Canceling David Dobrik and Jason Nash

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welcome back to the podcast everyone this is the Scott cast and we are sitting on the casting couches luckily Jeff and I passed the casting we passed our auditions and now we are the two lead actors on this show the Scott cast dude that was great but the candles not lit yet but don't worry because I got this new fancy lighter I spent all of our production budget on to light it there we go [ __ ] nice dude and we're on a very eventful week guys we got a lot of stuff to talk about Scott I'll let you open it with the performance you did that was great I loved did you make it to be a performance I saw the Instagram stories of it I showed up a little late we were in a lot of traffic I think you guys showed up like literally after like five minutes after I was done but you looked great your outfit was the coolest their high performed it Wango Tango this weekend on Saturday and it was a lot of fun I got to drop an announcement about my new single is dropping on June 14th and just to kick this off with a bunch of plugs I'll let you guys know that I have a show on July 13th at the House of Blues of Anaheim and if you guys want to see us perform live I'm sure Jeff will come to that one then get get tickets yeah I'll be there and since you're kicking off with plugs I like to kick this off with canceling david dobrik and jason nash they came over my house at 8:00 a.m. the other day with the plastic surgeon to prove that I don't have Botox or to prove that I have Botox they gave me a test I passed the test and they cut it out of the vlog completely and Jason click baited his vlog with proving my friends Botox they are [ __ ] liars now that they did that and they [ __ ] me over I'm gonna come clean and say all the david dobrik vlogs are fake I'm a highly trained actor and so Scott and we read scripts throughout them and he's actually a woman dressed up as a man he puts 5 o'clock shadow with makeup on his beard like I saw Jason's clickbait he did the whole proving jeff has Botox and then David cut it out of his vlog entirely that was the deal to finally get rid of that joke that's been bugging me I have not had plastic surgery but the comments are starting to get to me my mom said hey Geoffrey why does everybody say you have Botox now and I said mom it's all because of David but don't worry it's going to be handled and they cut it out well Jeff to the club the cutout of David's video club that has happened to me way too many times it's okay dude because they're cancelled now wait till you see the thumbnail of this david dobrik jason nash cancelled alright so what else can we talk about I'm a little sick I had to drive 18 hours yesterday to pick up my old best friend from prison you guys are gonna meet him soon I'm sorry I already have seen him in David's video cuz I brought them along to do a little prank on him I'm excited to meet him I hear he's he's very big but I guess we can save talking about him when to talk with him when he's here I don't know how we feel about that cuz he's a big guy and we already have a big guy here Jay is our producer he's about 63 and we have a pretty strong team here how about like 200 pounds you're 200 okay you need to put on like 40 pounds okay fill out that body he's 240 pounds 240 pounds so it's a lot bigger so he's a heavy weight you're a light heavyweight yeah we got a good squad here man we're all big heavy weights were really trained fighters except for me I did karate when I was eight so you know I could yeah wrestler man you got skills bro our whole team here will [ __ ] up other podcasts you read that is a threat to any other podcasts out there if views you guys want to fight anybody else but Joe Rogan and his crew they're all trained MMA badasses but we will kick the [ __ ] out of any other podcast right the number two most lethal podcast team out there what are we even doing here anymore yes why do you guys listen to this this is just us rambling we meet up and we work this into our schedule and just talk [ __ ] for a little bit but we're grateful that to have you here we're not your ideal influencers were actually the opposite of that I was thinking about that the other day we sit here and we tell people to do all the wrong stuff what anti what are we tell them to do that that's wrong we told them to do drugs and alcohol and give up on school and give up on their job if it's hard but that's what we did and why shouldn't we tell them to do that do we got lucky man oh yeah we were just joking when we say that [ __ ] we don't mean it it's nice if I don't have my hair and my slender physique and you guys then I'd be back drug-dealing right now so I'm grateful to have you guys and if I didn't have this beautiful smile but a sad demeanor then I would be back doing drugs I agree I agree but you know what we're your anti influencers and we're looking for a new podcast name I don't want to have influence or anywhere near it but if you guys got some suggestions again I can't believe I'm still asking for this [ __ ] we're supposed to be creative creators and we can't even come up with awful this is named the 8th 8th episode I believe J correct yes that's correct Scott correct maybe we should change it to Jeff cast that would work what's the name of your podcast it's my name's Jeff cast no dude I love I love Scott cast because there's such a story behind it Scott broke his leg that's when I was able to sneak into the vlog squad and gain my fame and success all due to Scott