Can You Farm 1,000,000 Bamboo in 24 Hours?

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this is bamboo and up until this point bamboo has been pretty lame so thankfully when this 120 update comes out bamboo is gonna have its own wood type and since it's the fastest growing plant in Minecraft bamboo is powerful so when I saw this YouTube video of Farming 1 million melons in 100 days I wanted to push Bamboo's limits and see if I can plant some million in only 24 hours the first hour was a breeze as soon as I spawned in I noticed a jungle is that no shot what are the odds I see it so all I need to do is this spin boom all right we got everything we need with this one bamboo I was ready to conquer the world but not quite yet I needed to get a few things so I can ensure my survival and so I may have robbed a few Villages of all of their resources I feel like this is like their holy tree it's gone now and I'm leaving I don't care but it's for a good cause so after being an absolute Minecraft villain I needed to find a home base this is so I could finally plant my ZaZa I mean my bamboo that's when I stumbled by this neat little village oh this is a big Village okay this actually might be home base is a pretty big Village it was time to get straight to business I quickly made a trading hall and then I finally planted my first bamboo and boom let's go I finally planted one bamboo this is exciting because I'm officially one hour in and now that I have one bamboo down I am currently this far away from completing my goal yikes you see I only grabbed one bamboo so y'all could witness why bamboo is so powerful when you plant one bamboo it grows anywhere from 12 to 16 lengths tall you break those plant them they grow another 12 Lane and you can start seeing how exponentially fast all of this will grow to start the second hour I had my first early life crisis I realized this Village was on a tiny Island and I don't know about you I don't see a convenient place for a million bamboo so I decided to make this the new home base which is gonna suck this place is so much better because it lives on a plains biome which means a lot of flat open land and in this situation where time equals Bam Bam we need to optimize Time by using the world around us rather than forcing myself to try to make something work plus I ran into these guys and they're pretty convincing oh there's a bee there's a bees okay I'm moving specifically for the bees I just love the Beast so much me the bees are the same for real we just we're both Grinders you know all right I'm convinced we need to make the move so my first plan was to break the news to the new villagers hey man remember when I just pillaged all your stuff and stole everything and killed your iron golem and then I think I killed him again because you spawned them back in and then I also took all the wood yeah I'm gonna live with you guys now it went well they took it greatly so now that we have that figured out we still need to move over some villagers because there's only two here for some reason I'll be back for you land here's my Village it's not that far it's really not you can see both ends from here the experience wasn't the best at first all right I'm realizing how many people I put over here it's a pool day guys pool day everybody all right let's start with my first passenger here I just want to get a few well this backfired is backfired and the kid's dying right stay right there pal you better not see anything happen to you while I'm gone but in no time I ended up getting four villagers moved over just light this up so we can have a somewhat easy pathway with no mobs around hopefully by the end of the night I ended up with only two villagers left this happened because the first villager I tried moving just ran away he didn't care he just left and immediately after that I saw a zombie villager just wandering around so I decided to put him in a boat and once I got back to the boats I saw a disaster a zombie killed one villager and turned the other two into zombies I was devastated to say the least honestly I'm not too mad about this so the only actual villagers I had left were the original two that were already here from the start the rest can be safely turned into villagers at any point and there's also one that escaped The Matrix to live their own life hour three was already here but thankfully during all that chaos a stack and a half a bamboo grew all right that was pretty worth it while I got the bamboo I also got the rest of the beds and some wood from the houses so there's my guy living out on his own he's living the solo life yeah he's doing good I'm not worried about him I never saw him again so as soon as I got back I quickly made the trading farm so I can start focusing on the bamboo because now that we're three hours in we should have roughly 83 000 we're at 107. oh yes let's plant that bamboo golly I can't waste any time and for the next two hours I went back and forth between Mining and planting bamboo they grow up so fast that is a lot of bamboo in such a short amount of time but we need more it's time we take this all down rest in peace to my FPS and it's actually pretty crazy because I went from 10 000 to 48 000 bamboo nearly 50 000 bamboo that's actually wild granted we should be at 250 000. so my original plan was to build automated Farms but that's just not gonna happen but there are plenty of ways to optimize like building a giant flat platform so we can mine out the bamboo a little easier so here's the plan I did the calculations if we make it 40 blocks wide by 208 blocks long that should be about a hundred thousand bamboo so we would only theoretically need to do it about nine times so with the new plan set it was time to grind but first there was one crucial thing I needed to do all right before I accidentally block them in I should probably grab these guys this bee and his friend are the bees that motivated me to move in the first place oh there's a b okay I'm moving specifically for the bees I just love the bees so much so to save them I had to relocate them so welcome my new best friends and the other guy because I I don't