Can You Beat Persona 3 With Only Orpheus?

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[Music] what's up guys hello and welcome to my first video of 2020 it has been quite a while since my last upload but that's because I've been spending a lot of time working on this so I hope the wave is worth it for my last video I did a challenge run of shin megami tensei for where I played through the entire game without fusing any demons I had a lot of fun with it and you guys all seem to enjoy that video so naturally doing another challenge run video was inevitable I was originally planning to do an O buff run of SMT Nocturne but sadly my low-end laptop cannot handle emulating ps2 games and recording at the same times so I'm going to have to put that video off until later instead for my next challenge run I decided to do an Orpheus only run of persona 3 portable mainly because persona 3 portable is on the PSP which is one of the easiest consoles to emulate and it's been a while since I've done a video that's just persona focused as always let's lay down the list of rules the first and most important rule is that I cannot switch personas at any time I have to have my original Orpheus equipped the entire run that also means I can't use Orpheus Talos rule number two is that I have to be playing on maniac mode rule number three is that I cannot be playing on new game+ not that I think it'll make a difference in this case but either way it's going to be something I make clear for future videos and rule number four is no safe States now even though I'm emulating I consider the use of pretty much any external enhancements cheating the only one that I'm making an exception for is the speed button which I won't be showing any footage of but I will be using in this run because this game is insanely long now notice how the rules don't say anything about fusing personas or using the compendium that's because in order to keep Orpheus useful we're going to need to teach him new skills with skill cards and the main way we get skill cards is by leveling up new personas that we fused since we can't use them in battle social links are going to be our main way of leveling up personas quickly so even though I can't clip the new personas I'm still allowed to have them for their skill cards now that we have our rules it's time to begin the game we watch the opening which I can't show because if I do it's gonna get Content ID we get to the title screen choose new game and now it's time to choose which protagonists to play as now I know this is going to disappoint some of you but because I want this playthrough to be a more traditional experience of persona 3 I'm going to be playing as the male protagonist I choose maniac as our difficulty and now we can start the game we go through the introductory cutscene where we get off the train and walk to the dorm during the dark hour once we get there we meet Pharos and he gives us the contract where we enter our name I was going to name myself gnarly kashi Hara but because I don't have enough room I name myself gnarly kuru so instead we meet Yukari and Mitsuru and then the next day we head to school here we meet Jun pay and a lot of our potential social linked characters right now there's not really much to do in the game these first couple days are just kind of a game introducing us to its world we have a dream where we meet Elizabeth and Igor on the velvet room and then not long after we wake up to find out our dorm is being attacked by a giant shadow this is where we awaken to our power and it's also where we meet the only persona we're going to be using this entire playthrough orpheus but he temporarily turns into Thanatos I'm not going to count this as using another persona because it's during a cutscene once Thanatos turns back into Orpheus we get the combat tutorial and it's pretty basic the only skill we have right now is bash so I just used that to finish off the remaining enemies now as far as emulation goes running and recording work just fine my only issue is some weird box that flickers over the characters faces when they blink but overall the game runs great after that we get knocked out and we see a Gorgon who explains the mechanics of social links and the velvet room to us we wake up two weeks later we go back to school then go back to the dorm where our door mates explain personas shadows and the dark hour and then we agree to join seas this begins our first social link the the next day June pay joins and we can now go to Tartarus we go through the second tutorial pretty easily by spamming oggi which is what most enemies on this floor and we - unfortunately meet suru only lets us go to one for the next day is the first day where we actually have free time for those of you that are new to the series this is where you do things like rake up social links or increase your social stats but you can also mess around to do other things if you want I decide to go to the arcade here you can play games that do one of two things increase your social stats or your persona stats depending on which game you play throughout the run I'm going to be coming here a lot to buff Orpheus's stats raising your persona stats isn't all that good normally because you usually just fuse away your personas after a few levels but in this case it's definitely something I'm going to need to do a lot in order to keep orpheus useful soon after I start the magician Social Link and the day after that I joined a Sports Club to start the chariot social Inc whatever sport you choose doesn't really matter it's the same Arcana in the same characters either way but I decide on kendo because I think sword fighting is way cooler than just running around in circles anyway I go to Tartarus that same night and now that we can go as high as the game will let us I decide to get it all out of the way in one night we go through the floors pretty easily but that changes when we get to the boss this boss is weak to yukari's bow but because it's Yukari she keeps missing shots and overall I just get really unlucky with RNG so I die on the first attempt the second attempt