Sonic Forces Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 79

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son of a sonic forces now I know it's easy to pick on a Sonic game but this one is particularly yeah but wait don't worry about it just yet there are ways to make this game slightly more fun and that way is of course with glitches every game is better with glitches well in my opinion anyway so why don't we kick things off with the very first glitch and imagine you have just bought this game you're playing the first stage and realized you can stomp at the very beginning where Sonic's getting launched into the stage well yep that's the thing that can happen and it happens to quite a few people let's put it that way now sonic team in their infinite wisdom actually patched this one so it won't work in any other version than 1.0 so well done Sonic Team you did a thing except there's a few glitches that they didn't patch for example the huge out of bounds in the spaceport stage now to pull this glitch off you're going to need the void wisp on and the ability to teleport then you just write these grind rails to practically the end and then neutral jump and teleport to the right side of the stage and what will happen is the void wisp on doesn't allow you to fall to your death so you're able to float towards this out-of-bounds area just off to the right now unfortunately there's not a ton of things to see here but I always love getting out of bounds and so this is one of those glitches that was like wow and it also showed me the lost potential of this game I mean look at this area I want to explore this area and unfortunately it only extends out so far so I was kind of bummed that this wasn't more of a more of a thing anyway it's so it's a fun little glitch to try out and it's very easy to now as much as I love going out of bounds and I do love going out of bounds I also like glitches where the character models get messed up and that's exactly what we're gonna do this glitch takes place in stage 4 from what we need is our OC character to have the drill and a rental character to have the burst wisp on this is because to activate this glitch we need to switch between the two different avatar characters we then need to reach this part of prison Lane where there's this pulley that comes down and these two robots who are trying to kill you I mean are they trying to kill me what we need to do now is stand underneath where the pulley comes down and now here's the tricky part what we need to do is using the burst wisp on character take out these two robots and then quickly switch to the drill character and if you successfully tighten this correctly you'll be treated to one of my favorite glitches in the game now for some strange reason your OC character is stress and I think this is because the game still thinks it's playing the animation where the two characters switch out I have no idea but this is hilarious the first time I saw this I thought this is it this is the jackpot this is the glitch jackpot right here but just as usual it gets better at the end of this stage is a long section where the camera is behind the OC character as we try to escape from prison late however this camera angle shows us indefinitely that our character is stretched and when I first saw this that was it I was done now depending on your timing for this glitch you'll get some different results varying from a very stretched character to a slightly stretched character or an invisible character entirely yeah you're not seeing things this must be some kind of stealth wisp on I'm gonna go on record and say this is probably one of my favorite glitches in the game but we're not done yet there's still tons of glitches to check out for this next glitch you're gonna need to head to Aqua Road and you'll need the hover wisp on about halfway through the stage you'll be able to charge up the hover wisp on and then make your way to this ramp but don't touch the ramp instead take a long run-up and then jump over the ramp aiming for just underneath this kind of water flew once you're underneath it you then want to activate the hover wisp on and this will trigger a glitch where once you finally get taken back to land which takes forever by the way your OC character will hit the ground and then slide around it as if they're riding the current of the water naturally this looks ridiculous but it's a very easy fun glitch to pull off I mean this guy will just continue sliding around for as long as you let him and seemingly nothing actually makes the OC character change to a running animation like not even getting hurt by enemies will change this I let this guy slide around for maybe a good two minutes and then eventually they just stopped in this corner and now I think about it this goes really well with the music that's playing [Music] well this certainly made this game a lot more fun it really is simple and easy glitch to pull off you should definitely try this one let's move on to some glitches with classic Sonic now apparently classic Sonic and slopes don't really work out in the way you'd expect well not all the time anyway let me elaborate on this with a few examples at the very beginning of casino forest is this giant loop and if you charge up the spring to push Sonic around it if you're going just about the right speed and you suddenly press left around here Sonic will pull through the ground I know it seems pretty basic how did they screw this one up this is kind of cool though because as you fall through the ground the camera angle changes and you get to see Sonic in a kind of 3d esque environment except you're still just falling and that's the end of that the exact same thing could be done in Green Hill Zone in this area and as you get halfway up the ramp and Sonic seems to stop Peters press right and Sonic will again fall through the ground I mean it's the ground it's supposed to be solid Sonic just falls straight through it oh my goodness this version is slightly less impressive than Casino Forest as one Sonic just continues falling that's it no camera angle change or anything you just die here's a slightly different classic sonic glitch that takes place in Death Egg you'll find this area with a booster inside of a half pipe kind of situation and if something's going up the slope if you press left