being in a cast and it was also a play on we were gonna do a todd cast because it rhymes and that's why we had the name and then cast but then it became a prank on Todd and now Todd is at the beach and he can't be here so it's back to Scott cast it was kind of funny to us it doesn't really make sense but you know what the words even mean whatever I mean what have we even doing we just say random stuff it's like it's all [ __ ] man nothing matters we say that every podcast but nothing matters literally don't worry about nothing matters I was thinking about it the other day about like words I don't like saying but I need to say them sometimes like clout you use the word clout I say it every once in a while and every time after I say it I'm like [ __ ] why did I just say that word I sound like a dumbass I hate that word I hate seeing that word I hate seeing other influencers say like you just want clout and like blah blah it seems so ridiculously dumb yeah I know but sometimes it's necessary to say in a sentence and I feel like an idiot because I'm a 29 year old man and I say clout and I'm like oh my god I'm like a fuck-boy but I think that's how words come about like they're they're kind of lame for a little bit until people keep using them and then they put them in the dictionary because they serve a purpose like influencer sucks but we still say it yeah I mean that's what we do we influence people to do drugs and drink alcohol and quit their jobs like you said but it's crazy those words that we we use the way you're talking about clout and [ __ ] like that I say like lit fire flames swag I say that and I say it all erotic Lee but I say it so much that it's become part of my actual dialogue you know like people don't know that I'm joking when I text that or you ever do that a hundred percent man I think we should start making up our own words over here just to make our sentences even shorter it's like we're editing in real time you want to talk about somebody that is looking for fame they're desperate for followers and stuff like that just say Klout summed up all that made it shorter gets the point across I was thinking the other day that we need to make a new word for when we're doing this podcast or filming videos because the other day a girl asked me to go on a hike with her and I'm like I have to work and she's like [ __ ] Instagram or something like that because my Instagram just saw me shirtless hanging out working this is work exactly no that's funny Jason said something about like he had to cancel something because he had to go to work you know a psycho what you got a [ __ ] job yeah but we are working what we're could we think for that like like a way to say like you have to work but it's we enjoy it and we're grateful to have this job but it's not gonna influence right now I'm sorry we need to make a new word for that guy for the new word we're making new words over here we need your help because it is the people that make these words work it can't just be us forcing it it's got to work for you guys so make a word for us to say what we're doing when we're having fun working social media work is shirk it's not gonna be sure we're not saying shirk Sorek just a media work okay oh yeah nerfs not here thank God what does that piss on the bottom that he pitched through that bed that bed looks pretty gross oh no don't put that up there nerf what are you doing man you pissed your bed you might have pissed it underneath he's not even embarrassed nerf two million people listening to this podcast and they watch it and they're gonna see that look at him he doesn't give a [ __ ] it's all right there you know my dog Linc recently developed did I talk about this less about that last podcast not nerf did it maybe he jealous I did talk about in the last podcast I wasn't sure I talk about stuff on so many different platforms now podcast vlogs a music like every everywhere I go I'm talking about something my own vlogs other people's vlogs I don't know where I've said things it's okay dude I repeat every joke multiple times it's a bad habit that I got from my father it's genetically built-in to me so you know what just do it that's why we have editors and we have a producer to tell us hey guys you already said that stop talking about it's a problem though cuz it happens in my real life too like I'll tell a story to Todd or a friend or something like that and then I think I've said it to my girlfriend I've said it to Kristin and she's like no you never told me that and like oh [ __ ] I know like you everything we've said so far we said thousands of times Jay why don't you cut in and be like hey you guys you're [ __ ] repeating yourselves you know I actually kind of like this topic because it's really difficult maybe you need a real-life producer someone who just follows you around all the time someone someone didn't Airy maybe lay in like they pick which words I'm saying next yeah yeah I just got that hidden his name's Cody and he just got out of prison for four years but he's my life producer now and I think he's great he's just a little too institutionalized right now but that's normal when I first got out of jail I was like oh [ __ ] I'm not even gonna jaywalk man I'm gonna be clean I'm gonna just enjoy my freedom and appreciate everything right back to being miserable not appreciating all the great things I have in my life but it takes time when I got detained for being drunk in public I you know I thought I was not gonna get drunk anymore and Frank when I got out I had a drink so okay you