I Made the ULTIMATE Mining Farm in Minecraft!

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[Music] so I was looking through my storage when I noticed I have 93 pieces of dirt how is that all I have we're gonna change that today there is one way and one way only to fix this I'm going to build a quarry one of the most complex Redstone Machines Humanity has ever seen this machine will automatically collect over 40 million blocks from this entire Badlands biome you're probably wondering how this is going to work first of all we need to find a long region of land to build the machine next we need to make trenches around the area to essentially box it off from the surrounding biomes from there build a 50 000 block Redstone machine which is the Quarry but keep in mind it has to be built perfectly if I miss even a single block the entire thing breaks if everything goes well then over the span of 168 hours the machine should automatically collect every single block from this biome it's going to take a lot for everything to work but if we break it down into smaller more manageable steps I think we can do it okay so I was looking for a place to build the machine and I think I might have found a spot forty thousand blocks from Spawn although before we go and check the spot let's gather some things first of all a bunch of redstone items for a flying machine then some beacons and some emeralds for the beacons sure let's also bring some gold just a few sponges Diamond hoe and finally my favorite block some TNT just a quick reminder that at the end of the year I will be exploding one TNT on my hardcore world for every subscriber the channel has if you enjoy watching my videos please click that button and claim your one TNT alright that should be everything now to actually travel to the area we gotta go about 5 000 blocks in that direction foreign and then let's make a portal here please don't be underground yes yep this biome is going to work perfectly if you're wondering why I'm trying to build the Quarry in a badlands biome that's because of the Terracotta blocks if all goes to plan then this 300 by 1000 block long area should get me over 2 million blocks of terracotta cool so this area we just marked is 300 long and now we gotta start with making the main trench for the machine this entire region of land needs to go all the way to bedrock and I think the best way to do this is going to be to build a TNT bombing machine let me just follow the tutorial for this and build it up that's one side done well honestly that wasn't too bad to build I will say though I don't think we can run it right away I'm a little worried about the trees being in the way so I'm gonna quickly mine them down perfect I believe we should be ready to run the machine so in three two one here we go um I somehow built the machine Rock but after tearing it down and spending an hour rebuilding it now we can retry it look at it just completely demolished that land okay does the return station work and and yes it does then let's just place the Redstone Block back and that should stop the machine all right this should be a good time to take a break because I want to let you know that off camera I have to keep flying all the way back to the storage whenever I forget something that's like 5 000 blocks to the storage and 5 000 blocks to get back and each time that takes like 10 minutes so before we do anything else I want to build an ice highway to speed up the travel time and for that guess what we need I'll I'll give you one guess ice so past the raid Farm we have this massive frozen ocean and we're gonna need like three shulkers of blue ice I am going to be here for a while ah oh okay that's embarrassing although that should now be enough ice I guess the next item we need for the highway is some black concrete and I'm pretty sure that in the end yes there is this massive chest monster I've never removed and cool we got a decent amount of black concrete powder here let's quickly convert it next we're gonna need some black stained glass panes try saying that five times fast and finally some black carpets which we can easily get from the wool Farm dude this thing is just too overpowered and I love it that should be everything we're gonna need and now I can just come in here and begin placing the ice wait a moment what if I had speed potions while placing the blocks let me quickly run back to the storage and grab some yeah this certainly seems pretty quick I believe that's as far as we need to go on one side now I have to go this direction for another 3200 blocks so that's all the ice placed in now we're gonna use the black concrete to create walls for this highway so I don't fall while boating although hold up okay what if I line the boat up perfectly okay then get in and go backwards oh oh my oh my gosh wow that is incredibly satisfying and it has been only 10 minutes and I'm done already if you thought that was satisfying guess what now I need to mob proof those blocks with carpets except this time instead of going backwards in the boat I can go forwards which is so much quicker the sound engine is completely broken and now it's time for the glass panes on the sides finally we gotta play 6 000 rails on the ice to prevent the mobs from spawning and there we are the ice Road should be totally finished I know