Can You Beat Pokemon Emerald Kaizo With Only Ground Types?! (No Items, HARDEST ROM HACK EVER)

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well hello everyone my name is zwiego and welcome back to emerald kaizo the hardest game around on the pokemon romhack market and of course you guys want me to suffer once again and since i celebrated my one year anniversary on youtube a few days ago i thought that i would go with my favorite typing in the entire game the ground typing so i'll be beating this game with only ground type pokemon or at least try the beat because i have no idea if it's gonna be possible for the people that do not know what emerald kaizo is let me explain that real quick to you emerald kaizo is a super hard romhack that puts you at a disadvantage all the time it starts off by not giving you any effort values so you're always going to be stuck with the base stats of your pokemon while the enemies are going to have very good stats on top of that you cannot use items in battle but all of the opposing enemies will have held items in order to help them like land berries or berry juices that will heal them up so even if you get the pokemon into red health and you think i'm gonna win this one it's gonna heal up just like that move sets have also been altered to where a lot has been made illegal like setup moves most moves that require setup like sword stance or double team are out of the game and even weather changing moves aren't in this game either like sunny day or raindance now that you know all of that why don't you press that subscribe button because i am only 1 000 subscribers away from 100k i don't know what i want to do to celebrate it yet but leave some suggestions in the comments down below if you have a great idea so let's just jump into emerald kaiser with only ground types i just gave myself my regular name because i couldn't think of a stupid pun and i changed my starter into trapping because i wanted to pick mudkip but mudkip technically isn't the ground type so i had to change it around i couldn't just change it to mars tomb right but don't worry the swampert line will be available at the end of the game so you will definitely be seeing our good boy in this run i give my trap pinch a very stupid name and i grind up my trapeze because with sand tomb alone we're not going to be able to beat the 3 co and at level 9 i learn bite with bite i'm able to one shot the trico but only because i got a critical hit it didn't really matter though after that i capture myself a numeral and it's time for a dutch lesson with zwiego once again because kamil means camel in dutch now that's knowledge i think capture a century a cubone and a fanfee and one of these will go until the end of the run with us but who will it be after that we have to fight red for the first time and his first pokemon eevee is a little bit of annoying because he sets up with curses but a few mudshots easily take care of it makes a piece of pikachu with serve but luckily fampy is pretty bulky so we can one shot it after that then bulbasaur comes out i hit an ice shard do about half but we get taken out by a single mega drain luckily camille can finish it off with a flame wheel next up is a squirtle and even though my pneumal is eight levels above it it still gets wrecked by two water pulses because it tanked two magnitudes then i switch in cubone and take out the squirtle with a headbutt and last up is a charmander who almost takes down my cue bone with a lot of flame wheels and burn damage but in the end we come out victorious i then go to the cave all the way in the back to get myself some more ground types in rhyhorn onyx and geodude and the judo name is gonna be muscles because you got the pump the muscles after that little trip it's time for us to take on roxanne and while most of our team are rock types which my ground types are good against one of her team is a leap which has giga drain in its arsenal so if i even managed to get it down into red health which i did it just has to use one giga drain and it almost fills up its entire hp bar fully and because of that geeky training was easily able to sweep through my entire team because nothing really stands up against it so i decided to let fempe evolve at level 25 into don fan with our big elephant we can one shot nose pass barely not one shot relicand and it puts us asleep hits us with the water poles but we easily wake up and take it out after that next up is the leap so i switch into numel because it isn't super effective on him after spamming flame wheel and magnitude for about five to six turns he eventually loses so i once again have to switch in don fan to take out lulu with too much shots and aritha then gets one shot it and then the bulky shuckle comes out and because it's only bulky and even though it's set up a lot of curses its attack is still nothing and my domfang can take it out with a lot a lot of mud shots lunatone is next so i go into right horn i'm able to hit two rock throws before it takes me out with a few confusions and then i can switching down fan to finish this battle off with an ice shard after that we meet up with mae at the boat house but to be honest her entire team was just a sweep with dawn fan we didn't even have a single issue