Can You Beat Pokemon Emerald Kaizo With Only Grass Pokemon?! (HARDEST ROM HACK)

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hey everybody chaotic meatball here and welcome back to yet another pokemon challenge video i know last week i said that i'd be doing pokemon emerald kaizo so let's get right into it i decided to attempt to beat the game with only grass tight pokemon since that gives me a lot of subtypes and options for taking things down but it's still weak to a lot of things like bug fire flying poison and ice emerald kaizo is also a bit crazy because of the fact that you can't get evs meaning our team stats are never going to have an advantage over an opponent however let's get into the rules before we get into the run itself rule number one i can only use pokemon that are part grass type if they have a subtype that's perfectly okay rule number two no items in battle held items and pokeballs are allowed mostly because the game doesn't even allow you to use items in battle it's that hardcore believe me this is going to make the challenge extremely difficult and rule number three no glitches and if you're looking forward to seeing all these tough battles make sure to click like subscribe and ring the bell and click on all notifications so that you don't miss an upload let's boogie so i decided to start with trico because it wouldn't make sense to pick something not grass type for this challenge and the beginning of the game is quite normal it isn't until i get the pokedex and move on to route 102 that things start getting a bit crazy the first trainer has three pokemon luckily though sun kern and hot pip are accessible on route 103 so i make sure to catch one of both and grind up all three of them over level 10 allowing me to continue through the tutorial and fighting the trainers up to petalburg woods i'm just gonna say now if i bring up literally every trainer i had trouble with this video is going to be nearly two hours long so i saved in front of literally every trainer and just re-fought them if i lost there's no way i'm going to allow myself to white out and lose money for healing items since usually my team gets decimated at the end of every battle and i don't always feel like going back to the pokemon center to heal so the money is handy so let's see what the magma grunt has oh lord that's five pokemon well luckily my son flora since i evolved with a sunstone that i got when catching it has growth and i did quite a bit to his magnemite before it got ko'd and led me to finish it with hoppit next out is houndour and aerial lace barely doesn't one shot allowing me to finish it as well next out is bagon which doesn't hit too hard and i'm able to ko with two aerial aces next out is coughing which is apparently good at protect stalling but i am able to hit it with two confusions leaving only duskol it finishes me with shadow sneak so i go out into trico and finish it with two pursuits it also had leftovers yeah i definitely should give something thief once i get it in sleepboard but yeah at this point that's basically how all battles are slugfests and strategy that require me to have at least some sort of type advantage to make up for the numbers game you'll also probably notice that all of the pokemon have revised move sets along with newer generation moves to allow for some variety and utility so that every pokemon is at least usable and can work well there's also patches of grass added to towns for extra wild pokemon and luckily russ bros city is full of grass types so i made sure to grab shroomish chickarita and cacmia before heading into the rust bro city gym it's supposed to be a rock type gym but for some reason one of the trainers has a yanma that just obliterated my team aside from sunflora since it's bulky enough to withstand some attacks it's kind of crazy how many extra trainers that are added to wear you down though you can heal in between each one and how all of them are strategically placed so that they're all required especially for people that are desperate to just get on with the game anyway it's time for roxanne herself she has a whopping full team hence why i've already stacked myself because believe me it's better off this way she leads with nosepass as i leave with shroomish using mud slap in order to lower accuracy since i want to send in some floor and sweep sadly she has self-destruct killing both herself and me i send in skip loom now that it's evolved as she goes into relic camp i figured i'd one shot with my level difference and quad effectiveness with megadrain but she uses yawn to put me to sleep now that the move has been buffed to put you to sleep immediately instead of the turn after it's taken down as i go into trico to finish it with two absorbs since she misses with yawn leading to lily it's part grass type itself so i really can't hit it for super effective damage so i just sack off chikorita for a clean switch over to sunflora going for growth as i get hit with sludge bomb twice going for synthesis twice though i'm poisoned now so now it's just a war of attrition i'm finally able to get off two mega drains to take it down even though the citrus berry activated allowing for her to go into anareth out speeding and koi'ing with x scissor yeah i'm clearly not ready for this gym yet if i have the type advantage and i'm still losing so i decided to go ahead