The Candace Owens Show: Carol Swain

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the inconvenient history of the democratic party was the first i was the one that has 27 over 27 that i watched i loved that video all right okay ladies and gentlemen we are rolling into another episode of the candace owen show and one that i am so honored to be hosting because i know a lot of you guys have followed my political journey and it was very hard for me in being a black conservative to find a lot of black conservative voices that were strong in the media thankfully for me i stumbled across a prager university video that was titled the inconvenient truth of the democratic party and it really really sent me down a path of wanting to be on the side of facts and really learning the truth about a lot of things that i had gotten wrong thanks to a public education system which seeks to mis-educate students rather than to educate them so i am absolutely honored to be hosting dr carol swain dr carol sweene is the former president professor of vanderbilt university a former tenured professor of princeton university dr carol swain welcome to the candace owen show thank you so much i'm so excited thank you for stopping in you have a most incredible story and there are a lot of points in your story that kind of intersect with my personal story my family story rather so i really want to start with just who you are as a human being right where it starts in your youth because you did not have a very easy upbringing so can you just start with where you're from and how you were raised well first of all i want to start with the fact that i was shy most of my life and people look at me today and they think oh no you know because once i started talking i never shut up but um i was born in the rural south in southwestern virginia and for part of my life i lived in a two-room shack with uh at that time about nine of my siblings and my mother and stepfather and the kind of poverty i experienced was nothing like the people today who say they're poor which means maybe they have one car and maybe they don't have a tv in every room but it's nothing like the kind of poverty where you don't have clothes to wear to school that's suitable for the weather and i tell the story of one year i failed school along with all of my siblings because it snowed heavily that winter and we missed 80 of 180 school days and so the whole family failed now what do you mean by that that you didn't have a coat to wear out the door well mostly it was the snow was deep and we did not have any boots or snowshoes and so we stayed home until the snow melted wow and you said a two room shack nine brothers no indoor plumbing and uh a few years ago i went back to the house with a reporter and it was still standing you know part of it was still standing and the house had not drywall but cardboard and wall paper over top of the cardboard it had a tin roof and then on the outside it had something that we used to call tar paper it looks like brick and it's something that if you light it it burns you know very very quickly it's a great fire starter that was on the outside of the house wow wow and your parents uh what was their upbringing well my mother i mean she had i mean she had a father and mother intact family but she married my father they divorced when i was so young i don't remember when they lived together i had a stepfather and my mother finished the 10th grade my father had a third grade education and my stepfather had no education wow okay because that's a very important piece of this so your mother didn't finish high school and you're or she had a third grade education or was that your father my mother had a maybe a 10th grade education but my mother is very bright she could have gone to college and in fact in her old age now she's 90. she lives with me at one point she told me all about her college and the red car she had and all of these things that she probably dreamed of having at some point but in her mind she had those things and um but my father had a third grade education was always a hard worker but i was a teen before i got to know him really well but i did get to know him and i was able to take him to washington dc to the smithsonian and during the time i was on the faculty at princeton i took him to new york into princeton and so he got to enjoy some of my success so your journey to to becoming a doctor carol swain it would imply that you finished high school right away but you didn't finish high school right away is that correct i didn't and uh and the thing about me and my siblings we all finished we all dropped out of school after completing the eighth grade for some reason we made it to 8th grade everyone dropped out and for myself i married at 16 had my first child at 17 and when i got married at 16 i was not pregnant it was important to me even then to be married when i had my child interesting and you know maybe it was you know it was a different era but that was important to me and so i had my first child at 17. uh by the time i was 20 i had three small children and i ended up um a part of my story i tell some time is that uh during that time in my life i suffered from depression i do suicide gestures which meant i would go through the medicine cabinet i would take bottles of pills and you know i should have been i should have died of all of that except god had a plan for my life you know that was bigger than me there's no way i would have known that i had a future that would include college and who i am today but i struggled deeply but after one of those suicide gestures and i would call them suicide gestures because um i always made sure i was rescued and i said don't try that it may not always work you may not get rescued but i would call it a suicide gesture that's what the doctors called it and that was a my position was an intern and he told me i was intelligent i was attractive i could do more with my life and i had forgotten that when i was in school that i did really well what do you think now that you're you can look at things in the retrospect which adds so much clarity to a lot of the actions and the feelings that we had what do you think was actually leading to that that that that unhappiness these