Can You Beat Persona 2: Innocent Sin With Only Starting Personas?

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[Music] what is up everybody hello and welcome to my first video of 2021. for those of you that are new a little over a year ago i started doing mega 10 challenge runs on this channel such as no fusion of smt4 no buffs of nocturne and by far the most popular persona 3 and 4 with only my starting persona because of this my most requested video is well persona 5 with only our sin now we will be getting around to persona 5 at some point but right now i want to go back to the olden days of persona before the calendar before social links with some persona 2 innocent sin the interesting thing about the early persona games is that this was before the wild card was introduced starting with persona 3 the developers made it so that party members can only use one persona while the protagonist can use any persona he wants because he has the power of the wild card in persona 1 and 2 however every character can use multiple personas provided their compatibility allows it in this game not only am i going to be handicapping the protagonist i'm going to be doing it for the rest of the party as well now as usual before we start let's get on with our rules just like with my challenges for persona 3 and 4 i have to have my initial persona equipped at all times i'm not allowed to change for any reason the only exceptions are for cut scenes and scripted segments or if the game switches them automatically and i need to change them back now there is a point in the game where depending on the decisions you've made your personas may evolve into upgraded prime forms which are basically upgraded forms of the original initial personas with better stats and moves if you played this game before you're probably wondering will i be allowing these well i suppose you could make an argument that in a way they're the same persona but in persona 2 you're not normally able to teach your personas new skills or change their affinities and they also have different names in the originals so to me that makes them different personas and they will not be allowed in this playthrough other than that it's just the obvious i have to be playing on the highest difficulty no new game plus and no external cheat devices now that that's out of the way let's get on with the game but first a word from our sponsor now let me ask you guys something do you like having hair i don't know about you guys but i like my hair i like having hair and i want to keep it unfortunately your hair may not last forever two out of three men on this earth will experience some form of male pattern baldness by age there's no scientifically proven way to reverse hair loss but there are ways to prevent it which is why you should try keeps generally hair loss prevention products are difficult to get a hold of because they require in-person doctors appointments for prescriptions and they are very expensive keeps however not only boasts one of the best prices out there it can easily be prescribed via an online doctor's appointment 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then the principal shows up and tells everyone to leave now this is the part where i pick tatsuya's name and thankfully in persona 2 you can give tatsuya a nickname in addition to his real name and for his real name i decided to name him yusuke yuki why well before persona 5 came out in the trailer where yusuke was first shown the lighting made him look a lot like tatsuya and then when we did get a better look at him there was a running joke that he looked like the love child of june and makoto so there's that and for his nickname i gave him yarley as usual anyway once the principal is done lecturing us we get sent on a goose chase to find our counselor and after finally talking to her we meet our girlfriend lisa who hands us a letter saying that one of our classmates cozy is being held hostage by a student from a rivaling school a kichi mishima who calls himself michelle so we go to confront him and after lisa calls him undie boss he gets angry and summons his persona rata mantis which also causes lisa and tatsuya to awaken to their personas as well eros and vulcanus who we will obviously be using for the rest of the game after that for whatever reason we all decide to play that joker game that everyone keeps talking about where joker will supposedly grant your wishes so we play it and to our shock it actually works we summoned joker but because nobody was expecting him they don't answer his question and he steals the dreams of everyone except for lisa turning them into mindless zombies that are forgotten by everyone except for us but not only that joker seems to recognize tatsuya we try to fight him using our personas but he beats us and tries to get us to remember something that we can't so he then just drops a rose and then leaves and you know this is what i really love about this game we're not even 10 minutes in and things have already gotten really dark but anyway the three of us decide to team up and go after joker and cozy suggests that we go to the ramen shop because there is a rumor that the owner sells weapons we get there only to find out that the rumor was fake but we do meet a guy named tadashi who suggests we go visit the kuzanoa detective agency there we learn the popular rumors are mysteriously becoming true and we can come here to spread whatever rumors we want this is something i really love about this game it allows you to manipulate the price and quality of items sold at shops we only have this one for now but we will get more later but anyway we go back buy some weapons and after that it's back to our school to investigate and once we get there we find out that it's infested with demons and this is where we start seeing some combat now just like persona 3 4 and 5 the combat is turn based but it's a little different for one thing there's no press turn system so you don't have to worry about weaknesses as much another thing is that skills don't have their own mp costs instead the persona has a base cost for all of its skills personas also don't level up they instead have ranks which unlocks new skills as they rank up and you rank up by using the persona skills your characters on the other hand still do level up and characters have their own stats completely independent of their persona stats it's kind of weird and i'm not 100 sure how it works but i believe the actual stats become the average of yours and the personas but like i said i'm not 100 sure i do know that the best way to distribute your stats in this game is to take the smd4 approach and just dump 90 of them into magic which in this game is dexterity agility you don't even need to worry about because in this game personas have stat bonuses that they provide on each level up and for volcanis that stat is agility this is also where i would talk about things like how to fuse personas and persona compatibility but due to this challenge we won't need to worry about either of these though i should also mention that sometimes personas will do a thing called mutation where during battle a persona will randomly increase stats learn a new skill rank up by two or evolve into another persona this has a chance to happen whenever the last enemy in an encounter is finished with a fusion spell this is too unpredictable to rely on and there's no way to increase the chances of it happening but thankfully before a persona can evolve it needs to be taken to the velvet room first which we won't be doing and yes you did hear me right in persona 2 there are fusion spells but they don't work like they do in persona 3. in persona 2 they require multiple users to select the right skills you are given the option to use them from the menu but if you also use the right combination of skills the game will ask if you want to use them before your turn starts these skills could be crazy overpowered but due to this challenge we're going to be pretty limited on which ones we can use but anyway the enemies in this part of the game are pretty much a joke the best way to deal with these easy enemies is by turning off the animations and letting auto battle do the work in fact that's actually how i'm going to be going through most of the dungeons in this game eventually we get to the principal's office where we