Can You Guess How Much Candy is in the Jar?

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boys today i have a bit of a challenge for all of you behind me i have a plethora of jar now these jars aren't coming with youtubes or any other um you know things instead they're coming with items and these items are filled to the brim you guys in chat need to guess how many m ms are in this jar how many fruit snacks are in this one how many marshmallows can i fit in my mouth and so on and so forth your competitors today will be all of my roommates nick slime aiden and cutie and you're gonna see if you guys are capable of beating them in a simple guessing game we have quite a few different varieties to go through here i think it's about eight or nine in total whoever gets the most correct wins that's it that's how it's gonna work so that's what we'll see if you guys twitch chat collectively are able to beat my roommates if you do do that i will give 500 subs to chat that's 2 500 if you lose i'm gonna give one of those upstairs thousand bucks i'm giving you guys more because i like you more all right keep it between us are you guys ready we have eight items that we're gonna go through all right starting with this one the big jar i'm gonna clear the guesses we're not gonna start it yet but all the guesses are cleared right you can see right there it's at zero you only get one guess okay now i'm gonna come up with this jar and i will give you a full inspection of it i will let you see every orifice you can see it's a 1500 something whatever whoa look at that okay now my roommates won't be able to touch these jars either it's all visual so you guys have the same exact advantages or disadvantages and now i want you to think to yourself all right if your name's michael and you're like hey my name is michael and i'm watching ludwig on twitter tv on my saturday afternoon ah man how many things are in this jar michael i say to myself being michael and then think of that number you write it in your keyboard and you guess it you will have exactly and i mean exactly one minute to do these guesses ready mods take it off emo only now please whoa that's a lot of guesses flooding in you only get one guess as a human only one guess keep them coming chat three two one disable guesses not a bad start chat now let's get a little bit different here okay the next item are these toothpicks simple have something in your mouth who knows you got a bunch of toothpicks now i'm not going to give you too much info here but you guys can probably see this is not a very large jar here's my hand for size how many toothpicks are in this jar is the question look at that now your goal simple when i leave let this off emote only mode you need to guess exactly how many toothpicks are in the jar moderators take it off emote only now please you got a minute how many [ __ ] 212. that was toothpicks let's go next back to the big boys here's your jar chat how many fish are in this jar i can even show you a little okay all right three two one your time is up five nine six was your answer a little bit higher than the first jar as we move on to our next obstacle your jar it could fit one figure or this many gummies how many is this though chat prove to me that you're smart that you can do more than just meme you can develop you can research you can work together you can root out the high end guesses and root out the low end guesses communication understanding heart charisma these words don't apply to us streamers and stream viewers but you can still guess numbers right maybe let's find out mods open up the guesses imagine you're at a dentist's office and you could win free braces or a hertz device or like a gift certificate to get a molar removed i don't know i don't know what they all do at a dentist office actually don't even know what you can win it doesn't make a lot of sense why do they even do that at this office do they really need guerrilla marketing you go when your tooth hurt i don't know i don't know how dentists work i don't know the marketing strategy of dentists guesses are now disabled emote only mods 296.4 now this one's a little bit different okay before you were looking at that object and deciding how many were in there you could see you could see this one you can still see but it's a little different marshmallows you know you like them or you don't who cares the fact is i have a mouth this mouth what it do put marshmallow in it today how many of these can i fit inside of my mouth now as always we will give you a fair look at with that information in mind you now have to guess how many can fit inside go go go how many can i fit higher lower i don't know i don't know i've actually never done this challenge since forming a full adult body i think the last time i did this i was like 12. 20. that is your guess a fair guess uh our second to last one is simple this is my wallet i can't open my wallet for you but i have money in this wallet how much money well that's for you guys to guess now i'll give you some information i do not have more than 100 dollars in this wallet your object simple guess how much money i do have what do you think i will also say don't have zero dollars all right guesses are done 52.90 finally we have one more contest and this one is uh gonna hurt some feelings you guess how many things are in a jar how much money's in a wallet now you have to guess how much i weigh i'm gonna say this very clearly at the start i am going to put the cap at 300 pounds to eliminate some trolls you are guessing to a tenth wearing all these clothes i have eaten a bagel sandwich today and that's it and i've had about two 16 ounce cups of water i don't think i've pooped yet there is a bit of thickener in my hair if you thought that would change my weight alright time is up that rounds out all seven