Jeff Tells Embarrassing Childhood Story

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are we good are we going yeah hey sure what's up guys welcome back to Jews whoa where did that come from this is the Scott cast Jeff yeah just kidding guys that was a little little spoof on views because Jason was supposed to be our first podcast guest and he [ __ ] ditched us that's right Jason bailed on us last minute I had to hike with him earlier he agreed to come on Todd was supposed to be here as well he's not here but what's new what's new yeah he's back out on tour again for another week with his girlfriend and leaving us in the dust yeah he doesn't care at all about this podcast but we're keeping it going for you guys Scott is sick he's on the verge of dying off here and I'm gonna be the last one standing I haven't caught yet but I'm coughing quite a bit and and Jeff is very tired and sorry time drinking coffee I'm good I'm not gonna be like that low-energy host over there at views the guy that just rolls out of bed the young one the the dobrik yeah but as I was saying what's up with that guy those guys you know what it has that guy never heard of energy drinks or coffee or he's not he's not old enough for coffee yet I don't know seen him crack some Red Bulls every once in a while but they just don't seem to work on him I feel like we are starting us off on a very negative note and I love it I love that we're being real here this is our true emotions spreading negativity has always been one of my biggest goals in life you know I think everyone spreads positivity and I think there's enough of that [ __ ] and you just got to be real and spread what actually exists in the world which is negativity I feel your sickness entering right it's like coming from this mic into that mic you can hear my voice I'm so congested and yeah but I'm happy you hear because I couldn't it I'm happy you you here you're here and you committed because both of us don't want to be here today but we have a collective podcast it's the Scott cast including myself and Todd but if one of us can't be here the other to handle it that's just how it's gonna go and sometimes we'll invite friends and then sometimes our friends will cancel on us last minute because they don't give a [ __ ] about us maybe they see us as competition probably they probably do you know what David probably said when he saw this podcast the first time he was probably like those mother like they're too good and they're gonna be the lead podcast guys in the crew we already are up there yeah I think all right we actually just got connected onto iTunes so if you guys want to listen to audio only that is gonna be linked in our description below also we forgot to start this off by telling people to like the video before we even finish it that's right like the video I can't believe it dude iTunes care that he's our new producer he's just dumping money into this thing and it's making me stressed out because now I feel like this is a real job this started as a prank and it's still about to [ __ ] do it every week man I'm sorry if I'm being negative man I just I was really excited to have Jason Nash come he's one of the funniest guys I've ever met yes he's probably one of the funniest members of the vlog squad I think he's he's hilarious but you gotta understand that you know we are starting a podcast here which is a new thing that nobody else is doing right now nobody's starting five definitely it's revolutionary I mean everybody started podcasting and jason has his own and he needs to focus on that and that's his number one priority you know what people need to focus on their friends as well there's there's other priorities in life than your career and your life and your children and your family you got it all so put your friends way above all of that which is where he should put us that's what I think like the food pyramid we're the triangle at the top friends I wish everybody lived by the same code as you Scott but I'm lucky to have you as a friend it's a cold world out there um so just to get back to this thing in the beginning that I really wanted to say this you're tired you know you just woke up before you got good before I got here I'm sick you hear me cough and you hear mic ejection so together we're sick and tired right well we talked about some groundbreaking stuff last time that was completely unplanned we I got a lot of positive messages we also got some negative messages yeah well we had our first hater just a second ago they said I don't want to say this but your room was a little bit echoey plus I love you which is like such a backhanded hatered anism because they said something negative and then they said that they love us that's like a Sour Patch Kid they were they were first there was sour now they're being sweet it's kind of [ __ ] you know I don't like people to act like that yeah you know what I got a lot of negative comments directed straight at me they weren't at Scott I had told the story on the pod that David had already told on his I was the the game that we played paranoia with the girls and I mean what do you want me to do guys I hang out with David 23 hours a day you think I'm going home to listen to his his podcast for the last hour I have to myself I'd be [ __ ] insane if I went home and watched David and Jason's podcast you listen to David it is podcast I listen every once in a while everyone once well I'll hear there's some interesting topic that I wanted to listen to and I'll listen to it and sometimes I miss David and Jason and I want to