Can You Beat Persona 4 Golden Without Taking Damage? Part 1

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hello everybody it's a gamer here who wonders why he does what he does yet feels proud to overcome the absurdity of ideas Persona 4 is a crime mystery jrpg where you bond with friends in the real world and give Shadows a bigger crack in the Supernatural World in this game we overcome the dangers of lies of deception while face in our painful truths deep inside and while psychological pain is inevitable I'm not a big fan of physical pain and prefer to get through life without taking a single Band-Aid from the box can you be Persona 4 Golden without taking damage here are the rules we must play on a new game file no new game plus we must get the true ending of the game with the last two optional dungeons included any loss in HP which includes getting hit get in our HP drained suffering the HP loss from ailments get an insta killed or using physical skills is an instant reset melee attacks are allowed for physical damage but use and physical skills which use up our HP is banned if we take damage we're forced to close down the game and start from the last save point there's only one fight in the entire game where we will allow damage and you'll see what that fight is soon and the option to retry in dungeons will only be used on April 17th and it has to be turned off after chia's awakened for the rest of the run the reason why we're using this option will be obvious once we get to it so with all that said let's get this run started but before we could start the game we have to choose the difficulty now unlike some runs we're playing on the hardest difficulty is the most unique way to prove a challenge run as possible we're going to be treating the difficulty as more of a game mechanic since taking one hit regardless of difficulty is an instant reset the difficulty in Persona 4 Golden has six different settings that can make the experience more relaxing or more grindy and in the steam version of the game we could customize the difficulty regardless if it's a first playthrough use a disadvantage we want to be able to end battles quickly without taking damage but we also want to gain the most amount of the experience points and money to reduce the need for repetitive grinding so The Logical conclusion would be to start on very easy difficulty where we can earn the most amount of exp and money from battles while doing a great amount of damage we will change the difficulty up a bit by allowing enemies to do a great amount of damage also which can cause the most amount of reflective damage if we repel their attacks retries and battles is pointless in this run for obvious reasons and retries and dungeons will only be turned on for the 17th of April due to the lack of being able to save on this day but it will be turned off after we defeat Shadow Chi a damageless so now let's get this run started we get set out in the middle of a town by the most neglectful side to the Ken family were you yes that is the name of the main character meets his uncle dojima and his cousin nanako AKA best character in this game we meet the gas station attendant only to have nothing to do with him for the rest of the Run only to find out that he is actually a she this whole time honestly that was the biggest plot twist for me we stand up against Kane [ __ ] to increase our guts I mean courage sorry wrong game blues could do it to the TV gain understanding for making sure everyone's okay came across the most tolerable version of Pedobear and another understanding increased for worrying about GA now we soon connect the fact that the TV world is the key reason why two killings in our town happened with one of the victims being yosuke's crush on April 15th we find the Twisted shopping district where sakiya died and we get the third best Awakening in the series as you awakens to Izanagi I'll keep track of what attacks have what effects on enemies yeah and because I chose very easy difficulty this will instantly kill the enemies and um this is the reason why I chose very easy difficulty because we have to kill enemies as efficiently as possible we have to treat the difficulty more as a game mechanic rather than a hey is this possible on very hard or whatever inside the liquor store yosuke's Crush happens to crush his soul when he finds out that saki hated him and so his shadow appears as we find out that yosuke is sick of being in this town as he never wanted to move to it and he only wanted to find out what killed saki because real life is boring and he wanted to be the hero understandably so yosuke denies this reality about him but as we soon find out denying Your Shadow is the worst thing you can do as we have to face Shadow yosuke with you only and right off the bat the first hit is force damage now remember when I said Rule 5 that I would allow damage in one fight only well this was the fight I was talking about even if we do everything right we will need to get hit at least three times and while I'm sure the first attacked is always scripted to hit I'm pretty sure the next two attacks are impossible to dodge without the millisecond perfect RNG and bear in mind we don't have any access to any equipment or hit or evade skills till after this battle so this is gonna be the only fight in the entire run where I will allow damage otherwise all fights have to be done damageless going forth so after we go all Abby on shadowyosuke yosuke accepts himself and awakens to his Persona and we start the magician social link with yosuke soon we discovered that Yukiko has been thrown into the TV world and it's up to us to save her before the Shadows kill her on a foggy day thankfully we can start buying equipment but we can only get weapons with better attack power and an accessory to increase our strength since endurance is 100 useless for this run and during the stream by the time I stated that our default equipment is superior to the chain mail everyone in the chat pretty much clued in what the challenge run is gonna be when it comes to weapons higher attack power not only means stronger physical attack since melees are only method of cause and physical damage but the higher the attack the stronger the all attacks will be and when it comes to armor the defense is 100 useless so we have to rely on higher evasion rate or a useful trade that is applied to the armor itself sadly there's only HP items at the medicine shop as of now and the SP recovery drinks from the vending machines are gone so we jump into the TV world and have to save GA as she runs ahead like an idiot now before we start fighting Shadows we need to make sure that yosuke these tactics are changed from act freely to direct commands as unlike Persona 5 Persona 4 doesn't have party members automatically set to direct commands now when it comes to the first floor there's only chests with useful items in it so no shadows will pop out of Chess like they will later on and two Shadows on this floor are weak to either electric or wind so we can kill these Shadows with ease in one turn and even if we choose not to exploit their weaknesses for an all-out attack we have such a high strength and Agility stat that we can just rush the enemies to death as we level up we can gain cards through shovel time there's a total of six personas we could obtain through shovel time and two of them have wind Angel and Sandman I go with Angel and level her up as my primary persona for this day as we need win attacks to exploit Shadow ga's main weakness