Can You Beat Pokemon Scarlet Using ONLY ROCK TYPES?

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the rock type might just be the worst in all of Pokemon so I wanted to see if it was possible to beat all of Pokemon Scarlet using only rock type Pokemon and to make this challenge even harder I'm adding a ton of extra rules just to maximize the difficulty could my rock types conquer palia or would we be crushed to dust well let's find out to start I named myself after a rock type icon the Brock after having a standard Rock trainer breakfast we begin our journey except as much as I would love a kitten made of rocks none of these starters are a rock type but eventually we can find our true starter Pokemon a real demon of a rock type who is sure to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies bonsley I give it the intimidating nickname of Pebbles and now that we were armed with our glorified houseplant there was time to begin dominating paldia and nothing would stop us moments later we were stopped by nimona's Duck quaxley spans growl lowering my attack so that my rock throws barely do anything while bonds like Ken KO quaxley nemoto's poor me is way out of our league with a few Terror boosted thundershocks destroying my plant yep my rocks had already crumbled I mean it's not all that surprising since Brock's full-time job is basically to get clapped by any 10 year old who picked a Bulbasaur or Squirtle our team was looking pretty trash so far but I want to know in the comments what's your favorite rock type in paldia if you don't pick Bonsai it'll probably cry pneumonia gives me a terror orb which I immediately toss into the trash I won't be terasterizing in this run just to make it that much harder now we've reached the school where this kid looks like a broken light bulb you should probably get that checked out could I trouble you here for a few words introducing yourself sure thing my name is the Brock I like rocks I'm born in rocktober and my favorite type of music is of course K-pop now we get our goals for the challenge and I realized that out of all the gyms team star and Elite Four rock is the only type that no one specializes in and why is that well because they suck but I was gonna see just how far our rock types could go and our first stop is cortondo where the bug gym awaits thankfully bug is one of the few types that rock is actually good against to demonstrate look at this weirdly colored bug who I found while training and it's dead this is so sad one like equals one prayer for all the shinies I've had to kill lately anyway now in courtondo and after a bit of rock and roll it's time to take on the first gym we're outnumbered three to one and under my rules Bonsai can't be a higher level than Katie's Ace before the battle starts but we have Pebbles the houseplant so this should be a breeze right well despite the type advantage bonsley is so slow this means that Nimble can land a big struggle bug before I'm able to take it out to make matters worse tarantula just survives a hit letting it land two attacks onto Bonsai before I can finally take it down I still have half of my health left when the bug type Teddy Ursa emerges but this thing hits so hard and a second Fury cutter destroys bonslive yet another loss the Brock and the pebble were in tears I hope you're happy Katie you made my pot plant cry determined to crush those bugs I used an adamant mint that I found earlier to give bombslayer stat boost but still got destroyed many many times the biggest problem is Teddy ursa's Fury cutter this move has 40 power but that doubles with each successive use even though I survived the first one easily this means that the second one is way too powerful for our little plant to survive but I still believed in Pebble so I ran all the way across the map to madali just to grab the leftovers after slapping this onto my bonsai I rematched Katie again and still lost I was down horrendously bad but then I had one more idea by backtracking to the South Province we can find this TM for protect and this was gonna make all the difference on this attempt the start of the fight goes exactly the same as last time with Bonsai taking down Nimble and tarantula just like before Fury cutter does huge damage and rock throw isn't enough to one shot we are absolutely dead to have boosted Fury cutter however this is where protect comes in this importantly prevents Fury cutter from Landing breaking the Boost that it gets from successive uses this means that on the next turn Fury cutter is back to 40 power and Bonsai survives a hit on just one HP with that we can land a second rock throw taking down the Demonic teddy bear and giving us our very first badge to celebrate our bonds live reached level 16 and bloomed into a Sudowoodo our little pebble is all grown up but still pretty adorable the first gym was tough despite being a good type matchup which