How Many Jumps To Beat Super Mario RPG?

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27 years after its initial release Super Mario RPG has been remade and released onto the Nintendo switch they took a if it Ain broke don't fix it kind of approach so the vast majority of the game plays and feels like the original just with better graphics music quality of life adjustments and whatnot as such this challenge could have been done before but I'm doing it now to answer one simple question that nobody asked how many jumps does it take to beat Super Mario RPG the game begins as normal Princess Peach is just minding her business and Bowser swoops by to kidnap her Mario quite literally jumps in action and before you ask no I will not be counting any cut scene jumps just jumps that we perform our once inside Bowser's keep it's a straight shot to the throne room where we have a quick fight against Bowser after a bit of fisticuffs the real villains show up a large sentient blade splits apart the star road before embedding itself within the keep this sends Mario flying p in one after a quick reprimand from toad we're faced with our greatest challenge getting off of this clothes hook I tried all of the buttons but quite literally our only option is to jump to get down there goes our jump list streak once outside we get a good tip the game saves automatically when moving between areas but we can actually save whenever we want by jumping onto the save block while it is very technically possible to do this entire challenge without manually saving I decided to allow use of save blocks without increasing the jump count for the sake of my Insanity that said on the world map we head over to the keep just to see The Bridge fall apart and then back home Mario plays a bit of trites and it's off to the Mushroom Kingdom but not before an optional action command tutorial while this is a great refresher on the game's mechanics you can deal extra damage and even deal air effect damage depending on the timing of your a presses it's good stuff but not good toad actually forces you to perform a jump special which would count but if you just decline the tutorial you avoid it entirely onwards mushroom way is a winding path with plenty of enemies in our way no jumps are required and neither are most of the enemies technically you don't even need to help the Toads along the way but if you want you can the first required fight is against the Hammer Bros where I learned an important lesson do not spend your command gauge on a toad assist it causes a floating chest to appear which you have to jump to open eventually we'll get other gauge moves but until then it's off limits with our Victory we get a sturdy Hammer serving as our first equipable weapon for the most part every weapon we'll come across is going to be used because they all offer better stats but different action command timings that you have to learn it's worth it at the Mushroom Kingdom we meet another villain this pink spotted toad with braids she'll say look what you're standing in and then we're locked in place Gable little Mario is forced to jump in place in response to her devious major look prank this forced me to quit and reload the game on the spot giving her a wide birth it's onto the castle in the throne room Mario performs more charades for the chancellor who suggests that we stop by the Sellar Vault and grab some items to help on our journey while this isn't required I went and checked and this was a mistake the Vault guard won't let you leave without collecting any items but they're in floating chests that require jumps even worse the game oses upon entering the Vault so I quite literally had to restart the game entirely to fix this blunder now you know why I allowed manual saving back again when exiting the castle we get treated to the first of many cut scenes which look great but feel oddly empty without voice [Music] acting come back here here back [Music] here I can't I can't cry what am I going to do anyways well talking to our new favorite soft boy the affir mentioned toad prompts Myra to jump again and this one is non-negotiable so it is added to the count that done mow the Frog who's not a frog joins the party and after being introduced to the map fast travel feature we head off fors Bandit's way in Chase of the thieving Croco the first screen is simple but this one isn't we're expected to hop onto the rotating pink flower which gives Mario an extra high jump to reach the race platform then the game wants us to hop across the two yellow tiles repeatedly after Messing around I found it's actually possible to run directly across from one platform to another until the very end where we have to jump onto the other bit of raised ground so we're up to five total jumps which you know it could be worse thankfully the remaining areas of band's way consists of flat ground so it's easy to corner and beat up Croco afterwards returning to Mushroom Kingdom yet again we find it overrun with Shores bouncing around on their Pogo swords they may be jumping but we don't have to so we'll fast forward a bit till we get to the throne room here we have a fight against against Clay Morton and his bodyguards unlike some later