Do Veggies make ROAST BEEF Better or Worse?..SURPRISING

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys today the roast beef experiment check it out whenever you mix vegetables with meat and you cook it traditionally it's always amazing it doesn't matter if you're braising pan frying or even grilling because the temperature is always high it allows the vegetables to break down and that's one of the reasons stocks tastes amazing you're breaking down all the vegetable and extracting all the flavor however with sous-vide it works completely different because you're not trying to extract flavors from the vegetables what you are trying to do is make your meat very flavorful and to do that we cook it at very low temperature now the interesting thing is when you cook everything in such low temperature the vegetables do not extract any flavor from them so this got me thinking about this experiment is it better to put vegetables in your bag when you're cooking for a long time or is that just gonna make it worst I've honestly never done any experiment like this and today we're gonna find out so let's do it and for today's cook I'm gonna be using this beautiful ground I know mean is this an amazing meat however one thing that it gots going for it is that it's cheap and we already know that soo V makes cheap cuts amazing that is a fact now here's a big tip never wash your meat always start off by extracting the juices open the bag up and Pat it dry you don't need to rinse it with water or anything like that it does not do you any good the only thing that it actually does it transmits bacteria to your sink especially with poetry so never wash your meat once I was done petting a dry this is what it looks like here's another interesting thing you see that little spot on the top just like a brisket whenever they're selling the I round they use hot water for it and ultimately what that means is that when they were doing the cryovac it got a little hot that right there with a few other parts must be trimmed and what I mean by that is this lose fat connective tissue silver skin they all gotta go and to do it it's pretty straightforward just grab your knife and work slowly try to take out the fat and connective tissue but leave the meat behind the slower you do it the more precise ER cuts will be just make sure your knife is sharp and once I was done trimming this is what your eye round should look like do not remove all the fat you wanna leave it at least a one inch thick on the top as we all know fat is flavor friends and the unfortunate thing about the I Ron is that it does not have that much to make this experiment valid I must cut it in half and when I did this is what I'm talking about there's no fat but now then we have two pieces one of them will be cooked with vegetables and the other one won't since they come from the exact piece of meat there is no variation one of the important things whenever you're cooking Suvi for a very long time is that you will not be able to see her after so even though I'm against pursuing steaks for roasts I definitely recommend it and to give it a nice fast pronounced sear the best way to do it is with a flame thrower so that's doing [Music] now that we finish it up with a seer the next thing to do is to season them and for that I kept it simple with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder this is a big chunk of meat make sure you season it well also don't forget to lay a tray on the bottom so you can catch all that seasoning you don't want to let that go to waste and that old saying which says that searing meat locks in juices is absolutely not true when I tell you that the salt will definitely penetrate it will but now that we got them seasoned it's time for our vegetables and I started off with a combination of yellow onions then of course we moved into salary and also carrots the only thing I try to keep in mind is to keep the vegetables all at the same size and whenever you're braising anything this is the most popular vegetables to use it's also called mirepoix and if you don't know about it one thing that you should is that it produces an amazing flavor just to take it to another level I'm also gonna be adding tomato paste whenever I'm braising something I always add it and it makes it taste amazing but now others left to do is to bag everything up and get ready for the water bath so after adding the meat I throw in the vegetables followed by the tomato paste vacuum packed everything up and they were ready I'll be cooking everything together in the same container at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours and I really can't wait to find out which one is gonna be best I got my beautiful meat cooked everybody at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit for a total of 24 hours that should give us a nice perfect medium-rare soft hopefully soft roast beef I can't wait to find out what its gonna taste like and I can't wait to find out if the vegetables have actually done anything because as I mentioned on the video before the temperature is not enough to extract all those flavors from those you know vegetables normally when you boil it you are able to extract because the temperature is high and everything just comes out on the broth but with this such a low temperature there's only one way to find out I say enough talking and let's take it out let's do it [Music] all right everybody there's a lot of things going on in here and I'm gonna try to explain as best as I can first of all this right here is the one with the vegetables this one here is the one without it when we open up the bag these are the