Can You Beat Persona 5 Without A Persona?

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hey everyone before the video begins I want to tell you that I'll be streaming my first playthrough of persona 5 royal live on twitch at midnight on the 31st barring any restrictions this will have to be streamed on the PlayStation itself due to guidelines but if you want to join me for that adventure you can follow me at your butt Tebbit on Twitch alright on to the video you can use all kinds of personas in persona 5 big personas small personas strong personas magic personas and even a persona that looks like your dad what if you wanted to use no persona today we find out can you beat persona 5 without a persona before we begin here are the rules I can only attack with melee guns or items persona abilities may not be used I cannot use any skills outside of battle not even the heel tutorial combat or forced prompts to use abilities do not count there's no way to avoid these lastly since the game is long I will not be talking about the story in that much detail however there will be spoilers since I'm covering the entire game starting off I'm getting be bowed for who knows what I choose Hard difficulty this time and then myself after the current anime that I'm watching bonus points if you know what it is I meet best girls soujiro and have a bunch of adults talk bad about me while I'm in the room I get lost at the train station when best girl for real helps me out except he didn't know where to go either and we get arrested for trespassing I break out with our sin and tutorial combat starts I can't avoid using our sin here so this fight won't count we find Morgana and escape the palace and back in the real world really tries to tell cops what happened as if they'll actually believe that [ __ ] heading back into the palace I get my first taste of combat I can't control Morgana here so I can only attack with Joker we get ambushed and dict on which causes Ryoji to join the battle in the real world we meet best girl on and Hannah Baker and kama Sheeta summons Hannah to tell her 13 reasons why he loves her so much karma she is mean and his hairstyle sucks so we plan on taking his heart Shiho tries up for the Olympic land diving team and on finds her way into the palace with us I capture pixie and I'm forced to use her here this won't count either on gets captured and it's up to the boys to save her she breaks free and joins the fight and we finally have a full party I leave the palace and immediately begin putting time into talk of me so I can find means so that I can get healing items and I go to a why to get the most upgraded gear that evening I start crafting infiltration tools which will be important since that is how I'll make Elemental items back in the palace I start running into enemies that make me struggle a bit the hard part about the first palace isn't that I can only attack but it's that I only have a limited supply of healing items this makes getting through the palace slow and frustrating I leave the palace and fuse O'Berry on this is because he's the earliest persona with the resistance to physical attacks and has great defense this decision actually saved this run as fighting the first guard captain turned out to be a rough one he smokes through every other team member and without Omarion this fight would have been hard to win after several close calls with both regular enemies in the guard captain's I send the calling card and square up against kama Sita this was easily the easiest boss fight in the game destroy the cub take off the crown and even without a persona this fight only took four minutes in the meantime I hang with Ryu G visit Joan Jett MD for my 4 p.m. dick flattening craft more [ __ ] head to mementos and deal with shinji's whiny ass the gang heads to an exhibition with best girl art Marth and we discovered his sensei has a palace of his own something I found throughout this run as that fights are boring much like masturbation there's no strategy in this run it simply beat the hell out of whatever's in front of you and hope you come out of it later I fail to capture this ghost and legitimately get stuck in this area because I forgot how to solve the puzzle I assumed you had to beat all enemies but because of how weak the party was I didn't want to chance it assuming I had no choice I go into battle and get my ass handed to me by Rufus the naked mole-rat I decide to leave the palace early and grindin mementos instead I did this several times throughout the run and I can easily say that I spent more time in mementos than doing anything else mementos is the easiest way to earn money experience and personas back in the palace Ryoji and i clear out the area while on strips down for use gay we run into Shere Khan but due to his weakness to fire this fight is cake on and Yusuke end up in the palace and Yusuke goes insane because he has the okay boomergirl stuck in his head [Music] speaking of wanting to die this fight made me want to do just that there's a