and the only useless card in shovel time time is the hay mag card to increase our endurance as endurance only decreases the damage we receive from Shadows but even one point of damage is an instant fail for the run so what we need to do is grind against enemies to strengthen Angel and yosuke's magical skills and collect as many items as we can from chess for SP recovery or HP items to sell for money now since we cannot save until after we defeat Shadow Chia we use the retries and dungeons as our option of saving if we get hit once we guard till we die and we can respawn on the floor we started off on saving all of that grinding progress thankfully throughout my entire time grinding I've never got hit by any of the Shadows on the first floor the real issue is increasing our damage output we need to kill Shadow GA in one turn with yosuke and Angel as she will go for a multi-electric attack and the chances of of both of us evade in that attack is very unlikely so we need to grind yosuke and Angel to be at a high enough magic stat to finish Shadow Chi off in one turn okay I should probably address the elephant in the room here if you've been paying attention to the footage you might notice a suspicious issue here if you look we clearly have moments where we don't have full HP now before you call me out for that let me explain when you level up in Persona 4 your capacity for HP and SP increases however unlike Persona 5 your HP and SP doesn't increase with the capacity too so the only reason you're seeing a gap in HP is because of us leveling up and not because of damage or physical skills this is the primary reason I decided to stream every dungeon of this game on my channel to show the authentic proof I did not take damage for the entire run so if you think I'm a cheater cheater pumpkin eater liar liar pants on fire feel free to watch the stream of this run anytime I've had more than 21 viewers watching me live to make sure I did not cheat one bit so if you're wondering why I'm low on HP at times it's because of us leveling up and not due to HP loss anyway with that said let's see how long it takes to break down Shadow ga so level 9 Angel level 13 uh you can we defeat her let's try it so she's weak to win let's do this oh yeah good damage at first all that attack of this run oh damn that barely gets her down to halfway this may not be good guys okay we'll try this and see how far this gets her down okay so we could do two garu attacks back to back let's see how much this uh brings her health down and run failed all right already the Run failed so we have to guard through this so we need to grind a little bit more guys unfortunately ah damn it we're not doing enough damage ah no actually I'm gonna try something I'm gonna try something I'm gonna switch to Izanagi for a second abracunda let's try rokunda okay okay so we do a slight bit more damage with garud compared to all-out attacks I don't know I think it just isn't that I think it's just a matter of leveling up more [Music] okay I'm gonna try something I'm gonna try something I don't know if this is gonna work but let me just see can we silence her let's try this nope she blocks that well damn it another fight loss all right so I can't stick around unfortunately best of luck with the therapy Oh Hey Jake bouncy hey Jack up uh for those of you oh my God there's a shadow that's almost about to kill me Jack you almost got me killed damn it show him who's boss uh if you say actually I'm gonna try something for a second um huh okay so far she's not getting dizzy but I do a slight bit more damage when she's down damn it well that's another attempt failed but at least that was an interesting observation everything relies on you just leveling up and getting that little bit of magic to defeat uh Chia come on you gotta have your revenge against Chia for kicking you in the nads show her that you don't disrespect a man's balls a man's balls must be respected since this has taken so long imagine how long it would take for Yukiko who has tripled the health or something well we're definitely gonna have a better chance with Yukiko uh because we'll be able to do Persona fusions and all that sort of stuff and we'll be able to uh get like Jack Frost who is a magician Persona so we do have a better chance at this just um it's just gonna take a while level 18 with both yosuke and you grinding on the first floor first Shadows cheese damn boss fight and then we're level 13 so if we need a grind more angel needs another thousand experience points but anyways here we go our fifth attempt this time no this is our sixth attempt okay so here we go level 18 you and yosuke level 13. uh what's what's her name she's angel let's do this oh yeah that's more damage than usual okay so all that attack oh I think that's halfway guys we might have a chance at this so Gario foreign nope and then we're gonna garu again let's do it we did it yes uh yes ah yes we did it so after two and a half hours of grinding on the first floor we finally defeated Shadow ga damageless ga accepts her true self and awakens to her Persona to Moe we get rank one with the fool and Jared social link and started on the 18th of April were finally allowed to do whatever we want however on the very first day there's really not much we can do there's absolutely no Social Links available till the 19th so the only thing we can do is buy stuff and go into the TV world at both Persona 4 and 5 the most efficient way to max out all of your Social stats and most of your Social Links is to complete an entire dungeon in one day and in Persona 4 where the schedule is a lot more tighter than in the other games we need to complete most of these dungeons as early as possible in one day so we're gonna do the entirety of yukiko's dungeon and and one day on the very first day all without taking damage thankfully after all that grinding we can sell for a bunch of Yen with life Stones offering a thousand yen each and with more than enough materials to make every equipment we get GA a stronger weapon and three things of lizard charms for a magical increase and I kid you not 90 things of gohoams and 70 things of all four Elemental items from the medicine shop you'll see why these are needed as we progress through the entire game now before we start we fuse Jack Frost Jack Frost is the best persona for this dungeon as Shadow yukiko's main weakness is ice and Jack Frost has Buffalo for medium ice damage and ice boost to increase ice damage by 25 percent we also fuse Jack Frost with Hama and Hama boo since three enemies in the castle are weak to light attacks I also give Jack Frost an Augie skill card since the mini boss of the dungeon is weak to fire with Jack Frost as our May Persona we're ready to take on yukiko's Castle damageless the Shadows are fairly easy to finish off as we can just toss items to hit their weaknesses to down them and finish them off and won all that attack items not only never miss an enemy but they also conserve our SP making them a huge time and resource saver oh God okay yeah okay right it's getting close you're getting close yeah okay put oh and it's just one this is good this is good because they only have um these uh Shadows only have um 150 um Health now the thing is is that even though they resist Elemental attacks okay even okay sorry I'm looking at this it's cold okay so uh even though they resist Elemental attacks the theme with uh with items is that they will do 50 points in damage even if they resist said attack I never knew about that oh [ __ ] oh