CapCut App Video Editing Tutorial - COMPLETE Guide (2023)

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this is our updated cap cut video editing tutorial for beginners we're going to run through exactly how to use the cap cut app so you can get up to speed fast whether you're on iPhone Android or iPad all right so I've just opened up cap cut I'm showing you this on an iPad the process is exactly the same on iOS and on Android as well but I'm showing you on an iPad because it's a bigger screen so this is what you might see when you first log in is prompting you to sign into cap cut with a Tik Tok account Google account or another m method so at this point you can either create a free account and sign in this is going to give you the ability to sync across your mobile your desktop and online but you can also skip this step if you just hit the little X up in the corner here then you're good to go we then just want to come down the bottom here to edit so on this screen this way we'll be able to see all of your current projects and previous editing projects they'll all appear down the bottom here we've obviously got this big button here to create a new project which is what we'll be doing in just a second but up the top here we' got a bunch of extra tools and things that are built into cap cut it's awesome how fast they're building this out and there's even more if we hit expand we can see them all so in here we've got a built-in camera app which is actually pretty good the ability to retouch your photos there's a photo editor text to image as well we've got close captions there is an auto cut feature in here as well there's also now a built-in teleprompter which is actually pretty good so a lot of these features and things you can actually access from within the editing project tools but if you're just after some of these tools then it's awesome that you got shortcuts to take you straight to them so we're going to go ahead now and create a new project it's going to prompt us to import some video footage we could also select photos or live photos from here too and generally what I'll do here is I will import my primary camera footage so the main footage we want to edit down I want to import that piece first so we're going to pick this clip here now just to select that we can tap on the circle we can see that's now selected so if we wanted to select multiple clips here we can but personally I prefer just to bring in the primary footage first let's edit down and then we can bring in extra footage our overlay and Boll footage as a next step now the other thing you can do here instead of tapping on this circle at the top to select your clip if we select the clip itself so just tap or click anywhere on the clip then we actually have the ability in here to preview and to play back to clip but we can also trim it down as well you can see we've got these yellow handles on the side here so we could drag this through to where we want the clip to start and likewise at the end we could shorten it or trim something off the end of the video if we needed to we can hit the tick and that will apply that quick edit to that clip before we even get it into the cap cut editing tools so while this is a feature it's not really something that I use I'd much rather use the full editing Suite so I'm going to hit the X here to go back we go back again and then I'm going to hit create video so this is the main cap cut editing interface obviously at the top top here we've got our preview or our playback of what it is we're editing down the bottom here we've got our editing timeline this is where you can tap on the screen you can swipe across to preview or to scrub through your video we've got a play button up the top here where we can play back our edit we've got all of our main editing functions and settings and things down the bottom here now if you are on a smaller screen you might need to tap and swipe across to view all of these things you'll also find that when we actually select or tap on a clip that we get a bunch more options and settings and things down here that are related to that specific clip there's a button here to mute the audio across this entire track we can also expand our preview so if you want to watch a full screen preview of our edit we have that button there to do that and we can shrink it back down using this one here we can also see straight away up the top here in the top right hand corner we can see the project settings so this is currently set to 1080p because that's the footage that I've imported that's what I'm editing with here but you can see we can also adjust this if we want to create a 4K video we could drag this up to here likewise if we want to make adjustments to our frame rate or even the quality of the video before we save it out then we can do that in here too so I'm going to set that back to 1080P and I'm going to tap over here to get back to our main interface so you can see in our timeline here we've got our main primary footage here we can pinch to zoom on this to zoom in and out so I'm zooming out now and we can now see the start of our clip but also not too far along we've got the end of it now the first thing I like to do in cap cut is come across right to the end here and you can see that we've got this little Title Here cap cut tap to edit text let's zoom in on this and we can actually tap on it to select it and we can hit the delete button down the bottom here to remove it it's not something that has to be in it I see a lot of videos where it has that at the end where people have forgotten or they didn't know that they could actually remove that and I'm showing you this on the free version as well I'm not signed in this is totally the free version of cap cut so yes you can definitely remove that from there we want to start trimming down our footage so the idea here is we want to go through remove any bad takes any mistakes to start to build out our story to start to build out our edit so I'm going to select our