goes much better though Mikoto scores two critical hits and kills one of the shadows Yukari misses a few shots but Mikoto lands another critical hit and kills the second one Mikoto gets a lucky critical hit on the last one and that concludes the battle after that I continued to push onward to the next boss the floor enemies are slightly stronger but still no big deal the next boss is weak to strike attacks but it has all elemental magic so it just spans whenever my party is weak - and kills me the next attempt doesn't go much better I decide to make one dizzy instead of all-out attacking them all but the other one just uses 10 tarfu which prevents me from moving and I just get finished off the same way the next attempt goes about the same way except I get a whole lot luckier my Makoto dodges the ten taro foods and they don't go for my weaknesses as much it is a close battle but I'm able to defeat them I get to the third boss and he also turns out to be extremely hard he has my Zeo and taru Kaja and he blocks all physical attacks and he's resistant to fire so I can't damage him with either Makoto or Jun pay the only thing I can do is just spam Gaara with Yukari while having Jun pay and Makoto use magic stones while praying he doesn't go for a Mazzio on the first attempt I come close but I get owned in the last second the second attempt he immediately goes for assault dive and kills Yukari and because I don't have any revival beads I just reset the game the third attempt I get obliterated by Mazzio in the first few turns and after the fourth failed attempt I give up and decide to go back and grind a little bit during this time my Orpheus learns Tarun doh which is an essential skill for single bosses unfortunately though after I learn it I get an empty floor and Yukari runs into the Reaper which knocks her out and makes her tired so I decide to go home and come back later the next day I go to the book store to meet the old couple and start the heirophant Social Link now that I have a good amount of Social Link started I decide to spend the next few days doing my usual routine when I go back to Tartarus I get extremely lucky with the boss this time because he doesn't go from a Zeo until the very end and even when he does I have Tarun dough which cuts his attack in half the boss goes down after just a few magic attacks and with that I am done with the first block of tartars the next day I get a call from Elizabeth about her requests normally I don't bother with these but I can actually get skill cards from some of them so in this case I will be doing more of them up until the next full moon I'm basically just doing my normal thing ranking up social links and increasing my stats May 9th finally comes around and now it's time to fight the next big boss which we fight on a train this part isn't hard at all the end of go down really easily and the boss isn't much of a challenge either it keeps trying to distract us by summoning minions and for some reason I seem to be missing more than usual but it doesn't take many hits for the boss to go down [Music] you [Music] we stopped the train and we are safe did we I think so and now it's back to the usual grind I wake up the next morning and tune into Tanaka Show to find out that the garu NCO skill cards are on sale which I immediately teach to Orpheus because I am in desperate need of some new skills because I am still stuck with Orpheus's default skills right now later I get the chariot social ink high enough that I'm now able to start a new social link yuko social language is the strength and later I find out that I have midterms coming up I spend most of my time before midterms getting my academics up through what katsu restaurant and playing the quiz game once midterms are over we get our fourth party member Akihiko and now that I have four party members I decide to move on to the next block of Tartars as we make our way up Tartarus we get the Meraki skill card from Elizabeth for getting a certain item for her giving us our first multi target move unfortunately that doesn't really help us against the first boss because it's weak to ice attacks which I don't have yet so my only option is to just keep hitting it with y do have it also keeps spamming poison mist which I don't have time to get rid of so I kind of just have to live with it because I also don't have any multi target healing moves my only option for keeping my party's HP up is by spamming CAD nisa while the other three party members chip away it's helped after several minutes of doing this I somehow defeat the boss on my first attempt [Music] the next boss on the other hand takes two attempts because it's more of the same it keeps spamming poison mist and it has no weakness it also hits a lot harder than the last one and I can't heal my entire party because I used up all my kidneys azan the last boss on my second attempt I get lucky and shock it with electricity which opens it up to critical hits from physical attacks which I use to knock it down and make it dizzy preventing it from getting up and dealing any damage to me by the time it does get up its HP is already extremely low and it's not able to do anything significant before I'm able to beat it [Music] not long after we reach the top of Tartarus again where we get the second old document and show it to Elizabeth who gives us the wreak arm skill card for it once we get back to school we get our exam scores back and we find out the we score the highest thanks to all our studying and by studying I mean eating ramen and playing arcade games if only studying in real life was that easy now for the exams if we score in the top 10 not only does it raise our charm but meets uru will also give us a deck of cards these are cards that we can use on our Orpheus as another way to increase his stats and if we score the highest she'll also throw in a skill card the one we get this time is the dear Rama skill card which I immediately teach to Orpheus a few days later we complete our first social link the magician now even though I've already completed the second block of Tartarus I go back to Tartarus to do