BUILDING Blunders! - Campaign NOOB Mistakes | Warhammer 3

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one does not simply build an empire there are plenty of things that can go wrong when you're choosing which buildings to construct in a province and there is generally a certain order to do things however do remember that all campaigns and legendary lords and different factions can be very different so while some details here will be applicable to most factions there may be some that it doesn't really apply to or they'll work differently so here in this empire carl franz campaign i've taken my entire first province but i haven't done anything with it yet i haven't built any buildings these are just the settlements as they are when i took them so that i can mess around and show you things so what's the first thing you need to worry about when building up the economy of a province well that would be growth courtesy of the farm buildings for the empire these are the key to supporting every other function of your economy the growth tooltip shows us that it's all about population surplus points these are gained through this number on the left once it reaches the threshold of 375 115 per turn it's gonna take four turns once i get that 375 i'll get myself a population point and these are the most crucial thing that we need to be able to upgrade our settlements and get everything better this number simply shows you how many turns are left to get the point so with these population surplus points as i say this is what we're gonna use to upgrade the actual settlement itself you can see this little bluey number here it says two which means we need two population surplus points currently i only have one i've got to wait four turns and then i'll get a second one and i'll be able to upgrade this to tier three alternatively with that one population surplus point we already have we could upgrade one of our minor settlements these only take one population surplus point as indicated by the white number there so we could upgrade this or this right now and as you'll see if we do do that we use up our population surplus point which now means we have zero so we're going to have to wait longer to get another one or two back which means getting this to tier three is going to take longer so do think about that when you're upgrading settlements don't always just rush to use your population surplus points you might want to save them up so you can get your main building your main settlement your capital to tier 3 4 higher whatever so overall when you're trying to build up a province you want as much growth as possible this can come in many different forms here at this grazing pastures i've got a good bit of growth from that always typically as well your first technology that you'll want to research will be the one that gives you growth because it'll make you the most growth overall if you take it as early as possible so good to make that your first choice for building up your first province especially so the main building type you want first of all is going to be growth buildings and you can even put them in a tier 5 settlement even though they're only tier three normally we wouldn't want to do this because it's a waste of a tier 5 slot but it's going to help us for now and we can delete it later when we need something else to go in that slot when you capture a province as well you'll get your commandments that's another way to get some extra growth potentially which is just going to help us build this economy much quicker so take every little bit of growth you can as early as possible moving on a little further down the line here and you can see i've got growth buildings god damn everywhere so we've got growth coming out the wazoo so this means quicker population surplus points which means ultimately more growth of my economy because i can upgrade the tiers of buildings to two and three get all the highest amounts of everything faster now let's talk about income we could go down a very different route with building this province by building all the income buildings in the land instead of any growth buildings how would this affect our economy and would this be a good idea well business would of course be booming my income 3 000 per turn very nice for this early campaign but my growth is suffering which obviously means slower population points which means slower growth overall for my province as i won't be able to upgrade the settlement itself or its buildings as quickly so slower growth ultimately means less public order less anti-corruption or corruption if you're one of the bad guy factions slower recruitment potentially slower replenishment as well as a few other things but ultimately if you can't upgrade the settlement to a higher tier you can't upgrade the public order building to a higher tier thus less public order than you could get with faster growth and a similar thing with all the other points right so we always need a good bit of growth but further on in this campaign you might want something like this a bit of growth so we got two growth buildings going here but we do need some income so we do have one income producing building although money is relatively plentiful in the empire rightland campaign and then in the capital settlement of altdorf i've replaced that growth building with paved roads which still gives me a tiny bit of growth but also some income as well so it does a little bit of both and that's what you need to find when building up a province is the right balance you're definitely gonna want some growth maybe a little bit of income maybe more income some factions will need income more than others high elves with their expensive units for example and of course a province can have anywhere from one to four settlements in it so you've got that to think about if you've only got two settlements you're not going to have so many building slots so you've got to try and make a good call whatever the province needs i'd maybe suggest as a rough guideline to maybe get your settlements all to tier 3 before you worry about tier 4 and 5 of the capital as i say that's a rough guideline though other factions in certain situations you may want a different approach now let's talk about the military buildings these are generally the last you'll need to worry about it can be tempting though when you see the cool units that you want to get you might think oh i really want to get those demi griffs oh i need some great swords but do remember