Canteen Cup Tuesday Spam vs Dollar Tree, Bristol Luncheon Loaf

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hey y'all it's bear look here it's time for battle spam okay we're gonna do the dollar store classic luncheon load versus spam the original and we're going to use some Kraft macaroni and cheese to go with them no Dollar Tree macaroni and cheese y'all that stuff's nasty don't buy that I did that one time never again so let's get things going and cook it up we're gonna boil up the mac and cheese and the old canteen cup now we're gonna fry up our spam on the old gie lunch set here alright let's do it now before we get started I want you to take a look at the ingredients here you see that you can give it a pause a spam that's all it's got in it it really doesn't have a whole lot of ingredients in it and our luncheon loaf well they got some fillers and stuff going on there you see that and if I can find a picture of the treat ingredients I'll include that because I think that treat stuff is real similar to this so holy you pay 88 cents more for treat there we go she's burning [Music] now if y'all buy the deluxe Kraft macaroni and cheese [Applause] it comes with a cheese sauce not that powdered stuff so you can cook up your pasta and then put the cheese sauce in there and just give her her mix really easy random camp flavor all right y'all we got a boil going in with the noodles and these particular noodles they're only supposed to microwave for like three and a half minutes so they don't need to boil long while that's cooking up let's see if we can't slice off a little bit of this here spam and luncheon loaf what'd you think here's yellow side by side spam right here Dollar Tree luncheon loaf not quite the same are they let's see I think I want two nice slices there we go and the watching love definitely has a little bit different texture the Dollar Tree luncheon loaf is more like slicing a hot dog and the spam has a little more resistance to it your Dollar Tree and their spam all right so works guy we're gonna throw those noodles right in there and put the sauce on them and mix it up I'm gonna get rid of this huh turn my heat down really low here get myself a little dollar tree oil in the pan say I don't think I can put all four pieces in you could put three pieces in the Japan but I'll be pushing it with the four so I'm gonna do two at a time that's my little salt off can't spatula that's a dollar tree fine if I lose it no big deal Nessus it we need some cheese sauce going into macaroni before my wife and I hit blue-collar working-class this was a meal for us and the kids macaroni cheese and fried spam my little spam slice to be cooking up a little faster it's browning up on the edges and get you in here where you can see it oops Dollar Tree spam let's get going oh yeah nice nice crispy edge going yeah and back then we didn't get the cheesy sauce macaroni and cheese we had that powdered stuff come a long ways now I don't know which ones doing it but one of these is releasing a lot of fast last time I cooked up some spam it almost needed a little fat in the Pam pan to get it going so if much of the dollars free lunch in Lowe's I think we're good on this I lost a piece of spam y'all that's not good oh man I'm gonna tell you what though like if I'm in the woods yo we're not wasting that we're hungry yes a little water [Music] make sure we get any funky stuff off of there and then let's heat it back up that one good start melting my spatula to my pan all right we're calling that guy sanitized cleaned and ready to eat my goodness it's just some grass and dirt y'all it's okay that right there is country boy goodness y'all let's tie their bug let's dive in and see if this Dollar Tree luncheon loaf is any comparison to the spam all right y'all let's it we got here I guess we have to taste the spam first because that's what we're comparing it to I heart y'all hands down there's no comparison there okay like texturally my spam it's just a little softer than like a ham steak he's got some chewing some bite to it I just got a nice pork flavor uh luncheon loaf that's a bad hot dog that's what that is it's a bad hot dog mmm in our work hot dogs so you know like a good hot dog though that's a bad hot dog that's your 99 cent a pack hot dogs dogs well if you got the money buy the spam y'all but you know if you don't you know the dollar store luncheon loaf it eats okay and go outside and buy some and cook it up I'm not mad at you you know I'm cheap too sometimes each might figure out some way to do something with that know those macaroni oh yeah man that takes me back about 25 years miss Pam macaroni and cheese alright so there you go y'all buy the spam spend a little bit extra money if you got it if not you know lunch and loaf will do it'll do but you know what we'll see you on the trail
Channel: JourneyofBear
Views: 1,831
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: Canteen Cup Tuesday, trail food, trail cooking, Bushcraft, Hiking, backpacking, camping, Camp Cooking Tuesday, Camp cooking, camp stove, camp stoves, emergency stove
Id: mpqQvAPTtr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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