Can You Beat Skyrim: Dragonborn Without Taking Any Damage?

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Skyrim is neat I enjoy a good Skyrim every now and again but sometimes your Skyrim needs a little less Skyrim and a little more something else that makes total sense don't worry about it can you beat Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC without taking any damage so here's the funny thing about this challenge usually when I start a playthrough for a fallout or Skyrim video I can get it beaten in about two days start at one afternoon finish it the next well for Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC I started it quite a while ago in November I don't think I even have that footage anymore then I tried again earlier this year and made just as little progress as I did the first time you know that weird sick smell you get in your nose the day before you catch a cold that's in the air for everyone right now so what better time to go back and embrace the pain I began my journey for the third and final time with a character I made many croissant moons ago the challenge for that particular character was practice arrows only I don't remember exactly why I stopped that one I blame alcohol and the establishment I chose that stealth Archer because a stealth Archer is the only real way to play elders Perl 5 adventures of the stealth Archer and because past experience has taught me that I need as high of an archery skill as possible also I used the console command to set my max health to 1 so that any damage of any kind kills me my first stop in this quest to induce great suffering in my soul was dawn star y dawn star there's a secret chest God accidentally left under the ground when he was making the city and it's filled to the brim with all sorts of goodies blades for slicing arrows for piercing hammers for smashing soul gems for all sorts of satanic sexual activities you can't not have a good time unless you can't reach the chest in the first place because a mod removed it as the anger piled up inside me I entered a dawn star house looking for someone to kill I split his chest cavity in half nobody outside cared about his death including me so I with the game removed the unofficial Skyrim patch started the game again and could finally access the chest just like that hollowed-out rock behind Megaton in Fallout 3 I would expect me to hit up this chest in every Skyrim playthrough I do from here on out I didn't take everything from the chest I didn't want to be greedy probably the best thing to come out of this was learning of an absurdly easy way to acquire two wooden swords it's a surprise tool that will help us later with my pockets full of someone else's stuff I traveled to Whiterun to sell what I didn't need and I immediately noticed that something was off couldn't quite put my finger on what it was though after selling more than a few things to that genie up on the Dragon Rock I did something I've had nightmares about Lydia joined the party a lot of people on the internet will tell you that you need to be at least level 15 before starting the Dragonborn DLC I think I'm level 8 I thought of the Nuka World DLC where nothing bad happened and new with the help of a donkey then I'd get through this just barely from the Windhelm stables I politely persuaded the boat guy to take to the high seas with my donkey and died and at long last we arrived in souls time it's a beautiful place lots of new and exciting creatures to be destroyed by my task was to track down information about whoever sent the cultists to kill me I began that search by attacking the sentient remains of my dead dog Lydia was destroyed almost immediately it was a joy to watch my demise wasn't quite as wonderful a few attempts later I resorted to luring the smoke people back to Raven Rock where the guards would hopefully be killed so I could give their armor to Lydia captain vellus asked me to search a Deus farm for clues I channeled my inner Steve spent maybe seven seconds looking for clues in the wrong place and gave up sealing the fate of the mitten Bureau of Investigation forever lost inept and looking for something to do I went back to Raven Rock to stock up on supplies I got my hands on a couple hundred arrows a few enchanted bows and asked around about me rack sitting lady pointed me towards the temple of me rack based on its name it's probably a dead end but I had a waypoint and was eager to mindlessly follow it it was around this point in past lives that I gave up on this DLC even the basic wild creatures and enemy NPCs you'll find on the island are tough to kill deeper into the landmass I found a group of humans who gave me the option to leave without any bloodshed I put a few arrows in one of them a few others turned into werewolves and I let them do what needed to be done all things considered it didn't take long for me to meet Faria above the temple of mirek she explained what was happening all over the island stones are being used to corrupt the minds of the non-believers together free Lydia and I ventured into the temple of mirek she suggested I loot the rooms in search of usable supplies I found a skeleton who died like a true gamer but not a whole lot else cultists draugar and a bunch of traps all littered the temple amazingly I managed to accidentally set off in April trap and not die once the drug or death Lord