amount of juices that were collected I could tell you right off the bat that the one without the vegetables had more juice I think what happened is some of the vegetables absorb those juices so we ended up with less juices on this one here and on top of that my vegetables are not cooked at all because of the low temperature nothing happened to the vegetables now they produce a little bit more flavor on the meat itself I'm not quite sure that the flavor penetrated into the meat at such a low temperature I have no idea and the only way to find out is to actually taste it another thing normally when you're making a sauce you actually put some water in it and let it reduce down so that you can get an amazing flavor with it there's no need to do that in this case we don't need to reduce these sauces right here why because there is nothing it's a hundred percent juices from the actual meat you can if you want to put some type of thickener such as like you know a cornstarch slurry or maybe a flour and thicken up the sauces but I really want to taste the sauce with its own taste without anything else to give you guys a nice fair review [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful roast beef what do you think mama roast beef roast beef Wow spend all the money on the while you spend all that money oh no wow there's no more money so we gotta do some real sweep no but at the same time I mean it's good you know yeah it's something for I know you're joking I know you want someone hit though he's like you know when you make a joke and then there's a little truth in the end that's what you're trying to do all right with all that being said why would you ever try to cook Suvi roast because of this everybody the juiciness that comes out of this thing is absolutely impressive and most importantly it's still medium rare in the middle you guys know it if there's one way to make an X in expensive cut of meat tastes good its whistle V absolutely I agree 100% perfect way to test em I challenge you to cook something medium rare and tender with this temperature with this darkness without sous-vide proof to me it's done it can be done you can it's humanly impossible I think we're talking a lot and start to try it Rio managed to go simple enough we want to see if there's any flavor did oh my god it is tender I can tell you that right now it is tender and that's why su v--'s perfect for this application ready one more thing all right all right cheers everybody that is extremely tender good little crust I can tell that you prettier this yeah put some nice char on that thing exactly what it's expected everybody easy to make it doesn't get any simpler than that okay second one you ready you went for another one oh you couldn't resist you were like Google's talking too much I'm just gonna go ahead and chop it up and there's absolutely nothing wrong all right second one everybody cheers everybody hmm it's a piece of the same state you think so yeah I think it's a little bit less flavorful mama I think it's a little bit diluted or something like that what do you think I think this one here without any vegetables who is more flavorful than this one your opinion you tell me you tell them what you think I was going to say it's a little bit maybe juice here but that it's part of the steak cannot really judge that I don't think it's juicy at all I think it's just deluded everybody's putting the vegetables it don't get me wrong all right let me just stop right there absolutely lower vegetables I'm not even close to my nephew angel yeah which is a real true vegetable hater I love vegetables but because it's such a low temperature what it did is it extracted the juices and it just put it on the vegetable itself so that it can drown itself on juices and took it away from the meat itself so if you ask me which one is better absolutely don't put anything inside of the bag but now I'm can't wait to find out if the actual juice is which one tastes matter I see you're going for a I'm trying to grab a carrot over here but the carrot is fighting back and it's hard try the carrot I bet you it's wrong you need to say nothing mama that crunch I hope you came through the camera set it out it's black of course you took all the juices away from the actual meat tomato nectar all because he has tomato paste now let's try the shoe itself yellow shoe time everybody Cheers all right right off the bat with the juices is a lot better right off the bat like there's no comparison at all that is amazing all right by the second one cheers everybody oh I don't like that oh I don't like that at all I thought that this was going to be better because you know yeah wow I think today and Joe is probably looking at this video and laughing he's like you see I talked to her Lucifer has not bad good for this application everybody I 100% recommend you're not putting any vegetables in the bag do you agree mom hi represent but I think I'm going to agree what I do that is surprisingly good yeah I know right only one way to find out if something works is for us to try it and we'll do the experiment for you so you don't have to everybody anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything's always on the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy buh-bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 627,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roast beef, sous vide, sous vide roast beef, how to cook roast beef, slow cook, tender, juicy, slow cooker, best roast beef recipe, how to make roast beef
Id: NAkWnmvZIT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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