hear what's going on in their life yeah cuz I'm always off doing my own [ __ ] and and I missed them for for you to say that story you probably said it in a much different way than David said it's all the way better than me usually that's how it works the same thing with my vlogs you know I used to film the same [ __ ] he was filming mine was just a lot worse and longer I know he's so good at just shortening things and getting right to the punch and just the funny juicy stuff and that's all you need he cuts off all the fluff out yeah that's what he did in the podcast just effortlessly he's good at making things short and then he's also probably a little bit shorter than you too right that's right on the video podcast I'm very excited about that dig at David what do you want to talk about should we bring out our idea guys slash muscles slash beautiful voice come on let's do it I saw a video last time we recorded for three hours only 38 minutes made it into the video because Jeff was talking so much [ __ ] that we had to cut it out you guys you hopefully will be able to release that bonus content soon but he was he was tearing people I need to be censored you know I've never been on a podcast before you guys are pros obviously we all watch Scott cast we saw how good it was I know how now we're here now we're here how many times did you watch the Scott cast you know disclose that because it was more than I'd like to admit because you know I knew we were doing this and I was like I'm gonna find all the places they [ __ ] up we got a lot of good feedback for our first one we were just kind of winging it and we ended up talking about some stuff that supposedly helped people yeah I thought it was excellent just to kind of introduce Jay in a long-form content he's he's ID is planning lots of like you know like preparation for a thing and I think that you're like fully ready to actually go for it yeah you know what we haven't talked about yet the the last podcast that we recorded was before Coachella now it's after Coachella did you have a good time at Coachella I had a blast at Coachella man it was great I loved it I remember every moment from it because I stayed sober we talked about that we said we didn't know if I was gonna party a little bit and you didn't end up drinking a drop I didn't drink a drop no I had a lot of soda a lot of candy a lot of ecstasy cocaine and acid and mushrooms that doesn't count you know that's just as long as you don't drink you're sober yeah exactly that's how I felt I was drunk duh good time no I wish that was sober you didn't have a good time I Coachella thought I had a blast my time was all right you know there's always like it's such a big group I'm splitting off into you know going with my girlfriend or going with the boys it's like a big event where I just have to try to make myself and other people happy yeah you have to manage other people when you're in a relationship you have to make sure they're good and that's tough in a setting like that because there's so much going on you know people really really do enjoy Coachella so they want everything to be perfect and it could be tough puts a lot of pressure on the whole event you know like it's got to be perfect it's got to be perfect here they're gonna make sure this aspect is taken care of your your Airbnb your supplies do you miss it when it was simpler this is a few Coachella's for you five or something for you five for me you gotta have changed considerably over the last few years as you guys have kind of gotten more recognized more recognizable yeah my first year I didn't know anything about it I didn't know what I was getting into I just went along with friends I brought nerve nerve was in the back yard he killed the bird he was I know I heard he ate a bird and then we've gone to every Coachella since except for one cuz I was in jail so nerve didn't get to go at that time either he was pretty bummed he missed out big time murdered any birds this year but he got every basketball and volleyball he had a blast out there your videos look great like I mean from my point of view it looked like you had a blast I did I had a good time I'm not saying I had a bad time I just always go in there was so much like mental pressure that I don't have the best time and hype machine it really is people build that [ __ ] up all year I'm constantly like in a state of I don't want to go out and be around a bunch of people so like just handling that in general as a pain in the ass it's it's a good experience cuz you getting to be around all your friends get them all in one place they can't escape you I think my favorite part was not being at the festival but it was actually being at the house and hanging out with everyone all together all at once the house was great I wish I could tell the story about what happened Friday night one of our first big party nights it looked like every episode of every MTV reality show combined into one if we let MTV come to that house and film a pilot for a reality show that [ __ ] what they would have went nuts and especially be like you know what and we don't want to air that stuff in lost it there's a lot of stuff that people would be pissed in the crew that like genuinely because everybody is very emotional things got heated the fights almost broke out but everybody's back to loving each other I love all the time over here in the vlog world what was it like that reminded me of smashing beer cans smashing beer bottles all over the house I loved when Todd gets mad cuz he says the wildest [ __ ] he just goes