Impossible Minecraft Escape Room!

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i made three minecraft prisons an easy one a difficult one and an extremely difficult one and i tried my friend ryster cook in all three of them if he can escape two of my three prisons then i have to buy a bubble tea but if he fails at any point he has to learn the fancy choreography from twice our first prison is the glass box the room inside the prison is six blocks tall it is four blocks long and three blocks wide if you try to break the glass tnt will spawn on you instantly and you lose the challenge inside the room there is a furnace a crafting table a block of sand a flower pot with a cactus on it all you get are those blocks plus one ender pearl and so without a further ado riser cook the escape begins now the first thing ricer cook did was break the sand the flower pot and the cactus inside you check the crafting table to see if there's anything he can craft but unfortunately for him there wasn't a lot you can craft from a flower pot a sand and a cactus so he broke the crafting table he placed the sand on the furnace and the crafting table on the wall but that didn't do anything so he broke the blocks and tried again yeah i didn't have any health now if you're an experienced minecraft player you might be asking why doesn't he just pearl glitch out the wall if you didn't know throwing an ender pearl in between two glass corners allows you to glitch through the block here's a demonstration and now i'm in the middle of the glass block which i can just easily walk out of right under normal circumstances this would have been the solution and reisterscook would have successfully escaped while i made this prison i accommodated for that fact and i made sure to add one sneaky detail you might have not noticed the walls of this prison is two blocks thick meaning if you tried to pearl glitch through the first layer of walls the second layer of glass would block you from escaping bryce did not know this and pearled anyways if he's struggling this much to solve the easy prison i can't wait to see how riser cook does in my final prison but now he was stuck there forever since this was reister cook's first prison i gave him a little handicap he's allowed infinite retries and the only way of failing is by giving up never give up kids important life lessons anyways back to the escape after a lot of thinking rising did not see any other solution other than pearl glitching out so this one he aimed a pearl at the corner of the roof so he was successful glitching through the glass with the ender pearl but now he had to deal with the same problem he was stuck how did he escape so maybe there's another solution other than pearl glitching he looked at all the items given to him and try to make the best out of it stacking a cactus on a stand he managed to put a flower pot on the wall and crouch onto it it ended up being useless i was going to do that how do you escape wrestlers have tried to get on that flower pot in hopes of getting a better shot at pearl glitching but it did not work he hasn't touched the furnace the whole game probably because he has no pickaxe for all we know that might come on handy later on so let's check our options with the furnace you can smell sand into glass or cactus into green dye using the crafting table as a fuel but pretty much both of those things are useless here's a hint if you look at the roof of the prison you can see that there's a two block hole in those two blocks the roof is only one block thick all right that's it good luck figuring it out so i'm gonna give you the solution what you're first supposed to do is collect the cactus from the flower pot break the flower pot break the sand and the crafting table you see the secret to escaping is indeed pearl glitching but only through these two roof blocks if you try to glitch through any other block you'll just get stuck but you see with the two center blocks since there are no corners it's not possible to glitch through it or is it looking at the inventory you might see how the cactus can come in useful since cactuses aren't full blocks throwing an ender pearl into a cactus let's do glitch through the block above so put a flower pot on the third lowest wall then put a crafting table next to it in the middle after place the sand on the roof mickey fall on the crafting table and then put the cactus on it now throw an ender pearl at the intersection of the cactus and the roof and since the roof is only one block tall you can jump right through it but reister cook did not escape so the first prison he failed if he fails one more he loses all right on to the second prison [Music] the second prison is a red bedrock prison this prison has 4x4 blocks of free space on the inside it is 4.5 blocks high and the slabs you see right now are unbreakable inside the prison there's a crafting table a furnace with a coil inside and a chest with these following items full sets of iron tools full iron armor 64 golden apples 7 wooden tools seven pork chop and three sticks the only rule escaped by any means so starting off he opened the chest and collected all the items inside then he started eating golden apples and making sure i'm safe to escape you would need to stack up four blocks but with the furnace chest and crafting table by stacking all those up you would only have three blocks so basically this wasn't the solution he had to restart and while he's struggling if this video gets 1 million likes in addition to the bubble tea i'll get him if you win i'll also buy him a waffle machine dang i really need the waffle machine right now okay wait wait but that means i have to up the punishment too if you feel this prison as well you have to learn the fancy choreography and what is love okay wait what what is i don't this so cringe wait i really want to see him dance to what his love please please now back to the escape before we continue with this progress let me reveal the actual solution the key to escaping this prison is finding a fourth block you can stack up on to run out but none of the items in the chest are blocked and you can't craft any blocks with any of the items unless you use one of the most obscure crafting recipes in minecraft history this is a lantern and to craft an android you need a torch in the middle of the crafting recipe surrounded by iron nuggets a lantern is half a block tall which is just enough to stack up the extra slap on the prison to