fights this is a pretty simple one mow works well as a mage and he starts with a thunderbolt which hits all enemies without jumps Mario can only deal fire damage with specials so I mostly use him as a physical attacker since jumping is rarely relevant during combat I'll only bring it up when we have especially difficult or interesting encounters with our Victory we collect the first of seven stars our next goal is to speak with mala's Grandpa which means traveling through Kos sewers assuming you don't get off the pipe after Mario cutscene jumps onto it getting into the sewers is fine but immediately we have an issue water there are no ramps out of water so we always expected to find a submerged platform and then jump out what's worse the resulting rooms are intentionally confusing with more than one way to reach certain rooms some via pipes others via swimming in this kind of situation I spent a lot of time walking around the areas myself and I consulted these maps of the sest version made by padan I can confirm that after frequent references back and forth to these Maps they're functionally identical to the switch version so they will be very helpful when coming up with the best routes on that topic here's what I came up with we can use one jump to get out of the water and onto the pipe in the first screen then we have to carefully navigate over and jump onto this pipe which takes us over here where we have some height to work with so one jump is needed to get onto this ledge letting us fall down onto this pipe this takes us to the room with a green switch requiring a fourth jump draining the water from the previous areas we can then fall off the ledge to go back to the pipe walk along the newly emptied area and jump into this last pipe returning us to the green button room but higher a sixth jump takes us into a pipe dropping us in front of bellom the dog monster thing he likes to apply scarecrow Funk which afflicts a scarecrow status preventing us from using basic attacks and items it's silly but keep this in mind it will be on the test once bom flees the floodgates are opened and were're washed out onto Midas River in the first part of this miname we can use the B button to swim upstream which I did a little bit to get some frog coins but it's not really necessary next We Ride Along on a barrel and we're expected to jump for coins and to avoid changing paths but we could just let Mario get battered and bruised to let us reach tadpole Pond jumpless unfortunately when the tadpole asks if it's true that Mario can hop better than a froggy say the line Mario yay even worse we have to jump across every single tadpole to reach the Frog sages Island and this is actually a scripted section where we manually jump but can't land in the water or skip a tadpole good afternoon you should respect your elders thankfully after the Sage's guidance we can leave by using the map fast travel rather than going back across the tadpoles Roseway isn't too bad if you know where to go we just have to jump onto the first tile and then patiently and carefully transfer tiles until we get to the North path and then jump one more time onto this tile and make our way over to the southeast path which results in a flat walk over to witness Bowser leading his troops back towards the keep next we find Rose toown Under Siege from paralyzing arrows we're going to ignore all this and head into the Inn where we find a boy named Gaz playing with Mario Peach and Bowser dolls after straight up lying about my identity he pulls out a Geno doll and quite literally knocks Mario unconscious using [Music] projectiles upon waking re forc to jump out of bed and then we hear Gaz talking about seeing Gino walk into the nearby Forest maze within this maze we find a number of similar looking forest clearings with stump pipes connecting one another and a number of similar looking underground rooms as per the name this maze can be a bit confusing so I immediately looked up a guide following the most direct path we have to jump into this first stump and then onto this underground spring in the subsequent Grove the farthest stump takes us to this smaller room where we have to jump onto a wiggler which aners it sending us back up where we came from which for some reason has revealed a New Path where we can take this dump and then this final spring after which we follow Gino jumpless until he confronts Boer a sentient weapon who's been terrorizing Rose toown this fight is actually odd because the boss will occasionally disable the Y X or a buttons which definitely make things interesting as Mario is quite weak without the a button and Malo without the Y button good thing Gino can deal great damage with both basic and special attacks [Applause] [Music] afterwards Gino confirms his star-based Origins and goal and joins the party as we head towards moleville at the edge of town we catch sight of Bowser and his windling forces discussing their current predicament that done it's on to the mindes we're going to lie and say that we know that a couple of mole children Dina and M have become trapped due to a fallen star and as such we have to jump onto these moles and then jump again to reach the old mind entrance and go