I Turned a Trial Chamber into a Redstone Machine

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today I'm going to build an automatic storage system that can store more than 10 million items oh my hecking goodness that's a lot of hecking items and I'm going to build this monster of a storage system inside this new Trail chamber base that I'm building to build this I'm going to need tons of iron Redstone wood and other stuff and that means that I'm going to have to go and upgrade Some Farms build some new ones and yes I'm going to have to get quite a lot done for this to start with I'm going to head over to my witch Farm because while this witch Farm produces lots of Redstone it could produce even more if I just tweak it a bit all I need is some Soul Sand some Kel some glass let's Place water up the top here build some tubes to transport the witches in now let's place our soul sand and our kelpy kelp and let's connect our water and hopefully it'll work now oh my gosh it's freaking working yes oh my gosh and now my looting three sword makes this Farm heaps more efficient oh dear some of them are getting stuck up the top that's not very good I better fix that that should do it here she comes just seeing them Elevate all the way to the top and then they just fall goodbye I installed a piston that makes it so that they die instantly when they fall in theory oh no okay they don't die straight away dang it I did the maths wrong okay I've made it so the drop is bigger so let's just see what happens when they fall now hopefully they die of fall damage oh no oh no they don't die of fall damage still what the heck these guys are tough well I guess I'll just have to keep them dying from entity cramming if they fall down all the way let's see how this goes okay cool so now it's automatic now while we let this witch Farm Brew I'm going to build an iron farm just somewhere down there because my iron farm back at home produces something like 300 iron per hour whereas this other one that I found on the internet gives me 4,500 per hour and I need like 16,000 irons so yes these are all the items I need for this Farm how about we go ahead and go and M this thing so I'm just going to go ahead and build it right next to my witch farm so that I can AFK iron and Redstone at the same time just need to make sure I have a clear enough space for it because it's quite a beefy iron farm there we go let's Place some blocks here and let's mine some blocks here Place some stairs here some blocks here some fancy fenes here let's freak let's fill this bad boy in now let's build a hole of death who the freak are you now let's Place some chests now let's Place some blue signs that'll get them let's place our hot sauce and some glassy glass now I need to place a bunch of stairs and blocks and all that jazz now let's fill in some water here well this is a peculiar situation I just fell inside the lava hole ah yes uh let's just not think about how I could have died just now anyway that's the structure of the farm done now I need to do the best part and get myself a freak of a lot of villagers to power it so if we just lay out a bunch of boats for all of our villagers to go in trap them in here and we just need to get ourselves a whole truckload of villagers everyone heading to the nether where you will live peacefully I promise okay so I believe they should all be in the nether oh my gosh what's going to happen are they all just going to suffocate and die oh my yep they are all here everyone be free go freely sit in the boat of your choice oh my gosh this is hilarious no you're killing your friend get in a boat oh well uh there there you go bro no what are you doing everyone come this way I'm about to take you guys for the ride of your life okay everyone this is going to be freaking ridiculous come with me come my friends uh yeah they just keep falling off so I'm just going to have to go a few at a time what if um I just fly up like this and we will rise to the Overworld all right are you guys ready and then I just let's just fly heck yes let's go oh my gosh yes this is ridiculous and I love it congratulations you're the only Survivor for that trip how do you feel all right we are all here this is ridiculous now I'm just going to build a nice big bridge right above each chamber that the villag is going to go in and now I guess I got to supply drop all the villagers into their cages why are we over here now bro what did you do I guess I'll just break this portal and adjust the position of this one let's see how we go here okay much better all right guys just steadily follow me on this bridge if I drop them in the wrong point they're going to fall into the lava so I didn't really think this through did I but oh well let's just give it a go see you later oh boy oh boy I may have screwed this up go in you imbecile yes okay good what a comfortable place to sleep right like an inch underneath a block of glass you can now be named frod Rick oh um hi sir freck you can uh just stay down that way yes looks like that part of the farm is working swimmingly get it cuz the Iron Golems are swimming to their death why you staring at me like