clip here and then like with any video editing app or software you'll find that there's lots of different ways that you can do things so with the clip selected we can see that we've now got this white box around the outside of our video and we've also got this bigger area this handle here on the left we can tap and hold on that and drag across to the right and this is going to trim off the start so all this bit here where I'm just getting ready to start talking we want to remove all of that so I'm going to release my finger here and our video now starts at this point this is our complete Roundup likewise if we come across to the end of our clip if we want to trim off the end so let's find the piece where I finished talking here around here we can then go ahead and grab this end handle we can tap and hold on it and bring it all the way back to where we want the video to finish about here somewhere so our video now finishes at that point now let's say that there is a chunk in the middle here that we also want to remove any bad takes any mistakes we can swipe across to find the area where we want to add a cut probably about here we can then come down the bottom here to split and we've actually now split our clip in two so we now have a left clip and a right clip and if we zoom in on this we get a bit more control now let's say that we want to remove this piece where I'm thinking about what to say looks very painful I know we can then select on this area here we can again grab that handle and slide it back to the left and you can see that it's brought the next clip along with it so we've removed that Gap or that section and it's actually been closed up for us so it's just going to play directly from One Clip to the next now if I undo this we' got an undo button up here so we've still got that section in here that we want to remove another way that we could do this is to add another cut so we come down here here to split at this point so we've got our original clip we've got this chunk here now that we've split either side off that we don't want to have and we've got our end clip here we can select this piece that we don't want we can press the delete button down the bottom here and it's going to remove that clip and again close up that Gap so yeah a few different ways to do essentially the same thing so what you want to do now is go through and remove any bad takes any mistakes trim down your primary footage until you're just left with what you want to have here all right so we've done our first pass of this edit now it's also worth noting here that each one of these chunks each one of these little Clips we can actually just pick up and move around so let's just say that this chunk here we wanted to move a little bit later in our edit we can literally just tap and hold and pick them up and move them to where we want them now there's also another new feature in here as well if we select our first clip in the timeline here we can also edit from a transcript as well so we've got this option here transcript based editing we select select on that it's going to go through it's going to transcribe our video and we can now see that we've got our transcript of what's been said down the bottom here so let's say for instance that we want to remove this first sentence this is our complete Roundup of the best video editing apps for iPad in 2023 we can select this we can then choose delete and that has been edited now out of our video it's been removed from the video if we hit the little tick here to apply that we can then play our clip here iPad video editing has seriously leveled up and that section has been removed so this is so awesome to see that this now built into here as well and we can actually edit essentially from text now if we come back and H transcript editing you'll see that there's also a feature up here if we're on the pro version of this so the paid version you can also have it automatically remove filler words or gaps ums ARS in your videos too all right so now that your base edit here is done the next step is to bring in any Boll or overlay footage into our timeline and for that we want to come down here to overlay so we select on this we're going to choose add an overlay we can then go through and find the extra photos or video clips or Graphics that we want to use so I'm going to pick this first clip here I'm going to choose add and we can see we've now got our clip here that's been added to our timeline and it's actually essentially on top of or on a layer above our primary video footage so we can still see that underneath there but we can see down in our timeline here it's actually its own video layer that's actually sitting underneath our primary footage so this clip down the bottom here we can treat it just the same as any other clip I can tap on it I can pick it up I can move it around if I select on it I've got those handles on the ends so I can adjust the start point I can adjust the end point we can add cuts and splits and everything to it but the first thing I'd suggest that you're doing here is because it doesn't quite fit our project here it's com in a little bit smaller on the screen is we want to resize it so that it fits our main project so to to do that we can just come up to this top area here and we can pinch to zoom on this graphic so you can see it's going to snap to that full screen size there we can go beyond that if we want to make it bigger we can keep scaling it up likewise if we want to adjust the position of it we can do that here too but I'm just going to make it the correct size for our project and then I'm just going to scrub through our project here to work out just the sections that we want to have so maybe I will start our clip about here just before it moves going to grab that handle on the left side of the clip here and drag it back to that point and let's say that we want it to finish about here then again with that clip selected I can come down here to split that's going to split our clip in two and