Beating the VIEWS podcast on the Charts

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yo what it is this is the hip-hop edition of the Scott cast WikiWiki Scott cameras separate that was ridiculously dumb well I got this hip-hop merch that you just put out I look like a 90s hip-hop star you look [ __ ] amazing I feel great I feel amazing Scott and I hung out all day long with David we hung out for the first time pretty much just you and I besides doing work together which was very nice it was nice and know we went to a party right the first thing I said was Jeff don't leave me alone here I don't do these things without Todd so you have to be my Todd today that's right and I said don't worry Scott I'm a professional at going a party sober like a psychopath that's another thing we do here on this podcast we inspire you guys we motivate you guys we try to help you with alcoholism even though we are three alcoholics ourselves and we definitely should not be given advice on these topics but you know what we keep it real and we try our best alcoholism more like alcoholism a favorite go for a drink right now man now we went to that party and I am so bad at being in social situations when I am sober and today I was taken off-guard by this party we went and we picked up DOM and Dom's like there's this Puma party and David's like all right let's go so we went super uncomfortable environment for me to be in because I think it was an uncomfortable environment for anybody there was a lot of [ __ ] there a lot of LA [ __ ] and you know what man I keep on getting myself in this situation I come on this podcast and I talk [ __ ] about all my friends and they listen to it and then I look like a piece of [ __ ] a good-looking piece of [ __ ] though Thank You Scott but I saw you in some situations where a lot of guys were talking your ear off they were trying to get you some business deals and you were just like very nice about it I walk away I don't even give these people a satisfaction of looking them in the eyes there was literally a moment when someone was telling you something in there they just spewing [ __ ] basically and you were like I I don't give a [ __ ] man and you walked away I walked away I didn't make eye contact with them that's that's great that's what many years in LA does to you you just become desensitized to all this [ __ ] I don't care about any business deals unless it's coming in cash in a duffel bag and I want to see the money up front just turn cold you know cold-hearted I feel like I have to sit there and entertain a conversation when I have absolutely no desire to be in that conversation and I know a lot of people struggle with that like being uncomfortable in a situation and not being able to get out of it but you know if you just don't give a [ __ ] then you can say I don't give a [ __ ] and walk away and what makes you not give a [ __ ] I don't know alcohol I know we're supposed tell him not to drink alcohol here we do tell them not to drink alcohol so yeah I was stepping out of my comfort zone today on accident because I was taken off-guard by this party and I wasn't drinking any alcohol and you know what I left the party and I didn't feel like [ __ ] when I left the party cuz I was still sober and I was still good to go but I felt bad at the party I did not enjoy it but that wasn't because party suck it was because I just wasn't into the people at that party yeah man but you handled yourself great and you look great now he's pretty late for us I actually bought brought a bottle of Jameson with me tonight because it's so late that I figured maybe I should start my drinking now I was in a situation yesterday actually where I was helping Zayn cuz he wanted to stay sober so I was basically his sober coach if you have a real sober coach somebody that actually cares for you they would never say that never blow off steam with a drink and let loose that's terrible advice but as a businessman I want this to be a good podcast so I know I should go and grab my bottle of Jameson hey do whatever you want you have it here what's up guys welcome back to Scott cast where we help you with alcoholism and we drink in front of you toss it over here thanks Jay nice dude well should I just go get some swedish fish dinner for all say and [ __ ] it we're all saying [ __ ] it I think we got to just focus on feeding our addictions today in this podcast because we are feeding people's addictions as well their addiction to consuming content and we're giving them that content right now we're giving you content we didn't want to do this today it's six weeks in now are we six or seven weeks in seven weeks I really feel like I'm fulfilling my job as a producer by enabling Scott to drink at 11:00 p.m. at night 11:00 11:00 p.m. is like you know it's way past five o'clock and that's the time when you're supposed to be like it's acceptable to drink so 11 p.m. is a good time this is what the people want then they they've done this to us this is seven weeks in this is a full-blown job now Todd couldn't make it you know like we didn't want to be here I was furious earlier because the group text trying to organize everybody together