and grind on wild kabuto and omni on route 115 thanks to getting the old rod early they're both quad weak to grass types and are high enough level to be worth grinding on and get decent exp boy i wonder how crazy a professor oaks challenge in this game would work i'm sure it would be absolutely just ungodly unbearable anyway after grinding everyone up to level 16 it's time to rematch she leads with nose pass as i go for rovile using vine whip and double kick before a citrus berry activated and it ko'd me with thunder wave and a track block yeah that's what we're dealing with here she also k on my skip loom thanks to a self-destruct next out is lilip so i just tried my strategy with sunflora luckily not getting poisoned this time anoreth still ko'd in one shot after out speeding along with cacnia and shroomish and chicarita what the heck i'm over leveled compared to her alright if we're being real here i had to be around level 20 to defeat her and allow me to continue on with the story avoiding brawley so that i could over level compared to him since lord knows i need some actually easy fights in this game the next important fight though is the second one against may and she's not actually too terrible after a few attempts she leads with mine and as i go for sun flora avoiding a thunder wave of the cherry berry getting some stat boosts with growth before getting hit with a second one though i do ko in one shot leading to wartortle it gets a few attacks off before i one shot it leading to pidgeotto which got off an aerial ace before i chaoted with sludge bomb finally getting picked off by your knit arena i sent how cachnian went for stand attack getting one shot leading to jump luff now that i have evolved to skip loom i paralyzed it with stunsport going for confusion for a third of damage hitting another two of them before jumpluff went down to poison leading to combustion this thing sucks but this attempt i managed to create it with sludge bomb allowing me to get to her final pokemon bay leaf of course sludge obama is a one shot winning me to fight i love fun fights like that fun but still winnable this allows me to get to mauville city but lord knows i don't need to fight watson yet so i fought the trainers on the west side of rat 118 moving on to the battle with wally oh looks like they didn't really change much about this fight since he only has ralts but it's literally level 70. why it also doesn't have any attacking moves so it just destroys itself by using pain split allowing me to just spam flash and get it to miss everything allowing me to just spam vine whip to ko with grovile i'm glad i only needed one pokemon though that's kind of wild that we're fighting something that's level 70 before the third gem i guess this game has earned the name of kaizo for a reason after wiping out the trainers on route 117 in the rust turf tunnel and on the southern part of route 111 i finally have the courage to go into the gym itself since well there's no other trainers for me to fight and i need that badge to use rock smash before that though i use the move tutor in the pokemon center to teach my meganium x scissor i'm sure that'll come in handy for the future of type coverage anyway watson time he leads with a jolteon as i go for cacturn using faint attack three times to get the ko i get paralyzed but that's okay i'm up 6'5 next i was lantern so i switched from meganium getting paralyzed but ko'ing in three shots and during the ice beams that i know the other members of my team would have a hard time with next out is ampharos so i go for sludge bomb poisoning and nearly kaoing in two shots so i finish it with mock punch leading to electabuzz i stay in since i figured it's just gonna go down and it does leading me to go back into cacturn i tried going for feign attack but it goes down to a fire punch so i send in meganium barely not chaoing two body slams before it goes down i send in grovile to snipe the ko with quick attack leading to magnetrik who just so happens to have flamethrower well i survive and land a magical leaf and quick attack before going down and going into jump luff allowing me to finish it with giga drain last out is raichu which i paralyzed with stunsboro to put us on an equal footing i barely missed the ko due to being paralyzed at the last moment leading to my final pokemon sunflora it's not paralyzed though allowing me to land one last sludge bomb for the victory that was also a pretty fun battle and i somehow won on my first attempt i'm pretty happy with that only a few more trainers and it's time to fight flannery sadly though as most people who have played gen 3 know flannery uses fire types so guess what i went back down to route 114 and grabbed myself a lambre i need a water type and this is the only grass type with a water sub diet it has hydro pump which is perfect this game also gives 5 pp moves to ppmax treatment and gives them 8 pp so it's much easier for me to win flannery leads with nine tails as i go for ludicolo having evolved it with a water stone so i go with hydro pump but sadly this gym has the sun set up immediately which is kind of interesting but it means i can't one shot so i get hit finishing it with a bubble bean next out is charizard so i go for cacturn to use thunder punch but it was one shot so i just went back to looty colo for that hydro bump bubble beam combo