suicide gestures this looking for a way out what do you think was like as a child i never felt that i fit in and i didn't feel like i fit in with my family and i was very very shy i would my mother said i used to hide behind furniture and i'd peer out and i can remember being so shy or so afraid that i would literally forget how to speak and i would want something i might be hungry i might reward i might want something and i was like frozen and you heard that expression cat got your tongue uh that's what it was like for me and it was like so i i did not have voice as a child and i don't know whether it was fear i don't know what held me back but i didn't fit in but i always had a sense of there's something i'm supposed to do and my mother said i was more serious than any of her other children and that the things that came out of my mouth did not appear to come from a child and i always had a sense that my mother was afraid of me a precocious child i was quiet but she uh and then sometimes i would challenge my mother my mother was an alcoholic and and so i was always challenging her about being a better mother as you were a child yeah you know that's really funny because my parents always tell me stories and i was super precocious and they think i was an alien because they and before i could speak they thought that i could understand them and i would be standing at the crib watching them speak back and forth so there may have been something to it let me tell you i felt like an alien uh dropped from out of space and my mother said i would sometimes be in a corner and i would be drawing or doing something like that and i would be holding the paper up and uh she felt like that i was as if i was interacting with someone and so there were reasons to be afraid of me there you go yeah kids especially when they're quiet and they do weird stuff it's the most terrifying thing and there are a lot of scary movies about that um but i'm interested in that struggle uh and because i talk a lot about having a similar struggle and i don't think i i went as so far as to make suicide gestures but that sense of purpose that you're talking about right and and and maybe and and please correct me if i'm wrong but this period of um of sadness or depression or whatever suicide could it have been attributed to the fact that you felt that you weren't living your life as you should have been living well let me tell you what i believe now and um i had a christian conversion experience late in my life between the time i was leaving princeton and i accepted the job at vanderbilt and i was going through a spiritual journey then that took me through new age eastern religions a whole bunch of places so i was on my journey when i accepted the position but then i became a divine believer and when i go back to my life and look at it through the spiritual lens i had all this purpose i had all this destiny i had all these things and i always felt like there was something i was supposed to do i had this sense of urgency yet i was trapped i was trapped in a bad marriage and i think that my life didn't line up with the destiny that god had for me and that's part of what was going on but i also believe and you know this may weird out some of your secular humanist uh uh supporters but i believe that when there's a call on your life and you have destiny that there's a struggle like joseph campbell uh the hero's journey i think that there's always struggle and that makes you who you are and that you have to overcome all of these things and that's part of life but i do believe if there's a call on your life you call for greatness there are all these forces that are trying to destroy you and you have to overcome all of these demons that's what i was going to ask you i was going to ask you uh do you think now that we have that we live in a climate where people are trying to keep others in a struggle like that they're that people see that it's advantageous to keep people in that struggle and not fighting to sort of break away and become what they were destined to become i guess a a better question would be do you think every individual has a destiny oh i do you do and i think that um no matter what your situation is that in the end i just believe that people come into your life like i became a divine christian believer late in my life but i can tell you along the way that individuals came into my life that encouraged me and pushed me there's no way i would have gone into academia or become a university professor i didn't know any professors i started college because i wanted a better job and i wanted to be able to support myself without a man's income because i'd been in bad marriage in fact i've been married twice twice in bad marital situations one very abusive and i wanted the independence the financial independence and so even though i'm very creative and i wanted to do art and i'd won blue blue ribbons as a student i was told to be practical and so i did business and that was much more difficult because math was harder without the high school background and then for the four-year degree and this is something you know that i don't talk much about but okay the four-year degree i chose criminal justice because it had the least amount of math but also i knew that i was good in anything that was not so quantitative and i made a decision that i was going to be an honest student i was working at the community college library virginia western full-time 40 hours a week nights and weekends i checked out books i purchased books on how to make a's in college how to take essay exams how to take objective to answer objective questions and i ended up graduating magna laude who are working 40 hours a week at the community college library and as i was graduating with the criminal justice degree had had uh was in the highest honor society and later inducted into phi beta kappa i could have ended my education there but i decided at the time that i was going to work for the government and that i needed a master's degree and while i was getting the master's degree in college the professors took an interest in me because i was talented they encouraged me to get a phd i was not interested i kept applying for jobs and even though i was an honest