to get this done this was supposed to be a stupid prank now I'm [ __ ] punching my walls cuz I can't get the guys here to record I went to yoga I went to boxing I've just been letting out my rage any way possible besides hitting the bottle although I caught a whiff of it and I would love to just hit that bottle and let all my problems go away until tomorrow you're trying to get your aggression out and stuff like that what I do is I bottle it in a bottle it in and then I grab a bottle of Jameson that is a temporary way to fix those problems we do not suggest that you do that at home but I mean who gives a [ __ ] and I posted an Instagram story in the gym I was punching the punching bag and I I just threw a caption on I said getting ready for the next podcast and then they photoshopped your face onto that punching bag I love that video I saw that - that was [ __ ] hilarious it's like what the hell am i doing I'm a podcaster and a barber what am i doing training like I'm in the UFC but you know what honey if you set your mind to it you can do anything you want and if you want to get in the UFC then I believe in you I believe you can do that thank you man I appreciate it it's a big night for us though I am grateful to have you good friends here David invited us to go see John wick three if you know me you know I'm a die-hard John wick fan I would love to be there but we're here to motivate you guys instead furious I want to see John wick kick ass man I saw him riding that horse down Times Square played Old Town Road over that scene I watched the movie last night and it was great it was lots of action all action you would've loved John I saw it and you told me this earlier I did time Scott sorry Scott already saw it it's good that you don't listen to me when we're just hanging out because then I had more to tell you when we're on the podcast everything you said today I it was you said a lot of funny things but everything every time you get going I cut you off and I say save it for the podcast our real life is gone you guys might think like oh this is a little cash grab for him they're just going to do a podcast they'll eventually do ads but no we are facing our life our friendship nerf is getting fed up he's not getting a big enough percentage shit's hitting the fan guys that's the same thing that happens with vlogging - and we went through that struggle for the past three years that we've been on YouTube filming stuff it's like if anyone says something funny it's like dude what the [ __ ] why don't you tell me you're gonna be funny I got it I need to turn on my camera I shut up but it's even worse now cuz it's just like we already do the vlogging stuff where we cut people off more like wait let's do that on camera now it's just like one of us are just telling a story and we're like no no no shut up we save that for the podcast so our lives have been we've sold our souls but what's new I'm about to hit a million subscribers on YouTube and I might do it live on this podcast you guys could see my genuine sociopath reaction where I pretend to have normal human emotions who would hit a million subscribers but I just go yay wow I feel exactly the same now let's see if Jay can pull up your subscriber count on socialblade is there any way we can real close Wow okay we'll come back to that we'll come back to it cuz it's embarrassing house logo also I got added to the vlog squad official group chat it's just a group text in the phone but David's been holding this over my head for a long time now before I get into that the vlog squad is not like a team ten thing where you have to be like initiated and they take you know like 90 percent of your career for the rest of your life or something it's just a friendship a video friendship yeah and it's really cool how you guys do that and I was always curious before I'm like because you guys all film together is there like a you know record label or some sort of thing above you guys that is like you know delegating you know you guys as responsibilities and paying you guys out but it's really just you guys are a bunch of collaborators and it's really dope but I got put into this group text finally I've been doing [ __ ] for David for like [ __ ] six months now I mean I don't really do [ __ ] and then David added you to the group chat and I was [ __ ] pissed when I did I was they did what the why why would you add Jeff why yeah I was pissed when I got added to because it's nonsense in there there's nothing good Alex earnest doesn't even reply and he's the best we all know that I texted in a group chat I said Dave great vlog I love your transition what pissed me I loved your transition from the wisdom teeth thing to getting a car it was awesome dude lit fire flames okay there's there's there's 20 people in the group text now you feel the need to compliment David who was the golden boy he gets plenty of compliments of that group chat now his vlog was great he did a hundred thousand dollar deal gave away a Tesla to one of our great friends Congrats Carly but he doesn't care when you complement him if you text him directly he won't even respond exactly that's why I had a Senate in the group