Speed Strats Sega DOESN'T Want You to Know About

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the official Sonic YouTube channel did a series on speed strats and showed off some really dope tricks but as someone who actually speed runs the game I want to show you all the forbidden knowledge that Sega doesn't want people to know about this is Sonic speech chats but from an actual Frontier speedrunner let's get some of the basics out of the way to go fast the first thing we need to do is avoid this guy leveling up speed has its uses but you'll spend a good 30 minutes just mashing through text to max out your speed stat with Cocos instead what you can do is keep Sonic and Max ring so you're always in power boost which lets you reach a speed that's comparable to Max stats anyways combine that with sidestepping and then you can start to move Crazy Fast sidestepping doesn't immediately feel useful when you get Sonic to full acceleration and hold sidestep he'll maintain that speed even when going uphill the really sick thing is that when he goes downhill or hits a dash pad he'll maintain the speed boosts from those making him go even faster than Max Speed a good way to judge if you're doing this right is by paying attention to the speedometer in the bottom right and seeing if the needle is maxing out sidestepping can be used for another trick called Air Jordan as well allowing you to cover some crazy gaps all you have to do is time it a little before Sonic would go over a gap and let go of boost super useful pretty much anywhere that there's a non-flat surface at a ledge but you're not here for the little things you want to know about the crazy tricks that let you skip huge chunks of the game right well do you want to go to space this is Hedgehog space program or DSS Shuffle named after the person who found it HSP is a trick you can do after you unlock the stomp ability in the skill tree and it quickly became a staple in the frontier speedrun within the first two days of the game's release we were able to skip the first two islands with it almost completely more on that in a bit but the way you perform this trick is by locking onto an enemy doing a Dodge roll Stomp and then the frame after the stomp comes out if you boost to cancel the stomp animation you'll get all the speed from it making you launch crazy high the downside is that because you burn your Boost you don't get a lot of horizontal movement aside from being able to dodge roll but it's still really useful we use this trick to enter giganto's Arena right away without collecting any of the chaos emeralds all you have to do is stand on the debug trigger for the boss which is right about here in this patch of flowers and remember that this only works if you haven't already fought giganto this is just the tip of the iceberg of speedrunning tricks for this game and it has a lot of uses but one day Runners thought about trying to perform this trick from further away to see how it would affect the launch this small difference in execution made a vertical launch into a horizontal one and it single-handedly changed the entire speed run slingshot is executed exactly the same as HSP except the difference here is in how you set it up all you have to do is find an enemy gritty away from the Target also known as a MAG Dash and lock on mid-gritty this allows you to extend the range of the lock-on from here use the same inputs from the HSP which are Dodge roll Stomp and boost and you'll go flying if you boost after the stop frame perfectly you'll go really high into the air which is useful in places like Rhea Island but the more useful variant is actually the non-free imperfect version which sends you more horizontally take note that the distance and height compared to the target has different effects on the launches which is why you'll see speedrunners side Loop grounded soldiers into the air to get a better Angle now let's get one thing straight the boss fights are one of the best parts about this game okay except for you and you it's sort of unfortunate that speedrunner's absolutely decimate these bosses but also do so without leveling up power or defense even once how do they do this they kind of just cheese them stop for whatever reason does an absurd amount of damage no matter your level and combine that along with side looping and you'll destroy bosses faster than Sonic can tie his shoes ignore the fact that Sonic doesn't have laces a lot of people don't know that they can silute the bosses as supersonic but doing so adds a multiplier to how much damage can be done to them speedrunners will side loop giganto at night twice each for wyvern Perry the missiles that he shoots at you so you can chase him down quickly and by performing Cyclone kick Dodge Stomp and repeating you'll stun lock wyvern skipping some of the attacks that he would normally put out watch out though because he still will retaliate so make sure to Parry those attacks when they come out for Supreme we just Spam the crosslash ability yeah sorry this one's fast but not fun by using crosslash for about 30 hits and then refreshing for another 30 you effectively lock Supreme in place and belt his help this can be done all the way until his health stops at this last phase where you have to break one of his little pulleys and let him hit you then finish however you'd like going back to actual skips this trick is probably one of the easiest to perform for anyone hyper bounce all you gotta do is find one of these funny little platforms stomp on them and hold jump during the Slowdown the earlier you hold jump the higher you go this also can be used to get into gigantos Arena and it's probably the easiest way to do so what's crazy is there's a skip at the very beginning of the run it saves a few minutes by skipping the tower fight playing one two and watching the