Capcut for PC/Mac | Full In-Depth Tutorial for Beginners 2023 | Learn How to Use Capcut for PC

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hey what's going on Shane with the five to nine Creator here today we're gonna be going over how to use cap cut on desktop and this video is going to primarily be for beginners but if you're intermediate or maybe you've used cap cut in the past but don't understand the full uh extent that you can use cap cutter maybe there's some things you've run into you're not exactly sure how they work we're going to be diving deep into each and every aspect of the cap cut platform so I'm realizing now that I probably should have recorded myself talking while I was doing the tutorial but I didn't do that so I'm going to be implanting Clips to help explain more detailed and more complicated Concepts in this tutorial so the very first thing that we want to do is kind of start with the boring stuff right let's come up here to the top left where it says menu and you've got some of your familiar suspects here you got file where you can Import and Export a file a project you can do some editing here what I really want to focus on is layout so if you're somebody who has two monitors I would highly recommend looking into the different layouts that you can have depending on what part of your project you are editing so what I'm in right now is What's called the default layout you can also do a media first layout a player first layout an adjustment first or a timeline first depending on what kind of style you like to edit with and if you have two monitors you can play around with the different layout looks which can be kind of cool especially if you're trying to compartmentalize your editing project more is just some you know policy stuff help is a great way to look for different shortcuts and then obviously you can sign in with your account and then the last thing we'll go over is settings so when I first start a project or when I first started using cap cut the very first thing I want to know is how do I get all the settings right that work best for me so let's go over this really quick so you can save to a specific file so maybe you have a specific area that you want to be able to save your file to you do that here and then cash this is where files can stay to be easily used by cap cut I would recommend deleting these after a certain point because it's going to get really cumbersome so a lot of times what I'll do is I'll set my auto delete to 30 days because usually after 30 days you're not going to need those files again for the most part depending on you know what kind of projects you're working on then if I go to edit this is a really handy tool right here anytime I import an image it will automatically be a certain durations in seconds so this is naturally defaulted to five seconds I changed to 2.5 because I noticed that most the time I don't need a file that's shorter than 2.5 and sometimes I'll drag it out to five seconds but that's a cool little tool there something that not a lot of people talk about is this free layer aspect so what is free layer free layer so free layer allows you to take two different images and stack them on top of each other to create a more creative image or any sort of text effect that you might be able to do so putting the text behind you as I walk like I'm doing in the screen right now the only way you can do that is if you use the free layer option so if you're planning on doing that type of content in those effects make sure that you turn that on it's not often talked about because it's one of those more advanced features but if you plan on doing some more advanced style cap cut editing you want to make sure that you turn free layer on now once you turn it on and save the project you cannot go back to not freely there so just keep that in mind if you're going to you know do some more advanced editing I highly recommend using the free layer portion of this then you can change the frame rate here I usually only operate in either 30 or 24 so I keep it between those two areas and then you can save the time code to look a different way if you want to the next thing is performance now I actually recommend that everyone who uses cap cut and uses high quality files like a 1080P or even a 4K to look at this part of the settings so you have what's called encode settings speed up Hardware encoding speed up Hardware decoding this is just going to speed up your processor when you're doing any sort of encoding or you're watching 4K files or you're exporting a project so you want to have those checked and then render interface with GPU you also want to have that checked and by the way each one of these has a little question mark next to it so if you're not exactly sure what it means you can hover over that and it will give you a little overview of what that means a proxy file is going to allow you to edit at a lower resolution so something like a 540 or a 340 or something like that a low resolution file so your project can be edited quicker and then when you go to export it's going to come back to that full quality 4K 2K or whatever you're working with so if you're working with a lot of 4K files I highly recommend that you click this proxy that being said I work with 4K files pretty much every single day and I've never had to turn this on fun fact if you use Premiere it can barely handle a 4K file let alone anything above that so that's one of the interesting things about cap cut that I found is that it handles 4K files and handles big files really well especially during exporting and then you can set a location where you want your proxies to be stored I usually store it in a folder near my projects for cap cut then the last one is English or I should say the last one is settings for language I have English for obvious reasons all right now we've got some of that boring stuff out of the way we're gonna go and focus on these top left layers over here so if we click on media there's two options here there's local media and library media library media is just sort of sort of some Media stuff that comes with cap cut I very rarely use any of this because I don't really need