know I could smell your about Oh point point three alcohol level right now and it's from two nights ago well and last night so you know yeah yeah mix it together there half a bottle James in there half a bottle of Jameson here wine a little beer so the moral the story is jail does not work people will never learn their lessons and they will always be the same no matter what it's just temporary when you first get out you're like [ __ ] I'm not gonna go back but you end up becoming the same person will I go back probably hey don't say that we don't want you to go back to jail we want you here doing the podcast cuz I don't want to go film the podcast in jail yeah will I go back no never I'm a good person have I got plastic surgery never there a comment on the last video talking about our vices it was just like jeff swedish fish scott alcohol handshake that was good that worked out it's funny man we don't script this like we like david does his vlogs we just open up our minds and we're honest good people and we just let it flow you were just coming at david's throat Wisthoff man i'm gonna play the footage I'll get it from him I'll sneak into his house and break into his laptop and get the footage where it got proven the guy tested my face he's a plastic surgeon that guy went to school for 30 years to get to become what he is now and they got him over here for a tag in the video they cut it out because it was like oh this the jokes not funny anymore because we actually don't have dirt on Jeff anymore Wow you know what I want to cancel David too because you know what I got his face tattooed on my arm for a vlog if you guys haven't seen it yet check it out but he posted his video before I posted my video and it completely ruined the surprise of my video where I was getting a face tattoo and it turns out it's a tattoo of David's face yeah you know what that pisses me off sometimes too especially because my last well David's last vlog that's didn't come out yet but I know it's gonna come out any minute probably coming out right now because we're recording this on Tuesday yeah so he's gonna spread yet yeah he's gonna put out a video where we picked up my friend and I'm grateful to have him come along and help me film and he put out the whole idea that I had four years in the making here Cody went to jail just so I could have a vlog four years later what a good friend yeah and I mean I'm sure it's gonna be good but I'm appreciative to have David because his videos get a lot more views than ours and he's he's a good person he's a nice guy to hang out with he's one of our good friends yeah when I when I say that I want to cancel David for that as well I don't mean it you know I appreciate that David put it in his video I got that ten seconds of fame ten seconds of glory in his intro the other day and all the comments were about how [ __ ] dumb I am it's so you guys can be as nice as you want right now but I'm cutting all of this out because I like the controversy truth is man we're just jealous because David's such a faster editor than us and he could just get things done so quick I don't know how he does it I'm like sick right from driving those 18 hours to pick him up and Sacramento his true and like just being busy with other things that you're doing in your life to is is rough because I was filming a music video the day after I got my tattoo so I wasn't able to edit that and get that video up right away I wish I could have but instead I was working on a music video so David edits his videos too fast and he gives away our ideas in his videos but it's cool because we wouldn't have a career without him but this week I had Dylan Francis come by for a haircut we did a tennis match and David's video came out way before mine and then nobody watched Dylan is it because people don't give a [ __ ] about Dylan and he's irrelevant now that's a possibility no I'm kidding Dylan's great he's [ __ ] hilarious he's a great DJ makes great music he's my good friend and he was a real nice guy to do that video with me he seems like a really cool guy like a really fun guy yeah he was dope I felt so awkward when he walked in wearing a color-block hoodie my first time I was like oh he's wearing my merch like Geoff must have given him my hoodie and then it turns out that's his merch and I was like I have a hoodie that is just like you guys have the same merch and who copied who hear Dylan Francis made his first or released at first so now I feel [ __ ] awkward but I didn't know so hey they're both dil booties and Dylan hasn't given me one so I'm gonna wear the one that Scott gave me thank you Jeff because we're partners on a podcast we have a business together life partners my girlfriend when I first met her like she used to always be like you know Dillon Francis like his snapchats are so funny like is he always do stuff with this pinata and what was it called like I don't know he's really funny like snapchat stuff yeah guys he's great check him out Dillon Francis he does stuff with his pinata me next topic J hit us with the hate comments because we intrigued a bunch of them by acknowledging you guys I had a bunch of threats and I'm letting you guys know now that you're in for a rude awakening because I'm about the [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys up and use our army of Scott casters don't that see another word I'm embarrassed I mean I'm out of my mouth Scott casters Scott casters we're like the Jake Pollard's but we're Scott casters just put it on the end wait so I don't know how many views