of your guesses chat thank you for playing i will now invite all of my roommates downstairs to go up against you and see who really is the most well-rounded smartest and even most attractive individual let's find out this is your first obstacle spin it around do whatever you want figure it out how many these are peanut by the way can't deal with that you can't eat it you are allergic you'll implode not enjoying that prospect how many are in here chat you can you can cool your jets you did already guess dude i'm trying to remember like cylinder math oh god what was your major uh finance doesn't show didn't matter what it didn't matter what you're going to say 2 pi r pi r squared y equals mx plus b one of those we had a minute not fair you also had 15 000 people let's pipe down for a moment okay i'm gonna guess this is like 468. okay yeah 468. your next jar same jar oh it's not possible to count this one oh dude what are these green goldfish what are these are these like veggie veggie cracker goldfish is this what you're eating in your free time no [ __ ] mouth and down exclusively slim jim you know me he comes upstairs and he wonders where this is coming from and it's because he's down here eating [ __ ] goldfish in private you call me fat now i didn't say that i feels like there's an implication that i was fat you said i walk upstairs and i wonder why i got this yeah i just what is this it's a round it's that's faithfully that is fat no no if you if you saw a pregnant woman you wouldn't say but i can't you know i can't do that all right we've googled their where you wouldn't say anybody is pet i'm not listening i'm going to say 870 on that one what a weird guess i'm just gonna put it out there did you see it no it's not right but it is i thought you baited me i was like no i just raw guess who that you didn't raw guess it but you just seemed so confident that i thought dude they're spamming that's who you're becoming what if you keep going this route a lot of big fat of course so you are calling me fat no i said that's the end game the thing about me eamon is what i do is like i eat slim jim for pro and now i'm bulking up okay i'm right right now these are gummies how many gummies are in this gummy jar smaller jar means smaller number here's the phone number worse person if i recall we do say that a lot really something 210 210 yes that brings us to our final contest and this one will actually be pretty convenient because you were talking about it earlier right now with everything that i am wearing how much do i weigh you called me a fatty fat boy earlier i didn't say that in less words and less words the intent was there [ __ ] how much do i weigh amen very simple question how much do i weigh you know the clothes on with clothes on i'm not getting nude for this weigh 203 pounds are you coming to my stream and insult me like that wait you cracked you did you with clothes on because i thought you were like one dude wait am i over by a lot that's your final guess i thought you said without that's your final guess just below 200. he's not fat he's very muscular don't save it now don't get off of me it's too late for this 203. those are all your guesses we'll see how you do can you bring the next contestant down please this challenge is simple it's the can you guess how many jelly beans are in a jar challenge these are not jelly beans well i know there are actually seven different of those types of challenges though couple rules the cap is a thousand that is for every single thing we do here nothing goes over a thousand that's because chat is also your opponent this time and they can't count that high and they can't they don't know four digit numbers yeah so they actually have to make it three digit or less you can't lift this either right i could well no well yeah well actually i don't know but wow i don't know well that's too even i don't want to argue that because we'll never know that right yeah maybe yes maybe no talk about it later after stream but you're not allowed to lift it i'm not allowed to uh you can spin it if you would like okay but you can't lift it and you just have to guess how many are inside of here i don't want to lift it okay i only want to spin you're not allowed i don't want to spin it you don't have to spin it but you could spin it i don't want to look at it well that's weird can i actually get it out of my sight do you have a guess yeah i want you to remove my side okay okay all right 357. okay that's my final guess okay okay um the next three challenges all involve your best friend in the world okay should i go what get a picture of us like display okay thank you yeah that you're going to say uh the first have you heard of the chubby bunny challenge yeah well i'm going to do this challenge at the end of everyone's guesses okay how many marshmallows can i fit in my mouth i'm going to say 13 because i think the number is 12 and i think you'll impress me okay 13 would impress you yeah your only remaining challenge yeah is simple the plan is no come on it's way too late plain and simple right guys how much do i weigh right now wearing everything i'm wearing including the mic pack in this rink [Laughter] how much do i weigh in in pounds okay actually you know what i think you're lower than 200 right now okay if you if you were to strip down and become your natural self sure but i think that you know why i think that why because you passed me in the hallway yesterday and you went i'm slimming down and i was like what but i think you wouldn't have said that if you were over 200 because every time you go over to a hundo you come in the room and you go i'm big i don't even remember saying i'm swimming down uh so i think with the clothes 200 200.4 nick those are all seven of your answers i'll reveal everything at the end but for now you're all set can