leaning to blaziken so i send out jump luff to do over half with aerial lace but it's one shot i went out into looty colo again to finish it with bubble beam so three down three to go next out is arcanine so i went for hydro pump but it's finally taken out with heat wave so i went into sceptile in an attempt to finish it with dragon claw leading to cast form it changes form immediately so i go for a dragon claw before being one shot so i go into braylon with an attempt to ko with sky uppercut it goes down though so i only have meganium luckily though i have body slam so i managed to ko into attacks leaning to typhlosion i out speed the typhlosion hitting body slam and paralyzing though she has a lumbary but i managed to paralyze again with her stun for the turn allowing me to finish the typhlosion off for a really close win there's no getting closer here 20 hp on my last pokemon and getting those lucky paralysis chances yeah there's there's nothing better than that so it's time for norman i took out brawley with a sweep i don't know where the footage went but i have the badge so it was easy at my current level so you're not really missing much here's hoping that i can get through norman with braylon though i don't think it'll be that easy especially since this battle has been changed from a single battle to a double battle so there's a lot more to worry about especially when he leads with both slacking and espeon i lead with both braelum and ludicolo and this espeon has skill swap yeah that means the slacking doesn't have truant anymore slacking one shots ludicolo with hyper beam and since espeon used skill swap both of his pokemon aren't able to attack this next turn because of drone and recharge so i take advantage and chaos slacking with a sky uppercut and espeon receives some massive damage thanks to faint attack norman swaps in swellow using sky attack which is now a one turn move that does recoil instead of charging so kind of like brave bird takeo braylon so i go out and deceptile sadly though espeon gets the skill swap off but it's down leading the kangaskhan i nearly one-shot swellow with dragon claw but it takes out cacturn kaoing itself and leading to tauros so i send him meganium to tank both of them i double target the tauros with dragon claw at body slam with meganium getting hit with body slam and sceptile with crush claw so i just chao with another dragon claw leading the snorlax but kangaskhan targets meganium with trashclaw which by the way has been turned into a 100 power normal move which is insane sceptile is another one landing a flash on snorlax and my team is just falling fast i'm flashing snorlax so that it won't be able to do anything but it's using curse so i need to incapacitate it quickly i try to put kangaskhan to sleep but of course it has a lumbarian takes out sceptile leading this battle to be one on two i went for sleep powder again getting it off as snorlax just keeps using curse so i figured i'd use confusion on kangaskhan getting the lucky confusion off as i put him back to sleep next turn it literally wakes up on the next turn i put it to sleep but it hits itself again so i keep nailing it with aerial ace eventually taking it down with a critical not sure if it would have woken up that turn but i'll take it i just kept going for confusion and i hope to confuse snorlax and get it to hit itself the massive physical attack it now has thanks to curse but i'm unable to do much substantial damage because it has leftovers it's literally a back and forth with me getting a few crits that really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things trying to confuse it was just not bring any fruit since i had already drained most of that luck on kangaskhan but i didn't move away from it finally getting it confused once but of course it snaps out on the second turn that it was confused and not hitting itself so it was just a big old back and forth back forth hit bam bam bam bam bam until i finally got it to work it's it's just that easy it's not i mean it wasn't easy it was hard but it was also easy [Music] i'm going insane i got surf allowing me to give it to looty colo and head towards the eastern half of hoenn where there's even more battles to be had the first of which it's notable is against shelley of team aqua in the weather institute she's actually a really good battler here which is a nice change she lives with melodic so i go for skye uppercut since i know she has mirror coat then i go for gigadrain to finish it getting hit with a massive ice beam before she goes down next out is lapras so i stayed in and went for the sky uppercut one shotting leading to hypno so i switched out into cacturn going for faint attack for over half as she used hypnosis ko after two signal beams not surprised but again i hate how much these guys have for coverage i sent out sceptile to finish it off but dragon claw did a lot less than i expected allowing her hypno to hit me with two fire punches before going down next out is shuckle and oh god this thing sucks it's a toxic staller having both protect and double team to protect itself from losing and to prevent you from winning but toxic missed on looty colo allowing me to finish it with two hydro pumps that was her scariest pokemon for sure and mostly what i lost against in my failed attempts next out is meta cham and it goes for fake