full-on ape he like jumps up from the rafters starts doing pull-ups dude he's like Denzel impression and then it blended into Will Smith and it didn't say like that he did The Shining he did like the shiny is like I'll rip your [ __ ] heart out that was her and her friend were there and they were like watching out the window and they see Todd going off and they does that impression they're both are like should we get out of here like I'm like no no that's an impression it's totally cool he just does that yeah I would be great on reality TV man he he would be the best reality star ever once he's all like fired up and he's really genuinely angry but also exaggerating because he's on camera all day and he he's a professional so he knows when to juice it up yeah he was [ __ ] he was acting like you guys are a perfect pair too because you got Todd he's fired up he's like getting going and you got Jeff behind him like this I was going like volume up volume up he loves that him and Mark where they were in love and and I was like turn it back up because as soon as it started dying off a little bit then I would turn it and then saying you know you're a [ __ ] too so we're going in start a war what's the word for it instigator you're the instigator but you're also kind of like the silent killer you know like Todd and Zane might be more fired up but you're they're like yeah you know you like it's there it's always back there yeah that's not real beef everybody was just kind of like yeah yeah over drop traumatic Tyson I'm gonna make up words today because my brain is not working over just element of ties did yeah is that what I meant to say you gotta help us out here bro I'm pretty well-read guy I think that was right my eyes dit yeah I got a comment on my last YouTube video is like I wonder what the questions are that you don't put in the video the video because I did like a Q&A and it's crazy because there is so much that people think that they know about our lives that they don't see either cuz we don't put you can't put everything in a video do you think you know us you don't know us you don't know anything about us I love that about podcasts though right they kind of get a feeling cuz it's very little editing you're gonna see a lot of what you guys actually talked about there's very little editing going on you can tell how much editing by how much coffee is in the cup it'll go down at a steady rate if you see a jump down you're gonna know this coffee I usually get my coffee black I post made of this and that's why you can't post mates coffee because it's gonna get [ __ ] up no matter what but I'm still drinking it you know hey David Oberg take notes this is what adults drink I think that you know you guys are the professional podcasters right like I'm the amateur just ever think of the the idea of bringing topics to the podcast to talk about we talk about the Coachella we got the Todd thing don't [ __ ] on my parade Jay we talked about Coachella that was a topic I was a good dude we're not doing topics bro we're not doing topics we're just going from the heart and speaking what comes to us improv which Scott one talk okay that's right so you do improv I don't do improv so improv what I wanted to talk about was I was talking to Jay in the car before I got here I had seen an Instagram story from our buddy Dom DeAngelis and he posted saying something like if you suffer from depression anxiety whatever improv is something that really helps you to a Gate your mind for a minute because you're acting as a different character I feel that way myself sometimes there's a quote from Jim Carrey saying like he's a very not a quote but he was a really shy guy but he liked to act because he was acting like someone else you know so he doesn't worry about looking stupid on him on himself I think do you ever feel happier acting like a fake-ass [ __ ] yeah that's a good question I I kind of like to bounce back and do both I really love this style of filming when you just get to be like an exaggerated version of yourself like the barbershop very disrespectful and I'm like kind of a little out of my [ __ ] mind in it this is more like just me being myself and just being a little sarcastic or whatever but real acting stuff it's a little boring er but it is fun to get into it and there's nothing like being on set and just like being treated like a like an actor you know a real actor yeah that's cool deal have you acted at anything like feature films or TV shows or there's a little thing for Netflix I mean it wasn't that big a deal like it was just like a couple days shoot but I was a lead man in it and I did have a kissing scene because a girl I had to kiss a girl for the first time on camera I should've assumed that was but I should've assumed another girl did you have a couple lines to prepare for the kiss no just it's so weird man like everything is shot just set up like your head is there and it's a close-up shot so you can't move out of their shot if they say move over you have to be like this too much I didn't even [ __ ] move everything has to be so perfect that you're just thinking about getting it right and then you know it's not like you're like yeah I can't wait to kiss this girl you know ya know and then and then you're you're so worried about getting it right you get it right but you're not happy with the performance all the way at all like yeah and then you don't edit your stuff cuz we like edit everything and I'll like go through and I'm like oh no this this take all these takes suck use this one or whatever use this