chat so at least I would get one response I didn't get any response you get response and you made the other 19 people in there feel like [ __ ] now they're like oh [ __ ] I didn't know I need to be like oh yeah great job Dave I needed either chimed in or you don't try a minute it's like all this guys just doesn't give a [ __ ] maybe you want people to feel like [ __ ] every now and then and make yourself feel a little better well it worked and I you know what I did leave conversation I was in it for not even 24 hours I left that conversation I felt great after I had to call Jeff after he left the conversation because it's like dude are you okay like what's wrong you left the group chat that's like that's really big because group chats are very important and you were just honored to be in it and you left yeah when I found out it was cuz of me call me the check on me he's like dude i legit quit the podcast today by the way the past couple days I said you know what the shit's becoming a job I haven't even thought about my own YouTube channel I'm starting controversies shit's hitting the fan I'm [ __ ] losing my mind over here I need to take a couple days to catch my thoughts I feel like the whole last podcast was me apologizing for 30 minutes and the last one before that was the same [ __ ] oh you should apologize again my pee pee blah blah blah I was just you know looking for a subscriber whatever the whatever I was talking about so you don't want to be apologizing on every podcast but I think you should apologize to me for blaming me for you leaving the group chat and making me feel bad about that okay if anything you should take it as constructive criticism I'm teaching you how to group chat I don't like group chats to begin with I think they're pointless unless it's like you know quick way to an event Oh coordinator podcast we have a good one that goes on for this we all just text in it and then people say they're busy sorry I can't do then that's the whole that's the whole point of our podcast I mean our group our group chat I'm fired up dude caffeine gets me going I could see that we were this is also 11 p.m. like I said and are you planning on getting any sleep tonight no I got a big a big I will not really a big guest for the barbershop tomorrow because I kind of burned all my bridges with actual celebrities because I like to set them up and do horrible things to them so I got to start back at the bottom and work my way up by using my relationships with friends but everything's gonna be ok because people make mistakes guys we're not perfect Scott's an alcoholic and I'm telling him the drink who's here who's you're not big celebrity guest that you have on your next barbershop I can't reveal it you gotta wait and see I do surprises I'm like traditional media I don't do this you can't reveal [ __ ] I can reveal some things about my life that I have going on and you can't reveal go to a new album coming out let's hear some of the music play at all we release the album here I do have a new album coming out I have a new single coming out on June 14th that I'm shooting a music video for on Tuesday you're welcome to come but he can't he's too busy so I'm gonna show you guys a little sneak preview of the song all right here we go holy [ __ ] I almost sent that sound clip in the group chat after I sent my text and nobody responded [ __ ] left the group Wow dude this podcast predicts the future my next song is called notice me because nobody ever notices me no matter how loud I am or whatever if I make a joke someone will say it louder and get laughed at and and I don't get the laughs if I send a text in a group chat nobody responds Jeff leaves wow dude that's really great you are my favorite co-host on this podcast I think that we have very good synergy you know like I'm I'm very different from you so we feed off of each other in a very contrasting way you are Todd and I are blending into the same person we are basically just two clones of each other Jay don't open that closet door yeah we're doing surprise guests in the podcast now - and this [ __ ] madman is gonna come out and stab Scott we want to kill me I don't cut that out I will not be killing off any other co-hosts except nerf is getting old so well I was at a nightclub this past weekend obviously I'm sober all the time now it doesn't make a difference I don't crave alcohol when I'm out but I don't go out that much because like what's the point I'm not going out to drink but I do have fun I do enjoy myself so I'm out the other day and I walk into this place and this guy comes up to me and I have no idea who he is but he does look kind of familiar it's been so long since I remember hanging out with this guy or anything and he knew everything about me he knows everything I'm doing because social media we share all of our lives and he's just like oh man you're killing it like dude I see you here I'm just like if I talk to this guy long enough I will remember him so just stick it out play along don't do that embarrassing or like wait where do I know you from cuz we're already way too far into this conversation did he end up being one of those people that acts like