Candace Owens: Democrat Laws Negatively Impact Minorities

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thank you guys so much for coming out I was actually here a year ago and it was just half the road so I guess I've made some something like it impact over the last 365 days so it's blessing always to be in front of crowds and to travel in the way that I do with the message that I just hold so close to my heart and one that I believe just to be the truth so I won't actually start today by just discussing a current event exciting it adds color to where we are at in society for those of you that pay attention to online trends on social media or what the Yahoo headlines are for the day or what the Twitter trending stories are right now Mario Lopez for those of you that don't know him he is a former actor who does a lot of work in Hollywood he was on Saved by the Bell he played someone named AC Slater and he's had a pretty great rise in Hollywood and it's very close with a lot of the leftists in Hollywood and Mario and I began speaking over social media and I invited him to come on my show the Candace Owens show at Riverview because it's very rare that you get a celebrity in Hollywood that's willing to come out and speak to conservatives on the other side and what I believe to be true is that we have to conservatives have to win back culture we have to speak to people that are in Hollywood and get them to understand our perspective if we're going to make an impact so Mario is a a conservative and he was willing to come out of the closet as I like to say with these conservative principles first I had Jon Voight and then I had Mario Lopez and he kept the conversation it was it was very vanilla he wanted to be there we see and not to say anything that might upset the radical leftists and at one point in the conversation we started talking about the LGBT movement and the tea part of this is something that I've been very interested in because for those of you that don't know and the elementary school level they're beginning to allow children to pick their genders so you can send your child to elementary school and all day they can be calling your little boy her and she and there not required to tell the parent that they're doing this it's seen as an element of protecting the child and gender is as you guys understand today the mainstream narrative is that it's just a construct and parents that don't accept this are bullies so I try to provide a dialogue just so parents know what's going on in elementary schools and middle schools and high schools today because it's even dramatically different from when I was in school and I'm 30 years old so Mario talked about this and he was very polite he said you know I really I I trust children I trust adults to raise their children in the way that they want to and I always want to respect that but for me personally I think that it's dangerous when you start allowing three-year-olds to make permanent decisions in their life if he was referring to allowing children obviously to pick their gender and go through something as rigorous as gender reassignment surgery so young that was his only statement you know I think it's dangerous to allow three-year-olds to make permanent life choices interview aired one month ago and there were silence today woke up and it's cancer Mario Lopez the Access Hollywood job that he has is speaking out glad you know the gay and lesbian alliance is speaking out and they issued a statement saying that they should have to give a sizeable donation he should lose his job and it's it's a really scary thing like the Mario he just had on his third child I think two weeks ago and he just signed a contract with Access Hollywood to do a show and all of that is now on the line because he said one sentence on my show and it's trending right now so I just wanted to just give you that perspective of where we're at in society we're saying things that make sense and an understanding that there are two genders that you can be a boy or you can be a girl saying that outwardly is now a means of losing your job and your source of income to provide for your family and I feel I've been feeling horrible all day about this because it's a hard it's a tough conversation to have because there's nothing he did wrong there's something I did wrong it's gonna lead to such detrimental consequences because we have the mob on the Left which is now dictating with this trans lobby that we all have to accept that children can choose their genders a lot of this is why I do what I do and you know I obviously get hit every single day I like to say that once every two months I'm trending for something ridiculous and they look they have me pegged as the nation's first black white supremacist so we really bought downhill very fast in society but this is real you could speak to somewhere on campus and they will explain to you how I am a white supremacist because there is no reality anymore it doesn't matter so they will try to explain to you and use concrete detail to explain that there are some black people that wish to create a society that they will not be able to live in that's the idea of what a black white supremacist is today so I just speak about my values and where I came from and and for those of you that have followed my story from the beginning you know that I was a liberal I was on the Left I was one of those people that believed because of the color of my skin that I had to be a liberal and if you had asked me coming out of high school and I talked about the school system a lot and what it does because it is Ryan and it's brainwashing children he would asked me out of high school to tell to tell you my political perspective I would have said I was a Democrat and I would have said that Republicans were racist I knew very little I didn't know much about history but I knew those two things to be true and that is a credit to our education system which no longer challenges children to think critically they challenge children to remember and I tell the story the whole time about my upbringing and I was always one of those kids that pushed back people asked me now how do you how do you push back all the time where do you get this spirit how do you you know get the nerve to go up in Congress and say that to ted Lieu and Jerry Nadler and I just kind of just came out of the womb that way really that really is the truth I was a difficult child I was always never accepting my parents they you know your parents love to say because I said so and kids supposed to do whatever the magic for words because I said so I always push back not against Authority but against unreasonable Authority I always say manage an explanation I always wanted to think critically to this day I have to have an understanding of what I'm doing and it can frustrate people and I'm today I'm friends with one of my high school teachers mr. white and we paint on face book back and forth and he's a liberal you know a classical liberal the ones that disagree with you but believe that you have a right to exist right you have a right to have a job and an income one of those old-school types of liberals he was a he was a great teacher and I drove from absolutely crazy and he always says that if there was one person that would be end up doing what you are doing Candice I would have I would have put my money on you because you were just a pain in my butt and he tells the story of a test that I took on World War two he reminded me of and one of the questions on the test was why didn't wise in America have to drop the bomb on Hiroshima pretty straightforward question everybody in the class obviously began scribbling the answer except for me I rose my hand because I had a problem with the question and mr. white said no Candice what could possibly be wrong and I said you know I don't like the way the question is phrased I said these the answers already implied why did America have to drop the bomb on Hiroshima I would rather you asked us did America have to drop the bomb on Hiroshima a very important difference that I had already realized in high school you know one is asking me to think critically to analyze everything that's going on and determine whether or not we had to take that action and of course maybe if I had you know if I sat down to think about it my answer would be yes you know it put an end to a war and ultimately saved millions of lives but not phrasing it in that way is the way the school system operates today and you see a lot of that and I took you know mr. I always say that mr. Wright received a blessing just like my parents did when it was time for me to go to school mr. white received a blessing as it was time for me to leave high school and go to college this is how adults get lucky they don't have to deal with me and my frustrating questions and I was required to take required being the