student known all over the city had started getting media attention i could not get a job and this was the era of affirmative action this was the 1980s when affirmative action an honest student all of this stuff and i presented well i could not get a job and so the way i would interpret that now is that god had a plan for my life people steered me towards academia i was shy i could not imagine myself teaching and my image of a teacher is someone that goes to the blackboard you know and all this flair and they write all these things and i was so shy that i you know just the whole idea i didn't like my handwriting of turning my back to a class where people might be laughing and making fun of me and all this stuff it was not my idea of how i wanted to live but i got steered into academia my professors told me what i needed to do to be successful i always mentored well and i always sought the people that were doing what i wanted to do the ones that were doing it well and so when they told me what i needed to do to be successful in political science you need to write articles you need to have creative ideas you need to give conference papers i did everything they told me to do and by the time i was graduating i was known across the country i ended up with my own short list and i got a signing bonus from princeton and from every school except one university of michigan did not make an offer to me but by the time i interviewed there i had four or five offers anyway and they knew i wasn't going to michigan there you go and so your story is one of remarkable hard work uh and kind of getting into the driver's seat of your own life because it could have gone a different way for you obviously with the upbringing that you had and typically now especially in society these are now these are excuses you could have said i grew up poor i have parents that didn't have high school degrees i'm black society you know i'm coming up in a society as a black woman and yet you instead were at the library checking out books working really hard to get where where you are today so let me ask you a question how have things changed because you have an interesting story where you got to go through the system and get rewarded based off of your hard work and um then you got to teach in the school systems and when did you when did you stop teaching how many years ago uh just two two or three three years ago so you're you're seeing a very i would imagine and correct me if i'm wrong drastically different stop teaching you never stop teaching the world is my classroom that's correct you're teaching right now i have millions of pregnant women yeah the world is my classroom yeah but i want to say something else um how i was different yeah when i started my four-year college which is royal college in salem virginia uh there were probably about 20 some blacks and a lot of them were on the basketball team but the black students met me and they were very well-meaning but they told me who all the racist professors were to avoid and my personality is such those are the ones i signed up for [Laughter] and uh the the person that was my advisor he was one of the ones that was supposed to be the racist professor and he did tell me during the orientation period not to expect to do as well in his class at royal college as i had done in the past because ronald college was a really hard school and to me that was like throwing the gauntlet down and so i ended up getting a b-plus in the first class i took with him and in my mind i probably made an a-minus but i felt like he was a professor that wasn't going to give an aim on the first time and then every class i took with him after that i made an a and so all through my college i would be met by black students who told me which professors to take and which ones were racist always took the ones they said were racist and they turned out to be conservatives and uh because of that i was exposed to literature and ideas and thoughts that i don't think i would have gotten the same education that if i had followed the other students i might be a marxist might right now right yeah that's interesting that you say that right because that's very much uh like thomas soul sorry as a marxist right um and i think that's because a lot of times in these classes and it's not just you know towards black americans you can always find some ism and some reason that they tell you that you're less than and you can't now it's there's feminism there's racism there's you know just right when i got to graduate school i tell the story that was when uh all the mentors i had had before and a lot of them were white a lot of them were white men they were older but everyone treated me like i could do anything and i felt like i could do anything but when i got to graduate school and i took a course and you know just happens to be was started by a white female uh was very liberal i remember her screaming at me one day you'll never be able to change the fact that you're a black woman i don't know what i said in that class or what i did that caused her to scream at me like that but um the message was that you know you're black you're handicapped and there's nothing you can do about it you're a black woman but it was graduate school and the theories of oppression was when i learned you're poor you're black you you know you have children uh you're female you're oppressed and by then i was already successful it was too late but had i gotten those messages as an undergraduate i'm just not sure if i would have how i would have dealt with it but then my personality is such that i sought out the professors that were supposed to be against me because i was going to show them right and there you go and i think it's interesting that you say that you're not sure how those ideas and lessons came earlier in life how you would have turned out because i think what we're seeing today there is um there's this remarkable culture of victimhood and it's and like i said it could be because you're a homosexual because you're a woman because you're black um everyone is sort of clamoring to be a victim and starting really young well here's something i find very interesting and if being black is so bad in the society why so many white people trying