I Spent 30 Hours in Pokemon Scarlet, Here's What Happened...

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I beat the entirety of Pokemon Scarlet in all its beautiful broken Glory everything including the story glitches new pokemon new old Pokemon and lots of stuttering here's what happened to start you get to customize your trainer and I wanted to keep a low profile you know make sure that I wouldn't stand out too much ah perfect you will be our champion the intro plays and oh my God you are adorable look at the little claws we also get to see a Tauros but something seems very sus here wait did you see that rewind yep that's a t-pose in the opening cut scene this is gonna be fun we spawn into our room meet our mum which nice as well as the academy director clavel he only uses premier balls so you know he's a Chad what do you say neighbor Wanna Be Friends nimona or as autocorrect likes to call her pneumonia is the student council president and a champion ranked trainer so she's pretty cool but more importantly now we get to pick our starter Pokemon let me know which data you're taking like the video for fuego subscribe for quaxley or comment below for sprigatito telling me why you make such bad decisions anyway for me I'm picking the best starter waxley look at his hair what a king I would literally die for this duck down on the beach we have our first battle with nimona but our quack-tastic duck drowned out Fuego with a few water guns easy money you two seem to be becoming Fast Friends we get some pokeballs so I decided to catch my first Pokemon oh Piggy come on come on Boom piggy secured I also got some La trunk hair which uh cool I guess as much as I would love to capture a whole Army of lechonk I want to use more nude Pokemon so I'll only be using new Pokemon in this run all of these fan favorites yeah they're dead to me after exploring I've had a cute little tarantula I guess this is the next CEO of early game awful bugs while investigating that beautiful crime we spot a Pokemon on the beach who looks kinda familiar then I almost fell to my death after that we heal the greatly injured Pokemon with a sandwich yup makes sense to me being the responsible child that we are we follow this stranger into a dark cave perfectly reasonable wow that is one pixelated Houndoom oh god I've offended him stay back demon I got this okay I don't got this quaxby was about to become a roasted duck but our new friend stepped in and dragged us to safety although I totally would have beaten that Houndoom moral of the story make friends with sandwiches soon after we meet this jerk Arvin who knows a lot about the Pokemon named karadin after drowning arvin's pathetic level 5 chipmunk in a battle he literally gives us karadin's Pokeball that was way too easy so far I've beaten a champion trainer and already got the box legendary I think we're getting near the end game on our way to the school we get to explore the open world trainers Don't force you to battle anymore which means that when I beat up a kid and take his lunch money it's only because I wanted to while exploring I found a pupa you know I had to catch the new whoopa it's a poison and ground type but basically looks like a regular Whooper who's been playing in the mud I also found an adorable little Fido it looks so cute and delicious I'm gonna eat it ew a sun cone our upgraded team was looking pretty fresh I went to heal up and oh God that looks like a PowerPoint presentation back there I continued exploring the area and eventually stumbled across a poor me oh an electric Mouse Pokemon how original I had a full team of new Pokemon and I was feeling confident when we were stopped by nimona for a rematch earthway Coco does bury my Woopa but Fido can get the Revenge knockout with a covert her last Pokemon is a pommy and what on Earth it's got a light bulb hat turns out this is terasterizing It's a gimmick where a Pokemon can change its type while also buffing moves of that time this promise thundershocks were hitting hard taking down Fido but I had a plan this was the Chong's time to shine his moment of Glory where he would wreak havoc and ah you stupid good for nothing bacon to get some Revenge I responded with my very own paw me since pneumonis was at low Health one priority quick attack was enough to clean up the fight but that was a little dicey although now we can access the central town of misogosa there are loads of places to eat here hang on they eat crab oh dear God no before we can enter our school We're stopped by team star you can tell by the subtle glasses on their heads pneumonia gives us a terror orb meaning we can now to rasterize our Pokemon with this new Crystal power wuber kicks them in the pooper for a quick win why are you dancing you lost next we finally reached najara Academy which is located inside the 10 frames per second dimension this is the middle of a tiny cutscene why is he so stuttery the next part of the game is a big info dump basically setting up the main three quests of the game first become the champion by defeating 8 gems across the Palladio region as well as the elite 4. next help our oven to collect some herbs which sounds very sus but okay to get those we had to take on some Titan Pokemon whatever those are finally someone named Cassiopeia literally hacked my Rotom phone and asked me to help take down team star I agree because well they really get on my nerves we also meet Professor sarda who asks us to keep taking care of karadin apparently in its current form it can't battle so it's basically just reduced to being a legendary Red Scooter still pretty cool though with our objectives all set we were clear to explore the Palladio region After exiting out of the East Gate we were totally free to explore the vast Sandy area honestly this felt pretty surreal for a Pokemon game and I spent ages just getting lost looting items and catching Pokemon one of those was a new rock type Pokemon nakley who kinda looks like a rock mushroom I like him I continued wandering around just getting lost in the world eventually I caught this