key word here a feminism 101 course I think this was really sort of the beginning of leftist dogma being taught in the classroom requiring children to take things I think my options were African American Studies gender studies or feminism 101 interesting right so I went with what I thought was the less of the three evils but I think it is the number one evil radical I suspect because I'm ism is a real issue we're facing today and in this course it was pretty ridiculous there was you could get an A in this class very simply she had we had this textbook and it basically had every problem that women have faced since the beginning of dawn the dawn of time and the answer she plucked out one of these problems and then she would turn around to the class and she would she would say why are women facing this problem and all we had to do was say because of men I mean pretty simple class said she said you know why did I lose my keys this morning so smart you are you're going places a plus and this is literally how the class function and for me that was like oh I just I just want to feel like maybe there's something else going on here and this is sort of the the early tide of blaming patriarchy when you see these radical feminists and they're putting on hats is what they call them and they're shouting this is this is where they're getting that from just so you know we're learning this actively in the school system and and we're being taught this and I remember in one particular class and it's such an important one that I go back to all the time where she plucked out one of her problems in our math in this textbook and it was about eating disorders and the statistic that she had at the time was that 89% of people in America that have faced eating disorders are women then she turned to the class and that's the important question why is that obviously it's because of men and I think I chuckled like out loud it's just it's just so absurd to me and she turned around to me we were you know we were fast enemies already you know as soon as I sat down to Sharon and she said what you know what Candice what could you possibly think is funny about this statistic and I said I mean it can't all be because of men and I said and and maybe there are some all alternates statistics that we should be taking a look at right like one of the statistics of people in society that shoot up steroids to make themselves very muscly you know is that 89% of men and is that because of women she was like completely lost her color I mean she was just like oh my goodness and she turned around to me and I let her forget the words she said she said Candice I just feel like you were sent to me from the men's department it's just and I never forgot this moment she literally said that and I turned around to her and I said no I feel like I was sent to you from the common sense Department and so much of what I do today really does just feel like common sense right like I'm really it seems heroic and revolutionary it's just really common sense I'm trying to bring back common sense and we treated you know we traded bars back and forth and and then I I shut down everything that she was saying and for those of you that follow me and know I do a lot of speaking in front of young women because when I was from the ages of eighteen to twenty-two I actually had an eating disorder so I was sitting in her classroom I had anorexia her for four years I was sitting in her classroom and she was teaching me that my inner Exia was because of men and it wasn't it just simply wasn't I used anorexia as a control mechanism when things went out of control for me when I was in high school and yet here I was standing in front of her and she was saying no ignore all of that she wasn't asking questions she wasn't looking to turn around to women and ask about our experiences and why that is she was looking to brainwash me to tell me to be angry and bitter about men who she was saying control the marketing industry were putting models that were too skinny on the billboards and it shut down that conversation really quick saying oh actually I have a name disorder oh oh whoa now what is she going to do that is probably and I didn't realize that at the time I realized this now in the retrospect but that moment in my classroom really was the the most basic understanding of the differences between liberals and conservatives between leftists and conservatives right you see conservatives or rather liberals when they have a problem they look outwardly they look externally they say I have a problem who can I blame right if I'm a woman it's because of men if I'm poor it's because of wealthy people if I'm short it's because of tall people if I'm fat it's because of skinny people this is the way the leftist mind operates and conservatives we do something that's totally crazy we say maybe it's me I have a problem maybe I have to propose but to fix it maybe and I can fix this what can I do to change my circumstances and that is seen as so crazy today I dropped out of school I was one of those kids that signed up really quickly for school had no idea what I wanted to do took out $100,000 in student loans because you you know you have to put high school teachers I know go to college you will be a failure and I came from a family with absolutely no money so I had to take out four thousand dollars in loans and in my senior year Sallie may have the collapse and they denied my loan so I had to get sucked out into the world a hundred thousand dollars plus in debt with no degree I wish I could have just said that was because of men I mean really but I didn't I I got a job I moved to New York and I started working and let me tell you if Bernie Sanders just could just absolve every one student loans after I paid 150 K he's gonna have problems with me personally but I hit the ground running and I worked and I worked and I didn't care anything about politics I never did and most I would say most black Americans and for those of you that suffered through the debates last night I didn't I actually don't watch Mexico's Mexico's presidential debates which is why it seems like they're competing for right for those of you that suffered through it you're seeing that at the nucleus it's all about black America right it's all about reparations what we're gonna do for black America and and it's a ploy that they've been using for a very long time and one thing to know about most Americans is that we're so burdened by issues that were actually created by liberal policies and we don't come up for air fast enough to be able to understand that it's all related to liberal policies and I really was that stereotype didn't care about the political debate didn't care about the discussion already knew Republicans were racist didn't care to even vote I just wanted to pay the student loans had to deal with Sallie Mae calling me every day threatening to take my first child and that was sort of where my mindset was and then this this crazy thing happened in 2015 and the man by the name of Donald J Trump escalator exactly and didn't matter where you bar on the political spectrum didn't matter if you never paid a day of attention to politics you paid attention on that day right everyone suddenly became interested in politics when he came down the escalator and this was my wake-up moment and I instantly thought well not but I said nope Donald J Trump's should not be the President of the United States that was my initial reaction at no way this is the guy that says you're fired he'll make a mockery of politics he'll be so bad for America will look so bad because he's too gimmicky he's a joke that was my initial response but more important with things that I was thinking or the things that I wasn't thinking at no point in my mind did I say he's a racist and instantly right after we came down and made that announcement you turned on the TV and they it was like he had never been in the public space before and they had suddenly discovered that he was a racist a sexist a homophobe anti-semitic right they said he was transphobic they said at one point and this is quite disgusting that he was incestuous and he had feelings for about dodgem heard that crazy story they were circulating overnight it was stunning and that became my real aha moment and I said whoa whoa maybe I thought he was ill-prepared for the job but I never thought any of these things how can they destroy this man's reputation he was loved he was celebrated for people that grew up listening the hip-hop music like me all of the hip-hop artists wanted to be like trauma it was Barack Obama right that said the American dream was to be like Donald Trump this was an agreement across the board and and suddenly they wanted us pretend they never celebrated him but he was horrible and the same people that loved him now hated him I asked myself a very important question that