out but is almost one shot by hydro pump going down to a bullet seed leaving jester dragonite frick well i used nature power turning into swift and doing minimal damage before going down so i went into jump luff she paralyzed me but i managed to put her to sleep and switch safely into meganium allowing me to finish it with three body slams for the win i'm actually shocked that dragonite was that easily handled i was worried that it was gonna blast my team all the way forward in time until the hdss professor oak's challenge came out but i'm happy with the results i heal at the bed and immediately after there's a battle with mae she leads with a raichu which goes for thunder doing a bit under half as i go for sky uppercut getting the one shot as she sends out clefable i stay in and hit another sky uppercut for the one shot leading to blastoise i'm also super effective against that so i go for giga drain but it outspeeds nailing prelume with an ice beam koing and allowing me to go into meganium it's bulk incarnate so i'm barely not able to ko with a few magical leafs as it gets taken out by mirror coat allowing me to clean up the ko with jump luff next out is nidoqueen so i switch for looty colo nailing a rain boosted hydra pump for the one shot leaving just her meganium has ancient power but she doesn't get the boost so i'm able to tank three of them with cacturn allowing me to barely knock ko as she hits a fourth one so jumpluff comes back out to clean up the victory with an aerial ace awesome that battle was not as hard as i thought it would be straight ahead though is for tree city but i'm not too keen on challenging winona just yet so i moved on to route 121 so that i could go ahead and get the exp though i can't get into lily cove yet so i moved back to take on the trainers in mount pyre as well as the magma hideout in the jagged pass where i've got yet another battle with maxie he's insanely strong and has some crazy pokemon so i had to grind to nearly level 70 but it was worth it to make sure i could defeat him relatively well maxie leaves with tyranitar as i lead with braylon out speeding and nailing a brick break for the one shot even through intimidate next up is flygon so i swapped for sceptile going for dragonclaw and getting a crit to take it out i swapped for ludicolo as he sent in gengar luckily luducolo has nature power and in this environment it turns into shadowball so ludicolo endured two fire punches allowing for it to take out gengar with only 13 hp remaining a swap for meganium as maxi went in for arcanine but it got burned so body slam barely did anything but it did paralyze getting rid of his lumbery allowing me to put it to sleep and swap for ludicolo allowing me to kill with surf and hydropon next out is xekitor so i thought about it staying in but it takes ludicolo out so i go out into jump bluff and hit it with two aerial aces the last of which being a allowing jump luff to survive since hidden power did a lot of damage maxi's last pokemon is entei so i went out in the septile and went for flash hitting it all five times before going down to a sacred fire yikes if anything gets hit with that i am done so i swapped in a jump luff managing to put it to sleep as he misses extreme speed but he has a lumbery so i do it again and started to use aerial ace over and over again until it woke up missing yet another extreme speed but the last one managed to connect so i swapped into cacturn he missed sacred fire allowing me to connect with faint attack but the second connected leaving just my bright loom he missed his last secret fire allowing me to finish it off with a single brick break that was a close one that was wow entei is strong after this i went straight back to fortree in order to take out winona and now it's time for you to learn why exactly i waited to take her on she uses all three cancer legendary birds yeah she leads with zapdos and aerodactyl as i start with looty colo and cacturne going for a hydro pump on aerodactyl for a one shot with her sending an articuno and in turn ludicola gets one shot by sky attack from zapdos so i went into meganium and hit zapdos with a faint attack doing over half as i finish it with body slam articuno goes for ice beam to ko cacturn so i swap into sceptile i used dragon claw to barely not ko flygon and body slam on articuno so i just finished flagon with another dragon claw with articuno barely surviving a body slam and hitting sky attack for the ko and meganium i send in jumpluff as she sends in probe app so i finish articuno with dragonclaw and attempt to put crobat to sleep but it has a lumbery so now i have to do it again next turn allowing moltres to finish it and make me set in braylon it's two on two now so i just doubled up on moltres but it killed itself taking recoil damage after using overheat on braylon luckily crobat stayed asleep allowing me to finish it off with two more dragon claws and i was 15 levels above yet it still came down to the wire craziness i moved over to lily cove so that i could take out the aqua hideout but unfortunately mei is now placed in the way rather than in front of the mart like she normally is so let's take her out for impeding my progress she leaves with miltank as i go for braylon getting hit with fake out and body slam before one shotting with sky uppercut leading to blastoise i switch for a meganium