Creating High-Quality YouTube Shorts in CapCut?

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today we're figuring out if you can edit a highquality YouTube short using a free software like cap cut so I've been using premere Pro and after effects for the past 8 years now you could kind of say it's my comfort zone but in my most recent video to blow up which is been awesome I can't believe how crazy that video has gone a lot of you guys were asking me how to edit YouTube shorts like Ali abdal using a free software like cap cut honestly I don't know and I have my doubts as to how effective a free software could be in creating shorts of this high quality but I really want to figure out for you guys if you can actually create shorts using this free software because I know money is tight lately and I'm really curious to see how this works but there's something I need to do [Music] first it's time to learn a new editing software fun so first things first I need to download cap cut both on my tablet and on my PC and what 500 plus Mill million downloads I've been sleeping on this anyway the download was going well and then I opened the app and it dawned on me I have no idea where to start with this let's watch some tutorials so I spent the next 30 minutes watching some introductory tutorials to get the hang of the basics splitting footage adding overlays text and sound design and at the end of this brief period I felt much more confident and ready to start editing thank you Primal video but in order to really put this software to the test I need something to edit so today I'm going to be creating a YouTube short based on the Paro principle or the 8020 effect which is the principle of the 4-Hour Work week and I'll be doing an Ali abdal style once again because that's what a lot of you guys wanted to see now I just recorded around a 3 to 4 minute take of me reading out my script to create this short now I just need to get my footage on my tablet which if you're wondering is a Samsung S9 plus and to do this I just used Google Drive I started up a new project and then just simply selected the clip from my device and honestly it was great to see that I could get my 4K footage from my Panasonic gh5 onto my tablet and then edit on there that's pretty cool next up I changed the ratio to be 9 x 16 so we have that nice vertical format for a YouTube short but that also meant I had to adjust the rotation and scale of the clip now when I first opened the app I did this by pinching with two fingers and rotating which wasn't very precise and I actually found the better way to do this is to go into the basic properties of the clip where you can then adjust the rotation by just dragging along the slider to be 90° exactly and actually you can do this quicker by using the edit tool now this is where I encountered my first problem with cap cut you see when I would normally edit down Clips in premere Pro I pretty much only use the waveform to determine where to make those cuts so I can see where my speaking starts and where it ends on cap cut especially on the mobile device you can't see that waveform automatically which makes cutting very painful but I did find a solution to this so in the main timeline go to audio then select extracted select the main clip that you previously imported into the project and then just let cap cut do its thing processing the audio from there once it's done line up that track with your footage track so it's all playing in time and then because it's going to make it a little bit loud and potentially Echo turn the volume down on this extracted clip now we can use the waveform from this extracted clip to make out cuts on the original footage so you just select the footage clip use the split tool and go through and make cuts through your footage just importantly don't delete anything at this time because then it will mess up the timing of both of those clips so go through make all the cuts you need then once that's done you can delete the extracted audio clip and go through and delete all the bad takes and bits of Silence also it's not a big deal but cap cut tries to sneak in their logo at the end of your video so just make sure you go in there select that clip and delete it look honestly that wasn't too bad it was pretty good interface I didn't mind The Cutting functionality having to add that wave form on top of the normal footage was a little bit annoying but I'm pretty happy with the software so far now though we're going to try and add some of those effects and I want to see how many from my wish list I can actually get in to this video So speaking of a wish list there's a few effects that I really wanted to try with this video now with all my edits I always go through my footage or my script and plan out the visual aids that I want to use to communicate what I'm saying better it's kind of like a rough plan where I sketch out you know this could be a cool idea to communicate this point that I'm saying and often what I end up doing in the video does change because either I can't achieve that effect or I come up with a better idea as I'm going along but I always start with this plan now for this particular video editing in cap cut I really wanted to see if I could recreate this intro from Ali abdal shorts which I did in my other video so rotor scoping myself out having a mask come down so the background reveals speaking of backgrounds I want to try and see if I can recreate a looping moving stop motion paper background with that texture overlay that I used in my previous video now for the rest of the video it's just simp simply Graphics coming in seeing if I can do subtitles in the same style how sound design Works in this app and