day I said is it possible that race is now being used as a theme to turn black people in the single-issue voters and of course the answer was yes just what am I gonna do about it I feel like black americanist needs to hear a different perspective really and I didn't know too much but I knew that my inkling was wrong something really what was happening there and I had this genius idea to launch a YouTube channel because I'm a millennial and that's what makes sense so and to just present a different perspective like I didn't throw out a Magna hat I didn't say I was Pro Trump but I just started talking about conservative principles and when I started looking at policies I was stunned to find out that I was a conservative I wasn't blaming anybody for the things that I had done I I didn't feel but it was somebody else's fault that I didn't understand my student loans I didn't want anybody else to pay them back I was raised by my grandfather who was actually staunchly conservative he's one of those old-school people that believes in God and believes in the family you know imagine that and and we had so many rules in my household and nothing actually nothing on the left was anything that I believed in and and what a surprise that was and instantly I put out one video it was a satirical stab at how it's more complicated today to come out as conservative and it needs to come out as LGBT and instantly I got hit and there were articles written about me and and I was attacked my family was attacked and they did the typical Uncle Tom a a house negro how you know a bed went horrible horrible racist stuff coming from the people that love black people all they want Craig it's amazing they love black people all they want to do is give black people a platform they want to make our voices louder oh this is the party that loves women away are you conservative cancel right are you a conservative black American cancel that and I didn't feel the turn by it I actually I was inspired the idea yeah I was still the same Candis Owens I don't like for people to tell me what to think it just drove me more it drove me more into the fire and I knew that I had to start research and I needed to I need to not just have the feeling but he'd had the facts on my side and I was stunned I've studied that the things that I found you know today one of the things that and I'm actually my book announcement is coming in two days and I'll give you guys a preview here my book is is called blackout and it's the subtitle is black America's second escape from a Democrat plantation and I mean that and and the wall yeah got a hit home and I based that subtitle on a hit piece that was written about me in the Washington Post actually my good friends The Washington Post they write about what's a month a nice thick piece and this particular hit piece said that Republicans are starting to use the term Democrat plantation and it's wrong and I had a big picture of me saying that I was the one responsible for popularizing the expression Democrat plantation and in this piece the the author basically says how wrong it is and that black Americans do vote Democrats all the time but it's out of our own agency to do so it's because we've looked at the candidates and we've determined that Democrats are just the best and what the author was missing because you know they don't contact you when they write these pieces they just write them they're activists with y'all goes missing because I wasn't saying it to be funny or to be controversial or to be Q or to popularize an expression I said it because I meant it because after researching and looking at what the Democrats have done the black America this is an ideological form of the very same plantations of the Democrats had back when we first came into this country and I say the Democrats because at the start of the Civil War not a single Republican oldest slave in this country components in terms of slave life slaves were not allowed to learn to read it was it was very important that slaves were illiterate in fact it was so important that it was law that if you were taught teaching a slave how to read you would be punished by the law if you were a white American and slaves were you know they would have their limbs severed that they were caught reading illiteracy was so important if you saw my testimony in front of Congress as these everyone is debating what's wrong with black America no one is talking about the fact that our little rates are off the charts right now 75% of black boys in California can't pass a basic reading exam in the city of Baltimore Hoosier which the president has finally shed some light on across ten schools not a single black child could pass a literacy exam that is stunning all right if anybody cared about black America that would be the number one thing that they're talking about why aren't black Americans learning to read throughout the public school system the second element which is so important people to understand as the breakdown of family and really this this is so much is wrapped into the breakdown of family pay attention to everything that is happening today their goal is to break down the family I was I was reading Frederick Douglass's book it was a narrative on on his life as a slave and he opened up in talking about how he felt nothing when his mother died he felt nothing when they moved him from the plantation where his sisters were on he felt nothing for his family because they wanted to make sure there was no bonding among slaves and their families because they were constantly switching and selling them so a piece of that was to dehumanize them by making family the least important thing on a plantation look what's happening in black America today in in the 1960s the single motherhood ray and black America was 23% and at that time that was considered monstrously high it was a shock there were articles written going we have a problem here because 23 percent of black Americans are growing up a father in the home today the single motherhood rate is 74 percent 74 percent in black America today and nobody's talking about that it was Barack Obama that told told us what happens when people grow up without a father in the home you are 12 times more likely behind bars nine times more likely to leave a life of crime six times more likely to drop out of high school Barack Obama gave me that he said that it was the most important thing people to be discussing was father absence and yet no one talks about it today because they want that then we see this promoted through various movements everything that radicalized feminism is everything that the LGBT lobby trying to turn men into women right you need to you being a man is wrong to let commercial if you have any impulse of masculinity terminate it it's wrong right and then they're trying to turn women into men if you have any impulsive maternity if you want to raise your children raise there's something wrong with that why don't you want more out of businesses you shouldn't want to you should deny your macho instincts because there's something intrinsically wrong with that that is the mainstream narrative today and it's what I speak out against when I say proudly that I'm not a feminist I don't support radicalize feminism in the format it is taken today you know what it began as it's not what it is today and it's important that people see that another component of that is is the popularization of mocking people that believe in God mocking religion that's a mainstream now when you see Joy Behar on the view and she's laughing and and mocking our vice president Mike Pence because he's faithful to his wife right because he believes in Jesus Christ because he puts his his life in the church above everything else what is happening there is they're trying to popularize and make it seem weird people that both that have any religious ties and that to is a component because if you want to grow government right you have to make sure that people believe in nothing else atheism is so important to the left because if you aspire to grow government people must believe in nothing else and that is that is a tribute to the Marxist doctrine and what we're seeing happen on the Left as you see Ilhan Omar and aloes Angie Ocasio Cortes and these people are outwardly racist outwardly anti-semitic you know a bitter towards Israel bitter towards black towards white American men right unless there's something abnormal about you you can't be a straight white male in society today that is like pitchfork mentality and people come after you so I speak a lot about this and I bring a lot about this because people need to realize what's happening in society and in what we're actually up against because what they're aspiring towards is just chaos I was fortunate in one of my podcast episodes to sit across from Dennis Prager who was just a phenomenal human being