that our last video get million two million three million views that's a little bit less than the previous it was like four or five million right yeah I think the last one might have got like yeah we need to change that guys you need to share this podcast with your friends your grandmother your dog anyone that you think won't like this podcast and share it with them because they need to learn to like this are you going with word-of-mouth as a marketing tactic or to mouth yes very old-school I know that social media has like all the power now but I'm saying like say that link out loud slash the question mark x3q say that to someone tell them to watch this video so this week I did the the Dillon Francis thing and then the party after that we were up till like 5:00 a.m. that night and then there's a lot of preparation for my friend to get out of prison he's my best friend we grew up together thought I was your best friend yeah now you are now you're my number one best friend at the top of the list but this guy we've been through a lot of [ __ ] together and I didn't talk about him much because I don't like thinking about stuff that I have no control over he was locked up in a cage and there was nothing I could do to get him out so I just wanted to save it for when I have him back and he's not going back hopefully he's very very positive and it's a good energy to have around other than all the negativity that my friends usually spread all right so weekly recap what did I do last week I went over to do that party thing with Jason but I left before it happened because I had to shoot a music video the next day so I shot a music video the next day then I rehearsed and had a couple of live music sessions adding music to adding instruments to my songs Wednesday Thursday Friday I had rehearsals for the window tango show and then Saturday I had a window tango show Sunday I was hungover that's my week yeah I don't remember anything I wrote that I thought I wrote it down what I did this week but I forgot already but I do just look at my phone and I want to address something I've been getting a lot of DMS of girls just saying let me [ __ ] you for the vlog that's no way to start a conversation girls I think that you should probably start with something why can't I take you out to dinner and feed you or can you feed me I don't know yeah basically what you're saying is I'm willing to have sex with you for Klout I hate saying it note but that's like prostitution for Klout and that's no way to meet somebody that that's what your intentions are I appreciate the honesty right off the bat but yeah just look at it that way it's just it's just honesty they just want to [ __ ] you so it's cool my DMS are all like I like your song yeah so the reason for me bringing that up was to say stop doing that but now that you say I should appreciate the honesty then I guess whatever keep them coming but I'm probably not gonna acknowledge those DMS also the ones saying hey can you cut my hair I don't know if that's like sarcasm but there's absolutely no way I could cut anybody's hair unless you're a famous youtuber that is hilarious at improv comedy you know that's a lie because he cut my hair okay Scott Goodwin Braille with sarcasm he's actually telling a joke right now for those of you guys that didn't get that a lot of my jokes don't hit it just doesn't make sense but what I was trying to say is I'm not funny no well when you're with me I don't laugh at other people's stuff so that's how it probably seems like it's not funny but the people at home are dying laughing right now man they're probably had to pause their TV right now Scott said he's not funny after Jess said he only cuts funny people's hair they're not all [ __ ] Smash Hits here but we're not reading the script like David does sips tea there I go repeating myself again do you like that word do you like the sips tea do you like all those little phrases wig snap I hate them all but they work so keep them coming sips tea oh I hit a million subscribers this week we didn't make it on the podcast but I did hit it and I got emailed they're gonna send me that plaque but still feel nothing still feel exactly the same I wish that we had like you you what he caught T voted or something you recorded it so on this podcast we could be like it's a week later now we're still trying to see if I'm gonna hit a million subscribers yeah I mean Oscar did I didn't catch it because I was busy doing important stuff because I'm a busy guy that there's a lot of cool [ __ ] do you feel any different no man I just feel like I have to make better videos now because like I have a million people watching that'd be great Jeff the only thing that's changed with a million subscribers is you aging every subscriber you get is another notch on your age you just get an older and older and we're so old now and subscribers I really just a milestone of your age you know like what age were you when you hit a million subscribers how old when you hit a hundred thousand subscribers you're just growing up and you know maybe we should lose some subscribers so he can grow down what do you call it yeah get younger that might be the trick to getting younger is losing subscribers you got to see my friend when he walked out of that bus they released them off of a bus what the [ __ ] Oh Thank You Oscar going up should we do another motivational speech no it's not worth it all right you had a story about your friend from jail my friend when he got off that bus I was so impressed with how healthy he looks