woke up in an area that wasn't even the final section of the dungeon it dawned on me what exactly I got myself into luckily Faria is adequately equipped to handle the cultists Lydia not so much now the one good thing about the cultists is that they can attack from a distance which is always ideal for no damage runs their fireballs can be dodged if you put some effort into it Lydia didn't and she paid the ultimate price I dropped her body 20 feet down on the concrete just actually would have wanted and press deeper into the temple the drugger in the next few sections of the temple were mostly Restless draugar and whites not the base at draugar that can be taken out with one stealthily placed arrow a few arrows with help from sneak attack bonuses could take them out or you can just use the environment to your advantage and trick them into activating your trap card the pendulums could have been a pain in the ass but I gotten far enough into Skyrim's main quest with this character to get the whirlwind sprint shout which helped me get through the blades without dying too many times the adept occultist gave me some trouble mostly due to the spark spell they used being nearly impossible to dodge and it has a larger range than you think it's like the commando perk from Marv were fair - if you were within range and they can see you you're dead the gatekeeper woke up from his nap after I absorbed a word of power had it not been for Fria I would have had to resort to leading into traps and letting it get cut in half by saws but she kept him distracted by letting it use her body as a punching bag allowing me to pepper it with air rules from a safe distance kill it and then face a drug or death overlord because of course that's what's waiting for me surprisingly it wasn't that bad to deal with in the deepest and darkest part of the temple all my fantasies came true when tentacles emerged from a book and dragged me into another dimension Mirek had his little monologue the floating mammoths screamed at me a lot and I returned to Raven Rock with Faria to speak to her father about what to do next he revealed the next step go - sirens watch find a limited-edition dictionary and learned the word that miracle learned back in the day and speak that word to the wind stone the sky was a beautiful combination of greens and blues and purple it was almost as beautiful as the green tree man who murdered me in cold blood a wilderness puppy approached me suspiciously then rolled down the mountain without any help from me and I arrived at the magic wall that put the words energy into my body against my will there was a dragon and drugger and all sorts of nonsense all over the place I had to sneakily take out the one dragon that saw me learned the word then get borderline stuck in a crevasse while running from a dragon fall down a waterfall accidentally on purpose and flee through the frozen landscape until I was far enough away from the winged beast that I could travel to the wind stone and let my vocal cords rip it a new [ __ ] well that was the idea anyway turns out you still need a Dragon Soul to unlock the shout and I didn't have any souls I was also not far enough in the main game story that I could easily fight the dragon at Kines Grove with Delfino so I had to kill me a dragon it's always a problem when you can't take damage the small silver lining was that I knew where one was and two had plenty of arrows to attack it with back the sirens watch to fight the dragon I just spent five minutes running from I got a few arrows in it over the course of several men which was when something amazing happened it flew over to the other side of the mountain and got physically abused by something what that something was I can't say but it didn't matter I finished off the dragon got its soul learned the word blew up the stone with my mouth and a lurker emerged from the stones corpse lurkers are not easy to kill especially at level 8 or 9 or whatever level I am now but it can't fly and as such is still subject to Skyrim's laughable AI I could sit on a nice-looking rock and fill it with arrows from behind cover while it just stood in place occasionally shooting a mucus bomb at me with a dead storm Craig Ryder gave the order to cleanse the remaining four stones around souls time instead I went to the mushroom village from the restoration spells only video to meet a special nerd before that though I stocked up on more arrows from a raven rock merchants and spent many lives trying to kill one of the retirin guards sitting with his back to me he you know what I'm about to say fell before me and I got my paws on an elven bow it's not the best bow in the game not even close but it was a solid step up from what I had inside the world's biggest mushroom I spoke too knoweth he learned me where a new black book is invited himself to retrieve it with me and to teach him about manners I threw a bunch of his stuff down the window I tripped on a basket and died I helped about as much as someone like me could help Etna charnok but no less did most of the heavy lifting to remove the Reavers from the area without hurting them or their feelings inside was Dwemer as I've said many times in other videos I detest these parts of Skyrim the book had been sealed under a glass that had been infused with the power of flex tape there was only one way to retrieve it we use the special cubes