that okay this is working beautifully we are getting so much iron from all this so now while I work away at getting myself a bunch of redstone I'll be getting a ton of iron in the background as well I've just gone and upgraded the sorting system so we've got an automatic iron ingot chest here and then all of the Roses will fall into the lava and die and I know I could turn it into bone meal but I've got way better bone meal sources than this now all I have to do is just sit up here and kill witches while the iron farm below collects tons of iron for me and I just need to do that for like 5 hours straight so yes my life is amazing now because my life situation is pretty crazy at the moment I essentially just left my PC running while I went about my day looking after my daughter We Had the Time of Our Lives while witches and iron golems were dying in my office whenever I got the chance I worked towards buffing and extending my iron farm so that it would be more efficient and it turned out that the Redstone Farm was a bit too good because it kept clogging itself up with redstone then I accidentally left my PC on when I went out to visit my parents so when I came home I had more than enough iron for the 3,000 plus Hoppers that I needed but that's kind of thanks to me being really stupid and leaving my PC on while I wasn't at home I've also got like more than I don't know 10 times the amount of red stone that I need so I didn't even need to upgrade my witch Farm in the end all right we've got our Redstone we've got our iron we've got lots of trial chamber Copper from previous times and well the last thing I need to Heap Sol is I need freaking eight Sher boxes of logs for chests that is a lot of logs but thankfully I've got an automatic wood blowy upper flick grab myself some saplings and grow them underneath this TNT it is that simple and extremely boring for me but the bordedom is worth it cuz it means that I don't have to sort through my items because I'm going to have a mega storage system we have successfully filled up more than half of the Sher boxes we need for this but my brain is dying and I need socialization so I'm going to get some friends to help me do the rest of this job all right it's a dark and stormy night and inside the camel we got ourselves some strange strange people greetings humans I'll just stand in this corner welcome I don't know if you are humans you're a polar bear and you're a white alien thing but welcome to my world humans you know what I don't I've never actually questioned what I am gentlemen gentlemen how about we go off and fly this Sunset direction to go to a spruce Forest Y where there's giant trees for us to chop and get tons and tons of wood heck yeah just pick a tree land on it and then chop it down my friends let's go it's going to be freaking awesome heck yeah the three of us managed to gather more than enough logs for my new base well at least monacle and I did Nafi was just in his own world I don't know what he was doing at one point I caught him going around collecting mushrooms and Ferns and while he was chopping trees he just took breaks to dance and then when it came to night time he just refused to sleep the sun setting guys so head back to the beds I don't want it I'm not tired I'm awake n we're going to get blown up and die good after we all filled more than enough shulker boxes my friends logged off and I returned back to my project let us place our loggies and well I guess I need to craft a whole lot of these and turn them into chests and Hoppers so that's cool I guess before I go and build all my chests and Hoppers I should probably make the platforms that all the chests and Hoppers are going to go onto okay so this is going to extend all the way around this wall we're going to have so many chests oh my gosh but let's just get into it I'm going to make a border and then I'll show you how that looks Rick I made a hecking mistake so let's try that again I made another mistake okay I can officially not make any mistakes unless I am that ludicrous all I got to do is fill in this hole with copper grates it'll be great okay all right so I've got this platform done and this platform done but unfortunately not this platform because I've freaking run out of waxed copper grates I don't know what my maths was but apparently it wasn't so I'm going to have to go and get some more like honeycomb and stuff I hope that I've got a honeycomb Farm I don't know let's go ahead and have a look I know that I've got a bee farm back here but did I ever put shears in it to turn it into a honeycomb farm please tell me I did yes oh my gosh that is amazing whenever the freak I did that which I have no idea when I did thank you past me oh that is incredibly satisfying it looks there like I've got two much honeycomb actually oh my gosh just need to go beep and Bop and Bam a waxed copper block just like that easy hopefully I'll have enough for the entire build I have no idea though because my math has been bad for the copper grates let's keep going what we would let's keep doing what we were [Music] doing I definitely didn't do the maths right and I definitely need to get