this probably seems a little Overkill but honestly I want this Quarry project to be of the most pristine quality and transportation to get there is the first step well now I think we should get back to work on the trench that's gonna mean all of this water needs to be removed by hand which is why I have all of this gravel because we're going to begin by making five wide trenches here oh no salmon no here go go back there you go great those are all of the gravel trenches now with the sponges from earlier we gotta come in here and just start spamming them everywhere [Music] now come and pick them up dry them in the Nether and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat so I might have stayed up to 3am doing it but that's all the water cleared the last thing we gotta do before running the machine is to mine the area under the machines down to y0 so they don't break later on so that means we need a beacon alrighty I got the haste effect and now it's just time to mine the blocks that's one side done I just got to set up a beacon on the other side whoa oh no no no no no what are the odds of randomly mining into an ancient city how the heck are Phantoms attacking me down here for whatever reason while mining I saw that my pick was getting low and instead of switching to another one I literally just chucked it out at least we're done though and now it's time to run the machine and there it goes oh wow that gravel breaking is so satisfying to watch this is future one by here I don't want to bore you so let me explain what happened basically I built the machine too low which caused there to be a ton of extra floating blocks instead of destroying the machine and building it higher I spent a while trying to make a smaller machine which somehow then broke the main machine so I had to tear everything down rebuild it higher and then I realized I forgot one slime block on the return station I tore it all down again and then rebuilt it for the fourth time finally it worked and you better bet I was excited after that the machine ran for a few hours until I I forgot to remove the blocks on the edge so the Slime picked them up and broke the machine at this point I was so frustrated that after building it for a fifth time I completely forgot to remove the same blocks the Slime stuck to and not even kidding the machine broke again let's just say that this wasn't my proudest hour but fortunately after double and triple checking everything it broke again nah I'm just kidding uh it worked perfectly as it lowered down I made sure to collect all the diamond doors that got exposed and by the time the trench had finished I collected about 200 ores the crazy thing is when we mine all 40 million blocks I'm supposed to get about 30 000 diamonds which will technically beat the world record for the most diamonds ever collected in a hardcore world my goodness that's the entire Ravine finished you better bet it feels good to remove this machine so we've now completed one of the four trenches we need to make the next one actually needs to go under the entire chunk of land that way the Quarry can move underneath without breaking and for this we're going to use a different type of machine called a tunnel bore for this machine we need about 3 000 items the first of which is some slime then observers Pistons sticky pistons and dead tube Coral fans I have no dead tube Coral fans okay that should be everything for the machine and now we just gotta build it so I got the first two layers done but the tricky thing is I can't just put these Minecarts here as that they'll explode the TNT the workaround for this is the first place pistons and rails one block out of place then we can put the minecart onto each one of the Rails finally we gotta come in here and power each of the Pistons so they push the minecart and prime the TNT and boom that should be the tunnel board finished here we go in three two one once more yes yes it works oh my 19 diamonds already just from exploding four layers and if I have to run this for over 1 000 blocks then we're gonna get a ton of diamonds that reminds me all of the water lava and gravel that falls in the way of this machine just needs to be removed although the nice thing is because this machine was built at the perfect height I should be able to avoid these massive lava pools and stuff here we go then oh gosh that Shrieker is giving me anxiety I've been tunnel boring for about five hours and I think we're about halfway finished the crazy thing is I've already collected over a full shulker of diamond oars one two before I cannot believe how many diamonds I just got from that on another note it seems like we have run into another ancient city okay fine just for laughs and Giggles let's go loot it all right I'll take it two apples anyways I only need to go another 100 blocks with the boar but now I gotta be super careful not to have any Warden spawn oh no well I think that's my cue to stop right here I'm gonna just tally up all the diamonds all right about 4 000 oars and an extra 49 blocks that is not bad at all for two days of work just like that we had gotten the second trench finished now there are just two more trenches remaining except these ones are going to be different what if I told you there was a redstone machine that automatically removes blocks exactly three