Candace Owens speaks to crowd of over 2,000 at San Diego County Republican event

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Candice Owens is the founder of the Blix 'its foundation an organization dedicated to driving conservative principles in to urban communities she's a published author a speaker and host of the weekly Candice Owens show on Prager University olan's exploded onto the scene in the summer of 2017 gaining notoriety through her political vlog series on YouTube she's since spoken at over 60 American universities challenging the leftist status quo insisting that students think beyond the confines of liberal orthodoxy with over 250 Fox News appearances any Fox News viewers any Kusi viewers Owen sepsis has substantiated herself as a leader among the growing youth conservative movement prior to her entrepreneurial pursuits Owens worked at a private equity firm in Manhattan serving as vice president she attended University of Rhode Island took executive training courses at NYU Stern School of Business and Candice views it as her life's mission to help minority groups escape the left's victim narrative so with that Candice are you here cat I saw is ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah hi everybody can everybody hear me hello California it is such a blessing to be here I wish I had more I actually move a lot when I speak but I don't want to knock down these people first and foremost thank you guys so much for choosing to spend your evening with me I really really really am so grateful it never gets old and I'm so glad to be in California I had an event about two days ago in Napa Valley which was packed so many Patriots in California and people forget people forget that California is a state that we need to fight for but I can say California is the only socialist country I've ever been to it's amazing you know I was I was traveling with my manager on this trip and I really strongly dislike Los Angeles it really is just not the place to be and in it if you really want to see Democrats take it too far right Los Angeles really is the experiment for that it's gotten so bad and what bothers me about the liberal elites that are in Los Angeles is that they pretend like they created a heaven when they lecture the rest of us about how we need to live you would expect when you arrived in Los Angeles for things to be beautiful for things to be clean right they lecture us oh you can't have plastic straws but everything plastic can be found on the streets of Los Angeles absolutely filthy it's filthy it really is the airport by the way is a human rights violation right completely LAX I cannot do it's like going to the emergency room on a Friday night that's the best way to describe it it's crazy it's absolute madness it's not like that anyone else in the country but this is what Los Angeles has become this is what California is becoming because for too long progressives which I always say there's something about progress but it always leads to aggressiveness in our society like if you want to go backwards hire a progressive right it's gotten ridiculous and when I got into this you know I didn't know what to expect I was just a girl on YouTube but I can tell you what I definitely did not expect I did not expect that by saying to people I had a very simple message I wasn't a hardcore Trump girl I wasn't saying how I'm a Republican everyone needs to be Republican I just had this feeling that maybe not every single person in America is a racist right that was it it was pretty simple and it's so funny to go around the country and to meet so many people and and they say you're so brave you know you do such goodness and I really do feel that I am just a glorified preschool teacher I say things that should be common sense right that really you should have sort of gotten together or figured out by the time you left the first grade and people are shops right it's just not likely that every single person in America is a racist there might be something else going on in this country there might be a different reason people are turning to President Donald J Trump [Applause] and you would be surprised by the way I mean if you if you and your heart say you know things are getting really bad it's worse on college campuses you cannot have much I wasn't in college that long ago and it is so bad it was not like that when I was in college and in 2010 right it has gotten to the point where but I stand on stage the first thing that I do on a college campus is I do a test just to figure out what planet I'm on just let me know am I am I still on earth so I say before we get started I'm gonna ask one question just to see where I'm at how many people in this room think that America is a more racist country today than it was 60 years ago at least 60 percent of the hands will go up on a college campus today it's that ridiculous and the questions they ask I invite them to come to the front of a line if they disagree they all disagree the questions that they ask its pointedly ridiculous I'm bickering with children about how many genders there are there's only two this shouldn't be a thing this is crazy there's two that is why I feel like a glorified first-grade teacher only two genders men can't be women women can't be men not everybody's a racist everything can't be free right that's really a concept if you turn to a first-grader and you say you know how should the economy work they'd say well everything should be free right and then you'd sit them down you explain to the first grader why everything cannot be free that is my job day in and day out and what have I earned for doing that for going around and trying to raise everybody else's children what do I get for it I get called remarkably a white supremacist so then I have to explain to these children why black people can't be white supremacists and their minds are blown they're completely blown I just explained to them why would I want to help