33 Secret Things in Minecraft 1.19

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Think you’re a Minecraft expert, well not  for long. These are 33 secret minecraft   things you probably didn’t know about the  new 1.19 wild update. And let me know in   the comments how many you actually knew  out of 33, I bet it won’t be that many. Number 1. If you help an axolotl kill the mob  that it’s fighting, it actually has the power   to clear any mining fatigue effect you may  have had inflicted onto you. Not only that,   it will also give you regeneration  based on the number of axolotls around,   granting you the achievement, the healing power  of friendship. Definitely a good friend to keep   around next time you’re raiding an ocean monument  instead of carrying buckets and buckets of milk. Number 2. If you aren’t familiar with the warden’s  old designs then you’re definitely in for a treat.   Around 4 months ago Mojang released a ton  of images showcasing old concepts for the   warden. There are designs of withers, respawn  anchors and some overall pretty disturbing   ideas so I recommend checking them out  afterwards, link in the description. Number 3. Speaking of disturbing, disc 5  is the newest creepy disc on the block but   the community has already figured out a bunch  of the hidden sounds in its melodic mystery.   You’ve got skulk shriekers, wardens,  amethyst clusters breaking and even a few   sounds sampled from minecraft dungeons like  the endersent, and the vengeful heart of ender.   Definitely gonna make for a cool story  once someone puts all the pieces together. Number 3 and a half, if you do enjoy the  video please consider subscribing. I’m   trying to reach 1.5 million subscribers  by the end of the year, but I can’t do   it without your help. It’s completely  free and I really would appreciate it. Number 4. In the same vein as number  2, get it, skulk vein? Ok sorry. There   were also a ton of prototyped designs for the  skulk that look completely out of this world.   I mean imagine walking into a cave and seeing  this trypophobia inducing mess sprawling across   the walls. The skulk also used to be called the  hollow before it was changed into what it is now. Number 5. The souls in the warden’s chests, and  yes they were confirmed to be souls which is   awesome, act like a heart and actually beat faster  when the warden is suspicious of a nearby mob.   Because the warden hunts on  a sense of smell and hearing,   it becomes more suspicious whenever it detects  noise from a certain entity multiple times.   Depending on how fast these heart souls pulse  you can figure out how much danger you’re in. Number 6. This update gave us a ton of  new achievements you might not know about.   These include you’ve got a friend in  me, when an allay gives you an item;   sneak 100 when you crouch next  to a warden or skulk sensor;   bukkit bukkit when you catch a tadpole in a  bucket;and when the squad hops into town when   you get all the different types of frogs on a  lead. That one is a personal favorite of mine. Number 7. Skulk sensors give off a different  signal strength based on the type of sound they’re   detecting. There’s 15 different amplitudes, each  with a different group of sounds associated with   them. For example walking gives a strength of  1 and picking up powdered snow gives a signal   strength of 13. You can use this property to set  up sensors that only detect a specific sound using   this design developed by mysticat. Perfect for  a secret base that only you know how to open. Number 8. Using this design of blocks and stairs  you can manipulate the way that skulk charge   spreads, allowing you to funnel all the skulk  growth into a specific area of your choosing.   There’s many different circuits you  can make this way and if you want   to learn more I've left a link to  Ilmango’s video in the description. Number 9. A little bit ago I mentioned a couple  of new achievements, but there’s actually two   more legendary achievements that are hidden until  you unlock them. If you have an allay drop a cake   by a noteblock you can get the new birthday song  achievement. And if you get one of every different   frog-light color in your inventory at once you get  the new achievement “with our powers combined”. Number 10. On the topic of frog-lights,  if you’ve never heard of them then you’re   definitely in for a treat. If the new  frog mob happens to eat a magma cube,   it will spit out a frog light. The color  of the light depends on the type of frog.   Purple from white frogs, green from green  frogs, and yellow from orange frogs. Number 11. Speaking of new mechanics, whenever  a goat rams into a quote unquote hard block,   like a tree or an ore, it will drop a goat horn.  You can also find them dotted around in pillager   outpost chests which definitely explains the  war call in raids. There’s 8 different types   of goat horns but my favorite has to be call.  [Goat horn plays] I mean just listen to it. Number 12. I already talked a bit about the origin  of the warden but here’s another trivia fact that   goes even deeper. Pun absolutely intended. The  original concept for the warden was actually   meant for the 1.16 nether update as a type of  blind piglin that could only respond to sound.   