Can You Beat Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Without Jumping?

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at last Sonic frontier's third update is out bringing with it a new story new playable characters and new opportunities to avoid jumping just like how I did with the main game I buckled down and work to answer the question can you beat Sonic Frontier final Horizon without jumping the answer may or may not Shock you now when it comes to this game a jump is anything that requires the action button jump which is separate from the UI button everything else is fair game that said let's get into things the update adds a Golden Portal near the stars of oros Island that leads us to another story which sees Sage offering Sonic a bold new strategy Sonic's friends will undo their sacrifice for Sonic which rec corrupts him and then they will work to collect the emeralds while Sonic climbs some new towers to turn his corruption into Power this takes place as the player swaps between all four characters in sequential order starting with Amy like with Tails and Knuckles Amy has their own skill tree to unlock and stats to raise while they do have unique abilities they all run and Bo boost like Sonic so my immediate goal was to do as much as possible before being forced to unlock their new stuff because XP is kind of hard to come by you see this version of oros island has a few boxes and crates some of which do contain experience shards but starting out enemy has no way to deal damage without jumping so how do we earn skill points then well it's simple just find and speak to the backpack Coco inside of the colorcoded Rings each one rewards a onetime lump sum of XP equal to five skill points now if all else fails we can always grind out skill points with Silo the ability also allows us to collect all those various dig spots throughout the island while some contain portal gears which feel kind of useless others reward Lo out Coco which are needed to unlock the towers that Sonic will scale later on that said Amy is told to search for a Chaos Emerald Vault and she finds all of the normal vaults are empty the emeralds have been relocated to special new vaults that can't be accessed without the combined help of Amy Tails and Knuckles when it comes to navigating the island as Amy and reaching the first Vault the main issue is crossing the gap between the main and mini Island it's much easier going from the main island to the small island uh but that's fine for now Amy can boost and homing attack cross and then the final platforms before the vault have plenty of targets to homing attack your way across them no jumps required swapping two Knuckles the enchilada navigating the island is a bit easier because he can freely climb red and green Walls by simply touching them knuckles can also homing attack stuff and the developers were nice enough to add all kinds of balloons a lot of which I assume are likely easy mode additions like they did for the towers on Ray island with one of the updates with these getting to the first impact form is quite easy but the other is a bit harder you see knal can glide by holding the a button and annoyingly the game actually expects us to use it how dare they so I Look to his other abilities one of the easier ones to unlock is his classic three hit punch combo to Jabs and an uppercut which sends them a little bit into the air also kind of nostalgic in a way Knuck walls can actually infinitely fly by outsmarting physics you just punch punch punch parry and repeat I can't believe they let this be a thing and it's just so easy but I'm glad they did because it allows us to basically avoid every platforming challenge that Knuckles will have to face so no jumps are required for any of knuckle sections that done we move on to Tails which feels like the weakest of the bunch at least at the start he can't homing attack which makes jumplist navigation extremely limited thankfully some yellow experience I collected as Amy or Knuckles counted so we actually started with two skill points for immediately unlocking a scoop but then what do we do a lot of the skill point Coco aren't too hard to find but without useful terrain we have no way to reach them so we'll cross that bridge later because for now I was actually able to reach all of Tail's first destinations without any fancy tools for the first device which is a Coco with a sign on his head I used handy Springs and boost rings then for the emerald it took a number of attempts but I was able to land at top the walls of this platforming structure then boost over to the Vault so all of tails's first section is jumpless without too much effort that done we return to Sonic where our previously collected Lookout Coco immediately allow us to tackle the first trial Tower these are essentially more of the same of what we seen on Ray Island and again easy mode balloons help out quite a lot even without those the path up has a lot of angled platforms so we would always have the option of boost launching and stomp bouncing past most of the gaps at the top a Coco with a fancy hat forces Sonic into the dragon's trial where we must defeat all enemies with our stats fixed at level one within 3 minutes the soldiers in this fight have various abilities there's the shield that needs to be dodged around the metal cylinder that you must silop a punch and also they