little guy charcutet who looks awesome so I quick added our new fire buddy to the roster oh my God crab wait why is Mila chunk floating could it be a holy Le trunk I knew the first Titan location was around here so I was investigating when hang on that's a giant crab on the wall after approaching it it turns out that this is the Titan as we're forced into a boss fight but never feel a chunk is here my much shot lowered cloth speed but the trunk went down straight after I needed to Nerf this giant crab so send out poor me next and use nuzzle it doesn't do much damage but it does paralyze cloth now I out speed and use my next turn to land a growl before palmy goes down we'd already lost two Pokemon but now cloth was much weaker I send out chocolate at next and use fire spin as this does passive damage each turn with some paralysis luck Char Cadet can slowly chip away at cloth however just as I'm about to take it down this coward flees to go and eat some herbs this heals it back up and we have to take it down once again but this time we team up with Arvin it's a two-on-one and his shoulder does huge super effective damage so before long we once again wore it down before slaying the Giant Crab for good we collected the rare herb completing our first of the five Titan quests we celebrated with sandwiches but I gave mine to karadin since you know it kinda saved my life don't forget sandwiches make friends looking at the map there was a team star base nearby I was ready to drop in and start raiding but the game wouldn't let me apparently to stop criminals we can only enter through the front gate weird but okay I guess so I went another way which eventually brought me to Artisan Town there's lots of people in the town but they don't really do or say anything interesting anyway after some exploring I found our first gym the leader uses grass types so I loaded up my team with some good counters but before we can take on the gym leader we need to pass the gym test this time that involves hunting down 10 hidden Sun Flora this isn't hard but it is hilarious because the sunflora follow you once you find them so by the end I was wrong falling through the town with an absolute militia of flowers behind me with that done now we can take on the first gym leader brassius he leads with a petal and I go with my fire type charcuter it's a good matchup so I to rasterize immediately and use fire spin this does huge damage but hit a little puts me to bed with sleep powder I spent one tone of sleep but woke up on the next one and finished petalure with an ember next up is small live but chocolate Burns it to a crisp within just a few turns brassius then sends out Sudowoodo that's not even a grass type except that changed when brassy is terasterized chocolate finally went down so next I went with Paul me I tried to land a nozzle but immediately died to a crit nice work this thing was becoming a problem new plan this time I sent out Fido and used baby doll eyes to lower sudowoodo's attack this worked perfectly as I was able to land three of these now Sudowoodo was nerfed and squawka Billy could survive two super effective Rock throws this allowed it to hit two area real Aces finishing off pseudowoodo giving us the win as well as our very first badge afterwards our quaxley finally evolved into a quack's well my God the hair just keeps getting better back to exploring and I was able to catch a few new Pokemon ah giant piggy the wild Pokemon were getting stronger as I quickly found out when I tried to catch this Tauros only to realize it was a level 22. my team was in the mid teens so I was getting slapped around but eventually the black ball was mine paladian Tauros is a fighting type and this thing hits hard spit Ops the Trap Pokemon make of that what you will while training my team Our Little Pony evolved into an adorable Pomo an electric and fighting type on top of that our little poopa evolved into what the hell is that it's like a stretched definition Quagsire anyway our new fishy friend is called clodzia once I'd gotten everyone to level 20 it was time to take on our next challenge raiding a team star base at the entrance We're stopped by this weird and very youthful looking student makes sense to me so we agreed to team up with our new friend here Clive the team star raids are in two parts one the star barrage battles these are a stupid waste of time and let us never speak of them again the second part is the main course we take on a team star boss in this case that's the very edgy fire crew boss Mella she rolls in on a giant car and sends out her tall since talk all sets up the sun Mike quaxwell lead is a really poor matchup torko ripped my team apart for a few turns but once the weather was back to normal waxwell returned after terasterizing an aqua cutter followed by an awkward jet on the next turn finishes the job now mellow is down to her last Pokemon and wait what it's the car I have so many questions this thing also has a huge HP bar making it a serious problem one by one my whole team was absolutely annihilated my first loss of the game and it was to a car after being disrespected like that by a literal automobile I needed my revenge so I leveled up my Pokemon and switched my team around this time things went a little different I took talk all down losing clothes ire homo and squawkability in the process quack's well was able to finish torkhole as well as do huge damage to River Room at this range all it took was a few breaking swipes from Cycles are and we'd sent that car to the scrapyard why do you walk like that do you not have knees we even took a photo to celebrate the crushing of mella's Dreams it was tough but that's our first team star base taken care of the next city wasn't far off on my way there I was able to catch a few new Pokemon like this Tad bulb and watch rule it may have the same typing as Zapdos but it looks way less intimidating than Zapdos the final Pokemon I caught for now was a Wiglet which just looks wrong it took me ages to catch this stupid thing but I mean look at it I had to catch that after