makes me horrified since then next gym is a type that we're actually weak against fortunately now we can finally get some new team members first up I found a little knuckling who I bestowed the name Salt Bay then straight away we find another new Pokemon the crab king after catching claw I name it Mr Krabs and now our roster of rock gods was looking pretty fresh next up is a Rock versus Rock Showdown as our next boss is the Titan claw however now our Sudowoodo knows woodhammer a powerful grass type move so while a cloth can barely touch us Sudowoodo can Bonk the giant crustacean into its grave that's our first Titan crushed and Arvin offers us a sandwich to celebrate but I give it to karadon since as we already know the Brock only eats a balanced diet of rocks our next stop is Artisan town where after enjoying the dental cavity exhibit we're clear to take on the next gym but brassius horrifies me grass types are a rock trainer's nightmare every early game Rock Gym is basically crushed by any trainer who picks a grass starter regardless I stepped up to face brassius and got annihilated his grass type pseudawudo was just too tough and my team was quickly disposed of weird lost again however I knew this was possible so I returned to brassius for a rematch this time I lead with cloth and fire off a big rock tomb that does just over half but then pedal little puts me to sleep however this is all part of the plan because cloth is holding a chesto berry which immediately wakes me up so on the next turn one more rock tomb can finish pet a little next up is smolith who does manage to hit a Razor Leaf but it's pretty pathetic so a second Rock tomb crushes the tiny Olive this leaves only Sudowoodo the real problem on brassius's team my rock tombs do way less to suit a weirdo and despite cloth's huge defense Sudowoodo is so strong that it can still Crush my crab with a second trailblaze knackley did basically nothing before also suffering the same fate at least you tried little buddy now it was down to a 1v1 a showdown between two Sudowoodo honestly this disgusts me why would a based Rock Pokemon ever want to change its type anyway it outspeeds me and we take a big trail Blaze however with a lucky stone Edge critical hit we wipe out brassius's pseudo Widow giving us our second badge my rock team actually somehow beat the grass gym I just know that my Rocky ancestors are looking down smiling upon me this Victory pleased the Brock what also pleases the Brock is cute anime girls so I know he would just love our sponsor Hawkeye impact third is an awesome RPG that is packed with action and a deep campaign I've had a blast playing it and I'm sure you will too similar to Pokemon in this game you'll assemble a roster of Valkyries then use their unique attacks and abilities to take down enemies in thrilling battles and now's a great time to start playing because they just had a huge content update with version 6.3 in this update one of the three protagonists bronya will transform into a more powerful form the hirscher of Truth when using her ultimate she'll construct this sci-fi exoskeleton that bombards enemies with a powerful ranged attack they've also added you weapons which look incredible the update also introduces a new limited time event where players will be assigned to one of two factions and complete activities to earn points for their faction and a ton of loot as well as some cool new outfits for your Valkyries on top of that honkai impact third will be airing a two-part anime Special premiering on January 20. this is the promo poster showcasing a wholesome snowball fight featuring a machine gun seems fair to me so there's a lot going on in honkai Impact third the game is available on Android iOS Windows Steam and the Epic store and since it's free to play you've got nothing to lose by trying it out download the game now using my link in the description and use the code truth63 in-game to receive all of this extra loot for free but it's only for a limited time so be sure to check out honkai impact third now moving on now we can get our next encounter Rockroth except not this one I want the cool dusk form like in rock so I had to go and catch a ton of rockruff until I found our new Rocky doggy with the own Tempo ability I name it Jurassic Park and charged up the mountain towards the next Titan but this one's the flying Titan so I basically just threw my cloth at it and shot it out of the sky trying to drop rocks on folks is dangerous yeah let's teach him a lesson by throwing some rocks at him after cloth crashed the Titan no problem Arvin tells us about his sick dog my buddy here was hurt pretty bad a while ago have you tried defeating at some rocks you stay the hell away from my dog next up is our first team star boss battle against Giacomo's dark types he rolls up in his big scary car but I was feeling pretty confident until I realized that pawniard