This is what it looked like in its early prototype   phase but this idea was eventually  postponed as they ran out of time. Number 13. Despite multiple statements  that the warden was meant to be blind,   spectating its POV using spectator  mode reveals it can see perfectly fine. Number 14. The campsite structure in the  ancient city actually has a hidden campfire   underneath all the layers of wool. But I think  the greater mystery is where did all that wool   come from in the first place. These campsites  parallel the wool room in woodland mansions,   leading to some very interesting speculation  about the illagers and the ancient cities. Number 15. The new darkness effect is brutal,  especially since in this update you can no longer   give yourself fulbright by changing your gamma  level above the maximum value in the options file.   And if you didn’t even know you could do  that, well now you do. But there are two ways   to decrease the harmful effects of this debuff.  There’s actually an accessibility slider that can   minimize the impact of this effect, and putting  on night vision makes things much more manageable. Number 16. The warden is summoned by activating a  shrieker but the shriekers do give you 3 chances   and only summon this beast on the fourth strike.  And in case you’ve forgotten what stage you were   on, there are actually subtitles and sounds  associated with each state of advancement.   Warden approaches is for one strike and  sounds like this. Warden advances is two   strikes and sounds like this. And if you  see warden draws close or hear this noise,   then you better be careful because one  more slip up and he’ll be right there. Number 17. Speaking of the warden, some of the  old names for this beast were the stalker and   the hollowed, but in a recent episode of secrets  of the warden it was revealed that his real,   canonical name is in fact William.  Making this monster just a bit less   intimidating to come across. Number 18. Many people seem to believe that  reinforced deepslate, the block found in the frame   of this giant city center statue, is unbreakable  but that’s not the case at all. Despite it taking   an absurdly long 82.5 seconds to break, making  it the longest to mine block in the game, it   is breakable. Although you don’t get anything  out of doing it so there’s really no point. Number 19. On the topic of reinforced deepslate,  a huge conspiracy is that this structure is a   portal to another dimension. I mean it’s  made out of an almost unbreakable block,   it has a rectangular frame and  it only appears in set locations.   Seems pretty similar to some other structures  out there. And this conspiracy was only   furthered by this mini structure right  here, which was named small_portal_statue.   However in the recent snapshots the devs secretly  altered the name to be small_statue, squashing out   almost all hope of a new dimension. But who knows,  maybe in 1.20 we’ll finally get that aether. Number 20. Other structures in the ancient  city also have some very interesting names.   You’ve got barracks, the only structure in the  game with a naturally spawning skeleton skull,   and this structure with two pools. Can you guess  what it’s called? No? Well it’s called the sauna.   The builders of these cities were lounging  down here; they had saunas and everything. Number 21. If you place the new mud block over a  piece of dripstone and let the water trickle out,   it’ll convert that mud into a block of clay,   allowing you to have a fully renewable clay  source for all your cottagecore desires.   Although I gotta say the mud bricks  are a strong contender themselves. Number 22. And if you want an  easy way to get all that mud,   all you have to do is splash a potion  of water onto a block of dirt and boom.   Finally giving these splash water bottles a  real use. Now we just wait for the thick potion. Number 23 If you’re ever roaming around in the  deep dark and want to stay hidden, pay attention   cause this tip might just save your life. Wool is  a super important block in the deep dark because   it muffles up your footsteps. If you walk on  wool, the skulk sensors won’t be able to hear   you and the warden will be none the wiser. That’s  why the entire ancient city is covered in carpets.   Not only that though, wool blocks can also  be used to block signals from sensors from   reaching other sensors and shirekers, making them  perfect for disarming the deep dark. However,   something super important to watch out for  is that skulk sensors can still detect you   placing wool around them. Meaning that to  stay safe, it’s better to just stay away. Number 24. Apart from all the warden concept  art, there are a substantial number of features   that didn’t make the cut for this update. A  revamp of the birch forest was teased through   concept art but was ultimately scrapped from 1.19.  