so we can take the boat to duper town in the gym our century evolves into a sand slash and then we can take on brawley himself brawley starts off with a hitmontop with intimidate which is not great for my sand slash since we are gonna be using physical attacks hip on top is also pretty damn bulky because i had to hit four digs in order to take it out but sanchlash came out on top in the end next is polywrath i decide to hit it with one dig before it takes us out with an ice punch then don fan comes out and i hit a single body slam to finish off poliwrath hitmonlee is also a one shot with body slam his next two pokemon hitman shannon meditate as well and finally is hariyama who can take two but this was a pretty damn easy gym battle we then do some business with steven stone down at granite cave to get some very special rocks if you know what i mean and then it's time for one of the hardest battles in the normal pokemon games but in this game mei isn't that hard at this point even though she starts off with an electric type and i start off with my trap bench which is a ground type i still go down to it that's how bad trap pinch is but i can't wait until it evolves into flygon because that's actually gonna be useful after trap range goes down i switch into my trusty dawn fan and one eye shard can finish off mine crocodile is nyx and he is able to tank a body slamming me with a waterfall but we can then take him out next up is grovel who is faster than us and hits us with a geeky drain leaving us with five hp but a single body slam is enough to take it out from full health next up is pidgeotto and i tried to take it out with rockslide but it took me out because it had priority in quick attack so i then switching cubone and take out pidgeotto with two rock throws he then sends out nidorina which we can take out with a bone meringue and finally is charmeleon who is able to take out my cubone with a fire punch and also take down my right horn with two dragon claws before i got in a magnitude and finally sand slash can finish him off with a dig after that i bite my way through wally's level 70 ralts because he doesn't have any attacking moves and after taking on the trainers in the gym my cubone evolved into a marowak and if you see my emerald kaisel challenges you will see that i always struggle on watson but this time i have the advantage and i was able to actually beat him on my first attempt and of course his first pokemon jolteon has hidden power grass which takes down trappings in a single hit even if you think that you have the advantage in this game they're always gonna turn the tables and then switching camille he is going to be able to tank those hidden powers pretty well and take down jolteon with two magnitudes raichu is next soy going to don fan he hits me with a surf which does a decent chunk of damage but much shot is enough to finish it off from full health next up is lantern and he actually tanks a mud shot hits me with a surf and i'm left with a sliver of health but one more takes it out as well ampharos is up next and that thing can also tank a munshot and finally take out my dumb fan with a fire punch so i switch him morowak and i go for boomerang to take out amphros and then i'll learn bone rush which is actually in this game just the same as earthquake his last two pokemon electabuzz and monectric both go down to a single bone rush from mourak with that we now have three gym badges and we can head on to our next red battle but before we take him on we actually have two evolutions trappings evolved into vibrava and newmal evolved into camera and with this team i tried to take on red as you can see my pokemon are pretty good in terms of level all around the level 40 mark but this man has a level 36 blastoise which tears through my entire team nothing could stand up to it and even if i were to get past this thing he would still have a snorlax and a venusaur and a charizard i would never be able to beat him with these levels so i decided to evolve vibrava into flygon i also decided to get right horn of the team and get geodude in his place and evolve him into golem with my team being at around level 45 i went back to red and this time flygon was able to hit two dragon breaths on pikachu even though it had hidden power ice and almost took me out in a single hit after that blastoise came out so i went for the dragon breath once again doing a little bit of chip damage and then going down to a surf so i think going to dolphin and even though blastoise is able to put me asleep my mud shots are able to in the end come out on top next up is venusaur he puts my camera up to sleep but asleep powder hits two giga drains but my camera manages to hang on and finish it off with a single flame thrower next is snorlax i stay in go for the earthquake but he has an earthquake of his own and takes down camera then i switch in my sand slash and finish off snorlax with two rock slides next is espeon who makes quick work of my sand slash so i go into golem and manage to take out espeon with an earthquake and finally is his charizard he hits an earthquake golem hangs on and i take the win with a rock slide now we're gonna fast forward a little bit to the volcano fight with maxi and he starts off with the