build a society that I can't live in right that's ridiculous and overnight you come out as a black person you say that you're a conservative and that's what happens you get attacked they tell you that you're not allowed to think differently because they have this idea they're so not racists liberals white liberals that they know exactly how every single black person needs to think and they freak out if you don't think the way that they think you are allowed to think I disagree with that you know what I've realized in going around and speaking to people is just that what liberals have done you know since since the dawn of this country is they've really just repurposed what they've done all along to black America and and that's what I've written in my book which is coming out in April which is called black out and the subtitle is how black America can make their second escape from a Democrat plantation and when I and I got I got attacked for saying that freeze by The Washington Post which nobody reads nobody reads it they wrote this piece saying that it was so ridiculous I had popularized the freeze you know the Democrat plantation calling it a plantation how wrong it was that I did that and they expected me to say oh you're right I shouldn't use that language no I use that language that's exactly what I meant let me explain that to you what I mean when I do my research and I understand and I look back at the time of slavery to me the Democrats have just modernized the exact same things that they were doing on the plantation they just can't get away with it in the same way you know when I when I was reading a Frederick Douglass's book and talking about what slavery was like for black Americans what was crucial to it first and foremost the breakdown of family to sustain vamped to sustain slavery there had to be a necessary breakdown of the family there was a hopelessness that went with being a slave they wanted you they were constantly trading you you weren't allowed to have a family unit they didn't believe in the family whatsoever because they wanted people to work like machines it was so integral it was something also that the Democrats made necessary was illiteracy you were not allowed to read learn how to read if you were a slave in America it was actually so illegal but if you were a white person that was caught teaching a slave how to read you were in trouble too it was a severe law and why is that because an educated mind can't be enslaved so you might say so you might say oh but Candace it's that's different now because now black people are allowed to learn how to read right you've got all these candidates talking about how they're gonna say black America and none of them are talking about the staggering illiteracy rates that are happening right now in inner cities in California seventy percent of black boys cannot pass a basic literacy exam okay you're talking to me about white supremacy my fear is liberal supremacy because anywhere show me any place where liberal policies reign supreme and I will show you a place where the inner cities in the communities are broken or the families are broken and where people are feeling hopeless so I like to do when I when ever I get in front of an audience is tell you guys some real things about me because you certainly won't find them on the internet you will find absurd things about me as they try to destroy my character and and not they don't want people to get into the room with me because usually what I'm saying just makes sense right so let's smear her let's liable her let's make her seem that she's a a self-hating black you know the truth is I'm a girl that came from absolutely nothing I know I did not have family a family that you know how to bankroll for me that I could go out and I could spend their money I grew up in a small roach infested apartment with me and my two sisters that's the truth of my situation and where I came from you'll never find out on the internet because it's not interesting they try to whitewash me they say oh she's from Connecticut so she must be wealthy they don't know that there's poor places everywhere in the entire nation right I tell people and just some fun facts about me I was born in 1989 I was third in line in my family and the third born and I was born with a blocked tear duct so that's a true fact about me and I could not cry for the first few weeks of my life I could have produced tears and I always tell people now that that was the earliest indication that I was not going to be a liberal it's true and a lot of people ask me you know where I get this this strength and this character to come from why I fight so hard and why I'm I don't I don't really care you know what people say about me where did I learn learn that and the truth is I came out like that I was always like that when you watch videos of me when I was a kid I just was one of those kids that knew what was what and I was not intimidated by adults I wanted answers all the time I hated the manipulation that I felt would come from adults when they speak to children and try to make oversimplify things I was the kind of kid that when my parents said Santa's not gonna come if you don't clean your room I would say well then tell him not to come I need a better reason to clean my room than Santa's not going to come so I was I was a precocious child my parents always tell me I was extremely precocious and they spent a lot of time frustrated and a lot of time laughing and they received a blessing when I turned five because it was time to send me into the public school system so I was no longer their problem for seven hours a day but I did become the problem for my teachers because I kept up more or less the exact same attitude and I wanted to know really with teachers I felt so early on that they weren't challenging me to think they didn't want me to think they wanted me to remember and there was a test that I took that was on on World War two and