have another name tag for him all right I finally filled in everything I'm gonna take all of this bamboo down and then start planting and do the whole thing I'm scared but I'm excited all right we're about to hit the 10 hour mark not even halfway let's see how much bamboo we fully have at 10 hours we have almost 70 000 bamboo that's not even close to the 500k we need to be in like two hours I didn't have time to mess around so I started planting immediately [Music] foreign [Music] the whole thing is finally completed and it looks like this side's fully grown so I literally just finished Planters now time to start taking it down the process of taking down this bamboo suck because the bamboo fills my inventory so fast I have to break it in very tiny sections so the extra bamboo doesn't despawn and after roughly 30 minutes this is how far I got now you can see we're basically still at the beginning of this but in that time we are currently at 109 000. what do you want ooh slime balls oh actually I come here man let's have a chat although he really interrupted me he gave me an idea that was gonna speed up my whole process you see to build an automated bamboo Farm I just simply didn't have enough time but for a semi-automatic Farm I can make that work so now that I have five slime balls and the help of and the other guy we're gonna Farm honey so we can make multiple flying machines and it could just break everything all at once but first we need to farm a lot of honey and that's where my pals over here are gonna help out except I'm gonna need a lot more Pals so we're gonna go on a hunt for more Pals a flying machine's pretty cool because you could fly anywhere around your Minecraft world and it's pretty simple to make and in my case it happens to break bamboo which is perfect because I don't have to mine it out myself and thankfully all the materials I now need are slime balls and honey blondes okay so this Farm's really small and I could extend it eventually but I didn't have enough beehives as you could see so we're just gonna see how long it's gonna take to get some blocks we've already gotten two so yeah we'll get back to the Grind of just taking all this bamboo out we're currently halfway let's go I was so confused what I said 0.5 now I just have to wait for these bees to produce honey and in that time I have to manually remove all of this bamboo which took a lot longer than I thought because once I break the bamboo I have to pick it up run all the way across put it away in a chest repeat those steps about a hundred more times and then replant all of this bamboo it genuinely took two hours to do this I'm not even kidding and the worst part is after those two hours is when I finally realized I built the B Machine wrong so after collecting six more beehives I finally updated the machine and we were officially in business the bee business all right we're roughly 14 hours in and I just now realized I made the farm wrong but I fixed it now and it's starting to make honey so I wasted like an hour or two but I could have been collecting honey that whole time kind of unfortunate now we can move in the other bees because I have a bunch of extra we are progressing on the honey blocks pretty fast now so we have nine total bees nests these guys are going crazy over here 14 hours in currently at 200 000. we're starting to pick up some speed here which is good but we also have 10 hours to get 800 000 more bamboo so I need to hustle I can't be wasting no more time we just gotta find out the fastest way to do it eight more times because this sucks after planting the rest of the bamboo I finally had enough honey to build a flying machine but first I needed a test in creative mode so I don't waste any time trying to figure out how to build one this funky looking system is gonna be our method because it seems like it's our only option with the with the materials we have but it's still effective it still does its job so while I make this one I can easily just make like three or four more next to it and then send them off all at once and then it'll just break the the bamboo instantly and it'll save me so much time breaking okay I think I completely built this correctly all right it is time in three I'm so scared oh wait now we get it going Why didn't it work oh look at this look at my cilia this is scary because this is the very first machine actually built and if it's not effective I wasted so much time all right now it should be good there it goes oh it's lagging so bad but it's okay it's working so well okay my first inventory is full gotta run through go go go oh we're full again and then go back to the Machine Stop okay did grab all of that oh look at all the stacks up here it brings a lot with it this seems pretty effective I already know now that if I had all these Go at once that I would not be able to pick it up in time this is actually this is progress this is really good I picked up 10 000 bamboo in like a few minutes this this is a step in the right direction honestly not bad what you want oh he dropped the carrot we don't with carry a gang with bamboo gang bro pulled up with the wrong affiliation now that I got rid of my Ops I still need a lot more honey but all I could do was wait so for the next few hours I spent my time building a horrible sorting system but I was still pretty productive because I sent my single flying machine out a few times while creating even more flying machines as I got more honey let's see if bmo's out today it's no that's Gotta Be You playing around in the bamboo uh sorry that's not that's awkward but my Pal's doing fine it was kind of weird that I hadn't seen in quite a while but honestly I just didn't have enough time to look for him because now that all the flying machines are done I need to make a bunch more chests like a lot a lot more thought I made enough I'm realizing I'm not even close so I'm gonna just get ridiculous get a little funky and just start placing chess wherever I can because when million bamboo is a lot more bamboo than I I anticipated sadly I did not get ridiculous nor funky when placing these chests but this might be the best