legendary wretched steel luckily though i started off with gollum and he didn't really have anything to hit me with so two earthquakes can take him out easily hand doom is next and i know this thing has hidden power grass so i decide to go into sand slash and he is just toast so then i go into camille to do massive damage with an earthquake and take it out then claydol comes out so i go into flygon and crunch it to death and then analyze zam is there i decide to stay in and go for the crunch but it has ice punch and boom flygon is down and out so i decide to switch in marowak and finish off alakazam with bulmerang before he sends out his crowbat and i have to switch into golem but this girl man has giga drain and almost stakes me down in a single hit but i'm able to hit a rock slide and take it down into red health as well but then he finishes me off with an air slash then i go in dunfan and go for the ice chart priority to finish off crobat and last up is dust clops which we can also take down with dolphins head smashes mud shots and rock slides with that we can now head on to flannery which is a fire type generator so our boys should be good here but before i went to did this gym i actually got myself some quick claws from the sneasels back in the granite cave because ground types aren't really that speedy and i thought quick claws are going to be our best hell item in this entire run so with that i was able to do about half of nine tails hp with a rock slide from slash before we got taken out by an overheat so i go into flygon and take out knight tails with air slash and she switches in a cast form so i go into marowak while it hits me with a solar beam but a bone meringue is enough to take it out from full health she then sends out a blaze game which obliterates my marowak so i go into my pride and joy fly gun and i have air slash on it so blaziken isn't gonna survive two of those then it was charizard's turn to shine at least that's what she thought because i had a camera which can tank a solar beam and counter with a rock slide next up is typhlosion and i miss click so i go for rock slide and it isn't enough to take it out and it hits me with two earthquakes in order to take out my camera so i then go into flygon and finish off typhlosion with two air slashes as he sends out in arcanine which i'm also able to hit once but it takes me out with two extreme speeds and now it's time for us to wrap up this battle with one more earthquake from domfan since we do have four badges now we can finally go ahead and take on our father he starts off with one of these scummiest strategies in a double battle slaking has truant espeon has kill swap boom slicking doesn't have truan anymore luckily i do have a strategy of my own i decided to start off with flygon because that thing has levitate and that way my second pokemon can just use earthquake without hitting my own pokemon so with that combo we can easily take out espeon and while i'm doing that i also use air slash with fly gun so that the slicking would flinch he then sends in the snorlax but my air slash is able to finish off slacking he then switches in a kangaskhan and go for an earthquake and after that he switches out kangaskhan into swallow so that he can take my earthquake and not do any damage to it luckily he uses a move that causes recoil damage on itself and my flagon can finish off swallow with an air slash eventually he switches in kangaskhan again but we can take care of that rather easily as he puts his snorlax to sleep with rest in order to heal him up eventually he switches in taros and takes down my fly gun so my strategy is out of the window i then go into domfan and go for the earthquake to take down the toros but because these snorlax set up a lot of curses earthquake isn't doing a lot of damage anymore so i switching camera in order to hit it with a lot of flame throwers and eventually come out on top in this battle and get my fifth gym badge time to fast forward all the way to after the weather institute where we take on mei and she has a raichu as her first pokemon with raindance that's illegal ma'am luckily our marowak is strong enough to one-shot it with earthquake as she sends in a nidoqueen which hits us with a surf but we are able to hit an earthquake to take it out next up is called fable who takes me out so i go into don fan to go for the earthquake twice to take out clefable she then sends in for alligator i'm able to hit one hit smash because it misses its waterfall but then after that it takes me out with ice beam so i decided to switch in golem earthquake it because my quick claw activated and it's boom dead and finally is sceptile i try to blow myself up but it is too fast and kills me with leaf blade so i switching camera and i actually get taken out by it so i switch in flygon i go for the air slash twice to win the battle we then get the hm for fly and then it's time for the flying type gym and if you didn't know already wynonna has the three legendary birds in multi receptors and articuno and even though almost every single team member of mine has rock slide it still isn't that easy to take all of them down because my quick law has to activate on the right moments otherwise i'm basically toasted it also doesn't help that