to but if you wanted to do one of those bars and tones you could use that you could also click on this and drag it down to the timeline this is just a black video that you could put some text over the top of you also have a white video that you can use if you wanted a white background and then they also have a transparent background which I have never used but I think it's kind of interesting that they have that as a feature then if you go to local this is where you're going to import your own video audio and image files so if I click on this I'll go ahead and just select a random video I'll upload that we'll be using that as part of our tutorial today so that's essentially what media is this is where you keep all of your files now on the kind of top right of this little section here you've got a way to look at it from a grid View or a list view you can sort it by different sorting features you can also filter just to see videos or just to see audio and then there's also a search feature if you know the name of your project but you can't find it because you have a ton of different videos and audios then you can search for it there alright so let's move on to audio this is where you're going to find your music you're going to find commercial music so this is stuff that you can use with cap cut and Tick Tock so if you were to upload this video directly to tick tock this would not happen you wouldn't have to worry about any sort of copyright with this music I think you have to be considerate of copyright but I'm not exactly sure because there's not a whole lot of you know language or info about this but I've been using these music files for quite a while now on YouTube and Tick Tock and Instagram and I haven't got flagged for any copyright so I'm not saying that I won't but it hasn't really come up in any of my videos there's a bunch of different audios to search from I haven't had to find any other audios outside of this so far mainly because there's a pretty extensive library of different music you can use sound effects sound effects add that extra umph to your content really makes it pop and stand out makes it highly engaging and the cool thing about all of these whether it's a music file or a sound effect is that you can hit this little star button and that's going to save it to your favorite so you can use it later so if you find a sound effect that you're going to use often or that you like you can hit this little star button and it will save it for you in your favorites and you go to this little tab on the left click favorites and you can see I've got Belding as one of my favorites you can also import videos or audios that you've extracted so maybe you have a audio from a video you want to use you can import it here you can extract the audio save it here and use it in later projects if you want to maybe there's a sound bite from a video you want to use in repeated videos in the future whatever you want to do this is the feature that you can use right here all right moving on to the texts tab this is where you can add any and all of your text this first tab here is just a very basic default text tab you just click this and it will add some text to your timeline down at the bottom there's effects so this is where you can get all those really cool text effects some of them are pro so you have to have the pro version but a lot of them are free a lot of the really cool ones are free so you can add these effects to the text that you put on your screen to really make it stand out and make it different there's lots of different things that you can use to choose from in fact you probably wouldn't ever have to customize your text if you end up liking a lot of these effects that you can just throw on and use repeatedly then we have text templates so these are little templates that come with cap cut and these go directly on to your video the animation and everything the font stays pretty much the same but you can customize what this says you can customize this to say my Vlog or my blog in this case so you can do a lot of different things with these texts these are highly customizable other than the animations and such but that's kind of a cool way to add some text to your screen without having to know any sort of visual effects skills they've got things for Vlogs they've got things for social media like buttons subscribe buttons you know tag me share all these different things I definitely recommend that you explore the vast majority and and from what I've been able to find no other free let alone paid platform gives you this many cool visual effects for text or video for audio all of these different things then cap cut does so considering it's free it's insanely packed with value and tons of cool effects so then we can also do auto captions which is probably cap Cuts most recognizable feature and probably the thing that makes it stand out from a lot of other video editing softwares if I had a video here I could easily do some Auto captions and we'll go over Auto captions in a more dedicated video but the auto captions feature is one of the easiest ones to use in all of video editing easier than Premiere easier than resolve easier than pretty much any single uh video editing software so the fact that you can get the this for free this high quality auto captions is pretty mind-blowing to me now the one downside that cap cut has when it comes to text is that let's say that you add your own text and you have a style maybe you've got some branding you've got some stuff that's customized for your brand for your business you can't save whatever you design over here on the right hand side so if I added some glow effects a background some stroke whatever I decide to do to my text I can't save that as a preset I can't save that for later now if it was just a text file like this you could save it within your project you could do something like lock the track so that when you go back and delete it sort of the staple form but if you wanted to have a custom auto captions you can't save any sort of preset which is really a bummer and it kind of puzzles me how cap cut doesn't have this feature available and then local captions what you