Filling a Pool with Popcorn

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In today's video, we are going to try and find the most extreme way to season as much popcorn as we possibly can. [Music] Guys, awhile back, I had a roommate who restored an old VW van, and he did a lot of painting on it with a gun very similar to this. It's pretty neat. It sprays out quite a bit of paint, and distributes it nice and smoothly better than your average spray paint can, and I was a little bit curious what else it might be able to spray. And I got to say that what I landed on is I was curious if it could spray butter, liquefied melted down butter. I don't know why I thought that would be a good plan. But I wanted to try it. But it's gonna be so much butter. It's gonna be so much butter, and I thought what do we need that much butter for. There's only one answer. There is. The answer is that we need a lot of popcorn. So we're going to try that. We've got salt. How should we attach the salt? We're using the butter gun? Maybe A salt gun? This is called The Bug Assault. It's literally made for shooting bugs. So we're going to be making a ton of popcorn. We don't have a bowl big enough to put this in. I don't think they make bowls big enough for this in. But we did find something. That's right. A 5-foot kiddie pool. We're going to be popping our popcorn straight off the counter here down to the pool, and once it's full, we're going to see what we can do about spraying out some butter, and shooting it with salt. Here's the basic idea. We have got a paint sprayer. We have got a bug assault rifle, and we have got a lot of popcorn. Let's see how we can combine these three things. So for anyone who's never seen how a Bug Assault works, it's kind of like this. I can do this. There we go. It just sort of peppers the surface with salt. Or in the case of a bug... But for popcorn, this should be perfect. This is a hot air popper. You pour popcorn in, and it blows hot air surrounding the kernels. It's not enough pressure in the hot air to blow the kernels out until they pop. Once it gets hot enough, the popcorn kernels pop, and then the moving air lifts the popped kernels with the lower density up out, and it flows normally into a bowl, but we're using pool on the floor. [Music] So we started, and we went through four of these containers. Six. >> There's-- >> Six. We went through six of these containers in like a half hour. Each of these is two pounds. So we had 12 pounds of uncooked popcorn, and that wasn't nearly enough not nearly. Not nearly. So after a quick run to the store, we have 16 more pounds of popcorn. 16 pounds of popcorn. >> I think this-- >> 2 new poppers. Probably excessive. One of our air poppers burned out. So we had to get a replacement one, and then while we're getting a replacement, and then we also got an additional one. So now we're up to five, having already burned one out. So we're hoping that three pounds of butter is enough. Back to popping. Yeah. Pop! [Music] All right. As an update, we've... We've now run out of popcorn again. Fortunately, our pool is pretty quick. >> This is-- >> 28 pounds. 28 pounds unpopped of popcorn. And yeah, we have-- We've kind of filled our kiddie pool. It's fun to see the difference. We have the yellow popcorn that we started with, and the white popcorn that we moved to once it ran out of yellow popcorn. There's like this color divide. Yeah. You can clearly see when we started using the white. Let's mix this together a little bit. It all tastes about the same. It does. All right, go for it Nate. Go. There's a warning on the pool that diving could result in paralysis. So, this is going to be a slow dive. Just carefully dive. I'm just gonna sort of wade my way in. Now, what? That's going well. Hey, there we go. It spilled. I'm sorry. There we go. That's good. It's kind of warm in here too. How you doing, Nate? Kind of popcorn -y. A bit. [Music] What is this? It is my popcorn pool. Do you sit in it? Do you eat it? Sitting it, eat it. Sitting it and eat it. There's no wrong way to use a popcorn pool. This is gonna go well. I'm just gonna... Yep, and now just sort of shimmy. There it is. There it is. It's kind of plain. Yeah. I need salt. Yeah. It's not gonna stick. No. I think it needs butter. Here you go. Thanks. Spill some of this on. Popcorn angels. Have you guys ever seen that lizard or the spider that just like... wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle into the sand? It works guys. [Music] Okay, here we go. We're going to start putting butter into our paint sprayer now. Hope this is works. I've never tried spraying butter from a paint sprayer before. >> I don't know if anyone has. >> I don't know if anyone ever has. I've had this thing in like hot water to try and heat it all up because I don't want the butter to start solidifying, when it starts like spraying out, and there's going to be fairly cool air coming out of that. So hopefully, we'll get some good sprays of butter. Oh my gosh. That is filling the room with butter. We're going to change this up a little bit. We're going to try and get this pool outside in the winter to spray it with butter. [Music] Okay, we good. Crushed it. Crushed it. It already smells good. Yep. [Music] It's gonna be a nice coating of butter. [Music] While you're doing that, I think it's time to start salting. So... Yep. Yeah, do it. Salt away. Just one piece of popcorn ping. Yep. In three days, this will be done. [Music] And stir. Here, you stir, I'll go pop it with salt. The bug assault is fun. For a very small amount. It's not the highest volume. Okay, let's just a give it a test. Needs a little more. Ow. Perfect. [Music] How did-- That was-- Oh, I got lots of them out in the pool. [Music] I have to burn all of my clothes now. Hang on. Let me see if I can... If I can get the bottom. This is what I did not want on my jeans. So we destroyed the entire studio, and I thought there was something stuck to the bottom of my shoe. So I've been tracking this surround. This is just packed butter. Nate. Nate, check the bottoms of your shoes. Oh, no. [Music] So that's your side now. Guys, The King of Random spy scope kit is available. Click the link in the description to get yours now. Guys, that's not all. You know we've always got more for you to see. That box up at the top will take you to our latest video, and that box at the bottom is what YouTube thinks you should be watching next. Hit his bomb here in the middle. You will be subscribed to the channel. That way, you'll never gonna miss out on a cool video. Don't forget to ring that bell so you get notified about it, and we'll see you next one. Talk to you then.
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 1,223,595
Rating: 4.8173923 out of 5
Keywords: popcorn, inflatable pool, popcorn pool, popcorn in our pool, pool, vlog, challenge, funny, comedy, butter spray, butter sprayer, butter sprayer for popcorn, butter spray for popcorn, butter, science, shark tank, tech, innovation, cooking, pool challenge, funny videos, science experiment, what happens when, random experiment, popcorn time, inflatable pool setup, butter sprayer shark tank, biem butter spray, biem butter sprayer review, biem shark tank
Id: -O4v_Z0YNu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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