to be black and when i was teaching as a professor we knew we talked about ethnic fraud we knew that there were people that were not racial and ethnic minorities that were checking the affirmative action box passing as minorities so it was so bad to be black or so bad to be a minority why were they trying to pass you know back in the slave days and during the jim crow days you had black people that passed that they were light enough into the white world and now you have all these white people that are trying to pass into the black world right that's interesting and i said the same thing about biracial people that have a platform and they choose to talk about being black and not being white like colin kaepernick's a great example right so he's he is half white he was raised by two white parents actually he was adopted fortunately um but rather than say anything positive about white people he has decided to be black to grow an afro out and to pick his hair out and if being black is ultimately what leads to your oppression that's not what led to him to have these million dollar deal with nike right so it is it's a very interesting question i ask the same thing as if being black is so bad why are so many people choosing it i also have to tell you this so i wear my hair natural i have this style but there was a time when i first started doing media that i wore weaves and i would wigs and i did all this stuff and i reached the point that was i going to have hair or not because all that stuff was harmful was taking out my hair and so i ended up i mean as a i prayed about it i sat down and i drew what i wanted my hair to look like and i went to the barber shop instead of a hair stylist where you pay 60 70 100 300 went to the local black barber shop and i asked the guy could he get that look on me and so he grew this look well i've had black people attack me how dare you wear your hair in an afro how dare you you know do this what was the purpose of that why were they well they're saying that i i guess they want to say that if you're black conservative you don't like black people or you don't like your blackness right you're not in touch with your blackness and so it bothers them that i have a natural hairdo as a black conservative when did you start getting your blackness question because you'd seem to you'd think story from poverty i say this all the time it's like dr condoleeza rice you know story from poverty um you grew up in a two a two room shack uh didn't have plumbing is that correct you said earlier didn't have plumbing uh nine brothers and sisters you couldn't get to school they didn't have food had to miss 80 classes um so at what point in in your life did suddenly your blackness start getting questioned can you remember the first time when i was at princeton and i wrote an award a winning book my first book and i was a democrat at the time it was titled black faces black interest the rap representation of african americans in congress it looked at how well the u.s congress represents african-americans been cited by the supreme court that was when i started being called a sellout and what was in the contents of the book that you would be called the sellout i don't think was anything in the content of the book but there were people that were upset because i didn't belong to the black political scientists and i was never active in black student unions i was very focused because i had children very focused on finishing my degrees doing what i had to do and so i think it had to do with the fact that a lot of people didn't all of a sudden there was this black professor at princeton where did she come from because i didn't go through their ranks and so that's i believe was part of why i was being attacked but i argued in that book that was the political party was more important than the race of the representative and as long as blacks held the views they did they would best be represented by democrats consequently it didn't make sense to draw a majority black legislative districts because those districts helped elect more republicans and the book was published before the republicans took over the congress in 1994 and so i issued a warning uh and the next year you know 1994 the uh 40 after 40 years the republicans took over the congress that um but i was i meant the argument that political party and not race at the time people were saying that only black people could represent blacks and my book talked about the trade-off between black descriptive representation having someone that looks like you and black substantive representation having people who support your ideas right and that's very interesting that you say that because there is this idea that just because you're black and i'm black that that means all of our ideas must just be the same and i can go out and represent you and you can represent me or on the flip side of that because we're women like it just it means that all of my interests must automatically align with yours and the irony of that is that there is something fundamentally racist about that right because you're you're just subscribing all of these characteristics and attributes to somebody based on the color of their skin their sexual orientation um or their or their sex but this whole thing like with uh joe biden saying you ain't black if you don't support me and uh you've been called what a black white supremacist have indeed but i have to tell you uh before that i was called an apologist for white supremacy because of a film title a conversation about race that was produced by a white filmmaker that questioned how racism the epithet is used against whites as a weapon i thought it was a great film because students we always do the eyes on the prize and there's a host of films about discrimination but none that told it from the perspective perspective of a white person and so i highly recommended that film the southern poverty law center uh came after me and part of that coming after me had to do with the fact that maybe three months before that i had written for the huffington post then i was writing for them i had said that they had become a hate group and they have i was the first to say that by the way right yeah that's that's it yeah that's so they came