10 LEGENDARY CapCut Editing Tips!

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i've already shown you seven advanced editing tips and cap cut so now it is time for 10 legendary editing tips that can be done within the cap cut editor editing tip number one is how to use gifs to enhance your videos now for this effect you want to make sure that you have the jiffy app downloaded and so we're just going to open up that and you can search for whatever gif that you want to use now we found my jiffy kids so we're going to click the three dot options up here and then we're going to click save to camera roll so we'll do that and once that is done we can hop back over to cap cut and add this in inside of cap cut you're gonna click on overlay and then add overlay and then if you already have videos selected you're gonna go over the photos i'm in my jiffy album where i have the kid here and i can click the add button and here we go i have it added it's a plain gif but as you'll notice it doesn't take up the full screen so what i can actually do here is right where the gif is about to start i'm going to split that clip and then also split it where i want the gif to end which is probably here and i'll also split that and then delete the end there and then this part here in the middle by clip that i have here i'm going to go over to the opacity and i'm going to turn it down to zero click check and then i'm going to click the back buttons here go to the canvas and then i'm going to click on color and i just want to be a white background and what i might actually do now with that like that i might go back to my overlay here and just resize it just so it's kind of sitting here in the middle of the video so now when i click play it'll go to the gif there and it'll turn back to my regular video adding gits throughout your video can help hold viewers attention and also add a comedic effect to your content editing tip number two is to add sound effects to your transitions and text so in my timeline here i have some text come on screen if i actually open my text you'll see that i actually have applied an animation of slide left on here so it slides onto screen and then i also have this like button appear later on in the video now what i see a lot of people do is they'll add these effects in but that's it and there's just no sound or elements to those things coming onto screen whereas if you go into the sound effects library and just add for when something slides onto the screen like a whoosh sound effect or when something appears on the screen a pop effect this is what it'll sound like and i've actually just muted my main track just so you can hear this here so here is the whoosh effect see how it kind of whooshes on and then i have this like button appear and i have a pop noise now it might take you a few minutes to go through and add sound effects for when text and stickers come on screen or if you do a transition but this will seriously make it look like you put a ton of work into this video and really enhanced it when really it only took a few minutes to just add these into your videos editing tip number three is to add captions to your videos and this is both good for youtube videos as well as short form content all you have to do is click on the text option here and then click auto captions and then click add captions let it go through and it'll add everything in all right and as you can see it has added the captions in for our video and what we can actually do is we can click on the text effect and we can click batch edit and when we actually click on the text and go into the style effects what this will actually do is we can grab this i'm just going to pick it up a little higher here for this part just so you can see but i can change on here just do these automatic things here i could apply like the yellow and the black what i normally see people do is like lettering like this or lettering like this and that can go to the font and make it all classic so it's really you know really big letters there and then i'm just going to scroll this back down here and i'm going to click the check mark and now it'll all be applied to all of the different text effects and if we go through each one of these this is where you'll see a lot of the the shorts creators doing something similar and what we're going to do is we're just going to click the return key here on this one so it kind of groups it up better together there and what you can actually do is add emojis here to help enhance this so the reason most people don't grow on youtube is and we could add in here maybe a little growth graph like so and what we could also do we could select the reason most people and we can change the color to yellow and now we have this really cool changing color for this one and we can go over to this next section and do the same thing but they don't spend enough time on getting people to so we can add a little time symbol so we'll click style do return key there and at the end of time we'll click here and we'll just type in time and put like a little clock there or something like that and then we can put the on getting to and make that yellow and you can kind of just go through this and be able to enhance these now obviously i wouldn't leave those up there i'd probably center them down here more but you can go through and add all these different text effects which can really help cause engagement for your videos if you're adding all of these in normally done for short form content you could do it for long form content if you want to but super useful if you're trying to get increase your engagement with your videos editing tip number four i'm going to show you how to blur someone's face now there's a few different ways to do this but the easiest way that includes tracking your face is to use a sticker so for example i'll click on stickers here i'm gonna pull up stickers i'm gonna go to just the regular emojis and maybe i'm blocking out an angry person's face so i'm gonna use this angry emoji here and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on it i'm going to resize it here just so it takes up my face properly there we go it's taking up most of my face as you can see it's not really following my face what i can do is click this tracking button and i'm going to resize this tracking circle and make it around my head and i know my head's right here so we're going to do that i'm going to click tracking and as you can see it's now following my head cap cut is figuring out where it should go doing all the keyframes for me and now with this done as you can see i am now blurred out and what i could actually do is if midway through i want to change this emoji i can do is just click split and i'll delete that one add a different sticker here maybe i go to a one of these ones make sure that one takes up my full head again click tracking again resize this and now as we click play here it's tracking angrily and then it switches to a different emoji so you could have a lot of fun with this with the person's face you're blurring out or if you just want to do emoji faces on people this is a really cool effect to do editing tip number five is how to remove profanity from your videos now listen to this guy flip is going oh he said the word flip that is not okay not on my channel now it's actually pretty easy to remove profanity so you just want to get to right to the spot where they say the word that you want to remove so what the right there so what i'm going to do at that point is go over here and click the split button so i'll click that go to the end when i'm done with that word right there so now this is just the word flick flip and what i can do is i then can click on this section here and i can click volume and turn it all the way down and now when we go over that spot of going on it's bleeped out if you want to add a sound effect to make it kind of fun we can go to that audio section we can go to effects so i found this crow noise we're going to go with that as our bleep noise so put that over that section and trim it down so now what the is going on so there we go we've removed the profanity editing tip number six is to color grade your footage for the mood of your video so for example maybe this video here i want to be a very serious tone so then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to adjust