one or do it again I've sometimes when I have to do a brand deal or any sort of post on snapchat or Instagram I'll redo it like 50 times I've done it on sets and stuff where you have to say your lines and I'll mess it up countless times I'll get it right I didn't do it the way I wanted to do it but they're like yeah that'll work that's fine and and it like really bums me out because I'm like that's not the best I could have done right there's an art to being able to deliver it on the spot and right what we're doing today we're artists here because we came we did it Todd went on vacation Jason is boycotting us or whatever because he sees as as competition Jason is scared he's scared that our podcast is going to overcome his podcast I don't know if there's like a podcast ranking chart anywhere that anyone can pull up it would show them who has the best podcast Jews is probably number one in the Jewish category yeah it's a big brain take like Jeff are you okay no I brain shut him down I have seen your blood like boiling since the beginning of this episode no we were so comfortable and I know I just love her two hours last night I woke up at 7:00 a.m. I took Jason on a hike with me I had so many funny stories to share with you guys that I was planning on talking about in this episode but since he didn't show up it kind of messed it up but I'll just tell it anyway we were on the way back on the way down and we saw this pretty girl walking up right in front of her and I was like [ __ ] man this guy's days ruined his [ __ ] like this is gonna be really bad that's gonna mess him up bad and he was unfazed he just like whatever that was me I would have been so pissed I would have probably went home and took about a month off and not not talk to any of you guys but the guy he's just like do it I'm 45 you stopped caring about [ __ ] like you stopped caring about us your dress is great yeah you don't get embarrassed anymore I'm well there for that point I just stopped caring at all like it's slowly coming I'm getting a little older stop caring about a few things here and there I just want to be totally just like [ __ ] it like I don't give a [ __ ] about nothing yeah you're gonna stop taking steroids you can't stop when you get old and you get saggy yeah once you start it's a lifelong commitment you know okay forever we're pranksters basically this might still be part of the prank I think it is this is a big prank on Jeff this time it's like hey get them all hyped for Jason to come down here doesn't show now just get I'm just trying to were just trying to work him up enough that he punches through the wall I got no material today and then surprise David is actually hiding in the corner right here and he's going to shoot you right now I would highlight but I did I did today we went out and bought our own stuff so we don't need Jason and David anymore to borrow their stuff because we have our own now if we need a record I'm a hundred percent owner here now you're a hundred percent owner you know the funny thing is I spent like four thousand dollars to set up my guest house like a podcast studio and you were like you know what I just want to do it in my place and I was like okay we had all these ideas Jeff [ __ ] man I was taking a nap before they said it was nice there's nothing like rolling out of bed to do your podcast after I just insulted David that's a scary thing about naps though like I never know if I lay down for a nap it could be 20 minutes it could be three four hours like I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen I was going for about a 16-hour one I was about to hit sometimes when Jeff talks I've noticed that yeah you never know what I'm being serious or not but um I didn't get any sleep at all but I'm so excited about this new equipment that we got in this new business we started there that's $10,000 light inexpensive light right there is it too expensive sure we're glowing yes $10,000 I feel the heat coming off of it and I think it was a bad choice but it was a gift from a friend I'm in debt to him for life now yeah but he's from he's my buddy from the job I had before this what job was that stuff I went to jail for oh that's a really good life for that yeah yeah yeah you grow a lot no no to any audio only listeners I'm gonna say viewers we look good Jeff got an expensive light and we all look great thank you an audio-only listener you should still watch the video we could use those views to a lot of views guys I think it's time for us to do our ad break we forgot to do it in the beginning of the video so we should do it now what are our sponsors today today this episode is actually sponsored by Jeff Jeff paid for everything Jeff's in debt to his friend for life because of this $10,000 overpriced light so we just want to say thank you Jeff thank you Jeff are we getting sponsors that we are they come in actually oh yeah well definitely a sponsor it's Earth Day so we actually just got sponsored by plastic bags everyone's trying not to use him so they wanted to hire us to try and get people to use plastic bags more often a great and they they don't rip the handles rip off the paper ones the second you leave the store yeah they they say that the ocean in 2050 is gonna be more plastic than fish which i think is also probably great because you know how easy it is to suffocate in a plastic bag so you don't have to drown anymore you can just swim into a plastic bag and choke and die and that's it first sponsors today I believe just edit me out of this whole episode today please you know making