going for x scissors since i know this blastoise is miraco allowing me to finish it with a critical petal dance afterwards next out is ampharos so i just keep laying in with petal dance finally landing three of them before it goes down i'm paralyzed but i stand for nidoqueen getting hit with a poison fang before hitting a body slam and finally going down i cleaned up the ko with ludicolo's surf leading to her own meganium jump luff is perfect for handling this thing getting a critical aerial ace as it puts me to sleep barely not chaoing as i wake up and finish it off leaving just her blaziken so i went into looty colo and just obliterated it with hyrule pump for the win man i think i went out of order with these battles because that level difference was quite a jump between high then low then high again whoops with that though i'm able to storm the aqua height out and fight admin matt he leads with glealy as i go with meganium for the bulk going for petal dances he does barely under half with ice beam so he just goes for explosion to finish both of us off next out is way alert so i went into cacturne to nail a needle arm barely surviving an ice beam as i get one more needle arm luckily getting a crit to finish it off next out is kingdra so i swapped for sceptile so that i'd be able to hit it with two dragon claws killing it after it set up a rain dance and nailing a strong ice beam next out is dragonite so i keep it in sceptile for dragon claw barely doing under half as he uses superpower which is also now a real coil move koiing and allowing me to sack off cacturn finally sending out jumpluff to put it to sleep but of course he has a lumbery and i survived barely from a hidden power to put it to sleep again swapping for a bray loom so that i could ko with two sky uppercuts second to last out is machamp so i swapped for jump puff so that i could attempt to put it to sleep but i'm outsped and ko'd so that i go into ludicolo as he uses superpower doing quite a bit of damage to itself as i nail a hydro pump for the near ko as it finishes it with superpower leaving just my brey loom sky uppercut manages to finish it leaving his last pokemon tauros intimidating kind of sucks but it doesn't matter since he uses double edge gets the recoil effect sport activates and poisons it and i barely miss the kale with sky uppercut but it still finishes it with the poison damage literally what were the chances of that win that was a heck of a battle and i only won because of that since i lost nearly 10 times before this attacked craziness this entire run has just been craziness afterwards i fought the water trainers on route 124 between lily cove and moss deep finding the gym trainers and double battles before getting to tame liza and guess what they start with ladies and ladios how the heck do these gym leaders and team leaders keep getting legendaries oh well i lead with meganium and sceptile so that i can use dragon claw and latias as it hits meganium with miss ball and ladies hit sceptile meganium uses x scissor on ladias barely not finishing so i use dragon claw in the next turn to finish off latias next out is starmie as ladios finishes sceptile with hidden power so i go out into looty holo as ladios takes over half with x scissor i finish it next turn as i go for bullet seat on starmie as i see a jirachi legendaries next turn looty colo goes down so i swap for cacturn getting burned with fire punches i finished starmie with x's or leading to gardevoir drocci finishes cacturne so i went out into jumpluff as meganium one shots gardevoir with x's or leading to meta jam they double up on jumpluff but it survives so i'm able to double up on meta cham to finish it off leading to me sending in breilum and going two to one next turn i nearly chao with exes or in sky uppercut but jirachi ko's meganium allowing breilum to finish with sky uppercut i'm surprised i was able to do that battle at such a low level since after all three legendaries and other tough pokemon like gardevoir that's a little bit to stand up to straight after this i have to fight team magma in the space center teaming up with steven as i go for them and this battle was really hard so hard to the point where i needed to grind on the water routes below in order to get around level 80. i'm only around to select three pokemon for this battle as steven takes up the other three slots with a metagross aerodactyl and starmie but i still lost again and again however i got a little bit more knowledge on each attempt and it ended up working out eventually maxie and tabitha lead with gengar and tauros as steven and i go for aerodactyl and sceptile dragonclaw and gengar does nearly half as earthquake only hit sceptile as ice punch does quite a bit of damage toros and gengar are nearly down as sceptile goes down so i just went into meganium as they attempted to double up on aerodactyl to finish it both missing since he went for fly allowing me to finish gengar with petal dance next out of salamance which has intimidate and kind of sucks but we double up on salamence for about a third allowing me to get rid of his lumbery as aerodactyl goes down leading to starmie i went for body slam again on salomons in an attempt to paralyze again doing so as metagross comes out the next goal was to ko tauros since earthquake does massive damage to metagross so i do so lead into