Making 1 GIANT Sticky Hand With 504 Little Hands

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in today's video we're gonna test the stickiness limit of those sticky hand toys to see just what they can do [Music] hey Nate uh-huh what did you do I bought sticky hands how many 540 so remember those math problems in elementary school where somebody buys a really ridiculous number of things yeah you are that person yeah that's probably true all right guys most of you have probably used some variation of these little sticky toy hands at some points in your life they're long they stretch they're sticky you can hit your co-workers with them they're a lot of fun they're I think most of the time now people get these as like prizes at arcades when they don't know what else to do with their tickets or something like that but we bought them on Amazon because I'm not don't drag me into this we as a joint team decided together to buy these on Amazon and because I'm not good enough at our Kaede games to win 500 sticky hands at a bowling alley 504 sticky hands at a bowling alley so I just bought a lot on Amazon because it's way cheaper and easier and today we're going to do some experiments with them we're gonna see just how sticky they are we're gonna see what happens to them if we heat them up if we freeze them if we put them in a vacuum chamber all our standard stuff and then I think we might try if they melt we're gonna try and melt them down and then see if we can pour that into just one large sticky hand here's the basic idea we have 504 sticky hands so we're gonna run a few basic tests do a few odd things with them and then see if we can make one giant stick and I think in the liquid nitrogen they're gonna freeze probably go over very solid and brittle a lot of rubbery things do that but it's not always consistent so the polymers that make up these sticky hands may not be affected by liquid nitrogen in the same way so also want to try it out as for the vacuum chamber I suspect nothing will happen what it's a bar or some micro bubbles in here that we just can't see it's gonna let us know as far as the nitrogen is concerned some rubbery things will go brittle and then they will shatter like rubber bands I am hoping that they don't know if they will I want to find out let's try this okay we've got a couple of liquid nitrogen well okay might think it gets hard and less stretchy you were right about that there's still time you can get it so we know that it freezes in liquid nitrogen when it does it loses all of its stretchiness and becomes a lot more brittle so that was making it very very cold I want to see what happens if we make it very very hot shocking already not even in the play minutes oh it's on fire also it's gonna drip fire Nate there's a fire quick quick quick [Music] okay vacuum chamber sticky hands do you think it's gonna do anything I'm hoping that they're gonna expand they're very soft so it's possible that just whatever's even even just the low pressure could make the material itself expand a little bit I don't think it's gonna be very big I'm gonna say no but I hope it is I'm going to say a little bit okay [Applause] [Music] I do think I see a couple of micro bubbles that formed or became visible they didn't do anything big they didn't expand a lot but I can see them now and I don't think they were there before but for the most part yeah not really any movement no visible change it's possible that when we let all the air out we'll be able to see them shrink back a little because that's a faster process but very little happened here there's nothing nothing in a vacuum chamber they light on fire when you get them with the torch they freeze to the point that they're very very brittle when you put them in liquid nitrogen well we've unwrapped like ten of them but that's still 495 short yes so we need to unwrap 494 [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've washed all these hands with warm soapy water rinse them off and now they're just on parchment paper and dry out because that way it doesn't stick too much there they're now dry and they're back to full stickiness maybe even more they kind of feel more sturdy than they were so I want to see if we can get all 500 to stick to this wall so we're just going to start grabbing them and throwing them on all right I mean one at a time [Music] more or less 500 sticky hands attached to the wall some of them have decided they just want to fall to the floor and stick to our shoes and stuff like that but for the most part the wall has I don't know this might be the most sticky hands that's ever been stuck to one wall at a time some of them stayed or just like no I'm good here and then someone were just like come on out I don't know I'm rolling I'm rolling so every once in a while ones will just start moving and sometimes they try and take others with them do you think you could stick to the wall with these no but I want to try I got it I didn't stick so fantastic I didn't really think I would stick but it was worth a try all right so we've stuck close to 500 we didn't get all of them some good fall what do you want to do next I want to see if we can combine them and by that I mean I'm pretty sure we can if we keep at a low temperature I think we can melt these down I don't see if we can melt them all into one blob maybe turn that into a giant sticky hand melt it and then pour it into the shape of a giant sticking hands and then we're just to each other just I think it will work a little bit better if we start with just a couple odd low heat remember the burning and the smoking and the fire the desk lid on fire that happened it's not too long ago we're trying for something a little different so we're just gonna start with a few and we're gonna add more as those first ones melt it has taken about three hours at very low temperatures but we finally have a pot full of all of our melted hands approximately five hundred hands say approximately because we burned one with frozen shattered one and we may have just misplaced one or two others in all the chaos but very close to a hundred now just one sticky goopy mess we're gonna pour it out on the counter I'm gonna be pouring it Callie's gonna be scraping out the pot and starting to shape it with the spatula this goes alright here goes ready I'm gonna start down here and make the hand at this end Oh oh no this isn't gonna shape as well as we might want it to what is it doing goopy well then I just better add more to it okay good plan that's a good hand yeah I think that's the hand shape we're getting [Music] this is one of the strangest things we have ever done is it though one of it is not necessarily the strangest but one of these three I'd like to know if anybody out there thinks we've done one of you save one what are what's stranger things we've done let us know this is not 100 percent cooled down but I think it's good enough to start doing stuff with pretty well how is this reacting so we've got our pot that's still just coated in all the the gelatin rubbery stuff that didn't pour out yep nonstick pot and this was making me so happy a minute ago I had to wait till the cameras back on huh it's like an unbreakable bubble so that's Nate's new face mask I have a Wonder Woman gauntlet we're doing great horror movie shot get this as I peel this off my face oh go go yep all of them look at this look at this stretch on this thing it's just like alright let's see freakin we're gonna have to go outside we've run out of kitchen outside okay so we're just gonna stretch at uh breaks we just get it yeah and then whoever it breaks toward dodge so it doesn't hit you yeah yeah oh they got you you didn't dodge [Music] the world's most giant is sticky hand and you're in front of the Playhouse so it makes it even better no I might have some grass in it now I'm just gonna let go so you can understand what I went through office Oertel tap so while we were researching how to do this and what we could do with 500 little sticky hands I actually contacted a company that makes some sticky hands and they're made by pretty much the same process they get this goop from the chemical factor that makes it and it's just in these big old blobs they then melt it down and put it into the little hand molds I actually tried to buy some of just the blobs before they melt them down and cast them unfortunately two or three different companies told me that that's not something they can do which was very disappointing because I was hoping it just by like 50 pounds of it all once in one blob this was just still very fun and quite satisfying to play on the shoulder good job I feel honored you should I feel touched touch gives a head I'm leaving guys craving more king of random click right there to see our last video we'll see you the next one [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 5,550,997
Rating: 4.8350425 out of 5
Keywords: sticky hands, how to make sticky hands, scale it up, giant sticky hand, arcade prizes, collins key, random happens, tkor, thekingofrandom, grant thompson, slime challenge, gummy challenge, giant pen, giant slime, challenge video, giant sticky hands, make sticky hand sticky again, how to clean off a sticky hand, can you escape a giant glue trap, what can you stick with a giant sticky hand, why are sticky hands, sticky hands wing chun, melting sticky hands
Id: q6HeZi70vYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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