more copper but I'll just use what I've got now and then worry about that in the future so let's just keep on [Music] placing I'm all out of copper so that kind of sucks I mean technically I've got cut copper but yeah that can't turn into copper grates so let's see I did mine a lot of copper when I was mining out the giant hole of Justice let's see if I've got any left here for me to turn into freaking copper okay this is all of the copper I found in all of my chests so yeah I think I'm going to have to mine another trial chamber man all right we're here in a trial chamber I guess I'm going to mine the freak out of this thing wait a heck I mean sick why the heck and Shrek is this cactus a tree okay [Music] then all right we've got plenty of copper now I can't run out possibly ever again probably I will one day but at the moment I'm good let's cut up a bunch of this copper into grates and let's grate this place like we grate cheese [Music] all right we've got three shelves down there now but problem is when I turn off my full bright mod it is quite dark and depressing so let's grab some copper and let's get some lant nties let's craft some copper lightning rods and let's make some nice Lanning sticks that looks much better now let's do what I've been procrastinating doing for a while and that is opening these floating vault of justice and now I can mine them yay this is taking a long time come [Music] on oh my gosh that kind of gave me a jump steer feels like I deserve XP from that now I have to just do that several more times yay might as freaking well try and get some ominous trial Keys am I right yay what do we get from this bad boy oh yeah very nice feels illegal to mine this but I will now let us craft up heaps of polished stuff and let's lay down some blocks to then put some redstone on top of okay I've done the first layer of all of the foundations and stuff now I'm going to lay down some repeaters but first I'm going to have to craft all of them freak I forgot about that just does not make any sense to me why you're going get one frill and torch from crafting up the freaking redstone torch whereas with coal you get four torches because then Redstone repeaters are so freaking expensive too like oh my gosh don't even get me started on comparators that's three freaking torches per comparator that's a lot I really need to set up a freaking piglin trading hole so I can get more quartz easier okay that is all of that crafting of redstone done now let's Place some places blocks repeaters that's what they are freak I did my maths wrong and I still need like multiple stacks of repeaters red stone and freaking comparators and freaking Redstone torches and freaking everything okay back to what I was [Music] doing okay now that all of these tough bricks and blocks have been place I'm ready to start placing down tons of redstone and comparators and [Music] shars now I need to place torches finally all of the Redstone has been placed but now I need to place the freaking Hoppers and chests which is also going to take a long time but let's do it but first I need to place down a couple of copper grates as in like a whole lot of copper freaking heck whole lot of copper grates because well I need to point Hoppers into these grates and I'm also going to put item frames on them to display what item goes where this base is going to probably break my PC with the [Music] lag okay now I'm ready to start crafting the heck out of my [Music] Hoppers I just realized I've done my maths wrong once again you see I thought that like I needed 3,000 Hoppers but it turns out I need 5,000 so yeah thankfully I do have a bunch of iron in my beacon box so maybe that'll be enough okay freak I still need a whole lot of iron back to the back to the ironing board I guess all righty I've been AFK for a fair while and yes we've got a lot of iron once again let us craft the final Hoppers of Justice now that I've got a whole lot of Hoppers I need to figure out kind of like a a train of Hoppers that are going to go all the way around all the way through the entire system to make sure that they can reach every chest okay I think I know where I'm going placing a whole lot of rppers hop rppers Hoppers yes well freak I just realized I made a mistake and it means I either need to mine all of The Hoppers that I've just placed or I mine all of this contraption and just move it one block up which I prefer the second option there we go that wasn't too hard was it so now that I've gotten to this point I need to build like a little tunnel for The Hoppers underneath the ground to then eventually make its way up here to connect to this final top shelf try and like flat in there yes okay very good and now I need to dig through just make a nice little tunnel have a nice chain of Hoppers hidden under the ground where only I will know they are there can I make it through this tiny little Gap here okay cool I didn't die that's a plus okay that is the chain of Hoppers now I think to test this out I'm going to send out a piece of granite and hopefully at the bottom of the chain it will make its way down there but it's going to take a long time to get