after me and so they in my local newspaper i'm on the front page of my picture uh i'm an apologist for white supremacy and that was before i had a platform and so i was harassed and and the people talking about me on the radio or wherever they were talking did not invite me to be on but james taranto with the wall street journal wrote an article 2000 word article in defense of carol swain and that just sort of shut up everyone for a while right and i get that too that you're you're an apologist for white supremacy which is always foolish because why would anybody want to help create a society that they couldn't live in that they couldn't thrive in um and and all of that gets really ridiculous but have you seen now that or especially now that attacks have increased i mean how do you feel in terms of being a voice that speaks out differently from what people are used to hearing from black people well first of all i'm so much older than you that i've gone through a lot and the i think race relations are probably worse now than they've ever been before and i also believe that even though blacks are living at a time where there are all these opportunities and advantages we seem to be going backwards because when colleges and universities start setting up separate dorms or saying that black students shouldn't be expected to learn standard english that the standards need to be relaxed that is very serious and it's uh that is white supremacy they're saying that blacks are inferior and it bothers me that black people themselves are demanding large standards for themselves they're actually saying that they're less um that uh is very very disturbing and i've been attacked and called so many names for so long that i really don't care and when you're my age when you're 66 you know you can say you can do anything and my gray hair you know like i can get away with it's probably a lot easier for me than someone young like you but i am encouraged by what i see in the world because there's an army of young people of all different races and ethnicities that are truly woke and they are the ones that's going to transform america if it gets transformed and so i applaud you for your courage uh being out there and taking the blows uh because it is difficult and if you want people to like you and love you you know you're in the wrong line of business i always say that i'm looking for friends and there's so many opportunities i mean so many temptations for young people especially those that are people of faith to compromise their values and yet if they stand and don't compromise their values and i'm talking about whether regardless of your faith if you don't compromise your values there are a lot of other people watching and you empower them when you stand right that's exactly right and um to go back to your earlier point i i totally agree that we're seeing this totally strange dynamic now where people are being brainwashed to oppress themselves it's it's a psychological phenomenon and the thing about white people it's like we talk about black people i think we should talk about white people and the shaming that takes place against white children and young people and college students and i would encourage young you know white conservatives that on college campuses when they are single out and they attacked and they're demeaned and when they're ashamed that they should document that and they should file civil rights complaints all the time because the civil rights laws protect whites as well as racial and ethnic minorities they have the equal protection clause as well as the 1964 civil rights act but they need to learn how to document uh discrimination against themselves yeah i was asked this question it's so funny you say that i would say that's the number one question that i get from young white students how can i say anything when every time i speak i'm called a bigot or a white supremacist and i and i always say that especially when that's coming from the administration you guys have to fight i mean you can't just take it sitting down and allow this to happen because i certainly would never let that happen i mean what sort of how does a biracial person float in this in this society that we're creating of where everyone has to be a victim or an oppressor they can't um and and so i would hope and encourage people to find their voices which you did and i do want to talk about because you did say you used to be a democrat and when i found you you had done this incredible video which has millions and millions millions of views and we'll get more millions of views after this after this airs but the inconvenient truth of the democratic party um what inspired you to create that video and what was what was your um transition from being a democrat to suddenly you're doing a video exposing truths i guess you sounded like an exposition it's just the truth right well i mean 1999 was when i became a divide believer and that was between the time i had accepted the job at vanderbilt and before i actually started my job in 2000 and in between i went to yale and got another degree i had five degrees and so the fifth degree was in law and while i was there i became a devout believer and as i grew in my faith i became very uncomfortable with the democratic party's platform and and so my discomfort led me to become an independent for a number of years i did not become a republican until 2009 and this was after president george w bush had appointed me to two positions as an independent he appointed me to the national endowment for the humanities and the tennessee advisory committee to the u.s civil rights commission so i had those two political appointments from president bush and then the the civil rights commission position obama renewed it because he had just come on and they hadn't figured out who i was and and so it got renewed for a year but my values my principles my faith were a factor in me leaving the democratic party but it was not easy to become a republican because at that time i believed a lot of what you hear in the news about republicans being racist and i can tell you you know how when a republican makes a mistake and they uh say something they shouldn't say it gets amplified like a hundredfold and so it seemed