that little catching spree we made it to the town of lavincia it's a huge City but more importantly has our next gym fight this one specializes in electric Pokemon and this time around the gym test is doing a live stream ooh I don't want to be a content creator that's cringe to battle iono we have to make her stream go viral so naturally I did a hot tub stream perfect after that it's time to take on iono and I had a secret weapon King claudzir my muddy oath is a hard counter to Electric types with some poison Jabs absolutely ripping her first three Pokemon apart iono's final Pokemon is a Miss magius who tear us into an electric type this is a problem because Miss magius carries the levitate ability making it immune to ground moves meaning this Miss magius effectively has no weaknesses on top of that my big derp hit himself in confusion twice before Finally Falling nice work King this Miss magius is a pest it keeps confusing me and Buffs its own stats with charge beam my team was crumbling and I was about to get swept however in my hour of need Cycles are clutched up with two breaking swipes we just scraped by with the win proving myself as the top content creator in paldia so damn it you better like the video that's badge number two at this point I received some devastating news despite the game being open world levels do not scale I was dumbfounded by this this meant that I'd accidentally skipped some lower level quests on the other side of the map so I flew back to Mesa goza and headed west I explored for a while collecting some small live oil along the way eventually I reached the town of cortondo and this is where the first gym is now I could steamroll it with my over-level Pokemon but that's no fun instead say hello to our B Team these were the champions that I would be relying on for our next badge except there's a problem because nimona forces us to battle and since we have two badges her team is way stronger so we were immediately slapped around despite the loss we can still progress and begin the hardest gym test yet rolling an olive around [Music] that was different now I was clear to take on the bug leader Katie but I had a plan [Music] cloth the rock crab went insano style here my crab literally swept her whole team with a few Rock throws all hail the crab king that gives us a very easy third badge between all quests there are 18 total boss fights so I won't talk about all of them in detail just the interesting ones to reach the next Titan I had to dodge an onslaught of falling Boulders nearly being crushed into a Pokemon pancake but once I'm through that we take on the flying Titan but let me tell you cloth was not done establishing its dominance yet because with just a few Rock throws my crab literally soloed the Titan shooting that bird out of the sky alright everyone drop a crown emoji in the comments to pay your respects to the crab king we celebrate the win with a stinky sandwich which looks very gross so I gave it to karadin and now it can swim apparently it's like I always say sandwiches teach you how to swim we then learn about arvin's sad story regarding mother stuff his partner Pokemon is in incredibly ill and so his real goal is to collect the rare herbs in hopes that they'll heal his sick Pokemon I'm not crying Arvin I will heal your doggy even if it's the last thing I do on my way to the next city I came across the next team Starbase I was a little worried after how our last raid went but regardless I stepped up to face the next boss and oh my God another car thankfully this fight went much smoother a few double kicks from my raging ball were enough to send both of Giacomo's dark Pokemon down to Ram Ranch that's two team star bases down you learn those trainer chops at the academy uh I literally haven't been to a single class my next stop is the nearby town of cascaratha it's a strange place where Dolphins seem to just float in the air oh my God this place is cursed although I did find a place selling some designer socks very cool there's also a shop here selling evolution stones this let me evolve my Tad bulb into belly bolt with a Thunderstone I adore this chunky frog with all of my heart with fresh socks and fresh Pokemon it was time to tackle the next gym except the gym leader kofu just ran away while tracking him down I did find some cool Pokemon like this adorable little Tinker tank a steel fairy who has a cute little Hammer but then off in the distance I spotted that that's a Titan Pokemon and since we were here I decided to try try and take it on ah that was a mistake because one by one my team was spat on and tea bagged by this giant Mammoth another Fat L for now I was set on finding kofu along the way I found this Roblox looking creature it's a rock type that can tear it into a ghost type and little did I know but this guy was going to be a hero eventually I tracked down kofu and his singular luscious eyebrow and after helping him buy some dank hoe and seaweed we'd cleared the gym test I explored and caught a few cool new Pokemon including kilowattroll the evolved form of that Dopey bird from earlier kofu's gym uses water types so I led with our new electric bird and it was thirsty for blood because with an onslaught of thunderbolts kilowatts rule viciously electrocuted palooza and wug Trio the more I look at this thing the more uncomfortable I feel his final crab Bominable followed soon after giving us a very easy win Cofield and I took a real good photo does celebrate the win that's four badges done but now it was time for a real challenge remember how I got thrashed by that Titan Pokemon well I had an idea for a new strategy and wanted to try again my new plan is to lead with our Roblox Rock and use curse but by tearing into a ghost type first this means that the move will inflict the Titan with a curse rather than the usual effect for non-ghost types the final piece of the combo is knuckle Stack's sturdy ability as this means I am guaranteed to survive at least one hit giving me enough time to land the curse with that done now the Titan is losing 25 of its Health