my God this is good what we already failed the run [ __ ] I have to restart again guys what happened where did you do so no thanks to GA I had to start over again and change your tactics from Full Assault to direct commands but little did I expect this was the least of my worries yeah you told him Teddy that was it sensei okay and then it's what the hell what the hell wait is it frozen wait I think I think you just punch you like your desktop what happened no no no no don't tell me don't tell me it's frozen don't you dare tell me that this game actually froze on you there's no way you've just froze on me oh no oh [ __ ] this is the first time this has ever happened no first first it was direct hit or at first it was a full physical attack from Chia acting freely and now what the frick try and not share your screen on my side don't share your screen will that fix the issue yeah because I'm running like three different applications at once I guess my computer doesn't like it that much that it crashes the game and even though I stopped screen sharing to my co-commentator this was not the first time this happens in this dungeon anyway as you saw if we face up against a golden hand known as the happiness hand we can get rid of its 150 HP pool by throwing three items at it even though the happiness hand resists Elemental damage an elemental item will always do the damage it says on it unless the enemy dolls drains or repels the attack use of this trick we could kill one hand and get the most amount of exp and money for some fast leveling up once we reach floor 5 we use a go who am save and return back to the dungeon as wherever you use a go home you can fast travel to that floor not as efficient as safe rooms in Persona 5 but it's definitely going to be useful as floor 5 is where we Face the dungeon's mini boss the Avenger Knight we see adventure adventure Oh I thought you said Adventure Lights hang in there okay so we automatically starts up with tarukaja which is um an attack buff so uh right now we start off with yosuke so we're gonna throw a firecracker see how much um all that attacks uh damage him yeah all right okay so an all-out attacked is about 185 of in damage okay and I fused uh Jack Frost with Auggie so 185 if we do an all that attack so if we use Auggie with um Jack Frost this will do 147. okay I'm not gonna do an all that attack I'm just gonna do another Auggie okay good and now it's dizzy so now it's dizzy and um how is how is Adventure night against ice attacks let's see Avenger Avenger Knight he's weak to Avenger night is weak to fire okay and he has no resistances oh I don't see any resistance no um okay I'm just gonna use Tara Kaja um Chia has tarikaja so I'm gonna use tower kajo on you okay so I'm looking at I'm looking at Adventure night is he like a like a mid boss fight or anything yeah he's a mid boss fight on the fifth floor um okay okay so yeah he does have some No No's heat some resistance he's resistant to light and dark okay well that's a given uh because all bosses are resistant to light and dark because you can't insta-kill boss fights so anyway we're just gonna garu um Avenger night while he's still dizzy okay and um I just used Tara Kaja from GA on to you uh with Auggie so we're gonna use Augie again and yes we did it with Avenger Knight defeated damageless in one try we go home out of there save and close down the game here we're gonna use RG manipulation to get a golden hand to spawn on floor 5 which is the only floor with a fixed layout that can spawn in a gold hand we press the button as this star on the right is about to hit the bottom of the screen and upon loading our file in entering the dungeon we can always find a golden hand that will spawn on that floor and aside from this one crash I've done this several times on stream and this trick always works golden hands are the most efficient enemies to fight to gain lots of experience points and money and we're going to be exploiting the heck out of them in this run this is why I bought a ton crab of goho AMS sadly we get two more hits from the golden hands as we're unable to defeat all of them or even just one of them before getting attacked so we want to spawn in only one at a time so that way we can throw three items and defeat it after doing this for a while we proceed up the floors killing as many Shadows on the way to get all the materials we can and once we reach floor 8 we go who am save and attempt to take on Shadow Yukiko Shadow Yukiko is weak to ice attacks and her charm and Prince is weak to electric and with all the leveling up we've done with Jack Frost to get up to the point where he can learn Buffalo we should have a chance at this Shadow Yukiko can add resistance to her weakness though and will do a multi-fire attack so we need to beat her with as little turns as possible and hope that she spends more of her turn spawning in the Charmin Prince so let's go for it um so we're gonna use buffalo um and yes Jack Frost has ice boo so we're gonna use this on Shadow Yukiko and see how much damage this does oh that does good amount of damage 300 in uh 57 so we'll ah man I don't know if it's gonna be more damage if I do all that attack or if it's more damage if I use ice attacks I'll see how much Ola attack does so it's like 357 uh yeah 186 so I should have uh not used an all-out attack I should have gone for a one more and use buffalo again but we'll see where this goes so anyways uh skills um other than fire is there any other resistances uh that uh we can't we shouldn't use uh for this fight let's see the only um well so far weakness is ice but she she can drink from fire obviously so do not use that and do not use light or dark as well okay light and darkness is pretty straightforward but anyways um we're just gonna oh now what I'm an idiot I'm an idiot we use a physical attack no I did use a physical attack I should have used an ice item and I didn't hold on right back okay I'm actually doing a bad job at this uh why is the music turned off the music is turned off so that way we can hear um egg Paladin better yeah because my uh the audio from yours for you from my side is so shite okay so we finally got the Charming print so what we're gonna do is that we're gonna use a buffalo on uh Shadow uh Yukiko yes and actually no way hold on hold on actually no we're gonna do that yeah we're gonna do that we're gonna use buffalo and Shadow Yukiko but instead of doing all that attack we're gonna use buffalo again on her okay that actually did over 400 damage that's actually really really good okay and then we're gonna use um the uh ball of lightning on uh Charming Prince here yes wait Charlie Prince yeah actually it's weaknesses yeah electricity yeah we use the ball lightning on the Charming Prince we do an all that attack yes I know it felt it sounds weird without the music I know but hey come on guys I hear my commentary guy I gotta help my boy Mitchell with the skills okay anyway so ball line in again on Charming Prince okay and then Shadow Yukiko and oh my God her health is actually getting pretty damn low yeah it is is this our chance now we can use that now you can show that back okay hopefully this is enough okay okay so Charming Prince escapes okay so she tries to summon another Charming Prince but a prince will no longer appear and yes we get another turn so Buffalo all right we did it we did it we beat it we beat it Shadow Yukiko damageless finally with Adventure night and Shadow Yukiko beaten damageless in one try we finished yukiko's dungeon with only three