just the right time you'll get this oh look everybody it's Sonic 4 again it's it's back it's coming to show you all how great it was the first time around that's it I'm out of here I'm done ok let's go back to modern Sonic and check out luminous forest about halfway through this stage is a giant loop that sonic can sometimes get a little bit confused about how loops work and instead he ends up doing his best Superman impression yeah I don't think that one's gonna work out for you sonic eventually you're gonna succumb to gravity and die however there is one slight glitch in this stage that's actually pretty useful you're looking to reach this part of the stage where there's a collection of robots in front of a huge neon sign now if you stand around here and face directly write and then boost Sonic will run up a seemingly invisible wall until he reaches the top Sonic will now get some serious airtime and if you boost and hold up right slightly if you let go of the boom but in the short amount of time after the camera position change sonic will land on a solid platform out of bounds why is this solid I have no idea you can also mess around with the culling of the stage up here I don't think I was supposed to do that you can get a great view of the entire stage from here and you can even just about make out the end of the stage and this is where this glitch is about to get pretty useful you see at the end of this stage is a giant snake I don't know why there's a giant snake somebody can explain that to me that would be great but there's a giant snake and you can skip this giant snake which will be super useful in a speedrun all you have to do is stand about roughly here take a good run-up and then a double jump and then boost your way to victory this should give you enough speed and height to boost your way past the trigger for the snake and gets the end of the stage in record time you see I told you this glitch was useful now you don't have to see the snake why is this in a game so what if I told you you could use this exact same trick to skip a lot of the egg gate well to do exactly that what you need to do is reach this part of the stage which is pretty early on and then you need to get rid of these two barriers those guys have to go get out of here and then you need to stand roughly here and then tap boost and then jump immediately afterwards and hold forward making sure you continue to hold the jumper now if you do this just right sonic will end up inside the building but he'll be out of bounds technically and if this is the case now you need to switch to holding directly right and Psyche will now be flying out of bounds through space 100% plausible now the next part of this skip is pretty difficult and quite honestly I failed this more times than I can't account you need to continue holding right until everything disappears and then Sonic is literally just in space and then you need to be holding up and slightly left on the control stick I think see there's no real point of reference here so you're gonna have to kind of guess or get a feel for it but things should pop back into view and you should be able to see this tiny grind rail which we're gonna try and land on and honestly it's like trying to land a plane on a piece of wire and you also need to land in an area where the spaceships can trigger correctly so you can actually finish the stage otherwise you're gonna land on this grind rail and then grind to Sonics death I gotta be honest I don't know what the rules are to this part of the stage just it just seems to happen or it doesn't so good luck to you but if you actually managed to pull this thing off you can save a significant amount of time on this stage by skipping all the 2d section of it so yeah I don't hate myself for attempting this for three hours I don't know I don't hate myself at all okay let's move on to Arsenal pyramid where there's a myriad of glitches we can perform in this one stage with the first bunch of glitches being used just to skip huge chunks of it now for this tag stage you're gonna need an avatar character with a drill and this will become very apparent in a second now what you need to do is at this part of the stage right near the beginning you're going to need to switch to Sonic by boosting and this for some reason has some odd effects on the avatar character I'll show you what I mean basically whenever your Sonic and you jump and then stomp or sometimes if you just press the stop button without jumping the Avatar character has a tendency to go behind Sonic and he'll also have no collisions so he's able to go through walls now by slightly charging up the drill and holding forwards the avatar character is now technically out of bounds this means you can get to the corner of this ramp and charge up the drill while holding up and right and once you let go if you boost you can reach another out-of-bounds area for some reason this area has solid collision and you're technically in the air I don't really understand but okay now I can already hear you guys thinking why would you want to do this well there's one big reason doing this whole thing means you skip the double boost trigger which means you now have access to this entire area leading up towards the entrance of the top of the pyramid and this leads to a whole host of glitchy things which were definitely unintended for instance you can now stand on this ramp and run up it which was usually automated but you have full control which also means you can stand inside these buzz bombers and they have no hitbox but you can destroy them this is a very strange situation quite honestly I also noticed if you go to the very top of the ramp there's a very automated section which depending on what speed you approach it you'll be carried towards the springs that launch you inside the pyramid to give a great example of how this glitch works I approached it at just the right speed I was able to turn sonic backwards where he's now moon the Avatar character is just completely backed out of this and walking back down the hill this kind of reminds me of how people saw sonic forces you can imagine them going into the store and being like actually no I don't really want to buy this game and honestly this alone just cracked me up but is yet more we can do with this glitch so let's pretend we go back a