they know you because they know everything about you and then you end up realizing oh [ __ ] know me you have no idea who the [ __ ] we've hung out I remember like I've spent a good amount of time with this guy but I've just like had so much new knowledge and memories come into my brain that you got to make room for the old [ __ ] you push it towards the back and I figured you know I'm gonna talk to this guy while I'm searching in the back of my brain and I'm gonna find it I just need to keep sticking it out and this guy just keeps going on like [ __ ] man this is horrible we're gonna we're gonna hit some point in this conversation and he's gonna know that I'm bullshitting and it's gonna be the most awkward thing ever I just kept fighting it I was like oh yeah bro that was crazy back to Jay remember his name no I still never remembered him man I went for about a good it felt like a half an hour but is probably like five minutes but in a nightclub you know that's a long time and you're yelling you're like the music playing I'm screaming to this guy and we never figured it out but in you know I probably just [ __ ] blew it up now because if he knows me and he follows me he's probably listening this podcast another relationship burned because of the Scott cast and I love to have my name associated with that sort of thing the Scott cast it's like it's like I burn the bridge for you that beef that I just started hey man sorry dude that was all just lie you pull up the socialblade let's see how closer again it's not looking good huh we might not hit it on the podcast in which case would [ __ ] oh wait no that you went up 140 since we last looked at it I'm gonna need somebody I wish I had another popular youtuber here that has a huge YouTube audience just to give me a slight push god damnit the things I do for this podcast bro oh you know what how many subscribers do you have you had a million probably like what you seven years old it doesn't matter I have a dead Channel so no Scott the Scott you make very very great funny and I mean what am I even saying what is this sarcasm yeah do your videos are great bro your channel not dead what are you talking about alright let's see how do i how do I save a link to you now you don't have to [ __ ] suit I think it'd be funny actually if I we're here just having a million follow-up are you nice can you put that can you put the thing up on the screen real quick what's up guys I'm here with my good friend Jeff and he's about to hit 1 million subscribers on YouTube but we need it to happen quicker so please go to Jeff Witek see YouTube channel swipe up subscribe to his channel let's get him to 1 million I can't believe you fell for that manipulation right when you said that oh yeah you could delete that right after the podcast edge just the thing is you're gonna watch and see that it's not gonna do anything I feel nothing inside you know like this is all just [ __ ] that's what she said hey let's be honest i scammed this whole thing anyway these subscribers are all just [ __ ] made-up numbers you guys stop watching one day they mean nothing anyway I have to 2.6 or 2.7 million subscribers my last video got 200,000 views so things just always they fluctuate for you you're probably most subscribed to you in the vlog the vlog squad Zane Zane I think is more than me yeah but he's always doing some like [ __ ] dance video it lies there or something that doesn't count you know he puts in a lot of effort when he does a video but it's on tights in a tutu and dances around him some choreographed routine what Liza Koshi the queen of YouTube the Queen YouTube yeah but you know you gotta admire the hustle of going out of you not dude don't admire nothing there's more they're starting a podcast themselves him in Heath what are they gonna talk about [ __ ] doing heroin in Florida and shooting guns off you know what they're growing up their childhood in Florida I don't know chased down by alligators I don't know what they're gonna talk about and honestly I don't care I'm not gonna listen because this is the only podcast guy should not listen to that either support the Scott cast boycott the Heath and Zane cast the heat insane cast so you guys are gonna take the route of already starting drama with our other podcast friends before they even get it going yes rivalry you know I don't know what they're getting into man do I need to bring out the 8 mile soundtrack again nobody wants to hear the 8 mile soundtrack again don't be afraid to chime in this is for you Heath insane you don't know what the [ __ ] you just got yourself into uh yeah and you started a podcast but you look like - dumb ass is I'm saying it here while I'm sitting next to Jeff who's up next it's not you you stupid ass fools know that that was that was great we're gonna get copyrighted now I went too far too far I think you just handled it I don't think they'll be starting their podcast no thank you cool yeah and if they want to come back at me they should come back at me with a diss track because that's what that was that was a podcast diss track it is nice having you as a weapon here you know like nobody's gonna [ __ ] with us cuz you