hits and six crashes huge shout out to the egg Paladin for being my navigator for the entire dungeon his link will be in the description down below so once Yukiko accepts herself she awakens to her Persona and now we spend the remaining days left of April to bond with Social Links and raise our social stats first I start the strength social link by joining the basketball team because basketball is superior to soccer I also get the sun with Yumi and the Aeon with Marie I give the kid near the shrine some free drinks and steak for ladybugs so I can feed the hostess fish for the fish hook and some breadcrumbs I look up the answers online to answer class questions I read one book so I can increase my knowledge when I'm studying and on rainy days we can stock up on goho M's and Elemental items from the medicine shop at a 20 discount which will be incredibly useful and as I raise my social stats and Social Links a foggy day happens and nobody dies as we were able to save Yukiko Yukiko joins their team while making me crave for spicy noodles at three in the morning we spend most of our time raising social stats through our part-time jobs as they are far more efficient than taking two days to read a book we bond with yosuke and Shea to get their follow-up ability and additional skills to overwrite the physical skills we get the justice social link with nonico the hermit with the fox and leveled 3 knowledge to be more prepared for the exams and now the main question is who do I bond with for a damageless run because if I want to make my team over prepared for the fights to come in the later dungeons who we bond with will matter a lot in this run now in Persona 3 you pretty much gain no additional benefits from bonding with Social Links outside of bonus exp when fusing personas under that Arcana in Persona 5 you gain useful skills to help you with progression with every single Confidant except for the judgment argana and in Persona 4 it's kind of in between here's a tier list to get an idea of how the Social Links are in the game the star social link with Teddy and the full slash judgment Arcana represented by Igor here is story Progressive then there's Marie who is the only optional social link that we have to max out before completing the seventh dungeon as her social link is required to get the optional dungeon in the third semester the party members always have a useful skill at every rank that is exclusive to them there's some useful abilities like the follow-up attacks the ability to snap allies out of an ailment and their second awakenance to nullify the resistances and triple the evasion rate to their weaknesses and at certain ranks they can gain some useful skills needless to say the more we bond with a party member the more reliable they'll be in battle we say social link however is a little different from the res since she's the game's Navigator but her passive skills will come in handy in the most dangerous of scenarios especially in late game after that we got the part-time job Social Links and the school activity Social Links the part-time jobs that being the daycare tutor and Hospital gender will raise one of our social stats and give us money for doing that job the school clubs can also give us social stats too but nothing else in return aside from a few advantages from the strength Arcana that are not going to be necessary for this run then there's Margaret of The Emperor's social link who we can max out anytime with no time advancement however the fox of the hermit while useful and restored SP if we pay him up in the TV World we're gonna make an absolute low priority since there's other methods of SP recovery that don't waste our money we'll still do the quest if they don't take up a lot of time but he'll be a low low priority and then there's six Social Links who provide absolutely no benefits outside of bonus exp when fusing personas and being able to fuse their ultimate Persona when we Max them out and upon looking them up I can confirm that we don't really need their ultimate personas to beat this game damageless yes as much it will hurt me to not bond with nautical dojima or adachi we can't let the emotional value of the story get in the way of us doing the damage in this run as efficiently as possible we don't just need our party members maxed out as soon as we can because there's also other benefits that we need to consider to get the best advantages for combat including increasing my party stats at the movie theater once a month and gain an additional skills through bike rides unfortunately we can't max out all Social Links while getting all of these opportunities to overpower our party members and right now being overly prepared for battles ahead to beat them damage Liz is the highest priority so sadly nautico dojima adachi a sake's brother the old lady and the fox will be mostly ignored for the entire run or avoided entirely however just a little edit here one of these low priority Social Links will be maxed as I realize that one of their alternate personas will be useful in late game but more on that later right now now knowledge diligence and courage are our top priority social stats with understanding being our fourth priority for the tower social link so hopefully that was all straightforward of how I'm gonna bond with the Social Links throughout the entire game anyway after our exams we start our social links with the young mother of the Tempest Yukiko with the Priestess and Margaret of the empress and once we discovered that our next Target may be this delinquent named kanji we try to stop him from being kidnapped but he's not the type of guy we could talk to without being threatened to fail or run but just when we thought that kanji was nothing but a violent delinquent stereotype we were wrong he turns out to be a Big Al Sierra type as he appears mostly naked at a bath house on the midnight Channel knowing he's gonna die next we prepared to save kanji on the 18th except we can't one of the mechanics of this game is that you have to find Intel on the next victim in order to pinpoint where they are in the TV World while it is cool that it adds onto the mystery Vibe and being a detective and all it's honestly annoying when you collect intel only to have to wait to collect until the next day just so you can start the dungeon but once we get the Intel we need we can get our best equipment and get ready to take on kanji's dungeon now since all party members are unavailable till after we've been in the TV World once we have to complete all of kanji's dungeon day one on the first possible day so here we go we obtained the two items from the twist to shopping district to get the best weapon for yosuke and get an item for one of the quests we go between yukiko's castle and kanji steamy bath house for this day as we complete the quest that we got from The Real World which yeah they're entirely optional and not really necessary but they could help us with the grind in and give us a reason to fight for more than just leveling up this means on top of completing quests in yukiko's Castle I also tried the optional boss fight as well which usually becomes available after the deadline for each dungeon except for the last three defeated one can offer you a point in Courage as well as give you a new weapon so I pretty much grind for the items I need in yukiko's Castle and Infiltrate The steamy bath house as we go after a character voiced by Troy Baker with a five iron Golf Club and nope challenge failed challenge failed we got hit damn it