unskippable bridge cut scene in the tutorial I warn you though this trick is pretty difficult to pull off and probably the most difficult in this video after you unlock side Loop draw a bunch of circles until you get power boost bring yourself over to this door frame and launch Sonic off the side directly to go to one two this skips the cutscene that explains how to side Loop enemies as well as the one introducing portal gears you then get Sonic to jump onto the square texture and hold up while Sonic is on the Square hold up left very slightly and boost into the air when Sonic is in the air turn the camera and hold upright to help Sonic maintain his height if you don't have enough height you'll miss the invisible ceiling and hit a wall but if you hold up until Sonic starts to Arc downwards and boost you can make it up here pretty easily if you can't do it this way you probably aren't getting a good enough launch off the portal next get your camera to line up with this part of the cliff and boost so the Sonic runs off of the ceiling when the spring appears on the left hold boost until it's off screen and then jump swing Sonic to the left to get around an invisible wall hold parry and turn the camera so you can see a homing reticle for the spring it'll launch you into an invisible wall and you'll end up on the other side this trick is hard and takes practice so don't be discouraged a funny side effect of this trick is that you won't have the ability to climb until you finish Kronos Island so when you fight giganto you won't be able to grab onto him but with some practice you can just use the blue rings on his body to make it to the top Sonic Frontiers is the best Sonic game we've had in a long time but um anyone remember chaos Island pinball yeah I'm always looking to be one of the biggest roadblocks for the game and would have been one of the main reasons Frontier speedrunning could have died off fast but one fateful day cabaly had solved it pinball skip was born from the manipulation of the autosave function which at first happened seemingly randomly while playing but it was then found out that by performing certain actions you could force an autosave by abusing this speedrunners would break this box here to set the autosave location and then start pinball once at the table exit to the main menu and load the autosave and Sonic will spawn further away from the pinball door and closer to the cliff but the game will still fade you into pinball after around 9 seconds the goal now is to put Sonic in a position where he'll fall into the pit after pinball has loaded so when the autosave loads we hold down left and position Sonic so that he's over the cliff but won't die too early Sonic can still die during the cutscene and if this happens you have to reload the autosave again so to prevent this if you pause as soon as the cutscene loads it'll also delay some Sonic's death you can try this on your own but I recommend watching other Runners do it with input display since it can be really finicky and hard to replicate from there you die in the crater where the Knight spawns three times and you'll be in the fight the last couple of things were a little complex so let's do a bit of a palette cleanser in the official speed traps video they showed off the extremely useful Tech that they dubbed the Homing Dash and sorry to tell you Mr Speed strats man but speedrunners named it first and we call it hitting the gritty okay well technically we call it nagged Dash homing attack with M Dash homing cancel the list goes on but hitting the gritty is my favorite anyways this trick is too useful to ignore Runners have gotten pretty creative with the strats and can beat s-rank times and stages by over a minute sometimes it's extremely broken funny enough the Strat isn't even good in open zones but it does have some uses and locations to get quick launches upwards using Springs and enemies another little tip to help improve those cyberspace times is using side steps sidestep doesn't increase the speed on downhill slopes like an open Zone but it does maintain speed from Dash pads so you can go crazy fast if they stack also if you sidestep up against a wall it's a little bit faster than just boosting because Sonic will be pushed slightly forward while sidestepping into a wall otherwise cyberspace is pretty much about finding the best route if you're ever curious how fast some of the levels have been pushed check out the IL boards on speedrun.com for Sonic Frontiers a lot of the strats are guaranteed to blow your mind here's another Strat that would change Frontier speedrunning forever or at least that's what we thought hit and run was a strat discovered by crowdy that uses the spin slash ability to create a crazy fast horizontal launch it's performed by locking onto an enemy initiating spin slash and then boosting on the frame that Sonic hits the enemy in any direction this trick is so fast it can basically teleport you across Islands but why don't we use this trick in today's any percent route well the short answer is because slingshot is just easier and better hit and run is a faster launch but has a lot of issues first it requires 80 more skill points after unlocking stomp in the run which means you have to go pretty far out of your way to collect enough XP by the time this even happens you're already a third of the way through chaos Island and pretty deep into the run the other issue is that it's pretty difficult to get the frame perfect boost to start the trick and to get a good enough hit on the enemies for it to work in fact the only enemy that Runners have had any consistency doing this off of is the stationary spinning enemy that really limits the areas that we can use hit and run basically only allowing us to use this trick in chaos and Raya since Uranus doesn't have any spinny Boys in useful