maybe I don't want the rest of this here I can trash that by hitting the delete button here and that's now gone now we want to add in another clip I can choose add overlay again let's pick our next clip here again we have the option to just select the clip or if we select on the clip first then we can trim it down in here so let's say that we want our clip to start about here where it appears in frame and let's drag the end of the clip back the tick to apply that 20 seconds long we then can choose add so there it is there we can then scale it up again so that it fits our full screen and then maybe we want to press and hold on this clip let's move it back towards the start maybe around here scrub through this now I'm talking on screen here we're then showing this overlay clip back to me talking back to this other clip so you can see how easy it is to build out your editing projects this way so you want to go through now add in any Boll any overlay Graphics onto your timeline now from here we' look at adding in any effects or transitions or anything into our project now this is an area where cap cut really excels there's so many different built-in effects and Transitions and stuff in here so we're going to go back out of overlay mode we hit the little back arrow here we can see now our timeline with those overlay Graphics added we're seeing a compressed view of it so we can see that they are still on here we can see how long they go for based on these little icons here but we're not seeing the full graphic that we are the full video there that we do see in overlay mode so I love that this compresses this down so that it's not taking up a bunch of space especially on a smaller screen so now in terms of the effects there's really two different ways that cap cut allows you to apply effects to your editing projects you can actually add them on a clip by clip basis so something that's only going to apply to that specific clip or file or you can actually add it as essentially an adjustment layer or an overlay of its own that will be applied to anything underneath that clip so I'm going to show you both ways here let's say that we want to add an effect to this first clip here I've got that clip selected and you can see down the bottom we got a bunch of different effects and things that we can apply to this it's also worth noting that new tools new features have this little new symbol and the ones where you do need to be on the pro or the paid version of this will clearly be marked as Pro so it will still let you use the pro ones in your edits but when you go to export it that's when it's going to tell you you need to pay so if you're only looking at using the free stuff in here then don't use anything that's marked as Pro but in terms of effects you can see we got things in here like retouch like a beauty mode right so we could choose face I mean that is not a good image to be working with but you can see that we can smooth out my skin well that's just scary we can adjust my skin color whiten my my teeth all of this stuff we can reshape your face we can apply different makeup and looks and things in here a little scary I'm just going to hit reset and back out of here we can also add things like motion blur in here we've got cutout so background removal if I press on this it's going to go through and remove the background of our video so if we scrub through this now you can see the background has been removed so we could then apply our own background behind that if we wanted to we select on the clip again you can see we've also got things like like stabilize so we' got shaky footage then we can stabilize it in here there's also speed control in here as well so that's the stuff that we can apply onto the clip itself but if we go back and just open up effects here so without a clip selected then we get to choose video effects body effects or Photo Effects I'm going to choose video effects you can see there's so many different effects in here to choose from but let's say that we want to pick one we tap on it to apply it and it's appeared as its own clip down in our timeline and these effects are applied to any clips that appear underneath this and from here we can drag this out we could pick it up we could move it around but these effects are going to apply to any clips that are underneath this adjustment layer underneath this section and then if you want to remove it you can just tap on it hit the delete button and it's gone so that's how you can add in all of your effects but in terms of your transitions let's zoom in on our timeline here and you can see between our Clips here we've got this little white button so if I press on this then this is our transition button to add a transition or an effect that happens between those two clips again you can see we've got a mix of pro and free ones in here as well and there's lots of different ones to choose from again broken down into different categories and those sorts of things as well but in terms of an edit like we're working with here where what we're talking about is two clips that are very much the same so it's the same angle same content same person in this I wouldn't normally add a transition here at this point instead what I would do is potentially zoom in on one of the shots to make it look a little bit different to make it look like essentially it was filmed with a different or a more zoomed in camera so I'd pick either one of these the first or the second I'm just going to go to the second clip with this I'm then going to come up to the top area here and we're going to pinch to zoom to scale this up a little bit now depending on how you've shot this and your camera settings and all of that stuff you might potentially be losing a little bit bit of quality zooming in like this but it can be a great way to help you break up your video footage too again now this was our first shot and then now we jump to a more zoomed in shot here so at this point you want to go through add in any effects any