the mini boss said the bath house is easy he takes the first turn but he focuses on charging turn one raising critical on turn two and using tarikaja to both attack on turn three and by party was so strong to the point that I was unable to show him using tarikaja because we finished him off in two turns now I would use the seventh floor to grind on Golden Hands like I did in yukiko's Castle except the problem is that they have a 300 health pool and no amount of item throwing is gonna get rid of one hand in one turn our magic attacks are gonna resist and not do enough damage and melee attacks is not gonna be enough and if anyone gets hit once I have to reset because challenge run rules so unfortunately I had to miss out on my opportunity to grind on Golden Hands which if you saw the length of my stream when I did kanji's dungeon you could tell that I greatly regret because if I have been patient enough to grind up to level 30 5 that I would have been able to fuse a Persona with Maggie doe because other than physical skills the other best skill to use against Golden Hands is Almighty attacks I could definitely say that this was one mistake that would have shortened my grind in time but it is what it is okay so iron dice is electric but let me just make sure okay he's also neutral to um electric so actually let's go with this because this is higher attack power oh I did not pay attention to the wiki guys no are you [ __ ] me yeah the killer twins repel electric I should have paid attention no no [Applause] are you [ __ ] me I was so close to getting up to the next floor all right so we're gonna use um oh no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] I screwed this up I screwed this up I forgot that's what gets oh oh yo Yukiko you're amazing awesome well I probably failed this guys I apologize I truly apologize oh we we have aided we evaded that attack good let's keep going going down let's keep going we evaded that attack and we did it oh we're at 35. we're at 35 guys [Music] and we confuse this guy we confuse this guy and actually grind on Golden Hands if we want to this is great now unlike Shadow Yukiko Shadow kanji lacks a weakness and same thing with all the other boss fights that will come after Shadow kanji so we can only get one more off of the nice guy with ice attacks and tough guy with fire attacks well nice guy focuses on support skills tough guy will do physical attacks against us but thankfully there's a work around we use mobufala to down nice guy and Meraki to down tough guy we can defeat nice guy in one turn and make tough guy skip his turn with Dizzy by hitting him with fire again while he's down the issue is Shadow kanji himself but there's a workable strategy if we attack him so his health is below 50 percent he will use fanatical spark which needless to say the chances of everyone evading the attack is a no-go however if we get kanji's health just a slight bit above 50 percent he'll either go for war of Wrath which will enrage the female companions while forbidden murmur will poison the male companions neither moves cause damage but not getting rid of Rage will lock us out of using straw magical attacks and using a party member with poison will lose 10 percent of their HP watch counts as damage so we need to waste either you or yosuke's turn getting rid of the ailments thankfully we got a soda to cure all ailments so now it's just defeated Shadow kanji within the second turn with only three party members attacking no why is he using fanatical Spark damn it this will make a tough guy dizzy no he's going for fanatical Spark is it because we're doing too much damage okay so war of Wrath so because we did less than uh 50 of damage then this only enrages the girls no this isn't enough damage no oh what he goes for fanatical spark what the [ __ ] I guess he's below 50 percent ah it's the damn fanatical Spark so Maggie Doe awesome all right so there we go we got uh wind boost finally with um yosuke this is what we needed all right so we'll get rid of DIA so wind boost will increase his wind damage you're kidding me are you actually kidding me right now okay uh she does improve her magic and we finally learned fire boost yes this is what we need guys this is exactly what we need so we'll get rid of three Carm fire boost oh and she learns Augie dying very soon wow we're almost close to Augie dying no that's below 50 percent ah two evasions no he's using fanatical Spark we're so freaking close guys we are so close you could see it [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no you stupid [ __ ] you Kiko you freaked it out but I probably wouldn't have been able to defeat him anyway I am back what have I missed well I am doing so many damn attempts at being in this goddamn boss fight and I'm not getting close I'm not getting close guys I thought to do another one was worse actually yeah the doing nothing run is worse stop complaining can you seek record and oh that's a good idea why have I not thought of that do I have a rokunda skill card uh no I don't have a raccooned a skill card that's a great idea though but I don't know if I have a card like that all right so here we go so we're gonna go with the same thing again so um good and then we're gonna throw a firecracker on this guy tough guy good now let me check my presonas does anybody have uh let's see yes okay pixie has racunda good let's switch to her yes this is this might be our option so it decreases enemies defense so let's do that we're gonna use this on Shadow kanji defense down okay then we're gonna use a multi uh magaru attack this might actually win us the fight thank you for the person who suggested that I think you might have saved this run thank you so much um uh Spanish I think you saved our run for Benny murmur so everyone's gonna get poisoned or the boys are gonna get poisoned okay there we go so now we're gonna use the soda and then we just attack kanji with everything we got now that his defense has decreased we might actually win the fight because of this as long as the attack hits then we might win this we did it whoa yes after a lengthy grind that could have been avoided and a reminder that debuffs exist I beat shadow kanji without taking damage and kanji accepts himself and awakens to his Persona so now it's just bought it with Social Links and increasing our social stats till the next dungeon with party member Social Links being top priority we unlock the ability to grow vegetables beside the house however the only vegetables we can plant right now are SP recovery tomatoes and an alternate Goku and vegetable so there's really nothing useful to plant at the moment we start the devil social link with the nurse at the hospital we get Rank 4 with Margaret after fusing a Persona with the only useful physical skill of the entire run and we're unable to complete rank 5 till after we've unlocked the advanced fusions on July 20th we stock up on items on a rainy day and thwart the killer once more the next day we max out our social link with Chia allowing her to change her resistance to ice to null ice and gain triple the evasion to fire on June 8th we checked the medicine store on a rainy day as we now have access to multi-attack items so we stock up on those as being able to hit all enemies at once will prove useful in the next dungeon and allow ourselves to conserve our SP further on June 9th we gain our scooter her license as we can now ride our bike around the neighborhood this is incredibly useful as we can gain courage for riding it two times and after