can do is if you have a transcript or something else that's outside of cap cut or outside of your video you can import that here I don't ever use this so I don't know much about it but I know that feature exists if you're the kind of person that wants to import your captions are you still watching good because I want you to learn a lot about video editing and I want you to be a better video editor than you've ever been in your entire life which is why I'm creating these videos If you absolutely hate this video I want to know why because I want to make the best videos possible as a part-time Creator it's not always easy to find time to make great videos but that's no excuse let me know in the comments section down below what I can do better as a video editor and content creator all right moving on to the next tab stickers these are also you know pngs animated uh gifs all these different things to really add a lot of detail and context to your video a lot of engaging factors I have a lot of my favorites right here kind of this angry Emoji a lot of these circles check mark buttons a lot of arrows I like some of these pixelated squares that I can use to you know jokingly block something out or use this cool little animation that you see in a lot of anime and stuff like that so what's cool about this is you can hover over these and really see what they do before you even put them on your project and this just allows for more in-depth and more engaged videos you can use this for YouTube you can use this for social media clips for Tech talk Instagram whatever you want to do and they have so many different stickers that you can use and if you find one you like you can just click the little star and you can save that for later especially if you're going to use it in future videos so I definitely recommend going through here and looking through all of these different stickers and just you know spend some time saving some of them because there's a good chance you're probably going to use it at some point in your video later all right moving on to effects there's two major categories with effects there's video effects so effects that apply to your entire video that are kind of just your basic overall effects and I really think that cap cut has one of the best effects libraries out there especially considering these come all pre-loaded and work amazing no matter what your resolution is so you could be using a horizontal video you can be doing a vertical video it'll automatically format to whatever ratio that you're using now just for some context in Premiere Pro it's not that easy it's actually way more complicated to use things like effects in Premiere Pro which is one of the reasons why I do all my really heavy editing in Premiere Pro and I export and put in cap cut and then do all my my more advanced sort of edits and transition sticker kind of editing in cap cut because it's just it's just an amazing software it's 10 times better than Premiere in that respect then you also have body effects so this is going to be things like cloning this is going to be things like having glow effects around your body Chrome effects all these like you know fire in the eyes type of stuff all these really cool effects that you can use to you know add a lot of engaging context to your video and just make them more entertaining make them more visually appealing make them more fun to watch so I definitely recommend going through cap cut and just scrolling through all the different effects and saving the ones that you like like I just realized this one's pretty cool so I'm gonna go ahead and save that I can use that in a future video all right moving on to Transitions this is probably my favorite part of cap cut next to stickers and that's because there aren't a lot of softwares that have this many free transitions that make your videos just 10 times cooler even if you're doing some basic videos with maybe a couple of cuts to different scenes here and there adding a high call quality transition that really is engaging and Visually appealing makes all the difference in your videos I can't tell you how much better and more entertaining my videos are simply because I started using cap cut and using transitions within cap cut so there's lots of different ones you can look through like the stickers like the effects you sort of just have to go in and start looking at the ones that you want to use because there's lots of free ones and depending on your project you might have one Transit transition that works better than all right moving on to filters there's lots of awesome free filters that you can use you can use things like a negative you can use black and white filters and this can change the visual appeal of your video whether it's your entire video or just a section of your video to really change the mood of that video and you can even add some audio effects to your video to make to even enhance that sort of mood but these filters really can change the look and feel of your video in a split second even if it's just a short clip in your video all right moving on to the adjustments tab if you kind of similar to text tab if you take this adjustment you bring it down here you can add an adjustment layer so to speak it has limited functionality but you can essentially change a portion of your clip to look a certain way so let's go back to Media really quickly let's drag this down and let's say that I wanted to make the first half of my video look a little bit different than the second half delete this text really quick so this adjustment layer if I put this over the portion of the clip that I want to edit I can make this flip a lot more blue and a lot more purple and then as it gets passed it changes really quickly so this can add a very small little adjustment with my daughter right now to your clip just to have that visual change and this is super important things like you know YouTube videos and social media videos where something that's visually changing on the screen is going to keep people's attention for longer so this is kind of a cool little feature that you're going to be able to do now we'll also go over what this right panel over here is you