have spikes that shoot out of the floor no jumps are really needed nor expected I beat this one on my third attempt thanks to isolating and focusing down one Enemy At A Time dodging after getting hit but before landing prevents Sonic from losing Rings which can definitely help a lot in these challenges that done it's on to Tower two this one has more troubling looking platforms but balloons and springs work just fine like with the Red Towers whenever I fell I stopped my momentum with Perry then I dodged back towards a nearby platform so that I don't lose all of my progress all in all it was pretty easy the snake's trial on the other hand was quite paintful we're forced to defeat four shell enemies within 2 minutes and syop is our only unlocked skill spoilers if you silop a shell hit it a few times R repeat you'll barely have enough time to work through two maybe three of them another way to fight them is to Parry the blade while it's spinning through the air but doing this from far away does basically nothing however if we get far enough away to bait an attack then homing attack to get close and then Parry whenever the blade is close to the Shell enemy enemy we can actually defeat each enemy in only like 20 seconds since pairing doesn't require actual timing this was pretty easy as for the third trial Tower everything looks fine until it isn't following the intended path after these glowing green boxes Sonic is propelled onto a rail that encircles the tower you're expected to jump off the rail break through some purple plates which allows us to wall run and then continue onwards and upwards since that's not going to happen I started looking elsewhere there is a slow platform on the ground but even running at Max Speed Sonic can't fling himself high enough to reach the balloons I also tried seeing if I get onto this weird upside down pyramid of boxes but I had no luck after quite some time I realized all of this effort was pointless because I could just revisit the Hedgehog Space Program one of this game's best glitches according to me like established in the first video you can perform a dark spine Shuffle or DSS by targeting an enemy dodging initiating a Stomp and then boosting the timing of this can be tricky but we can actually extend both the timing of a viable launch and go even further if we first lock onto the target Hing attack to get close but then boost away this lets us do lock on actions from further away for a short time while this island has very few enemies to actually work with this Silver Hammer Guardian is more than workable even with a poorly aimed launch I landed about 2/3 of the way up past the problem rail moving upwards there is another rail just before the top but this one features a spring taking us directly to the combat trial this one forces us to fight the wolf enemies mostly as normal which is just cruel now for the fourth trial Tower I'll be honest I didn't even attempt it when I got close I noticed that this Guardian was here so I quickly launched myself directly to the Top This resulted in the cranes trial which isn't too crazy it just requires us to uh fight a ninja with beginner stats I did die a few times but emerged Victorious by spamming stomp quick Silo and dodging as needed with this we've completely undone Sonic's corruption so it's now up to Amy Knuckles and Tails to collect three more emeralds all while they're followed by an ominously growly cloud of data first we again control Amy was together a total of 30 Coco No jumps are required it just took me a bit to find the gray little guys among the gray little ruins that done we follow the marker to the hermit Coco who sits at top of the platform we can reach with help from more Springs and rings and then we go back to the mainland where the yellow Emerald VA is just sitting out in the open as knuckles we got to beat up some more impact forms I didn't even bother checking the normal route as I was having too much fun just punch flying my way across to the platform in very little time I reached the Vault and I moved on to Tails his first Coco device is accessed by destroying a few launchers with Tail's pitiful little wrenches we're then told to return to the main island but how it probably sounds silly but Tails can't even get up onto this platform let alone up to the pink ring that's beyond beyond the angled metal thingy I spent a good half hour but I couldn't come up with any way to get back to the mainland in comes the retooled Starfall an event that occurs every few nights rather than rewarding purple coins this event in the after story has no slot machine but all of the pillars of light lead to either cocoa or seeds which are worth an insane amount I was able to come away with nearly 2,000 Coco in a single go more than enough to max out both the speed and ring stats the seeds also greatly increas my combat stats but I don't think any of the extra difficult enemies across oros worth fighting because they just reward gears and look out Coco with Max Speed Tails can boost launch off of train to easily reach the mainland and more than enough Coco to get the skill points necessary to unlock the Cyclone boost where whenever you boost with Max Rings Tails will magically get into his flying Mech and then you can just fly wherever it's amazing it also invalidates any remaining platform challenges what fun now we return to the blue Hedgehog