run into maya amano and yukino maizumi who are journalists working for a magazine called coolest after talking to them to their surprise more demons show up and they both summon their personas those being maya maya with an i instead of a y and vesta to fight them i'm not sure how they didn't run into any demons on the way here given the encounter rate but whatever they both decide to tag along but anyway after this we find out that the school emblems are cursed and we have to destroy them in order to save the school so we run around every classroom and smash every clock we find because the clocks contain emblems and once we're done we have to go to the clock tower where we find out joker and the principal are in cahoots with each other turns out the principal wanted to be liked by his students which is why he worked with joker to spread a rumor that he was a good principal and as you'd expect the principal is our first boss and it's about as easy as the normal battles are he's weak to fire which tatsuya specializes in and his attacks hardly do anything i pretty much just spam tatsuya and akichi's fusion spell flame cut ex and it does take a little while but overall an extremely easy fight let's go everybody he then escapes by jumping out the window [Music] well that was our only lead so it's back to investigating we head to peace diner to look for cozy who isn't there but we do meet chicarine our first rumor monger now remember what i said earlier about getting more rumors to spread rumor mongers are the characters you get them from each one has a different rumor about what's sold at each shop and you get to choose which one to spread at the detective agency my recommendation is to always choose the option for the highest prices and highest quality along with the lowest odds but highest quality for the sweepstakes i should also note that these aren't actually required to beat the game but i do recommend doing them because it's how you're going to be supplying shops with equipment but anyway once we're done gathering and spreading rumors it's time to head to our next dungeon club zodiac and unfortunately we have to do it without a kichi because after hearing the rumor that the gangs at his school got a new leader he runs ahead of the party but even without him it's basically the same deal as the last dungeon just auto battling through every encounter at the end of the dungeon we find akichi getting beat up by a bunch of students while the leader i mentioned earlier holds cozy hostage during this conversation we also find out that cozy was a kichi's grade school crush now remember what i said earlier about getting your prime personas by making the right decisions well this is one of them while akichi is getting beat up you're given the choice to either intervene or leave him alone the quote-unquote correct choice in this situation is to leave him alone but because we actually don't want the prime personas we're going to intervene regardless of your decision though you have to fight the leader as a boss and this guy actually does put up somewhat of a fight he's not hard but he does have some strong moves and some pretty good defenses his persona is reverse rotomonthus and his moves are gry malaqua and straight slash my normal attacks aren't doing a huge amount of damage but neither are his so it's not really a big deal i pretty much handle him the same way i handle the principle just using my best fusion spells on him while healing with maya every turn after a dozen or so turns the boss goes down we then get a cut scene where we interrogate him to find out that he was asked to do it by the student council president of the school which brings us to our next dungeon kasugayama high school while running around and auto battling here we get our first mutation lisa's persona which learns medea which will definitely be helpful after being sent on a wild goose chase to find the president we find out that he's apparently hiding in the school's underground bomb shelter so we go only to find out that it was a trick to trap us inside after running around aimlessly in circles we get a flashback cutscene of one of our childhood friends giving us the lighter that tatsuya pretty much uses solely to communicate with and then try doing what someone else who apparently escaped before did and find the exit using yukino's camera after that we chase down the president to the roof and fight him as a boss which i should put in quotes because he is a painfully easy battle he spends most of the battle either going for his normal attack or using magaru or bufula none of which are doing any significant damage and apparently he has some ailment moves like warcry and sleeping spell although he never seems to go for them he also has a lot of weaknesses including weaknesses to both fire and earth all i need to do is spam aggie with tatsuya and towering inferno with yukino lisa and akichi while healing with maya and i'm doing around 170 damage each turn he doesn't have a lot of hp either and he goes down after about five or six turns you know i'm kind of starting to get worried not that i'll fail the challenge but that it'll be too easy i mean granted i am still early in the game but so far this game hasn't been the least bit challenging i remember this game being easy but not this easy but anyway after the battle we find out that he too was working with joker to steal ideals and is part of a much larger organization called the mast circle their leader comes vaporizes him and then everyone in the gym has their ideals taken so our only option once again is to look for more rumors so we talked to the rumor mongers once again and after talking to chi karine we discover a new area we also go back to the detective agency to find out that there's a rumor that lisa is a j-pop idol after upgrading our equipment at tony's shop we head to the next dungeon the moo casino i think you all know the drill by now just sprint through and auto battle though this is where enemies are kinda starting to become a problem we're starting to encounter these mass circle members which have weaknesses and resistances based on the color of their robes which makes auto battling a little trickier but nothing we can't handle anyway we get to the end where we don't fight a boss but we do find out that the rumors about lisa's friends forming an idol group and her being the third member came true and they're playing at gigamacho our next dungeon once again the enemies here are starting to get a little tough they show up in greater numbers and have a lot of hp but it's still the same as the last dungeon just dealing with them the auto battle way although this dungeon is much more confusing and there are these cockatrices that know poison breath nobody in the party has pursue moody so once i run out of antidotes i just have to live with the poison because it persists outside of battle oh and also ekichi's persona mutates and learns aqueous which i don't think i'll be using but no harm in having it but anyway we do make it to the end where once again we don't fight a boss but lisa does agree to join the idol group and joins them for their concert in alba now because i don't want another repeat of what happened there with the poison i go to satomi tadashi and buy a whole bunch of antidotes speaking of because i also have so much money i decide to enter the sweepstakes i mentioned earlier the way you enter is you buy any number of magazines you want take them to tamaki at the detective agency and then check back at lisa's house after you do some progress in a dungeon also you know that cat statue with the agency well if you donate 10 000 yen to it you'll get an incense set you can only donate 100 yen at a time so just keep tapping the x button with one hand grab drink with the other and be patient this also works for the dog statue at the conan police station and i recommend doing it as soon as you can for reasons you'll find out soon enough now that i've got that done it's time to head to alba to save lisa at the concert hall which we can't go directly to so we need to go around through the parking lot which we have to do without lisa in our party so we make it to the end and find out that lisa's band members are in the mass circle and are trying to get her to betray the group we also learn quite a bit about her backstory like how everyone