and they say jail is like the Fountain of Youth because you can't drink alcohol you can't do any drugs or any bad so here's luck I cannot go to jail and you just sleep so Oh cuz no alcohol losing my mind well that's the point it brings you back down to just mmm zero substance the abuse and you just have to you know think clearly and learn your lesson and they make it as miserable as possible for people maybe I should go to jail actually I'd be like better than rehab for me no rehab is like the best you get to work out in jail and get people trying to kill you man and like it's the worst conditions you could ever live in but it wasn't when that like make me a stronger person I was talking to somebody the other day and they asked me they were like do you regret going to jail and do you regret making those mistakes and I told them I was like I don't regret anything because everything I've done in my life is what made me who I am today and got me to where I'm at right now so if I could go back and not get caught for doing whatever I was doing at the time there's stupid [ __ ] I don't know I would still do it because that made me who I am and that made me meet you guys and everything happens for a reason man I'm a big believer that I'm sure I said that multiple times and I like to repeat so I think that's a great message and saying you know don't go around killing people making that mistake and then you know you should probably regret that yeah that's a reversible don't do any irreversible damage but if you just want to sell little drugs and try to make money and live a better lifestyle then I mean we surely go do that either but I was selling weed bro that shit's legal now I want my time back California government give Jeff his time back hashtag give Jeff his time back hashtag Jeff's time yeah you want to talk about Botox just go to jail it's a felony youth that makes you younger you got to see my friend he looks like he's 24 years old and when he went into jail he looked like he was about 65 years old he lost 40 years of age through just four years of jail for easy years of prison can make you look younger you know I actually have no idea how long you've been to jail for because all I ever hear is oh yeah I went to jail like Jeff he went to jail how long were you in jail for I went to the longest one it was four months in Miami that was four yeah I was having I had kind of like a like a homemade casino going on I would have card games and we'd take a rake and I had a lot of drugs in the house I was also I was hustling a little bit on the side I told myself when I moved to Miami that I was going to stop everything and then I just saw everybody's lifestyle and I was like I'm not gonna be able to live this on a barber salary I was meeting a lot of celebrities I was meeting a lot of rich people that had crazy lives they would go out every night they would ride around on yachts and I'm like you know what I need to be able to hang with these people man so I needed to cut some corners and make a little extra dough so I made some bad choices but got arrested did four months the case was thrown out because it was an illegal search and seizure so they came in without a warrant what they did was illegal but I was supposed to go away for a long time I was supposed to be in there for I was facing like 10 15 years holy [ __ ] [ __ ] and I didn't have a release date I didn't know I was getting out until they actually just came in and they said Witek roll up pack up your stuff you're out and I was like holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] here forever that's crazy that's crazy like I don't know the full extent of like your experience in Joe I didn't know that it was like that like that would have been so much more life-changing if you were actually in jail for ten years I was let out but also I wasn't even supposed to go to jail because it was illegal what they did to me but everybody in jail is like I'm not even supposed to be here bro so I'm not gonna sit here and say that yeah so that one was for months I was arrested out here la for trafficking weed and then I violated my probation again with the motorcycle chase where it was like a 15-minute like probably even longer but it felt super quick because it was just very high adrenaline I was turning around no helmet on I was like [ __ ] you they had a helicopter above me and they crashed me off the bike and I ran on foot it was just really dumb man I'm like I don't even know if I want to share a lot of these stories yet but it's crazy like listening to these stories I could think to myself like damn it's kind of scary like I'm friends with [ __ ] hardened criminal right here but then like I think back to what I was doing when I was younger and how much stupid [ __ ] I was doing that I just I just never went to jail you just didn't get caught yeah and I got caught well sex a sec yeah just be grateful you didn't get caught man no but I'm like I'm sitting here thinking about how I'm friends with a criminal and he could be thinking the same thing even though I didn't go to jail like I was doing criminal things and yeah but [ __ ] as a young kid like yeah so what we're trying to say is that you're a criminal too you just haven't been caught I've didn't grow up like I wasn't born in a family of criminals and they had a criminal son like I I chose to do things along the way that were criminal acts but it was just like momentary lapse of judgment like I just was like okay [ __ ] it I'll just do this who cares whatever but the drug-dealing