one of the greatest orders of our time and I asked him a question a very naive question I said why are they doing this what is the what is what is wrong with then why do they want up to be down and down to be up and for everybody to be sideways and constantly angry he said a hog that's what you're missing there is no reason when you start asking why you'll get into trouble because what they're after is complete and utter chaos they want chaos and and so it's important that we realize that and we try to stabilize that and that we have more people that are using their platforms to get out in front of of this and speak about what the left is actually doing when they're pretending that Venezuela is a dream that Fidel Castro and Stalin were the ones that had the ideas right that we need open borders I mean how insanely racist is that it first and foremost abolishing ice abolishing Border Patrol agents over 50% of Border Patrol agents are Hispanic so you're talking about abolishing the jobs for legal Hispanic American men in favor of importing illegals that are sanctioned by the cartels I actually went down to El Paso Texas at the wall to learn more about this because you have in order to understand and to get around the narrative you have to go directly to the source and speak to those people it was under Barack Obama 2008 that the United States Commission of Civil Rights did a report and looked into our illegal immigration problem and they determined that the number one group of people that are impacted by open borders are impacted by illegal immigration our black American men between the ages of 18 and 22 and that's because they are below skilled workers the low-wage workers when you start importing illegals and they start doing work they have to compete with them if someone comes in and says I'll do it for under minimum wage that's a direct competition for black American for black American men this is why I tried to get out in front of people and discuss I Trump and his presidency and and the awakening that have brought into my life to be the greatest one of the greatest blessings I've ever experienced and it's largely due to the part through the fact that he taught me how to love the American flag for me to understand how important it is and how grateful I should feel every single day to live in what I believe to be the greatest country on the face of the planet a country that has brought us opportunities a country that has its past and has its ugly spots right we know that every every country everyone in the world has its ugly spots but there's no greater country in the world when it comes to opportunity and so often you hear people on the Left say oh that's crazy how can you say America is the greatest country right when you have people that are getting higher math scores in India and in China missing that well why are they trying to come here why is it that when they pass all those exams they want to come to America why isn't that America is offering that so many people want to come here and and what it is it's the American dream it's my grandfather who started his life on a sharecropping farm in Fayetteville North Carolina who grew up into the center gate itself who had his first job when he was 5 years old and that job was picking cotton and laid out tobacco to dry at 5:00 a.m. in the morning but he say before the Sun came up because otherwise it would be too hot that was his first job it's my grandfather who grew up with the real KKK not the fake Charlottesville the backbone where they try to create and pretend that suddenly the kk k-- k is alive and well but the real KKK used to shoot bullets into his home at night because they had a problem with his father my great-grandfather and well my grandfather and this is the interesting part when my grandfather would tell me these stories around the dinner table he never said it from a being the victim never never not once he said it from a position of pride a victor hood he'd say to me the KKK would come and shoot bullets and my daddy would grab the shotgun and shoot back at them boys you know boys is what you've heard - look the big scary Ku Klux Klan that nobody is experienced right and and my grandfather moved up north and married my grandmother when he was 17 years old stayed married to her until her dying day in 2013 and the all but all of us grandchildren were able to live in their households at various points in their lives and and today when my grandfather retired he moved back down to Fayetteville North Carolina and and he purchased the farm he purchased the farm that he grew up in he owns it our grandfather is a hero and he's an example of the American dream that is the a dream and if you come into this country and nobody cares about your color or your gender your sexual sexuality nobody cares if you're willing to work hard right and not complain understand our values as Americans this country will reward you that's really what we're up against in in 2020 protecting the values of what it means to be America protecting that dream never once in my household growing up did my grandfather ever utter a bad word about a white person did he ever say poor me what was me he never had that mentality victimhood has been a plague across the board for all minorities and an especially black Americans who are being taught but there was virtually victimhood there was nothing in victimhood there's permanent upset you can wake up every day and feel bad about yourself you can find confirmation bias online to think that we're living in a horrible position when in fact we are the most privileged people that have ever lived in the history of the world that is the truth if you live in America today making making my grandfather's mentality relevant again that is why I started the blocks at movement the black exit from the leftist ideology from the left left this doctrine of victimhood in exchange for something that feels better I think that we are what we have is just a better product I don't know if I went door-to-door and sold someone misery and I said hey every day you could wake up and be really upset about something it's fine dark level make me really bitter or we could knock door to door and say hey everybody has a bad story if I went around this room and I said tell me the worst part are like every single person in this room would be a victim of some sort I know people that have have grown up in poverty like I have and be people that I've grown up wealthier and had worse circumstances you know losing a parent when they're young where it is everybody is a victim but not everybody is a victor that's a choice deciding to keep getting up no matter how many times you fall on the ground is a choice and that's the choice that I try to go to door in door and give to minorities to say I know about being the victim of what about being a victor what about entering in the American Dream again how about that what about championing your experiences that is that is what I hope at every single one of you will help us fight to protect in 2020 and it's a cultural fight it really is we gave up culture to the left they're the ones that have SNL they're the ones that make fun of conservatives and where we see so safe we don't think we can be funnier we can venture out and do the same things that they're doing what we can and that's what I try to do with prey review that has been the blessing fighting the cultural war every single day and I have to say when we get to the point where they're starting to call black people white supremacist we might be winning we might be on the break over winnings up I want to thank you guys so much for having me and open up the floor to any questions I think we should do some questions that all right do we have time for questions awesome for something Candice for coming back the second time we're well appreciated and in the description you talked about winning the cultural war we understand that that war starts with a victory quite frankly what is it that we can do so yeah so that victory actually starts ahead of the ballot box is what I do every single day which is just helping people to realize that by the way you show me a black person in America I'll show you someone that's conservative and doesn't know it we're all conservative of god-fearing in terms of the most people that are the most conservative it's black Americans we just need somebody to switch the light on in terms of how you can help I mean I think I can tell you when I started on YouTube and I started making videos I didn't know where it was gonna go and somebody contacted me on Facebook it was a guy out in California named Gabe and he said listen you're going places you have a really strong message and I want to support you he started supporting my patreon which is like an online you can raise money to create art or whatever it is and he sent five hundred dollars a