little bit and we've just skipped the double boost trigger and we have access to this whole thing and the ramp as we're running up the ramp we want to get some more boost by destroying these buzz bombers who remember have no hitbox unless you destroy them and we also want our avatar character running in a straight line and then Sonic being on the left side of him if this changes you can run up against the right side and this will change how Sonic's position but in me trying this glitch I found this was the best way to pull it off for some reason if Sonic's on the other side I wasn't able to get this to work okay so you're running up the ramp everybody's in the right position and once you reach about here you want to sidestep left hold left on the control stick and then boost and this will make Sonic and the avatar character run right through the ramp and out-of-bounds you want to keep boosting while holding left until the boost meter reaches about here and then you need to switch to up left you then just need to continue boosting up left until the boost meter reaches about here and still holding the boost button charge up the drill as much as you can and then still holding up left just let the drill go if you pull this off correctly you'll now be placed at the very end of the stage and this skips a huge chunk of the whole thing now this may take some practice there was a couple of things that I really didn't understand about this whole thing and then once I actually got it down I was able to do this pretty consistently so it may take some practice I love how broken this game is it's one of the most fun things about it now if we go all the way back to how the drill basically breaks the whole game this technique of getting the avatar character inside the wall and then getting out of bounds can be used in a number of places for instance if you get inside the pyramid legitimately and you end up in this area you can get the avatar just through the wall and then drill and boost your way back to the main ramp and this has some strange effects in itself like you may have been wondering where Sonic and the Avatar character were when we were skipping the double booth section well this glitch will kind of highlight what's going on there well you see this is tire stretch has some invisible collision way above it which Sonic and his friends can run on top of this collision ends just before the pyramid and also leads to some very strange camera shots I don't know if you can see but if you look very closely yep that's that's Sonic and his friend just high up in the air give us a wave guys let's continue are the drill breaks everything's saga by heading some red bridge where the Metal Sonic fight takes place now at the very beginning of this stage is a boost pad which if you jump over and then slightly turn around you can do the same get the avatar out-of-bounds trick as before now if you copy exactly what I'm doing on screen you'll skip a trigger for the giant robot that pops up and you'll actually be able to get out of bounds over here by drilling through the wall now for some reason areas around here are solid but you can actually use this as a shortcut to reach the Metal Sonic boss fight honestly there's a ton of different ways the drill breaks the game but I'm not gonna go into that I'm gonna wrap this up with one final glitch which happens to be probably my favorite glitch in the entire game which was sadly patched out so that's a thing but hey if you happen to have the version 1.0 then go nuts anywho this glitch again takes place in arsenal pyramid and it's called the slow double boost and you will see exactly why basically what you need to do is when you hit the trigger for double boost in this stage you need to press pause when the timer is at zero point zero zero now this as far as I understand is a frame perfect glitch basically you're triggering the cue for the double boost animation while you quick pause the event so the game doesn't know what to do and that results in this everything will now be it may be half the speed I have no idea but it is super slow and this will continue for the rest of the stage [Music] people who played this game at release on PC probably won't notice the difference but this isn't how the game is supposed to run check out these slow-motion explosions the music to this part is now slightly different but sonic still speaks regularly and this line I swear it got me so good if you make it inside the pyramid you can see some really janky animations when you try to walk around it's pretty funny actually now it's a real shame this was patched but you can definitely still do this on the unpatched version of the game this glitch may take you a couple of tries to get as I said before it is a frame-perfect glitch but hey it's pretty easy aside from that and so that was sonic bosses glitches it really is quite a glitchy game now I think about it it was one of the most requested episodes of the show I've ever had but if there are some things that I missed maybe it's worth revisiting at some point but until then these are some fun and relatively easy glitches and sonic forces a huge shout out to the guys who found some of these glitches like dark spines sonic and theta em but mostly I want to give a huge shout-out to a Korean he was kind enough to walk me through some of these speedrunning strats and I really appreciate him taking the time to help me out like that so he's huge thanks to him if you want to see some of these glitches used in a speedrun you can check out his speedrun attempts on his twitch page there'll be a link in the description I'd really appreciate it if you go and check them out and show him some support and if you liked this episode why not check out the rest of the series featuring a ton of Sonic glitches you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram and as always a huge thanks to everybody who supports the patreon you guys the ones that make it happen you
Channel: A+Start
Views: 2,999,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Forces Glitches, Son of a glitch, Sonic games, Sonic glitches, Retro glitches, Sonic forces review, A+Start, Sega glitches, Classic games, Video games, Sonic The Hedgehog
Id: rCNqinIXHNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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