hard-hitting mini-bosses surrounded by a group of Harvey Birdman attorney at law these [ __ ] show the Achilles heel of the run since I can only focus on one enemy at a time groups of enemies can get in multiple turns which can make things dangerous in this case the Birdman keep increasing their evasion making it even harder to get rid of them I have to try this part three times before finally getting lucky enough to wipe everyone out quickly then comes the fight that everyone came to see but first if you're enjoying the video make sure to leave a like and follow me on Twitter otherwise you'll be stuck in Okumura is maze forever paperboy here is immune to all physical attacks and seeing as I'm limited to the amount of items in my inventory killing him will be an issue luckily I figured out a strategy I had boosted Ryu DS confidant high enough to where he learned follow up a move that gives a free critical hit on an enemy if I only attack during Joker's turn I get that many more chances at this ability activating this is completely reliant on luck and I had to try a few times to get it to actually kill him but when the stars finally aligned the victory was that much sweeter afterwards we find the crane that can steal the treasure and it's time to fight Mathura me Mathura means fight is usually the easiest but this time around it's one of the hardest Adorama exploits both of my major weaknesses I have to target multiple enemies and two of those enemies cannot be hit by physical attacks talk amis medicine comes in crucial here since it heals the whole party thankfully there's an exploit to this fight that I wasn't aware of if you manage to beat Mathura maze paintings twice the third time you can hit him with the black paint making him weak to all affinities it took some time quite a few items in two tries but I managed to beat moderato without having to grind afterwards I focus on your sheet as confidant buy some books to gain more knowledge and go to eat some ramen with Naruto I craft Shiki OG to be my permanent persona this run he has three nullification x' and one weakness so he's the perfect choice I tell Cal wakame I want to sleep with her but she doesn't take the hint and I white knight this twitch streamer from her creepy mod best girl xj9 tells me about her life as a teenage robot and I get abstract with Jackson Pollock I go see my alcoholic stepmom and try to give an intervention and find kana she rose palace a floating Bank practicing social distance we're all young and stupid so we go in anyway in kaneshiro tries to loan charkas Mikoto didn't like the annual interest rate Kaneshiro gave us so she decides to join the gang with Mikoto my team from here on out will be Joker Ryu ji and you scape this group has the highest strength and endurance stats out of the group which is all that matters this run I leave the palace and are in the gallows fusion which allows me to min/max my big paper Manta on Holi levels of strength I'll be showing you my entire build process this run if you want to try it out for yourself I head back to the palace and face enemies like Fuki sui ki kin ki furry creepy fairy and Hawk the enemies here are actually a little too strong for me at the current level and I struggle making progress so I decided to leave the palace again grunt levels and mementos and use the gallows on cheeky I do some math turn a big-ass lock and I'm ready to take it to Kaneshiro before I do though I head to the velvet room and teach null noop Toshiki removing his only weakness the process for creating a build requires a lot of luck so enjoy this montage of me getting unlucky [Music] kaneshiro shadow looks like hitler makes with Danny DeVito and it makes me uncomfortable other than his weird appearance this fight was surprisingly a joke the plan was to do the same [ __ ] I've done for every other fight so far hit him with my weapon and then just keep doing that for about 20 minutes until he doesn't exist anymore even when he jumps into his giant metal swine nothing changes same problem same solution as long as you knock him off the pig before he crushes you it's trivial after Kaneshiro I go see Miss Cleo church girl who go to church and read her Bible and take Mikoto to hang out with the other machines of the arcade I head back to mementos from money when I discover an exploit when fighting a group of Omarion they will always go after the party member with the most health since Joker has the most health and I had cheeky nullifying physical damage they can't hit me and I could essentially farm this area infinitely afterwards I used the money to strengthen cheeky and given the defence master and attack master passive abilities automatically giving me double strength and defense every fight I go see my plug for healing items pay this woman way too much money to do my laundry and let Mishima know that I'm not mad I'm just disappointed I go to the diner and listen to lo five beads to relax / study - with my cat and use what I learned to ace my exams Yusuke tells these girls