actually have real musical talent and bars for days you you were behind bars for days I mean yeah that's also a strategy we could use that I will do anything it takes to take somebody down I do not care about jail if I do get arrested doing something bad when I get out of jail do it again cuz I'm used to it it doesn't bother me if you go to jail for defending our honor as a podcast then I will write a song for you and that'll make it all worth it doesn't take much I'll probably be a shitty song I'll write it really quickly but I'll do it everybody is in for a rude awakening because my friend is getting out of jail after three and a half years he got sentenced to five years he did three and a half and he's getting out next week and this guy was my best friend so I got a feeling he's gonna be around a lot I don't know so there's always like that little leeway when you get out of jail and you're a little institutionalized and you're a little different than when you went in sometimes people are a lot different sometimes they're exactly the same and they don't give a [ __ ] which i think that's how this guy is gonna be because he's an absolute maniac he's by far the craziest person I've ever met like how Zane is very crazy when he's all liquored up this guy is Zane liquored-up times 10 while he's sober 24/7 I think it's either gonna be something really really bad for all of us that's funny to say that like you go in one way and you kind of come out differently when I went to jail I I was definitely different when I came out I was drunk when I went in and by the time I got out I was sober what you were in for 24 hours yeah those are the worst ones though man because you're just in the tank you're in a holding cell with all the scumbags the street homeless the [ __ ] crackheads the prostitutes that just get booked in and out it was interesting because I was a kid and I was sitting in there with like a couple of dalts do you got the toilet right there yes oh yeah and everybody's yelling out and you smell like [ __ ] flush old man and if you fight like I fell asleep for a little bit like for like a few seconds and they wake you up like you don't [ __ ] sleep like it was weird because I was in like the holding cell it wasn't like like my actual jail cell but it wasn't fun yeah you didn't get a private cell I want to introduce some segments I know that there's been some opposition from the guys on the couch but you know what this shit's getting stale so it's time to spice it up and that's where the viewer comes in let's try it out one of the things we want to do is we want to read some comments from the previous YouTube we're gonna call this segment hating on the hate comments okay this sounds a great idea I support it because I love arguing but I feel like this will intrigue more hate and people will want to get featured so they'll write more hate and that will it will hurt our feelings [ __ ] our feelings man feelings I'll just numb them I'll get back on the wagon start drinking at night just so we could have this segment listen we'll read the hate comments we'll respond to the hate comments we'll respond to other comments that aren't hate comments and also maybe some of the greatest compliments people can come up with so if you guys want to leave awesome delicious juicy compliments on our video and also leave likes then we'll read those comments on here as well and we'll have conversations with you guys I'll just do the first one yeah this podcast is kind of all there's no flow to the conversation and particularly Geoff and Todd who's not here don't make a lot of sense in general how do you guys feel about that [ __ ] you guys don't talk about my friends like that they bring a lot to the table and I know that I'm the best ever of all time yeah you know what I agree with that one the podcast is all over the place but you know what yeah [ __ ] you dude it's gonna stay all over the place I can't even put together a sentence as a rebuttal to that because my brain is all over the place and it's gonna stay that way cuz I can't change in my brain and we can we can try to stay on topic but honestly just read the next comment because I don't want to stay on this Netflix or something bro go watch some boring [ __ ] that you can follow a storyline this shit's crazy over here because we keep it real you want scripted [ __ ] read Shakespeare yeah go read a book dude that was a good clap back guys I'm proud of you so I'll go with a nice one next cuz that one doesn't mean I only watch cloudy mile again man for these don't you want to you want to get no no no no no no no no I only watch the ads to get Jeff money for Botox that's nice okay I only want to say this one time I'm not gonna acknowledge these Botox comments anymore I don't have Botox but I'll take that as a compliment because hey you're telling me that my face looks like it's been altered this is not and paintable beauty here what you're looking at which you know I don't agree with but if you want to continue saying it then you know what I'll take it as a compliment and it makes me happy it makes me happy - thank you so much for watching the ads on this video to make us money that