flygon metagross nails a massive meteor mash critical to take it out immediately leading to their own metagross as solomon's is paralyzed for the turn i used body slam in an attempt to paralyze metagross since i knew it was going to try earthquake to take out the metagross on my side which of course it does since it has a lumbery so eventually meganium goes down and i have to go into ludicolo for a hydro pump on salomons taking it out leaving just charizard and metagross metagross gets a crit with shadowball but hydropump is enough to ko charizard as it remains paralyzed so i might have a chance here as sadly though hydrophobic barely doesn't ko but he's paralyzed again and i'm able to ko i thought i was going to have to try that again that battle can be very hectic even in regular emerald solo challenges so i'm not surprised that it's insane here afterwards i get die from steven and take care of the seafloor cavern eventually getting to archie for the final confrontation against him in an effort to not make this video of nearly 50 minutes long i just over leveled a bit for this fight just so i could continue through the requesive and getting myself to the last gym huh well this sure is interesting it's raining inside of the gym and the regular trainers are now replacing the stones that are normally on the ice puzzles man this guy really likes giving you mandatory trainers and making goldfish explode huh and wow i guess this is another double battle since both wallace and juan are here this is actually a completely blind playthrough and i was stunned when i saw both of them here i thought i knew what to expect but i guess not anymore oh never mind wallace is just sitting here and one just wants a double battle weird juan leads with kingdra and lapras as i lead with sceptile and cacturn going for dragon claw and one-shotting kingdra with a crit as cacturne barely misses a one-shot with needle arm leading to sceptile getting taken down by them doubling up with ice beam i sent out meganium to finish off lapras as replaced with vaporeon as cacturne took out lantern with one shot in the alarm replacing it with cast form i use petal dance on cast form and needle arm on vaporeon one shot in cast form and barely not ko and vaporeon as he sends out ludicolo i went for sludge bomb on ludicolo barely not one-shotting as vaporeon puts cacturne to sleep but i finish ludicolo next term with a body slam as cacturn wakes up allowing it to finish off vaporeon with a neat alarm and winning me the battle i love how specifically this gym battle is easier than like the last three battles but hey that's what type advantage and level difference can do for you either way one victory rode later and it's time for the elite four i caught some new pokemon for it as well since i wanted to use things that didn't have a bunch of hm slap on to them so i got myself a new sceptile in brayloom and replacing both jumpluff and ludicola with venusaur and cratedilly since the pokemon league shop actually sells rare candies i just slapped all of these on everyone to get the level 100 and went in again because this game doesn't have evs it's a lot easier to just slap rare candies on them and it not be that big of a deal i feel like this is the best team i can produce too especially since i don't really need any water types for anything in the league otherwise i would have replaced cacturne with ludicolo but it's all good i think sydney's up first and leads with stabilize so i go for venusaurus a tank and put it to sleep going for leaf blade three times to take it down next out is alakazam so i swap for cacturn getting nailed with a fire punch but i get a one shot thanks to a crit not sure if i needed it but i'll take it next out is jolteon so i went out into crate dilly going for confused ray so that i could heal myself with giga drain chaoing after a few attacks next out is my champ so i swamped for prelume and hit it with a massive sky uppercut getting hit with superpower barely not ko'ing but doing enough recoil damage for me to finish it off with another sky uppercut next out is hound doom which is part dark type so i tried to stay in to hit at least one attack but it outsped to ko with heatwave so i just went into sceptile to go for quick attack since i wasn't sure if it would even out speed either but it was ko'd immediately too i went out into crate dilly taking a heat wave allowing me to kill with earth power leading to his last pokemon tauros i swapped from meganium and went for petal dance taking two double edges to pick up the ko finally beating sydney i'm actually shocked how i was able to take him down so easily though i definitely don't think it'll continue phoebe leads with gengars i go for cacturn but of course she has ice punch sand out speeds so i can't ko despite doing massive damage with feign attack i sent out sceptile and she just kept going for destiny bond so i kept going for quick attack until it ran out of pp allowing me to finish it with crunch next out is ludicolo so i swapped from venusaur going for sludge bomb and getting a crit and taking it out leaning to gardevoir sceptile is nice for this with crunch where i managed to get the special defense drop before it took out septile so i swapped for a meganium nailing it with an x scissor to take it down robot's out next so i spot for venusaur since i know it doesn't have