that higher tier units are more expensive and there's no point having the building to be able to recruit them if you can't afford them and remember growth is the foundation of everything if you've got a military well that's afforded by income you want a bigger military you need more income how do you increase income you need more growth by upgrading the tiers of settlements and buildings so it all comes back to growth being the foundation the most important layer that facilitates everything else the income the military and like i said if you don't have the growth in the income in place you're not going to be able to afford the big expensive military in terms of which military building to build when well that's entirely up to you based on whichever units you want a couple of points though here about some situations you might find yourself in if you've got two of the same military building in a province you obviously don't need that as the little exclamation mark tells you so which one should we delete well that depends on the tier of building this military building goes up to tf3 which is the maximum of this settlement it doesn't go to tier four or five neither does the military building so that's fine it works out nicely in this settlement but in alt dorf where things do go up to tier five well this tier three building is a bit of a waste because we're likely gonna want this slot for one of our tier four or five buildings later so we'll demolish that one overall just be aware of the tiers of buildings and where you're putting them if it's a settlement that goes up to tier four or five try to reserve those slots for tier four or 5 buildings as i say though in temporary situations it can be fine to put tier 3 buildings in a tier 5 settlement and just demolishing them later another thing with military buildings to think about is whether you need the same military building in two adjacent provinces here i've just taken marionberg and obviously i want to keep the marionberg port but i do have this military building that does go up to tier four so it does have a place in the capital however i have this same building over in the reichland province so to me it's a bit pointless to have both of those buildings when i could easily just nip over the border to get the horsey units if i want or use global recruitment so not much point having that building there another important thing after growth and income is control or public order as i still like to call it from the old total wars this is another essential factor to manage to avoid rebellion and some serious trouble in your provinces it's quite simple to manage you just need to try and offset the red numbers with as many green numbers as possible from various sources the simplest and earliest best way to do this is with of course public order buildings typically in a province you'll probably only need one or two public order buildings depending on how bad that province is in terms of control but it's really such a variable thing between provinces and different campaigns and factions and legendary lords but as i say typically one or two public order buildings in a province should be able to mostly offset the bad things you can also use commandments and technologies and lords and heroes and armies a rough rule i tend to set for myself is i build as many public order buildings as needed to offset the difficulty level penalty which on very hard is only minus four on legendary it's up to minus eight on hard i think it's minus two and on normal it's zero so on the easier difficulties there really isn't too much to worry about but i think total war warhammer 3 public order is pretty easy to maintain in the green it's not too hard as i say just one or two public order buildings in a province should do the job upgrade them when you can and that brings us to the next point that ties in nicely with control corruption if you're a good guy you'll want to get rid of it if you're a bad guy you'll want to spread whatever your kind of corruption is it works pretty much the same though either way the biggest detriment of allowing corruption to ruin your lands is that it will ruin your public order or control and the attrition of armies isn't particularly nice to deal with either so when corruption seems like it's becoming a problem you need to find your corruption-reducing building in the case of the empire that's the temple here that gives us up to -12 corruption you can also use other sources like commandments lords heroes whatever there's plenty of corruption reduction out there and again it's a wildly variable thing for different factions because stalton here for example has skaven on his doorstep that's going to bring skaven corruption potentially azazel to the north that's going to bring slaanesh corruption potentially so he needs to worry more about anti-corruption than maybe kyle franz does in rightland so the urgency of anti-corruption buildings will be different for different factions and like i mentioned if you're a bad guy faction you'll be looking for the building that actually spreads your corruption because that will likely help you in many different ways typically if you're a bad guy faction you'll probably wanted to be trying to spread corruption as early as possible whereas if you're a good guy you don't have to worry about giving off corruption you may only want to deal with corruption when it starts to become a problem for you now a word on unique buildings those that are typically only built in one specific settlement the building browser is a great way to see all the different buildings you can use this for all of the stuff i've been talking about but in the case of things like ports or resource trade buildings or landmark buildings these are unique buildings that are only in one specific settlement and they bring a host of different benefits of which it's up to you to decide when it's important to build that things like trade buildings which provide resources to trade with other factions will be essentially income buildings as will ports and then you have things more unique like the red moon in here bringing the uber strike five that gives anti-corruption public order and some money it does all sorts of stuff so you just have to look at them and decide whether that building is of any urgent need or whether it can wait till a later slot and the same can kind of be true of support buildings military support buildings these aren't necessary in a lot of cases unless you want to build