treats her differently because she's not asian but anyway this brings us to another dialogue option to get the prime personas the option to get the prime personas is to leave her alone but again we don't want to get the prime personas so i choose to help her now here is a very brief difficulty spike because right now it's only tatsuya and ekiji and neither of them have healing spells so we have to rely on what few items we have to heal once we find lisa we also see her producer guy draining the ideals of lisa's friends and we have to fight him as a boss thankfully lisa joins us meaning we now have a healer and this boss is pretty much a loop of tatsuyana kichi using flame cut ex while lisa heals with medea this is actually the only boss so far that's put up any real challenge though this is mainly because we only have three party members he spends most of the battle spamming dark mama nara which doesn't do much to tatsuya but does do a bit to lisa and ikichi he even kills akichi about halfway into the battle but thankfully i still have a few revival beads and also he thankfully doesn't have much hp either so this battle doesn't last very long let's go everybody you are indeed the cursed star i didn't expect this [Music] oh and also after we defeat him maya and yukino show up just in time to get a share of the experience i don't even get a turn man what a wimp [Music] after this king leo shows up and tells us he has bombs set up all over sumarra city including this very concert hall and in the concert hall is a riddle that hints at where they are once you step outside this room you have one minute to find the riddle and get out just go to the room next door search the lockers and you'll find it so we get out and on the way out we run into our crazy teacher miss ideals who spout some nonsense about the oracle of maya and the last battalion we then head to a place called double slash where we meet yukino's friend ellie to discuss the riddle now i'm terrible at solving riddles but i have played this game before and i already know the place we need to go is smile hirosaka oh and you better make sure you go here because if you go to the wrong place smile hirosaka blows up oh and this game doesn't give you a second chance you don't get a game over screen or anything like that this game forces you to live with your decision well that is unless you just reset the game and load your last save like i did my first time playing but anyway once you get inside everyone splits up to go look for the bombs and you're by yourself thankfully though it's not hard because you'll rarely encounter more than one enemy and as you explore the dungeon you'll regroup with your party members once everyone is rounded back up we head back to the bathroom where we find out that the detonator was in the hands of the cleaning lady so we disarm it and then we have to fight two bosses belfagore and ixquik and we fight them in what looks like the toilet dimension and yeah believe it or not these bosses are actually not total pushovers i mean they're not hard but it's the most challenging any of the bosses in this game have been so far belfagore likes to spam griva and gigantic fist both of which do about 40 damage to each target and ixquik uses magurola and zonmo which do about the same amount since you're fighting two bosses at the same time i suggest concentrating your fire on belfagore first but then again it doesn't really matter because they're both still pretty easy belfagor is weak to most magic so i spam blazing bursts with tatsuya and yukino while spamming earthslice ex with akichi and lisa and keeping my party's hp up with maya's medea it doesn't really take that long before belfagore goes down and after that we just do the same to ix quick and she goes down pretty easily too let's go everybody [Music] after that we get a call from ellie who tells us the next riddle but before we go to the next dungeon i just remembered that we have our magazine sweepstakes to check out they're sent to lisa's house which is the silverman manor and rangidai to find out whether or not we've won we have to talk to lisa's father steve seagal and no i'm not kidding that's steve seagal who else could it be and despite us entering 99 magazines we didn't win so what do we do enter 99 more of course and after that our next destination is gold gym in yumazaki where we meet maya's roommate once we discover a bomb there we fight our way around the gym looking for the transmitter once we find it we chase a suspicious man back to the room where we met ooh allah and find out that he's ex-boyfriend so she chases him out and then we read the riddle which tells us the next target is the aerospace museum but first i want to pay another visit to mr seagal to check out our sweepstakes and it looks like we lost again well third time's the charm i guess anyway we go to the aerospace museum only to find out that we're a little late this time the mass circle has already started burning the place down and there are also kids here on a field trip so it's up to us to rescue them we go into every room checking to see if there are kids there and eventually we find it's quick from earlier if you let maya go rescue her you'll get her prime persona but as i keep mentioning i don't want that so i have tatsuya go down instead during which we get a flashback that involves someone burning down a shrine after that we go rescue some more kids and then get to the roof where we run into king leo who is not only the same guy from our flashback just a moment ago he also has a very similar sounding name to the protagonist well his default name anyway i can't imagine how they name him if it was based on my chosen name maybe something like yosuke yugi or something like that but anyway we deal with him and we save everyone by flying away in a giant zeppelin but king leo stows away and now we have to fight him as a boss and he's extremely easy his persona is reverse vulcanist so he's immune to fire which means tatsuyu can't hit him directly but we can still have him assist with fusion spells he's weak to water so i spam hydro boost with tatsuya lisa and ikichi while attacking with yukino and healing with maya his attacks are also pretty weak he has aguilal moragion and augie dyne as well as his special move dark fiery fury which deals both fire damage and sword damage but none of these skills put more than a scratch on the party he doesn't have much hp either and after about six or seven hydro boosts he goes down let's go everybody [Music] the ship will crash soon not just me you're all gonna die [Music] after that we jump off the ship into the water with all the kids the ship crashes and we swim safely to shore after that we head back to the detective agency to meet miss ideals once again and after listening to her maya shows up and it looks like she got some right contact lenses on the way here anyway miss ideal goes on about an ancient army called the last battalion which is a remnant of a certain regime led by a certain german chancellor who holds the power of the spear of longinus she also talks about how they along with the mass circle are trying to fulfill the oracle of maya which was left behind by the pleiades an extinct race of ancient mayan aliens that helped mankind evolve sumar city was also the battleground for an intergalactic civil war the winners of which were the belontiku and their spaceship the shibaba is right below us and once the oracle of maya is fulfilled mankind will become idyllians and will understand the true meaning of life if you weren't yet convinced to play this game you should be now but that's not all lisa recalls a mass circle game that we supposedly used to play when we were kids we all thought it was a dream at first but lisa thinks that it isn't so we head on over to elia shrine in rangidai where we recall that this was the same shrine where a girl died 10 years ago and that it's all somehow connected to us so we get a cut scene with philemon and he tells us to go into the cave which is our next dungeon and you know i really love this dungeon it gives us a series of flashbacks as we go through it like how we all met when we were kids while we were all wearing power ranger masks and how we all called ourselves the masked circle but as for gameplay once again it's auto battle city tatsu used persona mutates to learn