transitions onto your videos and you can also add them onto your overlay Clips as well now there's another way that you can add essentially transitions onto your Clips here inside of cap cut too let's just zoom into our timeline here I'm actually going to show you this on an overlay clip but it will work on a regular clip too so I'm going to tap on our overlay clip here so we got this clip here selected we can come down here to animation now in here we can choose an in animation an out animation or a combo animation so an in will happen at the start of the clip out at the end and a combo will happen with both or throughout the clip so let's say that we want to add an effect as this clip comes onto screen then we can pick one of these here so maybe we'll try this one let's then see what this looks like so I'm talking here we've then got this effect now our footage here slides in from the bottom with this effect bounces a little bit and then the camera's on screen so that was all done with an in animation and then from there we're going to add in any titles and text and what I'd suggest here is that you're moving this playback indicator here this white line to where you want to have your titles added first so let's say that we want to have a title added towards the start of the project here with nothing selected we have the option here to add text we can select on that and then we got a few different options we can add basic text in here which I will show you there's also some text templates in here too and we also have the ability to draw and write on our screen here too so just to add in basic text we want to come over here to add text we then get a text box on screen which we can double tap on to edit so we've got my name in there now we can then come over here to style we can adjust the way that it looks all of this is fully customizable too like we can scroll down here there's more control over the opacity over the size of it we can adjust the text colors The Different Strokes and outlines and things there's even different effects and presets and things in here that we can use we can also add some animations in here too so let's look at this Pro one here and there's a bunch of free ones let's say we wanted to run with this one we can come back up the top here and we can pinch to zoom to make it big or smaller we can pick it up we can move it around to where we want it maybe something like this and we can hit the tick to apply that and once again it's added to our timeline here as its own video clip where we can press on it we can pick it up we can move it around we can select it we can choose how long it's going to be on screen for so maybe we'll extend it out a little bit here and if we scrub through this now we can see at this point the text comes on screen and then it disappears at that point so we can go ahead from here and add in more Transitions and things and effects onto this and you can see how easy that is to build that out now I mentioned the text templates down here as well if we tap on this one here to add one of those then you'll see this is the next level of animations and graphics and things that you can add in again we got trending ones and a bunch of categories across the top here and if we scroll down in here you'll see the types of things that you can add and a lot of these are animated and they're also fully customizable as well you can change these up live in cap cut 2o so let's come over here to social media and you can see you've even got things like YouTube subscribe buttons and like buttons and all sorts of things so let's pick this one here subscribe and again we can customize this up so instead of it just saying subscribe maybe we could have it say subscribe now and just the same as our other Clips we can pinch to zoom we can pick it up we can move it around maybe in this case we'll have it up the top here we'll hit the little check box here to apply it and as we scrub past this now we'll see that we got that subscribe button appearing up the top now back here under text there was one more thing I wanted wanted to show you which is the draw feature so if we press draw here then we can literally just pick our color let's go black in this case and we can just draw on screen so this is something that Final Cut for iPad announced recently that you could do all of this on there but we can literally just draw on our screen here and this becomes another title or a graphic that then once we apply this we then have down here in our timeline and what's cool is you can also animate this too so if we then press animation we can use some of these basic ones to bring graphic on screen or on the pro version we can actually have this order so it's going to draw on appear on in the order that we drew it out but you will need to be on the Pro Plan for that feature so we're going to go ahead now add in any text or titles onto your video and then from there we're going to add in any music or sound effects into our video so we just want to click on screen here add audio and then in here we got a bunch of different options the first one sounds there there is music and sound effects and things here inside of cap cut that you could use and add into your videos but a lot of these are copyrighted for cap cut for use on Tik Tok only so I'll be very worri about using these in videos outside of anything that you're posting to Tik Tok and this is where personally where we go for music is epidemic sound and art list and if I'm editing on my iPhone or iPad or my device I like using the epidemic sound app because it makes it really easy for you to find great music save directly to your device or from your mobile device so yes there is music in here that you can use but personally I wouldn't and I wouldn't recommend it so let's come back out of here what they have included now is a copyright Checker so if you are using their music and stuff in here you can check for copyright but for me again this is something that I just wouldn't want to deal