month that made all the difference it's unbelievable and now you know I don't need his father close a month and we think about just seeing talent going online there are so many young youtubers that are trying to get their voices out and sponsoring them when we did the black Leadership Summit I bought I brought 500 black conservatives or black conservative curious people right conservative curious is what they like to call themselves at first to the White House to meet the president and each one of their flights was sponsored by a Republican right so these are kids that thought Republicans are racist Republicans sponsored their flights I would say 70% of them had ever been on a plane before we had to get on the phone with their moms who were saying like is this a scam right like why why would anyone want to take my kid out of the projects and invite them to here dr. ben Carson that meet the present nights days and we said no this isn't a scam and and some of them are never going to train before we had one girl who went to Goodwill and and looked for a dress I shouldn't know what to wear to meet the president we had another young lady who borrowed her grandmother's dress because she didn't know what to wear to me the president and and this is what's so important when you have a community that has been so economically distressed by liberal policies the left is able to keep them there because they never hear a different perspective it becomes Plato's allegory of the case the shadows on the wall become reality because you've never stepped outside you've never seen anything else that experience whatever it is that you can do to provide people helps also just share the videos I mean my videos went viral because people were just sharing the videos you see something don't be scared to hit retweet don't be afraid to put it on Facebook it's not coming from you if you're just sharing a video right you can just say what do you think question mark and share a video of one of us ranting there's so many ways to get involved and obviously many of you guys already support you know Prager University they're on the front lines I believe of the culture of my turning-point USA which is by you sort that with Prager you now there's so many amazing organizations that are giving or trying to lift up these voices and get them on the front lines but it is going to have to come from the minority community I do believe that black conservatives who take 20 students to write it makes a difference and once they see it they can't unsee it that's all I can say I always say this I've seen so many black liberals go conservative I've never seen a black conservative go live something to it so Candice big fan I was reviewing your CPAC speech recently and you mentioned how the left has control of the culture yeah most impossible right it's not and I mean this is why I mean like that we need me to have conservative shows I was speaking to some of the high school kids that are here today I said don't be afraid to try on humor when I first got started I will share this the National Review was one among the first ones to write a hit piece about me and what they said is that conservatives this was it this was the never Trump errs it was you know pre trouble conservatively to reject this sort of conservatism because I was being funny I was you know making satirical comical skits and they were saying this is not what we do it's not us and I look at that retrospect how harmful compensators on a place for humor there's no better way to convey your message and to be funny and the young kids in here the mean cultures they understand this I will tell you he's laughing cuz he's like yeah they take a picture they put one caption on it and it gets a quarter of million shares you know because it's funny and it you know it drives a point home very quickly that stuff works I you know I saw an AOC dressed up in all white and put on red lipstick and you want to go look at a parking lot I guess at the border and I saw it circulating so me and my assistant I don't know where she is but I said I'm gonna go put on light and run it was cool let's go recreate that right and I sent a message I said oh you know but I'm outside of a black school where they can't find a single child that's literate it drove from a message you know it got millions of views and it went die roll that's how you can deliver a message and win a culture war just being funny and I think that I do believe that conservatism herb republicanism rather has been too austere in the past and people don't thought they can relate to it it may make you uncomfortable but don't reject things that are new and one of the things that always makes me cringe is when people say you know Charles Scoob I just wish he would stop tweeting I'm like oh but that's how he won you know that is literally how he is winning imagine if he relied on the mainstream media to get his message I mean that would be ridiculous so he's fighting a battle because he really understands social media and how it works and he's perpetually trolling them and trolling is a component of the culture well the black stick movement is just that it's just it's just minorities so that's my blogsite movement when I go city to city and take on inner cities that's directly taking the message to black America and you have to do that and and by the way I say black America but as soon as I launched like I said I received about a thousand emails from the Latinos being like oh you're not leaving us out where the L so now blacks black and Latinos egg-cited clarify that they were not and then I got I got a bunch of emails from Asians and they were like there needs to be an Asian eggs they can change it to blacks it's black so I was like we're getting a little crazy but the Democrats know that that poll is fake they know that because look at all their debates today they're literally now the debate is black people take our money but that's what they're saying now right like you take our money we'll do anything they know something's cracking and something's happening in the black community and in the way in the ways that they have tried to assassinate my character they hate me I mean I'm a try name sir they accused me and Donald Trump of the mosque shooting in New Zealand I don't even talk about Islam I mean it's like it's unbelievable so there's a desperation and they're very they're very afraid right now and and let me tell you something about why I'm so optimistic about black America first and foremost I think somebody counted on CNN last week they said the word racist 2200 times in one week that is remarkable that is a talent we should applaud them but despite the fact that they have increased this rhetoric support for Donald Trump amongst minorities has doubled and that is verified by even N double AC people right and they were like it's only 14% whatever it is they're all acknowledging that it's doubled and gone up since he's gone into office that means black America longer listening to the race the racism claims anymore even though you may feel like it because you're hearing it from the mainstream media it really is we kind of like the boy who cried wolf when you call everything racist it it's really hard to make people feel anything about racism anymore and they in my opinion overplayed their hand dramatically and then the last thing I'll add here is why I'm so optimistic is because those are that don't know the Democrats rely upon the black vote a 100% so Hillary Clinton got 89 percent of the black vote we only have to move at five points in 2020 and their party's done they cannot see it they if they get 84 percent of the black vote they lose they cannot dip below 85 percent and sustain their party so this is the desperation that you're seeing is because for the first time there's actually a monolith being broken in a dialogue happening among suave Americans and that terrifies them - they're poor what message would you give to young people who are coming in - looking at universities and colleges who have been brought up by mainstream media and are trying to figure out their own message toward themselves because they have all they have seen their relaxants media and what what message what advice would you give them to experience you know so I will say this I am the most optimistic about Generation Z these younger kids the Millennials are the problem right the generation below the Millennials they're actually the solution they're really irreverent they're the mean culture they're not as sensitive as the Millennials were I mean they're and and they're trying out conservatism because they're being told they can't and that's part of being young right like I'm wondering what are we not allowed to do we're gonna go try and do that right because it feels very rock and roll so I'm actually optimistic about the younger generation I just think that parents