say them two screens later we come upon a spring that we have to jump on which immediately knocks Mario out Croco and his three minions count them three appear and yoink our coins and a Chase ensues we could go straight for Croco but defeating each of his minions rewards us a flower tab which increases our total flower points beating Croco gets us back our coins and a microb bomb which helps us clear the way deeper into the mines immediately we have to jump twice to reach this upper path which we follow to this room where two more jumps gets us onto the highest layer of this location after another safety save we find punchinello who will knock you back if approach from the front but not from behind not much to say about this fight aside from the fact that this was the first time I used our new triple gauge move star Riders this and every other gauge move will unlock has a unique cut scene which is a visual treat and they're all very useful as well once defeated punchinello summons a giant bomb which explodes doing not much but it does dislodge the third star which is quite nice in the subsequent room we find D and might trying to use a minecart Mario gives it a push and then we're along for a miname ride back to mville this has two sections and You're expect to jump a bunch you could just not do that our job here done we follow a group of sniffit to booster pass this is a mountainous path with plenty of Rocky changes in elevation but we only have to Traverse two areas in the first one four jumps gets us to the screen transition and then three jumps gets us to the exit next booster Tower starts out strong [Music] I'm Bowser baby inside this is a tower which means that it's tall and then we have to go up there are no elevators handrails ramps stairs just a bunch of checkerboard platforms of increasing altitude rather than discuss every single jump needed let me quickly show [Music] you [Music] now quick clarification here we're not counting Mario being sent High into the air as that is a cut scene launch not an individual button [Music] press we've more than doubled the rest of the game so far with this single location thanks booster I hate it here on that topic at the top we have this room with curtains and you're expected to participate in an increasingly difficult Min game to avoid detection if you avoid getting caught then you are rewarded with a unique equipable charm and forced to jump to collect that Mario doll so I instead reloaded my save and got caught Thrice to skip all of that it sucks to lose out on the charm but we do avoid the jump and gives us an additional fight against booster that and the one against Knife Guy and crate guy great names aren't too bad sending us directly into another mini game this one has you run up booster hell while dodging barrels and sniffers of course jumps are expected but none are required and you can actually Dodge everything by just going to the edge and hanging there for a couple minutes now we're on to marrymore and we have to sneak into the Chapel to stop booster from marrying Peach getting in is easy we just have to take a hidden entrance but we have to jump to prove to the sniffit that were in fact Mario and then in the main room Peach loses all of her accessories and we have to recollect them which means jumping to grab the crown off of booster's head thank [Applause] you from here it's a bunch of jumpless combat against Chef tort his Apprentice their weirdly sentient cake and it's back to Mushroom Kingdom for us keep in mind that toad is still looking to prank us so stay far far away Peach yeah oh [Music] no with Peach having joined us properly it's back to the Frog stage again which means another nine jumps after again exiting the area with the Fast Travel option we head through Star Hill which is a wonderfully flat and walkable local next up is Seaside town where the Elder informs us that a star Has Fallen into the nearby sea said sea is made of two sections the first being a grouping of caves that assuming you continue straight forward and don't go into the water require no jumps once reaching the sea itself we do have to jump to get into the pipe dropping us into the sunken ship this is the other larger section of the sea and it can be quite daunting if you don't know what's going on very quickly you'll come upon this room with six doors guarded by gers behind each door is some kind of puzzle which you're supposed to complete in order to get all of the hints needed to figure out the sixlet password to move on as it happens the password has remained unchanged after all of these years so the optimal route is to just look up the answer this requires one jump to get over the boxes in the second room and then 11 jumps to input the [Music] password after defeating King calamari you we have to jump twice to reach this upper path which we follow past some rats and launchers down some stairs and through a few more rooms to a handy save block using the stairs we can walk a top these blocks and continue on through two rooms and then a submerged staircase and then we have to jump six times to scale some barrels and exit the water at last we Face Off against good old Jonathan Johnny Jones who graciously accepts the