there so I guess while I wait I might as well do some crafting awesome the granite made it all the way down to the bottom of the chain we have successfully chained things up now before I go and do anything else I would really like to make like this room where I can dump my items and in this room I'm going to build something called a shulker box unloader which basically makes it so that when I place a bunch of shoger boxes in a chest it will unload all of them for me and then give me the Shuler boxes back in a different chest and all of the other items that are from the Sher boxes will go through the automatic story system and maths and Science and yay it works let's see if this contraption works so it should be emptying some stuff into here yes the beacons and then the Shar box should end up in there let's see and heck yeah it works now I just need to connect all this up to our Hopper chain now all I've got to do to complete the automatic storage system of justice is I need to place down the rest of the Hoppers and the rest of the chests I'm also going to place down some barrels because that saves resources and it also saves gives lag I don't mind using barrels for the items that I don't have many much of I just realized been placing them sideways and while that does not actually matter it does matter because I want it to look cooler than that ah freak I just realized I screwed something up I meant to put another layer of freaking biscuits like chests and stuff on the bottom of this like under this shelf so uh I'm so freaking sick of not having a freaking quartz oh my goodness I should really just build a piglin trading Hall but also I really can't be bothered doing that because I build so many other redstone things in this video which is really fun and all but you know there's only so much Redstone that I want to build in one video and yeah I just want to freaking get this epic quartz I just I just I just do it another day another day and then another day I'll one day do it one day I'll build a quartz Farm in the future I'm sure of it I maybe might one day build one okay now the truly devastating thing about this mistake that I've made is I I'm going to have to mine all or most of the Hoppers that I just placed that's right every single one it's either that or waste more Hoppers making another chain and just more complication and yes it yeah I'm I'm quite annoyed about this but it's just the way it's going to have to be I guess all right that is all of the new Hoppers Let's test and see uh hopefully it all works so we're going to put one wind charge in see if that makes it all the way down to the bottom of the existence it should make it into this Hopper and while we wait for that I might as well Place some chests down I just realized this whole video is just filled with mistakes because I placed all of these Redstone torches in the complete wrong spot yay for me I have to place all of them all over again what is my life oh and by the way the wind charge made it to the bottom so The Hoppers have been placed correctly yay I did something [Music] right you may not be able to see it but I've placed all of the chests down the reason why you can't really see it is because this storage room is so massive that you can't see all of the chests unless you are close enough to them so it's like as I run you can see them they're like just loading in but yes this is a huge storage room I do still need to go and make all of these into double chests though so uh but uh yeah first I want to place down all the [Music] Hoppers all right now that I've got all of the hoppers down and I've placed half of the chests I'm ready to start doing the big boy part of this job and that is sorting through which items go where I need to First grab myself like all of the moss in existence an anvil and I need to rename this Moss to mhy mass or just anything weird and I need to go through all of these Hoppers and put my Massy mass in these slots here I need to do this to all 1,100 something or rather of these Hoppers oh my freaking m Massy heck that's freaking mass and crazy okay I have filled all of these with Massy mass and oh my gosh that was a task and now it's time for the other big part of this task which is choosing which items go where but in order to do that I'm going to need 1,100 item frames or something like that so uh yeah I really should make that piglin trading hole shouldn't I cuz they trade for leather like procrastin days are over I am officially going to build myself a pigin trading Hall I'm not going to make a very fancy one though because just I really don't need to this design is by nmon it's a simple and easy to build miglin bathing Hall all right I've finished building what I think is the ugliest Farm I've ever built in my life because I just rushed the whole thing and looks like it's working pretty well um I just realized I've definitely screwed it up I can see it's already logging up freak fix it bam okay there we go now everything should be filtering into these chests I just realized I built this really badly and I need to tear down this whole half of the farm and rebuild it okay there we go that was