you bring up the next contestant you don't want you don't want to hang out i just have a sponsored stream there's 34 minutes left okay i need to get through yeah i know i'll leave it's not like a youtube oh yeah i'll leave that's cool we can hang out later i'm you know i'm at busy you're busy later maybe maybe well well well look at this what i'm gonna spawn you know this you know this because you've already screwed it up before australian yeah but that doesn't they say it like like the word water sit down put the mic on and put your good boy hat on anyway we got a jar here this is our biggest jar of the day you can spin it around you can't lift it up that is one of the rules i'm you know ludwig i want to apologize i don't have the energy i usually do today i feel like you came in strong i would i would disagree i feel like i am slower on the ball i would say shut up stop talking when i'm talking is my bad it's so annoying and rude i guess just feel free to jesus dude i would say there are 190 inside this thingy is that your final answer that's my final answer okay i have a question for you no if i gave you let's just sit here just enjoy the moment now these next three i assume you will be the most successful on because they all have to do with dirty rats no meat which you know more about worm than most things in this world yes so have you heard of the game chubby bunny i have i'm going to do chubby bunny oh okay yeah you talked about this this morning the world record is 44. 44 of these marshys have fit in a human's mouth there's 48 in a package so pretty much this entire package went into a man's mouth how many can i do 19. okay final guess yeah now this one you have the most insider info on because this is about my finances yeah how much money is in my wallet uh like cash paper cash paper in my wallet i think you have 25 cents in there it is how do you have any bills you think i have one quarter yeah and it's a bit of a a bit of a ploy yeah i don't think you have any bills i i i picked up your wallet the other day i didn't look inside um but i i don't think there's any bills in that okay in that hoe sure which leads us to our final challenge how much do i weigh right now with everything that i'm wearing including the mic pack my ring my top my pant my underwear no shoes on you are this you are a disgusting like slop okay the number is what we're looking for here slime the number please are you familiar with muck i'm familiar with muk yes he evolves right right grimer evolves into muck and what how would you describe muk's appearance bespoke you think bespoke i think yeah that's that's what you attribute to muck it's the first word that came into my head muck is a pile of liquid garbage and that's what i'm reminded of when you eat ice cream at night when you go up to cutie and you say i want a sweet treat and you got your your shirt off and you just like extend out and you're like i want a sweet treat you're like a liquid garbage pokemon extendo mag yeah it's really gross is this getting you closer to a number i just want to illustrate why i am making this guess okay you know sure so i am going to guess that you are nearing the number of 436 pounds so you are clinically obese and you are close to death i didn't think i would have to say this there is a cap of 300 pounds why because i'm not over that number and when twitch chat was guessing they guessed too high so i had to decrease the cap because people would troll too high okay so the problem is that that's like saying like oh yeah you can't like guess the right answer like why is it like it's a bit right it's a bit for the chat at the end that's the idea would you like to guess over the cap yeah i would like to guess over the cap what's the final number the final number is 426 pounds american can you do me a favor can you say goodbye to that belt this is your first challenge it's a giant jar full of m m's and you have to guess how many m ms are in the jar i think we're in the three to four hundred range okay i'm being honest sure i would hope you would be honest here and not say a ridiculously high number just to be like rude or something like hurtful and attack someone about their weight what was your guess i'm going with 285 final answer yep final answer 285. you've done well so far this is your final three challenges they all involve me which you should know you have to first answer you know the chubby bunny challenge yeah how many of these could i fit in my mouth right now i haven't done this challenge since i was a kid so many more than you that's not the question i know but i just want you to know that i would love to find that out later but i would bet you're wrong not a sexual oh sorry slim jim uh how many of these could i fit in my mouth i'm giving you 12. 12. yeah 12. final answer yeah cutie how much money is in my wallet cash you don't have any money the answer is not zero but it is less than 100. where did you get money did you take my money i don't want to say where i got it from however i do guaranteed have money in this wallet you took my money i don't know where it came from necessarily just know that it is now mine it's my money mine my money not your money you never have cash you took my money did you take my money i'm not i'm not at the disp i did not take any money from your personal i didn't have it in my purse i took what was rightfully mine you took me i wouldn't worry about where the money came from would you like to change your guests give me demons no concern right now don't worry about the money this money is safe with me eighty twenty six dollars is that your final answer yeah i took my money okay 26 now here's your last question and you probably are the most knowledgeable about this yeah how much do i weigh right now i see him naked all the time not because we have sex because