every single turn so I just need to stall and do this by sending out Fido a few priority baby doll eyes can Nerf the Titan buying me just enough time to stall out the four turns of curse however now we have to team up with Arvin to take down the Titan in its second phase my Pokemon aren't healed so I can't rely on the curse strategy using Fido I quickly let off a baby doll eyes before falling my plan was then to use our dolphin benizon and charm the Titan's attack into the ground this worked perfectly as its attack was at -6 within three turns from here I thought the wind was sealed I slowly chipped away at Great Tusk but my team was still being ripped apart eventually it was all down to Pomo his attacks were doing nothing but with great Tusk on the brink of death I fired off one last arm thrust and just fell short we were so close but Pomo fell and we had lost again we were so close damn it I was devastated to lose like that I headed back for one more attempt but to my surprise we could skip right to the second phase this time around so in an anti-climactic slice of Revenge I used our curse strategy once more to clean up the second phase with that we slayed the mammoth and had overcome our hardest challenge yet as a tradition we celebrated with sandwiches and now Korean can glide through the air more importantly arvin's dog is now healthy enough to woof and that melts my heart what a certified good boy oh look at this cute little fishy what a harmless little oh my God why are you so strong clearly most of these Pokemon were out of my league so I moved on and eventually found this cursed little creature this just looks wrong it's a ground and grass type and seeing a tentacle stand up just makes me feel uncomfortable after some more adventuring we reach our next goal madali the next gym is here except my team is really under level I could train them up but that'd take too long so instead I went on a huge adventure to catch some new powerful friends gradually I caught some stronger Pokemon like freezerbacks the ice dragon lockix the dark bug and espartha the psychic chicken with a new and improved roster I was ready for the gym battle Larry is a normal type trainer and even looks like a normal dude unlike other leaders Larry leads with komala and I go with our new fridger backs it immediately makes me drowsy with yawn and I returned with a dragon claw that does just less than half I don't want fridger backs to fall asleep so I switch into my kilowatt rule a thunderbolt has Kamala just hanging on and it once again uses yawn but this time I have a plan using vaults which allows me to pick up the KO while also getting my bird off the field before it goes to sleep what on Earth the dance boss oh my God you've got to be kidding me it's like they taped two dance bars together anyway this demonic thing is actually kind of strong Richard Banks was able to lower it but fell in the process so I brought killer watch all back out and finished the job with a thunderbolt see you in hell you Abomination Larry's last Pokemon is staraptor it loses its flying type by terroring into normal but this is fine as I can land through Thunderbolts for decent damage before kilowattial finally goes down with star after low my epic little grasshopper can finish it off with an x-scissor that's our fifth badge in the bag after the battle we meet Gita and discover that she's the top Champion basically the real Champion things have been going well for me that is until we're stopped by nimona who wants a rematch we lost our last encounter against pneumonia so I was ready to get some Revenge but that's not what happened because nimona leads with a lycanroc and half of my team are crippled by Rock what's worse is that when I try tried using the other Pokemon on my team I just flinched three times in a row you've got to be kidding me so lycanroc literally swept through five of my Pokemon before going down I hate this thing soon after my last Pokemon fill and I had once again lost to nimona this time I didn't even have the excuse of using my B team I just got flinched into Oblivion cool no problem doesn't bother me at all the loss doesn't stop us from progressing it just hurts my pride I thought this guy was trying to sell something but got baited into his trap as it was just an ordinary battle so I mercilessly slaughtered his pigs for deceiving me somewhere within this mountain Arvin tells us that the steel Titan is lurking after a little hunt we finally find the culprit and it's literally just a huge goofy looking worm look at this thing he looks so chill hey how you doing it's about as strong as it looks so our quacks well can slap this girth worm around with a few low kicks tragically slaying earthworm the Titan very easily he may have lost a battle but he won my heart that's my fourth Titan badge and another sandwich for coradon who can now do a big jump oh my God look at the power after that Titan fight I had to catch a worm of my own he made it really hard but I eventually got it wait you weigh 600 pounds of course I'm a Reddit mod the next team star raid was pretty simple after crushing the very stylish Atticus and his poison types we learn a bit more about team star turns out they're all actually kids who've been bullied you know maybe I shouldn't Crush their team and dreams sake two more to go baby while climbing up this giant Snowy Mountain I caught grievard the ghost doggy another certified good boy and further up the slopes I found our next Jim how's the treasure hunt figure out what you're looking for yet uh yeah I'm hunting for some likes on my YouTube video that would be my real treasure after shredding this mountain on the back of coradon we were clear to earn our next badge also I thought Crusher is a little out of my depth right now and my team was annihilated one by one yet another big fat ill Russia is way out of my league so I'll come back to him later fortunately the next gym in montanova is only a short Glide away so I decided to give this one a try at this point a bunch of our Pokemon evolved so now we have a very