have to do a good job of preparing them for what college is and it really is just a virtue signaling totalitarian island and that's the truth I mean today when the Mario Lopez thing went viral I was talking to my fiancee and there was a professor she had a PhD she went to like you know every university she's feel like 12 years of university under her belt and she was explaining to me that women can be men and men can be women and I said to him you know you have to go to school to be that dumb right really you have to go to school to be that stupid and and that's kind of a rat now or it's like the more school you do the further you are from reality and and you because you have no real life experience your life experiences in the classroom you don't know what a dollar means you don't know what hard work means so I would I would say making sure that the kids know that the professor's the Marxist professors are not real life and also give them the courage and the power to know that that you have that they have your support it's really hard being a conservative in high school or in college today and standing behind them and saying no no matter what happens like I always say I will be in a school administration's worst nightmare I will limp in the principal's office when I have chosen this one day and fighting with him every every step of the way and making sure that they're taking practical majors right not them of this dance class right I think that's always a good start if you tether that reality we have science and maths and engineering and things that we actually need you'll you'll produce chosen that are more tethered to reality question I just wanna hear more about your book that's coming out yeah and if you could tell us a little bit more about the process and how long it took July yes so huh the praat I'm still writing it it's um presale it's almost done but you know I I always wanted to write a book I want to make sure the timing is right and I never wanted to be one of those people that paid someone a hundred thousand dollars to write their book because their brand is it's hot and that's really across the board what happens a lot and for me it was it had to be me so actually one of the things that me and the publisher going back and forth on is they're like you know a softer title you know be nicer oh my god normally do that right you know that's not really my brand I'm more of a flame thrower because we need flames thrown right now it flame-throwing lights the path towards truths in my opinion so for me I wanted it to be sort of my my thesis for people to say who is Candis Owen where did she come from because one of the things that the left tries to do is they try to make me white no no I feel like I'm a rich white girl from Connecticut it's usually I hear articles I'm like I thought I grew up really wealthy and the guy had I had but I didn't come from a really broken childhood and my father is an alcoholic and you know grew up in a very abusive home I wanted to tell them those stories I experienced a hate crime when I was in high school and actually being the victim of that hate crime actually shaped a lot of my views towards this path that people try to make people think that you should aspire to be a victim and that that's gonna somehow make you feel good it doesn't it's about championing your victim experiences so I wanted to give people a piece of me so they know where I came from where these ideas came from and why I view the left as so dangerous and in trying to first and foremost rip people of their self-confidence I think that's the number one thing that they do they're killers of self-confidence they make you believe you can't the whole time especially as a black American you're just sort of like hey you're black so it's gonna be a tough ride for you because of white supremacy and white people have it better and you're really tong a kid they can't before they even try so I wanted it to be very serious in its tone and obviously with my personality definitely or a couple of Kandace gems in there and to tell people what socialism indicee talk to kids say they know exactly who Adolf Hitler is right but they met they have no idea about Joseph Stalin and Mao who killed way more people why is that why learn about the dangers of socialism why did we have these kids walking around with Fidel Castro t-shirts showing in the homes of that and using black America as the experiment of what socialism brings because they really did socialized black America first via the welfare system and and we see what that produces so it's a lot in there but I think it want it in the hands I say to everyone by the book and then donate the book to a black American give it away ok anyone who has the mind oh sorry could I'm either the right or wrong person ask this so I and I actually hold I think the the trophy I have been banned from YouTube Facebook and Twitter and lipid tell about it they all reinstated my accounts I'm the only conservative that can say that and they didn't just reinstate my accounts they reinstated my accounts within 20 minutes of suspending the accounts so I think how it goes as they go oh conservative idea suspend ban and then they looked at me and they're like oh only she's black we can't save you it can't say we're bailing white supremacy and then they bring my bring my account back so the magic of how quickly I get brought back is really a tribute to the fact that they can't censor me I'm in that weird spot right where all they're claiming to fight is a white Nationals and white supremacy and I don't really fit the standard they're trying to make it fit but I don't I don't look like a white supremacist yet yet according to them so but the war and the censorship on social media is an important one it's something that I think the president and he has he's poking about it but it's gonna have to pick up we're ok in the short run I know a lot of conservatives are really worried about it they're like well they started on the fringes they banned Alex Jones and people like that and now this sort of working their way in that's true but also remember that when you banned someone like Alex Jones who has a massive following those they don't know whether you think he's completely insane or you think that he says things that are true he has a massive following and a worldwide following the people that follow him don't suddenly go well I guess I'm a liberal right now they actually dig their heels in further and their more conservative like they are the most conservative people are the ones that are watching the people that they follow get banned so we're fine in the in the short run in terms of the 2020 election in terms of people that they've that big band I think it's actually created more of a conversation and it's making conservatives that were maybe a little more in the middle push them a little further to the right and understand that we're fighting something that's that's very real in dangerous sorry Mexico no I mean that makes sense anti-americanism is being taught in this whole system it's completely right there's like I actually I had to Steve Bannon on my show it's that's the one that's airing on Sunday and at the El Paso where we talked about this and he he and I disagreed so he he was right in his assessment about the fact that Millennials grew up they didn't understand we weren't exposed to true capitalism we were exposed to crony capitalism which can in turn make people bitter about capitalism because we don't know how the free markets are supposed to work right and he was basically saying that until we bring back real capitalism the real free markets and Moe and Millennials get a taste of what that is they're going to tread towards socialism and what I said to him is oh you're wrong you know even if you brought back all the jobs and and you brought back free markets and they all had advantages and opportunities they would still they wouldn't take on because they're learning actively in school that there's something inherently wrong with success they're learning that that Americans are our evil colonizers right and that there's virtue and standing up and saying that I hate being American that is being taught actively in the school system so Millennials don't want success right they want to see everything given away they wake up and they think there's something inherently wrong with being an American and I don't know I mean I do everything I can to descend on these college campuses and to speak about this and their instill the values of what it means to be an American the true values but it is it up no client in terms of what we have to do to win this whole system's back you that much I was in an auditorium at UCLA the students broke out into a USA chant and then the other people stood up and said that is a racist um say it's a racist and I said whoa well it's going to be