easy I just had to sneeze my guts out well now that all that's done I believe I just need to AFK a bunch of gold and then trade it all and turn it into Leather So I collected a bunch of gold nuggets and turned it into gold ingots so that I could filter it into my bartering farm and collect heaps of leather and also other good resources while I waited for the bartering Farm to gather its supplies I decorated a fair bit and made it a bit more gas proof and MOB proof all right we have got more than enough lever for freaking rest of our frames this is very good but now I need to get myself 18 stacks of logs just for these item frames I know crazy right unfortunately I've used pretty much all of my logs for my chests but fortunately remember my seagull Army well I've actually got leftover logs from that but not enough so freaking I thought that I had a lot more than that but I do actually have enough logs just a whole mix of different types of logs heck yeah so let's craft up some item frames shall We There we go now if we just grab all of our item frames and we bounce up here freaking freaking if we just bounce up here I said once now I just need to place all of that that is not what I want to do that that is absolutely why would I ever want to put an item frame in an item frame we just need to place all our item frames holy doly there we freaking go this looks so cool with all of the item frames and stuff there like oh my goodness now I know I said that I was going to go and sort through where everything would go but I've thought of a different way that I can do that a very fun way and challenging way that I'm going to save for the next video but before we do that there's two more things I need to do or maybe more than two things we'll see firstly I want to grab some obsidian from our piglin Trader oh my gosh there's a lot there that's awesome and I want to take my obsidian down to my trial chamber and I want to build a big portal here let's try this oh I guess it's too big I guess I'll turn it into a portal time three beep bop bat Epic I love that I don't love these spawners that are there though so let's just mine them another another thing that I wanted to do was make a more proper entrance in and out of my trial chamber now that looks a bit more epic and it will look very epic when my plans for the Mushroom Island unfold woohoo epic ow another thing that I need to touch up is this room that we've got our Shuler box unloader like I can't just leave this like this needs to look Trail chambery # upgraded looks much better and try chamby now and I reckon the other thing this base is lacking is a super [Music] smelter so I just flick the switch and it sends out all of the coal to go inside the furnace or well in this case the Zia tree then if I put Stone in this chest and then I flick this switch then it will cook up the stone and all of the things I cook will end up in here heck yeah oh my good goodness that is fast heck yes let us also build out an enchanting room uh yeah so in in this next clip and for a little while I accidentally left my voice changer on and let's also dig out a brew room and I really need to make myself a bedroom let's give it a nice piston door and we'll make the walls out of tough and make the floor copper and heck yeah it's looking very Trail chambery but I just ran out of tough I need yellow flower give me yellow please where's yellow need orange dye yes yellow and that is so that I can make orange beds and match the copper theme make like a fancy kind of bed right here yeah nice and I'm just going to sneeze in some other decorations okay wow that looks really cool why did nobody tell me my voice changer was on what the heck anyway it's about time I build myself a freaking ice bridge between my base because it is getting very annoying having to fly everywhere and use up tons of rockets and then restock them and then so let's freaking make this bridge then shall [Music] we awesome we're done now I can ride my boat epically this is way better than using rockets and because of the new update I think I'm just going to fly right right through the portal and woo oh I'm noticing lots of piglins are spawning and honestly I don't really want them running around my base you know so let's go back home grab some turtle eggs let's just make a simple little trap for them to fall into get trapped fool and of course down underneath the traps I've got myself some Hopper Minecarts to collect any gold that they will drop all right I'm pretty happy with that see you in the next episode sh [Music]
Channel: CringyGull
Views: 25,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, cringy, cringygull, cringe, survival, hardcore, hard, core, 100 days, cringy gull, cringe gull, full, cringefull, cringe full, cringyfull, gringygull, gringy, gringe, crazy, crazy minecraft build, crazy minecraft builds, crazy minecraft survival builds, crazy minecraft survival build, crazy minecraft hardcore build, crazy minecraft hardcore builds, megabase, trial chamber, transform, transformation, transformed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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