knows metal claw it's super effective against my rocks so my plan went down the drain as each of my pet rocks were crushed this L did not please the Brock but I returned with a new strategy in search of Vengeance this time I lead with the crab king and since pawniard is quad weak to fighting I can take it down with only two rock smashes River room quickly takes up claw but now it's time for the cheese I have Rock ruff's spam sand attack which lowers accuracy we basically throw sand at Giacomo's car until it struggles to land any attacks now El Sudowoodo is clear to come in and bonk it with hammer arm until it's a hunk of scrap metal Giacomo complains about being bullied and then not two minutes later Bully's Clive about his hair you hypocrite I took on another team star boss next but this one is much easier mela's buyer types are no match for my rock hard mons and we have a huge type advantage so we can Crush her on the very first try despite being under leveled oh wait another fire type I must have missed one Napoli finish the job no Charles I'm uh I'm sorry for your Char loss on my way to the next gym I stumbled across our next encounter Dreadnought unlike its pre-evolution Dreadnought actually has a rock typing so I quickly caught it and named it the Kraken get it because it lives in water like the Kraken but it's a rock and ah you probably don't get it soon after I made it to the city of lavincia why is quackwell trying to sell me a credit card I refuse to take Financial advice from a duck my man you are one slick salesman give me everything you got once our Salt Bay evolved into its blocky Minecraft Form knuckle stack we were ready for the next gym and for the first time we have more Pokemon than the gym leader so under my rules I needed to bench a Pokemon to make an even four on four but since iono uses Electric types it's pretty safe to bench our wet Rock Dreadnought with my chosen Pet Rocks assembled I stepped up to face iono she leads with her goofy little bird and my knuckle stack absolutely walls this guy so I can use iron defense to Max my defense before laying the smackdown on it for a quick KO however next is belly bolt and this chunky frog is a problem it eats a super effective mudshot like it's nothing while it's water gun absolutely drowns my rocks so I hit it with soul cure a new move that deals passive damage while my Lego Rock does go down it put in enough work for a hammer arm Bonk to lower belly bolt into salt you a range finishing it off next up is Luxio who intimidates me and gets a critical hit but Sudowoodo is such a Chad that it can still Crush Luxio with two Stone edges now we Ono was down to only her Miss magius but this thing is a demon it's incredibly powerful and has no weaknesses it immediately crushes Pebbles and things were looking rough but now it was time for the crab king I'm hit by a confused Ray but the crab king absolutely clutches up hitting a rock blast through Confusion And since I'm holding the load of dice this is guaranteed to hit at least four times but it's not enough to KO and a hex from Miss magius puts me below half if cloth hits himself here we probably lose however our Dependable crab king clutches up Landing another rock blast to crush Miss magius earning our rock types their third badge that went pretty well but we have some crazy tough challenges coming up and I was really worried about how my rock types would hold up but thankfully at this point our rocks get some nice upgrades with rockgraph evolving into the awesome looking dust form lycanroc and on the next round I found a little rolly Coley who I named Hot Wheels our Rolling Rock then immediately evolved into car call which gains a secondary fire type but we weren't done yet as he after a really long hunt we can also find a little Larvitar after catching Darude the Larvitar now we had more than a full team of rock types while Larvitar will become a monster later on for now it's pretty harmless so I'll leave it in the PC with our upgraded roster now it was time to take on the next Titan problem is earthworm is a giant tube of Steel which is a terrible matchup for my rock types this became obvious immediately when a single iron tail crossed my knuckle stack fortunately this is where our car call can make a big debut its secondary fire type makes it the only Pokemon on my team who stands a chance with a few incinerates from my Hot Wheels we quickly melt down earthworm into a gentle goo I didn't expect the Titan to be such a little cutie yeah he's so dreamy that gives the Brock his third Titan Victory but now we had an even bigger problem [Music] tofu's Water Gym is next and rock types are not exactly known for being able to swim well of all my Pokemon literally everyone is weak to water except for Dreadnought so this was going to be tough but after assembling my best pet rocks I stepped up to take on kofu I lead with Dreadnought