blocky garganicle and arctabax as well as a very flamboyant not only does it look like a wet Blaziken but just like Blaziken our duck also has a secondary fighting type this gym uses ghosts and the leader is MC rhyme we watch on as this grown woman absolutely embarrasses this child in public good times after the kid runs off in tears the battle begins and this one is a double battle honestly this battle was very chaotic and kinda close but Rime just couldn't handle the intensity of my Minecraft Golem gargynical's rock slide hits both enemies and he just ends up sitting there throwing rocks for the entire fight eventually picking up all four Kos with the last two coming on the same turn what an absolute Lego Chad with all the ghosts busted we'd earned badge number six next I set my sights on the final Titan along the way I found a level 49 Volusia which I was actually able to catch as well as a literal Flamingo named flamingo honestly I love that once I got to the Titan location on the map I couldn't see anything it was just a tiny Island on the lake without anything on it after being really confused I realized that these colorful Little Fishies could talk and eventually I found a strangely big one that said Titan so I talked to it and this giant fish appeared it's a huge Powerful Beast but we have a rock I use my trademark strategy to inflict dondozo with a curse before a ThunderBolt from kilowattroll ended its first phase in electrifying fashion once I caught up to the Titan for its second phase it ate a tatsugiri helping the Titan to power up what in tarnation regardless I slapped the Titan around again I thought the fight was over but then the little tatsugiri also wants to fight it was doing damage taking out several Pokemon but eventually my octa-backs landed the final blow with a devastating Dragon claw that Titan had three phases but we got there in the end with that all five Titans had been defeated after giving our fifth sandwich to karadin now it has the ability to climb because like I always say sandwiches help you reach new heights but more importantly Arvin also feeds some to Mavis stiff and he's healed our boy can fetch again I'm not crying you are we get a call from Professor sarda who asks Arvin to take us to her lab the one from back where we first met Arvin but then Arvin drops the bomb that SATA is his workaholic mother who he never sees there's some unresolved issues there but Arvin agrees to take us to the lab once we get there sarda appears on the screen asking for help she's in the great Crater of paldia and asks us to bring the Scarlet book to her we're told that powerful Pokemon live in the Great crater so the smart thing would be to go later on when we have stronger Pokemon except I'm not smart we have to battle Arvin to show that we're strong enough to handle the crater and the audacity of this guy he battles with his dog that literally only just stopped being a my buddy here's bursting with energy but it's actually me who's in trouble because it turns out Arvin has six Pokemon all around level 60. yikes obviously I got destroyed it was not pretty we take yet another L I went back to exploring and saw a Chancey literally jump off a cliff what a mad lad I caught a few Pokemon here nothing new but Pokemon that are at higher levels than what I already have the only new Pokemon I found was a scrumptious looking dashboard the evolved form of Fido it's so cute yet so delicious also my new Tinker tough evolved into tinkerton a cute fairy Pokemon with a giant hammer I was ready to Bonk some psychic types so headed to the next gym but once again we were stopped by nimona for a rematch she has been slapping me around lately but this would be my moment for Revenge she still leads with her demonic lycanroc and I want this thing gone so immediately switch into garganicle I hate this thing it made me Flinch two more times and threw sand in my eyes but it felt very satisfying to crush that dog with a big heavy slam next is nemona Sligo who I weaken with a rock slide before garganicle Falls however asparther can get the quick trade with a cyber beam as well as take Paul Mott down with two dazzling gleams skeletosia's last and this thing is a beast destroying both Maya spartha and kilowattroll but one last priority Sucker Punch from lockix can finally Slaughter The Croc I'll be honest my ego really needed that win over nimona that's an L for me that's what you get for relying on Flint strats after doing some we fit exercises we'd pass the gym test and we're clear to take on the psychic leader she's a beautician business Mogul and she called me cute I think she's the one boys Honestly though this battle was kind of free especially with the CEO of Bonk dishing out some Hammer blows tulips teen went down fast giving us the seventh badge we take our commemorative photo and well my character is literally just staring at her legs not creepy at all anyway after the battle Rika introduces us to this literal child who wait for it is a member of the Elite Four why can someone please explain this to me now only one Gym battle remained Russia wiped the floor with us last time but now I felt much more prepared so I backtracked to the snowy mountains and stormed into the gym against his Frost moth lead I go with garganicle it does big damage with a blizzard but a single quite effective rock slide gets an early KO grusha follows up with bear tick though who gets the Revenge kill with earthquake but now it was Big Brain time I sent kilowattial out next expecting this to bait Crusher into using an ice move however by using bolts which Michael quarble tanks the icicle crash pretty easily then on the next turn a super effective low sweep can finish off the giant bear next up is sea titan and after boosting my offense with worker quavo hangs on just long enough to also take it down with two more low sweeps crush's final Pokemon is an old Terrier knowing it'll tear into an ice type I fire off another low sweep the damage is huge but not enough for the KO and quavo finally Falls however at this range my tinker