the third time riding around the neighborhood we gained access to okina city okina city is useful as we can do quests here gain skill cards through special means at Chagall Cafe but the most useful benefit is the movie theater the movie theater will have a new movie playing every month and you can invite your party members here once a month by taking them to see a movie you can level them up by one level or two levels if they were highly anticipating that movie but leveling them up is something we can do in the TV world the real reason we want to bring our party members here every month is because they will gain three additional stats for every movie they watch this is kind of like the Jazz tune drinks from Persona 5 Royal only less beneficial but gaining additional stats could make the later dungeons possible if we push our party members a few stats ahead of what's expected at level 99 the only party members we won't take to the theater is resay since additional stats are useless for her and kanji who will be our least efficient party member speaking of kanji while he is a useful party member if you heavily rely on physical attack skills that's also going to be a problem for us for this run kanji similar to Chia is mostly a physical attack based member kanji May inherit electric skills but he is the lowest magic user of the whole group only gain it as high as 35 magic points by the time he reaches level 99 because of that he's going to be the least reliable party member in this run that we're gonna pretty much ignore for the movie theater trips or bike trips as there's nothing that makes him stand out as being a useful party member in the damageless Run yes he is a great party member with physical skills but physical skills cause hit points which is a no logo will still bond with kanji and do a social link but as far as party members go he'll be the lowest priority party member social link of the entire run soon we gain at least one weapon for Yukiko from the pub at night and later find out that the next victim is a teenage celebrity named resay so we gotta save her we get rank one with Teddy of the star oraconda though this one is entirely story Progressive so any rake UPS is barely in our control uh yeah okay so after a bit of preparation we can start saving rise as early as June 25th and just like last time we go between the steamy bath house to complete the optional Quest and fight the optional boss fight for the courage increase while also going through the striptease to save rise and yeah just to fit the theme and make grease feel just as exposed we're gonna go in with as much skin as possible wearing only swim trunks and bikinis now truthfully this was the hardest part of the run to script for this video because this part of the game took the longest to accomplish the being divided into three separate streaming days there's a lot to cover so bear with me okay I'll stop with the bear puns okay they're just using tantaru food so that's not so bad and as long as the main character is not getting affected then that's good because we can just finish them off with megido no no [Music] now our main focus is to level up a few personas as we grind including clotho who I accidentally got in an accidental Fusion but she is great for this run because she is the earliest Persona to learn Makara card a skill that can put up a magical reflective barrier to one Ally this will be imported for the fight against Shadow resay and once we reach floor 7 of the striptease we fuse rangda the earliest Persona who can naturally repel physical attacks and can also learn repel physical as a skill we can transfer to other personas being able to have a Repel physical skill this early in the game is definitely gonna be a huge Advantage for this run okay large Basalt um resist physical but I can get a critical on it good oh yes thank you guys can I get one more critical please [Music] soon on floor seven we fight the mid boss armor snake its main weakness is fire so I use a firecracker and an all that attack with GA and yosuke and I use augidine twice with you and manage to defeat the horny heterosexual snake without using Yukiko then we go after the homophobic police officer at the end of the steamy bath house I decided to grind a little bit with kanji since the optional box is weak to Electric attacks okay so there we go we got a good Advantage so uh let's see our strongest attack seems to be a singular uh zyoga so let's do that let's go eat what okay that was a good one shoot it doesn't look like we have enough attack power guys I don't think this is gonna be possible yeah it doesn't look like we're gonna have enough [Music] oh okay we dodged the attack so let's keep going it looks like we're gonna need to get some more yeah wait I don't think we're gonna make this nope since our protest didn't go so well we went after shadow racing yes you have and you learned a useless skill yeah I know it's ironic that we're getting rid of all the healing skills even samurikarm is gonna be useless for this run any healing skills is pretty much useless it doesn't break the rules if we use it but healing is worthless if the whole point of the run is to not take damage however instead of going in with a full party we go into the boss fight with you only unlike the previous boss battles and the next three to come we have two different boss battles to worry about as both rise and Teddy awakened to the personas in this dungeon two different fights means two different strategies and there's no way we can change up our strategy in between will shadowrie say she is apparently able to use all four Elemental attacks singular and multi-hits along with a multi-hid physical attack and Elemental break skills pretty much impossible if we were to attempt this with a full party but thankfully we can always repel physical with rangda and use Makar Khan to repel all magical attacks although I started to run out of SP so I had to use my only magic mirror I had on me thankfully as I recover my SP she starts going for mind slice at a certain percentage of her health once she reaches past halfway on her health she will use Supreme insight which means we cannot attack her and have to survive three multi-elemental attacks in a row before we get scripted out of the fight haven't Teddy take the damage for us thankfully it's a cutscene so Teddy becoming flat does not ruin the run so yes we can make it through the entirety of Shadow recess fight with just you only and without taking damage by using the car card and repel physical however this strategy completely changes once we face up against Teddy now what sucks about Shadow Teddy is that you're stuck with whoever you have in your party from the shadow rise fight so we're stuck with you only thankfully our ASP gets fully restored here and we have a new persona to help us through this fight scadi scadi has the repel physical skill and can drain ice attacks Shadow Teddy has multiple skills on him but the offensive ones are physical ice and two exclusive Almighty attacks he will drain ice attacks so attacking him with ice or repellent ice back at him only increases his health so you want to be able to repel the physical damage while dollifying or draining the ice attacks null or drain are practically the same thing in this run but do know that the game will consider drain a superior Affinity over repel the first quarter of this fight goes well but then he will go into an ultra charge he will charge up An Almighty attack for two turns and there's two options