to boil all the water away I'm not going to spend too much time on this no less handled the majority of the enemies inside and all you're doing is finding cubes in different areas with very light puzzles if you could even call them that do what the wizard says don't embarrass yourself in front of him and you'll have all the cubes you need in no time once the blocks have been obtained a big metalman with the mind of a child will wake up and ignore the almost naked guy with a special helmet shooting arrows at him then all you have to do is place the cubes in their positions the black book will be revealed tentacles will suck you into the nether and hermaeus mora will introduce himself he'd be a fascinating guy if he wasn't such a slow talker I don't know much about this realm but not being able to take damage means that falling into the drink kills you instantly which feels fitting for this place depress the spaghetti and you'll be within spitting distance of a lurker which must be killed in order to proceed you can't just die and go back to the room where you read the book but I couldn't remember what happened if you did that so I just brute forced my way through this at first it seemed quite the Herculean task to kill that lurker after many failures I unlocked the perk that slows down time as you aim which helped me land multiple critical shots on the Beast killing it then came the noodle monsters the Seekers as they're called in-game these first two I faced were a task and a half to deal with I tried spells and staffs and all sorts of different tactics on them before I realized it would just take time and arrows to down them their projectile attacks are slow enough that they can be dodged fairly easily faced in two or three at a time can make that more difficult but it's still not something you'll have much trouble with if you've ever played a video game before then I had to activate the orange tentacles again and I wondered if I'd wasted time fighting when I could have just activated the thing right after I killed the lurker and that was exactly what I did throughout the rest of this Apocrypha section sometimes I snuck around the Seekers other times I ran past them with my arms stretched out as far behind my back as they could possibly be after reading chapter 5 of the teleportation book I spoke to her mayest again this time at great length about his knowledge in mirek and the new Canaanites in Zion Canyon and all sorts of stuff the short version is the only way he'd grant me access to his knowledge of the final word of the band will shout is to end the ancient battle of stubbornness between him and the skull tribe with my giant nose out of that book ibid knoweth a farewell and tried to return to raven rock I say tried because the dragon attacked as it was scripted too because it has a name after Nellis killed the thing mirac absorbed its soul and barely escaped my arrow before reported my findings to the tribe guy I returned to Skyrim to head to dawn star to get myself a crossbow there better than any bow I had and I kind of assumed that I'd need one to defeat me rack down the line then I hit up a couple different merchants scattered throughout Skyrim for a couple more batches of arrows and returned to solstein to inform Storn of my discoveries remember that quest I said I was glad to not have to complete I have to do it now nothing screams Bethesda game more than the illusion of choice I started with the earth stone because it was closest to any place I discovered so far I counted on the people in Armour keepin little orc were distracted with their bodies while I filled it with arrows from a distance they did for about half its health then I got a quick save right as it killed me Skyrim has the same slight loading delay as fallout 4 what this means is that the game is active let's say while it fades in from black you load right back when you saved but it's almost like you don't have control of your character for a small window of time which is more than enough for something to kill you if you saved while fleeing for round two I stayed farther away from the lurker as I attacked it got it down for its final nap and moved on to the water stone pretty much everything that could go wrong went wrong here I ignored the cultists that was already at the stone blew it up which spawned the lurker and a dragon showed up my only save in the midst of battle was when I was hanging out on the side of a mountain out in the open with nowhere to run even fleeing to the point of being partially through reality itself wasn't enough to save me what I eventually did can only be described as kind of smart I went back in time killed the cultist right off the button spawned the lurker made sure the dragon was in the area then ran the eff profanity away while they duked it out I wanted to see what was happening during that fight while I was tucked away in a corner so I used the TF c3 command to give me a live third-person view of what happened my body was still sitting vulnerably in a hidden spot so I wasn't really cheating the lurker launched this poor sap into orbit and the battle raged on the Dragon won I didn't have to do with him to the body so I fast traveled away as quickly as I could and waddled towards the beach stone Yoshi was there and I kind of fanboy it a little bit amazingly or perhaps because it's supposed to happen this way