sorting system I've ever made I should have made this system in the first place this is genius normally I would go to YouTube for these type of things but this time I'm gonna take credit I did this randomly all right we're basically ready for action because essentially all I want to do for the next few hours is send these machines off plant send the machines off plant send the machines off plant because we gotta we gotta really put our head down and grind here so we're gonna start on the edges do two at a time and go now we gotta send this one things are going very well with the first two I was doing my normal thing picking up putting away the bamboo and then once we got to the second and third machine I realized I made a pretty bad mistake because I replanted the first two lanes I couldn't cut across those Lanes to put the bamboo in the chest so I had to go all the way down to my sorting system causing me to lose a lot of bamboo oh it's despawning it's all despawning it's despawning in front of my eyes no it's gone it's all gone oh my God I don't know how much I lost uh that was kind of devastating we're getting optimized and we're figuring it out but man that was a devastating loss oh quite a lot of bamboo we lost that was pretty bad so I immediately started building a new storage system on the other side so now it's a little faster putting away bamboo depending on where I'm at this can essentially hold half a mil this can hold about 300K the other end can hold about 300K so imagine we filled all of these chests that alone would be a mill but I don't even know how many chests here and honestly I don't care enough to count but most of these are full of bamboo some of them are empty but look pretty crazy so let's just send this on the way now that we're prepared with chests now and hopefully things won't despawn we can send this off so I was grabbing this bamboo bmo's disappearance all of a sudden made sense all right I think I know what's making mad since we have obviously plenty of honey we don't even need this much honey anymore I think it's time we let these bees free [Music] all right you guys are supposed to fly away this was supposed to be a moment all right one second I'll be back there they go it generally somehow worked because after not seeing bibo for hours he finally showed up oh my God it's been so long since I've seen you pal here take that oh my God and I don't have very much longer I don't know why I spent so much time on this actually I should probably go finish this bamboo but you do you bibo yes I'm not sure why I was so emotional over a pixelated B probably because I hadn't slept in 20 hours but it gave me the exact motivation I needed to strive for my goal now that it repaired my relationship with it's time we finish this we finish this for good although it looked like we were making a lot of progress we were still really far behind but thankfully there was absolutely zero distractions left and so with five hours left I just need this much bamboo to complete my goal and I'm not gonna check my stats once until the very end always no time here just go all right we just hit the 22 hour mark not gonna check my items but we are at the 22 hour mark I will say that and guess what time since last death 0.92 that either means I died as soon as I spawned in or I didn't die at all I'll let you all think about that real closely I think I'm gonna hear this sound forever this is the sound my sleep paralysis demon make at 4am after doing the same thing for essentially 22 hours straight I got a little bored and it was very easy for me to get distracted I mean look at this if you guys are curious what music I listen to while I do all of this I'll tell you I'll give you the secret behind closed doors it's SpongeBob's greatest hits I mean that's the only thing you can play right bro got a business meeting to attend [Music] oh all right honestly it's crazy I haven't done this yet so but it's time I literally have so much bamboo but I've never made these bamboo blocks oh that's pretty cool I got an idea I want to test out real quick here it is oh it's so hard to tell what that is um all right that's a throw you could barely tell but it's a throne made of bamboo okay I tried I don't know what you want from me man it looks kind of cool right you could just sit here look at stuff like the bamboo pretty cool all the bees I know I said I wasn't gonna get distracted but it was too late because we already hit a day full 24 hours has been hit all right before I see how much bamboo I have I want to do one thing you're coming with come on come on pal wants a flower I'll just bring this with [Music] come on Bemo so all I need to do is this and boom let's go I finally planted one bamboo so to save them I had to relocate them so welcome my new best friends and the other guy [Music] what you want oh he's about to carry we don't care again we're bamboo game all right we're at the top of the mountain overlooking all the bamboo I spent the last 24 hours on with my pal here and we're gonna see how much bamboo I officially have if it's not a million I'm gonna be so sad and oh my God it's so hard to see but it says one million I did it oh my God that's how you know no one's meant to have a million of anything in this game it just overlaps the number oh my God and it's literally only been a day as you could see time played one day Bebo we did it we did come back go back come back all right I'm done I'm done with bamboo for probably ever leave like a sub
Channel: gismo
Views: 3,963,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gismo, yt gismo, minecraft funny moments, minecraft hardcore, can you farm 1000000 bamboo in 24 hours, 1000000 bamboo minecraft, 1.20 minecraft, can you farm 1000000 melons in 100 days, can you farm 1000000 bamboo in 100 days, i farmed 1000000 bamboo in 24 hours, 1000000 bamboo minecraft challenge, 50000 bamboo minecraft, 100000 bamboo minecraft, 10000 bamboo minecraft, 24 hours in minecraft, gismo 1000000 bamboo, gismo bamboo, gismo bamboo minecraft
Id: mucXFSSX9lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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