Can you name this MYSTERY MEAT I cooked? Test your Knowledge!

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welcome back to sevilla everything guys today mystery meat my meat dealer is just insane well you saw the thumbnail you saw what he sent me i have no idea how to cook it don't know what is it gonna taste like it's just as a surprise for me as it is gonna be for you check it out and this is today's mystery meet we have had several different episodes in the series but none of them come close to this not only does it look weird it feels weird it smells weird and let's just face it i have no idea what to do with it now i want to test your knowledge with mystery meat if you already know what it is go down the comment section and write what you think if not yet i'm going to keep my mouth shut so that you can really analyze this meat [Music] i'm telling you this is weird holding it up in my hand it feels very soft and out of all the research i've done you must remove the fat that's these white parts that come underneath it but as you can see my butcher already did a good job there is a little bit of silver skin right on top if that's silver skin i'm not even sure some type of membrane apparently my butcher already took all of them out but since there's a little bit left i went ahead and removed it one of the things that is really hitting me back is the smell and in order to get rid of that i made a very special brine and i want to let it soak there for at least 24 hours so that i can see if i can get rid of the smell for the brine it's very simple i started with a good amount of water then i threw in thyme garlic a very good amount of white vinegar and of course lemon i try to add as much acidity as possible because this thing needs it and that was how i made my brine so after throwing them in there i thought i still needed some extra flavoring because i really don't know if it's gonna be good so i went ahead and threw in a good amount of white wine now the only thing left to do is to cover it up with clinch plastic and let it rest in my refrigerator for 24 hours once the time was up i took it out and check it out what it looks like it completely changed color on me and i can still smell that thing but not as bad as before since it's extremely wet the next thing to do is to get rid of all of that brine and let me tell you something it even looks worse than before don't believe me take a closer look i mean what is that it looks like it was made from star wars or something i honestly never came across this however at the same time believe it or not i am looking forward to find out how it's gonna taste that is if i can pass over the smell since i have two of them i decided to do an experiment one of them i'm gonna be pan frying it and the other one we're going to be cooking it sous vide that way we're really going to know which way is the best way to prepare this so for the sous vide version i kept it whole and i seasoned it with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder and as always i made sure to season it well even though i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one once that was done the only thing left to do is to throw it in the bag vacuum seal it and it's now ready for the water bath that was perfect because now we can concentrate on the one that we're gonna pan fry now there's no way that i can pan fry this whole thing so i went ahead and cut it in chunks and as i did oh man take a look at this you can now clearly see how deep the brine went and i'll tell you one thing as i was cutting this thing it is tough very tough the only thing left to do now is to season it up and pan fry it and for that i kept the same way as i did the sous-vide one just salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder to pan fry it i took it outside because the smell was killing me i just added a little bit of oil to the pan and start frying it i kept everything under medium high heat and at least to me the most interesting thing was the amount of juice that it was releasing i mean this is not just moisture and it is not blood either it is the weirdest thing i've ever came across and since it's now cooking the smell is even stronger i am very happy i'm cooking this mystery meat outside after about 15 minutes take a look at what it looks like it's like it's making its own sauce this one is as weird as it gets after about 20 minutes of pam frying it i called it it was done so i thought as you can clearly see i still had a lot of sauce left in the pan but this is now what it looks like it is extremely unappetizing i know but hey if you've been watching my channel for a while you know the same don't knock it until you try it and that's exactly what we're about to do so i went ahead and started slicing it up and as i did take a look at this how can it still be raw in the inside you have got to be kidding me i was not expecting that so i went ahead chopped it up took it outside pan fried it a little bit more threw it in a steak plate added a little bit of onions followed by cilantro and it was now finally ready to give it a try i mean i don't know about you but for me at least everything tastes better in a taco so i went ahead and made some obviously with corn tortilla followed by our mystery meat and a good chimichurri sauce talking about that it was super easy to make i started by first throwing a good amount of garlic into the food processor once that was finely chopped in i threw in a good amount of parsley followed by red bell peppers dry oregano tiny bit of lemon salt and freshly ground black pepper then i blended everything well and my chimichurri was almost ready the only thing left to do was to go ahead and add the liquids so for that i added red wine vinegar followed by a good amount of olive oil and that was how easy it was to make my chimichurri sauce and this one will make mystery meat taste awesome at least that's what i hoped for just in case that does not work i also made some steaks especially because i want to make my cousin happy and not upset and that you already know what to do but now going back to our mystery meat i'm going to be cooking it at 165 degrees fahrenheit for 4 hours and i am looking forward to find out how this is gonna taste [Music] you see the very excited face oh yeah so