tongue can burst onto the scene and bonk the ever living hell out of alteria giving us the win in our rematch with grusha that's all eight badges secured pneumonia and Gita congratulate us on the win and instruct us to take on the Pokemon League we definitely will but before that I wanted to clean up the final two team star bases after flying through the mountains on karadin's back we arrived at the next rain this boss is named Ortega and he uses fairies we traded Pokemon back and forth until he was down to only his big car so I then Unleashed our chief Bonk officer tinkerton and with two epic gigaton hammers we bonked that car down into a cube that's Ortega defeated and we learned a little more about his backstory basically he gets bullied for having too much money poor guy anyway we only had one Quest left one last team star raid it took a lot of traveling to get here but man look at this view this area is awesome I even spotted a random Dragonite just flying on by for now it was time for our final raid alongside our young strapping friend Clive I was feeling confident I've had some troubles in this run but we'd built up some momentum and we had a great team so I expected to roll on in raid the base and clean up the boss with ease what a fool I was because the final team star boss Erie uses five level 55 Pokemon I was seriously under leveled and I made it pretty far but my team was outclassed and tossed into the mud uh not again I then leveled up my team and also got my hands on this absolute Digger chat Pokemon King Gambit it's sitting down on its own hair so incredibly based once my team was at level 15 I stepped up to rematch with Erie and I lost again her stupid car went wild and absolutely steamrolled me I was crushed and a little frustrated so it was time to get serious and I decided to activate my big brain strats my new strategy depends entirely on one single fish the loser and all I was going to do was teach it one new move and with an upgraded fish I was ready to go wild here's the plan in our previous fights I've LED with Volusia and Aries Toxicroak has you sucker punch this move only lands if I use an attacking move this is what I plan to exploit if I use my new move strip away the loser will morbidly spin the flesh off its own body and get a sharp increase to my attack and speed while Sucker Punch also fails this costs half of my health but on the next turn I can use recover to just heal back up and since recover isn't a damaging move Toxicroak Sucker Punch also fails so I continue this cycle of raising my stats and healing off the damage for five turns because at this point Sucker Punch has no PP left and now my little fishy has plus 6 attack and plus six speed from here it was an absolute bloodbath with a string of psycho Cuts I slaughtered Aries fighting types one after another sweet sweet revenge all hail the mighty fish with that we've now defeated all five team star bosses afterwards we get a call from Cassiopeia who grandly reveals that they have been the team star boss all along they challenge us to a final battle in the schoolyard after dark which is kinda edgy but that's fine by me now we've finished all 18 quests on the map but the worst was Yet to Come As we had some incredibly tough fights ahead right now our three goals were defeat the team star super boss defeat Arvin and explore the paldia crater and become the Pokemon League champion I wanted to go and check out the Pokemon League first once I got there we're told that we have to conduct an interview first what am I applying for a job or something it was all pretty basic questions about my journey until right at the end they asked do you like Pokemon of course I hate Pokemon so when I told them no they kicked me out you cowards anyway I redid the interview live this time around and we passed now we're clear to take on the Elite Four except we were once again criminally under leveled so I got slapped around again it was clear that we needed to power up our Pokemon so I decided to grind up my team which was basically me electrocuting until the population was completely wiped out during this process our octopax evolved into its final glorious form Bax caliber this thing looks awesome and has a cool name I approve once all of our Pokemon were at level 57 I decided to try the team star super boss after returning to the school we meet up with the totally normal and Youthful Clive who reveals that he isn't who he says he is in fact he's actually director clavel or is he no no he is shocking I know but what's actually shocking is that clavel confesses to also being Cassiopeia this one was actually a surprise basically it means that we have to fight the academy director this fight was not going well we traded Pokemon back and forth at the beginning however clavel's Houndoom was a pest this demon dog went wild decimating my palooza and tinkerton but just when hope seemed lost Bax caliber clutched up dodging a fire blast before sending that puppy to the pound with a dragon claw but Bax caliber wasn't done yet because with a crunch and Ice Shard Poltergeist fell last is meowskarada who fires off a huge super effective play rough but Bax caliber just hangs on and Iceman puts miascarata into the red and even though it's faster than me a priority I Shard on the next turn is enough to seal the win nice job back Excalibur after the fight clever reveals that he isn't actually Cassiopeia and he was just testing us so we go and meet the real Cassiopeia and wait who are you we've spoken like 10 times no no I definitely remember if we met before penny is an incredibly forgettable character but she does have an adorable Evie backpack we battle against her full team of Eeveelutions but this isn't too hard since we have a diverse team to counter with my VV power will crush you into the Dust after winning we learned that Penny was the secret team star boss from behind the Shadows she meets the other bosses face to face they're all friends now and they decide to return to school together under the power of friendship and the day was saved except Penny