Breeding Pigs Until This Server Bans Me

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this is roofer and roofer 2. soon they will birth thousands of pigs I had a video idea to breed the world record amount of pigs but then I noticed how much lag it creates and thought why not do it on a Minecraft server because that's just funny like how would someone react when they log on and just see a tsunami of pigs but nobody can know what I'm up to right now because yesterday my friend Planet Lord was taken to court for just 200 chickens I want ten thousand that's why my base is a secret giant pig yeah I didn't think that went through but for every Pig we want we need twice the amount of carrots because you feed them both one two then boom baby pig in the morning it's just like humans and alcohol so at a far away base I'm constructing the carrot Empire it's four of these villager farming cells stacked on top of each other five times now each villager can only Harvest and replant 90 carats an hour but with all these cells working at once we can get 43 200 a day I could show you how annoying it was to build and how uncooperative my unpaid laborers were but we have more pressing matters to attend to my pig is is being shot there's a rivaling base across from mine and they just have a gun now this reminds me of like King Kong and Godzilla it's just Pig and Cappy Barra but don't worry I know exactly what will stop a bullet a shield yeah probably should have thought about that one a little bit longer but we can't let the side plot of the video distract us we need to expand the pig pen it's been slowly growing as I've been breeding more pigs but I can't expand the fence as fast as they need it to oh why do I need to be fast because the pigs are currently squishing each other to death oh no so we need a new Pig Pen which is going to be an underground box it's not pretty but it's perfect well take perfect and minus one that's how good it is it keeps our picks hidden from being killed but at the same time keeps them in an area where a lot of people are when players walk into spawn I want them to load in thousands of pigs which is just going to ruin their game now the pen isn't complete or even safe but I want to start breeding the pigs in it I'm wasting a lot of time running over to a farm to fix my pickaxe but I know when you breed pigs you get disappointment but also experience that can repair it my pigs have a fun trip they may think pushing them is dangerous or ignorant but last time I checked pigs can't sue wait what the but now that we have thousands of carrots in a safe place for the pig we can start breeding over dry because the pigs can only give birth every five minutes once I've bred them all I just sit here maybe it's good I have some free time because we have a big issue or a pig issue because the capybara threw an ax at my shield I feel like right now we're kindergarteners trying to one-up each other in the same vein of childish logic I'm using the ax to chop down a tree that will fall on the capybara Checkmate also I built the tree during an online college lecture never in my life how I questioned more what am I doing with myself well breeding pigs of course at this point we are at maximum velocity if I had infinite carrots I could just right click and run around so I pulled my teammate Planet Lord into this mess to increase the amount of pigs we can breed after an hour of a straight breeding we have a lot of pigs do you agree that this is a lot because if you do you're completely wrong this is barely anything compared to what we end with but maybe we do have too many pigs because they're starting to trample each other even with all this free space now I've turned on this FPS tracker for you to look at for the rest of the video the laggier the game gets the lower the number goes you can see when we go closer to the pigs it's a noticeable drop maybe too noticeable because there's one server member who noticed and is about to change all our plans 3 000 entities I cannot let him find those 3 000 entities but how do I do that without making me look suspicious well I help him find those 3 000 entities so when pinky thought he saw a redstone Contraption hmm pangy I wonder where that Redstone Contraption is oh pangy let me destroy it for you maybe this is the cause of lag oh really this wasn't the source of the lag maybe it's your video settings because I'm not lagging at all maybe you just need to avoid spawn for a bit I'm gonna go to my pig base and sit there and do nothing else now was that morally correct no but like I'm trying to get banned so it's gonna help me get closer to it but I don't want to get caught just yet because I want way more pigs so to decrease the amount of lag for now so they're less noticeable we are spreading the pigs apart I mined out a hole for the beacon beam to turn on again so we could mine out the pig pen even larger then the paranoia set in people are sending messages in Discord maybe they're about me the server owner logs on he must have heard about my pigs I get a personal message from a server member surely he's about to tell me he knows my secret my teammate Planet Lord tried to tell me whatever happens happens but Frick that this is all going wrong but none of those things led to me getting caught it was my own stupidity