is such a kind thing of you guys to do I think Scott I like this one then I fast-forward through when Scott talks oh I saw a few of those comments there was actually several comments that said that and I was a there's a lot of people jumping on this bandwagon of fast-forwarding through me speaking and that was my comment guys I did that from a fake account thank you for all the traffic you guys made from liking it giving those thumbs up I would fast-forward through my am I talking to if I was listening to this podcast I'd want to hear Jeff speak or Todd speak I can't even be mad at that one if you guys want to fast-forward through while I'm talking because I'm so long-winded and I keep on explaining things over and over and over again and it's so boring when I talk and Nerf even snores through when I talk shut nerve come on dude move bro you haven't said a word in seven podcasts you haven't said a word in ten years bro I wasn't sure if this was a compliment or a diss but it says Jeff is currently tied with Heath as my favorites vlog squad member he literally went from not even the top five to in my top three yeah there's that like a backhanded compliment like [ __ ] tied what David will be cool because he's a golden boy but like I mean Heath probably can't even benchpress as much as me what type of talents does he have is he go - cutting hair I don't I've never seen him give a haircut so whatever I'll take it as a compliment because he's a real cool nice guy but like I mean whatever next yeah that was that was all of them we're gonna have more segments next week but oh god I've read a lot of hate comments there bro people are telling us to kill ourselves cuz this podcast yeah what about what about the ones I texted in the group chat from Jared okay don't acknowledge that [ __ ] hey Jerry I'm tracking you down bro you got like two days left so enjoy it there was someone who wrote like ten different comments and they were all like very articulate hate comments on the video no there's a really smart hater out there and we are looking for him you [ __ ] hater you're [ __ ] smartest [ __ ] you really got some brains yeah there was a hashtag replaced Scott in the podcast conversation I started that it was all Jared I started that too I am Jerry I'm Jerry's ghostwriter well you know what if you want to replace me that's fine it will give me something less to do I'm a busy man so doing this podcast is sort of a pain in the ass when we get to it if you leave this I am for sure done with my podcasting career I'm not gonna leave I'm not gonna leave as long as we're all in this together I will not leave but I'd also like to add your hair looks great thank you for the compliment it's also a compliment to your haircutting skills because you're the person who cut the hair that is true I am complimenting myself the one compliment I've given Scott in the entire 8 episodes is a compliment to myself your hair looks great because I cut it uh-huh uh-huh I hope you guys are watching the video so you could see how good it looks I'm not just a barber that sets up my clients with their archenemy to [ __ ] torture them I actually give people pretty good haircuts yeah we do this one off camera wasn't on my camera or your camera you just cut my hair and and you're a no-bullshit barber too like your stylist whatever you call yourself like you just cut my hair it took about 30 seconds it is so quick and I love that I hate going in and taking an hour on my hair at like a barber shop or I'm so much quicker at it when I don't have to film a video I'm just not thinking about anything but getting this person in and out I remember when I was barber in a barber shop I would cut 20 people a day and I would schedule all those appointments of those 20 people at the same time because I was just so bad at like caring about organizing [ __ ] so I had to learn to cut hair fast because I would have angry mothers like I just like learn to blaze through haircuts but now when I do the show like I need to stall to try to get funny stuff to happen or to wait for my [ __ ] horrible person that's gonna pop out soon I'm like waiting for them so much manipulations going on in my brain I think that there is there's probably so many people out there that can relate to wanting a fast haircut because I dreaded as a kid going to get my haircut and thinking that I was gonna be sitting there for [ __ ] 45 minutes or an hour like why waste my time getting a haircut I'll just let it grow mom I don't give a [ __ ] it's a blessing that you cut hair fast so I'm glad you went through that in your in your childhood haircutting days where you had to learn how to cut fast cuz now it's super convenient for me I just said Jeff I need a haircut it's done in 30 seconds and yeah my crew I pay them in haircuts - I like Reggie for the first like year of filming with Reggie I just gave him haircuts and then he started asking for a haircut every [ __ ] two days because you know Reggie's from an urban neighborhood where they like to keep their hair lines fresh that's the nicest way I could say that without you guys spinning that into Jeff what a cancellation part for I also felt awkward getting