stole billions of dollars so she will be sent to Guantanamo Bay Case Closed that's the team star questline all wrapped up next on The Chopping Block is Arvin he may have beaten me up last time but now it was a much more even fight it was a pretty back and forth fight but Bax caliber did some damage before long Arvin was down to only his mother stiff so we made sure to send it straight back to the hospital with a big earthquake from garganicle Arvin tells us that we'll basically need to become champion before we can enter the paldia crater so that wraps up the path of Titan's quest with our next objective being the Pokemon League but before that I did some leveling and issued plenty of shock therapy to the local Gyarados population until I found this that's right we found a shiny a big beautiful red Red Gyarados who I carefully weakened before catching it's so gorgeous but I'll do you a deal I will release this shiny Gyarados if you liked the video good deal perfect consider it done now you are legally required to drop a like once my team was all at level 60 I returned to the Pokemon League where we have to face the Elite Four back to back first up is Riker who uses ground types and I got insanely lucky here my kilowattroll dodged two blizzards buying me enough time to finish with cash with two air Cutters and then Don fan also missed so a terror boosted air cutter finished it off too as well as the Doug Trio that followed kilowattroll does finally fall to camera up but the loser gets the Revenge kill with a quad effective liquidation last is a goofy little Claude sire man I miss our King Claude one last liquidation from the loser cleans up clod Tire giving us a really strange win next up is puppy a literal child and I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose to someone who's wearing diapers turns out poppy uses steel types which is really not great for my team but her first few Pokemon really weren't too much trouble however her last Pokemon is a tinkerton so I make it a bonktoberfest sending in my own tinkerton in the end my box reign supreme with a huge gigaton Hammer picking up the KO we'd gotten another win although the victory feels a little Hollow since I beat up a small child but I'll take it next up our boy Larry sadly though he wasn't allowed to use normal types again F in the comments for Larry instead he uses the closest thing Birds Larry's a pretty uninteresting guy and this battle was no different my kilowatt Rule and Bax caliber are great against flying types doing a lot of the heavy lifting here Larry only managed to take out two of my Pokemon before kilowattroll delivered the final blow with a huge Thunderbolt easy peasy the final Elite Four member is a senile old man named Hassel he uses dragon types but I'll be dragging him through the mud kilowattroll can pick up an early KO onto Noivern with two Thunderbolts but then hassle follows up with his Haxorus an incredibly dangerous Pokemon it's Lord as my kilowatt rule but here is where my Ace goes huge Black's caliber comes out next and I tear her into a pure ice type by removing my dragon typing I also remove my weakness to hassle's dragons with a boosted priority ice Shard Haxorus is slain and from here Bax caliber did not slow down an ice fan crushed dragogi and a quad effective ice Shard immediately turned flapple into an ice cube pretty quickly hassle was down to his final Pokemon box caliber sadly his back's caliber was faster than mine and got the KO but tinkerton can Bonk its way to Victory with a play rough finishing back's caliber giving us the win over all of the Elite Four hustle broke down in tears like any well-adjusted individual clearing us to take on the final test of the assessment Gita the champion Gita leads with a spathon and I expect a powerful psychic move to be coming so I Vol sweet into King Gambit I predicted correctly and my based warlord is unharmed a spot that sets up a reflect followed by a big cow tall cleave from King Gambit which gets the KO next up is avalog who I thought King Gambit could take I was very wrong because this thing carries body press a fighting move that obliterates my steel Samurai by tearing my garganicle into a ghost type I was able to dodge the incoming body press before just outlasting overload with a barrage of stone edges but then in an act of disrespect Gita sent out her own King gamber and it put me on the back foot immediately picking up knockouts on both my garganicle and tinkerton I was down to only three Pokemon against gita's 4 but in my hour of need kilowattroll was a hero because our beautiful bird proceeded to sweep through King Gambit the loser and GoGo it even did Big damage to glamora before finally going down bless you kilowattroll thank you for your service with one final liquidation the loser could finish glamora giving us a very close win over Gita but with that win we had become Champions however we weren't done yet we still had to beat nimona and then explore the paldia crater let's be best rivals for Life After healing up our Pokemon we head to the Town Square where nomona is waiting as a huge crowd gathers we've had some mixed results against nimona in this run so I was determined to settle the score once and for all nimona leads with you again but this is exactly what I planned for garganicle can tank a drill run before absolutely flattening that Rocky pup with a hammer arm not so strong without your flinches are you pormot is next and it quickly takes revenge on garganicle with close combat I went with tinkerton next and thought it would out speed but didn't and took a huge chunk of damage however with Paul mods defenses lowered a single play rough can clean it up nemoda's next Pokemon is a goofy little earthworm and I still love this thing expecting a ground move I switch into kilowattroll who isn't hit by the incoming earthquake from here to Thunderbolts are enough to shock that worm off the map gujar is next so I volt switch into my tinkerton which is a great counter with a play rough taking out that chunky Dragon next nimona sends out a very