my teacher one of the questions was why did America have to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and everyone in my class just got around to answering the question and my hand went up and my teacher just went Oh Candace what could possibly be the problem I always had my hand up I always had an issue with the way they were teaching you know and I said well I don't like the way this this question is phrased why did America have to drop the bomb on Hiroshima why don't you ask me did America have a drop the bomb on Hiroshima right slight difference very important you see one they're asking people to think critically to come up with the answers the other they're telling them the answer and forcing them to remember the reasons why this is how the public school system in-house the school system is designed today they want children to remember they want to indoctrinate them they do not want them to learn how to think and I will tell you this my teachers did receive a blessing in high school because eventually it was time for me to go to college and they didn't have to worry about the stress of me wanting to constantly looking for a challenge and constantly wanting to think and let me be clear during this time I was a liberal if you had asked me I wasn't really politically inclined I would I guess technically I was a political but if you had come up to me and you had asked me some questions about politics I would have told you Republicans are racist Democrats are the only way that black Americans should vote Republicans want to send this this country back to a time where people that have dark skin can't survive these are the things that I didn't just choose to believe but that I was conditioned to believe by the school system one of the biggest battles that we are facing today make no mistake is to win the schools back [Applause] and if you think it's bad you know K K through 12 it gets so much worse when you get into college really I mean I cannot describe to you how bad the universities have gotten think about this you know just a short while ago the the the biggest class across college campuses was Western civilization right like loving understanding why Western civilization is the best why the West is the best learning the history of Western civilization and then Jesse Jackson led a group of protesters in Stanford and they said hey-ho hey-ho Western Civ has got to go and they referred to this course as racist right it's wrong to be celebrating Western civilization this was sort of the beginning of teaching people indoctrinating children and students to believe that there's something inherently wrong with being American how weird how weird that I can go onto a college campus today and students can break out and start chanting USA USA and other students will say that that chant is racist that it's xenophobic that there's something wrong with loving your country when I was in university we had to pick a course that we would select as an elective which is ridiculous that you had to you were forced to pick either African American Studies which is basically a course in how to hate white people gender studies a course and how does you know hate straight people or you could pick feminism which was a course in how to hate men right it was like pick your evil was one of the things that I had to pick so I went with feminism 101 because at that time if you had asked me I would have said I was a feminist they say sell it it sounds so good with a the way they package things on the left right who doesn't want to be a feminist who doesn't support women so I said I'll take this class this is good send me to this class and what a nightmare that ended up being for my professor for me but for her because my professor I realized very quickly that the purpose of this course was not to empower women the purpose of this course was to indoctrinate women to hate men we had to get a textbook and apparently this textbook had every problem that women have faced since the dawn of time and the professor would stand in the front and she would pick out a problem and she would read the problem to the class and then ask us why and the answer was always because of men didn't matter what it was it was why are women thirsty because of men you know it does it does not matter and the course would go on and on she'd come in every day just explaining to us that men are the really the reason that everything is bad and there was this one course that this one particular class that I will never forget because in the retrospect it's so meaningful at the time it was less meaningful she plucked out a problem in this class and the problem was about eating disorders and don't quote me on the exact number but it was north of 80% of all eating disorders in America are had by women you know women have eating disorders and then she turned to the class and she said why and the answer of course was because of men very simple and I just thought to myself maybe there's something else going on here you know maybe not everything can be because of men and she sort of launched into into this diatribe about how the reason women feel like they have to be skinny is because of advertising agencies which are owned by men make us feel like we have to look this way and I audibly chuckled in the middle of his class I laughed I thought this was funny and she heard me and she turned around and we had traded barbs for so I mean so many classes and she just said what do you find funny about this and I said I just find it ridiculous that you look at this statistic without exploring any other statistic and I asked her this question I said like what is the statistic for how many people shoot steroids they can go to the gym and make themselves look big right is that maybe 80% men that take those medicines that that I'd take those steroids and is that because of women and she went oh it was like no that was just not what she wanted to hear and what she said