dia and yukino's persona learns frey and that's actually about it once we get to the end we find out that this big cyst from our flashbacks we locked her in the shrine before it burned down and that everyone locked tatsuya in there as well because he was against it it's here that maya quote unquote reveals that she died in that fire and is joker and then attacks us but right as she does the real maya shows up and so does the real joker and now as you'd expect we have to fight the fake maya as a boss and holy crap this fight is actually quite hard right off the bat she goes for diamond dust a heavy ice attack that has a high chance to freeze all targets and that's exactly what it does which prevents me from healing she immediately follows it up with another diamond dust which kills half the party thankfully i have enough bulbs of life to revive everybody which i do and i'm quickly able to get the party back on its feet she also has poison claw which i don't want mahama and dark dimension two insta-kill moves that i really don't want and aquadyne which i actually do want because it doesn't have any added effects like the other moves most of the fight is spent with her alternating between diamond dust and aquadyne and because yukino is weak to diamond dust she does go down a few times but i'm able to revive her shortly after as for my strategy well she resists all elemental magic but i don't have much in the way of physical attacks so i just handle it the same way i handle the other bosses by attacking with blazing burst and earth slice ex while healing with maya because of her resistances this fight does take quite a long time but eventually she does go down let's go everybody you were so eager to die [Music] you couldn't be more wrong bye ms [Music] imposter after the fight the real maya tells us everything how she was big sis and how our friend june from our flashbacks is joker we then get a cut scene with philemon who tells us that june and the mass circle are going to be at the carical and we need to go after him this is where i would get the prime personas but don't because i made the decisions to have tatsu do everything himself but that's not all once we get outside we find out that there are some others headed to the caracal as well and we get what might be the coolest cinematic cutscene in the entire series [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] our next destination is mount katatsumori where we get our first encounter with the last battalion now here you're given a choice you can either sneak around or you can bust through i choose to bust through which means i have to fight the last battalion soldiers as a boss the commander usually just attacks a few times and then runs away after a few turns and the soldiers can be picked off pretty easily so yeah not a whole lot to say after that it's pretty much just a straightforward dungeon where you go through and deal with whatever random encounters you run into the only enemies you need to be wary of are the snipers because they know sharpshoot an instaco gun attack with a pretty high chance to hit once we get to the top of the mountain we save a group of monks from the last battalion and then we head to the summit on the way there tatsu's persona mutates and it tells me that i can evolve it in the velvet room if i want to that's right if you mess up in your decisions to get the prime personas you can still get them through mutation but like i said earlier i'm not going to be doing that because of this challenge i also reached 99 in dexterity with tatsuya so i'm now going to start investing in strength eventually i get to the top of the mountain just in time to catch the end of a battle between the mass circle and the knights of the holy lance who we have to fight as bosses you can choose to fight alongside one of the party members or you can fight alone i choose to fight alone which means i fight against knight number 13. so these things all have a move called longinus copy which disables your persona for about three or four turns due to tatsuya's reliance on magic this is bad but other than that he's not much of a threat he does have a decently strong physical attack mg34 but it only does about 60 damage later in the fight he starts spamming aquas which tatsuya is weak to but tatsuya's dexterity is so high it only does one damage after about the seventh or eighth turn of me spamming augie he goes down [Music] [Applause] [Music] after that yukino's friend who was here when the invasion started unfortunately dies which causes yukino to awaken to her ultimate persona durga which isn't her initial persona so yeah that's kind of a problem for this challenge i looked this up and apparently i forgot about the ultimate personas which you don't actually need to do anything to get thankfully though even though it automatically switches her persona to durga it doesn't actually replace her initial persona so all we need to do is just switch back to vesta and then we can continue the challenge so anyway we head into the caracol and this is where things are starting to get kinda hard the problem isn't so much that the enemies are easily able to kill me it's more that they have moves that put ailments on me which interrupts fusion spells and considering how weak my attacks are compared to what they're supposed to be i pretty much need fusion spells to do any decent damage remember what i said earlier about starting to invest in strength well i changed my mind from here on i'm going to start investing in vitality so that i have more hp and better defenses anyway i do scrape my way through the dungeon to find yukino's friend anna being attacked by three of the longest knights so we fight them as bosses this fight is pretty similar to the last one but now there's three and we have the entire party and let me tell you this battle is actually quite difficult for one thing these things all have a crap ton of hp and a wide variety of moves that cause status ailments including longinus copy they also have a move called geistoblitz an electric attack with a high chance to paralyze other than that they all have their own elemental attacks one has margarula and poisma one has malaquis and eluzone and the other has magma you know what forget it i'm not even gonna try to pronounce that anymore i'm just gonna say the earth attack and also sukukaja anyway like i said they can't do a lot of damage but they do have a lot of attacks that can and will impede your progress because of how frequently ailments occur i have to use both lisa and maya to heal while pretty much only attacking with tatsuya thankfully tatsuya doesn't get hit with longest copy too much and he does do a good amount of damage compared to the others anyway the first one to go down is longitude as number nine and it takes about 10 minutes before it does longiness number eight is the second and doesn't take much longer and finally longest number 10 does take a little longer to take out but by this time we only have one enemy to worry about so i pretty much just auto battle it to death with earth slice ex and blazing burst let's go everybody after the battle with the knights yukino shadow shows up and she stays behind to fight it herself we continue on but this means we still have more of the dungeon without a fifth party member and that's going to make things a little more difficult it doesn't help that now the enemies have even more ailment moves and one-hit kill moves not to mention there are also these trap tiles that drain mp all over the floor for i think the first time in this game i'm actually really low on mp as we struggle our way through the dungeon we get more flashbacks and eventually do reach the end where we see joker along with our shadow selves queen aquarius and some guy in sunglasses though i feel like i've seen him somewhere before now where have i seen him oh i remember now he's that guy from wolfenstein i'm from arizona but anyway the mass circle places the crystal skulls in the rings of time you remember those skulls they were draining everyone's ideals with this is what they were for once they do this sumaru city rises out of the ground and starts to float one of the robot knights kills queen aquarius and steals two of the skulls then our shadows take the other skulls and run off we now have to fight joker as a boss [Music] it's been a long 