either do a severe amount of damage to knock him down for an all-out attack or guard on the second turn while guarded prevents you from evading the hill hands can be gnawed when guarding but once we get Shadow Teddy halfway down on his health we got bad news his other Almighty move is called nullity guidance and sadly we take our fourth hit of the dungeon here nullity guidance will always trigger once Teddy is halfway down on his health and all Mighty attacks cannot be gnawled or repelled they can however be evaded with a few exceptions so after that fail I do some Persona fusions in the hope to get a better Persona than skidi and I coincidentally happen to fuse a Persona that nulls ice and wind and repels physical the reason why this Fusion is great is because the intolerant officer at the end of the steamy bath house only attacks with physical ice and wind so we go in with you only okay and this guy doesn't really um do any counter attacks and we're good for physical right let's see good for physical yeah okay we can just rush this guys yeah this is awesome yeah keep dying and we did it after an easy and satisfying defeat for gay rights I challenge Shadow rise and Teddy again got through shadowri say the same as before but I use Shiki Yoji to repel physical and all ice and so with better magical attacks and evasion rates we attack Shadow Teddy just before he reaches 50 of HP and we increase our evasion rate so this raises the party's evasion and hit rate I think there's also a second skill or a second item that we can use for this um yeah supersonic so supersonic can also increase our evasion and hit rate so we're gonna use this are you [ __ ] me Teddy out of all times to use the Decatur move you had to do it now okay Olympic tape it is and out of all times to go silent is now are you serious okay mouthwash where's the damn mouthwash okay so we have our accuracy Innovation right up so let's do muragidan again okay can we Dodge this no oh and yeah that includes one out of three streaming days all because of the striptease boss fights and after doing further research and watching playthroughs of this boss fight online both in Let's Plays and very hard difficulty runs and speed runs I have never seen a single moment where null to see guidance can be dodgeable and nobody in the chat who has played this game ever recalls Dodge and nullity guidance so even if we can repel physical attacks null ice and guard through knee hill hand and hope not to get the icebreak honest which yes is a move that shadow Teddy has we need to somehow beat half of Shadow Teddy's Health before he goes for Fidelity guidance because as far as I'm aware this attack will 100 hit you there is no way you can get through this fight by himself even with the strongest attacks in the game so the solution is to braid a couple party members if not full party with us into battle however in order to get here with a full party we would have to have somehow got past the shadow Reese fight without taking damage and since she will always go for three multi-elemental attacks after Supreme Insight with any random Elemental attack any strategy to get past both fights without getting hit is practically near impossible unless we put up a magical barrier on all party members during the shadow resay fight and do enough damage on Shadow Teddy before he can use nullity guidance problem is you is the only character who can use Makar Khan at this point of the game with nawatobian the only other party member who can learn Makara Khan and while Chia Knowles ice since we maxed out our social link that's not gonna help as much if we don't have the other three affinities protected thankfully there is an alternative way to put up magical barriers other than Makar card by using magic mirrors Magic mirrors are very rare items to get so we need to find the best floor to spawn them within yukiko's Castle okay can we get let's just continuously guard and hopefully it spawns in Avenger night and of course we have to reset because of one point of damage guys wow now other than getting magical mirrors we also need to consider the fact that we need to Output the best damage potential possible against Shadow Teddy to bypass knowledge guidance sadly using Almighty moves is a bad idea because apparently according to the wiki at least we can only do 75 percent the amount of Almighty damage and the only way to increase Almighty damage is through torikaja and mine charge however if we were to use any Elemental attack that is not ice we could use a heavy amount of damage We'll add in on auto Tower Kaja my charge along with Boost and amp unlike the counter and Affinity skills boost in nap does stack given an extra 75 damage on top of torikaja and mine charge using these four skills on top of the best damage deal and spell we could output a ton of damage and while GA is kind of useless for outputting magic since she's an ice user and kanji is the weakest magic user of the team we need to somehow get yosuke and Yukiko into the shadow Teddy fight since they can learn their heavy Elemental attack along with Boost and amp this means we will need to grind till yosuke and Yukiko have all of their skills as their Elemental amp ability is their final skill doing the math Teddy has 50 000 HP and if we want to bypass novelty guidance we need to somehow get like 2 and 600 damage in one turn if possible and while this only requires us grinding with yosuke and Yukiko the question comes down to what Persona we equip for you to get the best damage potential possible well even though yosuke and Yukiko are stuck with heavy attacks you on the other hand confuse personas with severe Elemental damage the problem though is that there's only four of them and they are exclusive to one Persona and cannot be transferred over during Fusion so we need to fuse one of these four personas minus the ice one to get the best damage potential possible ultimately I decide to go with cert cert learns Ragnarok which does severe fire damage and by leveling up Jack Frost to learn mind charge we can fuse Jack Frost with rangda and Jin in a triangle Fusion to fuse cert the only thing is we need to be level 69 to fuse cert 69. so now it's just a grinding session to get served and level up yosuke and Yukiko and by going in with one less party member we slightly increase the EXP gain as the less party members you have the more experience points you gain okay um can we silence the foes okay we signed stufo so now we can focus on getting rid of one all right ah are you [ __ ] me that shadow learns counter or does it repel oh it repels physical okay the only way this will be all for nothing is if I get an insta death out of nowhere but hopefully I get to the seventh floor before that happens you sense an intensely terrifying presence open this box nope so if we open this treasure we will fight the reaper we do not want to fight the reaper I don't know if the reaper will be useful at all in this run no oh you [ __ ] me I spoke [ __ ] too soon no oh [ __ ] no all that grinding for nothing so once we get to level 69 we view cert with autotarikaja fire boost repel physical mind charge and Macaro card we forget deathbound for moroccidyne and despite being seven ranks with the magician we are one level under just getting Ragnarok after we get Ragnarok cert will learn Fire amp and null ice once we get these skills we're gonna be very prepared to take on the next boss fights to come in this game we can only hope that we can do it all without taking damage so now in order to level up