can also adjust the colors over here if you want to affect the entire video and not just a portion of the video there all right now that we've gone over the tabs on the left let's go ahead and actually put a video on our timeline click that video and see all the other different options that we have so you'll notice that now that I have a video in my timeline the video actually Pops in the middle here and there's not a whole lot of customization you can do with this you can take this and drag it you know kind of free floating here but you can't really put on a different part of the screen it sort of just wants to stay in that middle area so I'm gonna go ahead and just put it back but when you have a video in the timeline your video will pop up here now if I want to I can go ahead and zoom in to this if I need to see something up close okay I can zoom out it'll lock in place when it's back to normal I can also change the ratio so let's say I have this horizontal video that I actually want to turn into a social media clip and then if I wanted to go full screen I could do full screen then I hit Escape if I want to exit out of that something else to notice over here is this little blue time stamp that you see is based on where the actual little line on the timeline is so your little player head where that goes that's the blue timestamp now this white time stamp here is the total duration of your video so my video is a total of 50 seconds and I'm currently at the two second Mark just a little tip that I haven't heard a lot of people talk about just in case you want to know how long your video is and you're not really sure another cool thing that you can do is these little audio areas this little audio area here if you click on that it'll actually go to the right over here where you can view it a little bit better and I'm going to turn my audio on really quick so you can just hear it I just realized that with the rode Wireless go if you've noticed that you're sound you can kind of see that it hovers around negative 12. talk a little bit about how to customize and enhance your audio so it sounds better when you're you know playing it out of the screen and so that when people are watching video they have to turn their volume on their phone or their computer all the way up so that's kind of a cool feature and you can just click that again if you want that to disappear and then you obviously have your playhead here one thing we didn't go over necessarily in the beginning was this details panel when the clip isn't selected if you come over here to the bottom right where it says modify this is where you can change the name of your project so that's kind of a good place to to obviously a good thing to know if you want to export it with a certain name you can copy a project you can keep an original place you can change the aspect ratio from the very beginning if you want to so I changed it to Vertical earlier you can change it back to horizontal if you wanted to adapted versus resolution this can be customized I don't necessarily recommend this I think it's just best to keep it adapted but if you wanted to change the resolution you could you need to change the frame rate you can do that here similar to the settings panel color space not a lot of people know what color space means but that's because you really don't need to know much more about it for the most part every single project you're going to do if you're using a phone or even a professional camera is Rec 709 color space if you know more about color spaces then obviously you can use these other features that are going to be specific to your project as we talked about earlier freelayer can give you the option to change the different ways in which you layer the different content on your timeline performance again we talked about proxies before so I won't go over that much but you can also toggle that here and then you can just save your project and all those details will be right there all right now let's go over a couple of features that we can look at now that we've had our clip selected so when you select a clip in your timeline this right panel here dramatically changes this is where you're going to be able to do all the customization of your clip so for the sake of this video let's say that I wanted to take this horizontal video and I wanted to fit it within a vertical format for social media well the first thing I would do is I've noticed that I've got this videos tab selected and then I've got the basics tab selected there and then I've got what's called scale so I can make this bigger or smaller depending on what I want to do and now I can fit that frame my head in that vertical frame now it's a pretty dang close-up of my face because I'm doing a selfie video and it's not that far away from my face but this is how you can scale your video up and down so that it fits a screen or a different aspect ratio you can use these up and down arrows if you want to move the x-axis of your video so like I say I wanted to do negative 200 it's going to move it to the left if I wanted to go up and down I move y if I wanted to rotate my video I could do that I can also use this dial to rotate and then something you'll notice these little diamonds we're going to go over keyframes in a different video because it's a little bit more of an advanced feature but you can do certain things to your video that create an animation such that it allows you to make the video move in a certain way so that's what keyframes do kind of on the whole we can also use something called blend so you know maybe we wanted to change up the look maybe you've got two clips we wanted to blend together you can do a lot of different things I usually don't use this I don't really have a lot of ways to use this and so I usually just keep it normal but if you have more creativity than I do you can do that there if you've got shaky footage you can stabilize it here you can recommend it you can do like a medium cut or a most stable I usually stick with recommended when I'm using shaky footage and then over here you'll see that it's processing so it does take a little bit of time to make that happen you can do some