straight away as kofu's Volusia has a secondary psychic type this means that even though we have to tank an aqua cutter it takes only two crunches to crush that fish but what trio is where things get dicey a crunch does enormous damage but Dreadnought is hit by a water pulse which leaves me confused of course knowing my luck Dreadnought then proceeds to hit itself in confusion twice in a row the far falling to the three-headed wiggly worm I go with like and rock next and we comfortably survive a water pulse before finishing wag Trio with rock term this leaves kofu with only his crab Bominable but this guy is a beast my rock tomb does barely any damage but for a huge crab Hammer annihilates my Rocky dog now I was down to my last Pokemon a 1v1 between Sudowoodo and krabominable kofu at speeds and crab Hammer does huge damage but Sudowoodo lives on just one HP thanks to its sturdy ability I then fire off a wood hammer and just fall short of killing krabominable with sudawuro dying to its own recoil yet another loss for the Brock but I wasn't gonna give up yet Rock trainers are known for having the biggest of brains so I came up with a new plan and stepped up to kofu once more the start of the fight is the same as last time with two crunches finishing the loser however this time I have Dreadnought hold a person Berry to avoid being confused this means I can also safely take out wag Trio with a pair of crunchy Chomps while Dreadnought immediately Falls to Krab Amina ball this time we're in a much better spot kofu charges up a big crab Hammer but thanks to sudowoodo's pasho Berry we survive it comfortably this time around and a big wood Hammer from Sudowoodo is just enough to crush kofu's crab giving us a huge win over one of our biggest weaknesses this one's for you guys except our problems weren't over yet our next opponent stepping into the roxagon is Atticus the poison team star leader so it was time to unleash our little Larvitar who wants reaching level 30 evolves into a spiny Pupitar since it's a part ground type I'll be relying on Pupitar to do a lot of the heavy lifting you know Atticus looks kind of cool I wonder why he gets bullied come then villainous wretch a plunge into Grim poison shall be your well-deserved fate ah never mind it all makes sense now anyway the prince Commander leads with skuntank despite being flinched on turn one a stomping tantrum from our debuting Pupitar is enough to squash that skunk however this is where it all went wrong river vroom is a Steel type with insane attack it knows iron head and bulldoze which crash my rock types one after another with enormous super effective damage adding the fact that Iron Head can make you Flinch and the end result is a stupid engine sweeping through four of my Pokemon by this point my team was in the mud and our last two Pokemon were crushed very quickly I was embarrassed by a literal car which does not sit well with the Brock right new plan this time I have Pupitar use iron defense skuntank hits me with toxic which would usually be fatal however pubertar has the shed skin ability which cures the status this lets me raise my Pupitar to plus six defense before finishing skuntank with stomping tantrum now we can tank River room's Iron Head much easier before obliterating that poisonous engine with a stomping tantrum muck follows soon after leaving only the Starmobile it's incredibly tough but dreadnore can handle it with a string of Razor shells gradually wearing it down giving us our third team star win the Brock had claimed yet another victim and from here the pace didn't slow down as we headed to madali for the next gym at this point cargo evolved into an awesome colossal but now our Hot Wheels doesn't actually have any Wheels Larry's gym is next but it's totally free for our rock types even with the worst luck possible I quickly wore down Larry's normies without breaking a sweat that battle made me a bit hungry here to join me for a meal uh sure I'll take a large serving of rocks extra crispy whoa you are one messed up dude after the battle we have to fight nimona using only the three Pokemon I had in the gym it was going pretty well until her quavo emerged this thing is a nightmare for the Brock as it sweeps through my team very quickly this isn't a battle that we have to win but that quick wobble is going to be a huge threat later on next up I sort out the next Titan Pokemon but great Tusk is a problem it's a ground and fighting type both of which are weaknesses of the Brock regardless I wanted to try and my knuckle stack was immediately crushed in just one shot Dreadnought has a much better matchup and can land a few big razor shells but also goes down thanks to sturdy Sudowoodo can just survive a hit before firing off a big Bonk woodhammer and just full short my remaining Pokemon quickly fell leaving us with only our lycanroc in a 1v1 however thankfully our lycanrock is