get iron nuggets what you have to do is smell all your iron tools in the furnace but careful when you're smelty to not use the coal because the coal is necessary to craft a torch and that's necessary to make the lantern so instead of using the coal use all your wooden tools as fuel there's only seven wooden tools in total and each tool can only smell one item to smelt the final iron tool use two of the three sticks given to you as furnace fuel that's enough to smell one block take your remaining stick combine it with a coat to make a torch then surround the torch with the iron nuggets now you have a lantern so stack up the chest and the crafting table on the furnace and then use the lantern as the fourth block and jump out rice put on all the iron armor and started dancing around he put an iron sword in the furnace and one of the wooden tools to burn it perhaps he knew he needed iron nuggets oh you've escaped but there's no one more prison i'll repeat myself one more time the last prison is three times as hard as the first two combined i'll include the waffle machine if we hit our light gold [Music] welcome ricer cook you've completed every prism from now while almost every prison this is the last prison and i'm telling you you are not going to escape this welcome to the dan cage this 20 block tall prison is made of entirely indestructible glass there is two levels to this prison and you start at the bottom one and now here's the blocks inside on the first floor there's three diamond blocks three furnaces two crafting tables two oak planks two blocks of blue ice three iron ores and a torch on the second floor there's three wet sponges and three obsidian and four strings you can't actually see this ring that's why it's so sneaky and all riser cook gets is this pickaxe that can only mine three more blocks before breaking all right i've done enough talking bryce is cooked good luck he uses his pickaxe to destroy three iron ores and then he goes to destroy two wood planks now he breaks the crafting table to use it as furnace fuel to smelt the iron crafting tables can smell one and a half blocks meaning two crafting tables would be able to smell three iron once you have three iron you can craft an iron pickaxe but now here's a problem you need a crafting table to make a pickaxe meaning you can't use a second crafting tape as furnace fuel and if you use the wood planks as fuel then you can't make sticks nor a pickaxe i think someone realized this pretty soon oh i think i messed up i have to restart technically he loses right now but he made a negotiation if i give him an extra chance he'll learn an extra dance more specifically the feels this time this is the second attempt with the iron pickaxe he mined the three iron ore broke all the wood blocks and the crafting table and this time instead of going to smelt he started placing the blocks on the walls in the staircase like pattern reister cook stacked up to the gap you see right here to access the second floor but he was missing one block he had no pickaxe so he couldn't break anything else so he broke the sponge hoping it would drop to him it didn't this is his third attempt which is also his final attempt if you failed this get to the dancing room uh i think i'm supposed to make a time this time you use the pickaxe to destroy three diamond oars then he broke the two wood planks went to the crafting table to make sticks and a diamond pickaxe the diamond pick actually mind the iron mine the furnaces and mine the crafting table he used all those blocks to stack up once again but this time he had enough to reach the second floor he broke the three sponges and two of the spring and went back down then he collected back all the blocks he stacked up with and this time got to smelting he smelted the three iron ores with two crafting tables and now he's left with three iron ingots and two sticks oh i burned both coffee too so what if the solution is to just stack up after all this prison is 20 blocks tall and there is enough blocks right so let's try it i did the exact same procedure as brexit did and once i'm on the second level i broke the obsidian the sponge and the string made a wool and tried to stack up but it was three blocks short and the thing is not all the blocks can be used as stacking blocks the diamond can only drop diamond doors and if you start off breaking the iron ore or the furnaces you end up with less blocks this is awkward under negotiation of learning another dance i gave rise to cook another attempt he follows through the exact same procedure as stacks up to collect the sponges he finds two strings goes down and starts melting the answer to escaping this prison is the water bucket you're supposed to make a bucket and somehow collect water but through how well it's impossible to melt blue eyes so that's not it instead you're supposed to use the wet sponge by smelting a wet sponge and placing a bucket in the fuel section after it burns the empty bucket turns into a water bucket then you can use the water bucket to climb out reister cook was thinking exactly that so he was smelting his iron but from his last attempt he learned that he needed to save a crafting table to craft the bucket at the end meaning that one crafting table could not be used as furnace fuel so you could only use one crafting table and two sticks to smelt but if you add those up that can only smell 2.5 blocks i actually think i'm missing this thing because i can only smell two of the irons and i can't use the crafting table he's missing a stick to spell on an extra half a block but what he doesn't know is that wool can also smelt half a block on this final attempt he stacked up to the second floor i have examined the obsidian i've come to the conclusion that i should break it then he finds out that there's strings oh wait why is there four and finally with four strings he made a wool and combining that with a crafting table and then two sticks he was able to smelt the three iron with a crafting table left over he made the bucket broke the crafting table put the wet sponge in the furnace and then immediately put a bucket after and finally he escaped which means right she just won one bubble tea and potentially a waffle machine what do you have to say means everything to me like [Music]
Channel: Dan
Views: 103,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _TrIs9CCg0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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