also adding in some smooth Transitions and I have heard Whispers that the captioning feature within cap cut is actually really good so I'm really Keen to try that out but let's start with that intro and what I ended up achieving through the mobile version of cap cut definitely looked good it's not 100% like alleys but considering this is a free mobile program this is a really cool effect but there was a problem so the tricky thing with working within cap cut is the layers especially on the mobile device you have your main footage track and then you have a bunch of overlays then you also have dedicated layers for text and stickers but the tricky thing about achieving this effect is I need to have a background behind my main footage and have my main footage be cut out which I couldn't see an easy way of doing this within cap cut but I did some thinking and did actually find a way to achieve the same effect but first before I show you how to do that we need to create that looping texture background to put behind our footage now again this wasn't as easy to do as it was in After Effects but if you do want to have this same stop motion style background in your videos which really helps bring them to life we need to create a new project make sure the ratio is 9x 16 so all work within our videos and then go find yourself some paper textures I again will be using resources from texture Labs which is a great free site so I got this black paper and then this sort of parchment looking type of paper and then to match Ali Style again I'm going to use the same half tone texture Loop that I got from invat elements that I used in my previous video so in this new project I'm going to import just one of those paper layers and then that half tone texture I'm going to turn that texture footage into an overlay layer and then move it to the side because we're going to play around with that a little bit later now with our paper texture go to the beginning scale it up so it fills up the entire frame and some so I can move it around rotate it and you're not going to see any blank parts of the frame I'm going to set a starting position move it around to somewhere where it looks kind of cool move forward a couple of frames and use the split tool and then going to adjust the position and rotation of this new clip to be a little bit kind of opposite of what I had in the first one again go forward a couple more frames add another split and move around the paper now I did this four to five times and once that's done do a last split and delete the rest of the footage so you should have five individual Clips which you're going to jump around now to adjust the timing I stretched out each of these clips so they're all 0.7 seconds long but now this only lasts for a couple of seconds and I want this to go for at least 20 seconds now I couldn't figure out an easy way to copy all of these clips and paste them in sequence again and again within the mobile version of cap cut so I had to individually go in and copy each clip move it to the end copy the next one move it to the end do that over and over again until I filled up that 20 seconds if you're going to do that a useful tip that I figured out on the second time I did this is to place a marker in the middle of the first clip so you can do this by just clicking on that clip and clicking the key frame button that means as you scrub through your footage you're going to see which is the first clip within that sequence when you copy something like 20 times you're going to see all right this is clip one after that it's Clip 2 3 and four so when we have our 20 seconds filled up go to the overlay layer and drag that on top of our footage scale it up so it covers the entire frame and then to help it look more like a stop motion effect because right now it's playing through really fast click on style and then select auto velocity once that's finished processing click on adjust and bring the time between two down to zero and as we play this back it's going to help create sort of stop motion Style but it's still going a little bit too fast so we can also click on this clip and go to speed and adjust the speed down to either 0.3 or 0.4 and to make it blend in with our paper background we can use the blend modes and set it to either lighten or soft and just drag down that opacity slider until it's a subtle effect now with the parchment style paper where it's sort of a lighter background I wanted to use the same texture but I didn't want white dots I wanted black dots so I just applied the negative filter to that footage to make the black into white and the white into black and use the darken blend mode instead now making sure that this is a 4K resolution file export it and now we can bring it into our previous project and we have a looping paper texture background but now we go back to the rotoscoping effect so the problem still stands that I can't put this paper looping background behind my main footage so what do we do so the solution is to go in and copy the first clip of your main footage this will create a duplicate right next to it click on that and select overlay which will put that into an overlay layer drag it so it lines up with that original main footage and also make sure you turn down the volume otherwise it's going to get very echoey and very loud now because I want to have a mask come down and I also want to have myself Roto out so my head is still visible I'm going to need two layers here so copy that once more and actually leave that one to the side and we'll bring it in a little bit later so the first effect we're going to have it so the background slides down and reveals that looping paper texture and to do this is