most of her pokemon have coverage for ground types so we're not gonna have a great time if that's what you thought eventually i was able to come out on top and i start off the battle with dumfant and flygon and my donphan is gonna headsmash the zapdos to take it out in a single hit she then sends out her own fly gun and my flygon is going to go for dragon claw on the aerodactyl to do about half of his health i then double up on the flygon with ice shard and dragonclaw in order to take that thing out as well she then switches in crobat and i go for the dragonclaw on aerodactyl in order to take it out and my head smash also finishes off the crowbat her last two pokemon are articuno and moltres and they double up on my fly gun in order to take me out so i switching camera and take out mole trace with the head smash from dom fan the recoil damage takes me out and the arctic unit takes out camera so i switch in golem and marowak in order to finish it off with a single rock slide since we now have six gym badges we go to mount pyre in order to talk to archie because he's once again colorblind even in emerald kaizo they couldn't make him see colors and after that we head into mount chimney to the heart of the volcano in order to do a fight against maxi and this battle isn't that hard in order to win but still i did have a little bit of trouble because his last pokemon wasn't entei who did have solar beam extreme speed and sacred fire so he can do a lot of damage against every team member that i have anyway on about my seventh attempt i was able to finish off maxi he starts off with tyranitar i start off with flygon only two earthquakes can take him down while he just goes for an earthquake and we have levitate so he's just stupid he then sends out his own fly gun but luckily ours is just way too strong and we can finish him off with two dragon claws as well while getting hit with a solar beam next up is gengar so i switch in sand slash to do some chip damage with rock slide while it hits me with an ice punch and almost takes me down to turn after it is done and done for my sand slash so that's where i switch it to flygon in order to take it out with a crunch because i knew it was going to be able to one shot from this range next was arcanine so i switch in marowak and i go for the earthquake but it doesn't quite do enough damage because of the intimidate so it takes me out with two heat waves so i then go into flygon and finish off arcanine with an earthquake he then switches in exeggutor and my camera can easily take that out with flamethrower and last up is entei once again hits me with a solo beam but i'm left with more than enough hp in order to take him out with an earthquake once more after that maxi fight it's time to check up on archie and his submarine i went through the entire team aqua hideout without any trouble and eventually made my way to moss deep city where we have to do another gym battle with tate and liza their leading pokemon is the eon duo latios and latias but our combo of flygon and don fan can take out latios with a crunch and a head smash they then switch in gardevoir and take down my dawn fan so i switch in my camera as my flygon hits a crunch on latias after that i go for ancient power with camera on god of war and get my boosts and i also go for crunch on the latias to take him out they then switch in starmie and take out my camera so i switch in golem i then hit a crunch on the god of war but they then take out my golem and i have to switch in sandslash after that i just decide the earthquake away at the rest of her team with my sand slash and marowak in the end because flygon went down and we come out victorious because jiraji can only tank one of the earthquakes before we go to the seafloor cavern we first have to take on maxi together with steven but that fight wasn't anything special so i'm just gonna skip over that after that it is time to go to the seafloor cavern and we reach the end rather quickly without having too many problems because our team is at a pretty decent level as we fight archie it is another double battle with him starting off with raikou and suicune i decided to go for the double earthquake to take down raiku and quillfish and put suicune into red health they then switch in kindra and the suikong goes for hydro pump on don fan to take me out in a single hit i then go into marowak and i go for the double earthquake once again taking out suicune and kendra as they send in dragonite and metagross the metagross protects himself from the earthquakes and they can then take out my marowak easily so i switch in camera after that my fly gun is able to hit a dragon claw but camera goes down to a hyper pump once again and then a switching golem i take out a dragon knight with dragon claw and finish off metagross with two more earthquakes after that we go to the sky pillar in order to wake up rayquaza and get myself a new team member in clay doll which will be our first real special attacker and psychic is a pretty useful typing as well we then see how the two children are fighting daddy snake comes along shouts at them and they go back to their rooms after that we had to do the entire gym and because it's water typing i didn't want to take any risks so my team is