If I Jump in Every Sonic Game, The Video Ends

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Sonic the Hedgehog jumps a lot so that is why in today's video if I jump in every single Sonic game the video ends but before getting on with the rest of the video this video is sponsored by e-wing today I am very excited to announce my partnership with them they're a very awesome company that sells gaming chairs gaming desks and other things if it wasn't obvious already they sent me my own chair now I personally got the e-wing champion series but there's also other chairs such as the Knight series The Calling series hero series and the Flash XL and because of this new sponsorship you guys can head over to their website Ewing racing.com which will be linked down below and I know those prices are a bit Hefty but if you guys are looking to buy a brand new gaming chair be sure to use promo code glow Kaze to save an extra 20 but I've actually been using this chair for a couple days before I actually made this video and it's very comfortable it's actually dare I say the best gaming chair I've owned considering the first one I got it was from Amazon and the second one was a hand-me-down I mean this one is very comfortable I'm in bed now except kind of I mean whatever and I'm not saying that because they actually sponsored this video but they actually asked me for my height and weight before they actually sent me the chair I feel like that's the reason why it's so comfortable because it was made for me but a huge shout out to Ewan Racing for sending me this chair out and sponsoring this video but anyway enjoy the rest of the video talk one and to make this a little easier for me I actually took off my um oh God wait can I just spinach these yes I can okay so I took off the the space bar to make this a little bit easier for me oh my God it's gonna be a little tough to get across Hills but we're gonna see oh oh okay so right here we're just gonna need a lot of momentum here we can start out from all the way over here and then make our way there we go oh we start from all the way in the beginning how about that okay we're gonna start all the way from the beginning since we killed all the bandits in the way so then we have enough speed to do absolutely nothing oh my God so you're telling me I can run all the way from over here and it um fine so that didn't go as planned but hopefully Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a little different um I'm not entirely sure how this one's gonna go because well jumping is essential to Sonic games okay so not being able to jump in some portions is definitely gonna cost us especially like right here like look at how slow we're going right there oh this is a good idea let me get this spring right here oh we have so much speed oh yes yes yes yes oh I wish I could jump just spin dash this I could probably just spinach this right yes I can all right let's see there we go the spinach is gonna be a lot more useful now since we can't jump the spinach is an incredible tool we can use to our advantage I did not get that checkpoint but that's okay did we complete it oh we actually got a stage done all right the only thing I'm honestly scared for are boss fights besides that I think I think we're good oh you have gotta be kidding me yep there's absolutely nothing I can do okay all right next to Sonic the Hedgehog three honestly this is not going how I want it to go but it's okay God I knew it I knew it was gonna happen all right so see if I can actually spin that oh I could probably spend that my way on to the spring right here yes I can oh my God thank you so much I hate that Rhino I hate that rhino and there's more spikes in my way great our Sonic and Knuckles um this is already ominously I wasn't expecting much from the 2D games I feel like we're gonna do a way better job in the 3D games but we did get one stage done in Sonic two but let's see if we can get a stage done in Sonic and Knuckles we almost made it up top there hopefully that doesn't cost it's gonna cost us in the yep it is God Nexus Sonic CD I skipped the intro oh my God how do we do this game okay there we go all right let's see if this one's a little bit oh you've got to be kidding me all right let's hope I could just spin that okay I can spin that's my way up there okay this one should be a little bit easier um hopefully I don't need to jump oh my God I need a jump already our next is Sonic Adventure and this game is really loud God I literally have this game at 10 it's still loud all right so this is tougher because I am playing these games on controller now and it's just kind of muscle memory to jump slide I kind of have to like literally avoid the jump button so I'm pretty sure we can actually spinach kl0 so we'll see we can't can we not wait can we not just spin this in we cannot spin down some and this is gonna be press the jump button again I don't want to jump what's the whole point I don't want to jump God I'm telling you right now I think I can do this level without jumping yeah I don't think you need to jump in this level do you need jumping I don't know we've already constructed a hundred thousand dollars worth of damage look at