and there's some pictures here also so I can put  transitions between any of these so first of all   without any transition it goes from the L and  it kind of jumps over to the peacock here but   if I wanted to add a transition I just go up to  transition and you can see all these different   transitions are here I can pick any of these  so I'm just going to I'll pick this one here   I'm going to just drag it in between the two  and notice I have this transition that shows   up here so if I go ahead and then just hit play  and then now the transition has that swirl if I   have this transition selected you can also see  up here in the properties I can go ahead and   change the duration do I want this to be longer  are shorter if I go to this I can actually drag   it from here as well do you want this transition  to apply to all so if I hit apply to all it goes   to any of the in between any of the different clip  and we'll add it there so if I undo that last one   it will take take that away but I can also go in  with any of these I can add different ones so here   if I go here and I'll just start it do it we have  that transition so very very quick to add now the   other thing that a lot of people doing in their  first edits of their video they want to add text   if I go up here to text I can do this in a few  different ways now if you wanted to just add some   default text start from scratch all we have to do  is Select just the plus add to track and just like   that it goes into wherever the playhead was so you  can see since the playhead was placed here that's   where it went but I can drag this wherever I would  like as well now you can quickly make changes to   this you probably don't want to say default text  just go up to it I'm going to double click into   it and I'll just write hello and we can make  that change take a look at all the different   things that you can do under basic we can change  our font if I wanted it to look differently I   could go through change the size change my color  all these are very very quick to do so if I go   through if I click off of this too and just click  on it you notice I can drag this all around and   size it from here too so I can go down this list  and you can see all the different things that I   can make the changes to they have these preset  Styles so if I go ahead and select any of these I   can quickly make the changes like this with these  preset Styles so usually you can find yours what   you're looking for with one of those but you have  all these different options that you can just kind   of be clicking and playing with to see what you  get we do have those a few other options over   here where we have our bubbles and we have effects  as well so to play around with different different   ones of these and see what you get with it because  I do want to point out over here you can start   with your text templates or the effects you can  see the effects through here so I could start   with these already and go through and kind of go  through certain categories whether it be color   um or different multi-colored ones to go through  and it will just pick those as you go through so   and then we also have templates and the templates  are handy so if I go through and if I just move   up ahead here and we pick let's pick this one  here and I just place this in so I'm going to   hit plus and now I have this that will go through  and I can still make the adjustments here I can   make it say something else so if I was typing  hello again and it will just go through and   it'll have that change to it so before I show  you how to save your finished product I just   want to show you a few other things I'm going to  quickly go through this and then you can kind of   just play with these on your own I want to point  out audio with cap cut there's audio that you can   use uh that they so you can go through you can  search but you can pick any of these you might   have to download hit the download first but if I  add to track and then these ones are fine to use   and then I can make all those adjustments uh just  the way that I showed you before if you wanted to   you know if you wanted to trim any of these and  make any fade in fade outs now these other things   here too I just want to point out we have stickers  so you can the stickers allow you if I was going   to go ahead and let's put we'll just put this one  right here I'll put the give the like here so if I   put this one here and then I hit add and remember  wherever the playhead is is it adds it I can move   it over here and now I've added that sticker to it  and I can adjust it to wherever I want I could add   multiple stickers in here as well we have effects  extremely easy to use we have all these different   video effects again you just need to click on the  clip so if I was going to go back to the owl and   if I if I again sometimes you have to hit that  that download first and if I have the clip I can   drag it into the clip if I want so if I was you  can see how it changes the L there I'm going to   delete that hello but you can see the effect it  looks like a cool effect and all I did was drag   that down so if there was a different one I could  drag it down that way so I have multiple ones so   simple to use just something you can play with  and take a look at all the different ones and   remember I'm just using a free video editor here  we also have our filters we can go through you   can see they even have the Barbie filter and the  Oppenheimer one here that just came out and you   go through and whatever clip you check you can  go ahead and just if you move your playhead over   then you can see it and then you can kind of add  that filter very very quick and same thing with   adjustments you can add an adjustment that will  go on top if you want to change the lot or the   adjustments there's different things you can play  with here so let's say this was our finished video   short video we have effects we have music we have  positions and text and all this stuff in here if   this is all done we just need to go to export up  top here so when I hit export you can see where is   it going to save to so it gives me a path I can  change it here so I could get find a different   path create a different folder if I wanted to I  could title it differently what's the resolution   well right now this is high def here so you can  see I can go up to 4K even with that but you can   go through make all the adjustments that you want  export just audio if you wanted it as an MP3 you   could even run a copyright check on this so I can  go ahead hit export video saved to your desktop   or laptop it gives me some options to sign in I'm  just saving remember this to my to my desktop here   so you can see the video is saved to my desktop do  I want to go post it I can go right from here log   in to these uh right now I just would have it in  that folder so so if I go open folder this should   pop pop open This is the End video that I just  created it was a very short one so if I go ahead   and open it I have this finished video you can see  the effects in it you hear the audio transitions text all those things that we simply did and  put it together so now with your creativity   and using cap cut I think you can do some really  impressive uh videos and I love that this is all   free and like I said if you go over to your  other uh if you want a different platform try   it on your mobile device try it online and  see what you think of it so I will come out   with more here just more Advanced Techniques  or some tips and tricks on this let me know   if this has helped you out with using cap  cut for the desktop free version thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 68,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut video editing, how to use capcut, capcut tutorial, Video editing for beginners, Free desktop video editor, CapCut tutorial, Step-by-step editing guide, Easy video editing, CapCut tutorial for beginners, CapCut video guide, How to use Capcut's FREE Desktop Video Editor, Edit videos with CapCut, best free video editor, best free video editor for pc, best free video editing software for mac, teachers tech, jamie keet, capcut, capcut edit tutorial
Id: K-FJIc93RqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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