now all level 100. walla starts off with a kindred and dragon claw takes care of that next up is cast form who goes down to a single earthquake then lapras comes out so i go into don fan go for the rock slide that is super effective and takes it out in one shot as well and then swampert comes out he just hangs on from my earthquake and is able to miss a yawn so i'm pretty lucky there and another earthquake takes it out next up is milotic and even though i'm almost 30 levels above it a surf still does a lot of damage but then i go for earthquake and it's able to watch out of melodic no idea how then ludicolo comes out who can finish off don fan so i switch him flygon and finish this battle with an air slash with that we cannot get our 8th gym badge because we also have to beat juan in order to get the 8th gym batch but this battle is basically the same except it's a double battle but i have the perfect strategy with claydal and flygon since they both have levitate we can just go for earthquake spamming all the way and we won't have any drawback to that and that is all i did i just spammed earthquake through the entire battle and i won even his last pokemon ludicolo even though it's not very effective on him i could still smash that thing into pieces and with that we have our eighth gym batch but before we can head on to the elite four i have to capture myself so literally myself a marched home and i'm also gonna be capturing a coaxier because i'm gonna need some mons that can withstand galaxias water and ice attacks and so we sweep through victory road very easily but all of our ground types and we can reach sydney as our first elite four member of course the entire elite four and champion is going to have level 100 pokemon so let's see how our pokemon are gonna do here sydney decides to lead with a sableye and i lead off with my camel so i flamethrower it twice in order to finish it off rather quickly next is tauros so i go with clay doll psychic in order to do more than half of his health but then he switches into hound doom so i decided to go into quaksar and he goes for a crunch which does half of my health so quaksar is just dead and i'm sacrificing him here so then i go into myself as the hound doom goes for hidden power grass i'm only left with 17 hp but my earthquake can take it out in one hit jolteon is up next so i switch in my fly gun and go for the earthquake and since i would speed it's able to one shot for tauros i switched back into don fan and had smashed it into oblivion his last two pokemon are alakazam and match champ alakazam goes down to an earthquake from flygon and matchamp can't take a psychic from clay doll even though it was a critical hit but i don't think that mattered next up is phoebe and i decided to go back in with camille as she leads off with a gengar it's good that we're pretty bulky though so we can 2 shot the gengar with flamethrowers while taking a lot of damage in the process the next pokemon is ludicolo so i switch him flygon and go for the earth slash but he hangs on with a little bit of health remaining and takes me out with a single ice beam so then i switch in clay doll and i out speed to take out ludicolo with psychic and then sensing does collapse so i go into a camera go for the earthquake but it isn't even enough to do half of his health as he hits me with the shallow ball takes me out as i go into don fan and go for an earthquake he then decides to go for rest but luckily my earthquake does more than half of his health so he can take him down with two of those as a sable i think comes out who likes to use double team but my dawn fan isn't having any of it head smashing him twice to take him out too and then crobat comes out luckily don fan has another head smash in him to take that thing down in a hit as well and last but not least is god so i switch in claydol and i go boom in order to win against phoebe now this is the fight where i thought that i might not be able to get past the fight with glacia but i did prepare myself a little bit with swampert and quaksar which are going to be a big help in this battle but even though i had those two it wasn't easy to get past glacier yes i got past her but with a lot of problems about 56 attempts if i counted right the hardest pokemon on our team for me to deal with was dugong because it had swift swim and basically outsped anything and everything if my quick claw didn't activate and on top of that because of the rain its water type moves do way too much damage in order for my team to tank a few of them so only quick law activation could really save me in this moment after that there is also lapras which can tank a lot of hits and dish them out pretty well as well but the main threat was definitely dugong so after attempting a lot of times i decided to use an ether on my clay doll to replenish that one pp for the explosion as well she has always starts off with a glilly so i lead off with don fan he hits me with an ice beam and left with 12 hp so i go for the head smash to finish off glaily and myself as well next job is the big bad juegong and it has hidden power grass so my switching quacks are i am able to hit one earthquake as he easily takes me out with two of his stupid hidden powers and then switching myself