noise reduction which is going to be noise of the video file not noise of these sounds Sound Reduction is actually a free feature but noise reduction in terms of graininess is going to be a paid feature and then if you have any video flicker you have to pay to use that removing video flicker you can also change the canvas of your video to look a little bit different so like if I was to screw you know zoom out of this I could add a little bit of blur that way if I wanted to keep this aspect ratio as it is sound isn't that great you probably but I didn't want the background to be just a black screen I could just go ahead and blur the background using this canvas feature so that's a pretty cool little feature staying within video if I wanted to cut out maybe I've got a green screen I can use chroma key and then I can use the Color Picker to take out the background there if I don't have a green screen I can actually still do something what's called an auto cut if I click this button here at the bottom autocut it's going to start processing my video it's going to slowly start taking away the background so this takes a little bit of time usually no more than about 15 to 20 seconds but once you get your background all cut out you can put something else a different layer behind you and it can look totally different let's go ahead and remove this canvas as you can see I've got the entire background removed from my video too high so you probably only have it like a neck which is really cool if you want to change your background or like if you're me I do a lot of recording in my garage and my back my garage is you know it's a garage it's not the most aesthetically pleasing background you can have so sometimes I'll just cut out the background of that video that's a pretty cool feature there if I go to mask I can do some cool things like add a circle mask where it just shows my face this is really good for things like tutorial videos or maybe you're just a portion of your video that you want to you know just take out that part of the video there's also some more advanced things you can do with masking which we'll go over in a different video and then you can even use things like enhancing you can make your face look better like I've got some acne scars on my face so let's say that I wanted to smooth that out a little bit I could use that smooth out feature that's kind of cool I could brighten my face a little bit maybe it's a little too dark maybe the lighting isn't that great I can whiten my teeth now if I'm going to the top or the audio tab is I can change the volume of it my video Let's see if it's too loud I can make it wider or if it's too quiet I can make it louder I can fade in my video my audio as it comes in So at the beginning it can kind of fade in so it's not so harsh and not so dramatic right at the beginning so earlier when I was talking about noise on the video I was actually also referring to noise reduction for actual noise and an audio clip so let's say you've got some background noise you can click this it's going to remove that background noise if you had like you know a dryer or maybe you had a fan in the background it would help you reduce the noise of that background information one of my other favorite effects is the voice effect so if you want to add something more dramatic in terms of your voice you can add a deep voice production so yeah you can add a lot of different things it's always easier to raise your volume so there's lots of cool ways that you can add a lot of engaging parts of your video just through some of these basic features and then channels down here I often don't use this I don't think I've actually ever used it but you could change if your audio is coming through the right or the left which can be maybe an artistic way of changing things up but I usually just keep that unchecked so the next is speed you can change the speed of your clip to be faster or slower depending on what kind of video you're making and this will change it from being like I had a 50 second video now I have a five second video because I sped it up so much you can also do things like curves with your speed so you can do speed ramping you do where it goes really fast and it slows down kind of like the feature you can use with your iPhone there's lots of different ways you can use these speed effects to make really cool videos especially like walkthroughs or tutorial videos like real estate agents use a lot of speed ramping in their videos which is a really cool feature it's really cool in like extreme sports like skateboarding in Motocross Racing things like that probably my favorite feature of the video effects is the animations you can use so there's a lot of cool animations that you can use for free that will be really good for like the beginning of your video when you catch someone's attention or you know something that a lot of times will happen on social medias when you're doing some sort of video and it gets kind of boring you can add one of these little effects to really reset somebody's attention and kind of get them to look again so that's some you got some really cool animations they got animations they've got automations I don't think the out animations are very good they're actually pretty boring and I hardly ever use them but the in ones are really cool then they have combos which I think are awesome so it adds a beginning and an end animation to your clip and I would have to say that I probably use these the most because it takes the in and the out and has animation it makes it super easy for you then we have adjust we sort of saw this earlier here this is where you can adjust the color of your Clips you can make your clip really cold or really warm you can change the Hue you can change the saturation of your clip you can add brightness highlights this is where color grading comes in so if you're familiar with color grading you can do a lot of effects with the way that your clip looks hls this changes or modifies a certain color in your clip so if I wanted to really up the red in my clip I could do that if I wanted to do the green I could lower that raise the saturation and do all kinds of different things