when you're trying to keep something secret you should never have a giant Beacon that goes hey there's something down here because people will look what are you up to um I'm working on a project you could say so this is these are the three thousand entities right yeah they are well actually it's more 5 000 at this point you just can't load them all at the same time okay um why yeah just a one word question really stumped me even while editing this video I still don't know why it was to just show that we can be evil but honestly it's just fun you're gonna crash the server no no no no no we're smart about it we're spreading them out as you see oh we're giving them they're free range pigs look how much space they have it's so spacious yeah yeah it looks pretty spacious they're just like hanging out like together that's why they're why are they all here like they could they could spread out if they wanted to or giving them the option the freedom of space as written in the Constitution wait hold up is this one bloodline did this start with two pigs uh yeah roofer and roofer too it's like Adam and Eve a lot of inbreeding you know what I'm really curious what you're gonna do with a million pigs um I'm Gonna Leave You for now oh my goodness I can't believe we got out of this Pinky's just like us morbidly curious how far we can take this prank and I want to take it far so pigs we need you to spread the frick out I'm expanding their pen but man they sure loved their groups but they just gotta get apart from each other I also found that pigs love their High Ground every time there's a block they can jump on they just go crazy for it but today I was a breeding machine funnily enough that's what they call me back in high school at the end of the day we have enough pigs to take us down to 10 frames per second you can't even have them loaded in at once but we have 10 000 pigs but I have bred so many we are officially out of carrots the Cara Empire is great but it isn't fast enough to satiate my Greed for carrots because it only works when I'm near it so I found a new design compared to the Empire's 43 200 carats a day this produces 50 000 an hour to get that many carrots it must be a giant machine with all these complex Parts this is it this is the machine it just requires a lot of bone meal so it can grow the carrots faster so while I'm sleeping I'm going to be sitting at this machine that produces it please watch my pigs for me while I'm gone like who actually did this this is horrible it's Jared for what reason so why hasn't anybody else killed oh wow it's getting bad oh my God wait where is it is it 14 frames I found it oh my gosh what the heck though dude there are too many yeah there's too many to kill bro like legit we need lava or something what if we what if we spawn a wither in here oh what if I just stand [Music] oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh bro you're gonna get entity we should have grabbed you lava and use the carrots yeah wait wait do you have virus to all the pigs may pick oh yeah dude come over here dude why am I back down to 30 frames because look at this area oh my God there's three thousand more over here a lot more uh what's funny though is jiren probably spent like 20 hours getting all of these and we just exterminated them in like 45 minutes yeah yeah dude if this is his next video This is Gonna it's gonna be an interesting one what the frick I leave you with the pigs for 12 hours and you lose them all maybe if you subscribed I'd forgive you but come on you had one job well either way whatever happens happens so we are going to pick up the pieces and keep going we need more pigs but the opposition is growing just this day a player named Rochambeau and his teammate attacked us but roshambo's reaction after killing us doesn't make any sense see on the server if someone kills you they steal your heart parts are valuable because if you lose all of them you're banned off the server but when I got back to spawn Ro gave the heart back to me I can't say for certain why roshambo did this but I have a theory they think by killing me they won my pigs are dead and it's all over Frick you this isn't this is when my plan changed I'm now going in with the goal of getting banned see they're telling me to stop breeding pigs but I'm Gonna Keep Going they're gonna tell me to stop so much that they're like we're gonna ban you if you keep breeding more and then I breed more but that means we're gonna have to change our strategy up starting over with two pigs is very inefficient because we breed them get another but now we're waiting five minutes for them to be able to breed again so the new plan is instead of being quantity annoying we are going to be quality annoying if you go down to where the old pigs used to be and go behind this wall there's a secret tunnel this leads to our starting set of pigs who are enough to get us back to thousands quickly I keep them hidden down here so we can one never get reset back to zero and two they are right next to the carafon then if you remember pigs like going up blocks so they'll slowly trickle up to the old pig pen that didn't really work as well as I'd like it to though so I'm luring them up with carrot taking them to the old pig pen is risky if people notice lag they'll come down kill the