it great you all want to see the real Jeff I mean everyone they've been asking right where is the real Jeff we only see we only see the Jeff in in the barber shop or the Jeff okay so this is Emre you guys want to hear it like a like a crazy story from like a long time ago absolutely that's breaking I came here to do remember this in the last episode you had it crooked the whole time yeah Scott would like to apologize for how he was sitting on the chair last one he's never sat on it before but we're working on it and we're gonna sit right on there is it actually connected no this he put this here because I keep leaning him back for the video podcast viewers let's give a [ __ ] only gonna look at half the time yeah I'm gonna slouch I'm gonna sit with my look Roy I've been kind of leaning away from him because you put me over here by sick boy I mean Jeff's over there yeah I'm infected yeah yeah we're good okay yeah because like I was a little worried setting in here because I all I saw was a lot of coughing coming I'm sorry that I came into work today sick but our podcast has to go up tomorrow there's no other timely dedication is admirable I appreciate that and your your dedications are admirable as well for the show because once he once this sickness travels to me and it's you again you won't see me next week I won't be here but that's why we got you and-and-and oh great me take some zinc take some vitamin b12 drinking emergency there's so many things you can do to prevent getting sick which I do all the time when I get sick anyways but um but I think that you're probably stronger than me you're probably stronger than me you're healthier than me last night I had Chipotle then I had sushi and I had a full bottle of Jameson whiskey and threebees don't are you got a full bottle pretty much that should have killed the germs off that's what I think that's what I think whiskey's something that's gonna help me all the time and it just doesn't something else had to go on there yeah I think you're probably doomed to the benefits of whiskey at this point you know all the the numerous benefits you probably you probably exhausted those I should have had a few bottles of wine because there's a lot of antioxidants in those all right Jeff tell us tell us this riveting story about about your past lives [ __ ] man what do you want to hear about there's a few different chapters there was Miami days there was my Staten Island youth that was pretty reckless and crazy that's the earliest story you can remember like three four five six years old I feel like these first podcast paintings and I used to know so many stories there's this one there's this one that I'm so embarrassed if I don't even want to talk about it but here we go yeah this sucks I yeah I was in like third grade or something like I was a really really young kid and my brother used to tease me and say that I had a big head and I had average not like normal sized head now all these [ __ ] people are gonna comment that night my brother would he was like four years older than you do you tell me out a big head and then this girl in school like all like cute and stuff she was shy and she was like I think you're cute and I was like really don't I have a big head it's been haunting me ever since and that's why I'm the way I am so don't tell Jeff he has a big head now literally everyone is gonna and that brings me to the next part of the podcast why I explained why I wear my hat like that it's to change the shape of your business away right now I told them that that we would discuss this in the next episode and I have to give them this man it's like it's like Game of Thrones over here you know you never know what's gonna happen and then you've watched the episode and your [ __ ] mind is blown just edit all of me out of this please great you wear the hat on the top of your head to make your head look smaller that doesn't make sense because it takes up more space yeah it's like kind of like a long and long gates it it's like stretches my face oh the head so instead of it being like a nice just round basketball head that I have it's more of like a normal shape the hair makes sense to now because my head if I shaved my head like if I shaved my hair off my head is shaped like a styrofoam peanut you know like the things that they use in the package on my last Instagram photo someone comes it's something someone commented saying wow Jeff looks like he has a big head in this picture they did and it's because you were closer to the camera my head is shaved and small and your head is normal size I feel like I vote I have a big head it's normal sure this is not about you right now bro you're doing a ten minutes it's like a nice thing you know but I have a normal-sized head I think it's very normal-sized Wow you know what I was gonna be nice about this but no I laid it all out on the table there damn yeah what's the earliest story from your childhood that you can remember in less than 20 words quick story at that time I was riding my bike down a hill thought I could stand on the handlebars of the seat at the same time couldn't ate [ __ ] had to good that's your 20/20 words all right thanks for thanks for coming on Jay it was good to have you here see myself out we need you don't go anywhere yeah you know you know it's an automatic content machine for you there first nurse your dog your dog is here he's match to us man he's matching us today I think is he still alive no one here one ear poked at eyes I was genuinely scared there when he didn't move nerves old man 12 years old now I