depending on how detailed you want to get with your editing and your visual effects then we've got curves which is more color grading you can add different kind of Curves ear Clips to make certain parts darker or lighter depending on what you want your curve to look like and then you've got color wheels which I don't really use these that often so I won't go over them but if you know more about color grading and you do a lot of highly detailed color grading type work then this was a per or this is a perfect place for you to look at it just keep in mind that the color wheels are a pro feature so if you do anything here you're going to have to pay before you can export all right let's go down to the timeline look at some of the features and tools that we can use here so when I've got a video on my timeline and I've got my clip selected I can start over here at the top left of the timeline and this is where I can use my select split select left word or select forward tools and I'll show you some shortcuts that you can use that makes this a whole lot easier but that's where you can look at those and then I've got my undo so let's say I messed something up I can undo it or if I thought I messed something up but I didn't I need to redo it I can click that anytime I need to split a clip I can put my playhead where I want to split it and hit split I highly recommend that you set up a shortcut for this so all you have to do is type on your keyboard and you can make little Cuts in your videos then we have the trash can button that's pretty obvious there we've got the freeze frame so if I wanted to freeze this I could freeze what this frame looks like and maybe I could add some music or something to the background or a sound effect to make it you know emphasize a point or you know like any other way that you want to get creative I can also take this video clip and reverse it so I can reverse my clip using this little dial here I'm not going to wait for that but if you reverse it it basically just goes in reverse and it makes that little reverse noise then if I wanted one of my favorite ways to change the visual effects Without Really changing a whole lot is just to Mirror by video so if I wanted to instead of a jump cut I'll use a mirror I'll take a section of a clip I'll mirror it and then when it goes through you can't really tell because it's sped up there but mirroring just basically mirrors your visual so it changes the visual appeal but it doesn't do it so jarringly it's kind of a little subtle way of changing what your visual looks like and I can rotate I wanted to rotate this clip I can crop it so let's say that I only wanted my eyes in this part of the clip I could crop just my eyes so this is some really handy tools when you're in the middle of your edit and you want to just make some slight changes or modify your clip in some way these tool at the top of the timeline really make things easy all right so now let's look at the top right of the timeline we've got this little record button if I click this I can record a voiceover which is really great especially if you're doing some sort of like Montage or just a bunch of clips that are muted that you want to talk over the top then I've got what's called turn off Main track magnet so if I unclick this when I move a clip it's not going to snap back but if I was to move this clip with the magnet on it just snaps right to the most recent point so depending on what kind of editing you're doing you might want that on then we have turn off auto snapping so Auto snapping just will automatically snap your clips which is pretty cool makes it easier too like if you're like if I'm editing this portion here it'll automatically snap it in that makes things a lot easier to use you could also turn that off off if you wanted to we also got turn off linkage I'm not really sure how that feature works because I've never really used it before I'm not uh ever really in a position where I'm using this sort of feature so I don't really use it and then you can turn off the preview axes if you want to see how I'm kind of scrubbing through here and it's showing my clip as I'm moving along you can turn that on or off it totally depends on what your preference is I personally like it for a lot of Clips because a lot of times I want to keep my playhead where it is and just scrub through a clip to see kind of where I've been or where I'm going to go next then we have the plus and minus buttons this allows you to zoom in and zoom out of your project I highly recommend that you add a keyboard shortcut for this you don't have to constantly come over here and click it I just changed mine to the negative and the plus to make it a lot easier and that is basically your interface so in another video I'm going to go over things like keyboard shortcuts the setup to make your editing 10 times faster but that is the in entire overview of how to use cap cut and some of the features that make it possible I highly recommend that you just dive in yourself and start now that you've watched this video that you start using some of these features and seeing how they can best work for you my name is Shane with the five to nine Creator thanks a ton for watching this video don't forget to subscribe don't forget to like this video and please if you have any questions comments or you want me to do a video specifically to something that you want to learn about in cap cut on desktop please let me know in the comment section I'd be more than happy to help have a great rest your day I'll see you in a future video thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The 5-9 Video Creator
Views: 49,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut tutorial for beginners pc, Capcut for PC, Capcut for beginners, free video editing tutoria;, video editing tutorial, best free video editing tutorial for beginners, learn how to use capcut, learn how to use capcut for pc, capcut for pc without watermark, capcut for pc tutorial, capcut for pc review, capcut for pc tips, capcut for pc english version, capcut for beginners 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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