pig eggs and probably me as well but we just need them alive for like an hour so I got my teammate Planet Lord and my other teammate bacon waffles to help breathe late at night this is my favorite part of breeding pigs though we'd breed them all play a round of geoguessr go back to breeding play more geoguessr loose to bacon waffles yeah he's really good but once we had enough pigs and my teammates wanted to go to bed we put them into action by sending them up the pig Kano my children are everywhere it's comical how many pigs are just filling spawn this is a tsunami but this isn't enough I need more I want people to log on in the morning and go what's the deal with all these pigs so I spread pigs out all over spawn made banners to decorate the area and to make it look more concentrated I made mini pig pens that are just overflowing then I fell asleep it was 2 am and I had a 40 minute uphill bike ride to college in the morning once class was over and I got home they're all gone what we did is enough to get us banned so what do we do now start on the next attack see one little pig attack isn't going to get me banned it's more of a nuisance but two attacks now you start to see a pattern of messing with spun and others cleaning it up and I know it takes a while because Prince Zam made an entire commentary video while killing the pig which is what I originally thought until he posted two more and this isn't going to be the last of them so Attack 2 is complete furnished with giant pick statues which will hopefully make the cleanup process take longer meaning people are more annoyed then again I went to sleep a bike to college but then came back to some life-changing news Jared Jaren Jaron Jaron bro jiren hi what's happening bro Jaren just needed to get on to see that mapic and Rose sculpt the pig statues kinda boring yeah I logged on turns out Rochambeau just made spawn more of a mess oh no I'm terrified how could they do the same thing I'm doing then roshambo wanted my teammates and I to follow them through a mysterious portal yeah they tried to trap us that didn't work I know I want people to be so bothered that they kill me off the server but come on you can do better than that like as planetlord said whatever happens happens so them getting their butt kicked is gonna happen yeah then once Roe logged off I was right where you'd expect me to be attack three once again 2 am I went to bed back to college and then when I was back most of the pigs were gone now I say most because I caught Prince Sam in the middle of let's just say making a commentary video but this is also proof of our biggest problem no matter how many pigs I breed it's always going to be faster to kill them so that's why I went into a creative world and constructed this obsidian monstrosity that I want to plonk in the middle of Spawn now it isn't a real pig but it's going to take way more time to take down than it does for me to build it this should finally get them annoyed enough to ban me once I was done building it I filled it with pigs and wrote everyone a little message for them to see in the morning then for the last time I went to bed at 2AM and bike to college because when I got back they took the bait you and me one verse one tonight loser gets banned it's time to end this once and for all the duel is in 20 hours and I believe this will be my last 20 hours on the server in terms of fighting roshambo has been ranked in B tier while I'm in E I'm an e-tier player I think this duel is gonna be it for me so I wanted to spend my last 20 hours on the server well I bred pigs it's like all I know what else am I supposed to do but this did spark an idea so you want to do this duel but I don't want to end the video with oh I died instead I want to go out doing the thing I love So the plan is after the fight they will have my spawn set at this bed they'll have to kill me a few times to fully ban me off but when they try to do that planet will break the bed and I'll respawn not at the bed but at the main spawn what's in spawn my pig so I can breed them for the rest of my life oh and that pig bass let's just say I got a little package for it but time is up the duel is here it's a weird feeling my goal has been to get banned this entire time but I'm gonna miss the server for a bit then mix that feeling with nervousness for one the fight but also two our secret getaway plan so it was awkward talking to ro and others so we just jumped into the fight foreign either way we still have our little scheme to help me escape and go breed more pigs but when I respawned Planet Lord didn't break the bed so I pull up Discord spamming Planet but he's not receiving the messages so to stall I'm like oh before I get banned let's do a speech I already gave my speech Planet answer me but after the most obvious three minutes of awkward stalling Kyrie's first five was midnight oh that was the band well this was the ending I was looking for but not how I expected it to go but you know what whatever happens happens good night everybody see you later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Yeah Jaron
Views: 3,520,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haha, funy, sily, humerus
Id: thn7fYe9tQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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