that they belong to the streets shut up Crips and I get a texture I'm a stalker asking me to steal their heart what the [ __ ] who Thomas boots the squad and were forced to break into our palace meanwhile in the real world she experiences some Parent Trap [ __ ] I've rolled through futaba's palace in less than an hour so I'll just skip to the boss best girl Wakaba is kind of a pain in the ass half the time she's in the air so I can only hit her with gun attacks and items since neither of those do much damage she takes multiple turns beating me but since Joker is immune to damn near everything at this point this fight is really just a waiting game whenever she gets hit with the ballista and the team can actually attack it's over she has a move that can put despair on your party but I planned for this and bought the Cure from talking me beforehand this boss fight only took about ten minutes on the first try we've returned to the real world and find out that futaba's sick so she's on two-week quarantine that's right baby first youtuber to make a corona virus joke I am so [ __ ] good buddy during that time I go on a date with Yusuke give cheeky Dodge Electric no fire and apt pupil fulfill requests and mementos and bait with the elderly I max our yuji's confidant since it gives some extra resistances and crafty use Ches weapon using the electric chair fusion I toss a coin to my witcher 3 up on perc 30s and start the twin wardens confidant for stronger personas later I fail talking these romance prompt so I legit reload the save in order to get it right I visit cow alchemy in the hospital who was suffering from fat [ __ ] disease in Futaba makes a full recovery best girl who flew me takes me to Paris and sugar daddy Yoshida takes me out to eat the gang hits the beach to relax and really falls in love when he sees ons big mommy milky steak and milkers Wow him thirsty you woo but he gets rejected so it's back to the boys hey I enjoy a nice dinner with the family Andrew G talks about the Phantom thieves in the open because who gives a [ __ ] right makoto uploads a virus to size computer to help the fan of the oh god damn it now I have it the gang goes to Hawaii just Affleck's on Instagram and I almost reveal my crush but was stopped by Mishima [ __ ] and farting I spend a romantic evening with a Fumi whereas in Japan principle egg body tries to do the thing Edward Cullen did in Twilight and pays the price Mona is pissy Kitty when we get back and look how that worked out for him the gang goes to save him but he's joined up with the best girl beauty thief Haru who gets to roasting [ __ ] so we decided to pull a reverse drive-by and mementos harus fiance starts giving off some real OJ Simpson vibes so the gang decides to pull up on him afterwards I create regions accessory with the electric chair it gives +3 strength and increases crit rate something that will prove very useful later on I boost Shiki to level 46 and startled coomer's Duque ass Palace we all know Okumura spouse sucks more eggs than squilliam fancy-son but for this run it was even worse the first half of the palace enemies are dedicated to physical resistances meaning that I will have to rely heavily on crafted items the iron golem here repels physical attacks but thankfully is weak to psychic smokers long is a problem they usually show up in groups of three or more and are resistant to physical attacks normally it's not a problem but as soon as you kill one that will summon another additionally they use famine scream to lower the attack of everyone in your party I literally have to abuse weaknesses with items or I'd be soft locked here beyond that the palace is much easier first I'm tasked with finding the chief director and getting his membership card I have to fight three tiers of workers in order to progress all of them are resistant to physical attacks but since there is no extra summoning these fights are still manageable the first worker is weak to nuke the second is weak to wind and the Chief Director is weak to psychic although I end up beating him with a critical hit later in the palace I get ambushed trying to run away and these enemies use spirit drain on me I only mentioned this so that people don't assume I was using abilities in between clips I hop across a bunch of RGB barriers and make it to the second main objective defeating the waves of workers at first I was using items to abuse weaknesses however I ran out early on and had no choice but to hack away like an infant with a pool noodle this fight was a war of attrition both sides just slapping away until one of us remained thankfully that side was mine afterwards is the maze we all know how much I hate this maze so you can only imagine how I felt when I had to do it twice because I got caught we send the calling card to Okumura cheeky learns the dodge nice passive skill and it's time to duel this boss fight was the one I was most worried about when I started not because it's hard but because there's only 30 minutes to beat him Okumura constantly