Likewise, fireflies, these two pixel masterpieces,   were removed because in real life they’re  poisonous to frogs. Although there has been   a lot of backlash to this decision so let  me know what you think in the comments. Number 25. Another one of the more controversial  decisions was the lack of incentive to head to the   deep dark. A bunch of people were complaining  that the warden wasn’t really worth visiting,   seeing as it used to drop nothing  and it was almost impossible to kill.   The devs responded by saying that it wasn’t  meant to be killed and it was a force of nature,   but ultimately conceded and added a singular skulk  catalyst as the drop for this beast. Although they   did mention that this was more for story and  they still thought it shouldn’t be killed. Number 26. And as if there was still a debate on  whether or not to kill this thing, Mojang took   extra steps to make sure the warden is one  of the most difficult mobs to kill. Over the   course of the snapshots, they made this guy immune  to lava, gave him an advanced pathfinding AI, and   even added a sonic boom that does up to 15 hearts  of damage. Not only that, it completely bypasses   shields and armor. I mean come on mojang we get  it, don’t kill the warden, do not kill the warden. Number 27. Players aren’t the only thing  staying away from the warden though.   In the deep dark biome, no mobs can spawn. So if  you don’t mind sharing a room with the warden,   you might just want to live down  here if you can’t bear the mobs. Number 28. One of the weirdest conspiracy  theories to come out of this update is that   the warden and the axolotl are one in the same. It  all started when this secret message appeared in   the minecraft launcher a year ago, translating  to the axolotls are not what they seem.   Then Mojang released a bunch of the concept  art for the warden and axolotl and some very   suspicious pictures of the two of them together.  Not only that, if you invert the colors of the   warden you get something concerningly similar  to the pink colors of the axolotl. Personally,   I think it’s a bit of a stretch but you tell me  in the comments what you think about this theory. Number 29. Speaking of design decisions,  the design of the spooky skulk shrieker is   modeled after the human larynx: the  part of your body responsible for making   noises. Not only that though, the model for  the skulk shrieker is actually different   if you place it by hand versus if it spawns  naturally. The souls in the man made one swirl   way slower and are more faint. This  is to distinguish the two because   manually placed skulk shriekers actually  can’t summon the warden like regular ones can. Number 30. The noises made by the skulk catalyst  are actually made of the sound effects used by   bone blocks. This means that this material  is not endstone like some people suspected,   but in fact bones. This was also confirmed  over on twitter by developer Kingbdogz. Number 31. Speaking of the catalyst,  it has this incredible property that   allows it to convert mob death and XP to  skulk charge and skulk growth. However,   something interesting about this mechanic is  that there’s one mob completely unaffected by it.   The ender dragon. For whatever reason,  the skulk catalyst does not spread any   skulk when the dragon dies. The devs even  mentioned that the dragon’s death is special,   and they have a different plan for it.  Makes you wonder what that entails. Number 32. While this fact isn’t  the most secret one of the bunch,   if you haven’t explored much of the new  update you’re definitely in for a treat now.   Underneath the giant statue of the warden at the  center of the ancient city you’ll find a hidden   redstone laboratory. This lab is packed with  different types of redstone experiments and is   even powered by a skulk activated piston door.  Not only that, the lights outside of the lab   have secret waterlogged skulk sensors inside them,  making them turn on whenever a player comes close. Number 33.There’s a few secret changes to saplings  you might not have noticed. Regular saplings can   now be placed on both mud and muddy roots while  propagules take it a step further and can even   be grown underwater. Perfect for starting your own  submerged city now that leaves can be waterlogged. But if you stayed this far, he’s a bonus fact  for you. If a goat rams a wall it actually   loses one of the horns on its model. Makes you  feel kind of bad for getting the horn but hey,   you gotta do what you gotta  do for that call signal. And that’s all 33! Let me know in the comments how  many you knew and please do consider subscribing   if you made it all the way here. But peace  out, have a good one, I’ll see you next time.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,865,204
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Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, how to, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial minecraft, minecraft things, scuffed the tutorial lol thats funny, minecraft facts, 1.19, wild update, 33 secret things, secret minecraft things, minecraft trivia, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.19 update, minecraft wild update
Id: SxgXWiqdE7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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