some more grinding I made sure to do this when it's unstable because during this time rare events are more likely to happen for example this floor right here is filled with strong enemies the ones that glow purple which in this block are the hulk hogan's going to Tartarus when it's unstable is a good way to grind for experienced money or rare items once we're back we max out the old couples Hierophant Social Link and then we start my co social link the hanged man eventually the next full moon comes around this one involves infiltrating the school at night to rescue a student who got trapped in there overnight we get temporarily separated from the group at the start but even though we're by ourselves we beat the common enemies really easily after we meet Fuka it's finally time to fight the boss and they don't put up much of a fight we can easily see their weaknesses and we see that one is weak to physical attacks while the other is WETA magic on top of that they don't do much damage with their normal attacks Akihiko gets killed by an unlucky swift strike but we can easily revive him with our new freak arm skill after just a couple of hits the Empress goes down and not long after the Emperor goes down and the battle is over [Music] once again it's back to the usual but now the antique shop is open here I confuse personas with weapons to make special weapons which is definitely going to help me out since I have no use for personas besides skill cards but what's even more important is that here we can also buy skill cards and point cards with gems you know those rocks you pick up from enemies and Tartarus sometimes yeah save those up for now I just buy handful of point cards and then regenerate and invigorate three skill cards a few days later Fuuka joins us meaning we can now use meats uru in combat but we still gotta wait before we can yell back to Tartarus in the meantime I just work on my social links and start the automatic death social link with Pharaohs when we finally are able to go back to Tartarus meets uru proves to be a lot better than she is in fes since here I can actually control her so that she doesn't just spam Marin Caron I don't have any problems with any of the new enemies and the bosses are pretty easy - the first one is weak to electricity so after being knocked down by a few Zeos and a few all-out attacks they're gone the second boss doesn't have any strong attacks or anything I'm weak against but he does have a lot of HP so it's basically just another endurance battle before I head out I decide to go and do a little grinding since Tartarus is still unstable here I get some knee heal weapons and my Orpheus's bash mutates into power slash on June 17th I get the chance to join another Club it's another case like the sports clubs where it doesn't matter which one but I decide on the music club which starts the fortune social Inc I don't know why I chose music though maybe it's just all the anime I've watched and involving musical clubs anyway a few days later I max out the chariot Social Link and start the Moon Social Link with the core making this one is especially important because of the persona ger who gives us the growth one skill card which will finally make it possible to level up personas without using them later in the evening I also start the tower social linked with mu Tatsu and soon after we get the Moon Social Link high enough for ger to reach level 18 so we fuse him and then he levels up and gives us his growth one skill card but we don't use it just yet we're going to make copies of it yeah it's actually possible to farm skill cards in the knocky knocky shrine there this thing in a box that will copy the skill cards for you you just give him a skill card come back five days later and now you have two of it the only time I go back to Tartarus before the next full moon is to rescue the people that wandered in there yeah sometimes Elizabeth will call you to tell you the people have wondered into Tartarus if you save them officer Kurosawa will give you rewards usually money but sometimes skill cards are equipment it's also possible for social in characters to wander in so in this case if you fail your Social Link will stop dead in its tracks anyways the next full moon does come and this is the first full moon boss that gives us major problems it has mozzie anca which both me and Yukari are weak to and because I'm required to have Yukari for this part I can't really do much about having her on my team but not only that it also has fear inflicting skills which if it hits it makes his attacks do even more damage against us and sometimes we won't be able to move the first boss kills us before we can do a lot of damage now the worst part about this whole situation is that because enemies in the hotel are super low level we can't really do much to grind somehow though we're able to beat the boss on the second attempt after a lot of stalling and a lot of luck after that we get this infamous cutscene with Yukari in the shower and then we find out that that actually wasn't the main boss that we have to defeat thankfully though the main boss is a whole lot easier it doesn't have any electric skills and it's ailment skills had a lot lower probability of hitting without any difficulty and on our first attempt we take it out [Music] once we get back we learn more about the dark hour and then we get some pretty emotional cutscenes from the cast this is actually one of my favorite moments in the game and it really shows how well developed these characters are now long after that we have more exams which seem to go well thankfully once exams are over it's time to prepare to go to Yakushima but before we leave I decide to get the next block of Tartarus out of the way while in there I fuschia whose skill card gives me gale slash my first medium damage move which I swapped with Orpheus power slash the first two bosses are really easy but the third boss kicks my butt in the first three attempts he has mozzie anca which as you've probably figured out is the bane of my existence but even without the additional weakness damage it still does enough