faster and great task is just low enough for a crush claw to finish it off our Rocky doggy definitely clutched up there what a certified good boy one like equals one belly rub immediately after the fight we get our next encounter storm jono it did not want to stay in the ball but eventually it was caught and I gave it the name Rock Lee this guy is literally called the big rock Pokemon what a perfect companion for the Brock after a long trip we finally make it to the snowy town of Montana isn't snow run cute uh no I like my Pokemon rock hard thank you very much after knuckle stack evolves into garganicle it was time to take on the Ghost Gym this was going to be tough since rhyme's gym is a double battle but after assembling these four rocky Ghostbusters I was ready I leave without two giant piles of rock and these two actually have some nice synergy don't joiner's ability gives its allies a 30 power boost while garganicle's ability halves the damage it takes from Ghost type moves with this combo I have our Giants just Spam rock slide which hits both enemies this gets both mimikyu and Banette Low by the end of turn one before Rock Lee picks up a huge double KO on the next turn Ryan was down to her last two Pokemon but these are tough toxicity immediately to rasterizes and takes out stoner with a hypervoice rock slide from gargynical does decent damage to both enemies but these get tricky as the crowd gives Ryan an omni boost at the end of the turn now Ryan's Pokemon are looking scary I go with pseudowoodo next since it now knows Sucker Punch which hits toxicity for priority super effective damage although it's not enough to KO as garganicle finally Falls to discharge now it was down to a 2v2 however lycanroc is perfect here as a sucker punch can finish toxicity on the next turn before another one sends houndstone to its grave on the following tone once again our good boy had clutched up earning us a huge badge number six how about a VIP pass for my next show uh I'm good the Brock only enjoys the finest of K-pop Alston Journal Rock Lee was great in that fight but that's about as useful as it'll be so into the trash you go it's not me it's you moving on now we hit some big monk despite being pummeled once again by nimona's core quavo the next two gyms are totally free for the Brock first up is tulip who we can take on after overcoming the Demonic blinking meta champ in the gym test tulip's psychic giraffe is free for cloth to boost its attack with Swords Dance once it knocks us below half Health my anger shell ability activates also giving me a plus one speed boost with this combination of raised speed and attack cloth goes insano style and rips through all of tulip's psychic types with a string of super effective exes the crab king does it again and gracious ice type gym that follows is just as easily crushed by the Brock simply put ice is a great matchup for the rock type so my powerful pet rocks can just overpower Crusher with some strong super effective attacks just like that the Brock had obtained eight gym badges we had come a long way from a little Bonsai who couldn't beat the first gym all the way to a powerful roster that was crushing the last gyms however our biggest Challengers were still ahead of us and the first of these is the final Titan this is a problem because Don dozo and tatsugiri are water types one of our biggest weaknesses however I have a plan see garganicle knows the move salt cure this does passive damage each turn but importantly this damage is doubled on water types meaning that dondozo loses a quarter of its Health every single turn this makes it a completely free win I also have garganicle holding a pasho berry just to make sure that I can land the salt cure but once I do it's lights out for the giant blue whale this strategy surprisingly allowed me to take down all three phases without much trouble at all giving the Brock a victory over the final Titan you know what's next it's Chow Time yep the usual for me thanks ah perfect with all gym leaders and Titans taken care of all that remained were the final two team star bosses and to help with these I went searching for our final encounter it took ages but eventually in a cave ice stumbled across a tiny little glylet after catching our toxic it immediately evolves into glamora a poisonous Rock who can be an absolute pest but this guy was going to be crucial in my plan to take on Ortega leading with our new toxic Rock I immediately use acid armor to boost my defense then on the next turn a mortal spin does tiny damage but importantly this poisons azumaril I'm hit by an aqua tail which does huge damage however this activates my toxic debris ability putting down a layer of toxic spikes on the next turn I use Rock polish to double my speed and thanks to my defense boost I just survived another Aqua tail with this set up our glamora is a demon since its humeral is poisoned