stuff was me like saying okay I'm gonna I need more money I'm not happy living this lifestyle would like being broke I'd rather take risks where I'm gonna end up in jail for a little bit but at least I can live how I want to live that was a chance that was a decision I made consciously knowing like the consequences now we're here we do a comedy podcast and this is not comedy at all but we keep it real I think the honesty is what's what people appreciate I never thought I'd be honest in my past relationship I had to censor myself a lot I've definitely I've learned from my mistakes in the past I think I just like completely disregarded what you just said to say something else so I'm just gonna skip what I was saying no I was just saying about like censoring ourselves and meeting you guys and like how you just keep it completely real how you are off-camera is exactly the same way unless you're a little more happy and energetic and keep it a little cleaner for the videos or you say hey guys smash like right now also subscribe I'm going on tour and buy my merch right now but other than that [ __ ] you're exactly the same that you are on camera yeah I smile a little bit more on camera than off-camera but these podcasts are real bro we talk on edited sometimes we're not gonna be telling jokes you know sometimes we're just gonna talk about our past we're gonna talk about our criminal pasts how Jeff's a hardened criminal I'm a criminal but I've learned from my mistakes I do not drive in the carpool lane when there's only one person in the car anymore I do all the you're still a criminal then I have changed okay yeah I take it back my criminal choices I'm just full blown criminal guys I love to bend the law of odds but some cut some corners okay Jay give us some of our hater comments let's get into the segments that I love so much we love these segments I actually actually really do like this I don't have to talk about that was great that was the really good real topic right there story time with Jeff maybe that's gonna be a new segment no no no I have millions I could break down these stories and talk more in detail about them like maybe the the dirt bike situation that [ __ ] I really thought I was in a movie like legit I've been in a lot of chases because you're on a dirt bike all you got to do is just skid and you could just drive the other way in a car has to reverse and then dry they got to do a three-point turn so helicopter didn't they la they have helicopters everywhere so just don't run from the cops in LA anywhere else you're good on a dirt bike you'll get away because you could squeeze in you could go into the dirt if you're by woods you just go into the woods cops can't drive their car because they have trees they can't crash the trees down so if you run into a high-speed chase be on a dirt bike and be in LA yeah I was following the movie place beyond the pines I love that movie they robbed the bank on the dirt bike and then they drive it into a box truck and then they just drive right past the cops and they have no idea where the guy the Bandit on the motorcycle went but I didn't have the box truck I thought I could just ride and use my skill to get away but learn the hard way right city can't no more gonna take these guys let's see what you guys had to say about us last week so was everybody was very nice I had more difficulty this week finding any hate that was directed towards you guys I'm surprised because we were we mentioned a lot of our hate comments so I thought we would get more hate comments but I'm glad that you guys don't hate us and you didn't leave hate comments that's very nice of you we're gonna stop all that right now here's one for Jeff oh good perfect Jeff's hand movements have more communication skills than he does my hands don't even move what are you talking about do they move a lot they move a lot they move a lot yeah all right whatever there's nothing I could do about that okay you could not move a lot I am trying so hard not to move them right now and it's it's taking up all my brain wejust energy give you muscle relaxers before you come on anymore in a cast put me in the Scott cast dude we should get full-body cast made that have the Scott cast logo on it and I wish you'd just break your leg again man hilarious break it guys a hundred thousand likes and Scott's gonna break his leg I will break my leg I would let Jeff take a sledgehammer to my shin if we get 200,000 likes a lot of people also comment do you shave your legs nope I'm just hairless guys I get those comments a lot too I have blonde hair so it just blends into my you can't see it yeah yeah that's a perfect segue Jeff's beard six out of ten Scott's beard seven out of ten Wow I agree Scott's beard red that's pretty sick and my beard grows in very patchy we work very hard to what was my reading seven out of ten and his was what six out of ten that's not much of a difference you still win bro spider hair now [ __ ] yeah dude I try my best with these jokes you sent a video into the group chat [ __ ] dude I'm sick right now my body's shutting down which one you want you said oh there's multiple videos of people threatening me there's a guy who wanted to fight you put that video up here we're also taking in video submissions on our email so submit your videos and Jeff will critique your fighting skills let's see this guy bro I'm gonna be completely honest with you what this guy looks like he's scared of the bag those are some of the lightest punches I've ever seen in my life the bag is not gonna