to almost kill most of my party on top of that this thing has some insane defense and no weaknesses my party members attacks do almost nothing and I can't attack with Mikoto because if I'm not defending she'll be open to mozzie oneth I replace Yukari with Mitsuru since she's not weak against electricity but other than that there's really no reliable strategy the best thing I can do is just chip away his health while trying to stay alive and hope June pain knocks it down with a critical hit since he's in great condition on the fourth attempt I somehow scrape my way through it cost me two somas and a megiddo gym but I make it [Music] after another free day we finally get to Yakushima here we learn more about the plot how yukari's dad died working for the Carrie Joe group which causes Yukari to get emotional so we decide to go and comfort her the next day we have to do this pointless minigame called operations babe hunt and at the end of it we meet everyone's favorite Robo waifu i guess is to be with you [Music] after Yakushima everything goes back to normal we get our exam grades and once again we're the highest in our class this time the skill card we get is Matara Kaja which I teach Orpheus in place of Taruna I also max out the Moon Social Link and start the Hermit socially the Hermit is the one you get from playing persona 2 or sorry innocents in online but this whole game is basically just one big reference to persona 2 yeah remember when Atlas actually acknowledged the existence of the first two persona games anyway we have a kendo tournament over the summer where we meet a guy named Mamoru he's going to be our star social in character the next full moon comes and then we finally come face-to-face with Strega a team of persona users led by revolver Jesus they lock us in the shelter forcing us to fight the shadow even though that's what we were gonna do anyway and the boss isn't hard at all we do a good amount of damage to at every turn and it uses physical attack so we don't have to worry about it hitting any of our weaknesses it also has this thing where he can unite and split apart but that doesn't really make things all that different as we just keep attacking them and soon enough it's gone [Music] after that Korra Maru gets added to our party and then we find out we have to do summer school for a little bit so there goes any time we could have spent on social links it's kind of annoying but at least it raises our academics once summer school is over I pretty much spend the rest of the summer working on the Hermit social links since that's going to be difficult to do once school starts it's not long before I get this social link maxed that same day we have Ken join us as a party member and then I decide to go to Tartarus to complete the next block cannon quorum Maru are actually proving to be a lot better party members than I remember and they're starting moves are a lot better than most of the other cast right now the first bosses are super easy we knock them all down with coral Mars agua and a single all-out attack almost finishes them all it takes to finish them off is a gale slash before the next boss I fuse the Lamia who gives me the Augean low skill cards making this my first medium magic attack for the second boss right off the bat the enemy goes for Megara dine which kills Akihiko I revive him and it goes for it again so instead of wasting my time reviving Akihiko just for the boss to kill him I reset the game and change things up thankfully in the second attempt Akihiko is able to debuff it before I can do anything ken knocks it down with a lucky critical hit and then almost finishes it off with a cruel attack Makoto finishes it off with a regular attack and after that we were done with the fourth block soon enough the second semester starts meaning I can finally get back to my school social links and before the next full moon Shinjiro joins us now even though he's a pretty good party member I'm not gonna waste my time leveling him up for reasons you'll find out about soon enough the next full moon comes and June pay gets kidnapped so we can't use him but he's kind of underleveled anyway now the boss for this full moon isn't particularly strong but he does specialize in electric attacks so I'm a little worried thankfully though the boss goes down pretty easily just buffs debuffs and attacks though in persona it's a little more annoying because they wear off after a few turns but overall the fight doesn't give us any real trouble he doesn't hit Makoto with any electric moves thankfully and nope members died he also has this charge move but that just leaves him open to attack and before it hits we can just the fin to reduce the damage after taking enough damage we defeat the boss [Music] before going to Tartarus we buy the megadose kill card from Tanaka show being our first almighty skill and then we start the Sun social link with Aki nari who's dying from a terminal disease we also get the meteor Rama skill card from one of the people we say from Tartarus earlier which I use to replace de Rama and then max out the tower social link with boo Tatsu when we do go back to Tartarus we fuse kurama tengu who gives us cruel attack and como cotton who gives us counter-strike the first boss of the new block isn't too hard it's weak to ice but I don't have meat suru with me so I just spam Megiddo instead it takes a while but we beat it but after that a regular enemy on the next four kills me so I reset the game and then find out that I forgot to save after the last boss so I refight the boss but this time I make sure to do with meat surah with me and this time it goes down a lot faster and now we have to fight the sleeping table one of the most infamous bosses in Persona three and to be honest I've never really had that much of a problem with it when we fight the sleeping table it uses moraga dine which knocks out meats uru but after that it doesn't really give us much of a problem other than that I handle this battle the same way as all the others before long we defeat the sleeping table on our first attempt [Music] no shadows are left when we