interesting you know the Olympics is gonna be really interesting if you look we're in USA is racist now you're wearing an American flag you're racist fortunately but that's this is what they learned this is what they're learning that being pro America is racist so it's pretty scary I wonder if you could comment on the movement for reparations or what the possible consequences might be either the right or the wrong person to ask so it's comical on one end it's really funny it's a massive insult I think to black America and it just shows you how ridiculous they are and they're constantly running in circles and they're so hypocritical so let's just talk about what the Democrats have said over the last few years this year I'll just take this year won't they go if we don't go back for voter ID laws would we racist black Americans essentially are too stupid to figure out how to get ID right like you can't do anything in this country that ID right you can't drive you can't buy a pack of cigarettes you can't walk and you know you can't go to a bar you can have a drink but somehow black Americans are too dumb to figure out how to get ID and that was the requirement we wouldn't be able to vote that has been the basis and the thesis of their argument against voter ID laws but reparations somehow every black American is going to be able to produce their an accessible paperwork to show that they're related to Harriet Tubman I mean really it's just really are we doing this right now so no and when I say the black America is even if they figured out how how they're gonna figure out which white Americans fought against the south right go figure that what blood what are we doing here blood test oh you're from the north you're okay this guy is gonna pay he's from the south what if you have a you know parents one was up in the South I mean it's completely crazy it's never gonna happen this is just a talking point and they're gonna put together committees making themselves look serious they can get the black vote because the black vote is the most important it's the easiest way of their party can slip in lose power completely and so when I say the buck American is just what an insolent I said even if they figured the entire thing out what do you think you're getting a $300 check like something like it's gonna mean absolutely nothing and so I try to get out in front of that and I say that it is really a great insult and they think black Americans are stupid they've proven that time and time again when I say black America is we have to in 2020 stop proving them right we have with the man actual conversation actual solutions we have to start talking about ball to start talking about Chicago and we have to start talking about the illiteracy rates we have to start talking about why progressive policies always lead to progressive results for black America we have to start talking about abortion and why more black children are aborted than born alive in cities like New York we have to talk about why the governor is lighting up the city pink to celebrate being able to do that at nine months in the womb real conversations not reparations is what I'm demanding that rhymes look at the t-shirt or is it assistants good did you talk about the difficulty finding certain politicians and celebrities to defeat you who would you love to debate if you could and can you expand on the situation with car TV cardi B all right who does not know who cardi B is oh come on be honest come on you dog cardi all right there we go no shame it's fine it's fine all right so we know that every election cycle the left looks for their hip-hop artist or R&B star that's going to just put on a shirt and say vote for this person and many people are going to do it in 2016 it was Beyonce and jay-z remember they look important she should have she could have been talking to Americans but Hillary was still in the Beyonce and jay-z concert because I'm sure she listens to jay-z every morning uh-huh so I had been talking about that how they do this every four years and a star that sort of rose as a woman named cardi B right so she started as a stripper and then she was put on a vh1 show a reality show called Love & hip-hop and then she and I will say I've watched the show she was a diamond in the rough in terms of she's got that big factor because she's unapologetically herself but she's no shame and that's people gravitate towards that where you're just like I you know it's like the Jersey Shore Snooky phenomenon right a really bad TV that you can't look away from now she's an actual hip-hop artist and she's the biggest hip-hop artist in America right now she's a rapper and she has a massive fallin I think she's got something like 50 million followers on Instagram and she just does these rant videos and she's been ranting about how Trump's a racist and I had been watching that for awhile and I said they're gonna go for cardi B like it makes sense she went to last year about how she actually is a conservative she's some her life from nothing is something now and what you started making money she ranted about how ridiculous her taxes were she was like where's all this money going this isn't axises charity and I paint and I'm like please card your conservative trust me like let's just sit down for a second and then I paint our last year on that a week later she was taking pictures with Malia and Sasha Obama a week later it was phenomenal last week she posts a picture of her sitting down with Bernie Sanders and she starts asking everybody who they're voting for and suddenly and because she doesn't understand policy she's no idea she knows she's getting taxed is getting taken out and it's wrong but now she's taking she's sitting next to Bernie Sanders I mean you can't make this stuff up right I'm literally almost like people take 75% of your wealth like this is Hugo Chavez right um and so I challenged her to a debate and offer her a quarter of a million to raise a quarter of a million dollars that she could send to any charity that she wanted to because it's that important honestly if I could have raised a million dollars to get this woman on stage to bat that's important you have to pay attention to those stars that are just able to go put on a t-shirt I'm with her and Bernie is catching a bit of a wave in the in black America and hip-hop artists are getting behind him a lot for some reason and I'm assuming it's because they don't know they want to give up all their money so party responded to my bait request and was like you know she was civil she was like I'm just standing behind my candidate in the same way that used to have behind yours like I'm not showing up because she you know none of them want to show up and debate that's the whole point AOC was offered NBC reached out to us and said they would love to have us both sit down and have a debate AOC declined I said yes when you're lying you shouldn't debate right that's a pretty good war Apollo so the left will never debate of conservative you'll never see a leftist to be a conservative because they don't want to be exposed for the frogs that they are and it's an uphill climb but I do think it helps when we challenge them the debates and they declined then I think it makes their followers go well fine I think you're saying is real just expose Kansas right just expose her as an Uncle Tom race traitor if I'm actually all of those things they should be happy to sit down with me to expose me for that but they don't do that because they know that I'm almost I retrieve them they're on the side of lies are you really someone back there asked a question if you're going to run it for president why you got you guys don't like Trump we have an awesome present nine-nine you know I always I always used to always say blanket no across the board because I think that you can box harder from the outside and make more of an impact but now I just say exactly what Trump said thirty years before he ran which is that if my country needed me I would raise and you know agree to the challenge and I would run but at this point in time I have no Candace but also I wanted to know they had not what I had them on my show of course cuz I like talking together side so one of the first I posed its episodes at the Candice Owens show in favor you was to invite the leader of black lives matter in New York on my show because I mean their ideas are so stupid you got to give the platforms right so we debated for an hour and ten minutes and it was just it was so bad for him that black lives matter people were writing say he's not the real reason I'm like he's the chairman of black lives matter I mean who lost good I didn't find a random kid protesting I got to the Chairman and he's just sitting here he acknowledged on my points I'm like hey so you acknowledge that white American men are more likely to be shot and killed unarmed by police yeah