another dragon showed up this time I again sat in a corner and used the TF c3 command to watch the fight it was quite the battle the dragon lost unfortunately I picked off the scraps which were still very much alive got the dragon soul and was at the Sunstone there was no dragon in the stone so I had to kill the lurker myself honestly not difficult or all that time-consuming either with the stones no longer controlling the minds of the people Storn read the book and offered himself up to hermaeus it was far more brutal than I thought it would be but I was a little letdown that the tentacles didn't go inside the old man's ears and eye sockets my disappointment was rewarded though as hermaeus gave me knowledge of the final Bend wil word and I could finally take on me rack of course you know that was sarcasm because nothing can be simple I needed one more Dragon Soul to unlock the final part of the shout there was no convenient way to make a dragon spawn my only choice was to wander the wasteland in search of a dragon my one idea was to head to Euston Groth I always seem to get attacked by a dragon on my way to war from there and by Joe Swanson it worked like a charm even if it did take 15 minutes I also got rather lucky with the dragon attacking something else that did big damage to it based on the few frames of the thing I recorded it looked kind of like a mud crab to me but there's no way that's right with the shout now fully powered I read the black book and entered Apocrypha to track down and defeat my rack it was a number of areas with books and weird platforms and the noodle guys and all that stuff I saved after I entered each new area saving as you're sprinting past all the enemies is asking to get em by the game put all four books in the corrupt place read the special chapter six book the worthless dragon aspects out bend will the weird-looking dragon and take to the skies for the first time in Skyrim since the last time in Skyrim I really had no idea what I was doing here I kind of just pressed a bunch of different buttons until the dragon went to the big tower in the center of goo Lagoon there he was me Rach I was finally face-to-face with the original dragon born I readied my invisible crossbow and the fight began seconds after it started archery leveled up to 50 allowing me to quickly snag two more perks to aid me in this battle now the crossbow did more damage than I would have thought but this was by no means easy and while there were other red dots on my compass at times I don't recall ever being killed by anything other than me rack or by falling into the vats of Nickelodeon slime me wreck is different from all doin as a final boss in that he doesn't have wings so he can't fly but that doesn't make him any easier to hit in his time spent in this wretched dimension he mastered the art of moving from side to side to dodge projectiles he also has to be beaten a total of four times the first three times he'll use to become ethel shout and absorb a dragon soul to restore his health his fireballs are shockingly fast he does a bigger fire move that slower but has a wider area of effect and is a general nuisance to beat on the positive side there are multiple piles of dead books that can be used as cover also fun fact I've used an enchanted bow that did 30 points of magic damage but didn't notice that I was using practice arrows with it I did that for quite a while actually before switching them out for orcish arrows that Believe It or Not were better I think the worst part about this fight was how he always shimmy them round like it makes sense in the context of the game he kills dragons like they're nothing obviously he is good at fighting and it makes the entire ordeal more interesting I just don't like it moments before I could land the final blow her - Maura's tentacle pierced the chest of MARAC sucked his life out of him and dropped his skeleton onto the ground as a parting gift for me I obtained all the components to become me rack beat Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC without taking any damage and went back the souls time bask in the praise of the townspeople they dared to oppose me so with the game already beaten I became me wreck enabled God mode to become the man I was always meant to be and laid waste to everyone in Raven Rock if you enjoyed the video or learned anything leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't enjoy the video or didn't learn anything thanks to the champion tier supporters as well as other channel members for making videos like this one possible join the minton squad server through a link in the video description follow me on twitter admin squad they wonderful have squad met enough Paul is named my
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 1,384,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat, can you beat skyrim, can you beat skyrim with, can you beat skyrim without, can you beat skyrim without taking any damage, can you beat dragonborn without taking any damage, can you beat skyrim dlc without taking any damage, can you beat skyrim dragonborn, skyrim, elder scrolls 5, mittensquad, mitten squad, skyrim mitten squad, skyrim no damage, dragonborn no damage, dragonborn dlc, can, can you, elder scroll 5: skyrim game
Id: 5ioMWSXLnko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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