there cos like I was like do I need to pay you and the hair was on the floor is like I'll sweep this up cuz I feel like I don't know what to do well no that's that's all I ask is that the person cleans the hair what am I talking about bro I'm an [ __ ] I don't even like myself anymore I don't like I don't like myself either and you know what I thought we were contrasting characters but I think that you know we we do have some things in common not liking ourselves that's that's one of them okay guys I really love that segments those segments are great they made they're gonna make you can't even speak he's so fired up about our awesome segments but guys we're gonna be we're gonna be doing more segments like that and what we need from you is to interact with us on Twitter because we're going to be pulling from tweets and we also have an email called Scott cast pod Scott cast pod cast at where you can submit videos about topics that you want us to talk about Jay will be looking through them and figuring out if there's anything we're talking about yeah Alice I'll just like assault them each week with these mean or nice comments or tweet topics or whatever video submissions or anything on the on the Gmail so feel free to submit all that [ __ ] and then maybe you'll make it on the podcast and these guys will talk some [ __ ] to you yeah yeah come on send in those hate cop or no sending questions [ __ ] sending positive [ __ ] and we'll acknowledge it don't promote hate I mean what am i Jake Paul over here trying to change the flow of how the Internet I honestly I've never been one of those guys it's like let's spread positivity I think that's [ __ ] I don't like it at all so I actually have said let's spread some [ __ ] negative red negativity because people could relate to the negativity and they can relate to the negativity and it's also just funny or you know I don't want to see someone blowing smoke up my ass I don't give a [ __ ] about that I'd rather see someone critique me in a eater a funny way or a serious way like I want to know what people actually have to say ever think about things so follow us on twitter at scott cast follow us on instagram at scott cast and send us your [ __ ] and we'll react to it on this podcast and we'll be making up little segments dude are we at a million subscribers yet did you know we had a conversation with David and Jason earlier about how our podcast is doing on iTunes oh I'm losing a man alright take that thing off depressing okay Jason we had a conversation with David and Jason about how our podcast was doing and how we're so much higher above them already and I think that's amazing and I want to thank all of you guys for watching liking our videos leaving comments listening to the podcast because it means a lot it means a lot for us to finally be doing something way way way way better than David yeah we love gloating to them there's nothing I enjoy more than just pulling out that those top charts and just showing them that Scott cast has surpassed them in just a matter of seven weeks and they've been at it for two years it's crazy we can see five tweets five people tweet us and we say we got 5,000 tweets today uh-huh they said how do you calculate these statistics and I said I just [ __ ] I just count them up myself bro and we're doing way better than you how many listens do you get three million on iTunes I don't know the James Charles thumbnail that [ __ ] got like 700,000 bro so that's more than you guys eight hundred thousand for real eight hundred I mean well I need to do something every week now in order to keep this up what is it my turn to get involved in a scandal someone put me in coach you know what I'm saying well you are a very good guy who avoids problems and you are in a relationship so I don't know what type of scandal you would get into I think I just need to release release music and then get in fights with other musicians I think that would be fun you know more diss tracks more diss tracks yeah you almost lost your dog at Coachella I did and I was we found her she found us but that's too real of a problem that wasn't even that's not a scandal it's just my dog ran away cuz there was a little car accident that happened and when the door was open to the car my dog was scared she bolted out it was like a four hour search for her and eventually she just walked right up to someone's door you hear that guys even if you're a rich famous good-looking ginger boy out here in Hollywood killin it you still run into dark problems like that yeah it was awful I couldn't enjoy Coachella for four hours because I was worried about my dog you found that dog freaking got there man and I was driving 400 miles per hour the whole way glad I found my dog I can talk about a different problem with my dog my dog has had so many issues since I got her and recently she started pissing while she's laying down she had early incontinence now she's on these hormone pills which seemed to be hoping but she was having trouble with peen has nerve ever done that has he ever just laid down and just peed and not even seen like he noticed that he was being um yeah back in his partying days when he