get back from Tartarus I find out that we have enough gyms to buy our most important skill card of the whole playthrough throw three which I immediately begin farming at the shrine before the next full moon I work on some more social links including starting the devil and the lover social links which I can now start because I have my charm maxed out the lovers I've never actually done before so I'm curious to see how this goes also the school festival is coming up but unfortunately a typhoon hits which knocks us out for three days during which time the entirety of persona q takes place but all I remember is Igor telling me about special fusions after this it's just more the same I max out the hangman social linked and then on September 24th we get this cutscene where we're assigned group cleanup and we goof off now there isn't much purpose to the scene itself but this is where the game scolds you for dating multiple girls it doesn't happen this time since I've only been working on one girl social links so far but the game has given me flak for in previous runs and that's one of the biggest issues I have with this game you pretty much cannot do with social link with a female character without them falling in love with you like why in a game like this I need all the help with social links I can get but I don't want to romance multiple girls at the same time so what do I do it's either be a cheating d bagra just play the game with only half the social links ok rant over after this I complete the strength social link and fuse some personas for new skill cards one of them being gigantic fist my first heavy skill and the other being Herculean strike not long after this strength becomes the first stat that Orpheus has maxed out on thanks to all our point cards and punching games and we create okuni new she who we teach growth 3 we need him for his apt pupil skill card which boosts our critical rate we get this block of Tartarus done just in time for the full moon boss and this is another one of those bosses that's actually two bosses the one on the left disappears while the one on the right attacks the one on the Left uses this roulette wheel which has different effects depending on what the wheel lands on I'm not entirely sure how it works but as long as we press X on the blue we seem to be good but there is one instance where we get about one pixel off for one of them which completely screws us up it inflicts fear on the entire party and thanks to RNG nobody in our party is able to move to use a meat Patris stone because fear also raises your vulnerability to critical hits the boss just kills everyone except for Makoto with them and then we later get the same thing on the boss but does she get paralyzed with fear no she's just able to move around like normal I really thought about resetting the game at this point but I decide to just revive everyone and finish it off like normal thankfully neither of these bosses have that much HP a few gigantic fists later and the first boss is out same thing with the second and then the battle is over [Music] after the boss we find out that ken is out to get revenge on Shinjiro for killing his mother but revolver Jesus shows up and does it for him ken doesn't like this so he just plans to let revolver Jesus do the same to him but we show up to stop him before he can the next morning we go to Shin Joe's funeral at school yeah they were able to organize that funeral pretty fast anyway this is a part of the game where we learn a lot about Akihiko Shinjiro in Ken's past this is also when the cast starts awakening to their new personas Akihiko is persona becomes Kaiser and then Ken's becomes Colin Emmy unfortunately now we have exams coming up again meaning nobody wants to hang out all we can do is study we finally get academics maxed out meaning we don't have to study ever again I wish real life were like this once we go to Tartarus where you're not actually in a new block but we still have new enemies and the first bosses have Maceo dying it's like every boss in this game was made to mess up Orpheus only runs well thankfully though Mikoto does dodge most of the bosses Maceo dines though the boss is able to get the better of Akihiko and Ken and they go down we do get pretty lucky with Herculean strike which lands us some critical hits and we're able to defeat the boss on the first attempt the next boss is also pretty annoying it has high counter so half of our physical attacks are going to get reflected and its attacks to a whole lot of damage somehow though we're lucky enough to shock the enemy with a Zeon go which means any physical attack is guaranteed to get a critical hit I go for one and thankfully it doesn't get countered knocking it down and then we're able to finish it with an all-out attack after this I decide to do a bit of grinding during which time Orpheus gets maxed out on magic and we complete one of Elizabeth's requests where the reward is rubies because of this we now have the right gemstones to buy the resist elect skill card from the shop that's right it took half the game but we finally found a way to counter Orpheus's electric weakness the thing that's been the bane of our existence this entire game we then get our exam grades back to find out once again that we're the highest in our class so our reward this time is the booboo dine skill card which I teach Orpheus in place of BTI Rama I also maximize his agility by playing mul whackers soon after before the next full moon focus persona evolves I finished bei base temperance social Inc to knock his devil social Inc and Mamoru's star social Inc and I rescue some people from Tartars one of my rewards for doing so being the high counter skill cards which I swap counter strike with the November full moon comes and it is finally time to beat the last full moon shadow but before we fight it we have to fight Strega and this is probably the easiest boss so far gin doesn't even get the chance to attack one critical hit knocks him down and then the party finishes him off easily the same happens to Takaya and he goes down after a single all-out attack [Music] this