to me next I will never forget she went beet red and she was so angry and she said Candace I just feel like you were sent to me from the men's department bizarre thing to say right and I said professor I just feel like I was sent to you from the common-sense department there might be something else going on we went back we went forth and back and went forth until finally I caught the conversation I said to her I said you want to know why I find this to be so ridiculous it was because as I was sitting in her classroom as a 19 year old girl I had an eating disorder many of you guys who follow my story know I talk about this a lot especially to young women because I had an eating disorder for four years of my life and it was the worst when I was in university and I laughed because I was sitting here listened to listening to a woman that was teaching me that it was because of men and because I felt the need to look skinny in front of men when it wasn't it had nothing to do with men when I suffered with anorexia it had to do with control I felt like my life had spiraled out of control and this thing this counting of calories is something that I could do that I could control something that was the reason why he had nothing to even do with wanting to look skinny I've been skinny in my whole life but there was this mechanism and yet here she was teaching me not asking anybody she never asked once two women to talk about their experiences she was teaching us that it was because of men and it was fascinating and why I say that that this was such a moment for me in the retrospect wasn't I think back to that moment what was happening between me and that teacher me and that professor is the difference between liberalism and conservatism you see liberals they have a problem they look out externally they say who can I blame if I'm short it's because of tall people if I'm poor it's because of rich people right this is the way they think but conservatives we do something weird totally weird and foreign right we look inward we look internally we say I have a problem and now I need to fix it [Music] beyond that you know I had to drop out of school because I am i Sallie Mae declined my loan in the fourth year is when they had the big collapse so imagine being me a hundred over a hundred thousand dollars in student loans and I can't finish if I gotta start paying them back in six months right so I had to drop out of school hit the ground running figuring out how I was gonna pay them back which I did Bernie Sanders without stealing from anybody else I wish I really wish they would do that student loan forgiveness I would be so angry so angry you know you make a decision you pay for it not everybody else and as I was working to pay back these loans I started working in private equity for a few years and you know I never really cared about politics it just never I never thought about my life in the context of politics until an event happened in the world and a man by the name of Donald J Trump came down the escalator and whether whether you are politically inclined or you weren't paying attention to politics you paid attention to politics on that day was impossible to ignore that man for better or for worse for me it was for worse as I said oh come on this guy can't be the President of the United States it's ridiculous he's the guy that says you're fired all right I remember thinking he would make a mockery of the White House you know that it just it this this man should not become the president States and I didn't feel good about it but I always say and it's fine me and him were friends now we talked about that but I always say though what was remarkable is that while I didn't think that he was equipped I didn't think he had the experience what was more important were the things that I never thought during that time not once did I say to myself he shouldn't be the president because he's a racist and yet overnight this man who nobody had an issue with he was he was on the main stage for decades a celebrity for decades overnight I watched the left call this man a racist a sexist a misogynist at one point they even called him incestuous and said that he had feelings for Ivanka remember that that's six story that went out overnight and that's how I got started because the left overplayed their hand that was it because I said to myself something's not right so fast so Swift and they're calling him all of these names and I asked myself a most important question I said is it plausible that racism is now being used as a theme to turn black people into single issue voters is it plausible that sexism is now being used as a theme to turn women into single issue voters and of course the answer was yes so I had the idea I said now that I know this information I began reading and just reading and reading and listening to voices that I had never listened to before dr. Thomas Sol dr. ben Carson dr. Condoleezza Rice heroes in the black community and so disrespected so disrespected I started reading their books and and nice I suddenly felt like I was awake like like I had been sleeping my entire life like I had been lied to my entire life like I had been convinced to see myself as a victim I had been manipulated and I knew I knew instantly that I had to get into this I had no plan but I knew and I and I knew the odds were gonna be against me I knew it was gonna be an uphill climb but I knew that something had to be done and that now that I had this truth it wasn't enough to know it I had to share it and you know I my big idea was to launch a YouTube channel and fortunately for me you know my third video and thanks to people like you in this room went trending worldwide with 26 million views that video was a video of me ranting because you'll remember after Donald J Trump became the president itíd states very shortly thereafter the Charlottesville debacle happened and that was unbelievable unbelievable because I came home and my