remember when my first dog died and it was I was heartbreaking oh well I'm not dying yeah nerve was gonna outlive me for sure yeah you drive yeah for sure oh my god I was gonna say when we talk about Coachella one of my best one of the most fun memories I have of this last Coachella was the drive out yeah you drive kind of like a madman mad man yeah but it man no under control you know like I ever ate if I wasn't a podcaster I was gonna go into NASCAR I was gonna be a NASCAR driver you like you gotta do a track day or something bro you guys steal the Ferrari that David guy I would love that Ellen and let's go the track yeah that'd be great or we could all get those like dune buggies oh and go out to the desert and just race around that would be awesome too I love all this why don't we do more stuff like that like everybody successful now I know it was on their grind you guys put a [ __ ] ton of time in every week doing your things you know why we have money it's because we don't do anything yeah we went to Coachella that's like four days of our budget we're like holy [ __ ] I'm document and like to make it look like we're having a lot of fun which we do have fun and there's Lohmann stuff like lots of fun and we try to edit those in to make it look like hey guys we're having so much fun here not so much like your guys's life suck we don't want to give off that impression but just show you like look there is potential out there to have a great life with great friends yeah I think you do that extremely well Nash is calling me right oh yeah how do you know check my watch oh you all know the smart watches I told you guys they were successful hey we ended up staying and they lock my phone up so I couldn't text your call our phones were locked for the last three hours I can still do it we're leaving now oh [ __ ] man well that was a nice apology that actually makes a lot of sense they walked his phone up cuz he's at a movie from here and they actually do that yeah and now I feel horrible about everything I said to him and everything I said about him on the podcast shouldn't feel that horrible a lot of it was true he still [ __ ] bailed on us damn we said that he was jealous can we edit that or do we say it over and over again it's kind of like a theme was kind of like a theme through the yeah that's pretty much half of the podcast was us dissing gave David a lot of [ __ ] to man they let us borrow the mics to start a podcast we actually didn't ask to borrow the mics the first time we just took it yeah that's usually best you know people on YouTube makes those videos you it's like Jeff being the best member of the vlog squad for six minutes I love those doesn't my favorites especially ones with Jeff never ever watch them ever at mine what's wrong with nerf i watch both hazards a 40 second one and the best parts in the dillon francis video where he's wobbling in the back no dude it killed me the only one of mine that I've seen is scottysire being suicide over great damn they really go hard on you huh yeah but I think that helps me out you know like people pity me so yeah all of this I mean at the end of the day I feel like everything is love on this stuff that's great for nerf man I love that for him he's good though montage is made I don't even run his Instagram account anymore that's all a skirt so if you see a caption that's like slightly not the time don't blame it on me that's all Oscar that's the one who dm's me from nerfs account all that weird [ __ ] post consistently on nerfs account nerf is posted he's working more than all of us never the content machine he's just pure content on golf form we talked about Coachella a little bit on the way back I actually got a speeding ticket so it wasn't as fun as the way there I decided to leave it I just decided to leave Sunday night at 5 a.m. I left early you guys stayed the night and I was just getting tired behind the wheel man and I feel like me driving faster is actually safer to get me off the road before you pass out and then I would take out a whole bunch of little logic is yeah I felt like if I'm driving fast I'll keep my energy up and yeah just my heart rate and everything I'm focused I'm almost like playing a video game it's like I'll be bored and I'll just doze off a little bit through the take out a whole middle school or preschool or you know no there's a statistic somewhere that says the driving tired is like way worse than driving drunk so like if you're driving tired and drunk that's awful yeah and orphan the front seat and he goes we should throw you in jail and impound your pub just like dude I'm just at Coachella now for three days I'm gonna go to jail now the way you said that you're like I had nerf in the front seat and he goes we should throw you in jail I thought you're saying nerf said it I was like were you hallucinating you or that time come here I wish more people good like I like just as an experience get to drive with Jeff somewhere you know to really like it really puts in perspective like how badly you either want to live or don't because at any moment you feel like it could be taken from you yeah it's not about what's on the other side of the mountain or whatever it's it's the climb it's really that crazy I just remember like on the way there you you got on one of those there's a loading ramp and you just you drove right up it and hopped over a couple cars that were blocking your way oh yeah that's a good sure that's a good go-to trick that I pull out from Grand Theft Auto yeah I've done that to see what I love Grand Theft Auto that