10 years experience for yourself the pain and sorrow i endure stop this i'm alive there's no reason for you to fight like this so joker has two forms and the first one is a total pushover even without you kino this fight is a complete breeze all i do is spam aggie with tatsuya and earth slice ex with lisa and akichi and then heal with maya after we beat his first form yukino shows up and then he turns into this angel thing and this form is much much more difficult he leads off with alpha blaster a strong light attack that deals over half to tatsuya akichi and yukino but what's worse is that it doesn't hit just once it has a lingering effect that does damage every turn for three or four turns he also has hama on and holy sword which does heavy light damage and has a 50 chance to insta kill the entire party and these both seem to be his favorite moves to go for pretty much this whole fight is just using whatever fusion spells i can with whoever is alive and constantly reviving tatsuya ekichi and yukino because they're the ones that keep going down and also healing with lisa and maya to counter the effect of his alpha blaster i do have a couple of silver menishas which blocks one insta-kill attack but once i run out that's it this fight is basically 15 minutes of me alternating between blazing burst and flame cut ex depending on who is and isn't alive at the time it is a pretty long fight but eventually it is over and we do beat him on our first attempt let's go everybody [Music] we then get a touching reunion with our friend but then june's dad shows up and takes away his persona we then get another cut scene with philemon and he tells us we need to stop the crawling chaos yukino then gives her persona ability to june june awakens to his persona hermes and he effectively replaces yukino as our fifth party member immediately after this the rest of the cast awakens to their ultimate personas just like with yukino's awakening there's nothing you can do to prevent this but these don't replace the original personas so all we have to do is just switch back to the old ones hermes however is much higher level than the personas everyone else is using because june doesn't come in until much later in the game but an initial persona is still an initial persona meaning i am allowed to use him and due to his higher tier stats and skills i have a feeling we'll be relying on him a lot but anyway after that cut scene i go back to check on the sweepstakes and i lost again how many did i send in like 500 you think i'd have won at least something at this point well at this point the game is almost over so i'm just gonna give up on that now normally this is where i would move on with the story but first i want to do the climax theater yeah this is a new feature that was added in the psp version and through it you can do optional side quests the first one is called school of the heart which i'm actually super over leveled for but i'm gonna do it anyway as for the quest itself it's a two-part quest and the story revolves around maya being sent to investigate some teacher with a supposedly perfect class which then leads to us getting trapped in some kind of different dimension with demons crawling around because this is a persona game what else would it be basically this quest involves you going around the dungeon and fighting a series of mini bosses there's not a lot to say because of how over leveled i am and the story concludes with you finding out that the supposedly perfect class was caused by the spirit of a girl who committed and the whole thing is happening because that girl's sister is using her to get revenge on the school and it ends with her being calmed down by a teacher it's honestly a pretty interesting story but the dungeon just kinda sucks especially for the second part which is just a frustrating teleporter dungeon but if you do play this game i still think this quest is worth checking out but we do have one more side quest and thankfully for this one we're not actually over leveled this quest is the persona thief here you're sent to karu kozaka high school which is the school that smt if takes place in and in this side quest you're sent by nameless to investigate rests with his piano or something so we go and we meet wayland a musician that's supposedly a friend of ikichi who is also a demon summoner and we find out he's been working under another student and using his demons to steal their personas he summons a bunch of demons that we have to fight as mid bosses as we go through the school wyland is apparently stealing personas because he's hit a slump in his musical career and he needs to use their personas to help him write songs we also find out that the guy he's working for nirasawa is gathering personas so that the archangel kushiel will use them to tell him the compatibility between him and his crush so we chase them to the rooftop nirosawa executes his plan only to find out that the archangel won't tell him his compatibility and will instead use those personas to destroy the world because it wouldn't be a megaton game without some kind of angel trying to destroy the world at least once although in this case it isn't really an angel it's actually just near asaw's persona manifesting his conspiracy theory that the government has satellites that they're going to use to irradiate the earth before that happens though weyland releases all the stolen personas and starts singing a song that makes the rumor vanish and as you'd expect kushiel gets angry and now we have to fight him as a boss and this is one bulky boss he's not hard per se because he's only one guy and he only gets one turn but he still has a crap ton of hp and some pretty good defenses he's level 65 which is much higher than we are and he also has a bunch of threatening moves like freydine megidola firestorm and worst of all homa on and glamorous dance his magic attacks are doing over a hundred damage to everyone except tatsuya which isn't bad because he can only move once but hama on as you should know by now has a high chance to insta-kill everyone and glamorous dance has a chance to charm the entire party also without yukino in my party anymore i no longer have access to blazing bursts so i can pretty much only use one fusion spell per turn and the only good ones i have are the cut spells with ekichi kushiel is also immune to fire so i can't do much with tatsuya i pretty much just have akichi and lisa spam earthslice ex while spamming garodine with june and healing with maya while using tatsuya to revive whenever any of my party members go down due to hormone and also healing whenever anyone gets charred this fight lasts about 20 minutes and it's pretty much just attack heal attack heal and heal some more until he goes down it is a very tough and close fight but we are able to beat him on our first attempt let's go everybody [Music] we then well get some pretty quick character development nirasawa decides to confess his love himself and he gets rejected wayland overcomes his creative slump and then we all decide to return home and get some fourth wall breaking at the end so this story probably isn't canon but it was a very interesting side quest and i wish more persona games would do this sort of thing but anyway it's time to get back to the main game you know those four round temples that suddenly appeared around town well we have to clear them you can do these four temples in any order but i'm going to be doing the aquarius temple first now the enemies here are mostly the same as they were in the carical but the encounter right here is much worse the enemies here also don't provide much exp so if you can i recommend bringing a stoma along unfortunately that's not an option for me so i'm just gonna have to live with it anyway at the end of this one i have to fight three more of the knights and the strategy is pretty much the same as the last fight against them just slowly picking them off with our strongest attacks and doing whatever we can as they spam guys to blitz longest copy and whatever other elemental or ailment attacks they may have it's kind of difficult at first but once they start going down it gets easier and before long we do take them all out and once we do we get the first crystal skull the next one is going to be the scorpio temple which is probably the hardest one not necessarily because