venoshock does double damage and this crushes peekaboo in just one shot but it gets better as thanks to the toxic spikes Ortega's Wigglytuff and dashboard are poisoned on Entry meaning that they also go down to a single super effective supercharged venoshock Ortega was down to only the Starmobile who's immune to status but venoshock still does sizable damage before Gomora Falls the Starmobile is strong but glamora put us in such a good spot that our remaining Pokemon could slowly wear down the oversized automobile so we quickly finished off Ortega and splattered some poison across his frilly Pink Suit now only every remained but this one scares me her team is stacked with powerful fighting types which are another weakness of rocks regardless I decided to take on Erie and that was a terrible idea my rocks didn't even stand a chance Aries super effective fighting attacks from her Powerhouse Pokemon were just way too much to handle causing my beloved pet rocks to be slapped around one by one I was not even close after the Brock had been downright embarrassed like that I had to come up with a new plan before rematching Erie just like against Ortega I lead with glamora and boost my defense with acid armor however by using spiky shield on every other tone toxic Crow takes small damage when it makes contact while also buying time for leftovers recovery once glamora has maxed its defense I then set up three layers of spikes and thanks to my ability we also have two layers of toxic spikes set up with this setup our glamora is a stalling God allowing us to slowly wear down Aries toxic croak the Simeon and annihilate with our toxic prowess however Lucario is a problem it's a Steel type so it's immune to poison and it's a special attacker so my defense boosts have no real impact and glamora quickly Falls although Sudowoodo can get the Revenge kill with a big Bonk Hammer arm Ari was down to only her Starmobile while we still had five Pokemon it looked like we were in a commanding spot right well turns out this Starmobile is a demon it can boost its stats with shift gear before firing off powerful attacks that destroyed all of my remaining Pokemon one after another the Brock had been crushed again there was no way for me to simply overpower Airy so it was time to whip out the cheese now I had a new plan the style of fight goes the same as last time with glamora being a pest and stalling out Aries first three fighting types however this time I preserved glamora and sacrificed colossal to Lucario I tried to take it down with cloth but that didn't work out regardless our garganicle was able to get the job done with earthquake while gargynical quickly falls to the Starmobile this lets me bring in our OG Pebbles the pseudowoodo a combat torque immediately crushes Sudowoodo but we hang on with just one HP thanks to my sturdy ability and here is where my plan kicks in because now pseudowoodo fires off counter taking all the damage that was just done to me and dealing double back to the Starmobile that's enormous damage on the next turn Sudowoodo can also land a quick priority Sucker Punch before Finally Falling next is glamora and I use spiky shield for some small chip damage although my toxic rock is crushed on next turn I only have lycanrock left and the Starmobile has barely any HP so I fire up an accelerock and just fall short of getting the kill however lycanroc is holding a focus sash so we survived the incoming High horsepower on only one HP this lets me land one more acceler rock on the next turn finally taking down the Starmobile and giving us an incredibly clutch win over Aries biting types I could tell from our battle that you're not a bad person oh you really think so let me change your mind now we were in the end game and our hardest fights against Rock's biggest weaknesses were still to come however the upcoming fights before that are totally free my best if I'm so glad you're well again uh sorry about that against Arbon I first set up toxic spikes with glamora before going into garganicle and this is where I introduce a bastard move body press this move uses defense rather than attack to calculate damage so by combining this with iron defense not only do we tank physical hits better but we also deal more damage with body press since Graydon is a physical attacker garganicle easily gets to plus six defense and now that it's rock hard our body press does enormous damage from here it's an absolute Slaughter as body press just rips arvin's whole team to shreds oh no a big scary map of stiff ha pathetic Gog send this dog to the shadow Realm with Arvin crushed to a pulp our next dish is director clavel he may have a scary diverse team of powerhouses but I have a rock clavel's a rangaroo is completely walled by my garganicle it can't put me to sleep thanks to my ability and its other attacks barely do anything just like against Arvin we max out garg's