to me that every time i turned around you know some republican said something that was reported in the news that caused me to um to to back away and but i still felt that the republican party platform was the closest to my values and one of the things i tried to get george w bush to do was to have a rose garden ceremony for a national apology for slavery where uh the government itself would apologize for something that blacks whites and native americans they all participated in it they all had slaves and that it would be like the ceremony of forgiveness and the way i visualized it was that the government would apologize for having allowed this to continue and that representatives from the various ethnicities would receive the apology and i never got a response from president bush but then later i was told by people in his administration that they seriously considered it but it didn't happen and then the democrats they rushed something through congress that they called an apology but it was not the ceremony of that i imagine i envisioned where there would be forgiveness and we would put this behind ourselves and with the um with the republicans i decided to become a republican because i didn't just want to stand in the middle as an independent and i throw rocks at both sides i decided that i wanted to get into a political party and work for change and for the mighty american strike force i was their coordinator for black americans i would reach coordinator and but now it's for college students i'm not in the same role but i spent my whole life avoiding identity politics and my image of myself was i don't do black stuff you know i'm just me i'm carol i'm an individualist i don't do the black stuff but our society kind of forces you to do it if you want to be heard and so i've made the decision that i'm i'm willing to do the black stuff so that i can reach more people but the world that i envision is a world where we are all americans that you know i don't have to be uh in the black box and when it comes to my faith you know i don't have to be in the christian box i don't have to be in this box or that box i don't like the boxes they put us in but as far as being able to reach more people and more blacks i'm willing to um humble myself and do the identity politics because the world is structured both political parties in that way what do you deem as um mission critical right now in terms of what's going on in american society what do you deem as the most important thing for us to tackle as americans well i think for the two of us and those that are speaking you know we're standing in between whites and blacks trying to bring people together we're sort of being interpreters [Laughter] uh the destructive thing that's happening is the messages that young black people are being given about our society like uh the smithsonian i don't know if you remember they had that exhibit where they were saying that if you believed in hard work punctuality and individual initiative and standard english planning for the future all the things that have made us successful they're saying if you believe in success principles that's white and it used to be you know if you studied hard and you made a's you were trying to be white now all of a sudden you had a smithsonian you had these institutions you had these colleges and universities sending out the message that everything that makes for success is whiteness and it's bad that is so destructive and the opposite of course which is like every everything that you know leads to destruction is good somehow like you know so going back to your point of view and pushing through ebonics yeah i think you were hitting that they were trying to push through ebonics as of course to learn because even speaking proper english is attributes of whiteness and something that should be ignored um and yeah also on that list of the smithsonian was punctuality let me tell you this i want to get this in on your show yeah i have reached the con the conclusion that progressives hate blacks yes and here's why progressives if you go back you know to turn of the century they were pushing the eugenics they were pushing the sterilization they pushed the abortions through planned parenthood they pushed defunding police knowing that more black people would die because of the crime in their neighborhoods and the victimization rates they push they protest being out there at the same time they're saying if you're black you're a person of color the virus loves you and the virus is going to kill you they're saying except when you're protesting it's okay to be out there if you really believed the things that they say the oh and then shutting down the schools when you shut down the public schools and say everyone can learn online who are you hurting the most everything that progressives do hurt people of color more than any other group and so what bothers me the most is that there's so many black people congressional black caucus black leaders that are cooperating with the destruction of their own people why i get at this all the time why when i see the black panther yes and that's interesting okay they have always uh there's always been a disjuncture between what the black rank and file believe and with the leaders their leaders are elites regardless of their race they push what benefits them and what we need in america and for the generation of you know your generation and the people you know behind you even we need states men and states women to run for office people that don't want to be politicians they're not trying you know to become maxine waters or these people that go into congress dirt poor and then all of a sudden they have six million dollar homes how did that happen it doesn't happen you know based on that congressional salary so we really do need a new cadre of leaders and i am a strong believer in america's judeo-christian roots i think that one reason we were successful we were the envy of the world is because people uh had values and principles and it was based in our laws and now you know we can't even tell the difference between a male and a female and progressives you see how they use science when it benefits them they are into science but then when it comes to the