the puzzles or enemies here are hard but because there are more of those mp training tiles everywhere at the end we meet the temple boss shadow ekichi you're gonna fight me with a persona like that and let's buy it'll only make it easier for me to become you this is the end my friend i've had enough of your bullsh put a sock in it already [Music] you know i'm used to character shouting you're not me before fighting their shadows but anyway this boss is a complete joke i'm doing like 500 damage with earth slice ex and about 100 damage with tatsuya and june every turn he doesn't do much damage and after like five or six turns he goes down let's go everybody you're unbelievable but this isn't the end for me i'll always be watching you you're with me i already know you're me ekichi accepts his shadow and then he vanishes but that's not all as you might have noticed cozy is here too and check this out [Music] we get the skull and next up is the leo temple where we fight tatsuya's shadow just like akichi shadow this fight is super easy he is immune to fire so tatsu can't do much but i'm still able to do a good amount of damage to him each turn with earth slice ex and garudine this fight lasts a little bit longer but he still goes down without any real challenge let's go everybody [Music] not bad about what i'd expect from myself but even if you beat me you can't get rid of your own shadow i'll always be there [Music] that's three skulls down just one more to go and the next one is in the scorpio temple where we fight shadow lisa this fight is a little harder because of her signature moves dark foamy lover and dark earth move which can charm or confuse my party depending on which one she uses but she still can't do a whole lot of damage and also has pretty weak defenses not to mention she also isn't immune to fire so i can now use flame cut ex and after a few hits from that she bites the dust [Music] let's go everybody i'm sure you already know but this isn't the end of me light and shadow neither can part with the other i understand now i admit it that you have a place in my heart [Music] now what's really cool about this part is the dialogue you get after this fight lisa confesses her love to you and the choice you make here actually affects who you romance at the end i mean it doesn't make a huge difference because there aren't social links but fun fact you can actually romance june here now as much as i would love to do that there's only one option i can go with but regardless of your decision lisa gets the crystal skull and now all the temples have been cleared we get a call from tamaki saying that miss ideal has been kidnapped and is being taken to the sheep bulba this is going to be the last dungeon of the game and it is a very long one so if you need to make any last minute preparations now is the time but anyway the way you get to shibaba is through that stone in the courtyard of our school when you go to it at this point there's this pillar of light that takes you to a river where the last battalion conveniently left a boat now this section is basically just a series of unavoidable random battles and you're given occasional choices on which direction to go they don't really matter much but the fastest route is straight then right then left and then after that you're at chiba so shibaba is a really cool dungeon and one of my favorite final dungeons in the series though the encounter rate is extremely high and the enemies don't provide much exp so you're best off just using a stoma if you can which i can't anyway as we go through we get more flashbacks and eventually reach a room with a teleporter that takes us back to seven sisters high i honestly don't remember this thing being here but if you by chance need to resupply or take care of any unfinished business in the city now is a good time so we continue on and eventually get to a point where the cast estimates how close you are to the end here you'll get a choice on who to agree with and whichever one you pick will determine how much you have left the shortest one is agree with maya so that's what i pick after just a little bit more walking we encounter the last of the knights of the last battalion and this fight takes forever in addition to the normal three that you normally fight i also have to fight their leader who is much stronger and tougher than the rest of them but regardless of whether or not he's the leader four knights means for longest copy users which means beating them takes much much longer the problem is at this point in the game i'm pretty much solely relying on fusion spells to do any significant damage because all my normal moves are so weak but if a party member gets hit with longinus copy they're pretty much useless until it wears off and tatsuya who's my strongest persona user seems to be their favorite target so without him i'm only doing about half the damage i normally would be most of the first part of the fight is just spent reviving and attacking with whoever isn't long as copied or has some other ailment that prevents me from attacking because i can't use fusion attacks all i can do is just chip away at their hp with whatever multi-target attacks i have the strongest of which seems to be june's magarula just like the ones before the knights aren't strong on their own but together they're pretty challenging and able to do a lot of damage to my party with the turns they have especially when they keep paralyzing my party by spamming geista blitz eventually after i think like 15 minutes i do take one of them out which is number two after that it gets a little easier and i decide to focus on number three which doesn't take much longer because it's weak to win and june does do a good amount of damage to them with his magarula the last one besides the leader is number two he's weak to water but my only water fusion spell is hydro boost which requires tatsuya lisa and akichi which is more trouble than it's worth and doesn't do any more than flame cut or earth slice anyway so i just go for flame cut instead and after a few more minutes i do take him out and now with them out of the way the last one left is the leader longinus number one this thing doesn't have a weakness and also has very high resistance to physical damage as well as much more hp than the other three so beating him does take a little longer the best i can do is hit him with flame cut ex because that's the only attack that's doing any decent damage overall it's a very long and tedious battle but after much struggling i do bring the last knight down let's go everybody [Music] you ain't worth my time after that there's still a little bit more of the dungeon left in the next room maya theorizes that her thoughts are becoming real which explains what happened earlier and then a golden version of akichi's dad materializes out of the wall and we have to fight him as a boss and there's really not much to say it's just another painfully easy boss battle he has a move called yell which deals electric damage and is guaranteed to shock for one turn and then some physical moves but none of these attacks are doing any real damage the only move he has that's worrisome is pressure point which one hit kills but he doesn't land it a single time in this battle and after just a few turns we beat him in the next room we have to do the same thing with jun's mom it's pretty much the same deal but she reflects all magic so all we can do is pummel her with what physical attacks we have she does have moodoon but maya and akichi both block it and since tatsuya and lisa aren't doing much damage anyway i just let them die and finish the fight without them oh and also june doesn't take part in this fight but it's still super easy nonetheless but now we get to one of the most annoying fights in the whole game the belontiku aliens these things you have to fight in this cryogenic chamber after they're manifested by miss ideal's thoughts now these things may not look so bad on paper they don't have a whole lot of hp and they only have two moves each but don't forget you have to fight five of them at the same time and their stats are all based on the party members so they all have different strengths and weaknesses but worst of all is that all of them besides the tatsuya one have signature moves that hit all party members and cause ailments the mile one