locations one of the most annoying things that we deal with as speedrunners are automated sections and unskippable cutscenes and in Sonic Frontiers there's a decent amount of them these next couple of tricks are used to skip some but are pretty complicated so stay with me this is wyvern Escape skip this trick allows us to skip most of the automated section where wyvern chases you down after freeing Knuckles and getting an emerald you have to talk to Knuckles twice before the chase starts so we make sure we have enough memory tokens talk to them once and initiate combat with this shark Guardian you have a short window to do this but if you talk to Knuckles the second time within a few sec seconds of aggroing the shark you have the ability to move while in the cutscene that plays hold down and press boost for about 3 seconds and hold the a button about a second and a half in so that the cutscene skips this sets upward is basically a tech storage with the line you are the key it's very important that you don't press any face buttons while doing this next part but if you did it right you can now turn the camera towards Strider and aggro him after the Strider title goes away you can now move around move your way over near this rocky area so that you can get Sonic to climb the side of this climbable wall twice this sets up for the cutscene skip after the Chase and after you get Sonic where you need him to be you can press y or triangle to get rid of the text and make the chase cutscene play out effectively what we did is put Sonic at the end of the chase so that it'll end when wyvern shoots his missiles when he does this you can hold down and boost so that Sonic puts himself over the cliff and he will die when the cutscene plays but since you're not able to die in cutscenes it skips it performing the skip puts the game in a weird State though that can be easily fixed by changing any of the settings in the options menu speedrunners will just press a to change the difficulty and save the settings to do this the quickest and now you can slingshot to wyvern's Arena to spawn him and finish the island no invisible walls this time around but you still need to step on the debug trigger to have him spawn in this next trick is done on chaos Island to skip the automated night chase that happens after getting an emerald and freeing Tails but first we take damage on these spikes up here to set up another cutscene skit after talking to Tails once silup wants to get enough rings for Max and talk to Tails again fast before the Rings touch you pause as soon as the cutscene starts to skip there's a second one so pause fast and Skip again and if you did it right you'll get the same Tech storage as wyvern Escape skip but with the power boost cutscene same rules apply with the face buttons move Sonic over to this cliff and when Sonic touches the clouds press y or triangle to advance the text and congrats you skip the first cutscene you'll have to intentionally die from The Shield one time though to get the squid to spawn here or else you can advance but this is where the actual Shield Escape starts there's a small Jagged rock that sticks out here that Sonic can walk on and you want to hold a very slight right until Sonic starts to shake then you want a tap boost and immediately hold up and boost again so you don't hit the sides of the invisible Kill by and make your way out of the top of it then you want to stomp on the squid Trail to initiate the sequence unfortunately this needs to be done because the chase still needs to happen but Sonic not being on the trail confuses the squid into trying to catch up with him so he goes way faster than he would if he played it out normally so while we're on the island we can actually get the blue emerald and memory token spot on the island and we want to line up Sonic with the line of this Cliff have him walk up straight and then hold upright slash rightish to get Sonic to launch over to the other Island when you're over here there's a really big cutscene trigger that ends the sequence but if you get here before the squid it crashes your game so don't do that while we're waiting for the squid we can go up to 3-5 to get the Dig spot and put the portal gear in and when the squid makes it to his destination you can set up another cutscene skip where you launch off the side of the portal land over here near the edge and let Sonic walk off the side of the cliff using these points that stick out as a guide and if you do it right Sonic will touch the kill plane at the same time as touching the cutscene trigger and you'll skip the cutscene and spawn on the island where you died rather than wear the sequence actually ends you know what Sonic Frontiers is an absolutely incredible speedrun all of these tricks make it one of the most fun games I've ever speed ran mine is Shield Escape of course it has really satisfying movement and with all the skips the run is a pretty nice length as well with world record at the time of recording this being under an hour by KD Ford hope to see some of you on the leaderboards and if speedrunning isn't your thing please at least go try slingshotting because it's easy and loads of fun to zip around with have a good one and thanks for watching
Channel: Emerldd
Views: 105,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emerldd, emerald, emerlld, emeraldd, speedrunner, speedrun, sonic, sonic frontiers, sonic speedstrats, speedstrats, illegal frontiers speedstrats, sonic frontiers speedrun, sonic frontiers skips, sonic frontiers tips and tricks, sonic frontiers tricks, sonic frontiers ost, sonic frontiers music, sonic frontiers bosses, how to beat sonic frontiers, sonic cool, super sonic, super sonic fights, speedrun tutorial
Id: 7n2dH9OkWo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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