feat and hands over the star piece afterwards we can fast travel back to Seaside town where the Elder reveals himself to be be a bad guy named speich and tortures the real Elder with tickles so we're forced to hand over the star chase them to the edge of town and they immediately fight and get the star back freeing the Elder gets us a tip on where to go next Land's End this involves a lot of jumping so let's go room by room there are multiple cannons they have to hop into and then press jump to shoot out this is not automated and you have to time it so I am counting all of these cannon shots as jumps as such it's optimal to pop onto this platform and then time a jump onto this moving tile then one more jump to exit this room in the second room the jump count really depends on the cannon since the game uses set distances I don't think it's possible to land up top without going into the pit there is also a hidden tile but you can only reveal from jumping from below so using it to avoid the cannon wouldn't save any jumps as such we have to jump onto the rock into the cannon out of the cannon and then out of this pit in the third room we're forced to do it entirely as intended if you fall from the top platforms your only option is to take the single stationary Cannon back that said you could also use it to launch Mario off the edge technically I'm not sure why they made that a [Music] thing for this room we have to scale these large steps using the flowers where we can keep things efficient by jumping onto this first flower and then carefully jumping directly to flower two which took a lot of attempts to make sure I could do and then flower three and then the final platform this takes us here where we can have a chat to start the skybridge challenge if you don't start the challenge you can jump to the third step and then hop across each one like with the Tad PES which would require 10 jumps if we accept the expert challenge we have to cross the falling platforms while dodging bullet bills but we remain in control of Mario's movement so just live jumps would work that done we're dropped into a desert area where we have to attack the ants that pop out of the sink holes after doing this three times we end up in a cavern where we walk our way to Bell's Temple within there's not that many rooms but we do have to jump quite a few times once in room two to get past this tiny step and then three times in one of the few correct orders to spawn these blocks and then one two three times to move on another to enter this pipe one to hit this chest which opens the path ahead and then again to get a fortune from the statue apparently you can either get M I'm so hungry or sorry I'm not accepting visitors the first one is what you want so I guess if you're unlucky just reload from your last save then it's another jump onto this tile another one onto this pipe and then up this ledge that's a 10 finally we have to jump onto this button and then onto this final pipe all in all that's 15 jumps for bom's Temple and I'll have you know I actually did replay this bit and checked and no you cannot fast travel out rather than using the pipe that does not work don't do that anyways here in monstro town we just have to talk to Monster Mama who has a star upstairs that's that's cute but not what we're looking for talking to Monster Mama again she introduces us to Sergeant Flutter and his paratroopers who will help us reach Bean Valley to get there we need to fast travel back to the Temple's entrance unlock this spring for 100 coins and then jump onto it and then jump three times to get up these rocks and then one more time to get onto the first Koopa in this mini game you're expected to go fast which means jumping but you could just as easily waight and carefully walk across each new turtle at the top we have to jump twice more and boom it's lagum land in this first portion we have to jump twice to enter pipes and then run to this room and jump to start a fight against this very angry plant afterwards we have to jump to grow a vine out of this block and then again to climb it I should note that at the top of each Vine will be climbing Mario does a little hop I'm considering these cut scene jumps because we don't press a button to do it also as we travel up it's important to note that some Vines can be climbed by walking into them that includes this red to Yellow move which is very very close to not working but it does work with all that in mind here's the journey in just five [Music] jumps [Music] Nimbus Land has a lot of jumpless plot so we'll speed through it this is actually the home of mow who is not a toad he's actually the prince but a lady named Valentina has introduced a large bird named dodo who is masquerading as mow it's exactly as serious of a plot as one could expect from this game in a good way to sneak inside were disguise as a golden statue and this results in a kind of miname where we're expected to jump to avoid getting pecked and thus found out much like the earlier booster curtain scenario it's better to get caught and take the fight rather than jump from there we just have to fight our way through the very accessible Castle until we chase our two villains right out