might freeze the lisa one might charm the akichi one may confuse and the june one causes random ailments including instant death and it has a 100 chance to happen each time though to be honest i'd rather have a party member die and get an ailment because if they die i can just revive them and they'll be cured of any ailments they have this fight is basically the same deal as the knights just keep attacking with what i can while crossing my fingers and praying that my entire party doesn't get affected with ailments only this time it's worse because there are five of them their only other move is asteroid bomb which is a single target almighty attack and they seem to go for it more than the other moves but all it takes is one unlucky hit with just any of their other moves to ruin my strategy and make things infinitely longer as for which order you should take them out in it doesn't really matter your best bet is to just get rid of them as fast as you can so just find the one that's weak against your strongest attack and focus on that one and then move on to the next one after about 10 minutes i take out the first one after another five minutes i take out the second another 10 minutes later i take out the third one and then i take out the fourth about three minutes later and finally finish the last one off about two minutes after that [Music] so we continue on and now we are finally here the heart of shibalda this is it folks we're finally at the end and now it is time to face the final boss but first let's take one last look at our party thanks to all the mutations tatsuya's vulcanus is over 70 in most stats and with it comes a large boost to most of tatsuya's other stats akichi's persona also has very high stats and with him having base 99 strength his total stats are also very high lisa hasn't been involved in very many fusion spells so her persona stats still aren't very high and maya can't partake in any fusion spells at all so her persona still has the same stats it did since the beginning of the game june on the other hand well his initial persona is already a mid-tier persona so he has pretty average stats for this point in the game and there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is our final party and now it is time to face the final boss [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we get taken to this oddly familiar looking place and in here we come face to face with sunglass man who as you'd expect we have to fight as a boss [Music] so [Music] if you've offenses you must defeat me but know that this sphere of destiny and the power of your left hotep you don't need to tell us twice okay everyone let's do it right [Music] now sunglass man may not seem so bad at first he's another one of those bosses that only has one turn and has weak attacks his attacks are holy ark which does almighty and dark damage to the party holy lance which deals physical damage and gives the target the holy lance ailment omega cluster which insta kills the lowest level target that being lisa and vrilblitz which deals electric damage and heals him by about 700. now these moves may seem tolerable on paper but there is one more holy grail which makes him invincible for two to three turns and there is no counter you can wait for it to wear off but there doesn't seem to be any sort of cooldown for it so there's a chance he can just use it again and again what's worse is that while he has holy grail active he likes to go for real blitz the most so while you're completely unable to do any damage to him he can just heal back most of the damage he took and it is really frustrating i should also mention that when he uses holy lance it gives you the same effect as long in his copy except in this case it never wears off never ever the only way you can cure the holy lance ailment in this situation is by letting the said party member die and reviving them at least that's what i thought but while i was looking through my inventory i noticed an item called the spirit rib an infinite use item with a 50 chance to cure the holy lands ailment it must have been dropped after the last fight against the knights and i didn't notice it but once i do i start to use it though of course this is a jrpg so any odds of something happening in my favor are about half of what the game actually says they are there's this one part in the fight where i try to cure it with june and it takes like four or five tries before it works as for my strategy well you should probably know by now that my strongest move is flame cut ex and since he doesn't resist fire that's exactly what i use and it does around 600 damage to him with each hit i also use guarding with june which does about a hundred with each hit because of his holy grail and frill blitz attacks you have to play very aggressively in this fight if you waste any opportunity to attack him it can make the fight infinitely longer what sucks about this fight is that a lot of it just comes down to luck you just have to hope and pray that he won't use holy grail and then spam real blitz there were times where i got him into low health only for him to do this and then get back up again and it just makes the fight take forever this one to be exact took about 30 minutes but thankfully i eventually did bring him down let's go everybody [Music] you ain't worth my time [Music] once the fight against sunglass man is over he reveals who he truly is the crawling chaos nyarlathotep and that he was the mastermind behind pretty much everything that happened throughout this entire game the rumors coming true june becoming joker the last battalion the mass circle it was all because of him and he was manipulating the cast throughout the entire game as you guys know i'm a big girl ethotep fan i mean it's where i got my name from and this part really encapsulates how great a villain he is but now it's time for the final battle against the great father near lethotep it is a father's nature to be the ultimate obstacle to his child very well reach for your future with all your strength we'll decide our own future and i won't let anyone say otherwise just like sunglass man the great father may not seem so bad at first especially when his attacks are doing damage in the single digits but narlathotep is actually divided into five parts each of which has a ton of hp now you might be thinking that the best way to handle this fight is to just spam all targeting magic skills and take out all the body parts at once but the only one you actually need to kill in order to beat him is the head however the head has much more hp than the other parts and you're gonna be taking a lot of hits each turn if you don't take out the other parts now the head can use maggie dolan firestorm and despairing dream which drains your sp none of these skills are anything to worry about though the left arm uses high pressure and reminiscence wave which does non-elemental damage and always puts maya to sleep and he uses this just about every turn so maya is pretty much going to be out for most of the fight the left leg uses hurricane and delusion channeling which charms june this is a little bit worse but he seems to go for hurricane much more often so it's not too big a deal the right leg on the other hand or leg or whatever uses fear torrent and master 18. master 18 does weak physical damage to one enemy but it hits 18 times it's kinda inconsistent with the amount of damage it does sometimes it only does two or three damage with each hit sometimes it does 20 or 30. but you cannot count on it to do less damage if he uses this on a member and gets a good number it will pretty much automatically kill them the worst one however is the right arm the right arm uses earth's anger and seals rate seal's raid is a havoc attack that has a chance to insta-kill the entire party and he goes for this a lot as soon as the fight starts you need to make taking out the right arm your top priority as soon as he loses the ability to use seals raid the sooner you can move on with your date but he will be taking out a lot of your party members before you can the other body parts you can take them out if you want but personally i don't think they're causing enough of a problem to require you to take them out at least that's what i thought at first but the more he pummels my party with his attacks and the more i'm struggling to