because it's time to climb the final Tower which is thankfully just full of balloons also floating enemies and orb shot out of stationary launchers all of which allows us to get to the top without jumping there we enter the Red Zone again and meet the master King Coco somebody's feeling high and mighty anyway who challenges Sonic to overcome this trial where we must defeat the game's first three Titans with level one stats there are no rings to replenish our stock and ring count remains across all three fights also also the only way to Parry attacks is with the perfect Parry which means timing is crucial since rings are constantly counting down in battle as supersonic this is one big time trial and it's absolute pain giganto is not too difficult his attacks in both phases are well choreographed so pairing isn't difficult with only a few mess ups I was able to get this first Titan down with around like 320 rings left wyvern starts out easy but tedious because we forc to climb the Aries Tower and run along the red path dodging slow moving blasts this takes a while but if you pay attention you can avoid damage and you do not need a jump the fight though is just awful since it prioritizes spectacle over gameplay you can only deal damage after parrying wyvern which becomes possible after parrying a rocket back at the sky snake if you fail to Parry the rocket or the snake or you actually Parry the rocket and get hit by a rocket from off screen you're forced to wait for the boss to fly around until the next opportunity arises in a normal playthrough you can totally overlook this fight's flaws but this trial cemented my opinion that this boss is trash but that's not the point of this video I tried multiple times and I ended up referring back to master roxus speedrun tutorials which all have solid guides on each Titan this helped a lot because initially I was performing the hit combo followed by a stomp but instead performing a cyclone kick doing a Dodge and then immediately stomping you can out put way more damage per seconds and doing this correctly apparently lets you skip one of wyvern's forse parries which is also very helpful eventually I was able to move on to Knights which can be dangerous at the start there is no way to avoid the wave of Spike so we won't uh if we get hit then Dodge M error before landing you don't lose rings so if we do this it's possible to start chaining stomp bounces to get us over to the arm rail without jumping during the fight if you attack the shield it will quickly lead Sonic to getting knocked back and then having to ride the spinning Shield back tonight don't be fooled by how tubular this looks it's one big waste of time instead if you attack the shield like once so that Sonic's properly in position then Dodge to circle around to Target the head you can then just Spam Stomp and you'll be taken in phase two where the goal is simple get in the path of the shield Parry it and send it into Knight thankfully I got this done the first time I actually reached Phase 2 finishing out Master Coco's trial after a lot of frustrating attempts now we're given a choice we can return to exploring the island swap characters freely retake the trial or move on to the final battle I should note that after Story does have new and difficult cyberspace stages for Sonic to run through but they reward Lookout Coco which seems redundant considering how many you can get via dig spots since they weren't really necessary I won't be covering those cyers space stages but if you want an extra video discussing their jump viability let me know in the comments below for now it's time to finish this thing the final boss kicks off with Supreme the reskin giganto we all know and acknowledge nothing specialist needed to bring him down so we'll fast forward to when the sky suddenly gets very purpley and the evil moon appears for up Supreme turning him into the end I got to say I do love the twist of Supreme's design turning him into this weird frantic creature and Sonic is a glorified anime character with his attacks and mannerisms mechanically this fight is frustrating a lot of time is spent with the cameras literally down among the trees and when you dodge around to Target the energy cord it's not obvious that anything is actually working until it just unplugs oh and uh it's yet another Super Sonic fight so you never even need to think about jumping so I'm going to put aside all of those Justified complaints and we're going to see how the end ends get ready [Music] fight get [Music] a KO wao that was honestly better than the original game's ending but it does still leave a lot to be desired regardless we have reached the credits and the end of this DLC so let's answer the question pose at the start can you beat Sonic frontier's Final Horizon without jumping yes yes you can all that said thank you so much for watching and big thanks to my channel members for their support it really means a lot if you like this video why not leave a like maybe subscribe and be sure to check out my other Sonic videos I got a couple videos on Sonic Frontiers and a bunch on all the other Sonic stuff that's it for this one goodbye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 31,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VNUSOnTswms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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