you do I bet you play it just like you live your life oh yeah would not I would not do the missions at all just go on killing sprees get as many cops on me as possible try to get the army on me them you know keep them all like just run from them for as long as I can shoot down helicopters there's a lot of love in that in the look between between nerf and Jeff and I love how your relationship with your dog is so except we were talking about that I could tell it to like sitting in the pool like damn I [ __ ] love like Jeff and nerf are like it's not like a dog owner and a dog it's like best friends you know such a [ __ ] mouth such a [ __ ] mouth and nerf is right back at him like you give some warnings like he's gonna know he's like nerf I swear you come onto the under the court one more time and I'm gonna have to put you in the house he comes on one more time I told you come on the court he's our roommates or whatever you want to call it I didn't buy nerf has a puppy I got him when he was four years old when his uh original owner got arrested and went to jail for a couple of years and we just bonded in that time and you know when the guy got out he kind of understood kind of that haha nerf and I had bonded and you know I think that's that was a really good story you know when you told me how how you got nerve I like that made less sense it made me feel the warm fuzzies inside my heart yeah yeah man when I first saw nerf I was like what is that is that even a dog because the Frenchy's just like kind of came out of nowhere right like I didn't I don't remember them as a kid like it was like German Shepherds golden retrievers like regular dog dogs and then I see this thing and I'm like what what shape is that even he's like a lion coat with this brindle striped you know yeah and then he looks like a pig kind of like a bunny like an Easter Bunny yeah you know so I was just shocked and then he was just such a cool dog we were just hanging out all the time even when the guy was still out like before he was arrested I was still with nerf all the time and I was walking him and at times I'm like this is weird man I'm walking some guys [ __ ] dog but it was me and nerf and we've just been together since 8 years now bro 8 years of love Hey jinx this is the stuff this is good like honestly like I'm sure all the viewers and listeners are gonna agree like especially these first few podcasts this is what they want to know they want to hear these stories outside now man I feel like they're not here anymore no cuz Oscars gonna edit it all together he's gonna make you look like a rock star hey J um how do you feel about the new title of our podcast Jews yeah Jews oh yeah I love it is there any way that we can change our logo real quick for that look at the wheels turning on Oscars head like [ __ ] these guys like I swear to god they make me paint another logo dude I can't believe you guys got me to tell that bighead story man that [ __ ] is embarrassing well I just gave the world that ammo I know it's it's haunted me for [ __ ] 25 years like legit well you know what get over it I wish I could get over it Scott I wish I could it would be really funny just every week you have a different title Scott gasps Wow what's up guys welcome back to Jews dude you know what I was telling myself like this is gonna be easy cuz you know we people get sick people don't show up and then you know like we'll just still have fun with it it'll be great but second episode it's already a [ __ ] job people are getting sick people are not showing up trust me it will get easier welcome back to another episode of Jeff complains for an hour while Scott sits there and said our podcast is family serotonin levels are extremely low after Coachella that takes a week to build back up I mean do Molly so alcohol is enough to do serotonin I should dump most of it yeah that shit's already fried wow yeah my serotonin is gone that way punk-ass [ __ ] petting a dog the whole time no you guys I was petting him you're gonna look like dr. evil with this yeah yeah yeah we're just roommates bro he might be let's just remind him all this is the Scott cast we're trying to look for a new name actually no this is Jews right for the audio listeners nerf just stepped on my genitals and went and laid down in his bed just fill them in because they need to know the line I mean that's a that's a dominance play right there he stops the genitals straight to sleep I know man he's [ __ ] smart and for everyone who is watching this on youtube right now be sure if you're into listening to audios and you don't want to watch us while we talk there is now a link to find us on iTunes yeah thank you James we're sending that out it goes on Spotify hit that like button hit a dislike if you disliked this podcast so we know not to keep going I feel like we [ __ ] suck the beginning appreciate me sitting in on this yeah I appreciate I'm not saying it's gonna be a normal regular thing I mean like [ __ ] you but yeah you're cool our Jewish guests canceled on us and went to go hang out with somebody that has more money than us what's new is what a surprise I went to a movie premiere my moral infinity whatever the [ __ ] in game let's do it I wish I woulda win why did he invite me why don't you bite Scott says we're on the topic of infinity war and [ __ ] I think Chris Neville works like a really attractive dude and I'm not like afraid to say that I know you guys might lose that he's Thor oh yeah yeah what are you getting at no that was it I just wanted to let everybody know that I really think