certain units or gain the benefits of whatever it brings but overall they're going to be kind of secondary to the most important things of growth income and public order so as common sense would dictate build what you need if you need more income build the income buildings if you need more anti-corruption or public order build any unique buildings that might support that now to just a word on the defense buildings that are kind of unique buildings but not really unique you can put them in most settlements but these garrison buildings that increase the size of your garrison are pretty important i think especially in times of war but when and where should you build them well to me it all depends which part of your province is susceptible to being attacked in the case of reichland in my opinion it's isle heart it's the northernmost settlement and the most likely to be attacked because in this campaign we've got a lot of potential friends around us all the empire factions we can potentially ally with or confederate later so down to the south of rikeland i don't really need to worry about being attacked by these factions for the most part of course the elector count system might make that happen but mostly we don't really need to worry about being attacked from the south there are the vampires over in the east a little bit but they'll rarely push this far over unless they start conquering all of these other empire factions along the way so i'm kind of safe from my southern border right i don't really need to worry about these angles of being attacked so grundsberg down the bottom uberstrike they don't really need any kind of defensive building because most of my potential wars will come from the green skins up here festus is over here the norskens may come down marionberg could declare war on me and come after me so there's all the potential enemies of the rakland campaign to the north for the most part thus it makes more sense for the defensive buildings to go in isle hart and well alt dolph not that you can have one in alt dorth but i need to put better protection on altdorf because it is more vulnerable being in the north of my territory so uberzerek and grunsberg don't really need defensive buildings they should be fine there is of course the potential they could get attacked they're not invincible or completely safe by any means but if i put a defensive building there it kind of takes away a slot that could be used for an income building or an extra growth building that's going to be more beneficial to growing the province and one last unique type building to look out for is the gold mine these are incredibly valuable for obvious reasons if you're thinking about expanding your territory you may want to see who's got the local nearby gold mines and go after those because they're worth a lot of wonga and that is pretty much the gist of it for building up provinces in my opinion and what does a finished province look like well this this is pretty much finished rikeland a few buildings to still upgrade but it's all done we replaced our growth buildings with income buildings as we don't need the growth buildings anymore they're literally pointless once everything's been upgraded apart from a little replenishment maybe but that's not a huge deal we'll get that from other sources we've got the old red moon in bringing the uber strike 5 the vermintide 2 in joke there we've got the trade buildings for the extra income i've got the imperial palace to give a big faction-wide buff to public order as well as everything else it does for the settlement and you'll notice in altdorf everything is tier four or five buildings pretty much not all of them upgraded yet but everything is a tier four or five building apart from the trade building but that can only go there anyway and then all the stuff that is tier three goes in the minor settlements and then in isle heart i've got that defensive building as it is the most likely to be attacked i would put one in altdorf if i could but i can't so what are you gonna do i've got the armored watches that decreases corruption gives a bit of control checks for skaven and all that stuff and of course i've got my military building scattered in inappropriately tier three four five buildings wherever i've got the armory that allows me to unlock greatswords and demigriffs that also require that so i've got everything i need to get all of the units i want whilst making the province profitable and keeping it safe in terms of public order and defenses overall constructing your buildings is all about managing these things and you can do that with the buildings that's kind of your base layer of managing it but if something is particularly in need of some extra help like you need more growth you need more income you've got to try and manage your public order better there's plenty of other sources to help manage it for example lords and heroes with their skill points iron disciplinarian that'll give you control you can get anti-corruption in skill points you can stimulate growth in skill points potentially of course different for different factions different lords and heroes can do different things it's the same with technology you're just increasing and helping and managing all the same things that your buildings will manage taking whichever one is most needed at the time and the same with unique faction mechanics like the kislev motherland mechanic this can increase your growth by 20 it can increase your income all these different ways can support the same things that your buildings do to help you manage and grow your profits and that just about does it in summary focus on growth early to get all the buildings leveled up so that you can increase your income because that is needed to increase your military and your military obviously conquers the lands and does the winning of the campaign for you and support your buildings from other sources when necessary if corruption is becoming pretty bad change your commandment to one that reduces corruption add some lord or hero skill points that reduce corruption or maybe focus a tech that supports that cause too you get the idea i hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching i will see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 274,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, campaign, buildings, construct, beginners, mistakes
Id: cyBaWtyyb2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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