into the open air dropping us right besides the entrance to the spa we need to get back to town which of course we can do jump list using the Fast Travel option from there it's another fight a tearful reunion and then we're off towards the spot again this time we're let in and we want to ignore the water it's a trap and instead walk directly off the edge towards Barrel volcano this place is very frustrating because it has a lot of verticality especially in the latter portion of the area it's as if they wanted to make it engaging and interesting by having you literally climb to the top of the mountain before fighting the Power Rangers at top their cartoonishly front heavy Airship I'll never forgive the Developers for doing this to me anyways we're going to run through all of the required jumps in a monster Montage it'll save us both some [Music] time as with the majority of these jump heavy sections I've been revisiting them and recording cleaner versions where I speed through combat with postgame stats and generally just try to get better footage and during this I came up with a potential new strategy you see when fighting an enemy if you run away it'll be blinking but otherwise remain on the field which includes its hit box that means you can actually land on them so given the correct timing positioning enemy Heights enemy movement RNG and so on you might be able to bypass certain jumps by using enemies as platforms unfortunately this is really difficult and tedious to practice so without save States or other tools I can't realistically analyze every single platform in this volcano let alone the game anyways I thought I'd mention that back to the Montage [Music] [Music] there [Music] sh [Music] yeah with the six star piece in hand we return to nimus land and ask for guidance from malo's parents the last place to check is Bowser's keep and we'll be given a ride over by the Royal bus that done we're headed directly into Bowser's Castle remember when that bridge fell of course not but we have to jump over it be Beyond the throne room we have to walk through a simple room before finding ourselves at a safety save and kco ready to sell a stuff this marks the starts of perhaps the most frustrating section of this entire challenge you see this leads to a room with six numbered doors behind the doors are two action courses involving plenty of jumping two battle courses involving a lot of battles and no jumping and two puzzle courses involving a lot of garbage and jumping we are required to complete four of these six courses to move on so to be thorough I had to test every single course both battle courses take place in three straight flat hallways so no jumps are needed that's cool action course one as it's labeled in the maps I'm using starts with a narrow room where we have to hop across moving platforms with a tall Stone section limiting how much height we have to work with following the movement displayed on screen I was able to clear this room in just three jumps which is definitely less than intended the second room seems daunting but it's pretty easy just hop onto the ball and roll it over to the end of the room where we have to jump off and move through the door in this last room we have to repeatedly jump to swap platforms causing them to alternate positions all the way towards the goal and I think like maybe nine jumps so overall this course would require 14 jumps action course 2 also starts with a lava room but this one just has multiple enemies that run and jump along an invisible path lighting it up briefly on each Landing we can walk our way to the end just fine for the second room we're expected to hop onto the first move moving platform but we can actually rub against it and fall into the lava which will make the game respawn us at top the platform then we just carefully walk across platforms until reaching the next door which leads to Donkey Kong Barrel dodging and all at minimum we'd have to jump eight times to scale the floor layers but the barrels do make things tricky so I just tried and retried until I confirmed that you can totally get to the top without jumping over a single barrel just side step hide and go fast meaning this course requires a jump puzzle course one begins with a coin counting miname against Dr topper after you've jumped onto the yellow tile there are 21 coins in the box and you have to remove one to four coins at a time by jumping pressing a if you want to stop early the goal is to make Dr topper grab the last coin I have no clue how he's actually coded but if he randomly picks a number each time regardless of how many are left then I guess it's technically possible to win if he grabs four coins every single turn which feels like a statistical anomaly and this this dream scenario I guess you would have to jump five times still very much depending on the game's code it could also take 20 turns but that probably wouldn't happen that said I jumped seven times in one so that's what I'm writing down for room one in the second room we have a button puzzle where pressing one button also changes the states of each cardinally adjacent button the amount of buttons and layouts vary but I've seen these called lights out puzzles on the