wide and keeps the walls totally smooth at the same time would you believe me well that's exactly what a three wide trencher does these machines are extremely complex and it's crucial that I build everything perfect or else something like this will happen no no I followed the blueprint of the machine's double and triple checked everything to make sure I wouldn't have anything else break and okay I think this is the last block the anxiety that Redstone causes me to have can't possibly be healthy but anyways by opening that the machine does seem to have started now this isn't your typical TNT duping one this one uses slime blocks to grab all the blocks in front of it from there those blocks are pushed into the path of TNT and this essentially clears a row of blocks in front of the machine for it to repeat the process after several hundred Cycles the machine would have then built a trench with perfectly smooth walls and here's the cherry on top it can go through liquids meaning literally all I have to do is let it run for a couple of days straight and that's exactly what I did I let the machine work for 60 hours the days passed and the machines moved forward I will say they did break a few times but after quickly rebuilding and letting them continue the trenches were eventually finished wow these trenches look so sick this kind of reminds me of that scene from Star Wars the final thing we gotta do to finish these up is to play some gravel on the sides and stop the water from flowing in I can't imagine this will take too long soon [Music] what would happen if I tried to ride a boat down there okay this is probably a very bad idea but here we go [Music] well this is sort of underwhelming [Music] after three hours of placing gravel into the patches in the walls I had successfully blocked off all the water and completed the final two trenches meaning it was now time to build the Quarry I am looking at this list of items and just geez is all I have to say 49 429 blocks well maybe it won't be too bad because first of all we can just bring some Stone from the storage to the super smelter and then quickly cook it up [Music] I got all 17 000 smooth stone blocks we needed which only took me like 15 minutes next we gotta get 9 000 slime blocks oh boy wouldn't it be awesome if I just had like a million slime balls sitting in a storage somewhere oh wait what's this a million slime balls sitting in a storage somewhere now for some concrete TNT walls corals note blocks and looks like the Quarry requires 555 Soul Sand now I could just mine it but if we instead get some gold and then that is loud give me that Soul Sand ah then some honey it looks like and yep I didn't really expect there to be any so we're going to need to wait here for a couple of hours to get enough and there we go that should be all how about we get the End Stone next and for this we're actually going to use some TNT if you didn't know by placing two pieces of TNT three blocks deep you can actually gather lots of End Stone without getting bored [Music] the last items we need are 3273 observers each Observer requires one quartz two Redstone and six Cobble cool these should be good now we gotta craft four shulkers of Pistons how about we just load all of these shulkers up with Cobble that should be good then 12 shulkers of wood and planks four shulkers of iron and four of redstone and now we gotta craft all of the Pistons up there we are these Pistons check off all 49 000 items needed for the Quarry oh man it's time to build the Quarry it's sort of a tradition in the Minecraft Tech Community to name your Quarry after a real life place so from here on out I will refer to the Quarry as Texas first of all we gotta start with placing the layer of stone slabs on the lowest level this next layer is extremely complex I'm not going to pretend I have any clue how this works I really want to thank Desu Desu and Javi for Designing this Quarry as well as jkm for literally answering all of my questions sending me tutorials for the Redstone Machines and giving his time and energy to help me make this project I'll be providing links to all of their socials in the description of this video please go check them out and show some support I spent several days building the machine following the blueprints and being attacked by Phantoms until finally the Quarry was completely finished this is the final block right here yes sir so I know we've done the trenches and made the machine but we can't quite run it yet one thing I need to check in this region is that there aren't any blocks that go over y equals 134. seems like these Vlogs are a little high beacon time [Music] great that can be checked off the final thing we need to do to prepare this land is to remove every single immovable block from the 40 million block region that means every piece of obsidian every spawner every chest skulk sensor Catalyst and Shrieker needs to be removed and now you gotta realize that finding every one of these blocks and removing them would be simply impossible with 100 certainty if I didn't have some sort of external help jkm once again offered a solution he coded a script that can find every one of these blocks and tell me the coordinates to them after giving the program a seed he sent me a file which contained all of the chords thank you again jkm what the