can't be now as for the shadow we can't hit him until we defeat his minions but they all go down with a single Herculean strike the main boss doesn't have any strong attacks and he mostly wases turns to summon more minions which we can beat just as easily as the earlier ones the main boss doesn't have a lot of HP and our attacks are doing a whole lot of damage without much trouble the boss goes down [Music] the next morning we complete our social link with Pharos and now it's time to celebrate or so we think the dark hour still happens and it turns out that Akatsuki was lying to us the whole time we find out the truth about the dark hour the shadows fall and learn about he cuts Keys true intentions unfortunately it doesn't work out for him I was so close [Music] unfortunately for us meat Subarus dad dies too and now we have no idea what to do we give another moment of the characters reflecting and during this part Yukari awakens to her ultimate persona yeah I'm not gonna say who it is also apparently we missed one of the rescue missions even though I could have sworn Elizabeth never told me that there was a third person last I checked but whatever the skill card we missed was in der so we can still get it from Hell biker if we need it at this point in the game there's really not much left for me to do besides social links but most days I don't actually have any social links to work on the only stat I haven't maximized this courage so even though I don't really need it I decide to work on that anyway also before Tartarus opens up again we get a new character named Ryoji who transfers into our school he's not a social ain't character or a party member but he is very important to the plot as soon as Tartarus does open up again I decide to get it out of the way early we get heat wave from Dionysos which makes normal encounters even easier than before most of them go down after a single heat wave so I don't even really need to worry about magic coverage at this point I also get Orpheus up to 99 endurance making him fully maxed out on every stat unfortunately though this new block of Tartarus has not two not three but five bosses which also means even more of the same looking floors to climb well after about two and a half hours of repetitive encounters and easy bosses we make it to the top I don't think I ever want to see Tartarus again after this so I go back to school and continue working on more social links even though it's late and I probably won't have time to finish it I start the Emperor socially because I don't really have anything else to do few days later we leave for a field trip to Kyoto there's really not much going on here other than meet sewers Persona evolving and this dumb hot spring escape minigame basically they change the bath from men to women without telling us so the female cast walks in while we're still there and now we have to escape whatever happens it doesn't really seem to affect the game in the long run it's just that if you fail you get this dialogue rare meat suru quote unquote ex cutes you and I put that in quotes because the game doesn't actually make it clear what that means though I'm not exactly sure what happens if you succeed because I've never done it before so I'm going to take this opportunity to find out somehow we intimidate a ghost and they're dumb enough to believe that the hot spring is actually haunted and they all leave after that the field trip is over and we go back home and get back to doing the same stuff that we've been doing switch at this point in the game is basically nothing the only thing that happens is that we're woken up one night and we have to fight Chidori from Strega and this is without doubt the easiest boss so far I'm not even gonna explain it I'm just gonna show you the whole thing in regular time I'm not even gonna speed it up I don't belong here I've always known that papaya was right you're a nuisance [Music] after that June Paik is shot by Takaya and dies for some reason even though he got hit by way worse things and Tartarus and never died to them did he get hit by a critical hit I mean it's also during the dark hour too so I don't see why we can't just usually car more dear Rama well whatever it's classic video game logic guns are useless in game but deadly in cutscenes well either way Chidori sacrifices herself for him and June pays persona then he falls not long after this I complete the fortune Social Link with case Kay now during the next full moon we don't get a boss this time but we do learn the truth of who Ryoji really is I guess tries to beat him up but ends up getting destroyed instead he then tells us about NYX and the fall he says that we can kill him and we won't know what's going on or we could try to fight NYX and inevitably fail he gives us the month to make our decision so for some reason I can't do anything during this time because nobody wants to do anything I can't even go to Tartarus literally all I can do is just go home and skip everything I can't even go to the council room to work on the Emperor's social Inc on the 10th of the month the game finally lets us go back to Tartarus but we can't actually go to the new block all we can do is grind so that's what I do while there are we get enough rubies to buy the mega Dolan skill card from the antique shop which yeah of course I by making this my first and only severe magic skill now speaking of severe skills I was actually thinking about giving Orpheus Mara login from Mara for his severe magic skill because in fes it was basically a multi target ragnarok but for some dumb reason in portable they nerfed it down from 650 base power to just 370 that's only 50 more than moraga dine just what the heck game anyway soon enough it's time for our final exams and we find out once again for the fourth time in a row that we score the highest in our entire class we then complete our Kinari social Inc and yukari's socially and even though I do love you khari I kind of already romanced Yuko and you remember what I said earlier about the game not letting you do female social links without romancing them well yeah Yukari falls