you acknowledge a Hispanic American men are more like yeah but we have to start a black America so you acknowledge as a black American you have a higher chance of being struck down by lightning than you do of being shot and armed by a police officer yeah you acknowledge that a police officer is 18 a half times more likely to be shot by a black man and the other way around yeah I mean it was just like and then he said the best parties and I get to all this and I say so you care you really care about black lives yeah and he's like yes of course that's that's my main thing we have to make sure it would protect black lives so you're pro-life no no I don't get into that debate 18 million black babies aborted since 1973 nine-month term abortions I'm aligned more black babies aborted and born alive and in inner cities and this man isn't in cross should be telling me that the important thing to go after is that the thing that's impacting one 616 black Americans a year and you know that equates to point zero zero zero zero four percent of the black population is impacted and it's actually creating more of a problem for black America because police officers don't want to do their job so it actually raised the rate of homicide and went up by 19 percent across the country after black guys matter movement which is harmful so I basically expose them to be fraudulent and I'm seeing it's changing now where he I say it touch with him and you know if they've done you know some things where they stood with the police officers in New York against a Bloomberg yeah so they've done some things now they're a little more conservative but I said to him if you pick up a more pro-life stance and talk about how it's negatively impacting black America and drop this bogus claim against our police officers and our lower law enforcement officers who have the toughest one of the toughest jobs in America then I would I would be vocal for you but until then you guys are you know morons hi check-check I just want to thank you so much for coming do you think anybody has a chance you know what I mean up against Trump I actually think it'll be Kamala Harris yeah just something I just think it's going to be her because she sort of has backtracked on like the more I mean I mean when I say backtrack on the more insane rendering it I think it's gonna be Kamala Harris for a lot of reasons and she's already throwing calling the other people racist which is interesting like early she's like Joe Biden you're a racist you know so and she's got the mind or she checks the minority box and that's what they're looking for I don't see how it'll be Kamala or to be Bernie Bernie might get more of a black vote though yeah yeah it she's also not black so she when she was sworn in so now she's black because she's running for president but but when she was sworn in she was sworn in as an indeed as an Indian Indian American so suddenly she was like you know what actually the more convenient I was black and so she's changed her she's changed her race over the last two years it's been interesting okay I question the stand Oh Jesse smell it yeah are they related you can't start that conspiracy theory I've been I'm definitely gonna look into it okay my question is uh this article yesterday explained in the best people of color hijacks black America's hard-earned legacy and I've said that Pierre Davis red state I wonder what he thought about that war of labels between people of color and black and what was it like running into Kamala Harris the other day oh yeah you guys didn't see that I ran into her at the airport and I couldn't resist so I went up to her photo bombed her first and then I went up to her and she was like oh hello are you one of my supporters and I was like oh no I'm Trump 2020 okay okay and then ironically we were getting on the same flight flew to Detroit together and yeah she was nice and under understanding she's very small by the way so it's men that be something at all that'll pick up I don't think they realize how small she is but she was nice she was the nothing bad to say about her she totally respected the fact that we travel an army of megawhatts and that we were Trump 2020 and of course she understands he's the greatest president I mean what's not to understand [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] question you do a magnificent job of explaining how progressive policies actually devastate the very people that they purport to help problem is that conservatives are still perceived as the black-headed with while progressives get to coast on their benign intentions above the wreckage of their policies I think that we also need to advance actually how everybody especially the most vulnerable right well I think it's service they've got to get better at fighting I mean Trump's a fighter right so just a case in point they called him a racist for pointing out the truth about Baltimore what did he do he doubled down and then called them racist that's incredible maybe never I may just never in my life could you imagine any other candidate that ran against him who was his runner-up and was it Ted Cruz who was who was as opposed to checkers I can't imagine any of the other Republican people that were running against and I've ever had the gall to do that to say like not only am i doubling down I'm tripling down quadrupling down you sound like 20,000 tweets about it and then saying you know what you're racist right I mean like that that's pretty incredible and he's right because their policies are if you if a definition of racism as a left has reported it is things that are harmful to black Americans and that are particularly going after black Americans disproportionately then the most racist people in the United States Armagh leftist and the Democrats right every single one of their policies harms black America I cannot think of a single good thing that liberal policies have brought to black Americans I can't and I'm looking for it if I'm wrong please correct me if there's even one let me know so I think that part of it is is a little bit of courage is needed to go in there and to not be afraid of being called racist that's like I mean now these names it's like pokemons you got to catch them all bigoted racist sexist misogynist homophobe great get past that you're gonna get called a few names but the truth getting to the heart of it and bronchus and this was incredible at this in Florida he won because he received he received additional but they were not expecting University of 19% of the vote from black women and what did he do he went door-to-door was thinking I'm talking about school choice very simple what do black American women who we know are running the households because of the single mother who rape care about where their kids go to school take something that matters to them that we've that we care about we we know we're pro school choice that matters you don't have to get long lost in the left and right we don't have to find a mat a hat even you don't have to say I'm Pro trunk talk speak to what actually matters and in black American women care deeply about opportunities for their children and and to communicate effectively I think is also really important not speaking above anyone's head Trump was brilliant at that he can take a a chance and you get everything he means right lock her up oh the president should be above that he is taking something breaking it down and and and saying basically they're frauds they're they've been doing dirty things they're taking things from America he turned it into a hashtag that was trending and it felt cool and I felt relevant my blood flip movement look at what we're wearing t-shirts bright colors after a pop it's definitely not CPAC right and it's more appealing in that way and we have white speakers there to to talk about things that matter because this is not we're not creating segregation right we're trying to do the opposite and remindful that we can all you know live together peacefully and and all of those ways making things cool and relevant and not being afraid to talk about the better ideas which are on our side and I I would recommend not starting at I support Trump because there is still a little bit of Trump derangement syndrome in the black community which I'm working to reverse again close let's thank you guys for coming [Applause]
Channel: GrassRoots Community Network
Views: 1,021,054
Rating: 4.7776055 out of 5
Keywords: Aspen, Colorado, candace owens, owens, candace, grassroots tv, blexit, conservative, bannon, trump, urban, minorities, democrats, left wing, right wing, far right, victim narrative, black exit, black republican, black conservative, white supremist, mario lopez, access hollywood, transgender, trans kids, gender reassigment
Id: 3Y_LI_u5WLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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