was on a lot of marijuana he was doing a lot of marijuana back in the day and he would just pee everywhere I feel that I like to pee would you like to hear a story from my past is it a real story or a fake one I'll give you a real story asked me anything when did you lose your virginity it was really young I was like I did a video a Josh Peck about this if people want to know I don't I don't want to hear it then I don't hear about young sex yeah it's nasty have you ever been mistaken for someone that you're not like has anyone ever thought that you were a different person like a celebrity or or someone other than Jeff that come up to you and be like yo hey what's up Bob no man I wish damn everybody always thinks I'm Mac from Always Sunny in Philadelphia Oh or Brody Jenner people have thought I'm Brody Jenner before and I ran with that I've gotten Brody Jenner before that's a [ __ ] lie dude you've got Mike Posner and that's it Mike Posner got Tim Tebow for a while I don't even know who that is football player I really wish that you did hit a million subscribers while we're on this podcast cuz I brought a great surprise a present for you because I knew you're gonna hit 1 million subscribers relapse and I'm gonna lose these million subscribers that is the surprise it's a bottle of Jameson so we could take a shot to celebrate 1 million subscribers well guys let's just pre-record my speech here alright everyone we're gonna pretend that Jeff just hit 1 million subscribers can we all please stand and applause for Jeff widok the youtuber who just achieved the milestone of 1 million subscribers he's going to get a golden plaque from you at the stand up especially stand or Witek Jeff now dude don't speak until we're done clapping this is gonna be Beth it's like we didn't even hit it yet are you gonna see that it's fake no gain Oscars really good at Photoshop so he'll just put a nice little middle over that and no one will even know alright Jeff let's hear the speech you just hit 1 million subscribers let me get a little something going here [Music] so about a year ago I just broken up with my girlfriend I had absolutely nothing me and some lousy old dog lousy that had he's probably only getting like thousand likes of Toto back no brand deals coming in none I was promoting some [ __ ] [ __ ] hittin this product that was supposed to make you lose weight but it just gave you diarrhea you didn't even believe in it I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel I thought there was no hope none no hope so I gave up like a quitter and you know what given up was the best thing I could have ever done because I met a bunch of other guys that liked to not try that hard and just half-ass things and I realized this this is what I need to be doing I need to just be [ __ ] around and not taking [ __ ] too serious amen and now I'm doing great better than ever before and I'm gonna go back to those ways I'm not trying and not caring and I think you guys should do I pass your model sky that lets celebrate I owe all my success to sobriety and good friends and I'm ready to throw that all away for 1 million subscribers do I get a million dollars when I hit it no you don't get anything you just get the beauty of knowing why do you have to make a lot more videos and you're gonna be stressed out forever and when you stop making them you're gonna become irrelevant and that's the worst thing that you could ever be called so don't try it all guys give up if you're in school drop out if you're addicted to drugs doing more cuz they'll make you feel good you just gotta make sure you could keep getting them get your hands on as much drugs as possible and take them all I love you guys thank you for 1 million all right cut all that out because that was horrible that was [ __ ] beautiful that was beautiful Jade it says [ __ ] 999 thousand seven hundred in the back this is embarrassing this is the worst motivational speech I could have ever given it's okay man it just shows that you believe in yourself and you know that you're gonna get to 1 million subscribers and I wish it I had the level of confidence that you have Todd is gonna be furious when he sees this because his dream was to be a part of the motivation Monday's now that Jeff has hit 1 million subscribers I think that is time for us to wrap the podcast it's been so nice being here with you guys today and experiencing this moment with you Jeff I love you thank you love you I love you too I'm not gonna sit here and [ __ ] wait for this dude thanks for watching everyone please leave a like if you enjoyed the podcast subscribe and we'll see you next time tag-team it see you never I'm going on a bender for the rest of my life
Channel: Skotcast
Views: 299,104
Rating: 4.9571419 out of 5
Keywords: scottysire, scotty sire, scott sire, david dobrik, vlog squad, vlog, vine, viners, vine compilation, carly and erin, todd smith, toddy smithy, liza koshy, alex ernst, jeff wittek, jay boice, oscar, nerf, jason nash, podcast, skotcast, toddcast, jeffs barbershop, interview, views podcast
Id: 8xdSoVmnLEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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