in love with us [Music] stupid little sucker because we now have nothing to do on Saturdays I decide to start the import social link with meat suru which we can now do because we have nax academics even though I doubt I'll be able to finish it shortly after this though school goes on break and we can no longer work on any of our school social links all we can do is grind and sleep I make sure to fuse personas that'll give us important skills and give them growth three like Gabriel for repelled dark and Thor not for a skill but for his heart item that knows electric attacks now I was actually planning to fuse Kartik a a24 absorb electric but I found out that he was locked behind one of Elizabeth's state requests which I missed and if you miss one you miss them all that's bullcrap but whatever it's too late to go back soon enough I guess comes back and she awakens to her ultimate persona and then it finally comes the time to decide whether or not we want to kill Ryoji killing him gives you an early bad ending kind of like the white ending in S&T 4 so even though I could say I beat the game by doing this I want to get the true ending so I decide to spare him doing this maxes out the full social link and starts the judgement Social Link now this last month of the game is probably one of the most depressing moments of any video game I've ever played everyone thinks that they're going to die and they're just living out their remaining days before the world ends and the music only sets the mood even more definitely one of the most immersive moments of any video game after the break we're able to start the a on social linked with I guess and for this one we cannot afford to miss a single date if we want to complete it we can also go to the last block of Tartarus and moving up ranks up the judgement social link there is also this thing on the bottom floor called the paradigm door but it just contains some repeat boss battles and some optional boss battles which we actually can't do because for them it gives you different personas and that would be violating the rules so after doing the first optional boss just to see what it is I decide to just skip the paradigm door in the new block of Tartarus I decide to do the first couple floor solo that way I can quickly get Makoto up to level 82 because at that level I'm high enough to fuse all the personas with all the skills I need my Uriel gives me the death bound skill card which helps us with grinding even though we won't be using it very long my Thor gives us the pair of lightning gloves my Gabriel gives us both the frozen stone and the repelled dart skill card Thanatos gives us the ring of Darkness and Attis gives us the enduring soul skill card now remember how earlier I said I missed the chance to get the absorb Electric skill card well because of that I'm instead going to replace resist electric with enduring soul and give Mikoto the Lightning gloves to hold which avoids his electric weakness also the reason I needed to grind to level 82 is because the highest level persona I need is Shiva who gives us the skill card for pralaya the best physical skill in the game it does severe pierce damage to all enemies and it has a crazy high critical rate which with apt pupil is almost a guaranteed critical hit eventually I do get the skill card from Shiva and now I have all the moves I need though before going back I changed my mind about Orpheus's affinities I swapped weapons master for resists electric again and I have Mikoto hold the tome of the void which I just got from a baton to protect him from ailments I go back to Tartarus to complete it once I have Ken and akihiko ultimate weapons and pralaya makes everything after this a complete joke pretty much every enemy whether it be just a regular encounter or a boss they all just get knocked down after one or two for Ally is due to the insane critical rate and then we can easily finish them off with an all-out attack we then make it to the top and complete the judgment socially we then go back and max out I guess is social link where we well I want you to touch it I want to leave indelible proof in this body with the understanding that you and I have reached I apologize in advance if I say something odd and to my surprise we actually complete meet Tsuru social Inc as well and yeah it's the same deal as yukari's social Inc but after that the days go by and then it is finally time January 31st 2010 wow that's almost 10 years after the time I upload this video huh well anyway for my final party I go with Ken for healing I guess for buffs and akihiko for demos all party members except I guess are holding their ultimate weapon and all of them have equipment to cover their weaknesses and before we finish the game let's take one good look at our final Orpheus we have all stats maxed with pralaya apt pupil mega Dolan high counter resist electric spell master enduring soul and repel dark now that our final party is ready it's time to go to the top of Tartarus but before we can confront Nix we have to fight Strega surprisingly Jin doesn't go down in the first turn he also scolds us for covering our weaknesses but weakness or not there's not much he can do he does attack but he wastes it using stagnant air immediately after that we finish him off [Music] we get another cutscene and now it's time to face Takaya the fight goes about the same he doesn't die in one hit and he doesn't die from an all-out attack but he wastes his only turn and we finish him off in the next one now it's finally time to fight NYX or should I say NYX avatars who the party for some reason recognizes as Ryoji but I don't see why that thing looks nothing like Ryoji anyway the NYX avatar fight has never been particularly difficult for me it's just annoying she's constantly changing Arcana and every time she does this she says there our caller is the means by which all is revealed and then her affinities change but there's hardly any difference between any of these forms pralaya gets a critical hit almost every time but what's bullcrap about this fight is that there's actually no way to knock nyx down