cursed and elongated de Dunsparce I try to Bonk that thing straight back to the hell from which it came but fall short and my fairy dies going back into kilowattroll a thunderbolt puts the Dunsparce on the brink of death since nimona only has one Pokemon left I have a pretty good guess as to what it is so I get the KO with boltzwitch bringing out my beluza as nimona sends out skeletush since it's a fire and Ghost type I expect a ghost move to be coming the way of my psychic fish however I have a trap card because veluta can tear out into a normal time meaning that Shadow Ball has no effect this lets me survive a turn allowing the loser to fire off a big liquidation before going down skeletos was at low Health but the fight wasn't over yet as it proceeded to sweep through my back's caliber and King Gambit both nomona and I were down to our final Pokemon it all came down to this but right at the last second kilowatts rule outspeed skeleters cooking that Croc's brain with one more Thunderbolt that gives us a crazy close win over nimona establishing our dominance once and for all while also wrapping up the Victory Road quest line with a total play time of about 30 hours there was only one thing left to do explore the ominous paldia crater and finally find out what's down there at the entrance to the crater we meet up with Arvin nimona and Penny who must have got out on bail to descend into the crater itself all four of us get on karadins back at once the crater is a beautiful Lush environment full of Pokemon our goal is to make it to lab zero all the way at the very bottom of the crater while disabling four locks located in the research stations along the way sounds kind of video gaming rgna Mona I wonder why that is genius so our gang makes its way through the crater disabling the locks and oh my god what the hell is that it's like a cursed looking Majin Buu Jigglypuff there's some strange things going on here but it gets even weirder as we head into the depths of the crater while disabling the final lock sarda has a freak out moment which is a bit sus you know we're getting close to the gates of hell as I found this cursed slug just slugging around down here my God you are an Abomination once we finally reach the pit of the crater we're attacked by a second karadin just as it's about to turn my karadin into mince meat the Imposter runs off into the lab and we're ambushed by a bunch of strange looking Pokemon but being the good friend that we are we leave our friends to deal with that while we head into the lab once we get inside this is where the story gets wild because it turns out the professor started in front of us is actually an AI powered robot the real Professor sarda died a long time ago and the AI robot wants us to help destroy the time machine that Sada created long ago that's a lot I know so I guess we're blowing up a time machine anyway this time machine is how the ancient Pokemon have been reaching our world but destroying it isn't simple we're told that once we try the ai's code will be changed by the system to try and stop us out of self-preservation just roll with it alright we initiate the shutdown and [Music] [Music] oh I am so dead professor Sada is the final boss and you know she's a hacker because she uses all master balls she leads with an ancient Volcarona but this one is a bug in fighting type so I immediately fire off an air cutter with kilowattroll and the four times damage is enough for a quick KO next up is a possessed looking misdreavus so I switch into my tinkerton who eats the incoming power germ after also surviving a mystical fire out bronctologist issues a devastating gigaton Hammer annihilating the flood of Maine Zada then sends in an ancient amungus I correctly predicted an incoming ground move which lets me switch into kilowatts rule for free an air Carter does decent damage but the brute Bonnet nearly decimates my bird with a payback I won't live another so I bolt switch back into tinkerton who on the next turn finishes off the sus mushroom with a play rough next up is this thing once again I predict a ground move allowing me to get kilowattroll back in safely I deal some damage with air cutter but a beloved bird finally Falls although this is where I got some Insane luck because not only did my beluza just survive a discharge but it also fought through paralysis to land a huge liquidation onto Sandy shocks finishing it off in one hit I send in King Gambit next as sarda sends in jiggly boo but turns out this stupid puff has drain punch which cripples my samurai this is where I completely threw because I switched into tinkerton failed to get the KO because I used the wrong move like an idiot before tinkerton went down nice work at this range I send backs caliber in next and find finally clean up the Jigglypuff with an eye Shard now cider was down to her final Pokemon an ancient salamance named roaring Moon who gets an instant attack boost this thing is dangerous and it could easily sweep my team except I have a plan by terasterizing I ditched the dragon type and become a pure ice type this helps me survive the incoming Dragon claw before an icicle Crash from my back's caliber slays the ancient dragon now we had defeated the AI except not really sarda still has karadin and none of our pokeballs are working except one our very own Creator joins the fight returning to its battle form it was a showdown between the two ancient motorcycles but with the power of Friendship on our side as well as a little plot armor our created was eventually Victorious with that the AI disappeared into the time machine it finally went offline and weed saved the day the credits roll and that's the entire Pokemon Scarlet experience jump into this video next for more Pokemon content and make sure to like the video or I'll sue take care and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 3,009,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Scarlet, Violet, Challenge
Id: vIV8-m-iYTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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