but my quick claw activates as my earthquake finishes off the stupid dugong next up is wailord but my swampert is able to somehow kill it with two earthquakes i'm very happy about that his own songbird comes out and i'm able to hit one earthquake before he puts me to sleep and finishes me off with three muddy waters so then fly gun comes out who can take care of swampert with earthquake has she sends out regis and i go into camera i am able to hit one ancient power as the red guys goes for the counter to take out my stupid camel in one hit then flygon comes out once more and can finish off regis with another earthquake and then it's time for last pokemon lapras so i decided to go into clay doll and go for the explosion but it hangs on with a little bit of hp but my flygon is here able to outspeed it and earthquake it to death and we can finally move on to drake it's been so long since i've been able to beat this game let's hope we can do it right now drake starts off with his latios and i decide to live with my best pokemon flygon i decide to go for dragon claw it doesn't even do half as he kills me with a single draco meteor i then go into dawn fan my quick claw activates and the head smash takes out latios next out is kingdra so i go into quaksar to earthquake it twice and tank two draco meteors as well to finish off kindra and then tyranitar is the next pokemon he manages to outspeed quaksar and send him to the shadow realm so i send myself out here and i am able to two shot tyranitar and tank an earthquake pretty damn well makes out his selaman so i stay in and i go for the ice punch but it isn't quite enough as it hits me with a draco meteor but i hang on and hit one more ice punch that is two quick long activations in a row and the salamand is down and out next up is dragonite and nothing outspeeds with an extreme speed to take out swampert so i go into clay doll i want to go for explosion but i forgot to use an ether but luckily my second psychic is able to get a critical hit in order to take down dragonite otherwise we probably would have lost because he set up two dragon dances last up is his latias and my claddle is able to hit a hyper beam as he uses recover he then doesn't take me out i hit another hyper beam but then clay dog finally goes down i switch in dawnfan and the only attack i can go for here is a rockslide and i get the critical hit in order to take down latias otherwise we probably would have been screwed and we can head on to the champion battle against steven stone he starts off with his ace pokemon metagross but that isn't his ace in this game though we go for the earthquake with dawn fan and boom it's down and out next up is starmie so i decide to go into flygon and earthquake it as my quick law activates in order to take it down in one shot giraji then comes out but i know that it's part steel type so i decide to stay in it's able to tank an earthquake hit a meteor mash but the second earthquake does finish it off next up is mewtwo i decide to go for the earthquake it doesn't even do half and it takes me out with a single psychic so then it's dawn fans time to shine its attack is higher than flygons so i knew it would one shot with earthquake and that is exactly what happens and then as deoxys came out i thought i could easily tank an attack from this but he went for psychoboost and it one shots me from full health so i go into quack star i am able to hang on with 67 hp and take out deoxys with earthquake and his final pokemon is an aerodactyl who takes out my quackstar with a single sky attack so i go into swampert myself and finish this battle with two serps and there you have it i managed to beat emerald kaizo with my favorite type of them all ground this is so good completing this game that's why i kind of like playing emerald kaizo it's not fun playing through the game but once you beat it it just gives you this feeling of accomplishment and honestly because i now know where i can find the quick claws i can probably do it with a steal and the bug types as well so if you guys would like redemption run so where i just go through the elite four with the steel and buck type once again with them with quick loss let me know in the comments down below and i'll probably be able to beat them and that just makes me think that probably anything is possible in this game if you just have a quick loss you just need to get a lot of luck with them anyway that was emerald kaizo if you guys have any more suggestions what i should do maybe with emerald kaizo or other romhacks let me know in the comments down below i of course want to thank my patreon and membership supporters because they have been a great help on supporting the channel if you want to do so yourself the link will be in description and there is a lot of benefits that you can get you can also still buy merch if you're interested in that and with that out of the way don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 410,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #canyoubeat, #kaizo, #challenge, #monotype, #gen3, #emerald, #ruby, #sapphire, #earth, #ground, #team, #extreme, #romhack, #hard
Id: 0-jolN3VsjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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