critical hits don't work and because of that we don't even get an extra turn from them the only benefit we do get from the critical hits is the added damage another thing that's stupid about this fight is how debuff work against her NYX gets two moves every turn but for some reason each move counts as a new turn for the D buffs meaning that they only last half as long even then though NYX doesn't really put up much of a challenge her attacks hardly do anything against Makoto and they don't even hit half the time there are a few instants where NYX does get the better of us she gets a couple of lucky critical hits with all mighty attack in death bound but none of these work on Makoto the only party member who goes down at all during this fight is Akihiko who we can easily revive with Ken's summary car some of her forms also have an array of insta-kill attacks they don't kill us because of the homunculus we've been Horning but she still manages to hit at least one of our party members with each one pretty much every time and it is kind of annoying another thing about nyx is that she has a good amount of ailment inducing skills too she manages to land a few against our party members and there's one instance in the battle where Makoto gets hit by a holy air which normally would have charmed him but didn't because he's holding the tome of the boy I definitely think I made the right decision in giving him that throughout the majority of the fight pralaya is our best attack even without the extra turns we're able to do a whole lot of damage we just spam pralaya every chance we get NYX does have a few forms that block it but for those we just used Megiddo LAN instead after a long fight we bring her to her last forum where she has a move called moonless gown where she'll reflect all attacks the first time she uses it for some reason I don't expect it to work against Almighty so I tried Meggie Dolan but I end up being wrong and it gets reflected back at me normally that would have killed me but because I have enduring soul I'm still alive still though because I wasted that I don't have a second chance but even in this final form NYX doesn't do much to us she has more moves but it's nothing we haven't seen before and her damage output doesn't even change that much that means said she does have a lot more health and is resistant to everything except Almighty so instead of pralaya I just spam Meggie Dolan that's my strategy for this forum just chip away it or help and then defend when moonless gown is active after a long fight and on our first attempt NYX avatar is defeated [Music] even though we defeated Knicks avatar or not done with the game just yet we get some cutscenes and then we get this awesome scripted battle against Nyx's real form well the best version of burn my dread plays in the background for this battle we don't actually have a persona but because it's scripted I see it more of as an interactive cutscene than a battle so I'm not counting it we get some motivation from our friends and after a few turns we get the move that'll allow us to seal NYX we use it and then the battle is over once the fight is over we have officially saved the world we get a very heartwarming cutscene with the rest of the cast and then the game skips ahead to March 3rd because we defeated NYX though nobody actually remembers anything about the dark hour but we do get to talk to all our social in character z' and see how they're doing the next day there's nothing to do but the day after is graduation day meat suru is giving her speech and then everyone suddenly remembers everything we then go to the rooftop to meet up we get there with I guess before everyone else and after a very emotional speech we can hear everyone's voices in the distance but then we start feeling sleepy or I start to feel heavy the screen fades to white and then the credits roll and that ladies and gentlemen is persona 3 and now we can officially say that it is possible to beat persona 3 using only Orpheus well guys that was a lot of fun you know even though I mostly did this playthrough for the gameplay like holding now the speed button for a lot of it and skipping most of the dialogue the ending still made me get really emotional in fact even just thinking about it it's kind of getting to me you probably can't hear it in my voice but as I was writing the script for this video I was tearing up persona 3 truly is a masterpiece it has excellent and addicting gameplay great characters and a very deep and thought-provoking story one that connects with me on a personal level as of now I beat this game four times and every time I go back to it I find myself enjoying it more and just like my no fusion run of SMT for this playthrough was a lot of fun and again even though it wasn't as difficult as I was expecting it still forced me to really think about what I was doing and come up with workarounds for me to keep progressing through the game challenge playthroughs are really something up starting to enjoy doing and I will definitely get my no buff run of Nocturne done soon anyways I hope you all enjoyed the video be sure to rate comment and/or subscribe if you haven't already and tell me what you think I also want to give a huge shout out to my co Phi supporters for this video if you enjoy my videos and want to support me consider leaving me a donation on co5 for just three dollars I really appreciate it and it helps me out quite a lot if you guys have any other suggestions for a challenge run of a persona or Megaten game I would love to hear it but until then I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 1,519,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Persona, Persona 3, Megami Tensei, Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona 3 Portable, Orpheus, MegaTen, PSP, Sony, Emulation, Gaming, Video Games, Atlus, Nintendo, JRPG, RPG, Minato Arisato, Makoto Yuki, Protagonist, Igor, Velvet Room, Demons, Personas, Persona 3 FES, Playthrough, Challenge, Commentary, Trivia
Id: cUN-75HdLI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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