The Loudest Sound In The Quietest Room

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this is the quietest room and this is the loudest we're going to be seeing what the loudest sound sounds like in each of these rooms I'm here at 3M who invited me to come check out their Innovation Center and show me around their campus but on site they have these two really cool rooms this one is called an anechoic chamber the walls floors and ceilings are designed to almost instantly absorb all the sound emitted so there's no reflection of sound at all so now okay that feels like my head is way more weird than I thought I feel like I'm like plugging my ears and talking it's just like such a big difference when you turn your head it's a big difference in a normal room it kind of doesn't matter whether you're facing the person or not I just thought it'd be a quiet room but it it like changes how you hear things like it's just it's almost like there's pressure yeah it really does feel like like I said like you're poking on holding your ears closed or something you know you hear like the silent being that saying the silence was deafening that's really it's just like it's almost like it's loud yeah the silence is loud it's like you are correct this room gets exceedingly loud inside my head in about two minutes then this room is called a reverberation chamber it's basically the opposite of the anechoic chamber it reflects almost all the sound that hits it so the point of this room is to make sure the sound gets reflected and so that you don't create standing waves they want to avoid standing waves so they have this mixer that turns around and bounces the sound waves off so that no standing waves can form and that's why these panels are up in the corner as well okay so I'm gonna start talking then I'm gonna walk away from the camera and you'll notice that as I keep talking it gets more and more muddled the further I get away from the camera until eventually I can hear what I'm saying the first regulator [Music] if you remember a while ago I made a video about the world's darkest room and I painted a room with Musso black the world's darkest paint that absorbed all the light that hit it then I made a room completely out of mirrors the anechoic chamber is the equivalent of the darkest room because it absorbs all the sound waves and the reverberation chamber is the equivalent of the mirror room because it reflects all the sound waves so as promised let's see what a few different sounds sound like in here okay first we're just going to try popping a balloon this is scary all right that is crazy like the actual Sound Energy isn't more it's just that it doesn't get absorbed anywhere so it just keeps going around you so it sounds much more just the sounds louder because it stays there okay now here's a balloon pop in the anechoic chamber it's just like Boop just like a little tiny pressure wave gone okay air horn whoa that goes a long time [Music] so I don't think you get to hear what the air horn sounds like because we broke it but come on okay so it still works now let's try the world's loudest sound what does that mean well I went and bought the world's loudest whistle this can get as loud as 142 decibels which sounds louder than a gunshot so I brought air protection with this whistle let's try it protection on loud go so you got it 120.5 it blows your face off it ends it just ends as soon as it's done yeah that's it there's nothing after so this would be somewhat equivalent to standing in a large empty field with nothing around you whatsoever any sound that you let out just disappears into the void only you can never really get rid of the ground that you're standing on in a big open field but in this chamber even the floor is absorbing so it's like floating in an empty void no sound gets back to you whatsoever so when you don't emit any sound this chamber is completely silent not only because no sound is reflected but also because it's completely isolated from the outside world now what would be so cool is to paint this room with Musso black so you have a room that absorbs all the light and also all the sound it'd be like you're floating in the void of space or something and I want to thank 3M for sponsoring this video I was blown away by the things that 3M showed me at their Innovation Center I couldn't believe how integrated 3M is into almost every product that we use on a regular basis from cell phones to roof tiles and medical equipment and even stop signs some of the technology they showed me I had never even heard of before this company is changing the world for the better and it was a pleasure to have a peek at the reach of their technology and Innovation hey we've got a problem we've got a balloon down there a little piece of balloon and we got to go down to this normally people don't go down here but there's some metal pieces you can walk on not the mash below if not you just fall into an abyss and you're never seen it could be the second people in human history to walk down here except for everyone who installed the panels you guys okay down there so that was way more of a process to get in here it's not just like a ladder yeah a ladder with two doors and thanks for watching another episode of the action lab and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 861,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anechoic chamber, quietest room, sensory deprivation, total silence, quietest room in the world, 3M, the action lab, loudest room
Id: EBClzOM_Lbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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