he goes to the bathroom and just naked not even a good save it's like a bad saving like goes to the bathroom leaves the door wide open completely naked pulls his pants all the way down sponsored slim jim wants to know that actually i don't know if they want to know that because it wouldn't be slim with you know anyway 199.4 final answer 199.8 final answer yeah okay those are all your answers thank you so much i'll bring you down a little bit why can't we all watch the review well because i have to i'm going to reveal the numbers and i'll reveal the winner well why can't we watch through it on the numbers you can on your phone and then you can come down when i reveal the winner i'm going back to watching ms kipp's stream why would you say that can you just give me like five minutes to just tally it no i have a sponsor obligations i was so loud um just give me a bit i'll be ready in like five minutes all right people slowly filtering in thousand dollars on the line here what really yeah [ __ ] and so now we're just gonna reveal first up is the toothpicks can you hand me the box of tooth oh right here this is the jar of toothpicks you guys can see everyone's guesses on the screen the actual number this came you can actually pull it up in that bag right there at target they had toothpicks it came in a pack of 250. i put that entire 250 pack into here and i removed one toothpick i love bananas too which yeah i was gonna do how long's banana bananas are in this bunch well that's not too it's about pot bananas chat was closest then cutie then nick all right that was round one round two was goldfish could i have the goldfish 860. wow there were 860 however circular containers are able to hold uh less things uh they're less that's not true they're less efficacious anyway the correct answer is 639 m ms 600 it's a little blown out right now 639 m ms fit in this container which means that the best guess was from twitch chat which was also the highest guest with four second to follow closely by aiden the gummies please i i ate a lot that's all right that you ate the gummies the gummies oh no the number was on the label and the label got ripped off by the other sticker but i can still vaguely see it i believe the exact number is 297. it's on there [ __ ] chad was one off the next one chat is how much money is in my wallet now let me tell you nobody got this exactly correct uh i did get three dollars from cutie's car that aiden gave me earlier no i didn't think you'd put in your wallet and then i had five bucks so i have eight dollars in total that's how much money i have in my wallet uh which means the closest to that was a tie between aidan and nick followed by cutie and chad gets zero points for that they're so dumb you failed chat how does it feel to suck uh next look who pulled the head jack i guess we can do my weight next can everybody please just before i get on just remind me that i'm not fat you are not fat everyone every night everyone together every single month ice cream that's not thanks guys okay every night you do eat it every night oh 201.5 dang i almost put i almost did 200. the uh final tally is 201.5 wow it's definitely so for sure do you think so let's give zero points to slime for guessing um 426. i was 201.5 so the closest guess was nick i was close yes uh who was off by 1.1 pounds followed by eamonn what who was off by 1.5 pounds followed by cutie was up by 1.7 pounds followed by chat who's off by four-ish pounds uh and then that leads us to our final challenge which is chubber bunner the world record is 44 and we're gonna smash it here today now the highest guess was chat with 20. the lowest guess was cutie with 12. chubby bunny one you just say it two yeah you're supposed to say chubby bunny each time no no you don't say each time you i thought you say it like when you know it's how you know if you've lost save it you lose eight oh he's dropping he's struggling going left nine ten 11 11. holy [ __ ] 12. this is a chubby bunny it smells like chubby bunny oh that's it oh wait hey was that 12.5 or what it was it's 12 it's 12. i failed at 13. oh my god that's a big number dude my guess was so right but wow his exact guess was if you were a little better at things his exact guess was you'll get 12 but you impress me with 13. and i did it wow bro you choked are you kidding it hit them it hit my it hit my uvula and i choked dude when you put one in it's like whoa this thing's [ __ ] huge uh all right so that means that uh that means that uh cutie got first nick got second and this means in last place with five points we have slime in fourth place with 12 points we have cutie cinderella in third place with 15 points we have twitch chat and in second point uh uh [ __ ] second in first place to be frank it's our new champion nick take the bell congratulations on becoming the new slim jim champion let's go thousand dollars in the pocket a thousand he gets a thousand for that how did i get three hundred for the west oh you [ __ ] thought i looked got a bigger paycheck you [ __ ] thought i left hey at least we can all say ayden's never won one all right chad thank you so much for watching i appreciate it that's the end of the slim jim thing uh i'm wrapping up right now thank you all for watching shout out to slim jim xmh points limitroom chat hearts and chat for all the people that played and uh and have fun maybe next time you guys lost this time you're losers today goodbye everyone have a good night everybody thanks for watching i'll see you tomorrow bye everyone you can have a gum you can have all the gummies you want here you [Music] go [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 725,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: FakPZr55FzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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