Chris Hemsworth is really attractive see if you guys thought any guys were attractive that's your topic that you're the topic guy this is what you bring to the table that's what I'm saying I thought there was more to that it's just like hey you guys think that Chris Hemsworth is attractive I was like bottling up that for a long time and you seemed like open guys who are willing to talk about thinking other guys are attractive I think that Chris Pratt and Chris Evans are also attractive I know I knew you liked one of the Chris's I like all the Chris's there's three of them huh there's three Christmases and they're all Avengers right dude this is your first and last time on the podcast and that's your topic that you're gonna bring up Oscar please save me no I'm just kidding guys Jay is running the show over here's helping us out put this podcast together and I'll kick the [ __ ] out of us probably so he'll definitely be back on so which is great but you know what on the topic of sexy Avengers I think this is a good topic I think that Thanos you know Thanos yeah do what the kind of like ball sack for head that's a sexy [ __ ] oh yeah and Josh Brolin plays him yeah rolling is yeah he was in like real movies too like I can do country for old men love that movie like he's just so good dude he's like what I aspire to be when I get older and I'm like man I feel like I feel like Jeff is the type of person though who you like movies but you like to watch like good movies you're not like a popcorn action guy you're more like a he's not popular to watch the Leo you like to watch the the good time the big time I love a good indie that Joss kurz word man like coming to age movies and like success stories gritty crime dramas maybe something like blow blow is probably one of my favorites and like a roller coaster ride success story then real life sets in and the like it's true stories I love look I know you guys want to listen to us more but I'm gonna have to wrap this up because I'm dying for one my girlfriend called me I didn't answer which means I'm gonna die a second time okay and we were here for an hour and seven minutes today that's how long we've been JibJab and I'd like to thank Jeff again for supplying all this [ __ ] before he bashes it thanks for watching guys with them Mike wait you go to a proper outro now I have to do a proper anything I don't this is this is a cool podcast we do whatever we want you're good at this [ __ ] bro you gotta do the outro I'm gonna wrap someone's name or something like that one don't be sad buy my merch I got don't be sad on hoodies and shirts and when you're done with that you can add me on snapchat add me on Instagram yes thanks for saving the day man the show I wish I could do that I would just [ __ ] its tan from this camera by myself all day and just do that yeah I honestly I was trying to walk off the camera because I feel like I'm on the verge of like a really long coffee tack okay well this cool [ __ ] we could do with the light we just hey we can't do it connected that's a really good incentive for people to come back you know cool [ __ ] with a light yeah Wow oh yeah well guys check back next week when we connect the light to the Internet and we use it to show you cool tricks that the light can do your Instagram filters could probably do a lot cooler stuff but but um I mean I'm already I already have the light and its really bad investment so this light is actually so powerful if you look out into space through the light you can see light-years away you can see the planet Mars you can see Pluto which is not a planet anymore thanks to modern science which is total [ __ ] we are you know what's crazy I know you could get this kind of stuff on Joe Rogan's podcast but he said something the other day that I can't stop thinking about it's uh he said something about the Sun and just how none of this would exist right now if we weren't floating next to a fireball in the universe yeah and it's just the right amount of temperature on this planet of life to exist that like we just take a little turn away from the Sun or that the Sun just decides to do something different none of this matters yeah take that with you I know that's that was probably the best piece of insight in this podcast but don't don't leave us for Joe Rogan one day the Sun is going to explode and our entire galaxy will explode with it we'll all be destroyed yeah we like to leave it off on a positive note here on the Scott cast nothing matters we're all gonna die and on the next podcast we're gonna be talking about my big head dude big head and more [ __ ] float next to a fireball I'm losing my mind man you know we should be orbiting around your head hey be sure to like this broadcast on Twitch and subscribe to our iTunes channel on the description yesterday all right guys thanks for watching Jews Jews Wow that's million candle alright thanks for watching everybody Oh Jews goddamn it I knew I should have come on this [ __ ] thing that's a wrap guys thanks for watching Jews
Channel: Skotcast
Views: 282,435
Rating: 4.9799051 out of 5
Keywords: scottysire, scotty sire, scott sire, david dobrik, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlog squad, vlog, vlogger, vine, viners, best of vine, vine compilation, carly and erin, elijah and christine, kristen mcatee, todd smith, toddy smithy, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, liza koshy, alex ernst, jeff wittek, jay boice
Id: ZhhT1SjxqEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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