and i want to make sure that whatever adjustments i make here help sell the mood so for example i'll probably go over to the saturation section and turn that down so it's not so colorful probably gonna turn contrast up and now i'm ready to give a serious documentary type video here whereas if i was trying to make this a fun playful happy video i'm probably going to go to the saturation section and i'm gonna turn that up i'm probably gonna turn the brightness up a bit to maybe less contrast so it's a little bit more happier i might do a warmer color temperature because warm usually indicates happy and now this doesn't look like some crazy super serious documentary so think about what filters and effects and adjustments you're doing to your video clips because they could help with letting people know that this is the mood of the video and help immerse people in your content editing tip number seven is to use stock footage and you might be thinking how would stock footage work with the type of content i make well i'm telling you whether you're making informative content or you're making comedy content you could use stock footage and really make your videos better for my stock footage i use something called pixels.com it's a free app and also a free website where people just upload photos and videos that you can use as stock footage so for example i could search something like influencer and i'll find a whole bunch of photos as well as videos uh all relating to influencer that i could add to my videos or maybe i'm doing a vlog in new york and i want to add some new york drone shots that i didn't take but might enhance my vlog i can search new york and go to videos and i have some awesome videos of new york some drone shots epic shots that i could use in my vlog to help enhance them so don't knock stock footage it's not just something these corporations and businesses use you can use these in vlogs and gaming content in so many different areas to help make your videos better and then if you were to add these to your videos you'd probably just click on the overlay button and place it on top of your video clips of your vlog maybe throw some music in the background and it'll fit in just fine tip number eight is how to blur the background of your videos now this is super easy to do and give you a nice cinematic look now even though this video is technically already blurred of the background we can still enhance it a little bit more and especially if you're filming on your phone this could be really useful so all i'm going to do is click on my video that i want to blur the background of and i'm going to go over to the duplicate feature which is right here the copy button and then what i'm going to do on this second clip is click overlay so it's now an overlay and then i'm going to bring it back to where this clip is once that's done what you want to do is with this overlay clip you're going to want to click the remove background button i'm going to let this run and remove the background all right that completed and just to show you what's going on here i'm going to click on the base one not the overlay and i'm going to change the opacity so you can see what's going on here so what's happening is because we removed the background of the overlay this is all we have left which means everything else here we can adjust so for example we can go to the adjustments and saturation and if we turn the saturation down it's only affecting everything else except the overlay because we have an overlay of the exact same clip so i'm in color still even though i'm wearing gray wasn't the best choice for this example as you can see it's all affected there and i can change everything but it's not going to affect me this also includes if we put effects on this video so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over to my effects section video effects i can go over to the basic ones and there should be just a basic blur here there we go don't grow on awesome and as you can see it has blurred the background now honestly i will say this isn't perfect it's mainly because i have this table in front of me that it looks kind of weird because it's blurring in front of me in back of me but if you were just doing a straight up standing shot for example maybe we were to crop in just around you you could potentially get a very nice blur effect for your background but even if you didn't want to go that way and you just wanted to adjust the colors or anything else you can do that with this effect editing tip number nine is how do you make these videos colin i always get this question people want to know how i do this whole thing well first i have a camera filming me and then i'm screen recording either on my ipad or i'm screen recording on my phone iphones have a built-in screen recorder samsung phones have a built-in screen recorder if you have any other android phone you're gonna have to purchase one or get a free one off of the app store now what i basically do is i click the plus button here and go to my videos and download one of my screen recordings so here we go i have my screen recording in i think i was demonstrating something on youtube here i think it was my keyword research formula so i have my ipad screen here and then all i do is i go to my overlay add overlay and i'll and i'll just add this video clip from this camera onto my ipad here for this example we'll just pretend that this is that clip for example here and what i can then do is i can resize this and i can move it over to the corner if i want i could actually go down here and scroll over to the mask section right here and i can apply a circular mask around my face like so click the check mark and then i can increase the size of this and now as i'm showing my screen here and demonstrating something i have my reaction to all this kind of stuff going on now i take it a step further and make sure that my canvas color that there's something behind this usually it's a color of some sort that i have for my background i mean you're seeing it right now and then i'll also get like an ipad image that's a png that's just like the outline of an ipad i'll place that over the top of this that way it looks like i'm actually doing this on an ipad screen digitally when really it's just an image from google that i downloaded and used and then other than that it's just making sure the audio is matched up with things i'm touching in the video and poof you have these tutorial type videos where you can demonstrate things to your audience editing tip number 10 is that you can add keyframes to your music audio now even though when you click on this you don't necessarily see a keyframe option when you're under volume but what you can actually do is you know whatever volume you have it set at maybe for a certain part you want the volume to be a little louder but then you want to kind of slowly decrease for a different section of the video what you can do is you can click that keyframe button here scroll ahead to the next spot click the next keyframe button and then just go to your volume section and you can turn it down to wherever you want it to be and it'll stay at that audio and then if you want to increase a different section place another keyframe scroll a bit ahead click again and then you can go back to volume and you can turn it up again so depending on your scene maybe you want the volume to be louder in certain places or quieter at certain places i do i like that so being able to do this with keyframes to adjust the volume up and down however you want super useful for videos now two more things that might be super helpful for you i created a free training down below showing you actionable strategies for getting your first 1000 subscribers if that is your goal to get monetized on youtube make sure to click that link down below and sign up for my free training so that way you're doing everything you need to grow your channel and guys i've literally made almost 20 videos on capcut if you click on this playlist you'll see everything i have ever taught on capcut right here so you can increase your knowledge even further so be sure to check this out as well
Channel: Collin Michael
Views: 880,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y4R-8QxtiWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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