cousin was watching CNN and I heard I was just picking it up in the background and CNN if you were if if you were watching it they were trying to convince me as a black American that the KKK was now alive and well because Donald J Trump got elected right like we told you this would happen and now it's here at their back right people are riding in horses and this is it I got so angry and I started ranting for four minutes on my computer in it and I'll tell you where this anger came from the worst thing that that the left does that they cheapen evil they cheapen real evil right and I was angry because when when they started talking and trying to say that the Ku Klux Klan was alive and well they were cheapening the real experiences that my ancestors lived through they were cheapening it and when I say my ancestors I don't mean long dead ancestors I mean my grandfather who's still breathing who grew up with the real Ku Klux Klan in a segregated south they cheapen that experience and these stories were so real to me growing up to have my grandfather around the dinner table explained to us that he grew up with the real Ku Klux Klan that when he was a kid they would come by his home and they would spray bullets and what's remarkable about that is that my grandfather when he tells that story he doesn't tell it like a victim he tells it with the sense of power he says and my daddy would grab the shotgun and shoot back at them boys [Music] that strength that power never a victim segregated south I've never heard my grandfather ever growing up in his home ever utter a bad word about a white person ever he would just say it was a different time and he worked he worked his entire life his first job in a senator gated South when he was five years old laying out tobacco to dry picking cotton on a sharecropping farm this was what my grandfather had to do right this was his day in and day out and now I look around and I see all these little victims who wouldn't know a hard day of work if it jumped up and punched them in the face [Music] most of you you know know my grandfather I know in California you probably saw him sitting behind me when a certain loser named Ted Alou right decided to play a tape when I was sitting in a house should is Sheree committee my grandfather is easily the closest person to me I love him so much and I feel that everything that he lived through was to give me this experience to go through life not as a victim but as a part of this society and and to know that you know after raising his kids in the north my grandfather returned back to the south with my grandmother to retire and he purchased the sharecropping farm but he grew up on he was able to live that life because he made good decisions that was it not because he cried not because he protested when something bad happened not because he was shrieking in the streets not because he was demanding handouts he was able to do that because of the American Dream and because that is what is on the line that's what I fight to protect right that's why I launched blex it the Black Sea Organization the black exit from this liberal ideology which has become a cancer it is a cancer liberalism is a cancer because it destroys lives when you accept yourself and see yourself as a victim like my granddaddy always says if you believe you can't you won't it's that easy a society now that wants to turn everybody into victims is a society that is telling and convincing people they can't before they even try it's society but as making people see themselves as a little man and not letting them know that in America it's always been this if you work hard if you stay out of trouble if you stop making excuses this country will reward you [Music] [Applause] [Music] mic my call to action for every single person in this room is to first and foremost just know what's on the line because we've never dealt with this in this country right this is different I say this is World War 3 it might not look we're fighting a war right it might not feel that way but we are the war is ideological we are right now deciding on what is going to happen in this country are we going to move towards a socialist country where everybody is a victim and nobody wins and everybody's miserable or are we going to move into the direction of what this country has always been a country built on principle on free markets on capitalism right [Applause] you know for me I I spayed I spend day in and day out fighting for black America because I know I know that if black America wakes up and understands what the left has done not just what they've done but what they continue to take from us what they have taken from black Americans since we've gotten to this country in 1619 Democrats Democrats only Democrats ever since the beginning of the time that black Americas have been in this country it has been Democrats I believe if black America wakes up this country will be saved I believe it's that simple right because they've used us as their victims for so long they've used us as their shields as they gained power they gained power and we get nothing nothing 60 years of bad policies 60 years of our families being destroyed of our men going to prison the question that Donald Trump asks in Michigan in 2015 was a good one what do you have to lose the answer is nothing I will pop up just by saying from the bottom of my heart I am here you know as a girl that came from nothing and on this stage because of each of each and every one of you that is in this room I'm here because I've got the character of my grandfather and the support of patriots all around this country so god bless you pray for a blek sit and remember that there is so much that we can do to make sure that we have a country at the end of 2020 thank you [Applause]
Channel: KUSI News
Views: 521,061
Rating: 4.900887 out of 5
Id: mC0NuYILgwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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