all those destruction we're doing in the city of San Francisco I feel bad for all these people look at that we just killed someone whoa black car see ya in the afterlife God I love causing destruction in the city of San Francisco oh we could probably use that to our advantage the spin dash oh yes we might have a level that's possible here this is about to be fun I actually don't think we need to worry about jumping as long as we have the spin dash on our side we are good we should be good I just have to find ways to just angle myself correctly when I'm using the spin dash so I don't actually have to use my jump at all oh I think this is where I have to use my now let's see there we go perfect good job me oh Light Speed Dash is going to be very useful as well here we go this is a very important part we could not mess this part up this does not count as jumping either oh we bested up oh God no we messed it up oh no uh we got him we gotta fabricate it in a way that we can there we go and if we oh my god dude that part is hard because I could probably do that part if I execute it correctly let's do this correctly this time because if we do this correctly it'd be a lot easier for us there we go get the invisibility or or not um could we jump up okay I think I can do this instead no look I hate this camera okay there we go come on are you kidding me and we could do this instead oh there we go oh my God that shouldn't have not taken that long that was so much easier than I made it out to be now that was the heart honestly that was the hardest part of the level in my opinion that was the hardest part without jumping now we actually should be able to do this oh my God no we we got this we actually got this imagine you got like five minutes to go to work and then this is what you see outside you just did you see your car getting towed or not even towed but destroyed by this big ass truck that just spawns here wouldn't that be a fun time do not tell me we have to are you kidding me no no we do not have to jump no we don't we have to jump we get the going we have to jump look at this I'm literally touching the gold ring and we have to jump for it I did all of that just to get stopped by the gold ring are you kidding me look at this I'm already touching it it's not if he's touching it with his with his talk will that is so stupid next game is Sonic Heroes honestly I'm not expecting that much from Sonic Hero since you kind of need Tails from some sections so we're gonna see how this goes oh wait a minute if I'm in the air I could probably oh you gotta be kidding me hold on I'm in the air no I can't leave it to you Tails hold on I actually might have just screwed up already I I think I actually I think I already screwed up Sonic Heroes what about his restart I think we should just re I can't even wait why can't we start can you not restart stages wait okay there we go I was about to say why don't we just start with tails about with Tails no start with tails we start with Tails right and right here we just start flying okay all right let's restart this again so right here we jump off and then there we go there we go okay oh my God beautiful beautiful God grab a spot to fall off right here see oh my God we can't just walk off the stage here well we could use Knuckles actually okay we're good there we go all right since we could just walk off here we could just walk off and then jump oh oh no no no no no no no no no tails tails do not tell me there was a spring right here was indeeda Spring right there great and hopefully we don't have to jump in oh my God we have to jump in here we can't even jump in the water oh that is so dumb hold on see if I can figure out a way to not jump here oh hold on I might have just figured it out come on there we go oh my God great job Tails great execution let's go we are doing more than what I ever expected bro this is actually great come on Taylor's keep going keep it going tails oh you've got to be kidding me see if I could actually make it up top no we can't make it up top this time wait let's see if I can go back there and uh excuse me I don't need you here see if I could go back here where is everyone else why is it just knuckles if I could make it from just jump no I didn't wait dude I don't think I can make this oh we are stuck no next is Shadow the Hedgehog now I'm going in the Shadow the Hedgehog with zero expectations next is Sonic 06 oh gorgeous my love so we start out in beautiful wave ocean which honestly I'm playing the original Sonic 06 right now so I have zero expectations as to how this is gonna go because well we we know how buggy sonico 6 is uh I should probably equip one of these though okay what's the purple one where's the purple give me the purple give me the purple oh wait does that kind of does that count as jumping way wait does that count as jumping um does that count as a jump I'm gonna oh okay you know what I don't know if that counts as a jump or not oh my God we might have found a cheat code if that counts as a jump next is what I absolutely believe to be the best Sonic game of all time all right and we start out with act one windmill IO and I'm pretty sure half of this game can just be