differences between a male and female and the dna then all of a sudden they don't trust science right but they trust science in terms of potentially predicting the doom and gloom of climate change in a hundred and million years from now and it's gonna happen and all this can happen because we can predict the weather somehow years from now even though we can't at the end of this week right right but you're exactly right they abandoned science when it comes to very basic concepts that for somebody can observe with their own two eyes which is really interesting um and then i'll just ask you why do you think it is removing politics from it uh what does a society how do we benefit from a society um that is perpetually trying to dumb down not just black students all students we're seeing kind of the replacement of hard academics learning things that you learned in school with these sort of psychological conditioning programs learning about white privilege and learning about 26 different genders as opposed to learning mathematics and science what is what is the ultimate goal and just why it's all about the marxism and the critical race theory one of the things that i hope that your viewers will dig deeply into is critical race theory and i strongly encourage people to read saul lelinski's rules for radicals and when they challenge uh the academic institutions that are discriminating against them they would be following one of those rules solonsky says make your enemy live up to his rule book his rule book is that student handbook and those things the university says it stands for make them live up to what they say and i would encourage young people even though academic academia right now it's like a cesspool in a way uh there's not a lot of real learning going on there's plenty of indoctrination but not critical thinking to be a critical thinker you have to be exposed to different ideas more than one side there's very little of that taking place but i believe that conservative youth can go into colleges universities and get phd's and get through and that means that some people will be like the two of us they'll be outspoken and people will know who you are and you will either thrive if people like you and you win winsome and that you really are intelligent you know their arguments as well as your own arguments you can uh put it through you can get through and there are enough classical liberals you know they believe in uh free speech and the constitution that will support students but i think there's a place for students that are very um that use a little bit of subterfuge that you don't have to tell everyone what you're thinking uh and and sometimes you know you and i would say you know like sometimes during the uh interviews for medical school they will ask uh students questions applicants that's designed to eliminate those you know that may be pro-life and i think that they have to use great wisdom and that there's nothing wrong we don't want to be deceivers like saul lindsay was into deception manipulation and infiltration i think we should be into infiltration there should be no place that's safe for liberals and that we have to know what they're doing to be able to infiltrate you have to get into those places and you have to keep your mouth shut at times and realize that we are in a cultural war and i will argue that the rules of engagement during war are different from other periods of time and in the bible for people that read the bible people use subterfuge when they needed to use it and and so i'm not encouraging people you know to lie but i'm saying you can be strategic you can get through and i think that we need conservatives everywhere and we need people that believe in america believe in its constitution have values and so i think that is so well said um and we will end on that note we wrap every episode by allowing you to leave a two-minute face message to the world um just whatever is on your heart and what you hope could fall on the ears of every single person in the world so are you ready on your mark get set world i give you dr carol swain hello welcome to my classroom the world is my classroom i'm not at a university but the world is my classroom and i'm so excited about participating in the prageru of videos and other efforts and opportunities to educate people doesn't matter you know whether you're conservative or liberal hopefully you're exposing yourself to ideas a wide variety of ideas and that's what a liberal arts education used to mean and so my uh hope is that people who listen you know to this broadcast that we've said something that will touch your heart and if you're one of those weird people like me a candice that we grew up we felt like aliens it's okay to be an alien being an alien means that there's something great that you're gonna do no one understands you they're not supposed to know what you're called to do so you need to hang in there and and watch your life unfold and life is a journey it took me 40 years to figure out you know who i am and what i was meant to do took me 40 years to get over my shyness it doesn't have to take you that long and so that's my message be encouraged be yourself be strong thank you and that's a wrap thank you so much for joining thank you my pleasure that was so great thank you guys for watching the latest episode of the candace owen show i hope you guys enjoyed the conversation as much as i did as many of you guys already know prageru is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization which means we need your help to keep all of our content free to the public please consider making a tax deductible donation today i would really appreciate your support
Channel: PragerU
Views: 546,617
Rating: 4.9343014 out of 5
Keywords: prageru, prager university, candace owen, real candace o, blexit, carol swain, dr carol swain, systemic racism, white privilege, white guilt, social justice, critical race theory, racism, anti racism, identity politics, division, unity, divisiveness, political correctness, woke, politically correct, race relations, black america, black americans, black community, candace owens
Id: IF8quaC53ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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