excited i know you're all having a great time laughing at guga right now but hey don't knock a meat until you try it it's ready let's take it out let's do it this one is rough everybody as soon as you take it out of the bag usually i say that it smells phenomenal that is not the case today it does not smell good it smells a lot like vinegar for my sake at least we have some amazing steaks to go along with it if everything else fails right so here's the plan i'm gonna be using the flamethrower because that's what we normally do with sous-vide to test out a meat we know if it's good bad or ugly by doing our traditional way of cooking it which is sous-vide and then directly with the flamethrower but now i say i know it doesn't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful tacos today mama taco are you excited are you hungry i'm excited but i'm also scared why because we have covered plates yeah because it's a surprise i'm always scared we're surprised it's a surprise there's nothing crazy i just made some amazing tacos for us to give it a try okay with a little bit of chimichurri i really want to know your honest opinion see how it tastes good obviously we have a comparison here a against b okay i made them a little bit different way i just want to know if it's good bad or ugly okay sounds like a plan all right omar go for it you'll pick which one you want to go first i'm gonna get this one because it looks chunkier like you like it chunkier mama it looks bigger all right all right very good let's go with this one here first then okay how does it smell ooh i smell a little bit of the chimichurri but then some others there's another type of smell well we're never gonna yeah you're gonna put more to maturity mama relax with the material i already don't like the smell what do you mean it smells amazing it smells phenomenal mama this is not living right i don't know we're gonna find out right now i'll tell you one thing to just let you know it is mystery meat mama if it's liver i'm gonna apologize to you guys in advance no mama it's not living it's not labor okay it's not labor okay very good all right enough talking cheers everybody i cannot stop laughing my mom oh i have the same reaction come on my mom ah it was hard to swallow my mom mama come back we're waiting for you come on put a little bit more chimichurri it tastes better i got so stuck on my teeth oh are you all right my mom you need some water [Laughter] it is uh i can't smell it on my breath now here here's the deal here's what i would say it's just very very strong what what happened my mom it's organ meat i can't tell you this i can't tell this it is it is it's it's not liver it doesn't have that acidic bitter kick the liver has but it's something pretty close i i think it's very strong for me and the smell puts me up i just put it in and i smell them again listen a lot of people eat this and they think it's a delicacy and it's wonderful oh they also mix this with regular meat like steak and stuff because it's kind of powerful i see that you're getting a lot of chimichurri to get that flavor out i got a beautiful steak from amazing just in case it didn't work you guys already know but uh is that better yeah is it better now i still have some and he still has the taste [Laughter] for me it's not as bad as it is for my mouth but it's uh it's pretty strong you probably love this and if you do i'm sorry that i don't like it but i don't like it here's the deal it's like one of those things that if you grew up eating it then it's okay to eat it you know what i'm saying but if it's your very first time trying it it's just very strong everybody it's extremely strong but this one it was done the traditional version and this one here is the suvi version so as you know suki makes it juicier mama perfectly cooked are you excited about it no she makes the flavor more concentrated yes [Laughter] who knows maybe so he made it better are you excited no what should you do mr emily would like be kind yeah i know right what's the fun of that they would not have fun with that mama i'm sure listen we do this so that you guys don't have to yeah listen do me a favor say mr meepikanya over there so i can get a break here suggestions on the comment below i am taking for the next mystery meet malmo says i said that you guys already seen that too many times all right let's go for the sous vide version because we have two mama you still have a lot of steak here left for you to give it a try so all for you enough talking cheers everybody cheers [Music] no no this one i'm out sorry everybody this one here what happens is it's juicier it's more tender it's more of a concentrated flavor mama's still wiping his tongue are you all right mom where do you have the tortillas i have it over there are you going to make a taco this is how you're making no no no no here let me give you the reveal check it out what it is oh the smell sorry please don't be offended i just can't stomach it yeah it's a very strong smell but um the taste is a wonderful one are you ready to find out what it is sure you sure i don't care it's kidney it's beef kidney if you get skin on the comment section everybody you got it right that's what it is it is very strong it has somebody have some uh how do you describe the flavor mama if you ever had organ meat it has the distinct yeah flavor and and that's what i don't like like i like a clean flavor you don't want some wagyu huh that's what you like huh yeah anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you ever eat beef kidney before let me know in the comments down below and if you like it and if i did it wrong and if i should have done it in any way different way just let me know if you do enjoy this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one let us know what else you want to be on the next mystery meet because mama is super excited see you guys in the next one take care everybody bye-bye you know what to do
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 561,271
Rating: 4.9169755 out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, beef kidney, delicacy, slow cooker, how to cook organ, meat, mystery meat, juicy and tender
Id: tlHcX2JC0XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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