completed with just the Boost but we'll see I mean there are some parts that you actually have to jump such as the Werehog ports I think we'll be fine oh you mother X is Sonic and the Secret Rings and as usual we're gonna skip the tutorial for this game because well uh nah we're just gonna skip it okay no discussion thinking about We're Not Gonna last too long in this game because I'm pretty sure we have to jump in like in like about five seconds from now we I'm pretty sure we have to jump yeah we have to jump over here oh I can't even next is Sonic and the Black Knight which I'm British is gonna be the same story as Sonic in the Secret Rings yeah and we're gonna stop right here aren't we actually no there's no way we can get over this unless we jump can we pressing every button possible yeah I can't do this without jumping next is Sonic Colors honestly we'll see how this goes but I'm pretty sure I could actually use the Wisp here it's helped me a lot oh we could use that as our advantage as well oh you have got to be kidding me absolutely not we just have to jump in every single way possible God damn all right next is Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 1 which honestly we just have not had a good day all right next is Sonic Generations and this game took me forever to actually set up I don't know why I have no idea what was wrong with my Sonic Generations maybe rerun my con maybe rerun my configuration folder a million times but honestly I feel like Sonic Generations is going to go exactly the same way I did not want it to go okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna see if spin dashing is going to actually assist us here and it's not goddamn there's gonna be something I can do right supersonic can you do something can you hold on let me see wait let me actually see if Super Sonic could actually do something for me let's see this might be cheating but let's see oh you guys suck next is Sonic Lost World and for Sonic lost dude honestly I think the 2D levels I don't even know which one was easier like I honestly cannot tell you which one was easier at this point because now everything's just bad I don't even think I can complete a level now without jumping because I don't think we have we completed a little jumping I know we did Sonic no we did Sonic Adventure well technically technically are you kidding me you actually cannot be serious can I go on the wall I can't even go on the wall oh okay okay okay so we skipped a lot right there that's why I like Sonic Lost World you don't even have to do anything you can literally just take a different round for Sonic lost one I love that the question is will I have to jump at some point possibly especially over here I'm pretty sure this is one of those sections where I think I might have to jump as I was saying can I actually make it up to oh hold on can I make it over here where did I go I have no idea but I'm hoping I progress on the stage our fingers crossed that I'm close to the end right here okay oh yeah okay hold on can I Vanessa's okay thank you aim and fire with a jump okay that doesn't count as jumping though oh no we have to jump here don't we all right next is Sonic Mania which honestly this challenge is very it's going terrible I'm not gonna lie I really thought that this challenge was going to be uh now I'm thinking about Sonic forces but I'm pretty sure this is gonna go just like the rest and we're not gonna be able to do anything at all I'm pretty sure this is because it's gonna be like just like the rest of everything and we're gonna have to jump I skipped at the corner right there better kick things up a notch oh [Laughter] and last but not least we have Sonic Frontiers which at this point I I don't know what to expect at this point I mean I expect to die in the cyberspace level at this point like there's actually zero expectations for me right now I have no faith in myself to even get past this cyberspace it's gonna be like jump here and then I'm gonna just foolishly jump you're like the funniest part oh hold on I could probably do something here gotta be kidding me wait there's a double jump count that's like the counts of course it does oh my God I could do the thing but I can't do the thing here you've got to be kidding me bro this challenge was something else what a disappointing way to end the challenge I was expecting to at least get through the cyberspace this video went from if I jump in every Sonic game the video ends to how fast do I have to jump in every Sonic game oh my god oh well
Channel: GloKaze
Views: 203,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic frontiers, minecraft but grass can kill you, fastest sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator but i cant touch green, how fast is sonic, sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator update, sonic game, sonic games, blue television games sonic, classic sonic in 3d, blue tv games sonic, sonic games roblox, roblox sonic games, sonic speed simualtor, sonic blue television games, sonic speed simulator how to get shadow, super sonic
Id: b_GH0kboUSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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