heck is happening okay so look at that that skulk Shrieker has a waypoint which allows me to quickly find it and then break it so I'll have to go to every one of these waypoints and mine all of the blocks time for all of this Hobby next to all of the spawners and there we go every immovable block removed from the land oh wait what about these reinforced deep slight blocks well we could just mine these but that took three minutes and they're like 80 of these I think I have a better idea but it's going to require some redstone lever and then we need to set up a redstone grid around it now let's go on top and set up a row of pistons and then we need to place some redstone blocks above the Pistons and extend all of them finally remove all of the redstone blocks Now by going down I can quickly just yup so my game has now entered lag mode basically because we overloaded the game by spamming that lever we can now break these pistons and replace them so they look well kind of weird and then just wait and boom an entire row of deep slight broken just like that now I just gotta repeat this for the rest of these blocks foreign there we go for real now all of the moveable blocks are removed okay that's it we're done with prepping the land there's just one last thing we need to do before running the Quarry and that's to make the storage for it now this is easier said than done because they're going to be over 40 million items coming into the storage and I want them to all be sorted and loaded into shulker boxes I'm gonna spend the rest of the night trying to design something on a creative world and then we'll get back to you when I'm done all right everyone it's the next day and I finished designing what I like to call the Giga storage so to build this on the hardcore world we first need to collect about 7 000 chests then about three shulkers full of hoppers plus some more Redstone goodies and then four stacks of every item that's gonna be sorted from the research I did my Quarry Texas is gonna collect about 25 different types of items so we're going to be collecting for a while and finally four stacks of diamonds there we go that should be everything now to build the storage right over here should be fine I'm gonna just start with placing all the lower chests [Music] and there we are now to build the shulker Box loaders so apparently all of these combined can sort over 2 million items per hour I think we're definitely gonna be set and to actually make these sort we have to put all the items from earlier into each of the Hoppers oh yeah all of those chests there are for shulker boxes but that'll be for later now this is the input of the storage so all the items will be going into here now I need to think about how to actually connect this to the Quarry I think we could try to set up a water stream down here or something uh let me just first clear this floor out a little bit [Music] now what if I place some gravel here to make some walls of some sort okay cool then we place a bunch of iron trap doors signs and water this is a super basic water stream but I think it should work perfectly and that should be it I think it's ready wait wait wait I I gotta load this up with shulkers if the Texas Quarry is going to collect 40 million items meet shulker holds 1 728 items then we need 24 000 shulker boxes well that's not a problem in the slightest because I might have AFK in my shulker farm overnight for a couple of days so we'll take all these materials to the storage [Music] then just craft all the shulkers up and yeah we should be more than set finally this should be the last batch of shulkers I'm done it's ready okay so I've double and triple checked everything it all looks good I think we're ready to run it it's taken me 45 hours and a month of my time to get to this point in three two one yo oh my gosh okay so it's pulling the blocks out goodness why the heck is this so satisfying to watch and what's gonna happen when it gets to the top um well um water seems to be falling down the TNT is launching this will have to go all the way to the top and then here comes the final flying machines here come the items that is a lot of items from a single slice and they're still coming in well then I have to let my computer run for 168 hours for the Quarry to finish mining this entire area thank you foreign wow it's been a week for me but only a couple of seconds for you but oh boy look at this area a 300 by 1000 block region of land completely mined out I actually want to check how many items we got first of all Cobblestone um um um well it appears I have approximately 14 million Cobblestone 12 million deep slate millions of andesite granite and diorite terracotta diamonds and oh yes dirt oh yes [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Wunba
Views: 4,259,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, hardcore, wunba, jkm, quarry, mining, machine, auto, farm, challenge, survival, creative, build, building, items, item, eol, storage, tech, redstone, diamond, diamonds, world, record, day, days, hours, hour, episode, dungeons, music, let's, play, mega, but, official, guinness, survive, minecraft hardocre, hardcore minecraft, how to find diamonds in minecraft
Id: dodQ6a1angY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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