defense before body pressing our way through a rangaroo Obama snow and Gyarados my stone Titan does finally fall to a mungus's giga drain however now it's like in Rock's time to shine psychic fangs can finish the sassy amungus crunch decimates Poltergeist and one last rock slide is all that it takes to bury skelodurge that's clever taken care of and next up is Penny who you guessed it gets crushed by garganicle after glamora sets up hazards against Umbreon Garg does Garg things maxing its defense before body pressing its way through just about all of Penny's Evolution team after Penny loses all of Team star return and this dialogue just never ends hang on I'll take care of this with those battles out of the way now it was time for a real challenge the Pokemon League this worries me a lot because two of the elite four members use types that counter my rocks I needed more Firepower and I was about to get it because at level 55 our Pupitar finally evolves into the rock type icon Tyranitar this guy is a beast of a Pokemon who can learn just about any move alright the Brock what brings you to the Pokemon League crushed guy says what what rika's ground types are up first and this can be deadly for my rocks I lead with glamora and manage to set up two layers of spikes before falling to deal with this goofy wish cash I send in Sudowoodo next and earth power does enormous damage but Sudowoodo survives and a quart effective Bonk from our giant wood Hammer is enough to slay rika's fish although Sudowoodo did die to its own recoil nice job Pebbles we were behind but that was about to change as the Kraken is our secret weapon in this fight with a string of super effective liquidations we can take out camerupt as well as Don fan despite falling to dog Trio soon after both of rika's remaining Pokemon are physical attackers so I unleash garganicle and use our trademark iron defense and body press combo to clean up the last of rika's ground types that's our first E4 win but poppy steel types worry me even more your weak attacks won't work on them at all they'll bounce right off oh yeah we'll see about that steel is terrible for us since my rocks are both weak to steal and steel resists Rock making this a really unfair matchup I immediately have glamora set up Stealth Rock as this will prevent magnazone's sturdy ability from activating once glamora Falls Hot Wheels rolls on in and burns copper Raja with Willow Wisp this halves its physical damage output so I can freely bring in garganicle and get to plus six with iron defense from here our Garg is a monster crashing its way through Poppy's first four steel types with some super effective body presses although against tinkerton I ran out of body press PP thanks to corvanite's pressure ability since I have no other damaging moves I painstakingly stalled all of my PP before repeatedly struggling into tinkerton while Garg does fall after an eternity a drill run from lycanroc quickly cleans up the last of poppy Steel Soldiers giving us a huge win over one of our toughest match-ups Larry's flying types on the other hand are a much better matchup he Leagues with a Tropius or as I like to call it banana chin after setting up stealth Rocks Our glamora makes the ultimate sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] my God what a hero Cole also can finish off Tropius with two flame Chargers however he's quickly traded out by staraptor but now I was ready to launch an evil plan I send out the crab king who is holding a focus sash this guarantees that I survive a close combat activating my anger shell ability to boost both my attack and speed then I use the Swords Dance to boost my attack even more now cloth was a supercharged demon ready to sweep except it missed its very first rock slide and immediately dies fortunately lycanroc is much more dependable as thanks to my life orb and Stealth Rock a barrage of stone edges are enough to sweep through the rest of Larry's flying types we got there in the end no thanks to you the final Elite Four member is hassle who has a set of powerful dragons while I have a set of pet rocks however hassle was about to learn why Tyranitar is so damn good I lead without Godzilla Darude who's a ability sets up a sandstorm the music puts Tyranitar in the in the mutabugi as against noise three of these give us a huge boost to both our attack and speed and from here it's an absolute Slaughter my boosts allow me to outspeed all of hassle's Pokemon with a string of Frosty super effective ice punches decimating his dragons one by one with Hassle and the rest of the Elite Four crushed now it was time to take on guitar the top Champion her team is powerful but it was finally time to see if our rock types could truly become paldian champions my plan here is simple lead glamora and set up Stealth Rock before esparthra takes it out I then go into Sudowoodo and use tearful look to lower both