faster we use RNG manipulation to spawn in Golden Hands to do that we go who am on the seventh floor of the striptease save and close down the game wait for this big star on the right side of the title screen to just hit the bottom of the screen enter into the dungeon and go clockwise around to where the Golden Hands will always spawn now since I don't have an Almighty equipped onto cert we need to rely out physical attacks only thankfully even though this Golden Hand can attack it will always use old one to invigorate thankfully this ailment is a no big deal as we can just melee these hands to death doing this we can level up faster than just grinding on common enemies goho and when we're done save and close down the game and repeat although I do get impatient with leveling up and try fighting Shadow rise with more than one party member way too soon oh no [Music] nope we just gotta hope that she Dodges the physical because we do have that increased chance of doing it [Music] frisbee that allows you to evade physical use it you goddamn okay now this is the moment where we're going to mind charge we're going to mind charge at this moment okay and then Ragnarok oh what we don't get an additional attack oh we dodged that nice we actually dodged that attack somehow I have no idea how but we dodged it and now let's see guidance [Music] okay I see how it is we got it some I'll be able to get through this with a full party this is definitely made more possible now that we have Ragnarok and mine charge but the only way this is going to be possible is if we level up Yukiko more and also get magic mirrors the magic mirrors is what's going to help us but um everything relies on RNG that's the problem oh good he Dodges okay so sweet we can actually get past this fight with two party members no so from here that's what we need to do find some magic mirrors to get past Shadow resay while getting the best damage potential for shadow Teddy so I grind more while finding out that I can get magic mirrors on the seventh floor of yukigo's Castle it's incredibly rare but it's the safest method of grinding for the magic mirrors we need so I grind till cert learns no lies while also getting the amp abilities for both yosuke and Yukiko now in total I could only get about three magic mirrors due to how rare they spawn but with the best damage potential possible we go in and see if we can end this super long three-day stream once and for all now I don't know why but I went into the fight with GA instead of yosuke which ended up with Yukiko ironically getting burned so this time I went in with cert yosuke and Yukiko but will three magic mirrors and three party members be enough let's find out uh yosuke has a higher evasion rate at the moment or makarkar and Yukiko uh we'll um increase our evasion rate with everyone nice okay Augie dine okay so yeah she uses fire break all right so well makarakarn uh yosuke now we're gonna guardine this try to get her down to her um other stage hopefully that's enough damage for the Supreme Insight yes it is good so now we just need to focus on using makarakarn or using the mirror Shields already in effect already in effect so I just need to put my car card on you and this will actually save us a mere Shield all right so yeah she's gonna go with multi-attacks she's gonna go with multi-attacks so that's important to know so we'll bakara card with you and use uh mere Shields with everyone else so we're gonna uh protect Yukiko it's viscerality red but it's female yeah you've definitely been watching too much has been Hotel buddy ah great show for sure okay magic wall and now I just need to put up a magic wall on you um where's uh where is it there it is actually I just realized I literally only have two left I should probably save those two hopefully she goes for something other than Electric okay thank goodness because uh you nullify's that good all right so mccarricorn on yosuke and then we'll just use the mirror shield on everyone else and that should use up all the mirror Shields we got yeah I don't see the resemblance yeah I know Zach he's pretty much a big um has been Hotel um hell of a Boss Fan okay so this is the strategy we get Teddy down to the point where he charges up his attack so we get Teddy down to a point where he charges up his attack and when he does that um we use why did we miss why the F at F did we miss gotta be [ __ ] me foreign charge and I can't uh Dodge that attack [ __ ] okay yosuke uh increase our evasion rate buddy Christ I have no more magic mirrors let's see okay good yes this is what I wanted so he doesn't use um so this is good this is exactly what we want so we're going to mind charge with you I think we just need to attack just attack normally and we can't really buff anything so we're just gonna attack normally with these two as he's charging up and now we're going to Ragnarok the hell out of him all right awesome so this down steady we do not get the one more so we need to do the all-out attack we do not get a one more out of that so we have to do the all-out attack and now we just attack him with every strong move we got now hopefully he goes for something like mine charge or something which he doesn't yes okay keep going holy [ __ ] guys we might do this no freaking way yes yes we did it we got through both shadow racing and Shadow Teddy damageless holy [ __ ] we did it oh my God wow I probably the first goddamn person to ever do something like this I gotta say this moment was definitely one of the major highlights of the run and a good demonstration of what you need to consider for a damageless run the fact we managed to get past two different boss fights with different strategies in one go without getting hit was amazing and I still can't believe I pulled it off but we did so on the very first day the dungeon was available and now we have teddy as a new party member while rise replaces Teddy in place as our Navigator with resay on our side we're gonna break the game in so many different ways to make the remaining dungeons we have left possible and this is where the first part of the damage this run is gonna end so if you like this video be sure to give it a like comment and subscribe and ding the bell for more Edition gamer content and special thanks to all patreon backers including supersonic 1014 Darkwing Spartan SuperSonics 58 and gameshamp does not recommend playing Pokemon without getting hit if you do you'll be like Marowak be sure to stay tuned for part two or check out part two if it's already out and we'll see if the remaining dungeons of the game is possible thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in part two let's find out the truth and see a Persona 4 Golden it's possible to beat without taking a single Band-Aid from the box
Channel: NitsuaGamer
Views: 242,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat, Persona 4 Golden, Without Taking Damage, Part 1, Damageless, No Hit, Izanagi, Yu, Yosuke, Yukiko, Chie, Castle, Steamy Bathhouse, Sauna, Striptease, Rise, Teddie, Shadow, Truth, True, Lies, Deceptions, Personas, Jack Frost, Perfect, Jinn, Rangda, Repel, Physical, Ice, Fire, Wind, Electric, Light, Dark, Dojima, Nanako, Guts, Knowledge, Social Links, Fox, Golden Hands, Jack Benci, RagnarAlvarrGaming, Nyarly, Happiness Hand, Avenger Knight, Amorous Snake, Intolerant Officer, Kanji, Makarakarn, Rakunda, Hits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 10sec (4570 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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