actually really easy I'm simply going to use the mask feature and specifically the split function also turn down the opacity on the original footage layer so I create a key frame at the beginning making sure that the slider for that mask is right at the top of the screen so everything is visible and then move forward a few frames bring that slider down and angle it slightly then click on the first key frame and select this graph icon where you can adjust the easing in of that movement so that's part one done now get that other clip and drag it on top of the footage again making sure everything lines up click on that clip and select cutout now you could use just a background remover effect or you can also use the customized back ground removal this time I used the custom one and I simply just painted out over myself and it did a pretty good job at cutting out the background the only caveat is it turned my footage sideways once more so again I had to go into the basic properties and make sure that I rotated it so it matched the orientation and scaled up and adjusted the position so it perfectly matched the previous layer now this is important it has to line up with that previous layer otherwise this effect won't look good so you can actually go to the previous layer and look at the scale rotation and position of that layer to make sure that the new one lines up within those basic properties now at this point you may also have an issue with the ordering of the layers and potentially that paper background might actually be on top of it so if you're not seeing any of this just go on to the layers button within any of those clips and make sure the order is correct so you want to have that paper background right at number one and then the other ones at two and three but now I want a bit more room for my text and my Graphics to appear on the screen just like Ali does so I want to move the two cutout pieces of footage of me down so in order to do this you just go to the start where you want this movement to begin add a key frame on one of those layers select the other at the same point add another key frame move forward to where you want the movement to end and then on the first layer use the basic properties to adjust the position down go to the second layer and copy that exact same position movement so making sure those values are the exact same then to make this smoother go to the first key frame on one of the layers select any graph you want but if you do that make sure you go to the other layer and select the exact same graph so the movement completely matches and then we'll have both of these layers move down and reveal more space for us to work with that was pretty cool but now let's add some text so adding text is actually pretty straightforward in cap cut they give you dedicated layers for text and Graphics particularly stickers and all you need to do is just select add text type what you want select the font you want and they give you a pretty healthy selection here you can then add in animations for both in and out I particular really like the typewriter effects especially when paired with a typewriter sound effect and you can even apply a kind of turbulent displace type effect like Ali does by just using the wiggle effect in the loop tab in that animation window however I went through my editing process put in all the graphics did the animation things like that added all the text I needed and then I made one simple edit and all of my text vanished I couldn't see it at all and I tried everything I researched I cleared my cash I tried reapplying the text and nothing worked but I did need text to bring this short to life and so the solution that I found was to just go through this first edit add in pictures add in graphics make my footage cut properly and then export that at the highest res that I could import that export into a new project and then add my text on top of this in other words it was a pain in the neck but quickly let's touch on the stickers because there's a lot of options here and honestly they'll pretty cool I used this like one this subscribe one this little circle highlight was really useful for pointing out a specific focus of one of my graphics and then also to match Ali's style I used a lot of the tape stickers and then to have them slide onto the screen I used the simple slide right animate in feature and then just put text on top of that animating in as that tape slides in now as for graphics it was actually really straightforward to add them in you just drag them in adjust the scale and position and for most of them I just used a simple slide in or a zoom in transition to give a little bit of flare as they came in the one exception is this little fancy combo effect that I used for this Treasure Chest which looks pretty cool and also the Apple logo now there may also be a few of you who will ask how I did this falling money effect like this and simply I just found a green screen clip off YouTube brought it into my project use the cutout effect and just select chroma key selecting that green color and boom just like that I have cutout money falling onto my screen really easy and honestly pretty decent and speaking of easy let's talk about the transitions because honestly it was super easy to add transitions between Clips I found all I needed to do was just zoom in and click on these little buttons in between Clips which opened up my transition options the main ones I liked were Zoom ins and zoom outs and then also to make the video flow a little bit better I went into my main footage and on a few of the clips I just zoomed it in a little bit making sure my eyeline was the same between each of those clips and all of these