internet this one's pretty simple we just have to jump four times on these spots lastly you got to kick some ball around no jumps are needed but fun fact this uses the same concept as Peg solitire which was first mentioned in Prince back in 1697 so that's neat all in all that means this course would take about 12 jumps last and definitely least puzzle course 2 has you jump onto the yellow tile kicking off a frustrating 12 question quiz do you remember when I mentioned Johnny the shark's full name or how many identical minions Croco had or even the marrymore chef's name I sure h so because it's quite literally on the test and I didn't study so I cheated and looked up the answers and was still forced to memorize almost every single one because you're only given 5 Seconds to pick an answer and there are 37 possible questions I failed a lot and if that wasn't bad enough after succeeding you're whisk onto a room where you have to count barrels apparently there is a trick to it certain rows always have a fixed number of barrels but I didn't know that so I took switch screenshots and went and counted and still somehow got it wrong multiple times like I came here to count jumps not barrels finally the last room has no time limit it's just a logic puzzle where you have to piece together which characters finish an unseen race based on their testimonies whatever I got it done this horse Takes just one jump so of course it is required which brings our total up to 257 jumps so far that done we fall to a save block and walk upon flat ground and directly through Boomer the samurai immediately after we're flung into a fight against exor that big old talking sword turns out he's not the final boss but instead the final area because once defeated we jump into his dimensional portal of a mouth this is weapon world and it's made up of numerous floating platforms often connected by hex nuts on threaded rods the rods themselves have no Collision so you're expect to jump in place to slowly turn each Fastener until you reach the other side we can get to the first save block with one jump and and then the second save block with five more jumps the subsequent room requires another five jumps I tried walking across this Center Gap but it's just too far after defeating TT's older brother and jumping on the unlock spring we have four main rooms left to Traverse in this first room we have to hop over the first conveyor belt walk across the Stone platforms and then hop over this other belt in room two Dodge pass some enemies while jumping twice to get over some Ledges and in room three we fight past and booze and then jump four more times to get over some knee high obstacles this fourth room has machine-made Boyers dropped at the start of each conveyor belt staircase and this makes it very annoying to climb optimally without falling back down due to post battle paralysis that is normally unnoticed if timed correctly you can get through by jumping four times up each staircase so eight in total after so much dumping you think we could rest easy but nope it's time for a gauntlet of fighting there's cloer and Domino and then Clerk and his mallets manager and their Pounders and the director and the poundex at the end of this production line is the factory Chief and G which once defeated reveal a button that we have to jump onto to activate a crane that takes us down to the source of this game's atrocious Arsenal Smithy he is the head honcho and after angering him we drop down into a trash e where he literally loses his head repeatedly he actually has five different heads each sharing the same Health pool but having varying stats and weaknesses thus far I've been playing on the standard difficulty and this proved to be a fittingly difficult final boss that said eventually he went down and with this we reclaim the seventh star and at last Star Road is repaired now we're a couple cut scenes from the credits but we're not yet done during the overly long and arduous process of making this video actually Identify two spots where we could save a jump that it couldn't easily edit into the appropriate sections when entering the sunken ship you could actually walk onto this pipe rather than jump and during Barrel volcano in the room after cork pedite you can skip a jump that with hindsight I shouldn't have used I'm sure we could eliminate even more jumps using strategies glitches or exploits yet to be discovered or that I just don't know about but we'll call this Good Enough At Last I can finally answer the question that nobody asked it takes 284 jumps to beat Super Mario RP GG we can finally rest easy that said we'll end things here thank you so much for watching if you still are it's much appreciated big thanks to my channel members for their support it means a lot if you enjoyed this video why not leave a like maybe subscribe and check out some of my other videos I have Challenge videos for paper Mar orami King Luigi's Mansion 3 all kinds of stuff that's it for this one byebye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 48,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PluEuHxhcxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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