sends out waves of workers to replace the ones you beat all of them are resistant to physical attacks and there's a final boss after you beat all the regular workers thankfully Okumura actually resolves the problem himself if you wanted killing the robots fast enough he'll make them self-destruct to hurt you this is much faster than me killing each one separately so I begin focusing on other targets than the one that's about to explode after all regular workers explode the head executive is the final enemy between you and Okumura the head executive isn't too hard as long as you guard when Big Bang order hits you'll be able to take him down if you attack long enough with no one left to help him Okumura goes down easy and I can finally get out of this nightmare we bust out of the palace and find out that our coomer's treasure was the board games a thorough exposition man hits us with the exposition and I go to the bar to beg my stepmom to come home I handle some more requests earn some extra credit with my teacher sit Mikoto on the casting couch and spilled tea with Lala afterwards I fixed the laptop to get black market items and go to the happiest place on earth to watch the saddest thing on earth IMAX use-case confidante but he still won't date me and I hang out with my stepsister some of you already know where this joke is going I max out your Cheetahs confidant and he gives a speech that I didn't expect Secretary Clinton was sucking my dick for a hamburger and McDonald's the FBI come to question me and I snitched like six nine and I meet Light Yagami I teach mr. origami resists bless effectively nullifying every type of attack except a wind and almighty the gang heads still Alikhan and don't ask me how I know what that is and light figures out that where el soujiro is more worried about us being phantom thieves than sibling lovers and light proposes we work together to catch Kira and we really don't have a choice because you know he's blackmailing us so I won't stop bitching at me during interrogation so I go into our palace to steal our heart by this point I'm so over leveled and have so many resistances but there's almost nothing that can touch me I have the hot hand it dies and when big on the slots thanks to a catchy being the definition of plot armor before the boss fight was sigh I replaced Dodge Electric with null electric hang out with my little brother Sasuke take Mishima and onto the same park because I'm lazy max the twin wardens confidant start a garden with best car Haru except that my stepmother is never coming home join the Yakuza and what are you doing mikoto betray our sister and gives her a calling card and it's time to clap some rum sighs a pushover normally this boss fight would be hard but because I'm over leveled out the ass and there's only one enemy the entire team needs to aim at this fight turns into a speedrun this isn't to say that I wasn't putting out big damage on my team but I was over prepared high-level all team members at max confidante and more than enough healing items spell disaster for the elder niizuma after the fight I get ambushed by the police and taken into custody akechi shows up and tries helping me awaken my persona persona 3 style but this is persona 5 so I just die instead I respawn the next day and learned that Jeff Bezos is the bond that links us all we had to cheetos palace and learn that we need five letters of recommendation to secure his treasure before we go after the letters i craft Cybele she knows Auto Morocco and Drain bless and as the persona needed to craft makoto's best weapon since she does Palace is the last chance I really have to work on confidants and stats I waited to the last minute to go in during this time I boost on and stepmoms confidants and maximize the confidants on little brother and stepsister I also craft Yusuke and Makoto's guns for damage and crazy stat boosts first up in Cheetos Palace is the politician who gets bopped quickly Lakotas weapon gives high crit rate so she's Opie in every fight the second fight is with the noble and it's more of the same I hit three crits almost consecutively and man's had no chance third is the TV president who has his cronies with him they didn't help at all and monkey man gets deleted monkey fourth is the IT man and it was actually the most difficult the boss always uses one-hit-kill moves and if you defeat his lackeys he'll just summon more forcing you to attack him first thankfully all my team members no endure preventing one-hand kills and Futaba no spinal guard which can save the entire party now I say it was harder but it was still an easy fight due to Mikoto creating every other turn the final letter you get from Yakuza and this fight is easy as pie he mainly attacks with physical and curse moves both of which Joker is completely immune to we try to convince a catchy in the power of anime friendship but he refuses and shows us true persona the insel in celle kechi is only slightly harder his attacks have a little more power and occasionally