its attack and special attack I was already down to Pokemon but now it's Tyranitar's turn with that Nerf to a spatra as well as the special defense Boost from my Sandstorm it's pretty safe for me to set up four dragon dances I expected to sweep from here but that didn't happen while I did take out a spatra her avalog is a menace it's so physically bulky and thanks to a sparthur's reflect it somehow survives a plus 4 fire punch and as a result Tyranitar fell to an earthquake putting us in an awful spot I only had three Pokemon left to take on pretty much gita's whole team but never fear Gog is here since avalog is a physical attacker gargynical can quickly max out its bulk with iron defense while recover keeps me healthy and from here it's a familiar sight with my Rocky giant body pressing all over gita's pathetic excuse of a champion team my God it's beautiful with that the Brock had somehow become a champion our rock types really struggled early on but now we had become Titans however our biggest threat still wound but before that we have a final showdown with nimona her duck has crushed me throughout this entire run but now I was finally ready to get my revenge after nerfing her lycanroc with a burn Tyranitar is clear to boost its stats like crazy with Dragon Dance then in an utterly dominant display our Rocky Godzilla proceeds to decimate her first five Pokemon one after another eventually that damn quavo was all that remained but a supercharged crunch annihilates the oversized duck finally giving us our revenge over nimona after assembling the losers who we already beat we head into the paldian crater alright guys we have to carefully disable these locks oh my God look at all these tasty rocks eventually we reached the bottom of the crater where Sada is waiting mum it's so good to see you Arvin I just want you to know that I will always uh sorry about that sarda's team is insane full of powerful Pokemon with coverage for just about all of Rock's weaknesses so I needed a plan and tried to use my usual setup by leaving with glamora I'm able to take sarda for a ride on the hazards Express as I quickly set up three layers of spikes stealth rocks and two layers of toxic spikes thanks to my ability then once glamora falls out OG Pebbles the Sudowoodo struts on in and spam's tearful look Dolores leatherwing's offense then it's colossal's turn with Willow Wisp crushing its attack stat even more now Tyranitar is clear to set up and I expected the fight to be smooth from here what a fool I was because slytherwing just spams low sweep a move which also lowers my speed while Tyranitar can increase its attack and speed with Dragon Dance I instantly lose the speed boost thanks to low sweeper this means that once slithering dies my Tyranitar is slower than the incoming scream tail and we instantly die to a quite effective drain punch while my remaining Pokemon can put up a good fight cider's roaring moon is way too powerful out speeding and one shotting all of my remaining team members once again we had lost I persisted with the same strategy but lost even worse on the following attempts our rock types had been crushed and it just felt like they didn't have enough steam to overcome sarda's overpowered team however determined to overcome this final hurdle I put together a new plan I still lead with glamora and set up my hazards however this time I go into like and rock next our Rocky dog can finish slithering with psychic fangs as well as the incoming brute Bonnet with a Stone Edge and some poison damage this baits out Sandy shocks which is exactly what I wanted I let lycanroc go down and now bring in Tyranitar Sandy sharks is a special attacker with super effective move so it's really scary however Sandstorm Buffs my special defense so I begin setting up with two dragon dances however I need to set up a third one but I'm in range of an attack from the ancient Magnum I have to take the chance and just survive a hit with only four HP remaining that makes all the difference this means I can finish off Sandy shocks with an ice punch before screamtail comes in however Tyranitar's boosts mean that we can out speed screen tail this time and finish it off with a supercharged Iron Head Stardust Spider-Man gets the exact same treatment leaving her with only roaring moon but with one final ice punch Tyranitar crushes the almighty Dragon it wasn't easy but with that my rock types had proven their worth and crushed all of Pokemon Scarlet jump into this video next for more Pokemon content like the video if you love rock types and comment below which rock type in paldia is your favorite take care and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 1,408,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Challenge, Scarlet, Violet, Monotype
Id: u8N9CDsxv68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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