transitions paired with some sound effects really helped bring the video to life speaking of which that's what we're doing next so adding Sound and Music was actually really easy you get your own dedicated sound layers and you access them by clicking this sound button and you can bring in any music or sound effects you want from your device or you can use some from cap cut now personally I wanted to use my resources that I got from art list so I got this really cool song that was pretty epic pretty sort of motivational and then also these sound effects which I used in my previous Ali abdal shorts Recreation video I could bring them all in and line them up with my transitions with my graphics and it just made the video feel a little bit more lively so the final step is to add captions to the video and the beautiful thing about cap cut is I can do it outside now this step was actually pretty easy to do and just as easy to do as in premere Pro if not easier you just go to text and select auto captions from video and then start and cap cut quickly autot transcribed my entire video now I did get a few things wrong like calling vilfredo Alfredo but it was really easy to change using the batch edit tool and also in here if the captions too long you can just place your marker and press enter and it will separate the two captions into two separate clips and adjust the time to be almost correct now to adjust the font just select one of the caption Clips select style and select the font you want for this one to match Ali style I'm going to go with Monster Rat change the color to Black and then to add this white border I'm just going to select this little icon on the style panel and then to adjust the settings go to Canvas play around with the roundness the padding until we get a style that matches alleys also make sure the setting apply to caption is ticked this means it will apply to all the captions we have in this video and we can also move around the position to make sure that it doesn't overlap any of our Graphics or our footage now the timing will be off on a lot of these captions so the easiest way to adjust this is to just go in and drag the end and starting points of each of these clips so it lines up you best go through all of these captions to make sure that it actually flows nicely because if it doesn't it's a little bit jarring so we did all of that in the mobile version but let's now talk about the desktop version now now pretty much everything was the exact same process some of the buttons were in a different place but overall I was really impressed with how this pc/ desktop version performed especially considering it's free but the one thing that took me a little bit longer to figure out was how to smooth out the animation between key frames so having something like this go a little bit smoother now as you saw in the mobile version we could just click this little graph icon and select any of these smooth movement graphs to achieve that smooth movement on the PC there's no such button but we can still do it you just have to right click the clip you're working on and select show key frame animation then it will show you all the things that you have key frames for so for this layer I have mask key frames and I have position key frames now to smooth the movement on any of these you just need to select one of these attributes so I'm going to select the mask effect and then go right to the end of the clip where you'll see this little drop- down menu click on that and now all of a sudden you'll have the graph of that key frame animation and you also have three little buttons that appear in the middle of the clip now to make it smoother just select the middle one and boom like that we have a smooth animation and now guys we're done this is the par effect how to get more done in less time it was discovered in the early 19th century by the Italian economist vredo pero who discovered that 80% of effects came from just 20% of causes for example 80% of a company's profits come from just 20% of their customers their regulars or that most people wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time and it relates to us creators too with often 80% of the results coming from just 20% of the content that we produce whether that be income views or subscribers so how can we then take that Paro principle and apply it to our lives and save time and get the same if not better results or simply just identify the 20% of activities that you do that produce 80% of the results you want and then all the rest either reduce eliminate or Outsource the trick is find finding what that 20% is have fun wow now I'm not saying wow because of my video it's irrelevant what I'm saying wow is is the fact that I made that with a mobile application which has literally blown my mind because and it's made me realize that there are so many more opportunities and possibilities with editing software out there and I've just been stuck in my little shell with Premiere Pro and after effects and I realized now I need to try some more editing software so this is going to be fun hope you enjoyed the video hope you learned a lot and remember you're only one video away thanks for watching
Channel: Validation
Views: 358,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make youtube shorts in capcut, capcut editing tutorial, capcut, youtube shorts, shorts, shorts like ali abdaal, how to make shorts like ali abdaal, how to make shorts like ali abdaal in capcut, trying capcut for the first time, Creating high quality youtube shorts in capcut, capcut tutorial, validation, ali abdaal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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