he'll throw up a barrier that reflects physical damage this of course means nothing to Joker who reflects physical damage back so the fight that is supposed to have monumental weight to the story ends up as an ass-whooping Stone Cold Steve Austin style akechi commit seppuku in a weird way and we opened the chamber that holds the treasure before I US Allah I craft a Metatron and use him to create Joker's gun which gives +5 to all stats and buffs Shiki as far as I can she does fight starts off rough you can't hit him with physical attacks at all and only joker can hit with gun attacks thanks dishing is confidant this means that damage will have to come from items only and items can only do 150 damage max I slog through this part as fast as I can while I take big hits and stat debuffs thankfully I had enough items to get him into a second form which blocks all magic but allows him to take damage from physical attacks from here on out it's a pounding as the collective damage is more than enough to breeze by his second and third forms after the Beast is slain Shido decides to brawl it out like Sagat unfortunately for him Joker nullifies just about everything and the beatdown continues even with his extra power extra turns and super moves Shido is outclassed by 4 teenagers with fake weapons beating Shino causes the boat to blow up though Ryu ji saves the day and then for the final mission my romance on and oh yeah the only girl I didn't romance was Haru and I'm still pretty depressed about it Shino confesses but we decide it's not enough and we're just gonna take everybody's heart because we're drunk with power by the time I reached the momentos palace I'm level 70 which is way higher than almost all the enemies there most fights last just one to two turns even fights with multiple enemies are easy due to harus grenade launcher being able to hit every enemy I beat all the enemies solve all the puzzles and head to the dets to fight the final threat turns out you can't beat the holy grail because everyone keeps dick riding it so we lose the world goes Lovecraftian and we disappear I get sent back to the Velvet Room where I'm to be executed except [ __ ] that I'm a beast the twins can't beat me and feeds back into one to join me egor goes spooky and it's up to us to defeat him once and for all but not before we have to fight the Archangels starting with Uriel Uriel is a [ __ ] next Raphael more like hold this el chump Gabriel pretty [ __ ] chill actually not gonna lie to you Michael is the only one worth talking about this fight was the hardest fight in the entire game Michael is buff can one-shot any member of your team or do big party damage constantly summons angels that will heal and buff him and he has no weaknesses you have to make sure his angels are taken out immediately or they will fully heal him constantly having to deal with them gives him more chances to kill you and I'm very lucky that I got through this on the first try before the last fight here are my final stats in case you want to create a similar build Holy Grail part 2 was almost embarrassingly easy after cutting the veins I actually beat this thing in just two minutes the holy grail turns into yelled about and the final fight begins yelled about was an interesting boss fight he has a massive 15,000 health so it'll take over a hundred hits at least to bring him down but he's not the only thing I have to aim it he summons a book gun sword and bell throughout the fight to plague me with random ailments that hurt my party ironically enough these ailments rarely did anything the biggest issue was the sword because it reflects physical attacks I can't attack it after my gun ammo runs out so rather than try to fight it I leave it alone and deal with the other weapons in the out about since its attacks aren't too terrible anyway other than that there was no change in the game plan just keep on attacking and not dying and eventually the god of control goes down after the fight we all know how the story ends Satan falls from the sky and his foe foe make sure God's kids don't grow ironically the last move in the game is me using my persona so I guess no you can't be persona 5 without a persona thanks for watching I was worried that this run might be a little boring but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless if you liked the video consider giving it a like or even subscribing if you like my content the next run will be a persona 5 royal run so I hope to see you all there [Music] [Music]
Channel: YourBudTevin
Views: 814,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can you beat persona 5 without a persona, can you beat persona 5, Persona 5, Persona 5 weapon only, Persona 5 melee only, Persona, Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 the royal, Mitten squad, Nyarly, Persona 4, Joker, Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona 5 items only, YourBudTevin
Id: Fo3o8ZBYAY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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