with or have being a potential issue at some point in the future so we do have the ability though to import audio from Clips on our device so if you already have video files on on your device here then you can actually just pull the audio from that here with this extract feature you can also record a voice over in here too but in terms of actually bringing in your own music if you've got it saved on your device so this is the process for iPhone and for iPad you want to go ahead open up the files app you want to navigate through to find the item that you want to use so I've got this track here from epidemic sound I'm going to select on that I'm going to come up here to share and in here I'm going to go across and say open this with cap cut and we get an option then to import audio to cap cut it's then bought that track directly into the timeline into the project that we've been working with again knowing that this is something that we're not going to have any copyright issues with afterwards but now that this clip is in here we can tap on it we can pick it up we can move it around we can trim it down if we needed to just the same as you would with any other file in here let's move that back to the start now and because our audio goes for longer than our video here let's show shorten this down so that it finishes at the end of our video so you can bring in your music your sound effects and everything at this point and then we're going to get to adjusting our volume levels so given that in this video here it's mainly a piece to camera video someone speaking to camera therefore my voice or my narration here is going to be the main thing the most important thing audio wise in this video so I'm going to make sure that the audio levels for that for me speaking are right first and then we'll adjust the music levels and sound effects or anything as a secondary to that so I'm going to select our music track here and then I'm just going to come down to volume and I'm just going to drag this down I'm then going to go ahead and select our first clip here and then we can come down here to volume now cap cut does do a good job with its volume leveling already but we can see we have this manual adjustment here we can increase the volume levels by swiping this up or we could lower it down if the volume is too loud by swiping this the other way and it really is a matter here of in most cases playing through your clip ideally with headphones on so you can gauge your volume levels and get them set how you would like it but what they also have here in cap cut which is awesome is this automatic loudness adjustment setting here and if we press the little question mark on this here it says that the loudness of all other Clips is automatically adjusted according to the loudness of this clip this first clip that we've selected so that they sound the same meaning that if we increase the volume of this get this first clip to where we want it we can then press this loudness adjustment and it will go through then and adjust the rest of our Clips so that it matches so if you do have some that are louder and quieter than others it's going to automatically adjust that for us so to enable that we just need to hit loudness adjustment that'll go through automatically analyze our clips and apply the volume level adjustments for us once you've got the volume sorted on your primary footage here then that's time where we want to come back to our music and sound effects we want to go to volume and we want to increase this to the point where we want it for our videos now again this is a creative thing there's no right or wrong with this there's some videos where you want to have the music louder than others so this is where I'd suggest you're moving this slider around with headphones on to get it sounding the way that you like it you don't want it too loud to the point where it's distorting or it sounds bad or where it's annoying and repetitive for the viewers either generally as a starting point though when normally starting around 30 and we're moving up or down from there depending on the track once you're happy with that press the tick to reply that and your volume levels are sorted now in terms of your audio adjustments if we click on one of our primary Clips here again you can see that you've also got stuff in here like voice effects if you want to make adjustments to those and you've also got the ability in here to remove background noise as well so if you've got a lot of wind noise or background noise in your videos you can actually take that out here in cap cut too The Next Step from here is to adjust the colors or apply any color grades to your video so again with this first clip selected did here we then want to come down here to either filters or adjust so if we go to filters first in here we get essentially like Instagram filters or looks that we can apply to our video so obviously if there's something that you like to look of here then by all means use that you've got the ability here to apply to all of your Clips quickly and easily from here or if you want to dial it in further with one of these filters selected we can then come over here to adjust and dial this in further so we could adjust the brightness here and make Twigs to that look that we've already applied but instead if I hit reset on this let's come back to filters let's choose no filter so we're back to our original footage we can just jump straight to the adjust tab here as well and this is where we can manually adjust the colors ourselves without needing to use a filter or a look one of my favorite features that they've recently rolled out is this auto adjust tool normally in these sorts of apps and software automatic color Corrections not not that good but I've actually been pretty impressed with the auto adjustments on cap Cuts end now this one is now marked as a pro tool as well but if we just press on it here you can see the adjustments that it's suggesting as to how this shot could look but let me