heal i begin to realize that without both maya and lisa as healers i need to rely on beads however beads are a much more limited resource the same goes for bombs of life i thought i brought enough with me when i entered the dungeon but this fight has already gone on much longer than i was expecting eventually i get to a point where i run out of bombs of life and beads and after this there's really not much i can do i do see that the great father is in the red so i try to see if i can somewhat get back on my feet with akichi and tatsuya and somehow clutch the battle but his attacks are just too much he takes out a kichi and brings the battle down to a 1v1 between him and tatsuya i think that maybe i can somehow solo the battle with tatsuya because his defense and dexterity are so high but even with these crazy high stats tatsuya is brought down and i lose the battle [Music] my blame for the first time in any of my persona challenges i was not able to beat the final boss on my first attempt but thankfully the solution here is simple i just need more healing items so i return to samara city through the teleporter and go to satomi tadashi and look at that 99 beads and 64 bombs of life as spongebob would say i'm ready but that's not all i also go to shiraishi ramen and order the shiraishi special to increase everyone's vitality by 8. yeah in persona 2 you can go to restaurants and buy food that will temporarily increase your stats i don't think i've ever used it before so this is probably the first and last time i will ever do this in this game but anyway i go back through shibalba and before i can attempt the great father again i gotta fight sunglass man again but it pretty much goes the same way it did last time just like last time once i get to the great father i make taking out the right arm my top priority thankfully i seem to get pretty lucky with seals raid and it doesn't take out a bunch of my party members every time and i'm able to take it out relatively quickly however before focusing on the great father i also decide to take out the right leg for whatever reason it seems to be doing more than it did in the last battle to the point where it's pretty much a one-hit kill on anyone that's not either tatsuya or akichi so i take it out as well doing it takes a while and my allies do lose a lot of health and go down a few times in fact but thanks to all my items this isn't a big deal and i don't have to worry about running out at least for now another thing i do here that i also did in the last battle but forgot to mention is use muscle drinks these items will temporarily increase your max hp by 20 i figured i would save them for a really hard battle and i think that time is now once both right limbs have been taken out this fight is much easier and he's only able to do minimal damage to the party every turn from here it's pretty much just hitting him with a barrage of flame cut ex and garudine while keeping the party's hp up with lisa and maya whenever she's not asleep the great father has much more hp than any other boss in the game so it does take quite a long time for the second attempt i turn the animations off and it still takes over 30 minutes but with my huge supply of healing items i am able to successfully defeat the great father near lethotep you've killed me incredible i have witnessed the power you fostered well done and that is it ladies and gentlemen we have successfully defeated the final boss of persona 2 innocent sin and this is where we get the big revelation everything that has happened in this game everything up until this moment was because of a bet philemon and nyarlathotep made they made a bet to see whether humans could overcome the contradictions in their hearts and evolve into something whole or if they would fail and destroy themselves and then something happens the in le catch that thing that miss ideals kept talking about it wasn't just a part of the game's lore it was the whole game's story and it ends with the maya maiden's heart stopping fulfilling the oracle of maya and in turn causes the earth to stop rotating and destroying all life on it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes but philemon tells us that there is a way to save maya along with everyone else we have to create a new timeline without our memories from this one where none of us ever met as kids he sends everyone away to the next timeline but lisa has a parting gift for us before we go philemon asks if there's anything else we want to say so i hit him [Music] uh hey you know what i'm glad we met again next time you're gonna join my band got that it's a promise don't forget remember me no matter what i love you i won't forget not my sins not you not anyone we'll meet again and together we'll save maya so i won't say goodbye only thank you after saying goodbye to our friends one last time we then get our epilogue our counselor asks us the same question that she did at the beginning of the game and then we get one final cut scene [Music] so [Music] and there you have it ladies and gentlemen it is possible to beat persona 2 innocent sin with only your starting personas this was definitely a very fun challenge though i suppose i should have learned my lesson by now but it was much easier than i was expecting i mean persona 2 innocent sin i remember being easy but not this easy that's not to say there was no challenge at all there were plenty of difficulty spikes toward the end that made this challenge fun and i'm still really glad i did it i'm glad i got to replay this awesome game if you're a persona fan that started with 3 4 or 5 and you haven't played one or two yet i cannot recommend them enough now i already know what everyone's thinking will i be doing this for eternal punishment the short answer is yes the long answer is yes but i'm not sure when or which version just like with innocent sin eternal punishment did get a remaster on the psp with a ton of quality of life improvements but we never got this version in english we did however still get the ps1 version of eternal punishment even though we never got the ps1 version of innocent sin for whatever reason now there is a fan translation of the psp version in the works but there's really no way to say when or if it'll be finished sadly this is how a lot of fan translations are because they're not done for money they're done purely out of goodwill and i have mad respect for anybody that works on fan translations but the unfortunate reality is that there's no way to say when it'll be done it could be a few more months it could be another five years what i'll probably do is just wait to decide whenever i feel like starting on the video so be sure to keep an eye out in the meantime and that is going to be it for this video as usual be sure to rate comment and subscribe if you haven't already also as usual i want to give a huge shout out to my co-fi supporters if you enjoy my content and want to support me financially consider leaving a donation of just three dollars as always i hope you all enjoyed and i will see you all in the next video this is the early and you have entered eternal punishment [Music] sin and i know cause i've committed many corrupt my violence to two extreme melodies my own minor keep me up i bring my peace to the diner we can get busy pop once i get you i swear to send a girl see really nothing but gods of a rumor since i'm real you have forgotten me i've been tied to another world that has already been lost to our side by our memories as you remember me everything you love is gone multi-dimensional i gotta source to the heavens above what's the clock fill em one and this where you can get killed by ideals but it's really no secret that that's my cause
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 708,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Megami Tensei, SMT, Persona 2, Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5, Innocent Sin, Eternal Punishment, Sony, PSP, PlayStation, Atlus, Gaming, Video Games, Japan, JRPG, RPG, Vulcanus, Maia, Wolfenstein, Tatsuya Suou, Maya Amano, Mythology, Remake, Remaster, Gameplay, Playthrough, Challenge, Commentary, Nyarlathotep, Lovecraft, Cthulhu, Longinus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 22sec (4702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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