a lumbery so i went for sleep powder after getting nailed with an air slash swapping for credibility confusing it and going for two rock slides to take it out next out is sableye which i attempted to put to sleep with phenosaur but it has a lumbery so i went into credibility to confuse it making it hit itself and nailing it with an earth power for minimal damage but it hits itself again so i go for rock slide getting two flinches surprisingly and ko'ing after one more that was lucky since i knew it had recover and if it did that it probably would have been able to stall extremely easily last out is dust claps so i go for confusion and flinch strats eventually taking it out with one last flinch on the rock slide grey dilly really coming in clutch here but it's time to be utterly walled this is glacia she uses ice types including glaily lapras dugong and even a wretch ice it's hard enough to get through glaily without it just destroying everything with ice beams since it's decently fast her last two pokemon are whalelord and swampert though so the majority of her team is part water type so i had to strategize about what i needed to use in order and what i needed to bait out certain pokemon and eventually i managed to beat her glacial leads with glaely as i leave with braylon getting one shot so i don't know why i kept deleting with it because i knew it wasn't gonna out speed oh well i sent in step tile next surviving an ice beam and nailing a strong giga drain before going down to another one i sent out meganium next finishing it off with pedal dance thankfully because she used spikes instead of ice beam next out is dugong so i went for petal dance again doing over half as i survive an ice beam doing the same thing next turn to take it out next out is lapras so i stayed in and went for petal dance for the last time doing nearly half as meganium goes down i sent out crate dilly next using giga drain and missing the ko but he goes for ice shard barely and i mean barely not koii and allowing me to finish it with another giga drain next out is reg ice and i needed to take this thing out pronto or else it would just destroy me i sent in venusaur using sleep powder twice since it had a lumbery to put it to sleep long enough to ko with three leaf blades the last of which was a critical hit second last is weightlord so i went for headbutt getting three flinches before going for a leaf blade to ko man if i didn't get those i would be absolutely done for last out is swampert which out speeds and nails earthquake but luckily my last pokemon cacturn dodges a yawn and kos with needle arm geez that battle was wild however if you thought that glaily and glacia in her herself was a brick wall drake is a wall made of 10 feet thick titanium like a boom wall million pounds the impossible grind i tried to literally 150 times and i couldn't beat him with the current rules the furthest i got was his fifth pokemon dragonite but that required me to get through a ladies kingdra salomons and pterogranitar which all of which were insanely difficult to take on at level 100 had great held items and just had all the coverage and moves to take down my grass types without allowing me to out speed and survive attacks unfortunately because of that challenge ends here in failure you're seeing my current furthest attempt and i tried numerous times in numerous sessions actually since i recorded this about a month ago i thought if i tried stepping away and coming back to it that the strategy would possibly come through but it never did it just ended up being too difficult and not enough stats and moves for me to diversify and ko things i could have tried a few other pokemon like sunflora tropius or anything else i'm not even sure if celebi was catchable by this point if so i probably would have grabbed one or two of those but even if i was gonna say use sunflora which was one of the fastest pokemon here to set up five growths after using both cacturn and sceptile to use sand attack and flash it would still be up to ridiculous luck this is kind of disappointing but i'm not surprised it's emerald kaizo you can't expect to beat the best unless you bring the best either way next week we'll be getting to literally my most requested video i've ever had and that that is the heart golden soul silver professor oaks challenge see you next week thank you guys so much for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it if you really enjoyed it and want to help me support making more content like this definitely check out my patreon page where you'll get access to videos the day before everybody else private hangouts and so much more or you can become a member of the channel and get a few emotes for use in streams here on youtube either way thanks for watching make sure to like and subscribe stay safe stay healthy and i'll see you guys with that poc
Channel: ChaoticMeatball
Views: 262,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChaoticMeatball, chaotic meatball, pokemon challenge, pokemon, emerald kaizo, emerald kaizo monotype, gen 3, gen 3 hack, gen 3 music hits different, impossible pokemon challenge, pokemon emerald, pokemon ruby and sapphire, rom hacks pokemon, nintendo, game boy advance, gba, hard, difficult challenge
Id: F4tQaKk8RGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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