reset that let's remove that Pro effect so I'm not going to have any issues later and in terms of how I would approach this normally I'd start off with exposure so we get the brightness set right we'd brighten this up if we needed to or darken it down so maybe we'll add a little bit of brightness then come across to color temperature so either add some blue to cool the shot down or add more yellow orange to warm the shot up maybe something like this in this case I'd then jump across to saturation where we could either boost the colors so you see we go too much I'm going to look sunburnt back the other way we're going to strip all the colors out and go black and white so I probably just increase the colors a little bit here maybe something like that and then depending on the shot and the look I was after maybe I'll add a little bit more Sharp Ness with this one just to make it a little bit more crispy so maybe something like this and then again if I wanted to apply this to all of our remaining Clips we can just hit apply to all hit the tick and then all of our shots here in the timeline will now have that effect applied or that look applied so the next step here is to export or to save out your video and then I got one more bonus section that I want to cover off here really quickly for you so in terms of exporting you don't really have a lot of settings and control in here but you do again want to make sure that your settings up here are correct so we're currently set to 1080p if I wanted to export a lower quality version or a different frame rate then I could adjust those here but the one that we really want to look at here is the code rate the bit rate the quality of the video and recommended here is probably going to be fine for most people but if you want the highest quality video out of this I'd suggest that you're bumping this up to high it's also going to give you an estimate here of the file size when we export it so I on the highest quality this is is saying 183 mbes if for instance we drop this back down to recommended it's only dropping to 146 so we're not talking about a huge increase in file size here so again we want to make sure that our settings here are correct and then we just need to hit this export button here and the exports going to happen so really quickly those bonus things that I wanted to show you if we back out of this now one of my favorite features inside of cap cut here is the ability to reformat your video projects at any time so right now and for this entire video we've been working off a widescreen say YouTube video but let's say that we've now finished this video and we want to create a version for Instagram or for Tik Tok we can come down here to ratio and we can choose the different size or format video that we're looking to create so let's say that we wanted to pick here a 9x6 so a portrait version for Tik Tok or for Instagram stories or something we could then hit the tick button down here to apply that and then we've got some different options as to how this scaling actually works we could come down here to Canvas we could either pick a color for the background so maybe we go some sort of a blue we could also choose a blur so if we wanted our background here just blurred out that's an option here too or we could actually pick a background file or a background image that we could use or we can come over here to say our first clip and we can manually pinch to zoom this up so it's scaled to fit our video we could reposition it so that it fits that new format so we can do that manually on a clip by clip basis and there's also an automatic reframing tool in here as well so if we select this we can come down here to this Auto reframe again this is another paid option that they have this is automatically going to reframe our shot for us so that the most interesting stuff or if there's someone speaking that their face is now going to fit in this new video format so that's awesome they got these tools in here to automatically help you do this too and the last feature that I wanted to to show you is the automatic captions tool so if we come down here to text we can then come over here to Auto captions this is going to go through and automatically transcribe your videos and add the text on screen for you so we're going to choose our Sound Source here is all so that's our entire video we can then choose these different templates here again there's some good free options there's also some paid options we then want to hit start it's going to go through it's going to automatically generate these captions for us and we can see now as we scrub through here we've now got our text of what's been said written on screen here and all of this is customizable we can edit the text we can add in different animations and effects and things on this there's also a new Pro feature in here this one's very recently added to be able to translate these into other language subtitles for you as well now that you know how to edit and cap cut if you're looking for the best places to find music for your videos check out the video I've got linked on screen for you and as always check out the links in the description box below we got a bunch of resources down there to help you with your video creation your YouTube growth and monetization and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Primal Video
Views: 329,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalVideoTV, android video editing app, android video editor, capcut, capcut app, capcut editing, capcut editing tutorial, capcut for android, capcut for ios, capcut pro, capcut tutorial, capcut tutorial edit, capcut video editing, capcut video editor, edit capcut, how to edit in capcut, how to edit on capcut, how to use capcut, how to use capcut app, iphone video editing app, iphone video editor, justin brown, primal video, tiktok video editor, video editing apps
Id: yMbu1A5N-jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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