punch you back you know that's why you punch a punching bag go in there next time with a little bit more confidence can you replay one more time I don't know man he looked pretty Savage you want to fight him did the punches sounded like like this I didn't hear me yeah dude why why are you touching the bag like that you can hit it hard you can hit it harder than that I do appreciate that you have the the original UFC number one shirt on that's a nice throwback but dude you don't punch hard enough damn you got you're already like you're in the whole shit-talking phase of the fight the UFC like where you you're McGregor in all your insults back and forth to each other like I feel like you're at that stage but you're not gonna entertain the fight yeah you know what I'm gonna send a video back into me punching the thing at saddle ranch so you could measure the power and every time I walk into that place you guys don't know what saddle ranch is but it's those punching bag things every time I punch one of those I broken the record shattered it so I didn't want to share this side of me but I have an extremely powerful punch he does he gets a high score it is easy that thing it is lethal and I do comedy videos so I don't want to threaten my audience but you my friend you just asked for we're tracking down your IP address I just want to backtrack for a second I said you're already McGregor ring did I just make up a word for being a [ __ ] talker yeah well you did it put out an addiction McGregor ring McGregor ring means when you are talking [ __ ] about someone you are using the tactics that Conor McGregor uses to trash talk yeah have to keep this up maybe someday so I'm gonna say your wit Hakeem you're whittling your opponent doesn't like words out of our names you're being really boring your sire dude quit being such a sire that wasn't funny what are you siring sorry bro I think that's your joke and when I use it it sounds disrespectful but that's what you do all the time so I thought I can get away with it I'll never do it again is know all about response here we're all about respect I'm all about self-loathing and I'm owning that yeah only welcome nobody wants to fight me though you got people in your DMS and want to [ __ ] you you got people sending in videos about how they want to fight you nobody wants to do either of those things to me yeah bro my life's exciting people threatening me girls exploiting themselves for clout how do I make my life exciting how do I be more like Jeff prison yeah go to jail bro go to jail could get a dog I got a man I got to do a two-week transformation where I go from boring to extravagant it's a good idea why don't you do another video like he did with Todd but do it on me I would love to do that it's just who's gonna let me cut their hair Jay yeah sure what the [ __ ] do I have to lose your hair I'm already talking about me I know the ultimate hate comment none about me no yes so boring you got so much love this week it's insane like usually it's all Jeff getting the love like Jeff so hot I want to be in his DMS you it was all like we noticed you Scotty we love you sure look at this shirt notice me yeah now you're begging for it all right dude I love having you as a co-host this really was great this was another great Scott cast it was a great Scott cast and I think every episode from here on so forth to the end of time will be a great episode because we're a great team and we make great content and people think that we hate each other because the way we talk to each other on the podcast for some reason but we don't hate each other we just don't like each other it's hard to look at you because then I have to you know sit like that we should have had a better setup here we can always change it just like we could change the name which we haven't done I think that wraps it up guys right should we call it two guys who hate each other podcast that's pretty funny it's pretty funny can we get some comments about that and in the chat two guys who hate each other guys as you know you saw in this podcast that we're taking video submissions so if you guys want to fight Jeff or you want to call me names then feel free to send that to our e-mail which is linked below also tweet us any questions you have for Jeff or then we can answer those questions on the podcast and leave comments because we love reading your comments I love hearing what you have to say whether they're loving comments or hateful comments we'll take them all we'll take any kind of criticism criticism another word for you today criticism Jeff that is the wrong way of saying criticism anyways thanks for watching the podcast thanks for listening to the podcast this is the Scott cast I am marketing genius Scott sire and all I do is promote things this is my co-host my name's Jeff him a good person never been to jail never had plastic surgery so if you guys want to leave a video about me you can't say any of that stuff because I'm a good person he's a good person you heard it here first folks Scott cast out
Channel: Skotcast
Views: 242,009
Rating: 4.9511633 out of 5
Keywords: scottysire, scotty sire, scott sire, david dobrik, vlog squad, vlog, vine, viners, vine compilation, carly and erin, kristen mcatee, todd smith, toddy smithy, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, liza koshy, alex ernst, jeff wittek, jay boice, oscar, nerf, jason nash, podcast, skotcast, toddcast
Id: vVrrQm-XEx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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